How can you make your wish come true. Himself a goldfish or how to make a wish to make it come true


To make a wish come true, you need to ask, believe and accept

As they say in the fundamental book about the fulfillment of desires "The Secret", in order for a desire to be fulfilled, you need to start the process of creation, consisting of 3 successive steps.

The process of creation used in The Secret is borrowed from the New Testament.

This process is extremely simple and will help you create what you want in just three steps.

I will give credit to this book, and I will say that, despite its popularity and mass character, really the right things are written in this book.

Important! The creation process is really simple. And if you apply it exactly, you can get everything you dream of.

Step 1: To make a wish come true, you need to ask

Lisa Nichols:

The first step is to ask. Command the Universe, the Universe responds to your thoughts - tell it what you want.

Bob Proctor:

What do you really want? Sit down at the table and write down all your desires. Write in present tense. You can start by saying, “Now I am happy and grateful for…” And then explain how you want your life to be in every detail.

You need to not only choose what you want, but also have a clear idea about it. That is your job. If you yourself do not understand what you want, then the law of attraction will not be able to give you what you want. You will emit an inaccurate frequency and the results will also be indeterminate. Think carefully (perhaps for the first time in your life) about what you really want. Now, when you know that you can become anyone, have and do anything and you have no limits - what do you want?

Your asking is the first step in the process of Creation, so learn to ask, make it a habit. If you have a choice to make and don't know which way to go, just ask! You will never find yourself in a dead end, you will always know what to do next - just ask!

Joe Vitale:

It's incredibly exciting. It's like the universe is your directory. You look through it and say, “Oh! I would like to experience this experience, and also to have this thing and meet this person.” You place your order in the universe. Everything is really that simple.

You don't have to ask again and again - just once. It really is like ordering from a catalog. After all, when you order something, you are not tormented by doubts whether your order will be accepted, and you do not repeat it again and again. You do it once. It is the same with the process of Creation.

The first step is to clearly understand and choose what you want. When you understood everything clearly, you have already sent the order - asked.

How to ask the universe for the fulfillment of a desire? Answer in this video

Step 2: To make a wish come true, you need to believe

Lisa Nichols:

The second step is to believe. Trust that what you want is already yours. Let love nourish your faith and make it unshakable. Believe that your desire will materialize.

Complete and absolute faith is required. You must unshakably believe that you have already received what you want. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask for it. You have sent an order and you have no doubt that you will receive it, so you can relax and enjoy life.

Imagine what you want is already yours. Know that what you want will come to you at your request. Don't worry about him, don't worry. Don't think about how much you miss him. Think of it as yours, yours, already yours.

The moment you ask and believe, when you firmly know within yourself that the desired thing or event is already yours, the whole Universe is changing so that it manifests itself in the reality around you. You must think, speak and act as if you are already receiving it.

Because the universe is a mirror and the law of attraction reflects your dominant thoughts. Therefore, you need to imagine how you are already accepting what you want. After all, if in your thoughts there is a consciousness that you have not yet received your “order”, you will continue to attract non-receipt, absence.

You must believe that you already have what you want, that it is already yours. In order for the Universe to reflect the pictures of your imagination in the form of life events, you need to radiate the frequency of receiving what you want, create such a feeling in yourself.

And when you do this, the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

When you book a vacation trip, a new car or buy a house, you know in advance that these things are yours. You will not book another tour at the same time, you will not buy a second car or house. If you have won the lottery or received a large inheritance, you know that this money is yours even before you take it into your hands. This is what it means to believe that what you want is already yours. This is the feeling of having what you wanted. Believe and feel that whatever you desire is yours.

Then the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

How can you bring yourself to that kind of faith?

With the help of imagination.

Be like a child: fantasize, believe in the imaginary. Act like you already have what you want, and you'll begin to believe you've got it. The genie answers your main thoughts all the time, not just the moment you ask. That is why, after you have asked, you must continue to believe and know. Believe that you already have what you want; unwavering faith is your greatest strength.

Once you manage to believe it, then the magic begins!

You can get what you want if you know how to mold what you want in your own thoughts.

There is no dream that will not become a reality when you learn to use the power of Creation and allow it to work in you.

If a method works for one person, it will work for everyone.

The key to strength lies in using what you have... freely, fully... and thus opening channels through which even more of the power of Creation will flow into you.

Joe Vitale:

The universe will begin to re-arrange itself so that what you want to happen will happen.

Jack Canfield:

Most of us never allow ourselves to want what we really want because we don't know how to get it.

