How to clean the iron tank from algae. How to clean an iron at home

The iron must be periodically cleaned inside and out:

  • Water tank - from scale and mold;
  • Housing - from dust and dirt;
  • Sole - from traces of burnt fabric, rust and scale.

From this material, you will learn 10 super-effective ways to clean the iron at home with tools that are always at hand and cost mere pennies.

How to clean the iron from scale - 3 ways

When using tap water instead of distilled water for steam ironing, over time, mineral deposits accumulate in the tank and the steam outlet channels in the soleplate of the iron.

  • If the iron suddenly began to release dirty water and stain clothes, this indicates that it is high time to descale it.

Since scale is just salts of calcium and magnesium, it is necessary to act on it with acid. Here are two ways to help you clean the inside of your iron.

Method 1. How to descale an iron with vinegar

Fill the iron with a solution of vinegar and water, diluted in equal proportions to about one-third of the tank.

Heat the iron to maximum and leave it in an upright position for 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that at this time it will periodically turn off, cool down and heat up again to the maximum, there is no need to interfere with this process.

Next, place a container under the iron to collect water, and, holding the device horizontally, begin to actively release steam by pressing the appropriate button. As a result, rusty drops should flow out of the sole holes. Continue to release steam until no more dirt drops from the iron (see left photo).

Be careful to release steam while holding the appliance at arm's length so as not to inhale the fumes and smell of vinegar.

Then fill the iron with clean water and turn it on again to the maximum temperature setting to remove any remaining scale and vinegar. Again, hold the appliance horizontally over the basin and release steam several times. Finally, simply drain the water and wipe the soleplate and steam outlets with a tissue or clean cloth.

Method 2. How to descale the iron with citric acid

Dissolve a small packet of citric acid (no more than 25 g) in 1 cup of warm water until completely transparent.

Pour the resulting solution into the iron heated to the maximum and let it “brew” for 5-10 minutes. Next, holding the appliance horizontally over the basin, release steam from it several times by pressing the appropriate button so that scale and rust flow out of the holes in the sole. When all the dirt has flowed out, drain the liquid from the iron, fill it with clean water and let the appliance “steam” again to remove the remaining scale and vinegar. Again, release steam over the basin several times and finally wipe the sole and holes in it with a napkin or a clean cloth.

Method 3. How to descale the iron using a "hot bath"

Reviews about this method of descaling the iron are very mixed, so we did not test it in practice, but you can try if the first two methods did not solve the problem. How to make a "hot bath" for the sole of the iron, see this video tutorial.

Whatever method you choose to decalcify your iron, when you have finished all the procedures, be sure to test the result by ironing a light-colored cloth in the steam mode. If the iron still emits dirty water or leaves yellowish stains (for example, from citric acid), then it should be cleaned 2-3 more times with clean water.

Also see our other articles:

How to clean the soleplate of an iron - 7 ways

Method 1. How to clean the soleplate of the iron with vinegar

Vinegar can remove not only scale, but also carbon deposits on the sole of the iron. To do this, mix table vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak a rag in the resulting solution and wipe the sole with it (it should not be heated). Next, soak a cotton swab in the solution and clean the steam holes with it.

  • This method is suitable for cleaning soles with Teflon and ceramic coating.

Method 2. Cleaning the sole from carbon deposits with soda

Stubborn traces of rust, soot and scale can be removed with soda. Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

Method 3. Cleaning with salt

To clean grime from your iron, sprinkle some salt on a paper/cotton towel or foil sheet and place the iron on it at maximum heat.

In practice, salt itself did not remove traces of burnt tissue, but after rubbing with a rag, the dirt really came off pretty quickly.

There is another way to clean the iron with salt: heat it to the minimum temperature, pour a handful of salt into three-fold gauze or other thin cotton fabric and rub the sole with it.

This method seemed to us the simplest and most effective.

Method 4. How to clean a Teflon-coated iron with laundry soap

Heat the iron to minimum temperature and gently rub the soleplate with laundry soap. The soap will begin to melt and soften the burn. Next, you just have to wipe the soleplate clean and clean the steam outlets with cotton swabs or toothpicks.

Method 5. How to clean the soleplate of the iron with toothpaste

You can “scrub” soot from the sole of the iron with ordinary toothpaste (it should be white, not gel). Squeeze out a small amount of paste from the tube and wipe the slightly heated soleplate.

Method 7. Removing traces of burnt synthetics or plastic with acetone (suitable for cleaning soles with Teflon and ceramic coating)

Simply soak a cotton pad with acetone or nail polish remover and wipe any problem areas.

