How to remove beets from clothes. How to quickly and permanently wash beets from clothes

We all love such a delicacy as beets. We often have to cook various dishes with this vegetable. And in the process of cooking, we can easily stain our clothes or furniture with scarlet stains from beet juice. Such pollution is very difficult to clean with ordinary washing powder. But you can try to use the "grandmother's advice" to remove this kind of pollution with improvised means.

How to Remove Beetroot Juice Stains from Clothes

It is easier, of course, to remove the stain that was just planted on the clothes, and it did not have time to dry.

  • Soak the item in boiling water immediately. Let it soak a little, then hold the contaminated area under a stream of warm water until the stain disappears. Just be sure to check the label on the clothes. Some fabrics are not supposed to interact with very hot water. And then in this way you will only harm the material.
  • Beetroot juice as a stain on your favorite clothes will help remove ethyl alcohol with citric acid. Dissolve one teaspoon of acid in an incomplete glass of alcohol. In this composition, soak the product for half an hour. Then rinse the clothes with cold water.
  • To cope with such a difficult stain, table salt will also help you. Sprinkle a large amount of salt on the dirty place. Leave for ten minutes, then shake the salt off your clothes. And take a new portion of salt and rub the necessary place. Salt is able to absorb this kind of pollution.
  • For white fabrics, a solution of ammonia (ammonia) is suitable for you. Wet the unclean place with them. Do not forget to rinse clothes with washing powder after such treatment. For white clothes, soaking with bleach is also suitable.
  • You can also try to remove fresh stains with cow's milk or whey. For many experienced housewives, this method is effective.

How to remove a dried beetroot stain

If the stain is already dry, it will be more difficult to deal with it. But there are ways to remove such stains.

  • In order to eliminate it, you can use bleach that does not contain chlorine. Soak the stained area with this product for a short time, then wash the stain with your hands, and after that you can wash the clothes in an automatic washing machine.
  • Ordinary citric acid will help you with the fight against beet stains. Pour acid on the already ingrained stain for a maximum of five minutes (because citric acid corrodes the material), then wash in the usual way.
  • Some laundry soaps contain substances that fight various stains. If you have soap at home, try washing your damaged clothes with it, it is possible that the stain can be removed in this simple way.
  • Few people know how to remove this kind of stain with bread crumb. Rub a small piece of bread on the spot where the beets were stained and load it into the washing machine.
  • If the stain from the beets is small, then you can try to get rid of it with hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in this liquid and gently rub the stained areas on your clothing.

How to remove beet stain from carpet and upholstered furniture

  • After staining the carpet with beets, pour dish detergent on the stain and let the liquid soak, then rub the stained area with a sponge and rinse with warm water.
  • Immediately after getting beet juice on upholstered furniture, try to remove the contamination with a regular soap solution. But remember that it is better to remove such types of stains from furniture with special cleaning products in order not to spoil your property.

If home remedies don't work on beetroot stains, you can purchase a variety of stain removers to help remove the stain. Clothes with beetroot stains can be dry-cleaned.

Surely you know the disappointment when, when preparing borscht or beetroot salad, pink spots remain on clothes? Beetroot is rightfully considered a real food coloring - its juice is added to cream or homemade sausage to make dishes appetizingly pink. What should I do if beetroot juice gets on my clothes? How to remove these difficult stains?

How to get rid of fresh traces after beets

If you have soiled your clothes just now, you need to act immediately. The fast response will help you clean the fabric effortlessly. To do this, remove the thing and bring it to the tap with the hottest water. You need to hold the fabric so that hot water passes through the fabric, right through the stain. Be careful not to burn your hands while doing this. You can simply put the clothes in the sink and pour boiling water from the kettle. However, beforehand, be sure that the fabric allows high water temperatures. Some types of synthetic colored fabric may shed from boiling water.

After that, put the clothes in the washing machine and add a little stain remover to the powder. This will protect you from unexpected stains - you might not notice small splashes of beet juice.

If you get dirty with juice at a party and there is no way to wash your clothes right away, just sprinkle them with salt. Salt will absorb the remnants of the juice and will subsequently remove the traces without much difficulty.

