Topics for February 23rd in the office. Game “Oh, the guards get up early”

Perhaps Defender of the Fatherland Day in our country is the only day entirely dedicated to men. Today it doesn’t matter whether a person served in the army or whether he saw weapons only in book illustrations and in action films. Regardless of the age of the representative strong half of our humanity, they begin to congratulate him in the morning. Congratulations on February 23 to men are also prepared for work colleagues. Since Army and Navy Day has been a public holiday since 2002, men are given cool surprises and corporate events at work a little earlier, from February 20 to 22. You can congratulate your workmates in different ways - give them postcards with poems, send short SMS with humor. It is better to congratulate the boss and senior staff officially, in prose, by presenting them with a large gift from the entire team.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23 - Surprises for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

You should agree on the form of congratulations for men in advance. Sometimes preparing for a surprise on February 23rd will take several days - every woman can make her contribution to the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday itself at work. Some teams make do with verbal congratulations and a short tea party after a working day or during a break. Others organize fun corporate parties, choosing a non-working day as the holiday date. Of course, the scale of the fun itself depends on the budget of the congratulators and on the number of men in the team. For example, it’s one thing to congratulate one or two colleagues, but if there are more than twenty or thirty of them? As a rule, women “chip in” for gifts, and the person responsible for organizing the holiday and surprises purchases them.

You can't understand a man with your mind,
You just need to believe in a man.
He must prove by deeds
That you can trust him with your life.

You can't understand a man with your mind,
He's made from a different cloth,
But he is destined to take
We have so much room in our destiny.

You can't understand a man with your mind,
Now the heart is again gnawing at resentment,
But I want to believe again,
Whatever is difficult, he will help.

You can't understand a man with your mind,
But how can one live in the world without him?
Which of you can tell me
Then where will the children come from?

You can't understand a man with your mind,
Women have a different mind,
Would be soul mate,
We don’t need to know what’s in the brain.

You can't understand a man with your mind,
You just have to believe in a man
That we can trust him with everything,
And he will be able to understand us!

Ideas for congratulating men on February 23 - Surprises for colleagues

Having decided to congratulate colleagues on February 23, women must choose someone responsible for the organization holiday face. It will be good if each of the women is assigned her own task. For example, lady artists can create a cheerful collage of men’s photographs, signing “wall newspaper” funny poems. Good cooks will bake homemade cookies, cakes, and salads. Some of the women can start purchasing products for a mini-corporate event. All representatives can prepare the table for the holiday fair half working in a team. If you work in an office you will like it next idea to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day in a team. To do this (unbeknownst to the men), a holiday screensaver is installed on their computers. Ladies prepare and buy pies, pancakes, fruits, caviar, vegetables, gifts, etc. It doesn’t matter if you still don’t decide whether to put alcoholic drinks on the holiday table. In the presence of Have a good mood, men go to the store themselves. When choosing gifts for colleagues, it is important not to make a mistake. If you don’t know your workmates too well, choose “neutral” gifts for them - towels with funny February 23 symbols, mugs with the names of each man, organizers, stationery sets.

In the beautiful name MAN
It sounds like courage and honor,
To be inspired for no reason
Dream and mind - it's all there.
To be able to love, to give us happiness,
Sometimes being fickle:
Then leave, then come back
And at the same time love us!
May God always protect you
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
May fate be favorable to you,
Life will be complete, without flaws!
And let the words always sound
About you, the only ones, loved ones,
About those whom nature named
A wonderful name MAN!!!

Congratulations on February 23 to men - Holiday SMS with humor

Since February 23 is a day off, most men celebrate this holiday at home or with friends. This does not mean that work colleagues should not be congratulated. There are many ways to say kind words to a man. For example, you can send him a short telephone message. The text of the SMS can be humorous - this way you will help your colleague smile in the morning. On our page you will find examples of messages with humor. Write them down so that you can congratulate your workmates and friends on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Examples of SMS congratulations to men on February 23 - Short telephone messages with humor

On the morning of February 23, send humorous SMS to your friends and work colleagues. When congratulating men using short telephone messages, try to exaggerate them positive traits, tell them enthusiastic words. Of course, your cute surprises with humor will be appreciated. Your colleagues will remember your congratulations, and they will definitely give you a return gift on March 8th.

Festive snow flutters outside the windows,
And here we are melting slightly.
On Defender's Day we congratulate our colleagues,
We give simple gifts.

Even if you don’t see the machine guns in your hands,
And the tanks are hidden in boxes.
With such protection we know no fear -
Brave, brave boys.

