Hairstyles with a shaved temple for short hair. Women's haircuts with shaved temples

They say that everything new is well forgotten old, that's just women's haircuts with a shaved temple in the fashion of the past centuries is difficult to remember. Maybe that is why many perceive this trend with apprehension? Some are afraid that such a rebellious style will not suit them, others are afraid of the prospect of being misunderstood at home or at work, and still others simply have not decided which option they want to try on. Our selection is designed to fill you with determination, because, since you are interested in such haircuts, you no longer agree to something boringly traditional.

Classics of the genre

Classic, if the word is appropriate here at all, haircuts with shaved temples for women are noticeable shaved triangle areas above the ears and an almost untouched mop of hair that was with you before coming to the salon, as in the photo. In this regard, it is even easier to decide on shaving your temples than on an ordinary women's haircut: appearance will remain very close to the original, but it will appear zest and share audacity.

Whatever your initial length, a haircut with a shaved temple will definitely suit you, like all these women in the photo: in the case of long hair such an experiment will dilute boredom, on medium and bob hair it will give lightness to the hairstyle, and the owners of short hair will give the image of a superstar. The main thing is to decide!

Another argument "for": largely symmetrical hairstyles with shaved temples can make your face visually narrower, which will be clearly appreciated by puffy "circles" and high cheekbones "squares". This is clearly seen in the before and after photos of Miley Cyrus, who dramatically changed her image. This effect is especially noticeable on short hair and squares: the main thing is that the bulk of the hair does not overlap the sideshaves, otherwise the face will visually stretch out only when you tie your hair in a ponytail.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The most common variation is a haircut with not two, but with one shaved temple, and it is on long hair: apparently, this is how a compromise looks like between a girl's desire to be a canonical beauty and a wild brute.

Who to throw into the pool? Girls who want to add audacity to the image so that it catches the eye, but at the same time maintain a maximum of femininity.

Who should refrain? Such a haircut looks strange in combination with conservative clothes: if this is an office suit, let it be mega-stylish, if school uniform- then according to the figure and with accessories.

Hidden rebellion

For those who are strictly at work with their appearance, as well as for schoolgirls who believe that neither parents nor the school principal need to know about the transformation, there is a sparing haircut option that allows you to equally show your individuality and not get a noble scolding. In our case, we will shave a small section of the temple area so that the creative haircut is visible only when you collect your hair in a ponytail or throw it to one side, as in the photo. At the same time, it is better to change the millimeter nozzle by at least 3 millimeters or even more: the longer the hair on the shaved area, the less it will be conspicuous. This is important if you can’t wear loose hair and have to take it in a ponytail or braid: why once again attract the headmistress’s attention, right?

Shaved temples for girls help save money, as the consumption of shampoo, conditioner and other care products is drastically reduced. Perhaps this is the only case when girls are even glad that they have little hair!

Who to throw into the pool? For those who want to make a sideshave just for themselves or for trial, who have never worn short hair in any form, as well as those who, due to a strict dress code, simply cannot afford more.

Who should refrain? Looking for vivid image that would draw attention? Then this is too easy for you.

The only type of hairstyles on which haircuts with shaved temples can look ambiguous are any variations with straight bangs, especially in the case of medium length and square on the leg. Most of the photos of these haircuts belong to skinhead girls or goth ladies, and this is not the image we are aiming for.

Androgenic undershave

If you are inspired by the "Boardwalk Empire", "Peaky Blinders" or "Vikings", then nothing prevents you from trying on the Ragnar-Shelby-Darmody style, even if initially these haircuts are not for women, but for men. Yes, we are not talking about long hair here, so you will have to say goodbye to a chic tail, but something tells us that you are hardly from the category of princesses and daddy's daughters.

The advantage of a haircut, as in the photo, is that, having gone to the salon once, you can keep it in good condition at home for a very long time. If you have a hairdressing machine and a friend willing to help treat the back area, of course.

Who to throw into the pool? Unisex style lovers, risky people who love experiments and believe that hair is not a hand will grow back.

Who should refrain? If you cherish your femininity, then your heart may not be able to bear the loss of 50-60% of the hair on your head.

Do you know what is the difference between a sideshave and just a short haircut? Between a millimeter hedgehog and albeit short, but curls should not be any smooth transition. It seems that it is so simple - you took a typewriter and create - but you should not do it yourself because of the symmetry and evenness: if you doubt that your mother or neighbor will be able to catch the idea, it is better to go to the salon.