Bob Proctor:

Even a little research will clearly show you that everyone who has achieved something did not know how he would do it. He just knew that he would definitely do it.

Joe Vitale:

You don't need to know how it will happen. You don't need to know how the universe will rearrange itself.

How this will happen, how the Universe will deliver you what you want, is not your concern. Let the Universe itself do everything for you. When you're trying to work out how it's going to happen, you emit a frequency of lack of faith—you don't believe you already have what you want. You think you have to do everything yourself and don't believe that the Universe will do it for you. "How" is not your part of the Creation process.

Bob Proctor:

You don't know how - but they will show you. You will attract the way.

Lisa Nichols:

It happens that we do not see what we asked for and get upset.

We become frustrated and start to doubt. Frustration breeds doubt.

Acknowledge your doubt and replace it with unshakable faith: "I know everything is going the way I want it to."

Step 3: To make a wish come true, you need to accept

The third step and final stage of the process is to accept. Come on this occasion in a wonderful mood. Feel the way you will feel when what you want comes to you. Do it now.

In order for a wish to come true, you need to be in a good mood throughout the entire process, to feel happy, because when you are in a positive mood, you enter the frequency of what you want.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

Our universe is a universe of feelings. If you only believe with your mind, but do not have the corresponding feelings, you will not have enough strength to realize what you want in life. It must be felt.

First ask, then believe that you have already received what you want, and now you just need to save positive attitude. How to do it?

When you are in a good mood, you are in tune with the receiving frequency. You are on a frequency that attracts all that is good, and you are getting what you asked for.

You wouldn't ask for it if you weren't going to enjoy it, would you?

Then tune in to the frequency Have a good mood and accept what you want.

A quick way to tune in to this frequency is to say to yourself, “Now I am accepting. Now I accept all the good things in my life. Now I accept (insert what you want)." And feel it. Feel as if you have already received what you asked for.

My wonderful friend Marcy is one of the greatest materializers I have ever met. She feels everything. She feels what it will be like to accept what she asks for. Marcy materializes everything with her feelings. She does not try to figure out how, when or where she will get what she wants - she just feels it, and everything appears.

So feel great now.

Once you've managed to turn a fantasy into reality, you'll want to build bigger and bigger fantasies. And this, my friends, is the process of Creation.

Gospel of Matthew:

And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Gospel of Mark:

Therefore, I say to you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours.

Feel the possession of what you want now

The Law of Attraction, its study and application is simply understanding what helps you feel the possession of what you want now.

Ride this car. Go to the store and buy something for your dream home. Try to get into that house. Try to create the feeling that what you want is already yours, and remember this feeling. Everything you do to get closer to what you want will help you literally draw it to you.

When you feel as if you already have it, and your feeling is so real that you believe in having what you want, you will certainly get it.

Maybe you wake up, and what you dreamed about is already there. It showed up. Or you will be illuminated brilliant idea what you need to do to get it. Of course, you shouldn't think, "Okay, I can do this even though I hate it!" This is a false path.

You may have to take some action, but if you are in alignment with what the Universe is trying to bring you, these actions will be a pleasure. You will feel joyful and animated. Time will stop and you will be able to do business all day long.

Action is a word that for many people means about the same as "work". But inspiring action doesn't feel like work at all. The difference between inspired and ordinary action is this: if you act in an effort to get what you want, it is inspired action.

If you try to make something happen, you move away from it. Inspirational action is effortless and feels great because you are on the receiving frequency.

Imagine life as a fast flowing river.

When you try to make something happen, you are going against the flow. You feel it as hard work, as a struggle. But when you act to get what you want from the universe, you feel like you're being carried along by a river. It doesn't take effort. Such is the feeling of inspired action and being in the flow of the universe and life.

Sometimes you may not even realize that you "acted" until you get what you want because the action is so pleasurable. Then you will look around and see a miracle - and understand how the Universe brought you and what you wanted to each other.

The universe loves speed

In order for a wish to be fulfilled, one must not postpone, do not hesitate, do not doubt. When there is an opportunity, an impulse, an inner feeling - act. It's your job. And that's all you need to do.

Trust your intuition, because the Universe itself inspires you.

The Universe speaks to you on a receiving frequency.

If your inner feeling and intuition tells you something, follow them, and you will find that the Universe, like a magnetic field, draws you to receive what you asked for.

You will attract whatever you need

If you need money, you will attract money. If you need people, you will attract those people. If you need a particular book, you will attract it.

