How to cure nail fungus at home. Consequences of toenail fungus

Nail fungus is an unpleasant phenomenon that can spoil the appearance of beautiful legs. Unfortunately, the disease is widespread. In most cases, fungal infections of the legs do not pose a threat to human health, but they are quite capable of delivering a lot of inconvenience. Every fifth person on the planet suffers from foot fungus.

The disease develops due to the pathogenic bacterium "red trichophyton", which affects the skin of the feet and the nail plate. Other mold candida and fungi are sometimes happy to “settle” to bacteria. As a result of the defeat of the disease in humans, the body's resistance to external adverse factors decreases, metabolism worsens. Timely treatment at home will help to effectively cope with the disease, especially at an early stage.

It is quite possible to cure the infection with folk remedies. These are simple and affordable methods that are easy to use at home on your own.

Effective home treatment recipes

It is required to treat nail fungus carefully, to approach the matter seriously. Many popular effective recipes are described that require the patient's perseverance and patience.

Treatment of onychomycosis at home is a responsible event. To achieve a result, you need to perform the selected procedure or combination of methods daily. Before starting, you should steam your feet and wipe dry. This is a prerequisite.

Hydrogen peroxide - home remedy

Hydrogen peroxide is not an agent that kills microorganisms. Hydrogen solution can stop nail disease and prevent it from developing. Peroxide has deodorizing properties, recommended for treating damaged areas. If you regularly use a hydrogen peroxide solution, the infection on the legs will pass quickly. The composition of the solution is toxic to pathogenic microorganisms. Antiseptic is important to use correctly.

  1. Make a hot foot bath, add copper sulfate to it. Steam your legs thoroughly.
  2. Dry your skin with a clean towel. Especially between the fingers.
  3. It is supposed to soak cotton wool or a disk in hydrogen peroxide and apply to areas of infected nails. Fix the cotton wool with a plaster, rewind with a towel. Keep 45-60 min. The procedure is performed twice a day with a gap of twelve hours.
  4. When the toenails become light, you need to cut off the soft parts of the nail plate and apply an antifungal cream on them.

Additional way. Nail disease will go away faster if you use a bath made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. Take two liters of water in which to dissolve one hundred milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Steam your feet in the resulting bath for 20 minutes. Then wipe the skin of the legs dry, cut off the softened part of the nail with a clean nail file. Then use an antifungal cream. The procedure is performed once a day.

The benefit of peroxide is that the substance can speed up the healing process. Pathogenic microorganisms living on the legs stop spreading. In addition, hydrogen peroxide saves a person from relapse. The advantage of using a hydrogen peroxide solution is that it can be used by pregnant women and children.

Self-treatment of toenail fungus

Treatment of the fungus at home will give a positive result if you follow the doctor's recommendations. As a rule, the infection is treated at home, the main thing is to regularly carry out procedures and take medications (if prescribed by a doctor) strictly according to the prescription in the prescribed dosage. Today, the method of pulse therapy is available to patients. The therapy requires compliance with the rules, is designed for a short period of time, and implies a quick cure. To treat the infection according to the described method, courses of taking antimycotic agents in a strict dosage should be taken.

At home, the disease is treated with the use of ointments, gels, special varnishes, film wraps. Onychomycosis of the skin of the legs and nails is effectively eliminated with the help of fungicidal ointments. If the infection is advanced, before starting the use of funds, the diseased nail should be removed in an operable way. It is required to combine different drugs during the course of therapy. For example, after two weeks of using the prescribed ointment, change it to a similar one in action so that addiction does not occur, the effect of treatment does not decrease. If the nail is completely destroyed, it will take up to a year to recover.

The advanced form of nail fungus requires preliminary laboratory diagnosis. A dermatologist takes a scraping from a patient to determine the nature of the microorganisms (number and type) that provoked the development of the infection. Treatment becomes effective if you combine drugs, ointments, observe hygiene and additionally use folk methods.

Preparations for the treatment of nail fungus

In addition to ointments, creams, varnishes and therapeutic adhesive plasters, drugs have been created in the form of tablets that help (and are prescribed) in advanced cases. Antifungals are inexpensive but effective. Among the drugs are "Ketaconazal", "Itraconazal", "Fuciz", "Terbinafine" and others. With proper therapy, a viral infection of the legs gets rid of in six months or a year. It is especially difficult for pregnant women to tolerate the disease. For them, the course of therapy is prescribed sparing and excludes drugs. It is better to postpone treatment until after the baby is born. Pregnant women should remember that independent actions, including the use of folk remedies, are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

During drug therapy, the doctor prescribes a dosage of approximately 150 mg of an antifungal drug. It all depends on the course of the disease and the general picture of the state of the body.