If the stain was planted a few days and even months ago, it is also quite possible to get rid of it. There are many useful recipes for this.

  1. Milk. This is a method proven over the years that helps to remove stains from fresh beets. If the stain is small, pour the milk into a glass or cup and dip the piece of cloth that was contaminated into the container. If the whole thing is damaged, it will need to be soaked completely. In just a few minutes, the milk will react with beetroot juice and there will be no trace of the stain.
  2. Vinegar and baking soda. Mix these two components and immediately apply the mixture to the stain. It is important that the interaction reaction takes place precisely on the tissue. You can do otherwise - first pour vinegar on the fabric, and then sprinkle with soda. After half an hour, clothes can be washed and dried.
  3. Lemon juice. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on the stain and let it sit for 5 minutes. You can’t keep a lemon on clothes for a long time, otherwise the acid will corrode the fabric. Cotton or linen can be cleaned in this way, but silk can deteriorate. Instead of fresh lemon juice, you can use citric acid, diluted in high concentration. With this composition, you can clean not only fabrics from beets, but also cutting boards, the surface of the kitchen table.
  4. Wine alcohol. Heat up some ethyl alcohol and apply to the stain. Leave for a while and then wash as usual. For reliability, you can add a little ethyl to the drum of the machine when washing.
  5. Ammonia. Apply some ammonia to a cotton pad or dish sponge. With gentle movements, try to erase the beet stain. After that, soak the clothes in warm water with the addition of two tablespoons of ammonia. Rinse the clothes several times and leave to dry in a ventilated place so that no odor remains. In this way, only white things can be cleaned, colored ones can shed.
  6. Egg and glycerin. Whisk the egg yolk and glycerin in a small bowl so that the components are mixed in approximately equal proportions. Apply the prepared product on the beetroot stain and leave to dry completely. After that, wash the fabric in the machine or by hand.
  7. Oxalic acid. It can be bought at any hardware store. Dilute a couple of teaspoons of acid in 100 ml of water and soak a cotton pad in the composition. Under the stain itself, also put a disc or a piece of unnecessary white cloth. Press the stain between two cotton pads. If necessary, they must be replaced with clean ones. Oxalic acid perfectly removes food traces.

Many of these recipes don't even have to run to the store to make - the ingredients are probably in your first aid kit or kitchen drawer.

How to wash beets with professional means

There are many effective products on the shelves of stores that will help you remove beet stains. If there are traces of greasy borscht on your clothes, a regular dishwashing detergent will help. It can break down food coloring and get rid of greasy stains. Just apply a little dish gel to a wet cloth and leave for half an hour. Add a little more gel to the washing machine drum to be sure.

You can remove almost any stain with the help of ordinary, undeservedly forgotten laundry soap. It contains many acids that can remove many impurities. Instead of laundry soap, you can use Antipyatin. This is a special soap for removing various types of pollution.

In hardware stores, colorless crystals are sold, this is sodium hydrogen sulfate. It must be diluted with water so that a concentrated mixture is obtained. If you soak clothes in it, you can clean the fabric not only from beetroot, but also from many other stubborn food stains.

The easiest way to clean fabric is to use modern stain removers. They include components that penetrate deep into the fibers and remove pollution in a matter of minutes. Among the most powerful and popular cleansing compounds are Vanish, Amway, As, Astonish, Bos, Eared Nyan, Faberlik and others. If a white item is damaged, be sure to use chlorine bleach. It will not only get rid of the beet stain, but also give the fabric a crystal whiteness.

A few decades ago, beetroot juice was used instead of cosmetics - as a persistent and bright blush. Modern technologies allow us to clean not only skin and kitchen utensils from beets, but even the thinnest fabrics. Use our tips to get rid of beet marks quickly and efficiently!

Video: how to remove beet stains

Everyone who deals with beets can get dirty: he cooks borscht, makes finger paints for children, cuts beetroot salad. Removing pink beet stains is quite difficult, after a normal wash, they still remain and spoil the appearance of clothes. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to deal with beet stains. There are several ways to get them out, and now we will get to know them.


