Countries where same-sex marriages are officially registered. What is same-sex marriage and why are they legalized in Russia? Honeymoon Abroad

Same-sex marriages cause public outcry in modern society, which, in fact, refers to heterosexual. Already commonplace same-sex marriage in Europe and the United States ordinary people cause protest and growth. Religious denominations see the legalization of same-sex unions as a direct threat to the traditional institution of the family.

What does same-sex marriage mean?

Marriage between people belonging to the same sex or gender is called same-sex marriage. The social positions or roles of "husband" and "wife" in such a marriage are replaced by "husband 1" and "husband 2". Same-sex unions were first officially recognized in the Netherlands in 2001. Such a marriage bears all the legal burden of a traditional one:

  • the right to jointly acquired property;
  • alimony in case of divorce (in those countries where, along with the legalization of marriage, adoption and raising children are allowed);
  • common surname for two;
  • medical and social insurance;
  • the right to be a trustee of the spouse in various public instances.

Pros and cons of same-sex marriage

Any phenomenon, no matter how negative and painful it may seem for society, has positive and negative aspects The legalization of same-sex marriage is no exception. There have always been people, a smaller number of them, who, due to innate characteristics, differ from the majority and their craving for members of their own sex is irresistible and genetically incorporated. Countries where same-sex marriage is legal have chosen this path. perhaps out of good human motives in order to overcome social inequality. In what it will result in society - there are still more questions than answers.

Same-sex marriage, pluses (obvious to the spouses themselves):

  • people of the same sex understand each other better, perhaps more strong alliance based on mutual understanding;
  • legal marriage gives homosexual and lesbian couples the right to dispose of joint property to run a household;
  • lack of gender-based discrimination, as is often the case in heterosexual families;
  • savings on wardrobe and clothing exchange.

Cons of same-sex unions:

  1. Censored by heterosexual society, sometimes resulting in hostility and violence.
  2. Inferiority in the upbringing of children, who in the future may form a false sexual self-identification and ridicule from children from complete families, this will lead to psychological trauma, the formation of complexes and neurosis.

Why legalize same-sex marriage?

The traditional heterosexual society views the legalization of same-sex marriages with condemnation and fear for the future of nations. Why same-sex marriages are needed, the government and people of each country have their own points of view on this question, but in general, the reasons are as follows:

  • recognition that gay people deserve the same legal marriage rights as everyone else;
  • combating homophobia, prejudice and .

Same-sex marriage in Orthodoxy

Same-sex marriages in the Bible are considered unacceptable and relationships between members of the same sex are sinful and subject to condemnation. The commandments of Moses in the book of Leviticus classify homosexual acts as "abominable and abominable practices". Why is same-sex marriage forbidden in contemporary Orthodox Christianity? There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The gift of the Creator was to create people of different sexes: men and women.
  2. The marital union embodies the original will of the Creator: the continuation and multiplication of the human race (same-sex spouses are not capable of realizing the divine plan, of conceiving).
  3. The union of a man and a woman is not only a bodily difference, but also different images complementary in marriage (there is no complementarity in same-sex marriages.

Same-sex marriage in Islam

Same-sex marriage and the church are incompatible concepts. Only traditional marriage between a man and a woman is sacred and pleasing to Allah. Homosexuality and lesbianism are criminalized in Islam, up to and including the death penalty (e.g., throwing from tall buildings, violent stoning), in countries such as:

  • Iran;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Sudan;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Nigeria.

To prevent the spread of homosexuality, there are strict regulations:

  • children (boys and girls) from the age of seven should not sleep in the same bed;
  • men should not kiss each other on the cheek (shaking hands and kissing the hands of elders are allowed);
  • cannot be in one place mature men with young men who still lack facial hair;
  • it is forbidden to watch porn films and read homosexual literature.

Same-sex marriage in the world

Where is same-sex marriage allowed? more people who feel different from heterosexuals are interested in this issue. The list of countries where same-sex unions are legalized is growing every year. Spouses in such marriages are entitled to all benefits and social privileges, as in the usual, traditional union. Which countries allow same-sex marriages (top 10):

  • Netherlands (2001);
  • Norway (2008);
  • Sweden (2009);
  • Mexico (2009);
  • Argentina (2010);
  • Brazil (2011);
  • Denmark (2012);
  • France (2013);
  • USA (2015);
  • Germany (2017).