Launched Form

It is better to treat a diseased nail in a neglected form with a laser. Its benefits are obvious. If medicines and folk remedies do not help, you should use the method. Laser therapy is prescribed and carried out by a doctor.

  • The source of infection of the skin of the legs and nails under the influence of a laser beam is destroyed instantly.
  • The laser does not harm healthy tissues.
  • Four laser treatments are enough to completely get rid of germs.

Treatment with laser therapy is the most effective method, it does not exclude the complex use of medications and the use of ointments.

Consequences of toenail fungus

The disease can lead to unpleasant consequences for the human body. Untimely treatment of nail fungus leads to dangerous complications.

  • Immunity is deteriorating.
  • The body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases decreases, frequent colds appear.
  • Nail fungus infection can enter the bloodstream and lead to damage to internal organs.
  • The skin may develop eczema and dermatitis.
  • There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • An allergy appears.
  • Pain, inflammation of the skin, asthma may develop.

Similar consequences await a person in the case of a running fungus on the legs. Infection in the completed stage is dangerous, it can adversely affect the functioning of vital organs. The risk group includes the elderly, who become more difficult to fully care for themselves with age.

Prevention of toenail fungus

Prevention is considered an effective way to combat a viral infection on the legs.

  • Use only personal pedicure products.
  • A personal towel is required at all times.
  • Do not wear someone else's shoes.
  • To cure a fungus at home is more difficult than to prevent, do not forget to carry out disinfectant cleaning in the common rooms of the house: bathroom, toilet.
  • In the pool, sauna, bath should walk in special shoes. It must be individual.
  • After a bath or shower, it is important to thoroughly dry your feet and toes.
  • If there is a tendency to diabetes, this becomes a factor in the development of a viral infection on the legs. Monitor your blood sugar levels.
  • Wash your feet daily, dry your shoes and change your socks.
  • Wear high-quality shoes that allow air to pass through and do not hinder the movements of the legs.
  • Monitor the quality of products when buying. This is especially true for socks, tights, stockings, shoes.
  • Pay attention to the diet. Due to the lack of vitamins, the body is depleted and attacked by disease. Include vegetables, fruits, berries in the spring and summer menu, and multivitamins in winter.
  • Monitor the condition of your toenails daily, cut them in time when you disinfect the tools.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor. It will help determine the stage of the disease and choose the correct method of dealing with the disease. It is recommended to treat the infection in a complex: a doctor's consultation in conjunction with medicines, ointments and home methods help to achieve a positive effect.

Hello dear readers. Are your feet irritated and itchy? Is there a separation of toenails, their color changes, and swellings form around them? It's a fungus. It can be caused by trauma. The way of infection can be a visit to the bath and sauna, it can be "picked up" when wearing uncomfortable shoes, non-compliance with personal hygiene, excessive sweating of the feet. Children rarely suffer from fungus. Such ailments are more susceptible to people over 65 years of age with an emaciated body, with obesity and diabetes, with gastrointestinal problems and with skin changes due to age. And not everyone knows how to treat toenail fungus at home.Pharmacies sell a bunch of medications, but how to eliminate nail fungus on your feet with unconventional methods?

Here for you are a number of simple recipes for eliminating nail fungus, used by the people for many years.

