How to tie a rectangular scarf. How to tie a scarf: types of scarves and how to tie

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Something that will definitely bring you a feeling of warmth and comfort is in trend - a plaid scarf. If you've heard of this trend and are still wondering how to wrap yourself in this scarf without looking like you've got a blanket wrapped around your neck, here are some tips on how to wear these scarves.

1 Wrap yourself up and... keep wrapping yourself up

Naturally, scarves are nothing new. Women have been wrapping scarves around their necks for decades. But what distinguishes this season's scarves is their size. The plaid scarf is larger than the standard scarf we are used to. However, this does not mean that they cannot be worn in the traditional way. The only difference will be that in the case of a plaid scarf, you will have more fabric. A similarly wrapped scarf will look great with fitted silhouettes such as fitted jackets, bodycon dresses and sweaters.

Photo: Samantha Pereira
Scarf: ZARA

2 Maximum infinity

You probably already know that endless scarf(also, loop scarf) is a scarf without ends (in the form of a loop), which is wrapped one or more times around the neck. You can buy such a scarf, or you can make it yourself by tying the ends of an ordinary rectangular scarf. Scarf-plaid exalts the idea at all new level. To look stylish, wear a plaid scarf as an infinity scarf. On very cold days, when you need to wrap your neck well, this method will be especially relevant.

Photo: lookbook / Jeannie Y
scarf and wool coat: ZARA

3 Wear a plaid scarf as a poncho

A plaid scarf is designed not only to wind it around the neck. Many of them are enough big size to wear them as a poncho or shawl. Imagine a bow for which you allegedly took a blanket from the bed and wrapped yourself in it, despite the name, which does not suggest this. With a sudden cold snap, a plaid scarf will warm and add style to any look. Let him collect and don't be afraid to wear this scarf over a jacket, cardigan or coat, or on its own as a light coat. The purpose of a scarf-plaid as a poncho or shawl is to keep you warm and protected from the elements in style.

Photo: Linh Nguyen
Scarf: ZARA

4 Let the scarf-plaid casually fall

The main idea of ​​the plaid scarf is to create a style that seems to have no effort, as if you quickly grabbed a scarf and ran out of the house. No need to fuss a lot about how to somehow tie such a scarf correctly. Let it fall naturally - in this way it will look perfect. Many women put in a lot of effort to ensure that the scarf is properly tied, but this trend, on the contrary, requires negligence.

5 Tie a scarf-plaid with a belt

If you think that a plaid scarf is too big for you, but you still want to follow the trend, try tying a belt around it. There are two ways you can do this. You can tie the belt around the entire scarf, or tie it at the waist, covering the back with the scarf and tucking the front into the belt. Thus, a plaid scarf looks like a spacious coat or like a vest. from 0 /5 (votes: 26 )

At that time of the year, when it is cold and rainy, we hide our delicate necks and shoulders under warm, cozy woolen scarves, when it is warm, we are happy to knit light silk scarves and scarves. to make it look stylish and modern? Over this, probably, every fashionista puzzles every day. And these are millions of women! If we add here the designers who are constantly coming up with new and new variations of tying and wearing scarves, it turns out that this issue is very relevant! In this article, we will cover the main simple ways tying scarves, and about novelties, real finds of fashion designers.

Scarves, shawls, stoles - stylish accessories

Probably, there is no other item in the women's wardrobe that would be so multifaceted and at the same time universal. If you choose and tie a scarf correctly, it can wonderfully complement any outfit - warm cashmere coat, ascetic business suit, luxurious Evening Dress. If this is a winter, cozy wool scarf, it will warm both your body and your soul on cloudy cold days and evenings. And if it is a light scarf or a scarf made of silk, it can look very elegant and sophisticated, giving your look a real French chic. Sports scarves, checkered scarves - arafats will give the image an original sound and a touch of piquancy.

Scarves and scarves, stoles, shawls and handkerchiefs are extremely diverse both in style and texture. For many years they have been unusually relevant in the form of forever fashion accessory and for young girls, and for socialites. For all occasions, a scarf is the most suitable addition to an outfit: it will add charm to the look, and dilute the severity of the suit with a bright colored stripe, and amuse with an unexpected, funny and witty pattern. You can meet a scarf anywhere - and on sports stadium, and in a quiet, strict office, and on a hot sandy beach, and on a noisy camping trip, and at a gala reception - everywhere it will look appropriate and stylish.

