How to play Santa Claus to impress a child. What suit to choose, how much does it cost and where to buy it? How to be Santa Claus, if before that you are sitting on a holiday in a normal way

We will not talk about corporate parties, school matinees and Christmas trees in kindergartens, because professional actors like Ivan usually do this. They prepare large programs in advance with different numbers, songs, games and competitions. And you'd better start with apartments.

Meeting with customers

Before congratulating, one of the parents will meet you at the entrance and give you gifts, and sometimes a letter to Santa Claus. The child writes the letter in advance, but the parents do not send it by mail, but hand it to you. And then you show it to the child and say that you received it and now you are fulfilling the desire.

Parents also say what order you should give to their child. For example, a person reads little, often eats harmful chips and sweets, behaves badly in kindergarten. How did you know this? Magpie on the tail brought. And you order him to eliminate all these shortcomings and oversights by the next New Year. It is strange, but children often fear and respect an outsider Grandfather more than own father, so they try to fulfill the promise.

Appearance in front of children

After a secret meeting and conspiracy against the child, the parent returns to the house, and ten minutes later you appear. “Children should have a feeling of the magic of the holiday, so it’s better to start working with your voice from afar: “Hey-gey! Oh-ho-ho!" So that even from behind the door the children feel that something magical is approaching, - Ivan explains. - In general, the moment of appearance is very important. Father Frost should inspire respect and awe."

Meeting program

Entering the house, you say a short greeting poem, then you can start getting to know each other. Do not try to lisp, only the Snow Maiden can afford it. And do not put children on their knees, as in Western films about Christmas: we do not accept this. It is possible only in exceptional cases, if the baby burst into tears and the parents cannot calm him down themselves. It is possible, but not necessary, to put the child on a stool and listen to poetry. The main thing is to have a dialogue. As for the duration, you yourself will feel when it's time to leave. On average it is 10-15 minutes. Further, the child can no longer wait to do the gift, and you are no longer needed.

The target audience

Children from 4 to 10 years old. There may even be 12-year-olds, although Santa Claus is usually not invited to them. But they can be in the company of guys different ages if you were called, for example, to congratulate the children of the company's employees. Older children should not scare you. Although they do not believe in you, they usually play along and do not interfere with the joy of the younger ones. In general, the more children, the better. Have fun. They are less embarrassed, behave more relaxed. Adults usually call Grandfather to corporate parties. Don't think it's easier with them than with babies. Children do not get drunk and do not allow vulgar jokes like "Santa Claus, show us your staff." In addition, children rarely dare to tear off Grandfather's beard, but drunken women very often.

The Force Awakens

One festive enthusiasm and external persuasiveness is not enough. The main quality of Santa Claus is that he should not be afraid of children! Do not get lost, do not be embarrassed and always be ready for any surprises. For example, children are very shy or have a fight and cry. Or they dropped the Christmas tree and do not want to get out of the closet. In general, it is better to prepare in advance for the fact that the children will be disgusting. To the fact that they will declare from the threshold that the beard is wadded, and you are not real. And they just don't want to talk to you. You have nowhere to retreat, otherwise it will be a shame. Therefore, confidently stick to your program, deftly adjusting it to the situation. Don't want to talk? And it is not necessary. Then I will give all your gifts to my grandmother. And so that you do not know what is in the boxes, we will now go to another room with her. Believe me, curiosity will force even the most vile children to cooperate. But your attempt to play by their rules will immediately ruin everything. The main and supreme deity in New Year- Santa Claus, that is, you, so be able to prove it to them and to yourself. It is you who should fix everything and make everyone rejoice.

Thanks to the Hollywood Christmas epics, Santa has more or less taken root with us. On postcards, you can sometimes see Santa Claus with deer or Santa with the Snow Maiden. But the personal visit of the host of the New Year is a conservative matter. If according to our tradition it should be Santa Claus, then let it be Santa Claus.


Don't be scared if you start to turn into a real Santa Claus. Intonations unusual for you will appear, your voice, gait, attitude to the world will change. This means that you succeed. Rejoice.

Do you need a Snow Maiden?

“On the one hand, yes,” says Ivan Lakshin. - It is easier and more fun to work with her, because small children are sometimes afraid of Santa Claus and quickly find contact with the Snow Maiden. And than less age children, the more necessary it is. She can squat, Grandpa can't." On the other hand, mothers of children do not really like to invite call girls to the house, where for some reason they also enroll Snow Maidens by default. Dads sometimes like to invite Snow Maidens, but only without Santa Claus, not to the child and not home. And that's a completely different story.