Toenail fungus - how to treat at home in simple ways

  1. Fill a jar with a capacity of 200 grams with vinegar essence, dip an egg there. Remove the mixture in a dark place until the egg is completely dissolved, use the resulting ointment in the morning and evening.
  1. After steaming the nails, generously lubricate the infected areas with vinegar acid. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day until the fungus disappears completely.
  1. On clean, processed and trimmed nails, drip iodine, and when it is completely absorbed, lower your feet into a basin of water.
  1. Apply to the nail at night a gruel of a thick consistency from a crushed tablet of metronidazole and water.
  1. Put a teaspoon of finely grated horseradish on the trimmed nail and bandage it.
  1. Treat the legs steamed in a solution of soda with water with celandine essential oil.
  1. Cut off a small piece of kombucha and carefully apply it to the nail, bandage this place overnight or cover it with a band-aid.
  1. In the presence of small diseased areas of the nail plates, they should be painted with special varnishes - Loceryl, Batrofen.
  1. Twice a day, for 3 months, apply tea tree oil lotions to all toenails.
  1. Lubricate the sore lesions daily at night with garlic juice and 90% alcohol in equal proportions with the addition of 1/2 cup of water.
  1. Use tangerine juice as a lotion.
  1. Do every two days foot baths from a decoction of milkweed.
  1. Apply a gruel of mashed peppermint and a tablespoon of salt to the places infected with the fungus, fix everything with a bandage.
  1. Use pieces of cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide for diseased nail plates.
  1. Use the juice of grated turnip, do not rinse off the product.
  1. Apply a mixture of peeled husks and vegetable oil 3 times a day to the nails (with an exposure of three and a half weeks and shaking the product from time to time).
  1. Lubricate wounds with orange celandine juice 4 times twice a day.
  1. After steaming your legs, wipe the affected areas of the nail plate with gauze impregnated with a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate.
  1. Use a tampon soaked in medical alcohol for the sites of justification of the fungus.
  1. Take periodically baths for infected legs with the addition of 1 tsp. sea ​​salt per 1000 ml of water. The duration of this course is 2 decades.
  1. Cover the infected surface of the nail with propolis tincture. This recipe for eliminating the fungus is a long process, but after that the diseased nail will have to change to a new one.
  1. Lubricate clean nails and skin with medicinal birch tar and then put on cotton socks. After 2 days, wash everything thoroughly with a bar of soap and re-coat with tar. Repeat the procedure after 7 days.
  1. Hammer common roadside burdock until the juice comes out, tie it to your leg with a bandage and put on a cotton sock. You need to change the compress 2 times a day for about two weeks.
  1. “Tie” thoroughly washed and clean freshly picked rowan leaves to the lesions and change them once a day.
  1. Make a powder for sore spots from small, dried radish leaves. You can pour the resulting powder into cotton socks and change every morning for new ones.
  1. Apply a thick layer of healing clay of medium consistency to the outbreaks of infection and secure everything with a linen cloth. The bandage should be removed before the clay becomes dry, after which the feet should be washed with a solution of lemon. It is recommended to be treated with this simple method 3 times a day, changing the bandage to a new one if necessary.
  1. Dip your legs before going to bed for half an hour in a cooled mixture of 1000 ml of boiling water and 6 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee beans. After the procedure, you must thoroughly wipe everything, put on dry cotton socks at night, and rinse your feet with water in the morning.
  1. Moisten cotton swabs with a solution of 100 g of medical alcohol with 10 g of propolis, then tightly cover the affected nails with them after steaming. Make a fixation with a bandage and change it after a day.
  1. Take an infusion of a mixture of 500 ml of vodka and 50 g of zolotous, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and apply to the affected nail layer two or three times a day every day until you completely get rid of the disease.
  1. Pour one hundred grams of freshly picked blossoming flowers of ordinary lilac with 10 grams of pure alcohol and leave to infuse for two weeks. The resulting tool should be used in the same way as the previous one.

These are unique recipes, the effectiveness of which is confirmed in practice and substantiated in theory.

They have practically no contraindications, as they are applied for a not very long period of time and only externally.

They will cost you much cheaper than pharmacy pharmaceuticals, and sometimes completely free.

With no negative effects on the body, these natural home remedies will heal your nails, returning them to a healthy appearance, and your self-confidence.

Nature has endowed us with many medicinal plants and natural ingredients that can be used to prepare preparations for nails, against their fungal and bacterial lesions.

And those recipes that are given above are not the only ones. Here are some more effective ways to prepare effective remedies.