  • If you burned the fabric and its traces remain on the sole, immediately apply a cotton rag soaked in cold water to the stained area. A sharp temperature drop will help peel off the burnt fabric from the metal.
  • Do not use metal sponges and hard brushes to clean the soleplate, especially if it has a Teflon or ceramic coating. Also, to avoid scratching the metal, avoid using abrasive cleaners.
  • To reduce the build-up of scale and rust inside the iron, every time after ironing, while the appliance is still warm, pour out all the remaining water from it.
  • To delay descaling your iron, try using filtered water for steaming.

And finally, we suggest watching a useful video on how to clean an iron with a metal, ceramic or Teflon sole using folk and special products.

Every family is faced with the problem of cleaning the surface of the iron from carbon deposits. Clothes constantly stick to the device, stains and splashes remain on it. The most important cause of contamination on the coating of an electrical appliance is non-compliance with the temperature regime for different types of fabrics. How to clean the iron if there is a plaque? There are several effective ways.

Cleaning methods


The ironing surface of an electrical appliance can be cleaned of soot with 9% table vinegar. It is suitable for any kind of coverage. For this method you will need:

  • 50 ml of food vinegar;
  • cotton discs;
  • cotton sticks.

Warm up the sole of the device at the minimum mark, and then be sure to disconnect it from the power supply. Take a cotton pad, lightly soak with vinegar. Next, start scrubbing the plaque thoroughly. If the disk is dirty, it should be replaced with a new one.

Cotton swabs also need to be moistened in vinegar, it is convenient to clean the holes on the surface of the iron with them. This must be done carefully so that liquid droplets do not get inside. Then you should turn on and warm up the device. Iron them several times an unnecessary piece of linen.

You can clean the iron from carbon deposits at home in the simplest way. You will need a piece of 72% laundry soap. Soap cleaning is only suitable for fresh dirt. First you need to slightly heat the equipment, unplug the cord from the outlet. In a bowl, make a solution of laundry soap in which you need to moisten a rag. It should be well saturated with soap. Gently clean the sole, and then wipe it with a clean cloth.

How to clean the coating from plaque with tooth powder?

Tooth powder isn't just for brushing your teeth. The old proven method is known from Soviet times. It does an excellent job of cleaning both irons and gold items. It is worth emphasizing that if the coating is non-metallic, this method cannot be used. Pour 20 gr. on the warm base of the ironing device. powder, and then rub with a damp brush. Remove dirt with a soft cloth. If you don't have toothpaste on hand, you can use toothpaste instead.


It will be easy to clean the matchbox electrical appliance, it can be found in every home. Rub the coating with the sulfur side of the box, remove the remaining dirt with a dry, clean cloth.

Baking soda and detergent

How to clean the coating with soda? To clean the sole of the iron from burnt matter at home, you need:

  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • 10 ml liquid detergent;
  • sponge.

Prepare a mixture of baking soda and detergent. On the cold ironing part, apply gruel and thoroughly clean with a sponge from brown burns. After that, it is necessary to wipe the surface with a damp cotton cloth.

An excellent assistant in solving this problem will be citric acid. To clean the iron from burnt fabric, you need to buy a pack of citric acid in the store. In a bowl, mix 15 gr. acid with 20 ml of water, and then apply to the coating. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes. After it has eaten away the burn, remove the dirt with a cloth. Next, turn on the iron, iron a piece of natural fabric.

Lemon juice

Cleaning the soleplate of an electrical appliance with lemon juice is also a good way. It is suitable for various coatings of ironing equipment. Squeeze out the juice on a napkin, and carefully rub the stains from soot. The process can be repeated several times. Remove the remaining juice from the surface with a damp cloth. Lemon juice will not only make the iron clean, but will give it a perfect shine.

Hydroperite (hydrogen peroxide)

How to clean pollution with hydroperite? Hydrogen peroxide is able to effectively cope with the burn on the soleplate. In a pharmacy, you should buy a plate of hydroperit tablets. Pour a little water into a glass dish, dissolve 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide. Working with peroxide requires caution, it can burn the skin. When treating the surface of the iron with such a tool, it is necessary to wear thin medical gloves on your hands.

Apply the solution to the soot spots, leave for 15 minutes. After the peroxide has corroded the dirt, wipe the base with a damp cloth. To prevent white spots from appearing on colored fabrics when ironing, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the sole after cleaning.


At home, you can clean the sole of the ironing device using an ordinary candle. You need to heat the iron well. Next, rub the coating with paraffin, it will melt and come off with soot. After 3-4 minutes, remove the remnants of the candle with a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol.

How to clean the soleplate of the appliance with salt? It is worth trying to use fine table salt. Salt can damage Teflon and ceramic substrates, so this method is not suitable for such surfaces. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt on a paper sheet. Connect the equipment to the mains, iron the salt until the brown soot disappears completely. It is absorbed into the salt and falls along with it onto a sheet of paper.

special pencil

It is possible to clean the base of the device using a modern and proven method. Using a pencil is easy. You should heat the iron well, anoint the burnt sole with a pencil. Next, take a piece of fabric that you don’t mind ruining. Put it on the corner of the ironing board and rub it well with the surface of the iron. The smell in the room will not be very pleasant, so it is better to open the window for ventilation. But the cleaning effect is amazing.

