Mexican nickname for a chihuahua girl. Chihuahua how to name a dog name options

Have you got a dog and don't know what name to choose for a chihuahua boy? This article will help you decide and make a choice.

Don't underestimate the little Chihuahua. She only looks so small and defenseless, but in fact she belongs to serious breeds.

Her peculiar appearance, behavior and mystery of the origin of the breed contribute to a wide flight of fantasy and imagination to determine the name.

Since the Chihuahua is considered a pocket dog, she is often given an affectionate name: Honey, Mimi, Vintik, Finch, Pepper, Skippy, Kid, Duchess, Masik, Zefirchik, Zyuzik, Busya, etc.

Chihuahua is very funny doggy so it would be a cool name for her.

Cool nicknames for chihuahuas are also popular. Some dog owners, for the sake of laughter, call them the other way around, with weighty nicknames - Bogatyr, Big, Dragon, Boom, Max, Typhoon, etc.

As many people know, the ancestors of modern chihuahuas were the ancient Aztec dogs - techichi, who lived in temples and were worshiped. From there they moved to Europe at the end of the 19th century.

So why not name your baby some ancient Mexican name?

Here are some of them: Arenc, Isi, Kangi, Cal, McKee, Pivain, Heritt, Sheela, Yas, Gaspar, Dimas, Mario, Nacho, Sancho, Ciro.

If the owner of the dog has little interest in the history of the ancient Aztecs, then you can decide on a more euphonious name. To do this, you need to take a closer look at your pet and pay attention to:

  1. Character and behavior. Character says a lot about its owner. One dog can be an inquisitive explorer, another can only sleep and rest, a third tries to make friends with every living creature, a fourth is afraid of everything, etc. The nickname can characterize the most better side beloved pet. For example, Fighter, Chucky, Rex, Bounty, Archie, Timmy, Rich, Leo.
  2. External features. If the dog has any distinguishing feature, then you can emphasize it with a funny name. Here are suitable nicknames: Beam, Brownie, Reddy, Buddy, Black.
  3. History reference. If a chihuahua has a pedigree, then you should carefully study it - suddenly there are Interesting Facts, funny cases, the names of former breeders or nicknames of distant ancestors will come up.
  4. aesthetic preference. Each of us has a favorite literary character, movie hero, politician, artist, singer, fictional character - so why not name your baby one of these names? There is already plenty to choose from: Hercules, Caesar, Churchill, Leonardo, Vitas, Mathis, Thomas, Salvador, Mozart.
  5. geographical knowledge. Often you can meet dogs whose nickname is consonant with the name of any state, capital, mountain, volcano, sea and other objects of geography. A lot of options are also possible here: Dallas, Baikal, Amur, Vesuvius, Parnassus.

The name of a dog affects it in the same way as a name affects a person. Do not go too far with originality and come up with abstruse and hard-to-pronounce names.

Of course, the owner makes the final choice of nickname, however, there is a small top of the most popular nicknames chihuahua boys: Lord, Gucci, Spartacus, Bruce, Louis, Dexter, Jam, Buzz, Arnold, Skeet, Chester.

Many dog ​​owners make the mistake of giving their dog the first name that comes to mind. If a large breeds any nickname is suitable, then for the chihuahua crumbs you need something special.

According to statistics, the mistresses of Chihuahuas are young, beautiful and wealthy girls from 15 to 30 years old, mostly blondes. And they have more Chihuahua boys than girls.

Very often, if a dog was taken from breeders, its name begins with the letter of the litter. Specialists in nurseries, without exception, choose a letter for each litter that dominates the puppy's name. Moreover, the puppy's nickname will be indicated in his puppy metrics.

The owner can use this name, or he can call his own - this is his full right.

To choose a nickname for a Chihuahua, watch him and you will be able to choose a name that suits him.

It is very important to choose the right name, because if you call the baby Typhoon or Demon, guess what happens?

Look carefully into the dog's eyes, play with it, watch how it eats, walks, sleeps. Talk to her, list the nicknames you want to give her - perhaps the dog will give you a sign what name he likes.

Even if the boy is called Styopa, Vanya or Hitler, you will not love him less, right?

You should also take into account the purpose of the dog.

If she will participate in exhibitions, various social events, then the name should be glamorous or sporty, if the dog is taken with a good pedigree for breeding puppies, then the nickname should be eminent, sonorous.

And if the baby will just live with you in an ordinary apartment where he will be loved, then a simple Russian, home name will suit him, up to Pushka, Snezhka, etc.

It is good if the nickname is one or two syllables, with voiced consonants, so that the dog reacts to the voice of the owner.

