What is better to dye your hair or get highlights? There are a wide variety of types of highlighting


The most fashionable types hair highlighting

Every woman has dreamed of changing her hair color at least once. Some experiment easily, while others find it difficult to decide to radically change their appearance. In this case, there is a wonderful solution - highlighting: a method of dyeing hair in individual strands. However, this method of painting has many other advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages


Compared to traditional coloring, highlighting has a number of advantages:


The procedure also has some “disadvantages”:

  • the procedure requires certain skills, so it is quite difficult to carry it out on your own;
  • coloring can take a long time - it depends on the type of highlighting, the number of colors used, etc.;
  • like any chemical substances, highlighting preparations are harmful to hair, especially if this procedure is carried out regularly. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of your curls - do masks, wraps and other restorative procedures;
  • You can’t highlight your hair after dyeing it with henna, or immediately after perm;
  • If there are many gray hair and regular painting is required, this may complicate the procedure for subsequent touch-up of the roots somewhat.

As you can see, highlighting has much more advantages than disadvantages, and even those are very relative, so it’s hardly worth giving up such a wonderful way to improve the appearance of your hair.

Interesting fact: The “father” of highlighting is considered to be the French stylist Jacques Dissange, whose first model for this procedure was the famous actress Brigitte Bardot. It was her faded bangs that Dissange tried to tidy up by coloring individual strands.

Highlighting methods

The coloring composition is applied to the hair in only four ways:

Types of highlighting

They differ in the technique of applying the dye, the color and length of the hair for which they can be used, and the number and size of strands that are dyed. Some of them are already considered traditional, but do not lose their relevance. Others have appeared recently and have already gained popularity. All of them can be divided into several main types.

Classic and zonal

Classic- This is a uniform coloring of hair strands along the entire length. In this case, the thickness and width of the strands may vary. The thinner they are, and the less difference between the main color and the dyed curls, the more natural the hairstyle looks.

Zonal- this is coloring only individual strands hair. IN classic version lighten the top strands of dark brown or dark hair. But creative highlighting is becoming increasingly popular, as well as asymmetrical, diagonal, root, avant-garde and other types of partial coloring.

Traditional and reverse

With traditional highlighting, the hair is lightened, but with the opposite, on the contrary, individual strands are colored more dark color. Last method practiced by fair-haired girls who want to make their hair color darker, or by bleached brunettes and brown-haired women who want to restore their natural color without a sudden transition.

Normal and gentle

If with regular highlighting the natural color can be changed by any number of tones, then gentle highlighting involves changing the natural color by a maximum of two or three tones. The paints used in this procedure do not contain ammonia and include additional moisturizing components. The most gentle way is to paint a small amount thin strands hair, mainly from the middle of the length or at the ends.

7 most popular types of highlighting

There are a lot various types this procedure, and to mention them all, a whole book is probably not enough. Therefore, we will focus only on the most popular “highlights”.


Bronzing is a multi-color dyeing within the natural color range. It allows you to create the most magnificent colors and shades. Multispectrality and play of color visually increase the volume of hair and make it radiant, shimmering and saturated with energy. This effect was immediately appreciated by many Hollywood stars, and it was thanks to them that the booking procedure quickly gained popularity throughout the world.

For bronzing dark hair, coffee-chocolate, copper-chestnut and dark brown shades. Blonde hair is bronzed with beige, amber, wheat, coffee, walnut and light chestnut shades.

Coloring of this type can be either classic, over the entire length, or zonal, for example, ombre.


Ombre highlighting technology (other names - balayage, degradation) is the creation of a smooth transition from more dark shade at the roots to lighter at the ends. In this case, the color gradation can be quite noticeable, for example, from black to white.

Usually this coloring is two-tone, but sometimes three colors are used. In this case, the clarity of each color individually and the blurriness of the transition between them are important.


This type of procedure allows you to create an imitation of natural sunburn on dark hair. For blond hair it is used much less frequently, since the effect is not so noticeable. It is also used to disguise gray hair if its amount does not exceed 30%, and to smooth out the contrast of colored hair with regrown roots.

The procedure is attractive because it does not take much time (up to 1 hour), and it can also be used natural dyes(henna and basma).

French (majimesh)

Highlighting performed with ammonia-free cream paint on a wax base. It is considered one of the most gentle types. Allows light curls give golden, pearl and nutty shades, but it is not suitable for dark hair, since intense lightening does not occur, but only a slight color change. But it is precisely because of this that blonde hair acquires an amazing shine and looks much brighter and more voluminous.

