Femininity is a true, real woman, what she is. Stylish femininity and the energy of femininity

What makes a girl feminine? Perfect makeup and flawless styling? Manifestation only with feminine hand? Too easy to do quickly conclusions when you meet a hottie who seems to be overly in touch with her inner goddess. But in reality, we are all different or not as scary as we pretend.

The opposite of this feminine type of girl is most likely a tomboy. And both of these psychotypes can be easily identified. You just need to discard the conventions and know certain features of each "category". However, if we consider the feminine type, we will see that such a girl always wears skillful makeup, prefers skirts and dresses to trousers, rarely makes a fuss in public, wears perfectly matched combinations of things, squeals when she gets into a puddle, and generally behaves, how real princess from the Disney cartoon .. But all this is a FULL SCAM.

Of course, a feminine girl regularly spends time on her appearance to emphasize her beauty, while rejecting the fact that you don’t have to leave the house in a super-groomed look (you know, she has requirements that must be met and which she set herself). But despite all this, it does not meet any specific parameters. She is - a real man not a Barbie doll.

Here 12 secrets you need to know about the most feminine girls to brush aside any preconceived notions about them.

12. Sometimes we put a new layer of makeup on top of the old one.

Have you ever thought about how gorgeous mascara looks on eyelashes if you apply it in several layers? Undoubtedly, sleeping with makeup on your face is a bad idea when it comes to skin care.

It sounds unpleasant, but sometimes, when we have a blockage in business and we do everything in a hurry, we leave the house in the morning with yesterday's make-up. Just don't judge us. We are the same ordinary people.

11. Sometimes we don't wear makeup at all.

This usually happens when we are alone at home. Watching girls on the street, on Instagram, on Facebook or anywhere in real life where they look perfect, you might think they look like this every day. But it's not. Of course, social networks make the look amazing, and all the fans are in awe at the sight of her lipstick, which never smudges, and beautifully styled hair.

But for this, the feminine girl makes great efforts to create the image of a beautiful diva. All this is done not because she is smug, but rather because she likes to look beautiful in relation to the outside world. Check out the top 10 summer makeup tips. Do not worry, when such a girl drinks, she no longer looks so standard and is no different from others. And she behaves the same way.

10. Sometimes we forget to shave.

Yes, just like everyone else. Because the feminine girl is still just a woman, not a robot whose legs, armpits, and bikini area are always clean-shaven We wax from time to time and we can afford it, but as a rule, we shave with razors, like most women . And also, sometimes, we don’t do depilation at all, because the cold comes and we wear jeans instead of dresses. In such cases, you do not need to worry about the vegetation on the body.

This bias towards femininity is just tiresome. Even heaven forbids a womanly girl to bring home a man without putting every part of her body in order. Otherwise, he will simply run away from her, shaking the ground with his cries.

9. Sometimes we just want to wallow in the mud.

It doesn't matter that being a girl means always being feminine, wearing stylish clothes and look flawless. We also want to play the role of savages. How long we looked great at family gatherings, outings and friends' weddings.

In reality, we would just like to rip off our fine dresses, rush headlong, throw ourselves into some big muddy ditch and frolic in it, getting dirty from head to toe, to the tips of our fingers. At the same time, all these actions should be performed shamelessly, without a drop of embarrassment.

Sometimes all these expectations about what a girl should be are simply depressing. WE CAN BE disgusting too!

8. We can be wild in bed.

There is something elusive in a woman whose general image close to perfect. natural makeup, tights without arrows, and sometimes a bag matched to the color of the shoes - you can assume that this special lady will surely be bored in bed.

Men, don't be fooled by the feminine girl - she is not as innocent and inexperienced as she seems. You might be interested in the article 12 girls' sexual fantasies you didn't know existed. The bedroom is the place where she can relax and give free rein to feelings, nature, because the rest of the day she tries very hard to look decent and not defiant. Rest assured, she will be wearing stunning underwear.

7. We are not as cute as we seem.

Girls girls look like it's written on their faces I'm so sweet and I'll do anything for you". Without a doubt, we all seem to be too kind, polite and helpful from time to time. We offer people help as much as they help us. This is just human nature and has nothing to do with the role of a girl.

Seriously, when we had a rough day at work and needed to answer a series of complaints from various clients or take down a terrible verbal rant from our boss because we weren't focused enough on morning meeting Monday, we get a little hostile. A little rough. A little evil. And we can even swear. We may not act like this in public, but that doesn't mean we don't get nervous and angry like everyone else.