Nail fungus - effective folk remedies

  1. A mixture of blackberry leaves, horsetail, oak bark, calendula flowers and verbena (each herb - 10 grams), pour 1 cup boiling water, boil. The resulting remedy is taken orally 1 tablespoon four times a day.
  1. Use any essential oils at your discretion - basil, rosemary, tea tree, vetiver, anise, rose, orange, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, immortelle, aloe, bergamot, heated in a water bath to 30 degrees for baths, as well as in as compresses and ointments. Just do not forget that a contraindication, in this case, may be an allergy to the ingredients of a certain type of oil.
  1. Soak cotton wool with novocaine and apply to the fungus overnight.
  1. Make a tincture of 1 tablespoon of resin taken from a tree and a glass of vodka, grease your nails with this solution, shaking it thoroughly before each use.
  1. Apply, as an ointment, thick old sunflower oil.
  1. Take in equal proportions the leaves of green and road burdock, wormwood and yarrow herb, pour boiling water and let the broth brew, immerse your feet in the cooled infusion, after this manipulation, wipe your feet dry and lubricate with a special ointment against fungus.
  1. Cut off a fresh leaf from Kalanchoe and glue it to the damaged plate with adhesive tape, changing such a compress daily.
  1. Make foot baths with a composition of boric acid and water in an equal ratio: 1: 1.
  1. Steam the legs in a solution of brewed chamomile flowers.
  1. Mix potassium permanganate with grated propolis (1: 1) and apply the resulting slurry on the nails.
  1. Internal use! Prepare an herbalist from 10 g of string and 10 g of crowberry, as well as from 5 g of violet tea, drink 2 tablespoons four times a day.
  1. Pound smokeless powder in sour cream of medium density and smear sore nails with the mixture, tie everything with bandages for three days.
  1. Lilac, oak bark, celandine and calendula leaves in equal proportions pour 500 gr. water. Rinse your feet with the resulting infusion.
  1. Lather a sterile bandage liberally with green special soap and apply it to the nail overnight.
  1. Three liters of boiling water, pour 0.5 kilograms of wormwood, cook in a water bath for fifteen minutes. When the decoction is infused, steam your feet in it for about ten minutes a day.

Actually, we answered the question “how to cure nail fungus on your feet with folk remedies”.

In any case, before engaging in self-treatment, get recommendations from a competent, qualified specialist who understands this field (mycologist or dermatologist), since alternative medicine, however, like medicinal ones, often have side effects and some contraindications.

This applies, by and large, to the means applied inside. Discuss the use of folk remedies with your doctor.

Prevention of nail fungus

And remember, in order for the treatment to progress faster and have a positive effect, take care of your feet and nails correctly:

Wash your feet morning and evening with tar soap, it is an excellent disinfectant and reduces discomfort.

Wash your shoes both outside and inside.

Periodically treat the internal surfaces with special antiseptic agents.

During the treatment period, wear only natural shoes.

Do not allow your feet to sweat in shoes, as this creates a favorable environment for the rapid development of pathogens.

Do not go to the pool, bath, sauna, gym until complete recovery. This way you can avoid re-infection and do not infect anyone.

Use only personal hygiene items.

Don't go barefoot or wear shared slippers.

Change socks three times a day.

After a pedicure, treat the tools with an antiseptic.

Be always healthy!

Nail fungus is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. You can get infected, especially in the summer, anywhere. But the fight with him often takes a lot of time. A quarter of the population of our country, as the statistics says, suffers from this scourge. We will talk about how to cure toenail fungus at home with iodine and other methods.

Most often, the fungus is transmitted between family members. If one person in the family picks up this disease somewhere, then over time it can appear in everyone. Immediate and proper home treatment is required.

Of course, drugs for treatment are sold in any pharmacy. They can be local (ointments, creams) and systemic (tablets, injections). But many pharmaceutical products are expensive. So do not forget about folk home treatment, the effectiveness of which has already been tested by more than one generation of people.

Treatment of fungus on the legs at home folk methods

Many folk remedies have various side effects. Some ingredients smell unpleasant, others can change the color of the fingers for a while. So, practicing folk treatment, you do not need to plan business visits or visits.

Iodine solution

It is the request on how to cure toenail fungus at home with iodine that is one of the most popular. Therefore, you can start with it. An alcoholic solution of iodine will really help with the described disease. After all, it has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect.

With its help, destroying the fungus is quite simple. You need to use iodine every day, apply the solution to the affected areas of the foot. But not all types of fungus are destroyed by iodine. You also need to remember about a possible allergic reaction, the presence of individual intolerance.

Before using iodine to combat nail and finger fungus, you need to test yourself for the tolerance of the substance. Drop a little solution on the inside of the arm above the palm and wait half an hour: will there be any rash, redness, itching.

To cure foot fungus at home with iodine, you just need to apply a drop of the solution to the affected areas twice a day. Perform processing using a cotton swab or ordinary cotton wool. It is best to drip directly onto the nail plate.