And I would like to wish you such a holiday
Strong Spirit and Word to you.
What if your colleagues and Motherland
They praised you again and again.

This good time has come,
When can I congratulate you?
After all, the twenty-third of February
We've all been waiting for a long time and it's not in vain:

Hold on tight, it's going to be fun!
Everyone who has been ready for it for a long time.
To protect yourself from... infections of the almighty
Get ready to give the wine its due.

On February 23, I congratulate all real men, I wish you to catch the biggest fish, drink all the best beers, and cheer at the most interesting football matches!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose - Short wishes to men

If you are embarrassed to read poems to colleagues and friends on February 23, briefly congratulate the men in prose. To do this you just need sincerity and great desire to please a person on a holiday. If you congratulate employees, you can read out one congratulation from the entire team. In this case, each of your colleagues should be given a small, but individual gift.

Your spirit is strong and your body is strong, great hopes rest on you. Let only the best happen to you. Let your courage and bravery grow stronger from year to year, because you are our stone wall, support and protection.

Examples of short wishes for men - Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Since February 23 is an official non-working day, you need to congratulate your colleagues in advance. To do this, on the eve of the holiday, ask your workmates to stay a little longer. It would be appropriate if the boss wishes his subordinates success, personal happiness, and good luck. After verbal congratulations, men are always given gifts.

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Our dear colleagues, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! May your health be strong, your happiness great, your joy limitless. We wish you prosperity, prosperity, peace, goodness, family comfort and warmth.

Dear Colleagues! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I would like to thank you for your male support and understanding! May your dedication and hard work be fully rewarded with salary increases, bonuses and promotions! Let men continue to remain in our friendly team reliable protection and support for us!

The funniest congratulations to men on February 23

If you want to congratulate men in a fun way, you need to start preparing for February 23 in advance. If the team has good, even informal, relationships, on Defender of the Fatherland Day you can hold fun competitions and “parades” in military uniforms obtained from relatives and second-hand stores. On the day of the corporate party, all ladies can change into vests and put on caps. The hall or room where the event is taking place should be decorated with collages with the most funny photos colleagues who have ever been caught by surprise - sleeping at work, eating huge hamburgers, making a mess on the table. Of course, photos should not be offensive and, especially, compromising.

We wish all our men,
With my very strong hand,
Don't hold a black gun
And a couple of cutlets.
Let every brave warrior be
And he was awarded the affection of a woman.

Examples of the funniest congratulations to men on February 23

If you have a lot of women working in your team, it will be very easy to surprise your colleagues on February 23rd! To do this, you just need to get together in advance and decide on the form of congratulations. Ladies can make a video clip, including the funniest moments from the lives of employees. A funny and unexpected surprise from women will be a humorous dance from women or a remake song about masculinity and reliability of men. You will find other examples of cool congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on this page.

Happy twenty-third of February,
Dear colleagues!
For work for me
Best neighbors!

From the bottom of my heart, my dears
Congratulations on the holiday!
And health and happiness to you
I wish you all the strength you have!

And also - great success,
And huge rewards,
And I wish you money
Large and immodest!

Be happy, colleagues,
On the holiday of February!
The best blessings in the world
I wish you!

Oh, our courageous, brave ones, strong men. You can handle any task, you are not afraid of difficulties: you courageously cope with difficult office work and with honor you withstand the “shelling” through the eyes of the fair half of our team. We congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to always be open and unprotected when you are attacked by money, beautiful, loving women and grateful, enthusiastic bosses.

Official congratulations to men on February 23 - Wishes to colleagues in prose

If your work is so serious that jokes on February 23 may seem inappropriate even to colleagues with a great sense of humor, it is better to congratulate men formally, in prose. To do this, on the last working day before Defender of the Fatherland Day, employees are purchased small souvenirs - pens with an “eternal” nib, wallets, leather folders for documents, etc. The boss or a chosen one can officially congratulate men on the holiday and wish them further success in work and personal happiness in advance a team member.

Examples of official congratulations for men - Prose for February 23

You can congratulate men at work on February 23 officially, in prose. The boss should receive a gift from the entire team. Let it be one, but a large present. An excellent surprise for your boss will be expensive cufflinks, a bottle of elite alcohol, a watch, or a leather organizer. If you cannot choose your own congratulations to the boss and all the men of the team, our examples will help you do this.

Dear (name, patronymic)! Congratulations on February 23! A man is essentially a winner and a leader. Only a born leader can be such a wonderful boss like you. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you new victories on all fronts, as well as peace and goodness in the rear.