We're just a little better at holding back our emotions until we're in our own home.

6. We don't demand more attention than other women.

Do you think that since we spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes and accessories, this means that we cannot be interesting girlfriends? You are fundamentally wrong. Full image baby girls will make her an instant hit with your family - because what mom wouldn't love the look new girlfriend son when she wears low heels and floral dress with a tailored jacket?

Since we spend a lot of time on our looks, don't think that this makes us look better than other types of girls. We still want to watch stupid TV programs, sing loudly in the shower, and make pizza while making a mess in the kitchen. No doubt we want to shop a little longer than necessary, but we also care if you have the desire to shop.

5. It's easy for us to choose a gift

Perfume, jewelry, clothes, shoes - any contribution to the departments of the girl's closet is welcome. There is a stupid prejudice that well-groomed girls it is difficult to choose a gift, since their requests are much higher, unlike tomboy girls, for example. Check out the top 10 gifts for Valentine's Day.

Just buy some cool DVDs and a bunch of flowers and we'll be in seventh heaven. There is no need to focus on designer handbags and expensive stilettos. If we really want you to buy us something, we'll let you know. It will not be difficult to make us pleasant, and the range of gifts is very wide and does not always hit the pocket.

4. We need to work hard on ourselves to look great.

Clumsiness is just a trait of human nature. Just because you haven't seen a girl hitting a table or hitting lampposts doesn't mean she has the grace of a doe. The fact is that she skillfully gets out of such situations when, for example, her heel gets stuck in a paved tile or she dropped spaghetti on white shirt. A feminine girl is prepared for such emergencies and instead of panic and screams: " God, I messed up spaghetti!“She gets things done quickly.

And all these things that you find mega refined? Like, for example, her manicured fingers, flawless hair and completely calm demeanor? These are all the elements that such a girl is constantly working on. It happens to every girl that a manicure loses its appearance. It just raises the question of having tools in hand and free time in order to eliminate shortcomings in appearance.

3. Sometimes we want to get soooo drunk.

But for some reason, our innate femininity does not allow this. That the only time when you were 19 and house party, you saw an unpleasant picture - your beautiful girlfriend she vomited because she had overdosed on vodka. It was only ONCE. You will never see it again.

For these reasons, the feminine girl knows how to disappear into right moment before she can be seen at the height of her intoxication. It's like the homecoming instinct to turn around and get into the nearest cab before she vomits in her purse is a better prospect than facing the humiliating situation of having to vomit in the presence of less respectable friends from the local high street. Such a girl would prefer to leave early than to make herself look stupid, even if it seems to everyone a little prudish.

2. We get tired of compliments.

Sometimes it may seem that feminine girls receive compliments from friends and strangers all the time, but still some of them are superfluous. Pay attention to . Of course, it's great when they say that we look amazing, or when they ask where we got such an adorable cat and where the shorts are made. But we are just like everyone else. We saw something we liked, bought it (and most likely regretted it the very next day since we didn't need it at all), and then just used it.

Feminine is often discussed, but we do not dress for the sake of receiving compliments. We just have special style and wear clothes in accordance with it, because it allows you to feel confident. It's like a guy buying a fancy suit and wearing it just because he looks cool in it. We're not trying to play fashion show models. We're just trying to live.

1. Weddings are on the big agenda

What a girl looks forward to in her life is her wedding day. Just not in that stereotypical perception of this event as a union of a man and a woman. This desire is more based on the fact that this will be the day when she will look absolutely charming in a wonderful, amazing and super expensive dress. She will spend this momentous period of her life enjoying being in the spotlight and basking in compliments about how incredible she looks.

Preparing for the wedding will take a lot of time. Such a girl will think through everything to the smallest detail, just perfect. And of course, the final version of the celebration in more will suit her taste, rather than the taste of the groom. But herself the wedding will take place simply gorgeous, and the bride on such an exciting day will shine in all her beauty.

"Where can I meet the man of my dreams? How can I get my man to propose to me? What do I need to do to make him even happier with me?" What else do girls think? Let's find out in the video below!

Every female representative in her youth and young age imagines himself a conqueror in dreams male hearts. But what quality in women is most of all valuable for the stronger sex? What is it - femininity through the eyes of men?