Same-sex marriage in Russia

Are same-sex marriages allowed in Russia - the answer is an unequivocal "no". Russia is a country with centuries-old traditions and foundations, among which the idea of ​​a family has hardly changed. marital relations V Russian Federation regulated by law, and based on voluntary mutual agreement married men and women. Some gay people try to get married on the territory of a foreign country, and if it is an ordinary union, then it is considered valid, but a same-sex marriage will not be legally valid.

Same-sex marriage in the US

If we recall the recent past of America, then unconventional relationship were persecuted by the police, and there was no question of same-sex marriages. Homosexuals caught in public institutions, hotels were subjected to criminal punishment and humiliation by society. Lists were publicly disclosed, people lost their reputation, jobs, social status and support from relatives. Only towards the end of the 20th century. the so-called “domestic partnership” has been established in society - not official marriage. The legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States was completed in full for all 50 states on June 26, 2015.

Same-sex marriage in Japan

When asked in which countries legalized same-sex marriages other than the United States, one can safely name Japan, or rather the capital, Tokyo. The jubilation of Japanese gays did not appeal to conservative politicians who are completely opposed to such a phenomenon as same-sex non-traditional marriages. Japan is trying to keep up with America and solve once and for all the issue of discrimination against sexual minorities by legalizing such unions on a par with traditional ones.

Same-sex marriage in Germany

Legalization of same-sex marriages in Germany will take place from October 2017. On given time same-sex civil unions or partnerships are allowed, permission for which was obtained in 2001. The population of Germany, among 83%, voted for the freedom to choose a partner of any gender and enter into marriage with him marriage union. An interesting fact is that Chancellor Angela Merkel for a long time was on the side of the LGBT community and literally a few days before the vote on the adoption of the law refused to support this bill, guided by the fact that the traditional union is a man and a woman.

Same-sex marriage in France

Countries where same-sex marriages are allowed are constantly replenished. France resolved this issue back in May 2013. President François Hollande labeled it as the most important aspect along with the introduction of other social reforms. More than half of the residents supported the adoption of the law. Same-sex spouses were given permission to adopt and raise children, unlike other European countries where marriage has not gone further than legalization. The adoption of the law increased aggressive tendencies on the part of heterosexuals, which led to a greater percentage of violence against homosexuals.

Same-sex marriage - famous people

From the outside, it looks like a whim or a means to arouse, stir up interest in one's own person ... and yet it can be love, although incomprehensible to most people traditional orientation. Famous same-sex marriages among stellar personalities who, ignoring gossip, legalized their relationship and live happily ever after:

Same-sex marriage legalized in many countries of the world, and this trend continues to spread. The question of the legalization of same-sex family relations is decided by each state of the world individually and largely depends on traditions, mentality, religion and other domestic factors.

1994 UN Cairo International Conference on Population and Development

Recognition process same-sex marriage began after the Cairo International Conference of the United Nations on Population and Development (1994). During its implementation, the following principles were proclaimed:

  • Equality and non-discrimination various types sexual unions.
  • Ensuring the safety and interests of all forms of sexual unions.
  • Granting to persons gay the right to form alliances with members of the opposite sex.

The Vatican and the governments of Latin American countries expressed sharp criticism of these provisions, arguing their position with allegations of the unnaturalness, immorality and sinfulness of such unions.

Although the Russian delegation received Active participation in holding this conference, no statements were made regarding the aforementioned principles. At the time of the conference, sodomy in Russia was prosecuted by law.

The position of the European Union regarding the conference was quite open and liberal, since the EU announced abortions and same-sex marriage exclusive human rights, which the state has no right to restrict.

Countries that legalize same-sex marriage

The Netherlands is the first country in the world that, in 2001, allowed individuals to enter into same-sex marriage. The Dutch Parliament has also granted homosexual couples the right to adopt children if they are cohabitation in the territory of this country exceeds 3 years.

Belgium became the second country to legalize same-sex marriage(2003). This decision of the Belgian government was accompanied by granting homosexual unions full rights to inheritance, taxation, life and health insurance, protection of the right of common joint ownership. Spain became the third country that, despite resistance from the Vatican, legalized same-sex marriage(2005 year).

The Norwegian parliament in 2008 not only legalized the possibility of forming homosexual unions, but also granted same-sex couples the right to have a marriage ceremony in a church and adopt children on an equal basis with heterosexual families.