The main thing is to tie it correctly and to the place! This is what we're working on now.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck: ways to tie scarves

Method one: We tie a scarf around the neck a la bohemia

A scarf tied in the Bohemian style looks very stylish under any clothes, in other words, carelessly thrown around the neck. Remember the French artists of the 19th century and their scarves, tied with deliberate carelessness, which, nevertheless, looked like an example of a whole fashion trend.

Do you wear a winter formal coat? Short cropped coat? Then you need to tie the scarf right over the top of your outerwear. The scarf needs a long, not thick knit. Make several turns around the neck, but loosely, your task is to create picturesque loops, and arrange the ends so that one is lower than the other. When it gets warmer, thin long scarves can also be tied in this style and worn with a jacket or jacket.

If you need to wrap your neck from the cold, hide the scarf under your outerwear. Its ends can be left hanging as well, or you can tie it in a knot, it will look good with coats and sweaters.

Method two: How to tie a scarf with a loop

This method is also artistically careless, but it already has a certain note of rigor. The scarf is long and narrow. You need to fold it in half, throw it around your neck. On one side a loop is formed, on the other - two freely hanging ends. Pass both ends of the scarf through the loop and tighten slightly. Determine the degree of tightness for yourself: if you need to warm up - tighter, if you just need to look beautiful - a little weaker.

This method has several options, one of them is very beautiful - “Weaving loop”: start tying in the same way as the usual “Loop”, but thread the ends into the loop in a checkerboard pattern. as if imitating a darn.

Another option is to wrap one end of the loop several times and hide it under the main ring of the scarf, and the other end will hang nicely on one side.

Method three: Tie a scarf with a ring

Take a scarf long and thin. Leave one end of the scarf hanging down to the desired length. Wrap the second around the neck once, forming a ring, and twist it into a flagellum. Wrap the ring around this flagellum and secure the other end. It can be left just hanging down, you can tie it in a knot or secure it with a brooch.

Method Four: How to tie a wide scarf in the manner of a shawl

If the scarf is wide and square, fold it diagonally. Put on the corner forward, cross the ends on the back and throw forward. And now you can tie them either at the formed angle, beautifully draping its folds, or from above beautiful knot. The option will depend on the design of your scarf - for example, if it has a beautiful silk fringe, you can show it off by tying a knot over the scarf. And if the main drawing is very beautiful - do not hide it under the knot, it is better to "expose" it in all its glory.

Method five: Tie a scarf in a knot

The easiest and therefore the most popular option for tying scarves. Throw a scarf around your neck, tie the loose ends. Ready!

You can add some personality to this scarf tying option by inventing your own knot. After all, it only seems that of the two ends you can come up with only one possible variant node. Any sailor will tell you what an infinite number of them!

Video lesson: how to tie a scarf around your neck

And now we offer you a video lesson, a real master class on tying scarves. With a little practice, you will be just a real catwalk star, showing off the latest accessories!

Fashion trends: how to wear scarves

What do fashion designers offer us this season?

The autumn-winter-spring period is the most right time year to try many options for tying scarves, it seems to be useful, and at the same time very beautiful! In order not to choose painfully long fashionable outerwear, which is also very expensive, fashion designers advise you to purchase a simple elegant jacket and diversify it with scarves of various colors and textures all season long. It will always seem that you are in a new outfit!

  • Scarf-Aelita

The latest trend is scarves of increased, non-standard length and width, which are wrapped many times, almost covering the eyes. With its help, an image of a certain Aelita with a huge head is created, and on the street, of course, you will look at least extravagant with such a scarf. For a casual outfit, wrap such a scarf three or four times, and grab the long ends with a belt from a jacket or even a belt.

  • Instead of a hood - a scarf

This season, scarves are extremely fashionable, which act as a headdress. If the scarf is very thick and wide, it is simply put on the head in the form of a scarf and the free ends are thrown over the shoulders. Do you find this option very boring? Fashion designers offer not just to replace the scarf, but to turn the scarf into a real hood, large and voluminous. The options for tying it can be different, for example, the loose ends can be tied on one side, or at the back, you can throw them forward and tie them in front. Choose! If you decide to purchase a large and wide scarf bright colors, then you can be sure that a boring winter is guaranteed to you, because in this outfit you will definitely always be in the spotlight!