Congratulations on February 23! We sincerely wish good health, peace, goodness, joy, good luck, prosperity and happiness. Let work always bring pleasure, and family idyll reign at home.

Dear (name, patronymic), on this holiday of real men, allow me to congratulate you. You are an excellent leader, a good family man, good father. With all these statuses you confirm the proud name of a real man. We wish you more bright, sunny days and less bad weather. May everything work out well for you in life!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues - Postcards with poems for men

Whatever the holiday organized at work in honor of February 23, you cannot do without postcards for your colleagues. Postcard with poems - the most modest, but always nice gift to a man. Perhaps your team includes a person with a rare poetic gift. Ask him to write some short poems in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, today there are ready-made postcards with poems on sale, but rhymes you come up with yourself are the best surprise.

Let them wait for a real man

The most brilliant victories!

May everyone's wishes come true!

All the best, good luck, prosperity!

Happy Defender of our Motherland Day!

Happy wonderful, joyful day!

Only success and victories in everything!

Examples of greeting cards with poems for men on February 23

When signing cards for men on February 23, you can use the examples of poems posted on this page. Probably one of your colleagues will want to take the initiative and write good rhymes for the holiday. It would be original to come up with a separate congratulation in verse for each colleague. Personalized greeting cards also make great gifts.

When choosing which February 23 greetings to men you can organize at work, use our examples of the most funny wishes colleagues in poetry and prose. The boss and senior employees of the team can be officially congratulated. If you are not sure that you can congratulate men personally, send them an SMS with humor on Defender of the Fatherland Day, send them an e-mail cards with wishes of success and prosperity.

Congratulations or not? Of course yes! After all, men love gifts and attention more than women. Every year, women are faced with the question of how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way. Many, not finding an answer, invite special companies. They pay a lot of money for this, and often it is formulaic, standard congratulations. Working in a team where there is a good, friendly atmosphere, you can organize a holiday on your own. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time and will be a bright moment in the life of the team.

In advance women's team make a program. It won’t take much time, the main thing is to distribute the functions and approach this issue creatively. If you wish, you can arrange a holiday for the whole day, dividing your congratulations into blocks. It will definitely lift your spirits when men enter the office without undressing yet and see three beautiful girls dressed in military uniform.

A protective shirt, a skirt just above the knees, and a cap will be a great addition to the look. Here you can show your imagination. A nurse costume would also work. You have already impressed men with your appearance. Go ahead. A light background of wartime music will serve great addition. Let music with military songs play throughout the working day. The atmosphere in the office will be festive, corresponding to February 23rd. Girls should stand and be an adornment for a reason, although this is important. They are entrusted with the function of meeting and making the first congratulations. To do this, they have in their hands a spread containing: black bread, cut into pieces, pickled cucumbers, lard, and vodka. It is better to use iron utensils to impart authenticity. Acquaintances and friends will have an iron mug, a pot, a couple of plates. You don’t have to drink and get drunk first thing in the morning, but setting a kind and festive tone for work won’t hurt.

So. The men entered the hall, saw three fighting friends and were taken aback. Girls, don't be confused. A couple of lines or a quatrain must be said and an invitation to taste the front-line 50 grams. The reaction may be ambiguous. But, after all, this is a holiday and there is no need to insist, force anyone to drink or have a snack. Just give a smile and carry on. As soon as all the men enter the office and are greeted solemnly and beautifully, the first block will be completed. Everyone will take their jobs and great mood will start the working day. To create a festive atmosphere, you can decorate your office with posters and balloons. Place a vase of carnations and a card on each man’s table. This will be the first gift.

We continue to surprise and congratulate you further. At lunchtime, a cake with holiday symbols will come in handy. It would seem that congratulations and gifts are already enough. But the most important thing is yet to come. The congratulations program lasts the whole day. Your defenders will be pleasantly surprised. Bright moments will delight them throughout the working day. After the end of the working day, the secretary will announce the general gathering in the dining room or in the office lobby. It is better to choose a location where there is more space, as required by the scenario. Pre-set the tables; you can just get by with a buffet table. The main thing is to approach this issue creatively. And it is advisable to follow the theme. Pay attention to details, utensils and dishes. Think in advance about how to take your seats correctly and comfortably. On this day, all attention will be only to men. The stronger sex today is women. They have to try. Pleasant chores and a great time spent with colleagues will only raise the corporate spirit of the team. The holiday continues.

