Holy Week: Great Saturday.

Before Easter.

This is the day of mourning for Jesus Christ crucified on Friday. Holy Saturday is also called "dyeing" because it is on Saturday that many housewives dye eggs.

Church Services on Great (Holy) Saturday

In all Christian churches on this day, the service begins in the morning and lasts all day, turning into a solemn Easter matins.

In the center of the temple on a dais is the Icon of Jesus Christ, lying in a coffin, decorated with flowers. This icon symbolizes the Shroud, which was used to cover his body. Canons are sung, glorifying Christ, who conquered death.

Easter basket on Holy Saturday

Traditionally, on Holy Saturday, housewives collect an Easter basket. Painted and painted eggs, Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter are placed in it.

Also, baked pork, a piece of butter and salt are traditionally placed in the Easter basket. Salt symbolizes the energy of life, oil - prosperity, and pork - fertility.

Great Saturday - the time of Christian repentance

On this day, believers try to realize their sins and find peace of mind. You need to try to forgive all the offenses and ask for forgiveness from those to whom you have offended. Holy Saturday is a day to help the needy and the poor.

Since Lent only ends on Sunday, it is recommended to eat only bread, raw vegetables, fruits and water on Saturday.

Signs on Great Saturday

Weather-related notes:

*If there is a clear day on Holy Saturday, this means a dry and clear summer.

* If there is bad weather on this day, the summer promises to be cold and cloudy.

Holy Saturday - what not to do?

You can’t eat the dishes that you cook for, because Great Lent is still going on.

On Good Saturday, you cannot wash, sew, iron things, do cleaning, work in the garden, in the garden, do hard homework, such as chopping wood, doing construction.

Do not do needlework.

It is impossible on Great Saturday to swear, swear, offend loved ones, laugh out loud, have fun, sing and dance - this is a great sin.

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed, only a little red wine is allowed.

It is worth refraining from intimacy.

You can visit the cemetery on this day and clean the graves - you can, but you should not make a commemoration.

It is best to devote this day to rest, reconciliation and prayers.

Saturday before Easter - what can you do?

As mentioned above, Easter services in churches begin on Holy Saturday evening. If you can't attend the vigil, stay up anyway. On this night, be sure to light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and pray.

It is believed that if you don’t sleep on the night from Saturday to Sunday, then you can attract happiness for the whole year, because it is on this night that happiness “wanders” among people, and it is very important not to oversleep it.

The main rite of Holy Saturday is decorating and coloring eggs, baking Easter cakes. Please note that in the room where the dough rises, you can not swear, swear and talk loudly. should prepare in peace and love.

Holy Saturday is a day of reconciliation, kindness and forgiveness. Be sure to ask for forgiveness from relatives, friends, relatives. Make peace with everyone with whom you have quarreled. And do not forget to distribute alms to those in need, and cook for loved ones.

Remember that on Great Saturday you cannot celebrate birthdays, celebrate weddings and various celebrations.

On Great Saturday nothing can be taken out of the house. The people say that you can give away your well-being and prosperity.

Easter greeting. What should you say at Easter?

Priests in churches greet all parishioners with the words: "Christ is risen!" To get the answer: "Truly risen!". This is how we greet each other at Easter.
Greeting with the words "Christ is risen!" expresses joy similar to the joy of the apostles when they learned about the resurrection of Christ.

Saturday, which comes in Holy Week before Easter, is a special day. Therefore, they are often interested in the question: what can and cannot be done on the Saturday before Easter?

A detailed response and first-hand comments from the clergy are presented below.

You can start the discussion with what kind of Saturday comes before Bright Sunday. Interestingly, this day has several names at once:

  1. Great.
  2. Passionate.
  3. Dyeing.
  4. Quiet.

The main name is due to the fact that Saturday is the last day of Holy Week. These days were the last in the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

On Good Friday, the Savior was crucified, and all Saturday his body lay in the tomb. And the grief of loved ones at the tomb of Christ was very heavy, because hardly anyone hoped that he would rise again.

That is why Great (Holy) Saturday is a very dramatic day. And therefore it is undesirable:

  • make any fun
  • go to parties,
  • sing dance,
  • organization of some celebrations (wedding, birthday, etc.)
  • indulge in carnal pleasures.