Large breasts are very feminine!

According to most ladies, external data of a person of the opposite sex is extremely important for men. There is even a popular belief that a man is able to love only with his eyes. And every charmer more than once imagined a magical picture, like men - all without exception! - would lose their heads, even briefly glancing in her direction. Beauties even created a myth that for men the main criterion for femininity is a wasp waist and long. Although practice shows that femininity through the eyes of men is far from always seen in large breasts and long legs. Many men, on the contrary, like women with small breasts - they are associated in their minds with childishness and defenselessness. This category includes the so-called "male fathers", "patrons". So breast size is far from a 100% indicator that determines femininity through the eyes of men.

Long slender legs - and no man can resist!

Such an example: a slender woman is walking down the street, beautiful woman in a formal suit. Perhaps some representatives of the male class will pay attention to her, but they will do it secretly: the lady’s external restraint will put a psychological “barrier” for the manifestation of obsessive attention. But a girl in a short skirt, bare even impossibly crooked or too much, will definitely attract not only glances, but also push many to signs of attention: remarks, immodest touches, attempts to get to know each other. Perhaps this is femininity through the eyes of men? Pictures from comedians vividly demonstrate this look.

But conclusions about the cause male attention do early. Indeed, in the frankly seductive attire of a charmer, men see only accessibility, a hint of the girl’s desire and her readiness for a fairly close relationship. Dressing catchy, the lady really attracts the attention of many men. And it’s funny to hear from her a hackneyed phrase: “Yes, these males need only one!” Wise people they say in response: “Yes, men only want one thing ... from one that has nothing else to offer!”

Character traits

It turns out, based on survey data, femininity through the eyes of men is not always expressed exclusively in appearance. Beauty is only part of this main feature representatives of the fair sex. And beauty, as you know, is a subjective concept.

Doesn't have to be correct slim figure, great manners. Most men note that only a sensitive, modest, soft and accommodating lady can be truly feminine. Although some part strong half humanity refers to the manifestations of femininity stubbornness and perseverance, irascibility and capriciousness, eccentricity and imbalance, romanticism and mystery, extravagance and emotionality.

So what are the secrets of femininity? In the comic legend about the creation of a woman, there is such a moment: the Lord mixed a little of everything - and Eve turned out. Therefore, the truly feminine will be the one in whose character there is a little bit of everything. But absolutely all men consider understanding to be the most important female quality. After all, even a very strong, courageous woman will definitely meet “her” man if she learns to listen, listen to him, empathize - and then it doesn’t matter what her chest, height, hip circumference and eye size are.

What part of a woman's body is the most feminine? There can be many answers to this question, but most agree that this is the chest. The breast is both a symbol of motherhood and a symbol of female beauty. As Carl Jung would say, the chest is the real archetype.

The nipples are amazing

There are no identical nipples. For example, even the nipples of one person can differ from each other. And that's completely normal.

If you haven't noticed yet, there is a dark circle around the nipple - this is the areola. In some women, it is light pink, in others it can be darker: from red to brown. And in some, the areola darkens when sexual arousal. Now it is clear why in some cultures, in order to excite a partner, it is customary to tint this area, writes Alternet.

Inside the areola there are small tubercles - these are Montgomery's glands. They are especially important during breastfeeding, as they secrete a special secret that plays the role of lubrication and does not allow the nipples to dry out. So don't try to get rid of them. This is the norm.

Sometimes women grow hairs around the nipples, such dark cilia along the edge of the areola. This is also normal.

They give milk

The milk-producing breast is one of the unique features of mammals, to which we belong. Each nipple has 15 to 20 small holes. Some of them are the outlet of the milk ducts, others are the glands of Montgomery.

In other mammals, everything is arranged somewhat differently. For example, goats and cows have only one reservoir for milk - the udder. Even more curious is the arrangement of the platypus. He doesn't have nipples. Its milk comes from two round protrusions on the skin of its abdomen. Interesting, right?

chest forward

Although aroused nipples always attract attention, this does not always indicate that a woman is sexually aroused. It is possible that she was simply cold or wearing too tight clothes. Moreover, nipples may not stick out even in a sexually aroused woman.

Pull in or push out

Inverted nipples are a common occurrence that can be found in 10-20 percent of women. The reason is shorter milk ducts. There is no danger in this, but it may require extra effort from first-born mothers.