  • Scarf woven into hair

It is very fashionable in the coming season to use a thin long scarf, decorating their hair with it. For example, a braid from various options harnesses, including a scarf contrasting color shading the color of your hair. If you are a brunette, feel free to use scarves of juicy, bright colors, and scarves of delicate, pastel shades will suit blondes very much.

  • color mix

Take two scarves different colors, observing two rules: the texture of the scarves should be the same, and the colors should be compatible. You can tie them up different ways, it is only important to arrange them beautifully relative to each other, picturesquely alternating areas of different colors. Colors can also be contrasting, for example, a white scarf in combination with any other will look great.

A women's scarf is a multifunctional accessory that successfully combines two functions: decorative and, so to speak, warming. Today, an accessory is chosen based on appearance picking up a good quality material according to the weather, and also, they carefully study techniques that suggest how to tie women's scarf to look stylish. After all, it is important not only to learn how to combine colors and materials, but also to skillfully select correct option strings for any occasion. And today we will look at ways to tie different scarves around the neck. After all, it is beautiful to tie a scarf - this is a real art. And we will try to teach it to you. 🙂

Types of scarves and how do they differ?

Before learning how to beautifully tie a women's scarf, you need to familiarize yourself with the names and types themselves. This will help you better navigate the material of the article and understand what is at stake.


This accessory is familiar to many, but often not very popular among young people. But in vain. This scarf is usually square shape or triangular. For more comfortable wearing, the square is usually folded diagonally. Shawls are knitted from wool yarn.


This is a more common version of the shawl among young people. As a rule, it is much smaller in size. Girls prefer to wear it with a “corner” in front - this allows you to protect your throat and chest from cold, wind and wet weather as much as possible.


In fact, this is not quite a scarf, but rather a fur cape. But it is often referred to as scarves. The boa gained popularity not so long ago, so now the accessory is just beginning to appear on store shelves.

Arafatka or Palestinian headscarf

Everyone has heard about this species at least once in their life. The checkered scarf, which gained popularity a few years ago, still does not go out of fashion. Initially, the scarf was created from cotton or linen fabric, and served as a protection against wind and sand. With the help of an accessory, various images are often created in casual style. Well, besides this, a scarf is often used as a headband by people who are far from fashion. For example, fishermen and hunters who find this accessory more practical and necessary than stylish and elegant. 🙂


It is unlikely that at least one true fashionista does not know this look. This is a scarf in the usual sense, but it is quite wide (about 70 cm wide). For stoles, the most different material: wool, cotton, silk, they can even be knitted. It is this accessory that can be stylishly tied up and beautifully worn not only on the neck, but also on the head.


This type is the most popular today. Interesting feature consists in the fact that his tails are sewn together, thanks to which he is a single whole ring. Often used instead of a hat. To tie a snood scarf is very simple, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to tie a women's scarf around the neck?

Now let's talk about why we are all here. To the question - how to tie a women's scarf - the simplest answer will be - no way. And yes, we are serious. If we are talking only about aesthetics (and not about protection from cold and wind), then you can always just wrap the accessory around your neck, leaving the edges hanging down freely in front. But this option is suitable only if the length of the product allows. Or, for example, you can wrap a scarf around the neck in front so that the edges are at the back, where they need to be crossed. Loose tails, brought forward, also leave to hang out in front. Such options will add negligence, charm to the image with minimal cost time.

Let's move on to more complex tying options. To fully understand how to tie women's scarves around the neck, we have prepared for you a lot of photos and videos. In addition, in the article we will discuss how to tie a scarf or scarf on top of a jacket and coat. But first things first.

Advice! This season, voluminous knitted scarves are at the peak of fashion. Pair them with classic or sportswear. Only such a combination will create a complete harmonious image. For business style such accessories are strictly contraindicated. An alternative would be the usual wide stole draped over the shoulders. It is also worth abandoning voluminous products for small fragile girls.

Stylish bow

This method is clearly fit thin romantic nature. Accessory tied with a bow, goes well with any classic clothes, for example, with a coat. Below is a step-by-step instruction, photo, video that will tell you how to properly tie a women's scarf around your neck in such a cute girlish way:

  • Throw the scarf over your neck so that one end is longer than the other;
  • form a ring from the longer part, squeeze the center with your fingers;
  • with the short end from bottom to top we tie the ring in the place where it was gathered with fingers;
  • when the bow is assembled, hide the tail in a knot on the bow;
  • lift the bow a little closer to the throat.

