Creating comfort in the house, secrets and important details of your interior. How important is family comfort

Attention spouse. How does he live and feel, blinded by the flashes of our quarrels? Have they become a lonely swaying bridge that still binds us? And is there not only a surname and an address left of our common? Is it really the most valuable thing that I received from my marriage, are only the privileges received during its conclusion? And isn’t the most important of them my “right” to play on my husband’s nerves with impunity?

Attention to yourself

When and how did I become such that I explode so easily? Am I always and everywhere so unrestrained or selective? Unrestrained in front of whom, selective - when and why? What gives me this exhausting game - "to be or not to be"? Whom will I, at least mentally, warm and whom I will cool? And who am I chilling? How much does this "pleasure" cost me? And if quarrels today discharge me, then what can I expect tomorrow that will amuse me? Will the very fact that the invention of an occasion for another quarrel no longer a problem for me?

Through quarrels, do I rule over another or am I his obedient slave? What annoys me about my partner - what I notice in him, or what I feel for him? Or, perhaps, because I do not notice anything in him and do not feel anything? Maybe these are just chimeras, the fruit of immature feelings? Perhaps my quarrels are the best proof of what I want to hide with all my might - my human inferiority? Do I give myself an account of what I say, in what way I express a thought, what is the degree of indifference with which I throw insults and reproaches in the face of my spouse?

A completely non-rhetorical question: What do I want to change with the help of a quarrel - myself or my spouse? Or is a quarrel for me just a way by which I secure for myself an extra-family space, an uncontrolled right to maneuver my personal plans and interests, regardless of my partner, how will it hit me in the head?

Attention to our marriage

What are quarrels for marriage? Do they bring us closer or separate us in everything? Or is it also a unity of natural clashes between two characters, temperaments, two sexes, their interests, between education and our human values? Isn't it a clash between individuals who can't come to terms with the idea of ​​being spouses? Is this confrontation so harmless?

Do not my inner turmoil, the independence of my behavior come out through quarrels, and is this not a deepened anemic state of my health? Do not quarrels mean my gradual departure from the very meaning family life? Am I hypnotized by the idea that this is the only way I can give meaning to myself?

It has been noticed that when we feel uncomfortable in marriage, we allow ourselves to walk around unceremoniously in relation to our spouse in our underwear, no longer caring about what we lose in his eyes. former attractiveness, not noticing the thick weeds that grow in its place.

In this manner, we allow ourselves to “exhibit” our complexes and failures, arrange a parade of our failures and mistakes. We allow ourselves in a living person who is nearby to seek retribution for an unsatisfied sense of self-worth - as if we prefer a plaster corset than healthy legs. We behave as if the idea of ​​a family was imposed on us by someone from outside, and we are the property of an evil stepmother.

As if the motives for the quarrels also came from outside, and we became their voluntary, obedient puppets. It no longer matters to us whether there is something in our marriage, in our spouse, in our relationship that we are dissatisfied with, or there is something else, something pleasant in it. Surely quarrels are the most decent way achieving mutual understanding, the opportunity to look closer and more closely at their contradictions, to comprehend their dissatisfaction in a human way?

How important is family comfort. When discomfort reigns in our house, when quarrels have settled into our marital communication for a long time, any truce is nothing more than a pause, accompanied by a tense silence. After another collision, the quarrel becomes even more furious. And so it can last until the time when there is not even a desire to quarrel, and quarrels will arise again and again. And it turns out that time has long written off us as individuals who need each other. And it will no longer be possible to expect anything good from the “troops divorced within us”?

How important is family comfort

This is not the luxury of furnishings and housing square. But not the absence of problems always and in everything. Family comfort is human comfort, spiritual comfort, “synchronism” in our relations. Communication that is not subject to adversity in our partnership. Consonance, in which nothing irreparable happens, even if one of the voices is sometimes hoarse. Because in this case it will not sound false. And will not give birth to counter falsehood.

In search of this comfort, we always strive for a family, home, where all rooms are filled with comfort. It warms our souls, cooled down in worldly drift. He makes us trusting and trusting. It does not just unite us as a social “cell”, but unites us into a living organism, into which neither the exclusion virus nor any other infection is able to penetrate.

And when we live comfortably, we are not afraid that we can exhaust ourselves internally, in our house there will never be a shortage of topics for conversation. And God forbid, if in the desire to create and maintain family comfort we suddenly show ourselves as impatient whims, then no advice will help us. Of course, before a new brewing quarrel, we will again certainly forget that we must relentlessly control and regulate our emotions. And it is a pity that this is still possible, because we still lack the most essential for marital harmony - human maturity.