Getting a haircut with a shaved temple is not as scary as it seems, and now you also have plenty to choose from. If you decide to take such a step, you will certainly look like a rock star. Although, you are a rebel, which means you will definitely decide!

AT recent times we often see trendy haircuts with shaved temples. They are extravagant and even extreme. With this haircut you will always be in the spotlight!

Haircuts with shaved temples

Who are they suitable for?

Such hairstyles are liked by women who prefer everything unusual and want to attract the attention of others. This is a bold message to society: “Look at me! You can admire or resent, most importantly, do not remain indifferent. A girl with such a haircut will seem unusual, interesting, extravagant. Some men like it.

Hairstyles with shaved temples are best suited for young girls, for example, students. They are also appropriate for women in creative professions: actresses, artists, employees of the advertising business, etc.

Extreme haircuts can be worn not only by young women, but also by those who are older (see examples below). If a mature woman young at heart and wanting to look modern and advanced, why not do this hairstyle?

Short haircut, hair back

Haircuts with shaved temples

Here the hair is combed up and back. This haircut can be worn both for work and for the evening.
The upper hair is quite short, so styling it will not be difficult, it is enough to have mousse, hair dryer and varnish. They should be strong hold so that the haircut lies all day, as it should.

Hairstyles with shaved temples

Bangs laid down and to the side

Haircuts with shaved temples

Here the bangs are pulled down and combed to the side. These styling is quite practical, because it is always easier for hair to lie down than up.

Please note that shaved whiskey can also be worn by mature ladies. True, in this case, the hairstyle is less extreme. But agree general image looks fresh and very modern.

Shaved whiskey plus square

Haircuts with shaved temples

Another version of this hairstyle: a bob with shaved temples. Here top hair left longer so that they reach approximately the middle of the chin or slightly lower.

Shaved whiskey plus long hair

Hairstyles with shaved temples

Connection of shaved temples with long hair looks especially odd. It would seem that long hair is the quintessence of femininity. And shaved whiskey, on the contrary, is an indicator of brutality. Their combination in one bottle gives rise to visual shock.
If we talk about caring for this hairstyle, then it is no more difficult than for ordinary long hair.

Pros and cons

I have already talked about the advantages: you will never go unnoticed and will be perceived by others as a bold, extravagant woman.

And if we talk about the cons, you will have to visit the salon more often than usual. After all, the hair on the temples grows quickly, and the haircut loses its shape. In order not to look overgrown and untidy, you will have to freshen it often.

In addition, the creation of such a hairstyle requires time and appropriate styling products. A simple wash of the head is not enough.

Where can you wear them?

Haircuts with hair that are combed up or have short bangs can be worn to the office, especially if your activity is related to the creative field. For example, it could be a publisher advertising firm etc.

And hairstyles with long hair are best suited to those representatives of the fair sex who often go to nightclubs, social events, glamorous look life.

What to combine

Short haircuts with shaved temples can be combined with business items: suits, dresses, trousers. Good choice- Jeans, cropped trousers. They will also look great with leather clothing and military-style items. For the evening they can be worn with knitted dresses on the thin straps etc.

But hairstyles with long hair are not combined with business clothes (except for a tail or a knot). Otherwise, they can be worn with leather things and a military-style wardrobe. For the evening they will look good with feminine clothes, creating a bright, interesting contrast.

fashion for various extravagant haircuts and hair coloring styles are changing very rapidly. Now at the peak of popularity, haircuts with a shaved head and temples for girls. She is rapidly gaining fame, although few young ladies decide on such a hairstyle. If you still decide to try this on yourself, let's take a closer look at it: how to care for it, what pros and cons it has.

Important facts about a haircut with a shaved nape

Before you decide to radically change your appearance, you need to consider all the pros and cons.