Snood from improvised means

Remember how it was in that Soviet film: “With a slight movement of the hand, the trousers turn ... the trousers turn ... Into elegant shorts!” Here we have something like this. You can create a stylish snood from an ordinary wide stole in a matter of seconds. Only for this, your scarf should be made of soft, fairly thin material. Take the two ends of the tippet and simply tie them together. Further, it is important to know how to tie such a female scarf around the neck so that the junction is not visible. You simply throw the product in several turns around the neck and hide the knot under them. A very simple way to tie a scarf, but not many people know about it.


At first glance, it may seem that repeating similar way tying is simply impossible. In fact, to tie a scarf with such weaving, you only need a little skill and patience. The image with such an accessory looks fresh and at ease. Consider step by step instructions how to tie a women's scarf around the neck, and the photo will help us with this:

  1. Take a long loose scarf. Throw the edges back, cross and return to the front, leaving the center to sag freely on the chest.
  2. Twist the inside once.
  3. Pass the free left tail into the ring formed in the center on top (this is important).
  4. But the right ponytail is similarly passed into the ring, but from below.
  5. Slowly, gently pull the knots closer to the throat. You will get a very nice knot.

Another similar option with twisting the central loop.

On the gif below, you can also see a slightly different way of tying in a similar way to a knot on a scarf.

Knot in the form of infinity

Now let's talk a little about how to tie a snood scarf in style. And again, it is better to turn to step-by-step instructions:

  1. We throw the snood around the neck, twist it several times in front (do not pull it too close to the throat).
  2. Holding the twisted scarf so that it does not unravel, straighten the loops a little (you know how they do it when weaving openwork braids).
  3. Pass the loose front loop over your neck.
  4. Next, you just need to straighten the fabric a little to give volume.


Probably the most common option, but some still have not mastered a simple, uncomplicated technique:

  • tie a scarf around your neck, leaving one ponytail longer than the other;
  • lift the left corner of the long part to the throat and tuck it into the loop;
  • gently straighten the fabric to get the desired "corner".

For this method it is better fit lightweight material, and the scarf itself should be wide enough. So you can beautifully tie a light scarf in spring or autumn, while it is still not very cold. This will add femininity and sophistication to your image.


Using this method, you can and should beautifully beat bright colors accessory. It will look especially cool if there are several bright colors some kind of abstraction. Does anyone here still want to know how to tie a women's scarf in the form of a wreath? Then let's go:

  • throw a scarf so that the edges hang down at the back;
  • cross the ends on the back and return to the front;
  • both tails must be passed through upper part the formed loop, pull them out;
  • repeat the procedure several times;
  • straighten the loops carefully.

"A la tie"

Great very simple option. Let's see how it looks in practice:

  • throw the product over the neck so that the ends are in front;
  • tie one tail in a knot, but do not tighten it;
  • pass the other end into the loop, and pull the knot closer to the throat.

Advice! Such a rough tie knot will not look good on a thick knitted scarf. Choose some lightweight material for this method, such as silk. Or, in extreme cases, not a dense jacquard.

In conclusion, we have prepared a video for you that will tell you how to tie and wear a wide stole scarf under outerwear. By the way, these tips have been prepared for you by the fashion gurus of Cosmopolitan, so take a closer look at them 😉

How to combine a knitted scarf with a coat or jacket?

So, all the previous options would definitely look good with some kind of light vest or with a light unbuttoned jacket. But how beautiful it is to tie a warm women's scarf so that it matches with outerwear? There are, of course, such nodes. They give femininity, playfulness, charm, attract the eye. AT cold season tied accessories can be worn on and under the coat, great to combine with a jacket. And now we will tell you several options for how to tie a scarf on woman coat with and without a hood, with and without a collar. Of course, photos and videos will help to understand this issue. In general, it's time to start.

Advice! For clothes of muted and dull colors (which it happens in the cold season), it is better to choose a bright scarf. It is he who will become a contrasting spot in your image, without overloading it.