We continue the banquet

The men take their places at the table. The girls, meanwhile, are ready to continue their congratulations. Prepare the sailors' uniform in advance. For this you need blue trousers, a white blouse, cap, and collar. You can make the details of the costume yourself so that they are all almost identical. The surprises continue. Once everyone is ready, the next block can begin. The male colleagues took their places. The sailors come out in beautiful formation to the center and stand in a line. They begin to dance to the sounds of the song “Apple”. The dance elements can be very simple. It is enough to repeat the main movements while standing still, and you will be simply irresistible. Enthusiasm and fun are the main thing that should not be forgotten. Continuing to surprise their men, after the dance, to the music, they give gifts. If the team has a majority of men, then one woman will give it to several employees. What's better to give? Since the military theme was maintained throughout the day, this means that this concept should continue to be adhered to. Approach this issue creatively, use your imagination. And surprise with your creativity. Standard gifts in the form of pens, lighters, ties are already a thing of the past.

It is advisable to make gifts for male colleagues on February 23 yourself. To do this, you need to take a liter jar. The filling can be at your discretion. Let's not deviate from the topic. We put matches, a flashlight, cigarettes, soap, disposable machines, and pills there. Everything is at your discretion. These small items can be purchased at any store at affordable prices. As soon as the set is prepared, the jar should be rolled up with an iron lid, having previously decorated it. Cover it with a postcard or wrap it nicely in newspaper. The content should be a surprise. Believe me, such an unexpected and original gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Fun, laughter and jokes will accompany you. In addition, the things in the bank will be useful in everyday life. After presenting the gifts, you can begin the feast. Dishes must match. Stick to a military theme. Continue to surprise and delight further. Let these be simple, no-frills dishes. It is enough to boil the potatoes in their skins. Buy herring, lard, black bread and pickles. Canapés made from olives, olives, sausage and cheese are suitable. You can go home satisfied and full.

In just a couple of days, February 23rd will be celebrated everywhere. Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated today by all men, from small to great. And, despite the fact that the holiday was originally dedicated to the military, and to all those who have at least some connection to the army, today February 23 is considered to be men's day, because every man is a strong man, and a strong defender of his homeland. , and your family.

And for this he does not have to serve in the army. In view of such popularity of the holiday, representatives of the fair sex are tormented by how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way? After all, it’s much easier in this regard with your own household. But, of course, also our own dear colleagues I don’t want to leave it unattended.

Ideas for congratulations

The most common option to show your attention is to give them postcards and sign them, using funny or, on the contrary, serious congratulations from the Internet. However, such a congratulation will surprise few people, but I would like to congratulate my colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way.

Even the most banal, at first glance, idea with greeting cards can be made original. For example, not buying a postcard in a store, but making it with your own hands is already more creativity to the point, right? Or you can go further and come up with a short poem about the recipient of the postcard. Thus, the gift turns out to be completely original and unique! But such a simple idea of ​​how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way does not end there.

A pleasant surprise

The day before the holiday, female employees may stay a little late at work to prepare a holiday surprise for their colleagues. Or, on the day of the holiday, you can come early to have time to prepare everything before the heroes of the occasion arrive. What's the surprise? The surprise is to transform the office into a festive abode. How? To do this, just decorate your office with inflatable balloons color scheme military uniform: brown-green, marsh yellow.

You can also hang military flags and camouflage netting. If you don’t have enough imagination for creative design, you can always contact special organizations that prepare holidays and themed decorations. The most important thing is that men should not guess anything and, upon entering the office, be surprised by what they see. Such celebration atmosphere will set the mood from the very morning, and most importantly, men will not guess that the surprises do not end there.

As an addition to the surprise, you can prepare a festive wall newspaper. By the way, armies still publish wall newspapers, and since the holiday is still related to the army, such a surprise gift would be very appropriate. To create a wall newspaper you will need whatman paper, stationery and imagination. A wall newspaper can be humorous; for example, you can cut out the face of an employee from a photograph and draw the body of a soldier, paratrooper, or general onto it. Titles, by the way, can be distributed depending on the position a man occupies in the company. The highest rank is, of course, for the boss, and the rest should be distributed fairly, so as not to offend anyone by accident.

The theme of the wall newspaper can be anything: it can be an imitation of a discharge album, a day in the life of an office, or even a kind of key card for a gift.

But even on this original ideas, how to congratulate colleagues does not end there. Separately, or as a supplement with a surprise design and a wall newspaper, you can also print a sample agenda from the Internet. You can indicate in the agenda, for example, the place and time of a holiday corporate party, or come up with something of your own, for example, a place and time to pick up your gift. Such summonses can be hidden among things on a colleague’s desk, or placed in a visible place so that he will receive his summons as soon as he has to get to work.