You should remember what you are striving for, pay a lot of attention to it: as long as you keep the images of what you want in your mind, you are attracted to it, and it is attracted to you.

But what you want comes into the physical reality with your help, in accordance with the law.

Remember that you are a magnet, you attract. When you have clarified in your mind what exactly you want, you have become a magnet that attracts what you want. It, in turn, draws you in.

The more you practice The Secret, the better you begin to see how the law of attraction brings you everything you want, and the more powerful the magnet you become, because the power of your faith, conviction and knowledge will grow and strengthen.

A quick fulfillment of a desire is the dream of many people who have a cherished goal and have tried many ways to realize it. If the wish does not come true, you can turn to magic, which, subject to all conditions, will help bring the cherished minute closer and contribute to the realization of the dream within 1 day. What can I do to make my wish come true quickly? To do this, you can use the power magical rites, conspiracies, prayers, mantras, and also wear talismans.

Conducting a ritual with candles and a paper sheet

This ritual is one of the simplest. It allows you to fulfill even a child's desire. To implement it, you will need:

It is necessary to perform the ceremony, taking into account the following instructions:

  1. A dream is described on a piece of paper, then it is placed in a fist, the following phrase is pronounced: “No one will know what I made, it will come true, otherwise there will be no business.”
  2. A lump of paper is burned in a candle flame with the words: “Fiery flame, hidden power, make everything that I desire come true on the same day.
  3. The resulting ash is buried in the soil.

To carry out the plan, you can’t tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Full moon ritual for quick fulfillment of desires

by the most strong ritual, accelerating the process of fulfilling a desire, is the one that takes place during the full moon. For carrying out it is required:

  • high density paper sheet;
  • saucer;
  • a candle bought in a church;
  • Red pen.

To carry out the ceremony, you must:

After the fulfillment of the desire, the ball is heated and poured into the water. Then everything spills out the window.

Summon Dwarf Wizard

It has long been believed that once in your entire life you can ask the Dwarf Miracle to fulfill your most cherished desire. In order to call it, the following attributes are required:

The ritual is performed near the mighty oak:

  1. One end of the thread is attached to the tree.
  2. A man takes a skein of thread, begins to bypass the mighty trunk. At this time, you should say: “By the power of this age-old oak, I call the Wonderful Dwarf. It is not the wind that sways the leaves, but the Miracle is breathing on me.
  3. When the foliage on the tree begins to sway, you need to get coins and treats. The gift is thrown under the oak trunk with the words:

“Wonderful, great is your glory, how great is this oak tree. I believe in your strength, I ask for help. Make my wish (clearly pronounced dream) come true in 1 day. I will give you gold and sweets for this, take it, for mercy.

Then you need to turn away and move away from the tree, while you can not turn around.

A conspiracy to water so that a wish comes true quickly

In order for the wish to come true quickly, you can perform a ritual with clean water. To implement it, you must use the instruction:

  • AT morning hours water is collected in the container, which is left until dusk.
  • Before going to bed, the following phrases are pronounced three times:

“The water is clean, well. You keep a secret power in yourself. What you need, you fill with life, and otherwise you drown forever. Give me the strength to fulfill the cherished, but the desired to receive. Fill with strength and revive, do not drown my innermost. Not to the detriment, but for the good, not to someone, but I need it. Amen".

  • Then you need to wash yourself with a charmed liquid.

After reading the plot and washing, the person takes three sips and goes to bed.

Wish Fulfillment Minute

It is believed that once a day, only 60 seconds, a connecting channel opens between the worlds. At this time, there is an opportunity to ask for the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Calculate right time can be done as follows:

At the onset of the golden minute, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the desire and sincerely believe in its implementation.

Rules for making wishes for the new year

A wish can quickly come true if you make it in the New Year. For this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. On a paper sheet in red ink is displayed cherished desire.
  2. At midnight, to the sound of the chiming clock, the paper is brought to the candle flame and burned. In this case, the candle should be red.
  3. The ashes are placed in a glass of champagne, the drink is stirred and drunk.

At the same time, during the procedure, you should think that the desire has already come true. You need to have time to complete all the action before the end of the chiming clock.

The power of the mantra

You can accomplish your plans with the help of a mantra. To do this, you need to find her audio recording. It is best to learn the mantra by heart, and then chant it yourself.

This procedure helps to relax the body, fills the energy with favorable vibrations. Together, these effects allow you to quickly fulfill the desire.

The power of the tree crown

There is another effective way that will help the dream come true. To do this, you need to stand under the crown mighty tree, pronounce your desire in full detail. Then the person needs to jump up and try to reach the branch. The procedure is repeated twice more, while during the jump you need to try to get a higher branch.