For inclement weather

As mentioned above, there are several ways to beautifully tie a scarf on women's outerwear, and this method is especially practical, as it saves from the cold and strong wind. A scarf with such a knot gives a special sophistication. Let's see how to achieve the desired result:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck 2 times;
  • tie the ends in a knot at the back of the neck;
  • one of the ends must be tightly rewound the lower loop;
  • we do the same with the other end, but we are already wrapping the upper loop with it;
  • tighten both skeins tightly to the throat and straighten the edges.

Another beautiful option for cold weather

Now we will tell you how to tie a scarf on a coat, probably the most original way. The knot that we will learn to make is not very simple. To master the technique of tying, of course, you will have to practice, but the result is worth it.

  1. Choose a long scarf from a not very dense material.
  2. We wrap the scarf around the neck, and weave the ends on the chest. At the same time, make the loop more free, because when weaving a braid, its size will decrease significantly.
  3. Now start weaving an ordinary braid: you have two ends, and a loop around your neck will act as a third.
  4. Weave as long as the length allows. When the braid is completed, tie off the ends and tuck them neatly.
  5. Twist so that the braid was in front. You can straighten the loops of the braid to make the product more magnificent.

Advice! You may well perform the same manipulations and not on the body. Then, a braided scarf can simply be worn on top of a coat or jacket.

Bright option for gray days

By the way, this option is perfect for warm knitted scarves.

  1. Take bright accessory(it should not be wide) and throw around the neck.
  2. Now, all that is needed is to tie a few loose knots on the chest. Each next node must be passed through the previous loop.
  3. Straighten the knots of the scarf.

This option is good purely from an aesthetic point of view. It is he who shows how to properly tie a scarf on a woman's coat, so that it is beautiful, but not warm at all.

Practical option - node

Now we need to mention how to tie a scarf under a woman's coat. There are many options for great desire you can even choose one of the methods described above. But we want to show you the most practical, in our opinion, technique:

  • fold the scarf in half;
  • it is in this form that you need to attach the product behind the neck;
  • we pass the edges of the scarf into the loop formed;
  • we draw the free ends under the formed knot from the bottom up;
  • then from the previous position from top to bottom, passing through a new loop.

And another similar option.

Scarf under the jacket

A separate topic is the question of how to tie a scarf under women's jacket. Jacket - is not outerwear, and is unlikely to extreme cold you will be able to go outside without wearing a jacket or coat on top. Therefore, the accessory must be very carefully selected in combination with this thing. women's wardrobe. But on the other hand, if you choose a light material and know how to tie a women's silk scarf or stole, for example, then you can wear the accessory even indoors. Let's master the most common technique:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck so that you get a full turn, but the ends hang down on your chest;
  • we tie the ends into two tight knots;
  • move the knot to its side and straighten it.

It's actually the easiest decorative option tie a scarf. This method of tying cannot be repeated with thick cloth- it will just look ridiculous. But with a light silk scarf, it will turn out very cool.

And now let's watch a few videos that will tell you how else you can tie a women's scarf around your neck:

How to tie a scarf so that the ends are not visible?

But sometimes you want to wear a scarf beautifully, hide the ends. But it seems to us that such a desire is not connected only with the aesthetic side. Sometimes the ends are also hidden so that, for example, the snake does not “chew” the beloved accessory, does not leave chains on it, or does not break it at all. We will also consider such ways to tie an accessory so that everyone is satisfied.

Advice! It is better for thin fragile girls to choose a product with a small dense pattern, but for dense girls, on the contrary, with a large print or pattern.

Node "Eight"

To repeat such a knot, you need to stock up on a snood from thin light fabrics. Or, you can make a snood yourself by tying the ends of any long scarf. Let's move on to the technique of tying without unnecessary preludes:

  • snud must be folded in half;
  • we throw it over the back of the neck so that the loop ends are in front, on the chest;
  • we thread one end-loop into the other loop formed;
  • further, we conditionally divide into two ends, and we stretch one into the same loop;
  • twist the loop, turning it out with your hands;
  • gently straighten the knot, fabric from all sides to add volume (although the volume can be adjusted as desired).