To remove the stain from the beets, it is necessary to treat the thing with a solution of ammonia (ammonia). You can dilute some alcohol in water (one small spoon per glass) and soak a T-shirt, towel, or anything else that you have got dirty in it.

It turns out that ammonia creates an alkaline environment that changes the color of the paint. The spot turns from pink or red to light blue, slightly purple. It kind of fades and becomes less noticeable. After that, it will not be difficult to wash it from clothes in a machine.

Lemon acid

The color of beets is determined by pigment substances called betacyanins. They are acidic compounds soluble in alcohol, so they can be removed with an acidic alcohol-based solvent. Simply put, you need to do the following:

  • take half a glass of medical alcohol and warm it slightly;
  • dissolve 2-3 g of citric acid in alcohol;
  • treat stains with a solution;
  • rinse clothes in warm water.

If suddenly the stain still remains, it should be washed off in water with the addition of a small amount of ammonia or vinegar. Usually such a wash helps to completely remove traces of beets from clothes.

The method can be used to remove fruit stains, as well as wine.

Digestion and bleaching

These two methods have been known since the days when there were no special detergents for washing. However, they can only be applied to light-colored cotton or linen fabrics. To remove such things from beets, you need to boil them in a basin or a large saucepan with the addition of simple soap and whiteness.

  • White clothes can be soaked in a weak solution of bleach in cold water. All spots are bleached and things become absolutely clean.
  • Try to lighten a small spot with hydrogen peroxide by wetting and rubbing the cloth.
  • There is advice to soak clothes in milk, and then wash with powder. For the sake of interest, you can try to use it. Although, most likely, we are talking about fresh milk, which whitens very well, but which is not easy to find in urban areas.
Some stains come off very easily if you soak them in vinegar water and then wash with an effective powder. There is a known method when boiling water is poured onto a fresh stain, and it disappears, but the method is not suitable for every fabric.

Modern ways

In order not to look for ammonia, not to make chemical solutions and not to boil, you can buy a modern stain remover. There are quite a few of them and each of them is suitable for a particular type of fabric. You have probably already used such tools or heard about them.

The Austrian product "Frau Schmidt" is designed specifically to wash stains of fruits, fat, beets and other products. For colored clothes, Vanish is often used, pouring it directly onto pollution. Amway stain removers are known for their effectiveness. There are many positive reviews about a product called "Antipyatin", which comes in the form of soap and powder. There are other stain removers, both domestic and imported.

It is worth noting that some fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers are very well washed with any powder in a washing machine. So there is no need to despair. We advise you to first soak the clothes in acidified water, and then apply one of the products of your choice.

Everyone loves to eat borscht or beetroot salad. But only the one who cooks dishes from this vegetable knows what stains he can leave on clothes. Getting rid of them is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is to know how to wash the beets and start the procedure for removing bright red traces as soon as possible.

Read this article:

Beet stains: what means can they be removed?

If beetroot juice has dripped onto your clothes, you should not hesitate to wash it: dried stains are much more difficult to remove. As a rule, pollution is washed off by industrial means:

Stain removers

(Vanish, Frau Schmidt, Antipyatin) - sold in household chemical stores. In order to remove the beet stain on clothes, you need to do the following:

  • dilute a tablespoon of detergent in cold water;
  • we lower the product into a container with a soapy solution, leave it to soak for several hours;
  • We wash the item in the machine in the usual way. For maximum effect, you can add a little more powder during washing.

Laundry soap

Helps to get rid of any type of pollution. Use like this:

  • moisten the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product with water and rub it with soap;
  • Soak the fabric for 10 minutes, then wash it and rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Dishwashing liquid

Mode of application:

  • apply a drop of the product to the pollution, wait until it dries;
  • We wash the item in the usual way, after which we rinse it thoroughly in water.

sodium hydrosulfite

Its use is relevant if you need to remove old stains. They do it like this:

  • dilute the powder with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply gruel to contamination for 10 minutes;
  • mix water with vinegar (in a ratio of 3: 1), rinse the stain with a solution. After that, rinse the product again: in clean water.