External effects

This is just as easy: the most different variants available in online stores. It is better to buy everything in advance, because closer to the New Year, some positions may end or delivery times will increase. On your feet you can buy ordinary felt boots - the simpler the better. Because of the dirt on the street, do not forget about galoshes.

The nose and cheeks should be red and the eyebrows white. Makeup can be bought, for example, here: Removes with one move. wet wipes, but by the end of the New Year's campaign, eyebrows can really turn white.

Every child dreams on New Year's Eve to meet Grandfather Frost, who will come to visit him, congratulate him and give him the desired toy. Create for kids fabulous atmosphere can on their own by asking a grandfather, father or family friend to try on the role of Santa Claus.

Getting ready in advance

First of all, you need to believe yourself that you are Santa Claus. As they say, get used to the role. Children are attentive and very impressionable people, so even the slightest falsehood or insincerity will quickly be figured out. And first of all, your eyes can give you away. Habitual look native person you will not confuse with any other. Therefore, if you need to play Santa Claus for children four years old and older, it is better to disguise yourself well. To do this, use a beard and thick eyebrows, and even better, put on glasses - after all, grandfather is old and already sees poorly.

Also pay attention to your hands: wedding ring, watches, bracelets - everything needs to be removed. If there are tattoos or noticeable scars, look for mittens. Pay attention to shoes too. Santa Claus cannot come to visit in dad's shoes or house slippers. If there are no suitable felt boots, build covers for your shoes from cotton wool or some kind of fabric.

In the Mister Christmas collection you can find not only the necessary props for the role of Santa Claus, such as a cap and a bag for gifts, but also the gifts themselves: a symbol of the year, mechanical and Stuffed Toys, Railway, music boxes and more. And, of course, think in advance what you will say to your child. And even better - rehearse so that the child cannot recognize the native intonations of a strict dad or grandfather.

Follow the script

The most difficult thing in the role of Santa Claus is the script. It must first be invented, and then rehearsed. No need to memorize the role down to every word or use a cheat sheet, feel calm and confident. It would be nice to start your greeting with some verse.

I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is already on the way

And will be on your doorstep soon!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!

After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone has a gift

Carefully packed in a bag
Tied up, packed brightly

After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales by January.
And this is all I give you!

Be sure to prepare several contests, game moments, in which you can involve not only children, but also adults for general fun. Riddles about winter, Santa Claus, forest animals, which children love very much, will help to defuse the situation. For each correct answer, you can give out small presents or tangerines, sweets. Well, and, of course, a symbolic round dance around the Christmas tree, or in the center of the room, if the green beauty is standing against the wall.

After all the songs are sung, the poems are told, and the gifts are distributed, it's time for Santa Claus to leave and dad (or grandfather) to return. For persuasiveness, say goodbye loudly to the child, taking from him a promise to behave well throughout next year. Go down to the first floor and exit the entrance - it is likely that your child will see you off with a look from the window. Returning to the role of dad is also necessary competently. It's better - with some object in your hands: a cracker, fireworks or a loaf of bread - it doesn't matter. Another thing is important for the child to see that dad was busy just at the moment when Grandfather Frost himself came to visit his child!

The New Year is already approaching, and on the eve of it, my husband and I thought about whether to introduce our two-year-old son to Santa Claus. And if so, who better to entrust to play this role: dad, grandfather or guest actor, and how to give the child more pleasant experience.

Our son is still small, he is only two. So everything new and interesting evokes emotions in him. Not always positive: he may be afraid of something unknown. Therefore, the main thing for us is not to make a splash, but to make a pleasant impression on the child.

Who to play Santa Claus

After serious thought, we nevertheless decided that, since the child is still small, it is not worth using the services of professionals - you never know, the son does not want the bearded Grandfather to congratulate him at all.

Grandpa - a good option, but he sees his grandson quite rarely and does not know exactly what exactly can scare or dislike the baby.

So it was decided to entrust the role to the pope himself. Firstly, he will definitely be able to sensitively react to the emotions and facial expressions of the child. Secondly, he is artistic.

How to give your child a pleasant experience

But, on one artistry you will not go far. For the first acquaintance with fairy tale character passed with a bang, you need to come up with something that can stay in the memory of the child for a long time. And here are the moments we have identified for the preparation of the "impressive" Santa Claus.

He should be very kind, cheerful, and not particularly loud, as is usually customary. I think the kids are often afraid of the funny old man, because he “rumbles” so frighteningly.