Knot "Madeleine"

Prepare for training a very wide long scarf, scarf or tippet (which will fit perfectly). A checkered print of a stole on a one-color down jacket will look very original. Let's figure out how to tie a women's checkered scarf with a madeleine knot so that it is warm and comfortable:

  • the tippet must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the shoulders so that the ends are on the chest;
  • wrap the scarf around the neck again, bringing the ends forward again;
  • tie them with a double knot and move the knot over the shoulder;
  • neatly fill the tips, hide inside the stole.


In this way, you can easily impose a voluminous warm square scarf. Let's learn the step by step technique:

  • as in the previous version, the product must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the back with a triangle, bringing the ends forward;
  • in front, weave the ends with each other, and throw them back;
  • make a knot at the back of the head and hide it under the triangle;
  • straighten the scarf, adding volume to it.

And what about men?

And, although our article should tell you how to tie a women's scarf, we cannot but pay at least a little attention to our beloved men. Let's not beat around the bush, but just look at a few good options tying for men:

  1. The easiest way is to fold the most ordinary long scarf in half, throw it around your neck and thread the loose ends into the resulting loop.
  2. You can also leave one end longer than the other. long end once again wrap around the neck, tucking in front under the same coil.

And here are a few more options for how to tie a scarf for a man.

As you can see, men bother much less about this issue, and even more so, they are little interested in the aesthetic side. It is important for a man to be warm, practical. What else to add here? Never mind. Just love the strong sex as they are. Fashion should not be the strong point of a real man. 😉


Dear ladies, remember that you are beautiful in any appearance, in any outfit, and your main decoration should be a smile. A scarf is just a stylish accessory that helps to emphasize natural beauty, sophistication. It does not matter what it will be: a delicate silk scarf, a soft knitted snood or a slightly rough woolen shawl. It is important that you always feel comfortable and cozy in your chosen outfit.

Warm voluminous scarf Surely every woman has one. And as soon as the temperature on the thermometer drops to zero, we remember him, because this The best way Protect yourself from the cold in style and safety. So that the scarf does not look like an ordinary functional detail, accidentally lost among other things of the image, you need to know how to tie it correctly. Well, it still doesn’t hurt to understand what colors to use and what things to combine it with. Let's turn to the two main types of voluminous scarves that are most often seen on modern fashionistas.

Wool oversized scarf

These scarves are warm and slightly less imposing than their knitted counterparts. But in the images they are just as variant. The simplest and traditional way tying a woolen scarf - in the manner of an Arafat. To do this, fold the scarf into a triangle, cross the ends at the back of the head and bring it forward. You can leave them loose or tie them under the scarf/top of the triangle. This method is great for sets with a deep cutout.

Of course, wool scarves go well with any form of outerwear. They are strict enough classic coat and unpretentious for or puffy down jacket. Very often, outerwear has an original print or color, which makes the image more interesting. If the woolen voluminous scarf itself has a pattern, then it is important that the colors of all the components of the ensemble overlap.

In general, voluminous wool scarves go well with the same textured items. In cold weather, they can be worn not only with coats, fur coats, down jackets and sheepskin coats, but simply as a stylish accessory with a pullover, sweater, knitted dress or turtleneck. The photo below shows a few original variants how to tie a scarf and wear it with such clothes.

Knitted voluminous scarf

For knitted scarf you can also use several methods of tying. For example, a voluminous scarf made of thick yarn can be wrapped around the neck several times, then hiding the ends in folds, as the girl in the next photo did. Great alternative. But this way of tying is good if the top is not too voluminous. In this case, you can combine a scarf with a light down jacket, jacket, sweater or thick shirt - beautiful, stylish and spectacular!

Another option: throw the ends of the scarf back, cross behind the neck and release forward. This is the simplest, but no less spectacular way. It is with a voluminous scarf simple methods tying looks boring. A similar type of neck accessory arrangement successfully participates in a set with large-knit sweaters, coats, down jackets and light jackets. Make sure the patterns are on knitted things didn't argue with the scarf.

Naturally, the color of the scarf must meet the criteria for the color harmony of the image: intersect with outerwear, bottoms, the color of the yarn on the sweater, headwear, shoes or accessories. Shades can be just similar or go tone to tone. And for bows completely in neutral colors, a bright voluminous scarf will play the role of the main accent, even if it is simply thrown over the neck.

Essential Accessory stylish look long ago ceased to have pure practical value. Now tying a scarf around your neck in different ways is a whole art that everyone needs to learn. In order to properly teach oneself in different situations, it is necessary to master simple tricks. At the same time, it is also important for a man to be able to tie a scarf, as well as for a woman. Detailed master class and successful "knots" for all occasions are presented in our article.