A hairstyle that involves shaved heads for girls has some limitations. You need to familiarize yourself with them before you commit such an act:

  1. If you cannot be called the owner of thick and lush hair, then you better refrain from such a haircut. Why? Because if your hair itself is thin and not voluminous enough, then after shaving off a significant part of it at the back of your head, your hairstyle will look very poor. But if you really want just such a haircut, discuss the details with the hairdresser, who will advise how best to style it so that the hairstyle seems more voluminous.
  2. You must carefully monitor the condition of your scalp and hair. The skin should be perfect and healthy. In any case, such a haircut will attract the attention of others, and it will be very unpleasant to look at a dirty, unkempt head. Moreover, with healthy clean hair you will feel confident.
  3. The shaved backs of the girls will certainly pull a change of all things in the wardrobe. Since you have decided on such a daring haircut, then the clothes should match it. Choose something bright, creative and unusual.

Advantages of a haircut

Shaved heads of girls are becoming more and more popular every day, and this is not surprising, because such a haircut has a lot of advantages:

  1. She attracts the attention of others and highlights the girls from the crowd.
  2. With such a haircut, you can wear large jewelry.
  3. Hairstyle is suitable for any type of face.
  4. The shaved back of the head in girls with long hair is easy to hide with the remaining curls, if necessary.

Hairstyle flaws

Despite the fact that the haircut has a lot of advantages, it is not without its drawbacks:

  1. This hairstyle is very fashionable now, but fashion changes very quickly. It may turn out that yesterday stylish and with a shaved head was relevant, but today it has become a sign of bad taste.
  2. With such a haircut, it will be very difficult to grow hair. It may happen that you get tired of the popular haircut with a shaved nape, and you again want to return to its former length and classic hairstyle. It will be very difficult. There are only two options here: shave off all the hair and equalize the length, or hide the cut back of the head for many months and even years.
  3. With such a hairstyle, you need to be prepared for criticism in your direction, because not all people will understand such a bold and extravagant image. On the contrary, many will even condemn you for such a choice.
  4. This haircut has a style limit. If you creative person, then your status will be emphasized. And if you work in a reputable company or bank, then there is a strict dress code that does not allow such hairstyles.

As we can see, girls' shaved heads have both positive and negative sides.


So, we examined the hairstyle with a shaved head for girls, its features, pros and cons. It is worth considering everything before deciding on such a haircut. But if you are still going to take a chance, then be prepared for judgmental looks on the one hand, and sincere compliments on the other.

In the recent past, extravagant haircuts were quite rare and were perceived extremely ambiguously, but today the situation has changed radically - many, on the contrary, seek to express their originality and uniqueness using a hairstyle for this. one of the fashionable and current trends women have a haircut with shaved temples, which appeared not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity.

Stylists have come up with many varieties of such a hairstyle, so you can always pick up suitable option which will harmoniously fit into everyday look. However, not everyone can afford a haircut with shaved temples; it suits bright and bold, creative and original ladies who love to be in the spotlight.

Characteristic haircut with shaved temples

home distinguishing feature haircuts - shaved temporal part of the head. When it comes to female version temples are rarely left bald, usually the length of the hairs in this place is 2-5 mm. Also, the haircut goes well with long strands and short, curly curls and straight ones.

Width you shaved temple can be different: from narrow and delicate strip up to a quarter or even a half hairline. Sometimes a haircut is complemented with oblique or elongated bangs.

Who will suit the hairstyle

Despite the seeming versatility, a haircut with shaved temples is not suitable for everyone - it must be matched.

  1. The haircut will look ugly on thin and devoid of volume curls.
  2. Hair and scalp should be in perfect condition.
  3. The hairstyle looks better on dark or dyed bright colors hair.
  4. Perfect haircut fit to face round or oval shape with soft features.
  5. The hairstyle will harmoniously fit into the image of a young and extravagant girl, ladies in respectable age this image is not suitable.
  6. It is necessary to pay attention to other details of the image: makeup, clothes and accessories - all of them should also be combined with such a creative hairstyle.

Varieties of haircuts with shaved temples and styling options

Such haircuts can be done in different ways, be more daring and creative, or, conversely, emphasize the femininity and fragility of their owner.


Such a haircut is obtained when one temple is shaved. It is performed both on short and long strands, can be combined with a caret. This option with bangs also looks good, and the transition to the temple can be made smooth or sharp.

You can emphasize a shaved temple if you comb the strands to the opposite side. Such styling is done as follows:

  • comb all hair well;
  • shift them to the right side;
  • from total weight we separate several strands of curls located near the shaved temple and stab them so that they do not interfere yet;
  • on the rest of the hair we make a pile, fix it with varnish;
  • we shift the previously stabbed strands and cover them with a pile;
  • fix the styling with varnish.