For such coloring, either one shade or a combination of several different tones can be used.

Californian (Venetian)

This is a gentle type of hair highlighting, in basic features similar to shatush, but distinguished by a variety of different color combinations. Can be used over rich shades, and the palette of colors used for this procedure is much wider. In addition, it can be used not only on dark hair, but also light brown or, for example, dark blond.

If amber or golden strands are created on dark hair, then such highlighting is called Venetian.


This type of coloring is suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women who want to add color to their look bright colors. To shade hair, from two to five colors from red, brown or red are used. Although in Lately This “autumn” palette has been replenished with very bright shades. The most daring ones can do highlights in green or purple tones.

With this type of highlighting, the strands can have a wide variety of thickness and width. Transitions are possible both soft and sharp, contrasting. This is one of those types of highlighting where, in principle, any dark-haired woman can choose the ideal option.


Unlike all other types, this non-standard coloring gives not only beauty, shine and volume to the hair, but also a certain extravagance to the entire image of a woman who has decided to radically experiment with her hairstyle. It could be bright colors, And original way color separations, and color solutions for atypical haircuts.

There is no clear stylistic demarcation between these types. In terms of color, it stands out as something that has been very fashionable lately. highlighting “Salt and pepper”, creating the effect of almost gray hair.

You need to have even more courage to do multi-colored highlights, dyeing the strands, for example, green, blue and pink tones. There may be one color, but it is quite bright and sharply different from the general tone of the hair. These are the coloring options offered by such style directions, How creative, avant-garde, Crazy colors. At the same time, “crazy colors” can set off individual strands, or be applied chaotically, and even create certain patterns (for example, Colloring parrot - the colors of a parrot, or stencil patterns - waves, circles).

More calm in color scheme highlights in style contrast and diagonal. In the first case, vertical lines of bright, contrasting tones are created (for the most daring - white plus black). Diagonal highlighting involves a specific separation of partings: vertically or at an angle. At the same time, in the classic version, the color scheme is not too saturated, but always contrasting. If this technique is used to create avant-garde or creative images, then the tones are chosen much brighter.

Which type of highlighting should you prefer?

When choosing a type, you should definitely consider:

  • hair condition;
  • main color;
  • hair is natural or already dyed;
  • hair length;
  • haircut type;
  • eye color;
  • color of the skin.

It's all very important points, and if you make the wrong choice or ignore any of them, you may be disappointed in the final result. It is unlikely that you will cope with this task on your own for the first time, and an experienced hairdresser will definitely tell you which option will suit you best.

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If you want to radically change your image, we dye your hair completely. This way you can hide gray hair, change boring color or highlight new hairstyle. Highlighting can help you create something special, depending on its type and the effect you want to achieve.

Coloring. What should you pay attention to?

Women are rarely happy with their appearance. And the easiest and most harmless way to correct it is to change your hair color. Although they must be treated with care and attention.

And here the question naturally arises: “What is better – highlighting or full coloring?” After all, painting involves changing the natural color. Which means we are changing natural structure hair

Coloring is the application of a coloring composition to the entire volume of hair. Naturally, the traumatic effect will be greater than if you used another technique - highlighting. After all, here the paint is applied only to individual strands.

Leading cosmetics manufacturers coloring agents They use ingredients in their formulas that minimize the destructive effect, thereby making the coloring process safe.

If you have thin, split ends, brittle problem hair, then even the most safe paint cannot guarantee results. In this case, it is better to resort to the services of professionals who will advise the right paint And necessary cosmetics care

If your hair is in great shape– try painting them yourself if you really don’t have time to visit a salon. The technique of monolithic staining is not complicated.

Read the instructions for use carefully and follow each step:

  • do a sensitivity test if you use it cosmetic product first;
  • do not increase the exposure time, as this may lead to unexpected results;
  • use moisturizers or nourishing masks after dyeing.

If you want to radically change the color, first consult with a specialist, especially if you have already dyed your hair before. Using a different pigment can give you a completely different color than what the manufacturer promises you.

Highlighting. We take into account the nuances and create a chic image

Highlighting, as a coloring technique, involves applying a coloring composition to individual strands, mixing the main color with its most good shades.

In order to achieve the desired result and create a truly beautiful and complete image, you need to remember the realistic saying of Evelina Khromchenko: “In fashion, it is better to “under” than “over.”