In order to quickly master the technique of how to tie a scarf beautifully, you first need to classify this accessory. For the most part, the chosen method will depend on this.

The main types of scarves and shawls:

  • Shawl- a familiar and well-known part of the wardrobe. Usually it is a rather large square scarf, which is folded in the middle and worn on the shoulders. Shawls are also triangular shape, usually knitted from woolen yarn.
  • bactus- a modified modern shawl of a more modest size. Such a scarf is worn with a “corner” in front and tied around the neck at the back. Thus, baktus perfectly covers the chest and throat, being the best protection in winter.
  • Neckpiece- a fur cape, which is also often referred to as a variety of scarves. A new wave of popularity has come to boas quite recently, so this accessory is already in the arsenal of most fashionistas.
  • Arafatka(Palestinian shawl) - cotton or linen fabric with a geometric pattern, designed to protect against wind and sand. The fashion for them has appeared recently, having come to us from the east. Traditionally used not only as a scarf, but also as a headband. A very popular option for lovers of fishing and active tourism. In urban fashion, the model is also very popular.
  • Stole- a scarf in the usual sense of the word, but differs in size (usually at least 70 centimeters wide). It is a piece of fabric rectangular shape. Stoles can be knitted, woolen, cotton and even silk. They are used not only to protect the neck and décolleté, but also as a decorative accessory to clothing. Often they cover their heads with a stole, replacing a hat in the cold season.
  • Snood- the most popular type of scarves today. It is a rectangular scarf with sewn edges. It is used both as a cape on hair, and as a decor.
  • Sling- a scarf, unlike the above models, has a purely practical meaning and is used to carry children. A very convenient alternative to kangaroo backpacks, which can be used from birth up to about two years, depending on the weight of the child.

This list can also be supplemented with summer pareos, which are often worn not only as a cape, but also form many models from it. light clothing for beach. Finding the right model is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, especially since there is no need to limit yourself to only one type or color.

This is a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd and create unique image. They are also worn in the summer, choosing options from thin fabrics. A sense of style will help you choose the right one, but our article will tell you how to tie a scarf correctly.

The right way to tie scarves

Pick up suitable option You can, based on your preferences and models. The easiest method is not to tie a scarf at all. If the length allows, a scarf of a suitable model can simply be thrown over the neck and straightened in front. This will create a relaxed look, but, of course, it will not protect against bad weather.

A modified version: throw the scarf with the ends back so that the central part falls on the neck. After the ends cross at the back and return back. It can be tied in a light knot in front or left loose.

A slightly more complicated version of the previous version is shown clearly. Such a "pigtail" is not only visually attractive, but also protects the throat well in winter cold. In this way, by the way, you can tie men's scarf. It is best to take a plain accessory for this method, because on colorful models such weaving will simply be invisible.

Another way for enough long scarf not overly difficult. For comfortable wearing, it is recommended to practice tying in front of a mirror a little. After a short time, such nodes will be obtained automatically.

A little trick will help to make a popular “collar” out of an ordinary wide stole: tie the ends with a strong knot, and then hide it under the turns of the product.

How beautiful to tie a scarf on a coat

Such an addition will not only decorate outerwear, but also provide greater protection from wind and frost. Create suitable look accessories will help visual instructions.

The first option is suitable for inclement weather, in addition to attractive appearance, this method is very practical.

It will not be difficult to tie a scarf in this way, but the look will be very spectacular thanks to the beautiful weaves.

The presented option will differ in a more complex weaving option, so it will take some time to practice. Having made a braid - a blank at home, you can freely put on a scarf in record time, simply by threading free end through any "loop" of the pigtail.

The method below also applies to the type of blanks. Having made a loose loop at one end of the scarf, at any time you simply thread the other end through it. Suitable for coats and down jackets with a stand-up neck, as it does not wrap too tightly around the neck for protective function.

This method is more difficult, but, as you can see in the photo, it's worth it! A schematic instruction will help you beautifully tie a scarf around your neck.

revive plain clothes a bright scarf tied in the following way will help. To do this, simply twist the ends of the scarf several times into a loose knot at regular intervals. Here the main rule is not to get carried away too much: two or three knots will be enough.