Iodine will stain nails and skin yellow, quite noticeably. Consider this when conducting active treatment before a vacation, going to the pool or sauna.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to treat those parts of the foot that are near the immediate site of the lesion. One drop will be enough.

Another way of treatment is foot baths with iodine. Pour half a bubble into a basin of warm water and soak your feet for ten minutes. Then cut off the affected areas as much as possible, without causing injury to the skin. Treat the area with hydrogen peroxide and apply a bandage with antibacterial ointment.

Iodine can be mixed with apple cider vinegar. This solution is suitable for treating feet in the morning and evening. It is enough to do the usual rubbing, the course of treatment should not be more than two weeks.

When to expect an effect

If the treatment worked on the fungus that affected the foot, it will be noticeable in a week. (read here). Perhaps the treated area will itch, burn. With strong discomfort, the frequency of treatment should be reduced to once every two days. But itching and burning speak of the process of destroying the disease.

The total treatment time is from three weeks to several months. Like we already wrote.

What rules to follow during home iodine treatment:

  • use personal hygiene products;
  • do not go to baths and saunas;
  • refuse to visit beaches, pools;
  • do not perform a pedicure;
  • change socks every day;
  • wipe feet dry after each washing of feet;
  • the use of drying powder is allowed.

Other alternative treatment options

In addition to iodine treatment, other folk remedies can be used to kill nail fungus. Consider the most effective.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a good antibacterial agent. Before use, for a greater effect, the legs are steamed in a soda solution (2 tsp baking soda per 2 liters of water). Based on it, many recipes have been developed for the treatment of fungus:

  • lotions (drip a few drops of peroxide on the nail and apply the sponge soaked in it to the affected area for 1 hour, carry out the procedure 2 times a day);
  • baths (4 tablespoons of peroxide diluted in 2 liters of water, lower your legs or arms, hold for 2 hours, perform the procedure in the morning and at bedtime).

You can use a 10-30% ointment to help get rid of the fungus. Sometimes tar is obtained independently. known for a long time. To do this, a hole is made in the cast iron, a metal chute is inserted into it. It is necessary to put birch bark in the cast iron, it will begin to gather in the gutter, which is suitable for treatment.


You can get rid of nail fungus with vinegar. Mix 70% acetic acid and glycerin in equal proportions, pour into a convenient bottle, shake well before use. Lubricate the affected nail plate 3 times a day, an approximate course of treatment is 3 weeks.

There is a simple antifungal remedy - these are baths with the addition of apple cider vinegar, which must be done daily before bedtime.

Compresses are made on the basis of apple cider vinegar:

  • mix vegetable oil with vinegar in proportions 1: 1;
  • moisten gauze or a sterile bandage in the solution and apply to the sore nail;
  • wear 4 hours a day until complete cure.


  • Creolin (treat the nail for two months, use carefully, glue the skin around the nail with a plaster);
  • Fluconazole;
  • Zalain cream;
  • Lamisil.

A good effect can be obtained with the help of compresses based on sulphurous ointment 5% and iodinol. Nourish the nail with a daily application of essential oils (lavender, tea tree).

Toenail fungus in a child

At the first signs of the manifestation of the fungus in a child, you should contact a specialist. At the initial stage, several effective procedures can be carried out:

  • pour hot water into a bowl and pour grated laundry soap, hold your feet for 15 minutes;
  • remove softened after steaming places with scissors;
  • lubricate with Betadine solution;
  • after the disinfectant has dried, lubricate with an antifungal cream (Nizoral, Exoderil, Lamisil).

Medicines for treatment

Tablets against the fungus should be selected by a qualified doctor. The modern market offers a large selection of drugs:

  • flucanazole, ketoconazole;
  • Itraconazole, Terbinafine;
  • Orungal.

Popular and effective drugs for topical use today: Nizoral, Exoderil, Clotrimazole, Lamisil. It is worth remembering that all these drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects, do not self-medicate.


The most familiar and common way to deal with nail fungus is a cream. The most effective composition is:

  • Zalain cream (based on Sertoconazole);
  • Exoderil (contains Naftifin);
  • Nizoral (includes Ketoconazole);
  • Mifungar (as part of Oxiconazole);
  • Nitrofungin (based on Chlornitrophenol);
  • Batrafen (with the active ingredient Cyclopyroxolamine).