The appearance after this procedure will depend on the following main factors:

  • the original color of your hair;
  • the color in which you plan to dye the strands;
  • technique of casting and winding strands.

If all factors are correctly taken into account and the master performs them to perfection, you will receive a completely new, fresh and sophisticated look modern and a little mysterious woman keeping up with the times.

Fortunately, there are so many techniques for carrying out this process that every young lady can choose the right one for herself.

Let's look at the most common and popular ones.


The strands are dyed along the entire length. The width can reach 5-6 mm. But the thinner the strand, the more natural the hairstyle looks. There is a lot of hair, which is good for those who have sparse and thin hair.

Often after this, tinting is used - coloring to eliminate a sharp color transition. But this is optional.

If you want to achieve the effect of burnt hair, use blonde as the main highlighting product. And tint in pastel, sand tones.

"Salt and pepper"

The technology of a set of strands lies in their frequency. After highlighting, tinting is carried out ashy shades. For modern, strong and stylish woman, which is not afraid of the “gray-haired” effect.

"Sun glare"

Most suitable for this type of coloring natural shades one color. This way you will emphasize the beauty of your hairstyle, without particularly emphasizing that you somehow interfered with nature’s plans for your color.

The effect of natural, shiny and strong hair in which I got lost sunny bunny- this is what such highlighting guarantees you.


Game of contrasts

Do you want to add volume to your hair? This method is for you. Several colors contrasting with the main color are selected and applied in a chaotic manner to strands of varying widths.

Blondes, this coloring definitely won’t suit you.

Reverse highlighting

This method is used if you have done highlighting very often, and the original drawing has been lost. Or if you're tired of your look and want to go back to your original style.

This is a very painstaking process that should only be done by experienced craftsman to achieve the desired result.

Highlighting and coloring - these two procedures have always gone and go side by side, because they are very similar in their creation, but only their result is very different. There is no need to explain that highlighting is the coloring of individual strands. And coloring implies a complete replacement of the natural color without exception. This article will analyze which technique is better, provide arguments in favor and against both, and show some photo examples.

First, you need to clearly see the difference between highlighting and hair coloring; for this, I suggest first looking at a photo of highlighted hair.

Highlighting never completely colors the curls; some part always remains untouched, this way the balance and depth of the original color is achieved.

In fact, good highlighting can be chosen for any woman, even the initial hair color is not important. After all, among them you can always find the one that suits you.

Pros of highlighting

  1. Firstly, this great opportunity choosing a color that matches your original one. You can also take even non-standard colors such as blue, pink, etc. In this case, you can choose suitable shade so that even the brightest color will not look vulgar;
  2. Possibility to carry out the procedure at home. Indeed, if you are determined and confident in your abilities, then why spend extra money in the salon when you can buy all the necessary ingredients, which, by the way, are freely available in any specialized store. After that, gain theoretical experience and begin practice. Of course, home crafts will not replace a professional salon one, but this is a matter of taste. After all, sometimes, unfortunately, even in the salon you come across ignorant hairdressers;
  3. Possibility of flushing. Highlighting is just that cosmetic procedure, it will not stay on your hair forever. After two or three months, you will notice that the color of the paint has faded and is slightly smudged, then you need to either go back to the salon to tint (finish) the work, or wait some more time and the paint will wash off on its own. This good property this procedure for those who are disappointed in it, for more quick disposal can be used special means or ;
  4. Wide choose types of procedure. Indeed, Californian, French, Venetian, Majemesh, partial ones, you can’t count them all. But we can definitely say that if standard highlighting does not suit you, then you can always choose another one.

What about coloring?

And now that you have learned the main advantages of highlighting, you need to take a closer look at the essence of coloring and its advantages, so it will be easier to decide what to choose - highlighting or coloring.

Firstly, this procedure There are two types: complete staining and incomplete. It is not difficult to guess that with full hair, all hair is dyed the same color without exception. And in case of incompleteness, only part of the hair is dyed, one or several, for this method characteristic .

Pros of coloring

1) Firstly, with the help of coloring you can completely change your natural color hair beyond recognition, so this perfect way change your image. In addition, as you have probably already noticed, the color can be not only standard, but also bright, provocative, like pink and purple; colors can also be combined, but for this you need to be sure that they are in harmony together;

2) Secondly, coloring lasts longer than highlighting, we must admit this. But for painting, most often they try to use cheaper paint so as not to waste money, then this paint contains ammonia. But, for example, for dark color hair dyes are natural dyes and do not harm the hair;

3) Thirdly, the effect is still washed off. Be that as it may, after about six months you definitely need to go, either tint your roots and curls, or continue to stubbornly wash off your new image.