Legalization same-sex marriage in America took place at the state level, where the population was given the right to express their opinion on homosexual unions through a popular referendum. Thus, same-sex couples gained the right to legalize their relationship in California, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Maryland, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Some Latin American countries have also secured the right of homosexual couples to legalize their relationship at the legislative level: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

Based on the analysis recent years, there is a tendency to recognize same-sex unions in Western Europe, North and South America, and in Scandinavian countries. However, the states of Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.), Asia (China, UAE, Israel, Turkey, etc.), Oceania (Indonesia, etc.), due to national traditions and religious views, do not approve of the legalization same-sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage in Russia: legal regulation

Russian legislation does not regulate legal relations regarding the possibility of concluding same-sex marriage, and from this it follows that it is impossible to register a homosexual union on the territory of Russia. Same-sex marriage registered on the territory of a foreign state are not recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation, since their conclusion contradicts the fundamentals of national legislation.

This policy is explained by the demographic and social situation in RF. Population growth in the Russian Federation over the past 5 years has reached negative levels (mortality exceeds birth rate). The introduction of same-sex marriage, according to the authorities, will lead to the "extinction of the nation." Russian politicians have repeatedly made reports that under the influence of homosexual movements in the world moral values and foundations of society.

Despite the lack of recognition same-sex marriage, Russia has a policy of non-discrimination and ensuring the basic constitutional rights of same-sex unions. gay people enjoy the same rights as straight people sexual orientation: freedom of thought and speech, movement, privacy, etc.

According to paragraph 13 of article 127 family code RF dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ, persons who have entered into a same-sex marriage cannot be adoptive parents.

The public position of Russian society regarding same-sex marriages

The level of tolerance of the Russian society to gay marriage is one of the lowest in the world. However, this position is justified by objective historical and religious factors that are not inherent in the countries of Western, Northern Europe and America.

In the pre-revolutionary period, marriage was considered exclusively as a union of a man and a woman, and all other manifestations of love were associated with "sodomy". These views are closely related to the unshakable position Orthodox Church which does not recognize same-sex marriage.

The emergence of numerous religions and denominations, the provision of a wide range of freedom of speech and action, the creation of numerous social movements and associations of homosexuals are the main reason for the introduction and legalization of same-sex relationships in Western countries. Most of the above factors in Russian society are unacceptable and alien, and an absolutely large part of the population has a categorically negative attitude towards the legalization of same-sex marriages.

Such a public position is supported by quite objective statements. The legalization of homosexual unions, according to scientific and sociological studies, leads to a negative demographic situation in the country, an increase in the number sexually transmitted diseases, A moral values and foundations lose their meaning.

However, every year Russian society perceives homosexual unions more tolerantly and more humanely, and the number of public condemnations in their direction is rapidly decreasing (especially in large cities). Thus, despite the negative position of society regarding same-sex marriage, the conditions for the existence of homosexual couples in Russia take place and are at a normal level.

Summing up, we can say that the question of accepting or not accepting same-sex marriage is internal affairs each state. However, most of the civilized countries of the world adhere to democratic views regarding the creation of conditions for the existence of same-sex unions.

IN modern world An increasing number of countries are granting same-sex couples the right to legal marriage. However, in Russia and a number of other states, such marriages are not recognized. And in some states, homosexual relationships are punishable by death. If the partners are determined to register their relationship, you can go to one of those countries where same-sex marriages are allowed.

Marriage is traditional and same-sex

Such a concept as "marriage" arose in the days of the most ancient states. But several thousand years ago, and today it means the voluntary union of a man and a woman into one family. Marriage in the traditional sense is a union between persons of the opposite sex. It is concluded according to their mutual desire to create a family. However, over the past few decades, this concept has changed. First of all, this affected European tolerant states. Not only heterosexual, but also homosexual couples can now combine the bonds of marriage. In some countries, they are also allowed to have children. This trend is also supported at the international level. However, not all states, due to their religious and cultural traditions ready for these changes.

International regulation and legalization

An interesting fact is that not so long ago homosexuality was regarded World Organization healthcare as a disease. But since 1990, it has been removed from the list of globally recognized diseases. This was done in favor of the emerging policy of total protection of equality, including for adherents of same-sex love.

The main role in the legalization of relations between sexual minorities was played by the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as the Cairo Conference). Its program formulated principles in the field of human rights and freedoms. One of them was proclaimed the right to choose any sexual partner, the conclusion of any unions. Human freedom began to be interpreted even more widely. The equality of all is proclaimed, regardless of race, color, sex, religion and sexual orientation. The development of these principles has led to the fact that many countries began to recognize and (or) allow such unions officially.

At the international level, since 2003, even the Day Against Homophobia (May 17) has been celebrated. And 2011 was marked by the adoption of a UN resolution prohibiting any discrimination against homosexuals.