The name then cannot be changed, since the baby will already get used to it and will not respond to another.

You can indicate the name of the animal on the collar, then in case of loss or loss of the puppy, they will be able to calm down and return it to the owners in the near future.

When choosing nicknames for chihuahua boys, remember that the name should be sonorous and suitable for your pet. And let the nickname carry a positive aura.

What name have you chosen for your pet? Be sure to share in the comments!

The name is the first thing that appears in a person, and it means a lot to him in later life. The nickname for the dog is also no less important. Therefore, you need to correctly approach when choosing it, so that it is well suited for the dog.

In general, it is up to everyone to decide what to name their pet, people with imagination are rarely puzzled about this. But, in order for the nickname to sound beautiful and fit specifically to the Chihuahua, you still need to work hard. First you need to learn a little history about the chihuahua.

History of the Chihuahua

Mexico is considered the official homeland of the Chihuahua, since it was there that three puppies of this breed were found and after that they began to be bred all over the world. But the first appearance of animals similar to the current chihuahua was in 1500 BC.

It is believed that the first Chihuahua breeders were the ancient Toltec Indians. At that time, this breed was called titichi. They revered titichi and even took them with them to the grave.

This is evidenced by ancient burials, in which the remains of a man with titichi were found. They believed that titichi could lead to the afterlife. Another version says that the pets thus took away the sins of their owners.

After the Toltecs, titichi began to belong to the Aztecs, who also revered titichi no less than their former owners.

But the next owners, namely the Spaniards, had other plans for titichi, they did not worship them, but decided to eat them. Because of this attitude of the Spaniards, little dogs almost died out, but thanks to their self-preservation instincts, they managed to save the Indian tribes from the hungry conquerors.

The modern name of this breed, because they were found in the Mexican state of Chihuahua or, if it is correct to say Chihuahua.

The breed was officially registered in 1923, and in Russia these dogs appeared only in 1959.

Nicknames depending on the features.

Choosing a nickname for a dog, you can pay attention to its appearance and character.

Chihuahua calm dogs, they will not give a sound for no reason, so you can name your favorite based on this factor, for example, Silent.

Chihi come in different colors, so you can choose a nickname based on its color, for example:

  • Snow White;
  • Chernysh;
  • Golden.

As you know, the Chihuahua is quite small size, so they are suitable for such nicknames as:

  • Baby;
  • Baby;
  • crumb;
  • Doll.

How to choose the right nickname

To accustom a pet to a name is the first training practice, so you need to choose the right nickname for your pet.

Important: Before choosing a name, you need to consult with all family members so that there are no disagreements later.

A puppy's name should not, by definition, be suitable for the opposite sex. It might even save the sneeze. Chihuahuas are snobby dogs, and males are known to fight for territory or for the female.

Therefore, if the pet will be called to match its gender, other owners, when they hear the dog's nickname, will try to protect their males. You do not need to come up with a nickname in advance. Because, as already written, you can name a pet based on its character.

And when the dog is given the nickname "silent man", then when he turns out to be a loud bell, it will be too late.

The name should sound loud, then the dog will quickly learn to be distracted by it.

It is necessary to give a chihuahua, a short nickname, then it will be much easier to train her;

Don't name the dog a person's name, it will sound ugly.

Important: Foreign names can be used, they are well suited for decorative dogs.

You should not call the dog a name that sounds similar to some kind of team.

After the nickname is chosen, it’s worth getting accustomed to it a little, maybe you want to change it.

Nicknames for a chihuahua boy

You can call the dog whatever the name used in the cartoons, for example:

  • Stitch;
  • Boniface;
  • Krosh.

It would also be nice to call the dog by the ancient name of the Aztecs, for example:

  • Zolin;
  • Cotatl;
  • Gone.

You can also use the make of your favorite car for the name, for example:

  • Nissan;
  • Rolls;
  • Dodge.

It is known that the homeland of the Chihuahua is Mexico, so it would be nice to give the dog a Mexican name. Mexican names that are suitable for dog names:

  • Dimas;
  • Nacho;
  • Gapro;
  • Vito;
  • Carlos;
  • Mario.

It will be fun to name, nicknames, for larger breeds. This will cause a storm of emotions in passers-by when they hear the name of this little dog. Options:

  • Rex;
  • Cerberus;
  • Apollo;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Gladiator.

In general, it’s a matter of every person’s imagination, the main thing is to think well and show creativity, original nickname will come to mind.

Nicknames for a chihuahua girl

To pick up a nickname for a chihuahua bitch, you also need to show imagination.

You can call a dog a name, some kind of princess from a cartoon.

And you can also use as a nickname, the names of famous singers.

As well as in the case of males, you can call the bitch with a Mexican name. Good for dog girls, fit Japanese names . In any case, it is desirable that the nickname emphasizes the diminutiveness and beauty of the dog.

List of common names for bitches:

  • Busya;
  • Bianca;
  • Sally;
  • Dolly;
  • Lola;
  • Maila;
  • Tusya;
  • Floris;
  • Barbie;
  • Verona;
  • Dana;
  • Zemfira;
  • Isolde;
  • Lala;
  • Lyalka.


Just like a person, the name of the dog decides his future fate. Therefore, you need to approach the choice seriously and with all responsibility. The puppy's nickname should stand out from the rest and emphasize the character of its carrier. Even dog breeders with experience claim that the dog's name is directly related to its behavior.

For example, one of the reasons why the name of a dog affects the character: if you call a puppy a difficult name, then it will take a long time to get used to it.

And in early childhood puppies need to be called often to themselves, this forms their future psyche.

A name for a dog is primarily a matter of every person's imagination. In general, you don’t need to listen to anyone to name your favorite pet, as you want.

Soon you will have a dog in your house, and your choice is a baby chihuahua. Among all the pleasant troubles associated with this event, there is a task of extreme importance: how to name a pet. About how to choose the right nickname, what names are suitable for chihuahua girls and boys, and will be discussed in the article.

The influence of the nickname on the character and habits of the animal

When choosing a nickname, you need to remember that it is given to the dog for life. An impulsive-creative impulse when choosing in 5 years can play a cruel joke. Names should be suitable for animals, in harmony with their appearance, character, temperament.

Some dog lovers are sure that a certain energy code is laid in the nicknames. Allegedly, the energy of the name in life affects the character of the animal and even determines its fate.

For example, a pet with a soft-sounding nickname (containing the letters l, m, n) gradually becomes accommodating, sedate and a little lazy. On the contrary, with hard-sounding (p, b, e, d), on the contrary, it will show moderate aggression. A pug named Jack will bark at an elephant much louder and more convincingly than Mickey. Unless, of course, Mickey barks at all.

It would be strange to think that a well-chosen nickname in itself will form a certain character and style of dog behavior. The owners should not forget about heredity, and even more so, relieve themselves of the responsibility for raising a puppy. But still, as one respected captain said, "whatever you call a yacht, so it will float." Charming girl Milly, for example, will proudly walk in the next novelty from her dog wardrobe.

Choosing the Right Chihuahua Name

Beautiful names for girls

Even more reverently, you should approach the choice of the nickname of a girl puppy. You can emphasize her beauty and diminutiveness, or her cheerful disposition with a name. Here are the names for beautiful and nimble dogs:

Buffy Betsy May, Mary, Pixie, Sally, Tina, Trixie, Tusya, Floris, Chloe, Cherry.

The East, as you know, is a delicate matter, and some names with meanings are suitable for both boys and girls:

  • Aimi - beautiful love;
  • Amayo - rainy night;
  • Akito - autumn;
  • Aiko - beloved;
  • Akiko - autumn child;
  • Asa - dawn, morning;
  • Izumi - stream;
  • Kaori - fragrance;
  • Kiku - chrysanthemum;
  • Kokoro - heart, soul;
  • Miyako - lovely baby nights;
  • Masuru - victory;
  • Michiko is the child of beauty;
  • Nami is a wave;
  • Natsumi is a beautiful summer;
  • Oki - open sea;
  • Takara is a treasure;
  • Umeko - plum flower;
  • Hana - a flower;
  • Haru - spring;
  • Haruki - shining;
  • Haruko is a spring child;
  • Hotaru - firefly;
  • Hosiko is a star child;
  • Hoshi is a star;
  • Hibiki - sound, echo;
  • Hikari - light;
  • Tsukiko is a moon child;
  • Etsuko is a child of joy;
  • Yuki - snow;
  • Yuri is a lily.

Cool nicknames for funny dogs

If you want not only to emphasize the individuality of the pet, but also to do it in an original way, with humor, you can give the puppy a cool nickname. When it comes to a boy, a very grateful topic is hobbits and gnomes. You can call the puppy like that, the Hobbit, or you can remember Bilbo and Frodo, Thorin, Ori.

The following nicknames will sound quite organically in a family where they like to joke: Bucks, Cactus, Cupcake, Kiwi, Conan, Confucius, Luntik, Ninja, Bobblehead, Rimbaud, Ripley, Rocky, Rolex, Scrooge, Scout, Tootsie, Fixik, Forex, Hippie, Shaman, Shustrik, Elvis.

For more originality, a girl can be named to choose from: Alice, Bagheera, Bella, Britney, Squirrel, Arrow, Gavka, Glucose, Gioconda, Zhulya, Toffee, Sprat, Lada, Nezhka, Penelope, Bullet, Button, Plush, Sabrina, Umka, Fifa , Chucha, Tsatsa, Juno.

In a word, the process of choosing a nickname for little friend not only complex, but also very exciting. Dare!

When a small creature appears in the house, the newly minted owners immediately think about what name to give it. Choosing a nickname for a purebred dog is not always easy. It must meet certain requirements, including the pedigree, start with a specific letter.

Short, sonorous nicknames are great for a small dog, emphasizing its miniature size and cheerful disposition. Such pets are great friends, they do not cause trouble for the owner, they do not need to be walked every day, like big four-legged friends.

The name you give your Chihuahua girl can be different. One has only to connect the fantasy, and your pet will feel special!

Although the Chihuahua has small size, this breed refers to serious. Its history began in the 15th century. BC e., and the reliable origin of the Chihuahua is still debated.

Chihuahua is one of the most miniature breeds in the world. This "pocket" dog, according to the standard, should not weigh more than 3 kg in adulthood.

Often the owners reflect the fragility and diminutiveness of the dog with the help of the name, calling it Mimi, Baby, Bead, Baby, the names Paw and Fifi also come across. But people with a rich imagination and developed sense humor act in a completely different way: their tiny pets are called Big, Cosmos, Tornado, etc.

Origin of the breed name

The name of the breed itself comes from the name of the Mexican state, which sounds like Chihuahua. Since the sound "h" appearing in the name is not readable by the Spaniards, there these funny crumbs are called Chihuahua, this name is also copied by English dog lovers.

In Russia, the name "chihuahua" is pronounced in the same way as it is written: "chihuahua". If you decide to give the pet a name that comes from its historical homeland, attention to the dog is guaranteed, since Spanish names are very beautiful and effective.

Spanish names for dogs

You can designate the character of the dog with such a Spanish name as Alita (translated as “noble”), Bonita (translated as “pleased”), Gracia (meaning “polite”), Evita (alive). The cute appearance of the pet will be shown by the beautiful names Doncia or Dulse (meaning sweet), Zerita (princess), Lucia (light), Chiki (baby).

Some give their pet a name in honor of natural beauties: Alba (meaning "dawn"), Idoya (lake), Carmen (vineyard), Nives (translated as "snow").
And you can call a chihuahua girl such a majestic and beautiful name as Inez (holy), Miguela (which means divine), Pepita (translated as mother), Reina (queen), Rosita (translated rose).

The emergence of the chihuahua in Russia

Very interesting history chihuahua breeds in Russia. In 1959, N. S. Khrushchev was awarded unusual gift from Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The President was presented with two lovely, cute Chihuahua puppies, which can be deservedly called a bright symbol of friendship between the two countries.

You can give the dog a nickname in the Russian manner, for example, Lucy, Rose, Shura or Yana. “Glamorous” names for these dogs are also popular: the usual Avva, Bonya, Waxa, Gadget or Daughter, or new ones, such as Nyasha, Pixie, Teffi, sometimes there are nicknames Flute and Chipsy.

Name choice

People get a charismatic pet for their own pleasure, for Have a good mood and good spirits. Based on the characteristics of the breed, you can call the Chihuahua girl Baby, Cutie, Princess, Button or Bead, Sweetheart.

What to look for when choosing a name

When choosing a name for a Chihuahua girl, you can be guided and various features the puppy itself. Babies differ not only in size and color, but also in behavior, preferences, origin, etc.

When choosing a name for a Chihuahua girl, you can focus on:


The sound combination, which is a nickname, the puppy must know and understand. The pet will remember a specific combination of sounds, and it is better that it be clear and sonorous.

For example, if you call your Chihuahua girl the beautiful name of Isabella, the dog will remember exactly this nickname, and the derivatives of Iza and Bella will not carry absolutely any semantic load for her.

What sounds should the nickname begin with?

Chihuahuas are great at taking names that start with -J, -B, and -D, such as Gilda, Bella, and Dixie. If the name consists of 2 or 3 syllables, it is recommended to include the letters p, w and h.

Names for a Chihuahua girl should not begin with vowels or with the letters w, s and u, otherwise it will be difficult for the dog to remember the nickname.

In the event that the nickname must begin with a certain letter, meeting the requirements of the pedigree, it is not at all necessary to call the dog with an official name.

It may be derived from it or similar beautiful name. In any case, the nickname should sound to you in the most pleasant way, as this will contribute to the development warm feelings between you and the dog.