What is better - highlights or hair coloring?

Both of these procedures, of course, in addition to their advantages, also have disadvantages, which will now be discussed.

Firstly, hair always grows, especially in at a young age, but no longer colored curls grow back, that is, a few months after the procedure you need to arm yourself with medications again and trim your choice.

The next minus is the composition of the paint. You may not always have good luck with the salon, and your hair will suddenly turn out to be unstable to ammonia. Yes, it preserves the durability of the dye, but is very harmful to the structure and condition of the hair. If possible, it is better not to use it.

Now it is worth noting that the color you choose will not always turn out to be exactly what you imagined it to be. As often happens, it may turn out to be too “weak” and will not be able to completely cover your permanent color; it is also difficult to choose suitable paint on already colored or highlighted hair, but this is also possible!

Video selection

Hair highlighting (photo) in fashionable color 2017 is a popular trend. Women all choose partial coloring, so the hair after the procedure becomes interesting, multifaceted and natural. What colors for highlighting are in fashion today? How to choose them? What technique is used to apply dye to hair? We will learn about all the nuances of the procedure from professional stylists and hairdressers.

Fashionable hair colors of 2017

Women always take the choice of hair color responsibly, since success depends on the appearance of their hair. By changing your image, you can express your mood, individuality, and emphasize your character. It is also important that the color suits your type of appearance, otherwise you will end up with an awkward, spoiled image. Therefore, even in pursuit of fashion, listen to your common sense.

So what do stylists offer us?

  • Main trend of 2017– naturalness. Therefore, it is better to choose shades that are as close as possible to your natural hair color.

  • Blondes They are unlikely to ever go out of style, so pay attention to light shades of paint. By the way, it is with the help of highlighting that you can quickly and safely move from dark hair to light.

  • Brunettes Also, to obtain a multifaceted color, highlighting should be done.

  • Playing with a variety of shades will give you the contrast that is trendy this season. Pay attention to California highlighting and other types, which we will talk about in more detail a little later.

  • If you want to become a red-haired beast, you can easily create a bright sunny look with the help of strands of orange, red and yellow colors.

  • Shades that are far from natural can be used in as a last resort, for example, to create interesting image for Halloween or other costume party. But for this it is not necessary to do long-lasting salon highlighting. You can use regular tinted shampoo or fashionable hair chalks today.

As we can see, with the help of highlighting you can improve your natural hair color, making it deep and multifaceted. But what if you want to completely transform your hair? In this case, pay attention to the favorite colors of 2017:

  • all shades of light brown;
  • burgundy or wine;
  • ashen;
  • honey, nutty;
  • copper or copper-red;
  • beige, wheat and golden;
  • sand;
  • cappuccino, coffee, coffee with milk;
  • brass, blond;
  • black with glitter;
  • shades of red.

Advice! To make highlighting really look good on your hair, contact a master colorist rather than an ordinary hairdresser. He knows how to combine shades and combine them harmoniously with each other.

Choosing a fashionable hair color based on your appearance type

Unfortunately, it is not enough to just choose the color you like and paint yourself in it. If the shade does not suit your color type, it can play a cruel joke, for example, make you look older or highlight facial skin defects. Therefore, it is important to choose shades of strands that suit your color type. Let's find out together how it is.

  • Brown-eyed girls winter color type , that is, for owners of dark hair, stylists recommend paying attention to deep brown shades, coffee or chocolate.

  • For girls warm color type With brown eyes , that is, owners of light natural hair, hairdressers advise creating a playful image using red tones. A striking example of such highlighting is the hair of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina.

  • Green-eyed girls You need to choose the brightness of the shade according to the brightness of your eyes. Linking to skin type is optional.

  • Beauties with blue eyes You should pay attention to ashy, milky, chocolate and silver shades.

From the above we can conclude that to emphasize natural beauty eyes and skin can be achieved with the help of correctly selected shades for highlighting hair.

Current types of highlighting 2017

Everyone knows that highlighting helps transform your appearance without drastic color interventions. But few people understand the difference between the types of this coloring technique. You will receive absolutely different effect depending on the width of the dyed strands, the number of shades used and the frequency of dye application.

Let's consider each type of highlighting separately.

  • Classical technique considered the most natural. It has remained at the peak of popularity since its invention. Suitable for women of any age. The strands are evenly lightened along the entire length using dyes until desired shade. The thickness and width of the strands depends on the desired end result. Hair with strands colored thinly and often looks more natural and elegant.