Now you know the effective ways to treat toenail fungus at home. If such therapy does not help and it is not possible to get rid of it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to properly treat legs at home if a fungus appears on the nails (onychomycosis) or on the feet (mycosis)? Similar infectious diseases of the nails and skin, transmitted from person to person, cause disease-causing pathogenic fungi. There are various fungal diseases, but the most common disease-causing fungus affects the feet and toenails.

Antifungal drugs come in the form of local forms - various patches with peeling action, therapeutic nail polishes or in the form of medicines for oral administration - tablets or capsules. Next, we will dwell on folk methods for the treatment of fungal diseases on the legs and nails. And so that this unpleasant disease does not appear in you, use only your shoes and follow basic hygiene rules. So, below you will find folk recipes and more than 20 effective ways to help you quickly get rid of foot fungus:

Nail fungus is not a life-threatening disease. However, this disease brings a lot of trouble to a person. Infection occurs by direct contact with an infected surface.

At the same time, you can be a carrier for a very long time, and with the slightest damage to the skin and a decrease in immunity, you suddenly get sick with onychomycosis.

Methods for treating nail fungus at home

The main cause of nail fungus is a weakening of local immunity and damage to the skin. Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways - from changes in the structure of the nail to suppuration, depending on the severity of the disease.

It is better to start therapy in the initial stages, then the process will not be so long, and the symptoms will not be so pronounced.

Launched onychomycosis is treated hard and for a long time - up to a year with a combination of various drugs. The method of treatment often depends on the form of the disease and the manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes surgery may be required to remove the deformed plate.

There are several ways to cure nail fungus at home:

  • pharmaceutical means;
  • Folk recipes;
  • Combining approaches (a combination of 2 options).

You can cope with mycosis only by combining approaches and knowing the principles of treatment. Firstly, official medicine offers a lot of options for drugs with different dosage regimens and dosages.

Inside, tablets are taken that work according to the method of pulse therapy, that is, the maximum dosage for the rapid destruction of the fungus. There is usually a long pause between courses.

Also, a pharmacy can offer ointments, creams, oils, and even special varnishes and films against mycotics. They basically hold fungicides, but the effectiveness of the same drug may vary.

To successfully cure nail fungus, you should first determine its type, severity of pathology and skin type. All this is taken into account when selecting drugs for the treatment of mycosis. If the nail is affected by only 50%, then the usual ointment can cope with the disease.

But in addition to pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine should also be used at home. It is often safer than taking systemic drugs and is also affordable for most people. Healing ointments can also be made on the basis of butter.

Important! Recipes of traditional medicine at home should be used as well as pharmaceutical drugs in doses so as not to disrupt local immunity and not worsen symptoms.

Nail fungus - treatment and folk remedies

You can cure the fungus at home with a variety of folk remedies.

The main components of all prescriptions for the treatment of onychomycosis:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • garlic;
  • washing powder;
  • vinegar;
  • glycerides;
  • alcohol;
  • herbs.

Any remedy from the list presented or a combination of them will give excellent results, although it will take some time until a healthy nail grows back.

Ideally, before starting treatment at home, the affected nail plate should be removed so that nutrients can be delivered to the affected area faster in the right amount. This will also speed up the healing process. From above, you can apply ointments both from a pharmacy and your own preparation.

Not everyone realizes, but the treatment of nail fungus is not only the application of a folk remedy to the surface of the skin, but also the treatment of other surfaces - the daily change of socks, washing the bed, and cleaning shoes.

It will also be necessary to wipe with special solutions all surfaces with which the infected area has come into contact, that is, floors, furniture, dishes.

Treatment of toenail fungus at home - recipes

Traditional medicine offers a number of recipes by which you can quickly get rid of onychomycosis. Here are just a few of them:

  • Peroxide in combination with baking soda

First, according to the principle of washing powder, steam your legs, but instead of 100 g of powder, add only 1 tsp. soda per liter. After steaming, a piece of cotton wool abundantly moistened with peroxide is applied to the affected area and wrap this place with cellophane for a long-term effect.

The whole procedure, including stretching the legs, takes about an hour. It is better to put these compresses twice a day, but you can do it once, as long as it is regular. Also during the day, a couple of drops of peroxide should be instilled into the nail cavity.