It is used if you need to wash white things:

  • mix glycerin with egg yolk (in equal amounts);
  • we process the fabric with the resulting product, after which we rinse it in warm, and then in cold water.

Traces of beets on clothes: washing with folk remedies

If there is not a single store-bought product in the house, washing should not be postponed. After all, you can remove stains from beets with the help of such improvised means:

Hot water

Removes only fresh stains. What should be done:

  • we straighten the product over the sink or pan;
  • pour boiling water over the stained area.


Well absorbs beetroot juice, other coloring matter. It is applied like this:

  • pour a small amount of salt on the contaminated place;
  • rub it into the fabric for 5 minutes, then rinse;
  • repeat the procedure until the traces of the vegetable become almost invisible (we use new salt each time)
  • We wash the thing with ordinary powder.


Our grandmothers also knew about the washing method using such a product:

  • heat the milk and pour it into a bowl;
  • soak the soiled product in it;
  • after an hour, wash it in warm water with powder.


Everyone knows the cleaner. It is also used to clean various kinds of surfaces from accumulated dirt. How to apply:

  • mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • we moisten the thing abundantly in the solution, then wash it with any powder available in the house.

Citric acid and alcohol

They can damage the fabric, so they are most often used to clean the table, cutting board. In order to get rid of beetroot juice, you must do the following:

  • heat 20 ml of alcohol to 40 degrees;
  • add 3 g of citric acid to it, stir thoroughly;
  • we lower the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product into the solution, leave it to soak for 20 minutes;
  • after the time has passed, rinse the thing in running water.

In general, there are many ways to eliminate beetroot stains on clothes. Which one to choose is the business of every hostess. The main thing to remember: washing should be carried out as soon as possible. Then both forces and time for this procedure will not be required much.

Beetroot is a root vegetable that serves as an addition to salads and the main ingredient of Ukrainian borscht, is famous for its beneficial properties and unique taste. Beet lovers, who use it as a freshly squeezed juice or cook a variety of dishes, often face the problem of difficult stains on clothes. It is possible to wash beets with the help of improvised and special means.

It is difficult to wash and remove beets from clothes; by doing everything right and in hot pursuit, you can remove the stain. There are a number of options for how to wash off a fresh or old beetroot mark.

old spot

Dealing with stains on clothes is not always possible on time. And the trace from the beet is firmly and quickly eaten into the fabric.

You can eliminate old pollution like this: choose a suitable container for soiled clothes. For 2 l. add 10 ml of water. hydrogen peroxide, bring to a boil. Immerse soiled clothing and boil for up to 25 minutes. Rinse items in cool water.


Boiling water will instantly cope with a stain that has just appeared. Substitute the dirty area under a hot stream of water and hold until the stain disappears completely. Salt also helps to eliminate. Wet the cloth, rub the salt for 5 minutes. The salt crystals will absorb the pigment.

Overview of popular folk remedies for beetroot juice

Boiled, fresh beets are considered a source of persistent traces. Faced with the problem of a beet stain, you should not panic, get upset, or even throw the thing away. It is possible to get rid of traces at home. Proven methods and techniques can remove root stains. Among the popular folk remedies to remove contamination from beetroot juice, ordinary products: alcohol, salt, milk, laundry soap, vinegar, citric acid.

Laundry soap

A budget option for eliminating beetroot juice is 72% laundry soap, bought at a nearby store. New traces are washed better. Wet the stained area, lather well, leave for 10 minutes. Wash and rinse with room temperature water. If necessary, repeat the process.

Vinegar and citric acid

You can destroy fresh pollution, save a stained light fabric using an acetic aqueous solution, observing a 1: 1 ratio. Generously moisten clothes with liquid and leave for 6-12 minutes. Wash with laundry soap or laundry detergent (allowed with bleaching ingredients).

Citric acid in sachets or natural fresh lemon juice are equally suitable. Acid should be applied to the soiled area, left for 8-10 minutes. After, remove from the fabric, wash as usual. For delicate fabrics, a solution should be made from warm water with the addition of citric acid.

Prolonged use of lemon juice or acid on clothing is dangerous by corroding the material. The method is not recommended for silk, but is suitable for linen and cotton.

