Color type of appearance and selection of colors. What are the types of appearance and how to determine your type? If the color doesn't suit you

Surely every woman has found herself in a situation where a fashionable, beautiful, well-tailored thing, which, it would seem, should fit perfectly, does not paint at all. Wearing it as if you are getting old, the face takes on a tired look, the skin looks uneven, and bags and circles under the eyes appear especially clearly. The reason for this is not at all the cut and style of clothing, the reason lies in its color. Yes, it is in color, and not in the fact that you did not get enough sleep or got sick. It turns out that the right tone of the thing and even makeup helps to emphasize all the best that nature has awarded you and at the same time look younger. But if it is done incorrectly, the effect will be quite the opposite. Of course, choose the most suitable color You can do it by trial and error, but it will be a very long and tedious process. Significantly simplify the task will allow the definition of your appearance color type.

How to determine your appearance color type

It is customary to distinguish four color types of appearance corresponding to the season. They are determined based on the combination of colors in appearance. skin, irises of eyes and hair. By correctly setting her color type, every woman will be able to easily choose a palette of tones for her wardrobe, which will most advantageously emphasize her appearance and make her look even more spectacular and attractive.

Determining the color type using draping

The term draping refers to the application of various color samples to the face. It is in this way that professionals prefer to determine the color type of appearance.

Stock up on scraps of fabric that have different colors and shades, the more there are, the better, if it is difficult for you to find shreds, you can use things from your wardrobe and the wardrobe of your loved ones, in last resort you can take and colored paper. Next, cleanse your face of all cosmetics and stand with a mirror by the window so that daylight hits you. Now alternately apply different colors to your face. When doing this, pay attention only to your face, and not to the fabric that you apply.

The color suits you if:

  • makes small imperfections invisible;
  • does not dominate, but rather harmonizes with appearance;
  • evens out skin tone.

The color does not suit you if:

  • gives the face an unhealthy shade, makes it too dark, dull, pale, reddish or greenish;
  • dominates, that is, at first the color is visible, and only then only you;
  • emphasizes wrinkles, unhealthy blush, bruises under the eyes, etc.

Thus, select the tones that suit you the most. Try to determine which colors are closer to you warm or cold. If warm - you belong to the autumn or spring color type, if cold - then your color type is summer or winter. Then, with the selected shades, repeat the procedure again. Compare the colors selected after this with the tones corresponding to a particular color type. More detailed tables with such tones will be presented below.

This procedure can be facilitated by using a computer. To do this, you need to take a picture of yourself (but keep in mind that the photo must be of high quality and clear, with undistorted colors), then upload the photo to your computer. After that, using paint or photoshop, apply to your image various colors. But be aware this method, is not as effective as the previous one, because the camera may distort the hues.

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How to determine your color type by external signs

To many, determining the color type using darping may seem like a very troublesome task. To simplify the task somewhat, you can use another method. First you need to establish what kind of skin tone you have - warm or cold. To do this, prepare a sheet of white paper, then, as in the previous method, remove all cosmetics from your face and stand with a mirror under daylight. Apply the sheet to your face. If after that the skin becomes olive, bluish or brownish with a pink tint, its type is cold, this is inherent in the summer and winter color type. If it turns golden, yellowish, light peach or brown with golden hue, its type is warm, this is inherent in the autumn and spring color type. After that, you can determine your belonging to a particular color type. Consider the features inherent in each of them.

Among Russian women, the summer color type is very common. Its owners, as a rule, are fair-haired, the shade of their curls can be either very light or almost brown, but always with an ashy tint, there are no red tones in it.

The skin of such women is quite light with a barely noticeable transparency and often with a slight blush, it can be pinkish, milky pink, milky white with a bluish backlight, with an olive or grayish tint.

The eyes are usually blue-gray, green, hazel, green-gray, light blue or blue-green. Eyebrows are often light, but ash and dark blond are not uncommon.