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Five components home comfort

The woman is the keeper of the hearth. If a man has the duty to earn money, then the duty of a woman is to create comfort at home. Today, these truths are very blurred. After all, both a man and a woman work, sometimes the husband does more housework. Be that as it may, a woman creates home comfort.
Home comfort is the warmth of relationships in the family, cleanliness and freshness in the house, care, goodwill that this house radiates. Home comfort consists of the following main components:

  1. Order in the house
  2. Houseplants
  3. Handmade in the interior
  4. Textiles in the house
  5. Psychological atmosphere

Order in the house is an essential component of comfort

It is difficult to imagine home comfort when the house has dirty floors, mountains of unwashed dishes and a mess in the cabinets. Therefore, you need to constantly maintain cleanliness, remove garbage and throw away unnecessary things. Order and cleanliness in the house good health all family. If the house is clean, then there will be no unpleasant odors and only a pleasant atmosphere will reign in the house.
Indoor plants bring into the house delicate fragrance green the rooms and make the air fresher. Flowerpots serve not only as a decoration of housing, but also have many additional properties. Some flowerpots are able to purify or disinfect the air, release pheromones. There are plants that attract family and material well-being, love. It is important not only to have in the house houseplants, but you also need to take care of them so that the flowerpots are a decoration of the house, and not an indicator of the poor housekeeping of its inhabitants.

Comfort in the house is something more than clean rooms

Create comfort various little things, crafts, perhaps incomprehensible to strangers, but so expensive for family members. For example, the clumsy pictures and crafts hanging on the wall in the kitchen, which the son made as a gift to his parents at work, will create an atmosphere of homely warmth. Coasters for mugs will look very original self made, wicker baskets, embroidered pictures and other little things. Handmade things not only give a zest to the overall interior of the home, but also create coziness and comfort in the house.
Soft tissues are able to warm a person physically. Textiles in the apartment also help to warm up mentally. Without textiles, the apartment becomes cold and alien. It is important to carefully select textiles for your home. It is necessary that all the textile elements in the room are combined with each other.

Textiles make the room more homey and cozy

The psychological atmosphere in the house is perhaps the most important component of home comfort. If in a family serious problems in relationships, there is a hostile attitude and quarrels, then no matter how clean, comfortable and beautifully decorated the house is, warmth and comfort will not increase in it. Family relationships also need to be worked on. Do not accumulate resentment, you can calmly express discontent. Everyone should remember that the family is the closest people for any person, and there is no need to offend them. Family traditions, joint entertainment and spending free time will help all family members get closer, feel their unity.
Home comfort is a happy family in a clean house, in which the aroma of a freshly prepared dinner hovers and an atmosphere of mutual understanding reigns.

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Our curtains in the interior

When a girl begins to turn into a girl, she increasingly hears from her mother and grandmothers: “Learn to wash, iron, cook, otherwise no one will marry!” The old generation still lives with the idea that the woman is the guardian family hearth and creator of home comfort. Of course, even despite the fact that women are almost in no way inferior to men, that very warm atmosphere in the house, where you really want to return after a hard day, is created by a woman.

What is comfort?

Firstly, this is the order in the house. Is it really nice to be in an apartment with things scattered everywhere, uncleaned, dust on all surfaces, and so on? And those who say, pointing to a pile of different things and objects scattered around the room, that this is “ artistic mess”, is simply looking for excuses for his slovenliness and laziness.

But restoring and maintaining order is the responsibility of not only women. Every member of the family must contribute. Man performs hard work- knock out carpets, wipe dust on high pieces of furniture, wash windows, a woman works in her territory - the kitchen, but not because " your place at the stove, in the kitchen, "but because who better than her to know what to put where, to clean. Older children clean up common areas, and even toddlers should be taught to order, especially since little ones are interested in doing things like adults, so they can be trusted to dust their children's furniture or fold toys.

Secondly, comfort is a house where all objects are in harmony with each other. Calm warm colors, soft tissues, natural wood. No offense to high-tech lovers, but for some reason dinner at a round wooden table covered with a snow-white tablecloth, when the wind sways the tender openwork tulle, and with the onset of twilight, the classic sconce turns on, it becomes tastier, and the atmosphere is warmer.