Nail polish remover

How to clean the iron from burnt fabric? Most often, the synthetic material sticks to the aluminum base. To solve this very unpleasant situation, you will need a wooden spatula and a nail polish remover. You need to heat the soleplate of the iron to 140 degrees. Disconnect from the outlet, then with a spatula, scrape off the remnants of the fabric. Soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover, wipe on the surface of the burnt area.

What to do if the water tank bloomed?

Often, housewives are faced with such a phenomenon as contamination of the water tank in the iron. You can make an effective solution of 30 gr. citric acid and 500 ml of warm water. Fill the reservoir with liquid for 2-3 hours. After the time has elapsed, rinse the container with water. For further use, pour into the tank, preferably distilled water.

  1. Before ironing, you need to sort things by type of material.
  2. First, it is better to iron synthetic items that require a low temperature.
  3. To avoid the appearance of glossy spots, velvet fabric should be ironed in one direction.
  4. Ironing things made of synthetics and silk should only be done from the wrong side.
  5. It is necessary to avoid ironing accessories (locks, buttons, etc.)

It will be useful for every housewife to know how to clean the iron on their own. There are a large number of methods, the effectiveness of which has already been tested by a huge number of people. For them, either special tools are used, or what is at hand in every home.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron at home?

When choosing a method for cleaning the device, it is imperative to take into account the material from which the coating is made. For those who are wondering if the sole is made of Teflon, ceramic, or a combination of both, you should know that in this case it is forbidden to use products with hard particles, as they can damage the surface and cause scratches. If the sole is steel, titanium or covered with enamel or sapphire, then more “hard” methods can be used without fear.

How to clean the soleplate of a Teflon coated iron?

If the sole of the iron has a Teflon coating, then it should be borne in mind that mechanical methods cannot be used to clean it. There are several methods to clean a Teflon-coated iron:

  1. First, heat the device, and then rub its platform with laundry soap. After it has cooled, remove everything with a damp sponge.
  2. An easy way to quickly clean a Teflon-coated iron is to use ammonia, which should be moistened with a cloth. Treat the platform of the heated device with it.

How to clean a ceramic coated iron?

To remove dirt from the ceramic surface, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, soap, toothpaste and other methods can be used, which will be discussed below. An effective way to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron is to use a special pencil. The procedure is very simple:

  1. Preheat the iron and turn off the appliance. The iron cleaning pen should be applied to soiled areas. Please note that during this it will melt and an unpleasant odor will begin to be released, since ammonia is in the composition, so carry out the procedure by opening the window.
  2. Cleaning the iron ends by removing the remnants of the product with a regular cloth. It is important during processing to try to avoid getting a pencil into the slots on the sole, otherwise the iron may deteriorate.

How to clean the water tank in the iron?

Modern irons have a self-cleaning function, so there should be no problems with descaling. In addition, there are other cleaning methods. There is a list of actions on how to clean the iron inside using self-cleaning:

  1. Pour a full tank of boiled water. Set the appliance to maximum heat.
  2. The iron must be heated and then allowed to cool. Repeat the manipulations several times.
  3. After that, hold the device over a wide container and press the self-cleaning button. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

How to clean the iron from mold inside?

The methods for cleaning the "insides" of the device from mold are identical with the options used for descaling. Many will be surprised by the fact that ordinary mineral water effectively copes with pollution. To make sure of this, use the rules on how to clean the iron at home:

  1. Pour mineral water into the tank, turn on the device to maximum and wait for it to warm up.
  2. Hold the iron over a sink or basin and press the steam release button several times.
  3. To complete the procedure and make sure that the cleaning was successful, fill the tank with plain water, but boiled, and do the procedure again.

How to clean the steam iron from scale?

Since the water that is poured into the tank contains magnesium and calcium salts, after a while scale begins to form inside. It clogs the holes, which makes it difficult for steam to escape and leads to stains on clothes. If nothing is done, then after a while the equipment may fail. There are simple instructions on how to descale the inside of an iron using citric acid:

  1. First, prepare a solution for which take a small spoonful of citric acid in a glass of boiling water. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the finished iron cleaner into a special container. Turn on the device in the network, setting the maximum temperature.
  3. After that, turn it off and, holding it over any large container, press the button several times to release steam. Different models have different names for it.
  4. Be sure to pour out the remaining solution, and then pour in clean water and repeat all the steps from the beginning. At the end of the procedure, wipe the surface with a natural cloth.
  5. If the scale remains in the holes of the working surface, then make another portion of the solution, soak gauze in it and put the iron on it for 5-10 minutes. After that, heat the device and iron the napkin with it.