  • Venetian highlighting involves coloring the middle and ends of the strands with smooth transition. In this case, the strands are colored randomly, and not consistently. Thanks to this, they become visually thicker and more magnificent. The technique is most suitable for black and brown hair, but fair-haired ladies also use it. The advantage is that there is no need to regularly adjust the coloring, since the artist immediately retreats a few centimeters from the roots. When they grow back, it looks natural and harmonious. You can dye short and long strands.

  • California highlighting has become popular recently. After the procedure, the hair is created with the effect of bleached hair in the sun of Californian beaches. Sun glare and steel characteristic feature technology.

  • American technology involves the use of several shades of paint. To get spectacular hair, stylists recommend using as many similar shades as possible. This way you will make your haircut as natural as possible. It will look rich and interesting.

  • French highlighting– a real trend of the season. It is considered the most gentle way to dye strands, since the dyes do not contain ammonia, but do contain beeswax, restoring the structure of curls. Beige, walnut, light brown, honey, milk, wheat, golden and light brown shades are ideal for technology.

  • Zonal highlighting differs by highlighting only the top strands in order to emphasize the crown or other individual curls.

  • Avant-garde and creative highlighting fits brave girls who use bright unusual colors to highlight individual strands. Hair coloring is acceptable horizontal stripes or in the form geometric shapes, animal prints. Extraordinary individuals who want to stand out from the crowd use this technique.

  • Balayage– the technique of coloring the ends emphasizes the silhouette of the haircut and looks great on the hair different lengths. The most popular this season is two-tone coloring, which uses natural shades of coffee, light brown, chocolate, beige, honey, nut, wheat, and amber. These shades combine harmoniously with each other and create original composition on a haircut. The “flame effect” looks impressive and fashionable when strokes of red, red, golden or copper-honey color are made on the ends of dark hair.

  • Peek-a-Boo technique involves the use of bright and dark shades at the bottom of the haircut. Brave girls choose bright colors. But even the usual shades should contrast with the top layer of hair.

All proposed types of highlighting are suitable for transforming dark and light hair. The main thing is to apply the paint correctly and maintain it certain time. A professional hairdresser can easily handle this.

Root highlighting should be highlighted separately. Masters resort to it to correct already grown hair. In Californian and Venetian dyeing of individual strands, regrown hair is not as noticeable as in the classic one. The defect must be corrected in a timely manner so as not to look sloppy.

Advice! For highlighting correction, go to the same specialist who initially performed the procedure. Because every hairdresser has his own unique style.

Features of coloring short hair

Women with short hair often complain about what they can't do for themselves. original hairstyle, which will help you stand out from the crowd due to the length of your curls. But in fact, only insecure people who are afraid of various experiments with appearance say this. Each short haircut can be radically transformed with the help fashionable highlighting. This coloring technique not only makes the image interesting and original, but also improves the appearance of the hair, visually adding additional volume to it.

Most suitable techniques for highlighting short hair: Californian, French and balayage. Let's consider options for different short haircuts:

  • on an extended square Classic technique also looks good;
  • asymmetrical bob looks interesting with contrasting bright strands, for example, red;
  • pixie haircut chosen by bold, extraordinary individuals, so it is decorated with unusual green, lilac or red colors;

  • You can add volume to a bob haircut using technology Peek-a-boo;

Especially for short strands The two-tone highlighting technique is intended. During its reproduction, the master uses two shades of the same range, which contrast with the main color of the hair. The color purple looks bold and daring.

Advice! We remind you that this year the demand for naturalness and naturalness is growing, so strong contrast on curls is not relevant now.

How to choose colors for highlighting?

Before you do highlighting, discuss with the artist what colors you want to use. He can advise the best option or use your idea.

  • On blonde hair highlighting looks feminine and beautiful. Avoid intense shades to avoid creating a vulgar look. Choose a paint that is several shades lighter than your natural color. Ash blondes better to choose shades cold palette, and will revive golden curls honey color. Natural blondes You should pay attention to the nutty and caramel tone.

  • On brown hair Blonde strands also look good. They enliven and refresh the image, make mature woman visually younger. But since light brown is an intermediate color, drawings also look great on it dark paint. You will be transformed by red, honey, red and golden shades.

  • On dark hair , as a rule, chestnut, light and dark strands. It all depends on what image you want to create.