But if a woman is entrusted with the selection of color combinations, furniture models, options for a successful arrangement, the choice of places for paintings or other objects, then the man is obliged to drive in the very nail on which the picture will hang, or hang a cornice for new curtains.

Coziness is also those very cute trinkets: vases, figurines, paintings or photographs of family members hanging on the walls. Comfort is when you, returning home from work, get under pouring rain, with joy you enter your house, where the smell of fresh pastries comes from the kitchen, little son enthusiastically collects the designer on the floor of the nursery, and his beloved wife talks about the past day at a hot fresh dinner.

The most important, comfort is the atmosphere in the family itself. Even if the apartment is so perfect order that it is possible to carry out microsurgical operations, the rooms are furnished according to latest fashion, but there is no respect and understanding between family members, then all this decoration will not give any comfort. In families in which there is no harmony, one can often hear: “I don’t even want to go home.” But surely the house is clean and dinner is ready, only everyone is sitting in their “shell”.

That's why do not argue that comfort is the work of only a woman. Comfort in the house is achieved through the efforts of everyone, and everyone should contribute. Even if the spouse is fully employed at work, then, according to at least, he must provide financial side question. After all, it's no secret to anyone that just out of thin air a tangible part cozy home you won't create. Someone brings new interesting ideas on the arrangement of the dwelling, and all together maintain the order referred to above.

Some might object that in happy family all of these attributes are optional. But ask yourself the question, how long will your happiness last in a neglected house?

We spend most of our lives at home, but not everyone can call their home cozy. It so happens that visible reasons it seems to be not, but I don’t want to return home - everything seems completely alien. Let's try to understand the reasons for this feeling, and also talk about how to create home comfort without material investments.

What is comfort

Each person perceives the concept of home comfort as something of their own. Some give great importance aesthetic beauty, the practicality of objects is important to others home interior, and the third do not care what their house looks like - they only care about relationships with family members and a peaceful atmosphere in the house. In any case, the phrase "home comfort" causes each of us the most positive emotions, a feeling of warmth and peace. Comfort is something more than expensive repairs and prosperity, it cannot be bought, but you can create it with your own hands.

Agree, non-residential premises, for example, a study, can be perfectly clean and furnished with the most expensive furniture, but there definitely cannot be comfort in it. And if for a moment imagine a small village house with crackling firewood in the stove and a friendly hostess who bakes pies, waiting for someone? And if at the same time, she is your relative, whom you have not seen for a long time, you will probably want to give up everything in order to be exactly the one she is preparing to meet.

At such moments, it becomes clear that even with the most modest level of prosperity, you can love your home and enjoy life.

A cozy home is:

  • The place where you want to return. So that the feeling of comfort in the house does not leave you, try not to leave unfinished business before leaving for work. It’s not at all difficult to wash a plate after yourself and assemble the bed, and if there is no time for this, you can at least bring the dishes to the sink, or throw a blanket on the bed - it will be much more pleasant to return;
  • Where there is peace and tranquility. If relations with one of the family members do not go well, and friendship is clearly excluded, you can at least try to stop the hostility. The housing issue is one of the most pressing topics of society at all times, and there are people who have to live all their lives under the same roof with the relatives of a wife or husband. Few people manage to live in peace all the time, joint life is not an easy thing, but people try to find compromises, and they do it primarily for themselves. You should not take the concessions that you sometimes have to make as a tragedy - treat it as a payment for avoiding conflicts;
  • Where you are welcome. Not everyone has a family, and if you live on your own, try to turn oppressive loneliness into freedom. If you're really lonely, you can get a pet. Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, but in any case, do everything in order to get along with those who live nearby. It's not hard at all to say hello to your neighbors, and even if you put nothing but common courtesy into "Hello" or "Good afternoon", the results are sometimes surprising. A vigilant grandmother-neighbor will definitely pay attention to suspicious personalities in the entrance near your apartment, and a neighbor with a set of tools will not refuse to help if, for example, your door lock is jammed. But the neighborhood friendly people It's also part of the comfort!