  • Garlic

Treatment with garlic at home is quite simple and effective. You can cut a clove of garlic into layers, dip them in salt and apply to the affected area, or you can make a garlic-salt gruel and also wear a day with a bandage.

Such a compress can be done at night. You can also do it with onions. If you mix such a gruel with butter, you get an excellent ointment.

  • ammonium chloride

For a long time, this alcohol has been prescribed in the folk treatment of fungus. One glass of ordinary water accounts for 1 tbsp. ammonia. Next, a cotton cloth is dipped into the solution and applied as a compress for the night.

  • Salt-soda-iodine

A versatile folk remedy that is easy to make at home. It also helps with sore throat with acute respiratory infections, and for accelerated healing of wounds and from nail fungus. A liter of water accounts for a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine.

  • Soda in the treatment of fungus can be used separately

Add a small amount of water to the soda to get a slurry, and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. Next, rinse off the mixture, gently dry with a towel and sprinkle with powder / powder.

  • Boric acid

Boric acid as a folk remedy helps in the treatment of nail fungus no worse.

Steam your feet, then sprinkle dry affected areas with this powder and leave it overnight under your toe. Enough 9 procedures.

  • Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar

Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar and boiled water 1:2. Rub this mixture on the affected areas overnight. Repeat the treatment of the fungus at home according to this scheme 10 times.

  • Alcohol

Soak a cotton swab with alcohol and apply on the nail overnight under cellophane. Treatment 2 weeks.

  • Herbs

Excellent help in the treatment of onychomycosis - herbs. You can soar your feet in a decoction of nettle, sage, celandine, mint, chamomile. After steaming, mix the same mixture and pour it into the sock. So sleep the night.

  • Herbal ointments

Making an ointment based on herbs and oils will require patience and precision. Mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle and sage are mixed in equal proportions, and a tablespoon is added from this mixture per 100 g of butter.

Oil with herbs is melted in a water bath and the future ointment languishes for 30 minutes. When the due date has passed, strain the resulting mixture through a triple layer of gauze. Apply the ointment twice a day to the affected area.

  • washing powder

Laundry detergent to treat nail fungus is offered by many Internet users. This is due to the alkaline abilities of the component. In such conditions, the infection does not survive. 100 g of powder are dissolved in hot water (for 3-5 liters).

Soar the legs with this composition every day until the symptoms disappear completely, after which the procedure is carried out for another three days. Many write that in 10 days they were able to overcome onychomycosis. This is the simplest folk remedy.

Important! Socks should be changed daily, as should their contents. This will prevent the growth of the fungus and speed up the treatment.

How to quickly cure toenail fungus - an effective method

The effectiveness of the method of treating nail fungus at home is due to a pedantic approach to hygiene, as well as a combination of different methods of therapy.

Using pharmacy products, you can also use traditional medicine and vice versa. This will help to quickly cure toenail fungus. If you feel that after using folk remedies, the skin dries out, then you should apply olive or sea buckthorn oil to the surface of the skin. The latter can stain the skin and tissues orange.

When the disease has already been defeated, it is necessary to carry out prevention with folk remedies at home, for example, soak your feet weekly in one of the above solutions.

This will help prevent re-infection. Also regularly treat shoes and other surfaces with antifungal drugs or other methods.

Important! If the remedy does not work, you need to stop and try another method. Any symptomatology of an allergic nature serves as a warning that the method is chosen incorrectly.

How to treat fingernail fungus

Nail fungus on the hands at home is treated according to the same principle as on the legs. The only difference is that gloves are used instead of socks. Not every remedy can be kept for a long time on the affected area.

  • Proper treatment of the fungus consists in regular hygiene - washing hands and those surfaces that they touch. Then you will not have to deal with a similar infection in the future.
  • Remember that nail fungus is very contagious, but the danger of infection is present only in cases where immunity is reduced. Therefore, in the course of treatment, vitamins and useful microelements should also be consumed in large quantities.
  • Immunomodulating drugs will also not interfere, which will help strengthen immunity. Do not use both a folk remedy and a pharmacy at the same time, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. First apply pharmaceuticals, and then an hour later, a mixture prepared from one recipe. This will quickly cure the nail fungus on the hands.

Remember that folk remedies help with nail fungus on the hands, but official medicine should not be pushed aside. Modern drugs make it possible to completely destroy mycotics in a few steps, and folk remedies will fix the effect for a long period of time.