If you want to check if your nipple is retracted, gently pinch it, grabbing the edges of the areola. If the nipple protrudes, then it is not inverted nipple.

If you suddenly find yourself the owner of an inverted nipple and want to fix it (recall that an inverted nipple is a variant of the norm), then you can resort to massage, although the effect will be only temporary, or to the services of a surgeon. Breastfeeding women can use special devices, which gently stretch the tissues and stretch the nipple.

evolutionary scam

Man is the only mammal whose females maintain a "filled" breast all the time, regardless of whether they feed the baby or not. For other mammals, such a breast is a sign of pregnancy or lactation.

Scientists believe that this is the result of the evolution of the species. Women have developed a way to hide periods of fertility or non-fertility. They confuse men by remaining sexually attractive even at a time when they are not able to conceive a child. Well, we are the only species that has sex for pleasure!

Let's count

As a rule, a person has two nipples. But extra nipples are quite common. And not only in humans. They are characteristic of many species, including primates, rodents, and ruminants. In humans, they are more common in men (one in 18), and only one in 50 women. True, five or six nipples in a person is already a rare occurrence.

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength. She monitors her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one that other girls look up to, the one they want to be friends with. To be feminine personal choice each, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you do not like. If you aspire to become feminine, all you need to do is instill new habits in your behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. feminine girls always follow personal hygiene. Shower every day and wash thoroughly with soap and water. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy scented shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.

    Use a moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin- an integral part of the concept of "femininity". Every day, use a moisturizer or lotion, apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, moisturizer will help inhibit sebum secretion. You can choose any cream, but be sure to read the packaging if this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and wipe problem areas benzoyl peroxide. Even if you didn’t manage to get rid of acne - don’t worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this does not mean that you need to cover your nails with new varnish every day. However, nails should always be clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under the nails) and check if the varnish has peeled off.

    • If you like changing the color of your nail polish, try matching your nail polish color with your outfit.
    • If you don't want to constantly paint your nails, you can apply clear polish. This polish looks very neat and feminine, and you don't have to worry about its condition.
  2. Brush and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots and tangles in the hair, they should be clean. Find a hairstyle or haircut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks greasy by the end of the day, you will have to wash your hair every day.
    • Hairstyle does not have to be complicated or special! You can stick to simple style: for example, make a parting, remove the hair to one side and stab it with a hairpin. In addition, you can try to braid braids, make ponytail Or twist your hair into a bun.
    • If you don’t know what hairstyle to do at all, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Use deodorant and perfume. good smell- an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or toilet water Many women have a favorite perfume scent that they use every day. If you are not very good at choosing perfumes, try a light floral or fruity scent to start with.

    • Prafum should never be a substitute for the soul! Otherwise, people around you will notice.
    • Perfume or toilet water need to be used in small amounts, apply them to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you wear something with long sleeve covering the wrists). Perfume should have a subtle aroma that will be noticeable only when a person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air to be felt by everyone around.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush your teeth every day, use dental floss, and be sure to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Carry dental floss with you so you can use it after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if you have not quite even teeth, and also if you wear braces! Just make sure they are clean.
  5. Apply light makeup. Try to put on some make-up to be more feminine. It is light makeup that makes the face and overall image more feminine, moreover, light makeup much easier to learn than full evening. Practice until you can apply "natural" light makeup.

    • For starters, try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eye shadow and blush light neutral colors, for example, light pink or beige.
    • If you want to apply tone cream or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • More bright makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying your daily “natural” makeup.
  6. Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wear only pink dresses to appear feminine. But try to put on something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choice, but don't forget trousers, capri pants, shorts, and jumpsuits. Instead of t-shirts, try wearing button-down blouses and blouses.

    • Pink, purple color and pastel shades - classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • No need to constantly monitor fashion trends or wear those things that are popular among most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and feminine.
  7. Wear women's shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, it is better to choose shoes if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms great way look feminine, but if you do not want to wear shoes with heels, you can wear ballet flats. Make sure that your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear shoes with heels but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping on the heel first and then the toe. Practice walking in heels at home before you go out in them!
  8. Carry a small bag. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a handbag before, it's time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just choose any bag you like (any color and style), it should be the right shape and fit all your belongings.