Such an action helps a person to train his will, thanks to his concentration. While jumping, a person helps his desire to be fulfilled.


A personal talisman will help to fulfill the desire. Absolutely any object that brings good luck to a person can be used as it. The selected item should be constantly carried with you, and when pronouncing a cherished desire, believe in its power.

To determine your talisman, you need to take your favorite personal items with you in turn, watching how the course of life events changes. Those things in which a person is surrounded by success are his talismans.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires

Believers can ask God for help in fulfilling their cherished desire. At the same time, it is necessary to visit church often and read prayers. You should also turn to God outside the church, thanking him for all life changes.

To fulfill own wish, you can refer to a specific saint. One of them is Nicholas the Wonderworker. To fulfill a desire, you must come to church and read a prayer to this saint.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Do you think that the realization of your dream is impossible? But no! Any wish can come true, the main thing is to make it right. With the help of a simple technique for fulfilling a wish, you can make any of your dreams a reality. If you are ready to meet your dream, then start right now!

Wish Fulfillment Technique

First of all, you need to find out exactly how wishes come true, and what needs to be done for this. The days of genies and firebirds are long gone. Now a person can independently achieve whatever he wants. To do this, you just need to talk about your dream of the Universe. How to do it? Everything is simple - with the help of the power of your thought. Here step by step algorithm wish fulfillment technique that will allow you to make your dream come true.

  1. Your desire should concern only yourself. You do not need to think of something for your friends or relatives. They themselves can ask the Universe for help. There is one more condition in the technique of fulfilling desires - the realization of your dream should not harm the people around you, including your enemies. Goodness and joy should come from your dream. Only positive emotions and thoughts will help you fulfill your desire in the shortest possible time.
  2. Your desire must be formulated in the present tense. For example, if you want to buy a house, then write like this: "I have a house". Incorrect formulations of this desire look like this: "I want a house" or "I will have a home". Another condition - no denials! If you want, for example, to get rich, then your wording should not contain negative particle"not". Wrong: "I don't want to be poor." That's right: I'm rich.
  3. Write down your desire on a piece of paper and be sure to set a deadline for the fulfillment of the desire. When would you like to receive what you want? Year? Month? A week? Write the exact date when your wish should come true.
  4. Describe your desire in detail. The more specific, the better. It is much easier for the universe to fulfill dreams that come to it with clear requirements and formulations.
  5. After that, you need to fix your desire with a charm phrase: “Let everything envisioned enter my life and bring me joy and happiness. May it be so!"
  6. A piece of paper must be burned and try to forget about the performed ritual for the fulfillment of desire. You just need to let go of your dream and not think about it for a while.

Will the Wish Fulfillment Technique Help You?

Your desires will be fulfilled only if you take the above ritual with all seriousness. You must be truly confident that your dream will come true within the time frame you set.

In addition, in order to translate what was conceived into reality, you need to muster up the courage and try to make at least some effort to implement your plan. The Wish Fulfillment Technique will not help you if you are inactive. The universe will never lend a helping hand to a lazy and indifferent person to his life.

If you really want to change something in your life, then act! You will succeed if you believe in yourself and start persistently achieving your goals. After the ritual for the fulfillment of desires, you may be surprised at how many new opportunities the Universe will give you to realize your dreams. We hope that this wish fulfillment technique will help you to realize your plans. Tell us in the comments what you are doing to make your wishes always come true and don't forget to press the buttons and

How to make a wish come true? This simple and very effective wish fulfillment technique will not take you much time and is suitable for daily use!

To make your wish come true one hundred percent, follow 3 simple steps

1. Formulation

First of all, before conducting the wish fulfillment technique itself, you should come up with a wording desired result. No visual representation, only wording!

First there was the word, right? It should be one sentence, no more. If you want something else, repeat the wish-fulfillment technique the next day, or, alternatively, create more capacious statements. For example: “Let me and my family have a wonderful day tomorrow”, “Tomorrow I will pass the exam perfectly”.

As you can see, the wording can be precise and general - they should reflect what you want. But let me remind you that by formulating more precise “orders”, it will be easier for you to notice the result. Close your eyes and think about what you really want.

2. Vacuum

The second step in making the wish come true is to create a vacuum¹ in the head. Try to completely get rid of thoughts for a few seconds. This will help you focus on any horizontal line(I often use the top border of the window).

The horizontal line is needed in order to disperse your attention along it, without concentrating on any point. Your gaze should be scattered along the line, and your head should be empty. Keep the blank in your head until you hear a slight "whistling" in your ears.

This is the state we need! Even a few seconds are enough, two, three, five - wonderful! Even a couple of moments in the early stages is enough.

3. Request

Immediately after the whistle in your ears (or after reaching complete silence), after holding this state for a couple of seconds, mentally pronounce your wording from the first step. Ready!

Important clarification

In order for a wish to come true, it is best to carry out the technique of fulfilling desires before going to bed, but if you suddenly fall asleep, do it immediately after waking up.

However, it is still better to practice this before going to bed so that the Universe has more time to prepare events. If you remember, even Vasilisa the Wise worked miracles at night.

This method for the fulfillment of desires is extremely simple, and always works. I often share it with my friends and always use it before exams. As a result, there is not a single four in my diploma, but only five!

A lucky break, a lucky ticket, a teacher came out, a sudden automatic machine, or an insight when answering a ticket. Always the fulfillment of desires happened in different ways.

Later I began to use this method for any of my desires. Even “celebrating a birthday in Paris” turned out to be subject to this method! The main thing is to clearly articulate what you want!

To summarize - a brief algorithm of actions

To make your wish come true, you:

  • Formulate in advance the desired result in one sentence.
  • Create a vacuum in your mind.
  • Immediately mentally pronounce your wording.

That's all! Wish you luck!

Each of us wants to have some kind of magical tool that will easily translate into reality whatever you wish. Jeans, goldfish, magic wands… They must be somewhere! How to make a wish come true?

Don't worry about thinking. All these tools for the fulfillment of desires have existed for a long time. Moreover, they are available to everyone! And for those who use them, all the doors of the Universe are open.

Magic by Science

Remember fairy tales with the main characters, who just like that fall on their heads a gift of fate: gold fish, a genie from a bottle or falls into the hands of a ring with three prospectors. What do all these lucky people have in common? Never thought?

But everything is simple. All of them were "pure in soul", like Aladdin and rejoiced simple things: the stars in the sky, the clear sun, the loaf of bread. That is, they observed the abundance of the universe around and sincerely enjoyed their lives. Truly, "there is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it."

What does it mean to "be pure in heart"? There is an explanation in the New Testament from Jesus: "Be like children." That is, live today and rejoice like children to everyone bright day. And believe in miracles. Young children do not tend to be offended for a long time, delve into the past, or do something out of spite. They always justify themselves and do not live with guilt. They play what they like and love everyone around them.

But how to return yourself to a state of eternal play and lightness? This is especially difficult to do when there is nothing to feed your children, nothing to pay for the apartment and there is no way to replace leaky shoes with new ones. The good news is that if you are reading this article, then you are already on your way to a new life.

And very soon the lamp with the genie will fall into your hands. Or rather, you already have it (and always have), you just need to change the angle of view and you will immediately find it. You “remember” how to make the Universe do what you need with a snap of your fingers, and not your boss, husband (wife), mother-in-law, etc.

There are a few efficient technician how to become a master again (wizard, child):

It is clear that you need to play your dreams in order to inner child(so charming and mega-talented) helped you with this. But first things first. Before embarking on virtual-real magic, you need to decide: what do you want?

How to choose the right dream

A person becomes a person only thanks to other people. It is a fact. There are many experiments and evidence on this topic. A person brought up without the participation of other people will never be able to speak, walk correctly and be in society.

But besides skills little man a way of thinking, habits are imposed (alcoholics become only in society), faith in oneself or disbelief, aspirations and, of course, desires.

Most people who want the fulfillment of "their" dream, after its implementation, come to the conclusion that a lot of precious time has been spent. And what they got - they do not need at all. Have you ever thought, perhaps the Universe does not give you the desired car, apartment, cottage, beloved Vasya Pupkin from the next entrance just because you don’t really need all this? Therefore, you should not ask yourself how to make a wish come true right now.

To determine the truth of the desired goal, there are two ways to check:

As you can see, separating true desire from false is not difficult. And it will save a lot of time. If you look, then all people are chasing "chimeras". What we want today is yesterday. It was yesterday that we wanted a house and vacation in Cyprus. It often happens that when an object falls into the hands, it does not call out the delight that once excited the imagination.

Buddhist monks say that for a happy life we ​​need to look not for specific things (handbags, trinkets, cars, houses), but for the state of flight. It is spiritual awe that will indicate the real values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are worth striving for.

How to Revive Your Goal

If you have already decided on your desires, have a decent list of 30-100 orders to the Universe, get ready to create. Perhaps it will be unusual. First. Understand, the inner master slept for a long time, they always waved him off, they did not believe him. And he, as unnecessary, settled in a distant dark corner of your consciousness next to dust and cobwebs.

So the initiation...

After you have decided, you need to correctly write down what you want. It is important. Materialization is like the birth of a baby. Everything must be in place, otherwise the fetus will not take root.

The basic rules for writing goals can be summarized as follows:

Awakening of the "Master" or Simoron

All simoron rituals aimed at removing the framework that a person sets for himself. Our brain is so arranged that it is difficult for him to get out of his comfort zone, even if it makes you rich and successful person. The mind takes a long time to settle down in new conditions, but when it gets used, you cannot pick it out with forceps from its familiar place.

These restrictions are easy to remove if the usual orders are slightly changed. The template will break. At this moment, you need to push new idea to the head. It will take root there, and the brain will begin to implement it.

There are many Simoron techniques, they are all creative and invented by people in the state of the "master". All techniques work and give amazing results. When you understand the meaning of the rituals, you can easily invent them and even share them with others.

Simoron's technique "rewriting a biography"

Since simoron is playful magic, it allows you to mock at the most serious things. Over your destiny . You will need:

  1. Paper, pen and 10-15 minutes of free time.
  2. Get ready to create. We will create our own destiny in real time. Let your imagination run wild! You can take as a basis a single episode from life, a whole life from the very beginning, or imagine something new.
  3. You need to write in real time - now. As if you are describing what you see.

Start by listing yourself as an incredibly lucky person. If you are looking for a job, then describe the day you were accepted into the most advanced international firm. For example, like this:

"Today is one of my many happy days in life. Today I found best work which I could not even dream of. In the morning, I received a call from Super-Happiness-Megaprom OJSC and was offered a position - a salary corrector for directors of banks around the world. The work is difficult, but interesting - to share the salary and transfer most of it to my fund "For a Dress and a Handbag". The whole team met me very cordially - they were waiting for me, dreaming about me. I have a large office with a view of the Eiffel Tower.”

There are no limits for fantasy. Walk your brain through the expanses of your Universe, beautiful and endless. Changes will begin almost immediately - from your well-being and further along the chain into reality. Everyone who used this focus noted real positive changes in life: someone found a job, someone else found a soul mate.

It is better to write successful, rich and beautiful life. And the realities will catch up. Thus, you can get married or win at a casino, and then donate this money to charity. Whatever your soul asks for, give it.

By the way, to interesting fact came brain wave scientists: our mind does not distinguish between what actually happened and what the imagination painted. The neural signals in both cases are the same.

Alpha rendering

An excellent technique that not only helps the implementation of the plan, but also trains the imagination, develops the power of thought and extrasensory abilities.

The whole focus of technology is in the ability to relax as much as possible. This state is achieved through training. Alpha - the name comes from the relaxed state of the body, in which the brain emits alpha waves. Scientists claim that alpha relaxation has a direct impact on events.

The meaning of practice is complex and simple at the same time. For those who find it easy to consciously relax, it is easier to visualize the desired object. Those who do not know how to calmly be in one position will have to practice. So, what needs to be done to make a wish come true:

After practice, you will feel a surge of strength and confidence that the goal is in your hands. It will become completely clear to you how to fulfill a desire in 1 day.

A collage on whatman paper helps a lot to work. On the big sheet stick different bright pictures with desires that can be cut out of old magazines or printed. The collage needs to be periodically adjusted: add new pictures, sign and color. Approach the topic creatively, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Practice "Glass of Water" by V. Zeland

Simplicity reminds Simoron rituals. This is probably why our people liked the method and quickly spread on the net. Many write that water helps to fulfill a wish in 1 day. V. Zeland (the author) took the information properties of water as assistants. It's simple:

  1. A glass of ordinary drinking water is taken.
  2. Your cherished desire is briefly written on the sheet, a glass is placed on top.
  3. A glass of water should be hugged with your hands, without touching the walls. Mentally fill the water with energy. You can imagine how the water begins to glow. Enough 1-2 minutes.
  4. After you feel that you have had enough, drink water. Be sure - the wish will come true.
  5. To enhance the effect, you can leave the water at the bedside for the night, and drink it in the morning.

Try different methods, look for what needs to be done so that the desire is instantly fulfilled. Remember, a thought is material, you just need to help it become a reality faster. After all, any thinking person endowed with power, you just need to practice a little magic.