When choosing outfits, representatives of the summer color type should give preference to cool, “watery” tones. All shades of gray, muted greens and blues, turquoise, smoky blue, sky blue, lilac, lilac, lemon yellow, raspberry, mallow, raspberry red, pink, hot plum, brown pink, color ripe cherry, gray-violet, aquamarine. But such women should refuse beige, golden, orange, apricot, red, brick, rich green, snow-white and black colors.

For makeup, it is recommended to use soft and natural tones. Shades of pastel, gray and cold smoky shades are well suited, combined with dark brown and blue mascara. For lip makeup, do not use warm and very bright colors, it is better to give preference to pale plum, red-coral and pink shades.

Snow White can be considered a bright representative of the winter color type. Such women have dark hair, the shade of which can range from dark blond to black with a bluish tint. Their skin is very light in porcelain or milky tones, sometimes it can have an olive or bluish undertone. The eyes are usually bright with intense pigmentation, the color of the iris can be blue, blue, green, gray, dark brown, black.

“Winter” women are best suited for outfits in cold tones. It can be black, silver, emerald, blue, gray, turquoise, steel, cold lilac, inky purple, white, ruby, coffee, burgundy, rich pink, blue-violet, aquamarine. Warm green, orange, light yellow, golden, red-brown shades are considered unsuitable.

Each person has his own color type of appearance: winter, spring, summer, autumn. A certain color scheme in makeup, hair color, clothes - can transform beyond recognition. WITH correct colors the skin will acquire a healthy glow, the eyes will become more expressive, and the lips will glow with sensuality. In addition, a well-chosen wardrobe by color will help divert attention from flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Let's talk in more detail about how to find out your appearance color type by hair, eye color, skin tone. We will see examples of women in the categories summer, spring, winter, autumn. Find out which palette is right for you: warm or cold. And if you are not sure that you have correctly understood the color scheme, at the end of the article you will find a test to determine the individual color type of appearance. You can get accurate diagnostics for free.

What is the appearance color type?

Probably, everyone noticed that putting on a certain thing, the eyes flash with fire, and the face is refreshed. Or, on the contrary, an unsuccessful element of the wardrobe gives the skin gray shade and creates a generally tired look. This is what right choice suitable colours.

Appearance color type- the natural palette of man, embedded in natural color hair, eyebrows, eyes, skin tone, her tendency to tan.

Stylists have developed a classification that has a parallel with the seasons. So, each person belongs to a certain species:

  1. Winter- pale porcelain skin or swarthy with a cold undertone, dark hair, bright eyes.
  2. Spring- warm shades on the face, wheat or hazel curls, bright eyes.
  3. Summer- cold blondes, ash strands, pale pink skin, greenish eyes.
  4. Autumn- red beasts with peach or honey skin tone and olive or blue eyes.

In addition to color, each color type of appearance is determined by a cold or warm natural palette in a person. So autumn and spring are characterized by warm shades, and summer and winter - cold. A detailed description helps to choose colors for an individual image: clothes, hair color, makeup palette. Correct shades will always be in harmony not only with appearance, but also with each other.

Appearance color typeremains unchanged throughout a person's life. No matter what changes a person undergoes: he changes the shade of his hair, the color of his eyes with the help of lenses, tans or brightens his face - the color type remains unchanged. It is also worth noting that there is no mixed types appearance.

Description 12 appearance color types, examples, colors

Each person clearly belongs to a certain color group. The palette changes, like the climate of the seasons: soft, natural, bright. Let's take a closer look at the extended classification.

Appearance color type: winter

This type includes spectacular girls with bright natural data, which are characterized by contrasts.

Hair: brown, black with an ash or blue tint, sometimes there is a cold, bright blond. Excluded golden hues. Eyebrows and eyelashes in tone with strands.

Color of the skin: pale with a porcelain or bluish undertone and a slight blush, prone to sunburn. There is another type: swarthy, olive skin, acquiring an even, dark shade when tanned.