The iron spits rust - how to clean it?

For internal cleaning of rust, you can use the methods presented above, but there is another option - the use of a special agent (decalcifier). A popular drug is Antinakipin. Use the following rules to clean your iron at home:

  1. First, dilute the product with water, given the proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons for 200 ml of water. Pour the prepared solution into the iron tank.
  2. Heat up the iron, unplug it and leave it for half an hour. After that, heat it up again and press the button responsible for the release of steam several times.
  3. To give your perforated iron a final clean, fill the tank with water to rinse it out. It remains only to wipe the sole.

How can you clean an iron?

If you use the device without following the rules, then various contaminants may appear. More often they occur when the temperature regime for different materials is chosen incorrectly, which leads to tissue sticking, scale, mold, and so on can still form. Sooner or later, everyone faces such problems. There are many ways to clean the iron from scale and other contaminants, and here are some of them:

  1. Ammonia fights well with pollution, in which you should moisten a cloth and walk it over the surface. To enhance the effect, you can mix ammonia with vinegar.
  2. For many years, a paraffin candle has been used for cleaning. Wrap it in a thick cloth and rub the heated iron well. It is important to hold the device at an angle above the container so that the molten paraffin flows into it. Make sure that paraffin does not get into the steam holes, otherwise serious problems will arise.
  3. Another simple method involves treating a heated iron with a hydroperite tablet. As a result, the dirt will peel off, and it will be very easy to remove them with a regular rag. Please note that an unpleasant odor will be emitted during the procedure, so open the window.

How to clean an iron with salt?

It should be said right away that this method cannot be used to clean irons with a sensitive coating. There is a simple instruction on how to clean the iron with salt:

  1. Spread a cotton cloth or towel on the board, which you will not be sorry to throw away. Sprinkle a large spoonful of salt in a thin layer on the fabric. It is best to use sea salt.
  2. Turn the iron on to maximum. Be sure to turn off the steam. Iron the towel, avoiding strong pressure. As a result, the salt will darken as it absorbs dirt.
  3. If the procedure is effective, then the surface will become shiny and all impurities will go away. When figuring out how to clean the iron with salt, it is worth noting that paper or newspaper can be used instead of cloth, but just do not hold the iron on it for a long time.

How to clean an iron with toothpaste?

Thinking about how else to clean the sole of the iron, the craftsmen decided to use toothpaste, which perfectly removes plaque, and they were not mistaken. It is better to choose the cheapest paste, because it contains the most different chemicals that can cope with pollution. If you are interested in how to clean the sole of the iron with folk remedies, then be guided by the following instructions:

  1. Turn on the iron and set the heat to minimum. Please note that the surface of the platform should be warm, not hot.
  2. Unplug the appliance and using an old toothbrush, apply the paste to the stains and rub vigorously. When the main contaminants are removed, it is recommended to treat the entire surface as a preventive measure.
  3. Leave everything for half an hour, and then remove the remaining paste with a napkin and warm water.

How to clean an iron with baking soda?

In the kitchen, one of the main helpers is soda, which will help remove dirt not only from dishes, but also from the sole of the iron. There are two ways to clean an iron with baking soda:

  1. The easiest option is to take a handful of soda and wrap it in a piece of gauze. The resulting bag must be carefully rubbed with a heated iron. According to reviews, carbon deposits are removed in a matter of minutes. This option is best not to use for Teflon coatings.
  2. The next way, how to easily clean the iron, will take more time. Combine the baking soda with your existing dishwashing detergent to make a slurry. She needs to smear the pollution and leave for 40 minutes. It remains only to wash everything well.

How to clean an iron with vinegar?

Acetic acid is good at removing dirt and can be used to clean the soleplate of an iron. Cleaning the iron with vinegar can be done as follows:

  1. Take a hard rag and lightly soak it in vinegar, and then rub it vigorously on the soiled areas. Do not forget that vinegar tends to evaporate, so you need to periodically re-wet. When the result is achieved, heat the iron and iron it with an unnecessary piece of fabric dipped in plain water. Finish off by wiping the sole with a dry cloth.
  2. Cleaning the iron from scale can be done with a solution of vinegar and salt. Heat the vinegar, but do not bring it to a boil. Then add salt in equal proportions. Stir until completely dissolved, and when the solution has cooled, take a cloth and wipe the contaminated areas with it. It remains only to iron the fabric with an iron, which it will not be a pity to throw away. You can use a ready-made solution to work out the holes from which steam comes out with cotton swabs.

How to clean an iron with hydrogen peroxide?