Video: gay rights around the world

Where can you get married

The principles approved at the Cairo Conference have been gradually developed in many countries. Since 2000, the process of legalizing homosexual unions has begun in a number of European countries. However, questions about the rights of sexual minorities, even in the most tolerant of them, cause controversy in society.

Some countries recognize such links, but their official registration do not enter. Others both recognize and register same-sex unions. Still others register them in other forms, recognizing marriages concluded in other countries. There are those who forbid them and even punish them with the death penalty.

List of countries where same-sex marriage is legal

Among the most loyal states that have confirmed the legalization (i.e. legality) of same-sex marriages are:

  • Netherlands (2001);
  • Belgium (2003);
  • Spain, Canada (2005);
  • South Africa (2006);
  • Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland (2009);
  • Argentina (2010);
  • Denmark (2012);
  • Brazil, Uruguay, France, New Zealand (2013);
  • Luxembourg, USA, Ireland (2015);
  • Columbia (2016);
  • Finland (2017).

The possibility of registering non-traditional marriage unions is currently provided in twenty countries. In Mexico and the UK, such marriages are not legal in all parts (states). In some states, unions of non-traditional couples have a different status than marriage, namely a registered civil partnership. Such rules apply in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Estonia, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Slovenia, Italy.

Does Russian family law allow registration of homosexual couples

Russia is not among the countries advocating the legalization of same-sex love. The legislation does not contain a direct ban on such unions. As well as regulations that infringe on the rights of sexual minorities. But current legislature does not grant rights unconventional couples legitimize your relationship.

The Family Code of the country (RF IC) contains the traditional definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman (Article 12). At the same time, among the circumstances that make marriage impossible, homosexuality is not listed (Article 14 of the RF IC). However, same-sex couples in Russia will not be able to be adoptive parents. This is directly prohibited in the law (clause 13, article 127 of the RF IC).

Homosexual unions (marriages) concluded in other countries are not recognized in our country. In addition, Russia is not a party to international agreements on the legalization of non-traditional marriages. Based on this, we can conclude that in the near future the attitude towards marriage of homosexual couples in Russia will not change.

Video: why Russia won't legalize gay marriage

The position of Russian society

The state has been concerned about the demographic situation for several years now and is taking measures to increase the birth rate. And people brought up under the influence of cultural and religious traditions are far from being as tolerant in this matter as Europeans. Especially the generation that grew up back in the days Soviet Union. Young people have a simpler view of homosexuality. Some support gay rights, others are neutral. However, the majority still has a negative attitude towards same-sex unions. Russian society is alien to the international principles established in relation to same-sex marriages. According to the results of surveys conducted in different years, only 4 to 30% of citizens expressed their consent with homosexual marriages. At the state level, society instills ideas of the value of the family, motherhood, childhood and traditional relationships.

Video: Should same-sex marriage be legalized? (survey of residents of Russia and Ukraine)

Which countries ban same-sex unions?

In contrast to those countries where the full legalization of homosexual marriages has been introduced, there are states that insist on a ban on them. Some of them provide for any homosexual relationship severe punishment up to and including the death penalty. For the most part, these include countries in which religious traditions are strong. These are Eastern and African states, countries of Asia and Latin America, Oceania.

Homosexuals are seriously prosecuted in the following countries:

  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Sudan;
  • Iran;
  • Pakistan;
  • Malaysia;
  • Tanzania;
  • Barbados.

There is no consensus in the world community about homosexual marriages. Most European countries allow their imprisonment, citing equality regardless of orientation. There are more than two hundred countries in the world, and only twenty of them have so far officially recognized the legality of same-sex unions. The rest are either loyal, or neutral, or openly oppose. Some countries that share European values ​​will probably also legalize such unions in the near future. However, in states with strong religious traditions this issue will not be resolved in the near future.

Although same-sex unions in various forms existed almost always, official marriages began to take place only in the second half of the 20th century. On this moment This is a rather sensitive topic, which has become an occasion for heated discussions. More and more people are open about their feelings when a girl loves a girl and a guy loves a guy.

What is same-sex marriage: from the beginning to the present day

Unions varying degrees involvement between people of the same sex was in ancient Hellas, in the Roman and Great Chinese empires. In some cases, it was almost a full-fledged marriage, with wedding ceremony and the emergence of new legal relations between spouses, but such a family carried, rather, an intermediate temporary function before the traditional heterosexual union of any of the partners. Information has been preserved that Saint Valentine, contrary to the order of Emperor Claudius II, married men, for which he was subsequently sentenced to severe punishment.

From the point of view of modern legislation, officially recognized same-sex unions arose in 1979, but the most complete legal relations, which can already be called a marriage, appeared only in 2001. The pioneer country that legalized a new type of family was the Netherlands.