Such a haircut implies the presence of two shaved temples, it looks more successful in combination with short hair or with medium length. This option gives a wide scope for imagination and allows you to create various styling: you can comb the strands back and do it in front high bouffant, collect them in ponytail, make a bun of hair, opening the temples, decorate the head with a braid. With short hair, you can style them in the form of a mohawk - a rather outrageous option.


In this case, the temples are not just shaved, but they depict a pattern or create a relief. Quite popular diamonds, zigzags, stripes, leopard prints. Variants are also common when the temple is highlighted with a color that contrasts with the general shade of the hair or this place is decorated with a temporary or permanent tattoo.

A haircut with shaved temples is a fashionable and bold experiment that will allow you to always be in the spotlight and tell others about your originality. At the same time, do not forget to complement your image with appropriate clothing, bright accessories and flashy makeup.

Haircut with shaved temples: all the pros and cons

Before deciding to shave the strands at the temples and create a vivid image for yourself, you need to think through everything well and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a haircut.

"Pros" hairstyles:

  • allows you to create a fresh and bright image;
  • attracts everyone's attention;
  • successfully emphasizes the graceful curve of the female neck;
  • a haircut is easy to maintain in perfect condition even at home without the help of a hairdresser;
  • the hairstyle is easily transformed if you cover the shaved temples with long strands, parting in the center.

But along with the advantages, a haircut also has a number of disadvantages that should also be taken into account.

"Cons" haircuts:

  • requires mandatory styling and regular correction;
  • you will have to carefully select your wardrobe or even change the style;
  • you should be prepared for the fact that not everyone around you will react positively to such an image.

Photo of women's haircuts with shaved temples

Choose your unique style. Consider various options haircuts with shaved temples.

There are many options for such hairstyles. You need to start with the fact that whiskey can be shaved both on one side and on both sides at once. However, the first option is much more popular, because the second option leaves little room for styling. Hair in this case will have to be collected in tails or braids so that you can demonstrate all the charms of a haircut with shaved temples. At the same time, with one shaved temple, it becomes possible to resort to various styling methods and means.

Who will suit such haircuts

The essence of such haircuts is flowing, voluminous curls. That is, female shaved hair should be present only in the temporal lobes. If you decide to order such a hairdressing service for yourself, then remember that such options will not look good on light hair. In addition, such women's haircuts are not suitable for all face shapes. Women with rare and thin hair it is also better to give preference to other options for hairstyles.

So, this model will look great on:

  • brunettes;
  • brown-haired women;
  • ladies with soft features;
  • young ladies with round and oval faces.

When it comes to the length of such creative haircuts, then in this case there can be no restrictions. Someone will choose an elegant and thin strip, and someone will want to shave off half of their hair. This type of haircut looks great with afro-braids, any kind of coloring (where coloring and highlighting can be safely attributed), elongated bangs.

Hairstyles with shaved temples: what you need to know

Not so long ago, a female haircut with a shaved temple was associated exclusively with various youth subcultures - Goths, punks. However, in our time, everything has changed radically. Now, such models with shaved areas are considered not only trendy and original, but also "star", as they can often be seen on the heads famous people Hollywood.

Shaved hair benefits:

  • such a female haircut looks bold and stylish, thanks to which a woman in any situation will be guaranteed increased attention;
  • such models are easy to maintain in their original form even in simple home conditions, for which a regular razor or trimmer is suitable;
  • with such haircuts, large catchy jewelry looks great;
  • if necessary, such a haircut is easy to hide, for which it is enough just to make a symmetrical parting.

Which temple will be shaved depends largely on the direction of growth of the hair follicles. As a rule, women shave their temples in the place where there is the least amount of hair. In this case, a lush mop will depart from the shaved temple, with which it will be possible to do different types styling.

Many women of fashion prefer to emphasize such haircuts with original temples more expressively, for which they depict any suitable print or pattern on the shaved area. Shaved patterns have only one drawback, which is that from now on you will have to give up cute curls.

In order for the selected women's hairstyle with shaved areas looked even brighter, you can paint the shaved area in a noticeable, bright color, which will be very different in tone from the main color of the hair.

Before you make yourself a similar haircut, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons again. Please note that, in case the result does not suit you, it will be much easier to hide your creativity under long hair than under short hair. Before the final decision, consult with the master.