One of the most affordable household helpers is hydrogen peroxide. There are several rules on how to clean the iron at home:

  1. It is important to clean with the window open as an unpleasant odor will be emitted. Plug the appliance into the mains so that the soleplate heats up, but does not become hot.
  2. Take a 3% product and soak a cotton pad in it, and then treat problem areas with it.
  3. When all dirt is gone, wipe the iron with a damp cloth.

Every modern apartment must have an iron, a necessary attribute for the care of clothes and household textiles. You can read about that in a special article, and now we'll talk about how you can clean its sole from various contaminants. The working condition of your assistant largely depends on the cleanliness of his sole, which needs to be cleaned occasionally. Our consumer site has collected tips on how to clean your iron.

Modern various coatings of the soleplate of the iron require careful attention and compliance with the care instructions. If the iron sticks to the fabric, the thing may be hopelessly damaged, but you can clean the sole. In the future, you should use a fabric for ironing and choose a temperature setting. But over time, the sole coating still gets dirty.

If you do not observe the temperature regime, or simply get distracted at the wrong time, you can ruin not only the thing, but also the iron itself. And then you have to decide how to effectively clean the iron. For a steel sole, the "grandmother's" way of cleaning is quite acceptable: pour a layer of salt on the newspaper and run a hot iron over it.


How to clean a ceramic or teflon coated iron.

Even with very careful use, over time, questions may arise about how to clean a ceramic iron or how to clean a Teflon iron from plaque or burnt fabric. These coatings must not be cleaned with salt or other agents that may scratch the surface.

For cleaning, you need to heat the iron to 200 degrees and use a special cleaning pencil. It is sold in the economic departments. Rub the heated sole with a pencil, and when the dirt melts, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Observe safety precautions when working with hot surfaces and chemicals.

To clean the iron well at home, a wooden stick or a terry towel can come to your aid. When all dirt has been removed from the soleplate of the iron, turn on the iron and iron some old item first.


How to clean an iron with a steamer.

Dirt can accumulate inside the iron, which can easily ruin your clothes. If, during ironing, flakes of dirt and rust get on clothes from the steam compartments along with steam, then it’s time to clean the iron from the inside, as we’ll tell you now.

You can use special anti-scale products and follow the instructions. Pour water, heat the iron and press the "Steam" button several times. Flakes of dirt accumulated inside will come out through the steam holes. Carefully! Make sure that clothes and furniture are not damaged during cleaning.

To clean the steam iron at home, you can use the tools at hand that are in every kitchen. Now we will tell you how to clean the iron with citric acid. It must be dissolved in water and added to the sender's compartment. You can clean the inside of the iron from scale with vinegar, it must also be added to the water. These tools will help not only clean the iron, but also get rid of the mold inside.


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We have to iron shirts, T-shirts, trousers, skirts and other things regularly. Unfortunately, no matter how modern the iron is, it is not immune from the appearance of various contaminants: soot, scale, rusty deposits, etc. Then the quality of ironing deteriorates sharply and the likelihood of inadvertently spoiling some thing increases. Let's learn about the main causes of pollution, their types, as well as methods that allow you to clean the sole itself (ironing surface), steam holes and the internal water tank at home.

The main causes of iron contamination

Scale, carbon deposits and other types of dirt can form for many reasons. We list the most common of them:

  • lack of preventive care for the iron;
  • wrong choice of temperature regime in the process of ironing things;
  • the use of tap water in irons with a steam function;
  • stagnation of liquid in the tank (it must be drained after the end of the ironing process).

We clean the bottom from soot

The formation of soot on the sole is the most common problem

The formation of soot on the iron is a problem well known to every housewife. It is enough to make a little mistake with the temperature, as the fibers of the fabric begin to stick to the sole, which is why a dark coating forms on it. Fortunately, there are effective ways to clean the iron from carbon deposits. For this purpose, you can use both chemical and home remedies that can be found in every home.

We note right away that products such as a pencil (chalk), vinegar, lemon juice, ammonia, nail polish remover and hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove carbon deposits from a sole made of any material (steel, aluminum, Teflon, ceramic, metal-ceramic and glass-ceramic). Toothpaste, soda and salt are allowed to be used only for metal coating. These are not the best options for cleaning expensive modern irons from carbon deposits. After all, if even defects that are invisible to your eye appear on their soles, the device will deteriorate. The fabric will increasingly stick to the iron or even melt.

With a pencil

A universal pencil is suitable for removing any dirt

A relatively cheap and convenient tool for cleaning the soleplate of an iron is a pencil (also known as "chalk"). In the process of its use, a strong specific smell appears. Therefore, cleaning should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Now we will tell you how to use the chalk:

  1. First, turn on the iron at maximum power and wait until it heats up well.
  2. Take a pencil and run it over the soiled areas of the sole. If the soleplate is hot, the chalk will melt on contact. Try not to press too hard on the pencil, otherwise pieces of the product may break off and fall into the holes.
  3. Run the iron over the unwanted rough fabric. This will help to remove the remaining product from the surface of the sole.