In this regard, the Sabbath day is also called quiet - it is really better for believers to refrain from worldly noise.

It is also better to give up work in the garden, hunting and fishing.

What not to do on Great Saturday before Easter

It is good to feel the atmosphere of Great Saturday, to learn a brief history of what lies in the traditions of this day, and what it means. Then it will become clear what exactly should not be done in such dramatic hours.

First of all, this is a day in which you need to try to restrain all earthly passions. It is unacceptable to swear, especially to swear and get annoyed in general.

So, it is better to leave all the clarification of the relationship for later. After all, Easter is coming, and it's time to tune in to the bright waves of the holiday.

If possible, it is better not to devote time to fun parties, to postpone the celebration of any dates. It is undesirable to do housework, hard work. It is better to plan your time in such a way in order to fulfill routine duties before the mournful hour.

Of course, there is no need to laugh, unrestrainedly have fun on Saturday before Easter. After all, we certainly would not do this in the days of memory of our loved ones. And if we are talking about the fact that a good half of humanity remembers the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is clear that this only increases our responsibility.

What to do on Holy Saturday before Easter

Since we are talking about the fact that on this day believers especially commemorate Christ, it is important to pay sufficient attention to their spiritual life. It would be right to attend a church service that starts early in the morning and continues throughout the day. Moreover, in the evening it turns into an all-night service, and then Bright Sunday comes.

And among the people, Saturday is also called Dyeing (or Red), since the hostesses are completing the last preparations for Easter. Eggs are dyed in the house, Easter cakes are baked, boiled pork is baked. Although it is traditionally customary to finish all household work on (cleaning the house, washing), the church does not prohibit doing business on the Sabbath.

Of course, on such a day you can read the Bible, pray, do good deeds, help those in need. Here you can focus on your inner voice. Perhaps someone has long needed your attention - then you should visit the person and help him as much as possible.

It would be useful to ask for forgiveness and forgive other people yourself. After all, by doing even the smallest things, we really change the world for the better and fill it with joy.

What can you eat on Good Saturday in Lent

And you can also take care of tomorrow's celebrations - traditionally, housewives begin to collect Easter baskets in order to consecrate festive food in the church. In this regard, the question arises: what do they eat on the Saturday before Easter?

In fact, this is the last day of Lent, so it is better to try to withstand the restrictions. In addition, there is not long to endure - tomorrow you can eat any dish.

And on Saturday itself, you can be content with only this menu:

  • bread (not rich);
  • fruits and vegetables in any form;
  • water.

Great Saturday is the last day of Great Lent, and it is very strict (bread and water). And if we talk about when the Sabbath meal is allowed before Easter, then only after the end of the vigil in the temple. In fact, Great Lent ends on Sunday: after the service, believers solemnly say: “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!"

And then you can already taste pastas, eggs and other food. After that, the parishioners go home, rest and go to bed. But the real Easter holiday comes a few hours after Easter night - and it lasts at least a week.

Folk signs and beliefs on Holy Saturday

As we know, this is a particularly dramatic day: the body of the Savior has already been removed from the cross and placed in a coffin. Of course, on such a day you should refrain from any quarrels, and even irritation is better left for later. And you also need to pay attention to such folk signs and beliefs:

  1. On Good Saturday, it is better not to plan any noisy parties. Even if a birthday falls, it should be celebrated as modestly as possible. And if you arrange a feast for the whole world, then this is an unkind sign: the year may not turn out as well as you planned.
  2. It is also popularly believed that it is not necessary to take out the garbage on Saturday and nothing (any item) from the house at all, including loans. Wait until Sunday - because if you disobey, it can give rise to minor troubles, failures and harm you.
  3. If Easter cakes turned out well on Great Saturday, this is a very good symbol: the year will turn out and delight loved ones with pleasant events.
  4. If you wake up precisely during the Easter dawn and see it, a new bright streak will come in business.
  5. If a deceased relative dreamed on Easter night, this is a very good sign. There is a belief that then in the next year all family members will be healthy, and no misfortunes will touch them.
  6. It is better to try not to oversleep the morning service and generally get up early. Being late for church is not a good sign.
  7. Interestingly, even hunters have a peculiar system of Easter symbols and signs. If you describe all their signs, you need a whole book. But the most important rule is that on such a day it is strictly forbidden to shed the blood of animals, this is considered a great sin. Therefore, with hunting (and fishing) you need to wait a little.
  8. If it was clear and warm on Saturday before Easter, then the whole summer will be clear and sunny. And if cloudy weather turned out - to be a cold and rainy summer.