Salt and milk

Salt is considered a widely used method for cleaning the trail. Spilling juice on a T-shirt while at a party, at work or elsewhere, there is no way to immediately wash the clothes. Sprinkle the stain with salt. A similar result will be from diluted salt in water, rubbing the mixture in a circular motion on the problem area.

Milk, without damaging the fibers of the fabric, will remove the mark. Moisten clothes with cold water and pour a cup of hot milk, leave for several hours. Rinse in cool water, wash. The fresher the milk, the more effectively it removes impurities.

If milk is not available, use whey. Soak the affected area with milk or whey for 30-60 minutes, rinse the item. To fix the result, it is recommended to wash clothes by hand or in a washing machine with the addition of powder.


You can use ethyl or ammonia.

Ammonia Ethanol
Allows you to remove the stain in 5 minutes. It is necessary to mix ammonia and water in equal proportions, soak a cotton pad with a solution, thoroughly wipe the contamination with it until it completely disappears.
  1. To increase the effectiveness of the product, add a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid to ethyl alcohol. Moisten a cotton swab and soak the stain. After the contamination has almost disappeared, the clothes should be washed.
  2. For a kitchen towel or tablecloth, a remedy of 15 g of ethyl alcohol and 2 g of citric acid previously added to water and brought to a boil will help. Leave the towel for 25-35 minutes, wash, rinse well.

There are a number of ways to remove beetroot stains from clothes. The main thing to remember: do not delay with washing. This will minimize the cost of time and effort.

Special chemicals

An alternative replacement for removing stains with folk remedies is to remove contaminants using special chemicals. There are a lot of chemicals that will help remove the beet stain. A significant part of them have an effect without destroying the fibrous structure of the fabric. It is important to read the manual that comes with the tool, follow the recommendations.

chemical agent Application rules
Hydrogen peroxide Before removing a stain from a white T-shirt, use concentrated hydrogen peroxide, apply to the mark and wash.
Ammonia Place thick paper under the product so that the dye is printed on it. We dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 10: 0.5, treat the contaminated area with a washcloth. We wash clothes with powder.
Stain remover (Vanish, ACE, etc.) There are many varieties of stain removers, it is important to choose a product for the right fabric. We dilute 1 tbsp. stain remover in cold water, lower the item, soak for a couple of hours. Turn on the washing machine on normal mode, start washing. To achieve a better result, add a little more powder during washing.
Dishwashing liquids (Fairy, Sorti, Eared Nanny, etc.) We put a drop of liquid gel on the dirt, wait for it to dry completely, wash the thing in the usual way, then rinse it thoroughly in water.
oxygen bleach Dilute the powder with water in the required proportions indicated on the package. Apply the mixture to the stained area and wait the required time. Wash your clothes in the washing machine.

I would like to note the tool "Whiteness". It contains chlorine, it should be used with caution. The chemical composition of the stain remover prohibits its use for colored, delicate items. Before applying to the fabric, dilute it with water, apply to an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the material and check the reaction of the fabric to the substance.

Before using any chemical agent, carefully read the recommendations from the manufacturer!

Modern methods and techniques help to clean carpets, jeans and other dense fabrics, thin materials from stains. Using the recommendations, you will quickly and efficiently get rid of beet marks!

How to Remove Beetroot Juice Stains Without Ruining White Clothes

Removing beet stains from white clothes without ruining them is an important point. Previously, she served as a cosmetic product as a persistent and bright blush. Now - it is famous for a product that delivers many problems.

A mixture of egg yolk and glycerin will gently remove the problem from a t-shirt while maintaining color. The product is formed from equal parts of the components, applied to the fabric, gently rubbed, then washed off with warm water.
The use of borax is also effective (large colorless crystals, soluble in water). Stretch the garment wrong side up over the sink. Fill in the trail of brown beets. Gently pour hot water over the stain. Be careful not to get burned. Preliminarily check on the label of the sweater the use of hot water for this type of material.

A combination of modern and folk methods will help you wash a shirt, sofa or carpet without any problems. A stain is not a reason to throw away your favorite thing