The advantage of this cleaning method is that the pencil can be used on any type of coating. You should pay attention to the recommendations, since different crayons are suitable for different coatings (metal, Teflon or ceramics).

Vinegar cleaning

A solution of vinegar and water will help remove carbon deposits from a smooth surface.

Cleaning soles with a smooth surface can also be done using ordinary table vinegar. Let's describe the sequence of actions:

  1. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Turn on the iron, wait until it heats up a little (not to the maximum temperature).
  3. Soak a cloth, sponge or cotton swab in the resulting solution.
  4. Wipe the soot until it disappears.
  5. If the holes-holes in the sole are clogged with soot, clean them with a toothpick dipped in vinegar solution, wrapped in a small piece of cotton wool.

Good to know: Keep in mind that the vinegar will heat up during cleaning and you will have to breathe in the fumes. Therefore, do not bring the included iron close to your face. Ideally, you should wear a gauze bandage that will protect the organs of the respiratory system.

Lemon juice and ammonia

Another popular home remedy for descaling is a mixture of lemon juice and ammonia. When preparing it, it is important to observe the correct proportions.

40 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice must be mixed with 10 drops of ammonia. Having done this, moisten a swab in the resulting solution and wipe off the carbon deposits from the slightly warm sole. These ingredients work very effectively, allowing you to remove traces of burnt fabric from the surface of the iron in a matter of seconds.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap will help remove fresh dirt

To eliminate fresh pollution, you can use ordinary laundry soap. Moisten the bar, rub the sole well with it, then remove the foam and soot with a damp cloth. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of old stains in this way.

Nail polish remover

If you accidentally ironed polyethylene (for example, a bag) with an iron and the material stuck to the sole, use the most accessible chemical solvent to remove it - nail polish remover. This tool can be found in the house of every woman.

It is enough just to moisten a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth in a solvent and wipe the remnants of adhering polyethylene with it. After that, no traces will remain on the surface.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove carbon deposits in everyday life, hydrogen peroxide is also used (or its solid analogue - hydroperite tablets).

Useful information: If the contamination is significant, slightly heat the soleplate of the iron and run hydroperite over it. Then remove the burn residue with a damp cloth. Minor dirt can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.


Toothpaste is an effective cleaning agent

It is known that toothpaste can be used to eliminate a huge range of contaminants. It is also suitable for cleaning the soleplate of the iron from burnt fabric.

Squeeze a small amount of paste onto a slightly heated sole and rub it with a soft brush. After 3-4 minutes, wipe off the remnants of the product from the surface with a sponge dipped in warm water.


To eliminate the most old and stubborn traces of soot, you can use a gruel of soda mixed with water or dishwashing detergent. This method does not require heating of the sole, so the possibility of formation of fetid steam is excluded.

Unfortunately, baking soda can damage delicate finishes. In other words, after cleaning, micro-scratches will remain on it, invisible to the naked eye. In the future, this may lead to damage to the device. Therefore, baking soda is not recommended for removing carbon deposits from ceramic or Teflon soles.


Salt should be used only as a last resort, when other methods have proven to be ineffective. The fact is that it leaves micro-scratches on the sole.

  • Prepare 2 cups of finely ground salt.
  • Sprinkle them on a newspaper or on an unnecessary piece of clean cloth.
  • With a heated iron, run over the surface several times, as if ironing it. Do not put too much pressure on the iron, which has a steam function. Otherwise, small holes in the sole may become clogged with salt.
  • Wipe the sole with a damp sponge. Repeat the cleaning procedure again if necessary.

Video: How to clean a burnt iron soleplate


Soot is visible from above, traces of scale from below

Although consumers who use irons with a steam function or a steam generator know that only distilled (or at least boiled) water should be poured into the internal tank, not everyone follows this recommendation. Yes, and a person who tries to do everything according to the instructions can, at least once, simply by inattention, pour ordinary tap water into a container. Unfortunately, it leads to the formation of scale.

It is rather difficult to use an iron in which scale has appeared. When ironed, it can leave reddish stains and ruin things. What to do in such a situation, because you don’t want to throw away a serviceable (and often very expensive) device at all? Do not worry, you can remove scale using both special tools and folk methods.

All of the following methods are suitable for removing scale from any coating (steel, aluminum, Teflon and ceramics). But it is important to observe the precautions and working conditions: do not allow chemicals (if you use them) to get on the plastic surface of the device. And, of course, do not forget about personal safety. Descaling is preferably carried out in a gauze bandage. It will protect you from inhaling fumes.

Good to know: Keep in mind that hard deposits form not only on the soleplate, but also in the steam holes and in the water tank. Therefore, you will have to take care to remove scale from everywhere.