Good Saturday 2017 Do's and Don'ts

Orthodox preparations for the Holy Resurrection of Christ end with Holy Saturday. In 2017, Holy Saturday is April 15th. Believers also call this day Holy Saturday. After death on the cross, the Savior descends into hell and, having crushed the gates of hell, brings the righteous out of its depths.
On the morning of Holy Saturday, during the service in the temples, products for the celebration of Easter are consecrated: painted eggs, Easter cakes. At the church service, the blessing of five loaves and wine takes place. This is done in memory of the fact that the first Christians remained in the church for the whole of Holy Saturday until Easter matins and, eating the consecrated bread, prepared for the feat of vigil on this saving night.

The faithful are preparing for the all-night Holy Saturday and the morning liturgy, where the joyful news will sound: “Christ is Risen!”.

Holy Saturday: what not to do

Until that time, on Good Saturday 2017, you can not eat meat and dairy foods, as well as fish and eggs. It is allowed to eat caviar. An exception to the strict rules of fasting is made for those who cannot observe them for health reasons, pregnant women and children. All other relief is done with the blessing of the priest.
However, the main thing in Great Lent is not abstinence from certain foods, but care for the soul. On Great Saturday, you can’t do what was forbidden for the entire time of fasting: having fun, having sex, singing and dancing. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining peace of mind, without being irritated, without swearing or being offended by others.
Easter and eggs are ancient symbols of the holiday, salt being blessed is a symbol of truth and holiness (“You are the salt of the earth,” Jesus tells his disciples). In the Easter basket, which is carried to the temple for consecration, they put fruits and sweets, which are then distributed to children, and they are also treated to old people. At the consecration or during Great Compline, a candle or lampada is lit from the same Easter basket.

Signs and rituals currently associated with Holy Saturday have a long origin and go back to pagan traditions that reflect the ancient calendar of nature. In some villages, they have survived to this day.
Many signs of Holy Saturday are associated with the cult of the sun resurrecting after a long winter. If it “plays” on this and the next day, then the year will be successful and fertile. With the appearance of the luminary (Christ), the dark forces must disappear. On the night of Holy Saturday, young people in the villages ran with lit torches, protecting the fields from evil spirits, and the village from fires for the whole next year.
Water scooped up in a river or spring on the Bright Night is attributed the same miraculous power as baptismal water. Therefore, the girls went for water, but it was necessary to bring full buckets to the house and at the same time not talk to anyone.
There are also signs associated with spells. At the first ringing of bells on Easter midnight, people, making the sign of the cross, said three times: “Christ is risen, my family - health, and home - wealth, field - harvest. Amen".
The Church considers the signs of Holy Saturday to be superstition, since God's help is not the result of magical rites, but is given to people by His Grace.

This is the last day of fasting before Easter. This day is mournful for Christians, on which they remember the torments that Jesus Christ took and are preparing for the Bright Resurrection.

Holy Saturday Events

To describe the events of Holy Saturday, it is worth remembering that on Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed in a terrible way by crucifixion on the cross after false accusations. On this day, he went through torture, overcame the difficult path to Mount Golgotha, carrying his cross. And after suffering trials, he accepted death.

Holy Scripture tells us that on the night from Friday to Saturday, the body of Jesus was taken down from the cross, washed, anointed with spices, wrapped in a shroud and buried. But the Pharisees knew that he could rise again, who, fearing that the disciples might take the body of the Savior, turned to Pontius Pilate with a request for enhanced security of the burial site.

Pontius Pilate ordered that the tomb of Jesus Christ be filled with stones. But despite this, the Savior was resurrected, and his grave turned out to be empty.

Service on Holy Saturday

Saturday services begin on Friday evening, when, after the removal of the Holy Shroud, it is placed in the middle of the church. The morning canon is filled with hymns of praise to Jesus Christ, who conquered death by taking away from it the keys to hell. Morning Liturgy of St. Great Basil can be attributed to the most beautiful service of the year, starting from the entrance with the Gospels and the Great Procession.