Tying scarves and scarves around the neck

The options presented can be more classified as decorative. For these purposes, the best fit satin or a silk scarf. For greater clarity, there are detailed diagrams tying knots.

Almost everyone is familiar with this method, suitable for raincoats and jackets with an open collar so that you can showcase the beauty of the scarf.

Node by Type tie fit even just as a clothing accessory.

This way of tying a neckerchief will not provide additional warmth, but it definitely guarantees a spectacular appearance. little trick: such a scarf can slightly hide a neckline inappropriate at work, providing a comfortable state of health, as well as a stylish look.

You can create an attractive and romantic image, most importantly, choose the right scarf. Frivolous and bright colors will come in handy here.

Everything ingenious is simple, like the diagram below. This can also be attributed to the decor of clothing, and not the protective function of the accessory.

Some options will not be very appropriate at work, but for informal meetings and on vacation they are ideal.

Do not forget about special clips and rings for scarves. With their help, you can create a stylish and relaxed look, as well as emphasize some knot options.

This type of knot for a neckerchief is not suitable for everyone, but with due diligence it will certainly attract attention. Thus, you can quickly and effortlessly change casual clothes and turn it into an almost evening option.

Women always tend to experiment with their image and look for something new and unusual. As for the options for knots for scarves, here your imagination simply should not be limited to the proposed options.

Majority good ideas can come from a basic way, so constant practice will help you find your unique style.

Several options for tying a scarf for a man

Despite some prejudices, men's scarves can also be attributed to popular products. It is not necessary to use standard plain products, because the assortment will allow you to choose an exceptionally masculine model of interesting colors. The tips and instructions given in our article will help you tie a men's scarf beautifully and in an original way.

The simplest options include elements of the usual wearing of this part. Fold the scarf in half and pull the ends through the resulting loop - the most popular way among strong half. Modifying the habit a little and wrapping the neck with a few turns will help create a slightly sloppy look.

The next option looks interesting and rather masculinely restrained. It is not difficult to master it, but this style will emphasize your impeccable taste and looks very attractive.

There can be several reasons why a woman prefers a scarf as a headdress. The most relevant is the fear of ruining the hair before solemn event. In this case, it is best to take a fairly warm and dense scarf or stole, wrap your head and simply fix it around your neck. similar image distinguished by grace, and also extremely suitable for fur clothing.

The modern type of scarf, the so-called snood or collar, is also suitable for haters and other hats. characteristic feature of such details it will be possible at any time to put a “hood” on the head from the free part of the collar. These models, made of woolen yarn, are quite voluminous, so they look somewhat careless.

You can tie a scarf on your head in winter in the following ways. You can choose the right one for your face type.

By the way, such options are perfect for summer pastime, because it's no secret that hair must be protected from excessive solar exposure. You can tie a scarf on your head with a thin cotton scarf, as well as using another suitable and always natural fabric.

Thus, you can protect yourself from heat stroke and preserve the color and structure of the hair.

The methods of tying scarves and shawls around the neck are not difficult to perform, so it is necessary to study and master a few that are said just in case.

Comfortable "transport" for the baby and a real find for active parents. It is no secret that such scarves make life extremely easy for young mothers, opening hitherto unseen prospects. Putting a child in such a scarf, you can safely go shopping, chat with friends and even travel. The baby will feel more confident, taking almost the same position as the previous nine months.

There is only one obstacle on the way to popularity: most women simply do not know how to properly tie a sling scarf, and are afraid of harming the child. There is no particular difficulty here, but as always there are nuances and secrets.

For the first time, for the safety of the child and your peace of mind, it is better to practice on a doll or suitable sizes subject. After you can with confidence and without outside help secure the baby in suitable position, you can safely go for a walk. The algorithm of actions is shown in the figure.

Some models of finished slims may differ design features, in particular, by adjusting with a special ring. Usually, the manufacturer provides full information about how to attach the slim, so you should carefully study the instructions for the product.

Beautifully tying a scarf around your neck is a real art, which everyone can master. Universal schemes and suitable models suitable for the male half. Make a good impression at work or draw attention to yourself stylish accessory a properly selected scarf and a suitable knot will help. Many ways of tying have been invented, the most attractive and simple ones are given in our article. A little training in front of the mirror and you will be irresistible!