Self cleaning function

The self-cleaning function is a useful thing

Most modern models of irons with a steam function have a self-cleaning function. Its presence greatly facilitates the process of dealing with scale. If your iron has a self-cleaning function, fill the water tank and turn on the device at full power. Next, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Heat up the iron as much as possible and turn it off. After a while, turn it on again at full power.
  2. When the soleplate has reached its maximum temperature, unplug the appliance from the mains (outlet). Then press the cleaning button (usually located at the top of the device).
  3. At this point, the device should not be held over clean things, but over a previously prepared container. The fact is that after activating the self-cleaning function, steam will begin to come out of the iron along with all the contaminants. You can hold the device over the sink, however, in this case, you will need to clean it from plaque in the future.
  4. Together with the steam, all the scale that has managed to form in the holes and the water tank since the previous cleaning will come out of the device. To make the process more intense, you can shake the iron while it is being cleaned.
  5. If necessary, repeat all steps again.
  6. At the end, you will need to rinse the sole of the device and rinse the container with clean water.

When cleaning, remember: the device is as hot as possible, so it will cool down for at least half an hour, or even an hour. At this time, do not touch the sole, so as not to get burned.

Useful information: In the first 10-15 minutes after performing self-cleaning, it is undesirable to start ironing things. Wait for the iron to cool down, fill it with clean distilled water and turn it on again.

Unfortunately, not all irons have such a convenient self-cleaning function (especially older models). Therefore, their owners have to remove scale in other ways. Well, let's talk about them.


The pencil effectively removes not only soot, but also scale

Of course, the pencil will not be able to eliminate contamination inside the device. But he will cope with the tasks of dissolving scale from the sole and cleaning the steam holes. Fill the iron reservoir with distilled water, heat the iron to maximum, and then rub the soleplate with a pencil. Use steam to clean holes. Remember that the procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated room.

Can Cillit be used to clean holes in the bottom of an iron?

A few drops of Cillit will clear the steam holes

Many housewives remove scale with the help of Cillit cleaner, designed to remove rust and plaque from metal surfaces. It is enough to do the following:

  1. First you need to heat up the iron (but not to the maximum temperature), unplug the appliance from the outlet and turn it upside down.
  2. Pour a few drops into each clogged hole.
  3. Leave the iron upside down for 15 minutes.
  4. After this time, carefully remove the dirt that has come out with a soft sponge.
  5. Wipe the sole with a damp cloth, remove the liquid container, rinse it and place it in place.

Special funds

Special means for cleaning irons will help to effectively eliminate scale. Manufacturers of such "chemistry" are well aware of how to clean the iron without damaging the delicate surface of the sole. The range of such funds is unusually wide, you can buy them in specialized stores. Be sure to follow the instructions.

How to clean with citric acid

Citric acid will help get rid of not only carbon deposits (this is written above), but also scale. The method below is recommended if your iron does not have a self-cleaning function. So, let's move on to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Pour 25 grams of citric acid with a glass of warm water, mix well.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into the iron tank.
  3. Turn on the device, wait for it to fully heat up.
  4. Unplug the iron and press the steam button.
  5. Citric acid under pressure will enter into a chemical reaction with the scale formed inside the device and gradually dissolve it.
  6. Please note that during cleaning, hot liquid splashes of a dirty yellow color will fly out of the steam holes. And the smell will not be very pleasant.
  7. After finishing the cleaning process, wait for the iron to cool down.
  8. Then clean the sole with a sponge dipped in a solution of vinegar and water (in a ratio of 1:10).
  9. Remove the tank, wash it and reinstall.
  10. Turn on the iron again and try out the “updated device” in action on an unnecessary piece of fabric.

This is interesting: Instead of citric acid, some people use ordinary soda to remove solid sediment. The acids that make up the drink help dissolve scale. But the effectiveness of citric acid is still higher.

Hot water + descaler

When lowering the iron, make sure that the liquid covers no more than 1 centimeter of the soleplate.

Finally, the last method is to immerse the device in hot water with the addition of chemicals. It should be used only in extreme cases, because it cannot be called absolutely safe for an iron:

  1. Lay a pair of wooden slats parallel to each other on the bottom of a regular flat-bottomed baking sheet. It would be more convenient to use a small bath, but not everyone can find it. Another option is a large frying pan. In the last two cases, rails are not needed.
  2. Put the iron on top of them.
  3. Pour into a baking sheet (bath, lower sector of the pressure cooker, frying pan) a descaling agent (sold in any household store). Determine the quantity according to the instructions. You can also use citric acid (60 grams per 1 liter).
  4. Boil water in a kettle and pour it into a baking sheet so that the bottom edge of the sole is lowered into the liquid to a depth of no more than 10 millimeters (about half the thickness).
  5. After 50 minutes, remove the iron and drain the water from the pan.
  6. To achieve the maximum degree of cleaning, the baking sheet (or pan) can be carefully placed on low heat and the liquid in it is constantly heated (but not to a boil).