2) Costume

Nothing without him. A red fur coat, a beard and a mustache are sold today, perhaps, in every supermarket. We will get the costume "by pull" - grandmother, music director, will bring it from kindergarten.

3) A bag with presents

I think a lot of kids love the moment their parents come home from the store to look in the bags for a treat. Our son is always in a hurry to look, and at the same time to drag the bags to the kitchen. And the bag of Santa Claus, in my opinion, should play the same enticing role.

4) Text

In my opinion, it will be great if our Santa Claus learns a couple of quatrains about winter, animals and kids. Only with the condition that the verses sound understandable to the child words. For example:

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow! (V. Petrova)

Old Grandpa Freezing
With a white beard
What did you bring to the kids?
For New Year's Eve?
I brought a big bag
It contains toys, books,
Let them meet - good
New Years kids!

5) song

As usual, in exchange for a gift, Santa Claus asks the child to tell a poem or sing a song. My son is 2 years old, he is still far from poetry, but he still has some skills now. For example, he likes to show adults how he can jump “like a bunny” or make a “bridge”.

So, if Santa Claus asks him about it, the kid will most likely be happy to show what he is capable of.

6) Present

Should definitely be. I don’t know yet what we will give the child for the New Year, but for sure something that he has long liked: a soft cat, a toy cash register or boxing gloves.

The gift will perfectly defuse the situation if the baby starts to be shy. So, if this happens, and it will be difficult to establish contact with the child “Grandfather”, a gift can be given immediately. After that, Santa Claus will definitely have a chance of success.

7) Santa Claus who came to visit little child should not be intrusive

That is, the baby does not have to be put on his knees and stroked on the head. Some children react very strongly to the invasion of personal space. strangers, so, in my opinion, for a start it is quite enough just to be with the child nearby. Moreover, there must be familiar faces in the room: mother, grandmother.

8) Training

Be sure about a week before the holiday, we will tell our son about Santa Claus and the New Year. We will show cartoons (“Father Frost and Summer”, “Umka”), see last year's photos by the Christmas tree. Let him not be surprised by the visit of such an unusual character.

Knowing that fun and a gift await him, the baby will be ready for the holiday, and, I think, he will be less shy of Santa Claus and get more pleasant impressions from communicating with him.

Will Santa Claus come to you on New Year's Eve?

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Guests are invited to the table 5-10 minutes before the New Year. The host announces to everyone present that another guest is expected. It is very important and you cannot start a feast without it.
The curious are trying to find out who they are waiting for. The host invites everyone to guess the mysterious guest from his description.
Here is the description:

"He's still a child,
Only from diapers.
This guest is welcome for everyone,
The guest is pleasant, long-awaited.
He's rushing towards us, he's coming.
Guest name....

Ingenious guests shout out: "New Year!"
Everyone greets the long-awaited guest with the clink of glasses.


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Create a postcard

We prepare forfeits in advance in which we indicate exactly at what time and what the person who will get this forfeit should do. Before the party, everyone gets one forfeit, unfolds and remembers what he will have to do. The joke is that the action will take place throughout the evening and unexpectedly for those present (for example, one of the guests suddenly starts singing a song about the Christmas tree :-)

Drawings for the New Year

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Create a postcard

New Year's draw

The owner of the house announces to all the guests around midnight that he has just been on the street, another guest has come there, but he is embarrassed to enter the house. The owner says:

The guest is at the gate
But it doesn't fit into our house.
We will invite a guest to the house
We will generously treat the guest.

The owner invites those present to go out to the mysterious guest in the yard and try to persuade him to come into the house together.
When everyone leaves, the owner announces that this mysterious guest is the New Year. The owner offers to meet him with fireworks.


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Create a postcard

New Year's draw

Santa Claus gives each adult guest a box with a gift on which "Happiness" is written. The owner of the table takes the word from the guests that they will open this box with at the end of the feast.
The guests obey, and when each of them opens the box, they find a note in it: “Didn’t you like the meeting of the new year? You were (or were) cheerful today, close, dear people were next to you. This is happiness! Grandfather Freezing."


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Create a postcard

Raffle competition at the New Year's party

For this drawing-competition, several participants are called and they are invited to complete tasks in 2 rounds. In each round you need to be very careful.
1st round:
You need to show a few things: 1) scissors; 2) hourglass; 3) cracker; 4) Christmas tree (words can be any, if new Year party at work, you can pick up words related to the profession).
Then the 2nd round, more difficult:
- Imagine the situation, here is a blind man came to the store. 1) How will he explain what he wants to eat. 2) And how will he explain that he wants to drink. 3) How will he explain that he is looking for a guide dog?
Usually, contestants continue to gesture. The draw is that a blind man in such a situation will explain his requests in words.