  • Highlighting black hair looks unusual and extravagant. Stylists do not recommend using this technique on your own if you do not have experience in color. Most often, on black hair, light is achieved using an oxidizing agent, so an unexpected result may result.

  • Enhance the beauty of red hair shades of red and blue-black will help with highlighting. The technique of burning out in the sun also looks quite original and unusual.

Advice! If during the procedure you feel a burning sensation on your scalp, interrupt the process immediately. This means that the dyes are too concentrated and can cause damage to the hair.

Every woman dreams of looking better than everyone around her. To feel more confident, girls go to beauty salons. Hair coloring is one of the most popular procedures. Highlighting and coloring are the most known methods staining. But many do not know their differences, and therefore cannot choose the most suitable one for themselves. suitable image. Today we will talk about the difference between highlighting and coloring, what their features are, and we will also determine which coloring method is most suitable for you. First, let's talk about each method separately.

Hair highlights

Highlighting is a procedure in which a hairdresser total mass selects several strands of hair and lightens them. If you don't want drastic changes or you just need to hide your gray hair, then this coloring method will suit you.

You can choose yourself how many bleached strands there will be, how wide they will be and how much they will contrast with the rest of the hair. Highlighting is suitable for any hair color except black, since in this case the result looks ugly.

If we are talking about how highlighting differs from one, we need to highlight the main features of each procedure. After that, you will choose for yourself what suits you. So, the features of highlighting:

  • The strands do not change color, but simply lighten.
  • The strands can be chosen to any width and lightened a tone or several.
  • It is not advisable to do highlighting on black.
  • Highlighting is suitable for people of all ages.
  • The highlighting procedure is easy and can be done at home yourself.
  • There will be no sharp transition from one color to another.

So, if you want to experiment with your image, but do not dare to make drastic changes, then highlighting is suitable for you. Now let's talk about coloring.

Hair coloring

Coloring is a more serious procedure. It is quite difficult to do it at home on your own. The technique involves saturating some strands with a color that is sharply different from its own shade. This is the main difference between highlighting and coloring, the features of which are expressed in a sharp transition and a more complex coloring technique.

But do not think that the result of this procedure is expressed in extravagant appearance. You can dye your strands either bright or natural color. So, coloring features:

  • You can dye the strands any color.
  • Most often, this technique is used by people under 25 years of age, since the result looks very unusual.
  • Coloring is very difficult to do on your own; for this you need to use the services of a professional hairdresser.
  • Possible with coloring abrupt transition from one color to another.
  • Coloring can be done after highlighting.
  • It is possible to combine different colors and shades.
  • The procedure can severely damage your hair if done incorrectly or if you buy low-quality dye.

So, we have analyzed the essence of each technique, it’s time to move on to the fundamental differences and understand their essence.

What is the difference between highlighting and coloring: the essence of each process

Before moving directly to the coloring technique, it is worth highlighting the main differences between each method:

  • Highlighting is exclusively lightening the strands, while coloring is full-fledged coloring.
  • looks good at any age, and the coloring looks ridiculous on people over 28 years old.
  • Highlighting does not spoil the hair much, unlike coloring.
  • The result of highlighting does not look as bright and unusual as coloring.
  • While highlighting can be easily done on your own, coloring requires the work of a professional hairdresser.

When you have decided on desired result, understand the essence of the procedure, and what the result will be, and what to choose: highlighting or coloring, carefully study what the coloring technique is for each of these methods.

Highlighting: coloring technique

As noted above, highlighting can be done at home. The technique for performing the procedure is as follows:

  • Divide your hair into several sections.
  • Separate a strand of the desired width from the total mass of hair and apply lightener to it.
  • Wrap the strand in foil, then let it sit for the required amount of time. This usually takes 10-15 minutes.
  • Work through all the desired strands in the same way.
  • Rinse off the bleach.
  • Apply to hair healing mask or balm.

Thus, the technique is simple and does not require additional effort.

Coloring: coloring technique

Coloring cannot be done on your own, as you risk not only getting an unpredictable result, but also severely damaging your hair. In general, the staining technique is as follows:

  • Form several thin strands that you want to dye.
  • Lift your hair from the back of your head and secure it with a hair clip.
  • Separate a strand, place it on foil and apply the desired dye to it.
  • Fold the foil to prevent the dye from bleeding onto other hair.
  • Work through all your hair in this manner.
  • After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the paint.

The complexity of the procedure lies in the fact that many shades are used during coloring, so it is difficult to combine them beautifully on your own.