Home decor and comfort

From a psychological point of view, we have already considered the comfort of the hearth, and now let's talk about quite material actions that will give you and your loved ones a feeling of warmth and lightness. You don't have to do anything complicated, just:

  • Get rid of everything superfluous. If you keep a collection of sweaters in your closet that went out of fashion 10 years ago, nothing new will appear on this shelf until you get rid of the old one, not to mention the energy stagnation. If you feel sorry for throwing something away, but you will never need it again, give it to someone who needs it. Every thing should be in business, as well as every part of the space in your house;
  • Spend 15 minutes cleaning every day. General cleaning, of course, it also needs to be carried out periodically, but in fact, cleanliness is easier to maintain than to create. After all, it is not difficult to remove crumbs from the table, or wipe the floor at the threshold if it is slushy outside, especially considering that these actions save your time. By removing the “contamination source” in time, you prevent the spread of dirt throughout the room, and this is already a lot;
  • Choose interior items in warm colors. The color of the walls also matters - it is most comfortable to be in a room in which furniture, wallpaper, and everything that determines the overall impression of color scheme, does not irritate the eyes and does not carry a feeling of cold. These are all shades of pastel colors with a neutral pattern and without a sharp color contrast;
  • Follow the scent. Being indoors for a long time, you can stop paying attention to extraneous odors. Usually the contrast is more noticeable when you return home from the street, and if something is stale, you will smell it. Of course, this does not happen often, but many people forget to take out the garbage on time, and this, you see, does not add comfort;
  • Maintain freshness. AT cozy home Everything should be fresh: the owner's clothes, food in the refrigerator, and of course, the air. Do not forget to ventilate the room - stuffiness causes headache and fatigue, and in this state there is no need to talk about comfort.

Every hostess dreams of creating an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and love in her home. Relatives and friends will always rush to return to such a house. With great pleasure, all family members and friends will come to visit for a joint pastime.

To create coziness and comfort in the house, you need to have knowledge of the little tricks in the interior. With their help, it is easy to turn your home into a cozy oasis with a positive atmosphere. Examples in the photo below.

Home for each of us is a fortress, protecting us from stress and threats from outside. All the efforts that we once invested in our home pay off over time: a cozy homely atmosphere energizes positive energy, endows with calmness, harmony and stability.

An example of a cozy bright apartment on a sunny day

Comfort in the apartment is based on the presence of a pleasant and comfortable environment on a subconscious level for the soul. This means that everything in the apartment should be such that it pleases and reassures all residents.

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How to create and maintain comfort in your home

Everyone interprets the concept of “comfort” in their own way, representing a fireplace, someone huge dinner table filled with relatives and friends, someone rocking a chair under a floor lamp and a warm blanket.

Cozy room with furniture

One of the main elements that create comfort is textiles that correspond to the overall stylization of the interior.

Textile items that create comfort in the house:

  • Curtains and curtains.
  • Bedspreads.
  • Cover for sofa.
  • Decorative pillows.
  • Carpet and rugs.
  • Chair covers.

Properly and harmoniously selected things for comfort in the house will fill it with a homely and warm atmosphere. But do not forget that creating comfort in the house with your own hands is much more pleasant than buying ready-made accessories.

Cozy, bright room.

Things that will add coziness to any room

Such items will immediately fill your home with the atmosphere of love and sincerity with which you made things for decorating your home. It can be:

  • Knitted plaid.
  • Embroidered tablecloth.
  • Painted picture.
  • Decorative elements.
  • Flower pots.
  • Pillow cases.

Of course, harmony in the house will not be achieved if there is a mess in it. Maintenance will give your home grooming and comfort. And in such a house, of course, you will always want to return.

We create a comfortable interior design of the house

Creating comfort in your home

Creating a cozy atmosphere in small or multi-room apartments is much more difficult. The main reason for this lies in right choice wall colors and furniture design, on which the comfort and coziness of the room depends.

With the help of the right color of the walls, you can visually enlarge the space, focus on any important detail, and raise the ceiling. It is much easier to create coziness in bright houses, since the color itself gives a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and is like a white canvas for the realization of new design ideas.

It is necessary to observe the main characteristics of the decorated interior in any room. This is easy to achieve if every detail matches general style and complement each other.

Furniture should be comfortable and functional. Be sure to match the pieces of furniture with each other and with the space in the room. Nothing makes you feel more at home than having a fireplace. If the area allows, it is worth making it real, and if not, an artificial one will do.

Good quality lighting will provide good mood in any season. Today there are many lamp fixtures all kinds of forms, which can, emphasizing the design of the room and give it cozy atmosphere regardless of functionality.

It should be understood that this feeling is individual for everyone. Therefore, we do not recommend chasing new trends. Create an atmosphere in the house cozy and comfortable according to your preferences and only for yourself. After all, the feeling of peace and harmony in the house will allow you to relax and gain strength for new achievements.

Properly arranged furniture creates comfort in the apartment