What can you give to male colleagues?

Of course, a surprise, a wall newspaper and a comic agenda are already a large part of the work, but all this will only set the stage festive mood and atmosphere. It’s impossible to do without gifts, even small and inexpensive ones. The question of what to give male colleagues on February 23 is always relevant.

It’s probably easier to say what you definitely shouldn’t give. This list includes shaving accessories, socks, perfume and personal care products. In the end, you need to leave this privilege to your wife and relatives. You should also not give something from clothing, since, even despite long-term cooperation, you may not guess with the size and taste. Still, such gifts fall into the personal category.

How to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way? Despite the fact that there is a taboo on standard gifts, there is an answer to this question. Great options for gifts for colleagues on February 23:
A mug, T-shirt or lighter with cool inscriptions. Such things will always come in handy, and you should choose some kind of comic congratulation that would remind who this gift is intended for, for what occasion, and from whom. For example, this could be the inscription “Head to the Commander of the Sales Department” or “Advertising General”. There is a place for your imagination to run wild.
Another great option that is suitable as a gift for the whole team is a tennis table or air hockey. Of course, you should consider whether the space in the office allows you to place such a large gift, and whether there is enough budget for it. Such a gift will be an excellent replacement for an eternal smoke break or passive rest during the lunch break. Being at work will become even more pleasant!
Gift certificates and subscriptions. The good thing about such a gift is that they often offer discounts on it in honor of the holiday, and even greater discounts for corporate clients! Therefore, you can choose a certificate, as for the entire male office team (for example, group game paintball), or individual subscriptions to visit the pool, or the purchase of sporting goods at a certain amount. You should be careful with sports-related memberships; colleagues may take this as a hint that it’s time to lose weight. Well, certificates for the purchase of any product for a certain amount of money will give the owner the opportunity to decide for himself what he needs and purchase it.


A feast is an integral part of any holiday, even if it is celebrated within the walls of the office. How to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way? You can organize a small office feast. After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so you can’t leave defenders without treats.

The feast can be organized at field style. Use metal plates and mugs as utensils. And as a snack, both food that is consumed in the field (stewed meat, buckwheat, condensed milk), and something special, it’s still a holiday! You should definitely take care of meat dishes, because many people love well-done meat tenderloin.

Of course, a feast does not always boil down to a large laid table with various treats, especially if we are talking about an office. Many limit themselves to modest tea drinking. And the best way to drink tea is with a cake. A birthday cake can be ordered at the bakery by requesting the shape of a tank, helmet, or grenade. Or you can bake a cake on your own, and also try to make it in the form of a tank or other military items. It is appropriate to write wishes on the cake. The most important thing is that every man gets a piece of such tasty and a beautiful gift.

Well, if you don’t plan a feast at the office at all, then you can bake cupcakes for a modest snack at lunch. Despite the fact that the cupcakes are small in size, they can easily fit a few words of congratulations. It would also be appropriate to buy fortune cookies.
This will be both a tasty treat and a way to have a little fun.

And another one interesting idea how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way - arrange it festive dinner. To do this, you can order food from a restaurant, something unusual, for example, Italian or Japanese cuisine. Such a surprise can be not only a way to have a snack, but also act as a full-fledged gift. After all, it’s not every day that you can enjoy something unusual, especially in the office. Can be done.

Entertainment for the holiday

February 23 is celebrated differently in every company. Some people prefer a modest party, while others prefer a corporate event on a grand scale. And if a grandiose party is planned, then you certainly cannot do without an entertainment program.

The simplest, but no less fun way Having a good evening means having karaoke. Of course, on occasion, the playlist should be selected according to military theme, or on the topic of how wonderful our men really are. Anyone can sing, and you can also hold a competition for the best performer. In this case, the main thing is not to forget the mini-prize for the winner.

For entertainment, you can also organize a themed photo shoot. To do this, you will need a professional photographer, if one is not available on staff, a photo zone and fun props. Let our male colleagues remember February 23rd long years! Then, from the resulting photographs you can make magnets for the office, mugs. You can also use photographs for the wall newspaper next year.

To the original question, colleagues have been in the office since February 23, there are many answers. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to choose the one that is most suitable for your colleagues and office. And also, the main thing when preparing for the holiday is to put your soul into it, then your male colleagues will definitely appreciate your efforts and will thank the lovely ladies in the spring, on March 8th!