The world's first legal same-sex marriages

The first officially registered same-sex union, which in principle can be called a marriage, was concluded in Denmark. In 1989, the Aksgil couple registered their relationship. At that time, the couple celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their life together.

Mary Ann Toos became the first woman to formally marry her life mate, the wedding took place in the Netherlands in 2001.

Which countries allow same-sex marriage?

At the moment, same-sex couples have the right to officially marry in all major countries of North and South America, in Australia. Europe is divided into three distinct camps. The Scandinavian countries and Western Europe have carried out full legalization and allow marriages, middle part grants the right to other same-sex unions. In Eastern European countries LGBT representatives wishing to enter into an official marriage, this is prohibited by the Constitution.

More than 20 countries around the world recognize official homosexual marriages and other forms of same-sex unions. Some aspects of the law are still controversial even in the progressive part of the world, such as the issue of adoption, but overall there is progress. In general, consideration of all the pros and cons of the full recognition of the rights of same-sex couples continues in almost all developed countries of the world.

Today, many members of the LGBT community, when looking into where same-sex marriage is allowed, consider it in the context of their future immigration.

Same-sex marriage around the world

Same-sex marriage - family union between persons of the same sex.

The Cairo International Conference on Population and Development in 1994 played an important role in the process of legalizing the "same-sex family" in the world community. The Cairo Conference approved the Program of Action for the Regulation of Population. Principle 9 of the Program consolidated equality and equivalence different types sexual unions, including same-sex unions.


The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. A law allowing same-sex marriages and adoption of children by such families has been in force since April 2001.
However, there are some restrictions on the exercise of this right. Homosexuals can enter into civil marriage through the usual ceremony at the city hall, as well as opposite-sex couples. When concluding such marriages between people who are not Dutch citizens, one of them must necessarily permanently and for legal grounds reside in the Netherlands. Mayors also have the power to refuse to register such marriages.

In accordance with this law, homosexuals can marry in the generally accepted official way, as well as get married, but church parishes retain the right to refuse them this ceremony.


On May 17, 2010, Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva decided to ratify the bill allowing in the country. The document, developed by the ruling Socialist Party, received the support of all political forces of the center-left spectrum and was approved in parliament in early January 2010. The bill was opposed by right-wing politicians who insisted that the issue should be put to a national referendum.


On June 11, 2010, the Icelandic Parliament passed a law,. Parliament adopted the document unanimously. Iceland, where homosexual relations are very tolerant, became the first country in the world whose leader is a person who openly declares his non-traditional sexual orientation. In 2009, Johana Sigurdardottir, who does not hide her homosexuality, was elected Prime Minister of the country.

In the United States, gay people began to fight for the right to marry each other in the 1970s, in the wake of mass movements for civil rights racial minorities. This idea, which was initially categorically rejected by American society, gradually acquired the right to life. In 2002, after the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of registering transgender marriages, a new wave of debate arose in the United States and litigation, this time focusing on the acceptability of gay marriage and its compliance with the US Constitution. In 2000, Vermont became the first US state to allow civil unions between gays and lesbians.

On March 3, 2010, gay marriage became legal in the Metropolitan District of Columbia.


On December 21, 2009, the legislature of the Mexican capital Mexico City passed a law that allows same-sex marriage.
Mexico City became the first city in Latin America where you can officially register a marriage.


On July 21, 2010, Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner signed into law the law approved by the National Congress.

In 2002, Argentina became the first Latin American country to officially allow people of the same sex to live in a civil union. But they did not have all the rights that a heterosexual person has. married couple. In particular, they could not adopt children.


May 2011 Supreme Court Brazil allowed civil unions between members of the same sex for the first time, then in October 2011 the Supreme Court passed a ruling making same-sex marriage possible in the country. At the same time, there is no federal law in the country that allows same-sex marriages.

Now the bill will be discussed in the House of Lords.

The passage of a law on the marriage of same-sex couples will allow gay couples to marry in both civil and church ceremonies. At the same time, the latter.


On April 11, 2013, the Lower House of the Parliament of Uruguay approved the bill,. Earlier, the document was approved by the upper house of parliament. New law will enter into force after it is signed by President José Mujica, who has always supported the rights of sexual minorities.


On April 10, 2013, the French Senate approved the o.
12 April French Senate allowing same-sex couples to register marriages and adopt children.
It is expected that the law will come into force in early summer, but before it must be signed by President Francois Hollande and published by the country's official newspaper Journal officiel.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources