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Create a postcard

New Year's draw

On the eve of the New Year, go to the supermarket, take a bottle of champagne from the shelf and discreetly put any elderly customer in the basket, wandering from shelf to shelf for a long time.
When old man will come to the cashier, try to get in line behind him. When the cashier takes the champagne from the basket, the old man will see the bottle and become indignant: "I didn't take it, it's not mine!"
Smile at an older person, say that you planted champagne because you wanted to play it and make
new year gift. Pay the cost of champagne and give it to a pensioner. He will be very pleased.

Drawings for the New Year

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Create a postcard

The best pantomime.

A prank for those who like to make faces.
The host invites volunteer guests on command to throw 2 matches from their foreheads with the help of their facial muscles, throwing their heads back. 2 matches are shown.
Whoever does it faster is the winner.
Participants are seated on chairs, facing the guests. But it is desirable so that they do not see each other (with their backs to each other, or in a semicircle). Then all the participants carefully press the matches to their foreheads. It is said that you can not lower your head and help with your hands.
Then, on command, the participants begin the competition.
The draw is that each participant is pressed to the forehead with one match, and it is said that there are two.


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Create a postcard

New Year's draw

Around midnight, the father of the family leaves the house, leaving a note: "I left for Santa Claus. We'll be there soon."
Mom (she knows about the prank) reads aloud to the little children the note that the father left.
The children are looking forward to their dad and Santa Claus everything time asking when they will come.
At midnight there is a knock on the door. Children shouting "Hurrah!" run to the door. Mom opens the door. Santa Claus is on the doorstep.
Santa Claus gives gifts to children. Children accept gifts, and then ask Santa Claus where their dad is. Dad takes off his Santa Claus costume. Children rejoice.


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Create a postcard

Eternal Gift

To prank your friends who are planning a New Year's party, just one is enough for all the invited ferries to enter into the usual conspiracy.
So every invited couple buys from the same store. small gift, wraps this gift in the same wrappers, hangs the same bow, writes the same words of congratulations, in the same handwriting !!!
When the first comers give a gift, it’s nothing, the second ones too, but when there are from five to ten gifts, it will become very funny for everyone !!!
Happy New Year!!!


In anticipation new year holidays every kid dreams of meeting the “real” Santa Claus, who will come specially to congratulate him and will definitely give him the desired toy. You can create a fabulous atmosphere for your child yourself by asking dad, grandfather or family friend to play a role good grandfather Frost.


  • So, if you yourself decide to please the baby with communication with the wizard grandfather, you should prepare in advance, so to speak, get used to the image. Try to believe yourself that you really are Santa Claus, children are very attentive and impressionable natures, even the smallest of them easily catch falsehood and insincerity.
  • Often dad or grandfather is given out by his eyes: children catch the look of Santa Claus and immediately recognize him loved one. So if you are expecting a meeting with adult children (over four years old), you should definitely take this moment into account. As a disguise, thick eyebrows and a beard are perfect, you can also wear glasses - Grandfather is already old.
  • Pay attention to the hands - this part of the body is also very easily recognizable, especially if ring finger an engagement ring flaunts or there are noticeable scars or tattoos on the skin. Just stay away in mittens.
  • Work on your future speech: this will not only help you get used to the role better, but also allow you to practice changing your voice. Remember, impromptu in this case can be a complete failure. It is better if a critical assessment is given to you from the outside.
  • It is very good if Santa Claus starts his greeting in poetic form. You should not memorize your role by heart or use a cheat sheet, but you should still navigate the “topic”. Also remember that it will be quite hot in the Santa Claus costume, and a pre-prepared text can save you a lot of problems.
  • In no case do not come to visit in your slippers or boots, otherwise the idea with Santa Claus may immediately fail. Most children are surprisingly very attentive to shoes. If it is not possible to get felt boots somewhere, just put improvised covers on your usual shoes that match the costume. For the same reason, Santa Claus should not smell like daddy's toilet water or shaving lotion.
  • The role of Santa Claus will be all the more convincing if, before his arrival, dad defiantly leaves the room. How older kids, the more plausible the version of his departure should be. For example, dad could forget crackers in the car, and went to the garage to pick them up.
  • It's great if the future Santa Claus replenishes his vocabulary with some unusual, old Russian words, phrases from fairy tales. You need to talk with children in their usual language, but at the same time, interspersing words that are amazing for them. So the image will look more complete and believable.