What to do if the iron bloomed inside

If you leave liquid in the water tank (this applies to appliances with a steam function and a steam generator) and do not use the iron for a long time, it may bloom. The likelihood of such a development of events is especially high if the device is located in a warm room. Fortunately, solving this problem is not difficult. The following method is suitable for irons with any soleplate coating:

  1. Remove the tank (this may require dismantling the iron) or open the lid of the steam generator.
  2. Pour out the rest of the liquid.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of coarse salt into the tank, pour in 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. Shake the closed container vigorously. The salt acts as a mild abrasive so the plastic won't get damaged.
  5. After one and a half to two minutes, the container will be clean.
  6. Rinse the tank 3-4 times with warm water (but not boiling water). Salt residue will dissolve and wash away.
  7. Replace the clean tank.

Rust removal at home

"Antinakipin" will help get rid of rusty plaque

It happens that when ironing, a rusty coating appears on things. Most often, its formation is caused by the fact that cold tap water containing iron and other harmful impurities is poured into the liquid tank. When using distilled water, rust does not form. But what if she did show up?

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of Antinakipin with 200 milliliters of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the water container in the iron.
  3. Leave for approximately 40 minutes.
  4. After this time, rinse the tank. Rusty spots will no longer bother you.

This method is suitable for irons with any type of coating.

If fabric is stuck to the Teflon or other coating

If a piece of synthetic fabric is stuck to the soleplate of the appliance, heat the iron to the maximum and wait until the fibers have melted. Then remove them with a wooden spatula and iron a terry cloth (for example, an old towel) with an iron.

If, after removing the remnants of the fabric, traces remain on the sole, they can be removed with the help of a “slurry” of dishwashing detergent and soda. Apply it to a cloth and wipe the cooled surface with it. Remove the remaining mixture with a damp swab, then wipe the sole with a dry cloth.

To remove old dirty plaque, soak a piece of medical bandage folded several times with ammonia and iron it with a hot iron.

Burnt fabric can also be removed from aluminum and steel soles with a conventional wooden spatula or a plastic brush. Simply heat up the iron to about +70°C. Don't worry, the coating won't be damaged.

If a button is melted

If you accidentally left the iron on top of a plastic button and it melted, leaving marks on the surface, heat the appliance to maximum temperature. Melted plastic from a metal sole can be removed with the same wooden spatula. And wipe the place of contamination with hydrogen peroxide or a swab dipped in ammonia.

Cleaning steam irons

Irons with a steam generator are designed for ironing a large number of things.

There is an important nuance that needs to be noted: the soles of irons with a steam generator (a separate external water tank with a capacity of several liters) are cleaned in the same way as conventional models. There is only one significant difference: when descaling the external tank, you do not have to take it out from inside the appliance. When cleaning the sole from carbon deposits, do not forget to take into account the characteristics of the surface material.

Prevention of soot and scale formation

The best way to avoid the appearance of pollution is to follow the rules of prevention.

Important information: Never use knives, sandpaper or metal scrapers to clean the soleplate. They can ruin the sole.

If you managed to use the listed “forbidden methods” of cleaning, as a result of which the surface became rough, you can try to fix it. Grate an ordinary candle with a fine grater. Then mix paraffin shavings with finely ground salt and pour the resulting mixture onto a newspaper sheet. Cover the newspaper with a napkin and iron it with an iron heated to the maximum temperature. The sole of the device after the described procedure will again become smooth. If the result does not satisfy you, repeat all the steps again.

This overlay is used for ironing delicate materials.

  • After ironing and cooling the iron, do not forget to wipe its soleplate with a slightly damp cloth or sponge.
  • Always follow the recommended temperature indicated on the labels of things in the form of a pictogram.
  • Do not leave the device plugged in unattended.
  • For some models of irons, for example, Philips or Tefal, you can buy special non-stick pads (sometimes they are even included). Use them to iron the most delicate fabrics.

Fill the iron tank with distilled water, not tap water.

To prevent the appearance of scale, remember three basic rules:

  • Fill the tank only with distilled (in extreme cases, boiled) water.
  • After finishing the ironing process, drain the remaining liquid from the inner tank.
  • Place the appliance on the ironing board with the “nose up” only.

Following a few simple preventive measures will help keep your iron clean and free of all sorts of contaminants. But if soot, scale or rusty deposits have already appeared, use any of the methods listed in this article to remove them. Do not forget to take into account the characteristics of the sole material. The effectiveness of the methods we have proposed has been tested by thousands of consumers!