In all churches, news is expected of the Descent of the Holy Fire in the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. Priests read the Old Testament, focusing on the prophecies about the Resurrection of the Lord.

On Saturday, believers bring Easter cakes and colored eggs to churches for consecration.

The troparion ends Great Saturday of Holy Week.

Fasting on Great Saturday

After Good Friday, believers are allowed a slight relaxation to strengthen their strength before the holiday. You can eat hot food with vegetable oil. At the same time, all meat, dairy, eggs remain under the ban. You should not try ready-made Easter cakes, Easter and colored eggs.

Do's and Don'ts on Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is a day of silence and prayer. The pre-Easter preparations should already be completed. On this day, it is not customary to work, bake Easter cakes, sing, dance, have fun, do not do needlework, go hunting and even laugh.

If, nevertheless, there was no time for baking Easter cakes, then you should do it in secret, without showing it to others. It is believed that if someone sees how the hostess is preparing Easter cake on Saturday, then she will not succeed in the dish.

Folk omens

  • If Holy Saturday is sunny, then the summer will be warm and the year will be fruitful.
  • It is believed that if a girl does not go to bed on the night of Holy Saturday, a quick and happy marriage awaits her.
  • If a consecrated painted egg is dipped into the water on Great Saturday, then the water becomes healing, and if you drink it, it promises health and good luck.

Holy, or Great Saturday is a popular Christian holiday. This is the last day before Easter. In 2019, Holy Saturday falls on April 27th. The Orthodox Church on this day remembers the burial and stay of Jesus Christ in the tomb and His descent into hell.

history of the holiday

On the first day after the crucifixion and burial of Christ, from the very morning, the high priests accompanied by the Pharisees came to the procurator Pilate. They asked that guards be placed at the tomb of Jesus so that the disciples would not steal the body and say that He had risen. Pontius allowed guards to be posted, and a seal to be placed on the stone that covered the rock.

The disciples laid the body of the Savior in a new cave in the rock, where no one had been buried before. The guards confirmed that no one could step in or go out. This subsequently served as proof of a true miracle - the resurrection of the Son of God.

On the second day of his stay in the tomb, Jesus descended into hell and crushed its gates. He brought the light of the gospel preaching into the darkness of the underworld and announced the victory of good over evil. The Savior devastated hell, took Adam, Eve, all the righteous with him and brought them to the heavenly abode. By descending into hell, Jesus completed His redemptive torment for mankind.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On this day, the liturgy of Basil the Great is served in churches in the morning. In the evening, the Acts of the Holy Apostles are read. Before midnight, the Midnight Office is held, during which the priests take the Shroud to the altar and place it on the throne. Matins begins at midnight. Church ministers change the dark clothes in which they went from Monday of Holy Week to light ones. In the evening, Easter cakes, colored eggs, wine, meat and other festive treats begin to be blessed in churches.

On Holy Saturday in the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection, the Holy Fire descends.

On this day, housewives paint and decorate eggs, prepare Easter dishes.

On this holiday, you need to make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel, ask for forgiveness and forgive the offense, repent and confess your sins.

What to Eat on Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday falls on the last week of Lent. On this day, according to the church charter, dry eating is allowed - unboiled food of plant origin: water, bread, salt, dried fruits, raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, honey. Alcohol cannot be taken.

What not to do on Holy Saturday

The Church forbids cleaning the house, washing, ironing, and working physically on this holiday. You can't hunt or fish. It is forbidden to have fun, sing, swear, quarrel. You should abstain from sex. You can not celebrate a birthday, anniversary or wedding. It is forbidden to give something from home - so you can give away health, luck and well-being.

Signs for Holy Saturday

  • What is the weather on this day, so will summer be.
  • To be healthy and beautiful, you need to put a holy egg in the water for washing.
  • Waking up on the night of Easter protects against diseases, gives a rich harvest, brings good luck to the hunter, and the bride promises happiness in marriage.
  • If you get married on Good Saturday, then the couple will not be together for long.
  • Who laughs on this day - he cries all year.