Eyes: deep, bright, with a clear outline. The palette is diverse: green, blue, gray-blue, brown, pitch black.

Lips representatives most often pale color or with an olive undertone.

There are also subtypes of the winter color type:

  • Natural. This includes girls with pale skin of a cold tone, as well as chestnut hair.
  • Dark. Representatives from dark skin, almost black hair with a blue tint.
  • Bright. Contrasts prevail in appearance: bright eyes and dark hair, cold blond and blue eyes, or Brown eyes and pale skin.

Appearance color type: natural winter
Appearance color type: dark winter
Appearance color type: bright winter

The natural beauty of the winter color type is adequately emphasized by cold, bright shades: black, blue, gray, white. Will suit blue pink colors. Tones are also favorable: lilac, wine, lemon, emerald, chocolate. It is better to give preference to monophonic things with strict lines no floral prints. Add accent bright accessories and makeup.

It is worth abandoning neutral, muted shades: pastel, peach, as well as a golden-red palette. Such colors in clothes will blur the brightness of the appearance, making the image nondescript.

Appearance color type: spring

This is the warmest and most light look. Representatives of the category - gentle and air girls, which are characterized by a muted natural palette.

Hair: shades vary from light wheaten to hazel, but in any case with a golden sheen. Over time, the tone may darken, but it will still give off a reddish tone. The strands are often curly. Eyebrows and eyelashes in tone, or slightly darker than hair.

Color of the skin: Ivory, light milky, peach or golden undertone. Thin, delicate skin with a pronounced blush on the cheeks and golden freckles. On fair skin tan lays down with reddish tint, golden tones darken to bronze.

Eyes: light brown, green, pale blue, gray, but in any case, a light palette.

Lips: from pale peach to scarlet.

The spring color type has subtypes:

  • Soft. This type is considered classic spring with blurry smooth transitional shades.
  • Gold. It is considered transitional from "spring" to "autumn". It is characterized by golden-reddish hair.
  • Bright. This is the transition from winter to spring. There is a contrast between skin and hair. The curls can be nutty, and the skin has a milky undertone.

Appearance color type: soft spring
Appearance color type: golden spring
Appearance color type: bright spring

It is recommended for a spring girl to choose fresh, natural colors for outfits: white, beige, salmon, pink, golden, caramel. To give an accent, you can use: lilac, soft red and blue, turquoise shades. When choosing things, it is better to give preference to plain fabrics with discreet prints. Large accents will overshadow the appearance of a gentle spring girl.

Representatives of the category should avoid cold and dark shades, as well as contrasting, clear colors. They will suppress the natural femininity.

Appearance color type: summer

It is considered the most common color type. The palette is cold and saturated, but not contrasting.

Hair: gray-ash, light steel or dark blond, possibly chestnut with a cold tint. No saturated colors. Eyebrows and eyelashes to match the strands. Representatives of this particular category often do not accept their natural mouse color and repaint.

Color of the skin: dark or light, but with a gray-blue undertone: olive, pinkish, milky, gray-brown light freckles may be present. The cover is thin, transparent, redness and capillaries are translucent. Swarthy tones lend themselves well to tanning, porcelain tones burn.

Eyes: pale blue, green, gray-olive, light cognac, blue-green. Shades are dull, blurry.

Lips: pale, milky pink.

There are subtypes of the "summer" color type:

  • Natural. It is peculiar to him cold palette. Girls with earthy-olive or dark blond hair become representatives.
  • Warm. There is a barely perceptible warm undertone, hair light blond or ash blond.
  • Soft. Virtually no difference in skin and hair tone, complete absence contrasts.

Appearance color type: natural summer
Appearance color type: warm summer
Appearance color type: soft summer

To emphasize the appearance of a summer girl will help calm, pastel shades: milky white, beige, pale blue, mint, deep gray, lavender, ice blue. You can create an accent thanks to red-coral, raspberry, light yellow, grassy green details.

Warm and bright shades will spoil the image: orange, gold, lemon, bright red. It is worth giving up clear black and white things, they focus on the shortcomings. In addition, bright colors cross out the natural tenderness.

Appearance color type: autumn

Hair: light or dark red undertone. They can be bright orange, carrot red, cognac, chestnut-copper. The curls are thick, prone to curling. Eyebrows and eyelashes are often lighter than hair.

Leather: light, ivory or honey-peach tones. Brownish-golden freckles are scattered on the face and body, there is no blush. The skin does not darken when tanned, it burns easily.

Eyes: golden brown, cognac, light green, olive, bright blue or of blue color.

Lips: warm coral shade with pinkish notes, there are red ones.

Subtypes of the color type of appearance "autumn":

  • Natural. It is characterized by red shades of hair, yellowish or pinkish undertones of the skin.
  • Soft. Representatives of this subtype have more muted natural shades: light red or golden curls, beige-pink skin tone.
  • Dark. Chestnut-gold rich hair contrasts with light skin or eyes.

Appearance color type: natural autumn
Appearance color type: warm autumn
Appearance color type: soft autumn

To emphasize the warmth and brightness of the girl-autumn will help calm, natural shades: color of foliage, trees, sun. Recommended palette: coral, orange, coffee, beige, mustard, maple, cherry, emerald.

Will give appearance soreness cold shades: cornflower blue, lilac, pale scarlet.

Determining your color type is not difficult. The right palette for makeup and clothes will help you look younger, bring charm and harmony to the image. The natural data will be advantageously emphasized, the shortcomings will be disguised, the emphasis will be only on the merits. I hope this article has helped you figure out individual coloring. For accurate diagnosis you can take an online test that checks the color type.

How to determine your appearance color type: online test

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    What natural color is your hair?

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It is usually customary to divide the natural palette into four color types: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.
However, this is by no means sufficient for exact definition your color type and further recommendations in the selection of clothes, makeup and hair color. After all, there are 12 color types of appearance, not 4.

For ease of understanding, 4 color types are presented on the circle, each of which is divided into 3 subtypes. Colors are also indicated: soft, bright, warm cold and light, dark.

Many of those who have already encountered color types or tried to attribute themselves to a certain color type were able to notice that the recommendations do not quite fit and there are a lot of questions. We will consider all the nuances and describe in detail about each subtype.

In this article, we will look at:

What are the color types
What is coloration?
How to determine your color type?

What is the appearance color type?

Very often, beautiful things or hair color "do not go", but it is not clear why. This is due to the fact that the colors of clothing echoing with natural flowers our appearance either find harmony, emphasizing the beauty, or "clog" us. In the article unsuccessful combinations, you can see how it works and understand why. Also, in order to look perfect, it is important to understand your color, which we will discuss later in this article.

What are the color types?

There are 4 global color types. Each of the 4 color types is further divided into 3 subtypes. Thus, in total there are 12 color types of appearance. Each of them has its own unique characteristics.

So, for example, Summer is Light cold or soft, A Winter subdivided into Dark winter, Cold And Bright and each of them has its own characteristics.

Color types are divided into cold and warm. Cold is Summer And Winter. Warm - Autumn And Spring. What is the difference?

What is the difference between the color type Summer and Winter?

It differs in the degree of contrast between the skin and eyes, hair. predominance dark colors in the color of hair, eyebrows and eyes. Winter is the contrast Summer is a nuance. Color type Winter ideally withstands deep, saturated tones, while the color type Summer becomes beautiful in more gentle, muted tones. Yes, there are lighter representatives of summer and those in whose natural palette there is greater contrast, but nevertheless they are always softer than winter.

The pictures show the difference between the natural palette of a typical representative of the winter color type and the color type Summer. Cold shades remain, but their depth changes from light and medium in summer to the darkest in summer. Winters. The contrast level is higher in winter.

What is the difference between the color type Autumn and Spring?

Both color types are warm, but differ, but differ in the brightness of tones and their mutedness. The image shows the shades that are found in the natural palette. Autumn And Springs. You can clearly see how the saturation and purity of colors change.

In spring, clean, brighter warm shades go, while the color type Autumn warm muffled are more suitable, more thick colors, differing in depth depending on which of the three autumn subtypes they correspond to.

Color type Summer

The summer color type is very common in northern latitudes. Due to its wide range of natural palettes, its representatives can be very different from each other. The main feature of the Summer color type is a cold, muted palette. natural colors very light to medium dark.

The Summer color type is divided into three subtypes: Bright Summer, Cold Summer and Mild Summer.

Bright Summer corresponds to the month of June. The lightest of the summer color types. Is different low level contrast between skin, eyes and hair. Dominated light shades and cold tone. Light skin, may have a reddish tone. Hair from light blond to light brown.

Cold summer corresponds to the month of July. It is an absolutely cold subtype. The coldest among summer. It has an average level of contrast between skin tone, eye color and hair color. Cold shades predominate in appearance. Color type Cold summer is easy to confuse with Bright summer.

Soft Summer is the month of August. Being a cold subtype, it has warm notes, as it borders on Soft Autumn (warm color type). Mild Summer is one of the most interesting, complex subtypes, as it can masquerade as Autumn, Cold Summer, or even Winter.

Color type AUTUMN

The autumn color type is warm season. Color palette Autumn is always warm, but varying degrees brightness and depth depending on the subtype. Autumn is divided into three subtypes: Mild Autumn, Warm Autumn and Dark Autumn.

Soft Autumn corresponds to the month of September. Being between Warm Autumn and Mild Summer, it combines the features of both subtypes. Thus, warm shades meet subduedness, giving birth to a beautiful subtype, key feature which is softness.

Warm autumn represents the month of October. The brightest and warmest among autumn. Beautiful representatives of this season have greenish, hazel eyes, sometimes blue in combination with hair from light brown to bright red. Dark Autumn is the month of November. As winter approaches, a higher contrast between skin, eyes, and hair can be seen. Warm shades characteristic of autumn become deeper and darker. That is why sometimes you can confuse dark Autumn and Dark Winter. However, Dark Autumn can always be identified thanks to small nuances.

Color type WINTER

The winter color type is the second most common in Russia. Winter is a cold color type, distinctive features which is the color depth and very high contrast between the eyes, skin and hair. This color type is very interesting for the differences between the subtypes. Winter is divided into: Dark Winter, Cold Winter and Bright Winter.

Dark Winter corresponds to the month of December. The main feature of this subtype are deep, dark colors in appearance, not without reason it is called Dark. However, adjacent to Dark Autumn, it can have warm notes in its palette. For example, the tone of the eyes may be with amber patches, the tan may be golden.

Cold winter is the month of January. The coldest of winter. This subtype is devoid of warm colors and is best revealed surrounded by clothes, jewelry and cosmetics of cold shades. Eyes Cold Winter always icy, cold dark to medium. And the skin tone can even be a little reddish.

Bright Winter represents the month of February. The characteristic of this subtype is already in the name itself. Basic hallmark are bright colors. These are bright irises from light, medium to dark. Eye color is always clear, radiant without muted tones. Bright look perfect saturated colors in clothes, while the contrast between hair, eyebrows and skin is very important.

In order for makeup to be flawless, to make your face rested and radiant, and not tired, painful and tortured, it is important to choose the right color scheme for it. The choice of colors in makeup depends on the type of appearance. What are the color types and how to understand which one is yours? Let's try to figure it out!

The concept of a color type is a combination of skin tone, hair shade, color of lips, eyes and eyelashes. There are four main types of seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

  1. Winter women have a bright, icy beauty - their appearance is exquisitely contrasting, it should also play on contrasts, here it’s suitable that on girls of other color types it will look too bright and even vulgar.
  2. The girls are fragile, charming, graceful and light. Soft skin, illuminated from the inside, is their main decoration, so makeup should not be too plentiful and overloaded.
  3. The appearance of the girl is modest, feminine, calm and non-contrasting. By choosing the right makeup palette, you can turn the Summer Lady into a shining diamond.
  4. Sensual representatives radiate a special magnetism and natural charm. warm, natural colors in their makeup emphasize the depth of the image.


Each of the four appearance color types is divided into three subtypes according to the following criteria: cold - warm, soft - clean, dark - light.

Criteria "cold - warm"

Cold color types are Winter and Summer, and warm ones are Spring and Autumn.

Main features cold colors :

  • Skin is pale beige shade with a grayish undertone or soft porcelain color;
  • Eye color is often blue or gray-blue;
  • Hair ashy shades without warm undertones, without impurities of reddish and reddish colors, or vice versa black and cold dark chestnut tones.

warm colors are characterized by:

  • peach or golden skin, often with freckles;
  • Green or brown color of the iris with golden rays or sparks near the pupil;
  • Hair with wheaten, honey shades, with reddish or reddish-brown tints.

Criteria "soft - clean"

Summer and Autumn are considered soft, non-contrasting types of appearance, and Winter and Spring are considered clean.

For soft types are characterized by the following features:

  • The whole image is soft, non-contrasting, as if in a light veil or haze;
  • Eyes of muted tones: hazel, soft gray, gray-green;
  • Hair is often neutral blonde or light brown.

Character traits pure types :

  • A large degree of contrast (for example, between skin tone and hair tone or eye and eyelash color);
  • Bright, juicy, sparkling eye shades, bright white squirrels;
  • Hair is also bright pure tones, can be both light and dark.

Criterion "dark - light"

The dark types of appearance include Winter and Autumn, the light ones - Spring and Summer.

The main nuances of appearance for dark colors :

  • Golden beige or olive skin;
  • Dark, rich, deep eye shades;
  • Her hair is either dark or steel grey.

Light color types have the following characteristics:

  • Light thin skin, freckles are sometimes possible;
  • Eyes of soft, discreet colors;
  • Blond hair, sometimes with light red reflection.

So, we get twelve types of appearance, each of which has its own characteristic features:

Determine your appearance color type

You can find out which of the above types of appearance you belong to yourself at home with the help of a couple of tests for which you need to carefully prepare:

  • Alone, it is quite difficult to evaluate yourself objectively, so it is better to call someone to help;
  • The test is best done in a bright room without bright furniture in natural neutral light so that colors and shades are not distorted;
  • The skin must be thoroughly cleaned and jewelry removed from the face;
  • Clothing must be neutral colors, it would be even better to bare your shoulders;
  • If the hair is dyed, it should be removed under a soft white scarf;
  • The mirror should be located near the window.

Several ways to determine cold and warm colors:

  1. The first method is simple and does not require any auxiliary tools. Look at inside your wrist. If the veins on your wrist are cold blue, then you have cold color type(you are Winter or Summer), if they are greenish, then your subtype is warm (you are Spring or Autumn).
  2. For the next test, you will need a white sheet of paper. Bring the paper to your face. If in the background white sheet your skin seems pinkish, bluish, pale pink, then you belong to the cold color of your appearance. If the skin seems yellowish, brownish with a golden hue, peach, then you can safely classify yourself as warm.
  3. This time you will need gold and silver jewelry. Take turns bringing the jewelry to your face. If next to a gold product your skin looks fresh, and with a silver one it looks dull and gray, then you belong to a warm color type, if vice versa, then to a cold one.
  4. The most "delicious" way for which you need an orange. Bring it to your face: the complexion has become brighter and lighter, and the bruises under the eyes have become less noticeable? So your coloring is warm. If skin defects have become even more pronounced, and the skin has acquired a grayish tint, then your coloring is cold.
  5. For this method, you will need fabric scraps. different colors. First, a fabric of warm pale salmon color and cold fuchsia color is brought to the face in turn. In which case your face looks fresher, your eyes begin to shine and minor flaws appearances are hidden? And in what case do you look tired, your face fades and turns gray, your features seem to blur? If the salmon color emphasizes your assets, you are a warm subtype. If fuchsia has given you a radiant, rested look, you are a cool subtype.

After it becomes clear to you whether your coloring is cold or warm, you can determine what your color type is: if your coloring is cold, then who are you - Winter or is it Summer? And if the color is warm, are you Spring or maybe Autumn?

To be stylish and fashionable, self-confident is the cherished dream of a self-respecting woman. beautiful things and perfect makeup, excellent taste is not the only thing worth betting on. Appearance color types are an important nuance on which the total effectiveness of the bow depends.

How to determine your appearance color type?

Updating your wardrobe, you have noticed yourself or heard from others more than once that one color of the rainbow makes you more beautiful, younger, while the other adds age, reduces the sparkle in the eyes, although it goes well with your wardrobe. It's all about the notorious color types. This is the name of a gamut of colors suitable for a particular person, which is in harmony with the external data that nature has endowed from birth.

Appearance color types are actively used by various specialists, whose the main task- effectively transform. These are stylists, designers, makeup artists, hairdressers. But it doesn’t hurt for any representative of the fair sex to get acquainted with their own characteristics for the competent construction of a wardrobe, masking imperfections and revealing strengths.

Appearance color types - description

As mentioned above, the color types of any appearance are determined according to which pigment prevails in a person. This is expressed in skin tone and eye color. And although each of us is absolutely individual and unlike the others, 4 main types of appearance are conditionally distinguished. They are subdivided according to the criterion of the predominance of a tone related to a cold or warm palette.

You can find out which gamma is close to you by correlating your own external data with the established characteristics that distinguish color types female appearance. It will also help to apply cuts of fabric of various shades to the face at the mirror - from light pastel to intense. It is necessary to carefully monitor which tone makes the skin of the face shine, and which gives an unhealthy color.

Appearance color type summer

The most common type in Slavic womensummer color type appearance. Such a girl is distinguished by the delicacy and fragility of features; sharp contrasting transitions of tones and colors are not characteristic. Although along with this, in some cases, inexpressiveness and even plainness of features are noted, but competent makeup will help correct this situation, making the face bright and memorable.

It is easy to determine the same summer color type if you take into account some typical signs:

  1. Hair. For the "summer" natural shades in light brown are typical: pale ash, ash white, light chestnut, chestnut-ash, medium blond, that is, a tone without a redhead.
  2. Leather“summer” girls are sensitive, look transparent, capillaries and small veins are often visible. It is white with a delicate pinkish undertone, it can be beige-pinkish, porcelain, pale olive. In spring and summer, some faint freckles appear.
  3. Eyes. In the "summer" representatives of the fair sex, the mirrors of the soul are diverse, but invariably have at least a faint grayish-yellow blotches: blue, light blue, gray-blue, greenish, hazel.
  4. Eyebrows and eyelashes with a blond tint.

Appearance color type autumn

A girl who is attributed to this attention-grabbing color type will never get lost in the crowd, and no one will dare to call her a gray mouse. Bright, as if radiating sunlight, it embodies the charm of expressive autumn in a powerful riot of colors. The appearance is dominated by warm and soft tones with deep shades, not an ounce of fading!

The autumn color type of appearance is easy to identify using a list of characteristic features:

  1. Hair are the pride of the autumn girl: an expressive mop always has a warm redhead: golden, apricot-red, copper, amber, golden chestnut, light brown, honey, red-brown, dark chestnut.
  2. Leather shines with health, but does not have a pink undertone, so autumn ladies do not have a blush, but there is a playful scattering of bright freckles. Often, girls related to "autumn" are white-skinned: transparent white, golden, beige-yellow, peach tone is characteristic. Such skin does not tan well, redness appears.
  3. eye color different, but certainly extraordinary with a golden iris around the pupil.
  4. Eyelashes and eyebrows in girls who can be classified as an autumn color type, they are light, but thick.

Appearance color type winter

If we consider the color types of female appearance, then winter appears to be one of the most extraordinary options. Winter color type appearance is full of contrast and expressiveness, cold beauty and rich colors. Some of the representatives of the "winter" attract attention with catchy, even somewhat exotic beauty:

  1. Hair predominantly thick, shiny, dark, burning black, raven, with a bluish tint, dark brown. rare variant- white, platinum, ash.
  2. Leather variable: it can be very light (alabaster, porcelain) and swarthy (olive, swarthy-ashy).
  3. Eyes fascinate with beauty and contrast between the iris and the snow-whiteness of proteins. Any color is characteristic, but always juicy, bright.
  4. Eyelashes, as well as eyebrows, dark, thick.

Appearance color type spring

Appearance color types are multifaceted, and the “spring” option confirms this. If a winter girl appears in a luxurious form as a fatal beauty, then a spring-type girl looks warm, radiant, cheerful. Sensual and gentle natures in their natural, natural form, where there is no dark tones, are rare. The spring color type of appearance is recognized by the following features:

  1. Hair the ladies mostly have light warm shades: wheaten, golden blond, straw, amber, copper, light chestnut.
  2. Leather very light, but without a noble blue, with a slightly scarlet blush. There is a bronze tone and light.
  3. Eyes, like all other elements of appearance, have only light shades: light green, blue, pale olive, honey. The same can be said about eyelashes with eyebrows.

Selection of clothes by color type

The theory of "seasons", which considers the color types of women's appearance, helps to choose the ideal ones for specific skin, hair and eyes shades and tones in makeup and clothing. And if you follow the recommendations for each color type, you can easily create perfect image, in which even what is considered incompatible is easily and originally combined.

Summer color type - colors in clothes

For girls belonging to this type, the following colors are recommended:

  1. You should not give preference to saturated tones, muted shades are shown, although this in no way applies to the various shades of pink.
  2. The basis of the bow can be deep, but not bright blue, turquoise, lemon tone, as well as shades of gray and purple, lavender.
  3. If you like warm colors, then the main favorite should be Brown color, but it must be combined with bright "neighbors" to avoid boring bows.
  4. Clothing for the summer color type can also be selected according to the monochromatic principle, when several shades of the same color are combined in one image.

Autumn color type - colors in clothes

The bright type, which is the autumn girl, is shown expressive tones, which, at the same time, do not interrupt external data, but emphasize them. The Perfect Palette- natural warm with green color inclusions. It is better if the clothes for the autumn color type are made in the following colors:

  • scorched red;
  • earthy;
  • muted plum;
  • scarlet;
  • dark chocolate;
  • marsh;
  • beige.

Winter color type - colors in clothes

The cold season is reflected in color palette, in which you need to flaunt the girl-"winter". Here you can completely surrender to the contrast in style, without fear to use white and black clothes. Winter beauties should combine the winning combination of black with rich crimson, magnificent emerald, chic azure colors. Emphasizes the beauty that the winter color type has, clothes of noble cold tones: ruby, purple, blue-gray, lemon. From red-orange shades, brown and gold should be discarded.

Color type spring - colors in clothes

The spring beauty goes with bright and radiant tones with a predominantly warm color. To the face are pastel shades, soft, delicate, calm: caramel, salmon, peach, sand, golden. You can experiment with various shades red, orange, blue and purple. At the same time, clothes for the spring color type should not be too dark, so as not to worsen and make it dull and faded.