    • The best bag to choose neutral color, for example, black or brown - it will suit most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft bright colors to decorate your room. The bedroom, closet, table and any other piece of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright soft colors, for example, pink, lilac, blue or yellow. Can be purchased new furniture, paint the walls or simply decorate them with ribbons, posters, stickers - all this will help to make your personal space more "feminine".

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter sheets of paper around instead of writing down all the information in a notebook. They do not leave food packaging and empty dishes everywhere. Get into the habit of cleaning your house every day and putting everything in its place. Maintain order among study supplies.

    • By the way, this a great opportunity buy girly things for organizing things - different boxes, paper clips, cases and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or a mirror. You need a place where you can apply makeup, get new haircuts and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and don't forget a small pocket mirror to carry around in your purse. You can even buy a dressing table if you want!

    Show the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, postcards from friends and homemade decorations. Buy multi-colored pens and draw a few pictures or posters, sew or embroider, decorate a room with your work.

What is femininity, how to develop it in yourself? Why do some ladies attract men to themselves, while others do not? Femininity is the ability to create an atmosphere of love around you. This is the ability to inspire a man and motivate him to action. This is respect for yourself and those around you. How to develop feminine qualities in yourself?

There are two ways. The first is external transformation. But this is only the beginning. It must necessarily entail a deeper awareness of femininity. The second way is to start with internal change, which will lead to an external transformation.

What is femininity?

The concept of femininity is so streamlined and elusive that it is difficult to articulate. This is something attractive that stands out from the crowd, makes you turn around. Femininity is the totality of all feminine qualities. It is reflected in the eyes and gestures, smile and speech, gait and clothing.

Is femininity given at birth? Or can it be earned in a lifetime? What adds femininity? Elegance, softness, charm attract the attention of men. Such a special person is a pleasure to deal with. The most wake up next to her best qualities the stronger sex - the ability to protect, protect from troubles, help. Such women radiate warmth, light and a special energy in which you can bask, like in the rays of the sun.

Inner manifestations of femininity

Can be grown gorgeous hair, wear air dresses, but be tough and categorical. You can meet a girl in jeans and berets - and endlessly enjoy her natural femininity. How to develop these qualities in yourself? True femininity women stems from her inner feeling myself.

First, this sincerity. The ability to easily and simply say compliments, emphasize the dignity of other people. Femininity is the absence of envy, enmity. This is the ability to submit the most unpleasant truth soft and polite. Sincerity is also necessary in relation to oneself. Honesty in one's thoughts and actions is not available to every woman. But sincerity does not mean lack of tact. It is not always worth telling the truth, not everyone needs it. Sincerity is a living, emotional expression of feelings and thoughts. This is a combination of childish spontaneity, spontaneity and adult tact.

Secondly, this self-esteem. Respect and love for yourself, your body, your needs. Awareness of oneself as a person, not an addition to a man. At the same time, the flexibility of character, the ability to adapt to life circumstances. It is worthy to behave in the most unattractive situations, not to provoke them. Self-esteem is directly related to self-confidence, with a calm attitude to extraneous evaluative opinions. This is the inner integrity of character.

Thirdly, emotional inconsistency. This is by no means an instability of behavior, when a woman is thrown from one emotion to another, from screams to hysteria, from tears to laughter. Excessive manifestations of temperament are always unpleasant and have a depressing effect on others. Light degree inconsistency attracts men. it amazing property women with their illogicality, emotionality to attract sympathy to their side. Disarm with soft unpredictability, bewitch with gentle energy. Masculinity and femininity differ in that the first always acts within the given framework of social rules, and the second - contrary to them, captivating with natural spontaneity.

Masculine and feminine qualities

In psychology, there are concepts of masculine and feminine qualities. Separation of male and female roles is especially clearly seen in the domostroevsky way of life. However, it is difficult to meet a man with only masculine qualities, or a woman with a set of only feminine features. Usually these essences are intertwined in the character of a person to a greater or lesser extent.

Masculinity - focus on results, competitiveness and ambition. Femininity - reaching a consensus emotional connections and care. For self-realization in society, both qualities are necessary. Exist psychological tests, thanks to which you can determine the dominant features in yourself.

Masculine qualities

  • Confidence.
  • Firmness.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Feeling of freedom.
  • desire to dominate.
  • Adventurism.
  • Purposefulness.
  • The ability to focus on one thing.

These are general characteristics. They are expressed not in appearance (a courageous voice or emphasized authority), but are inherent in character and behavior. The ability to learn something new, to search for prey or knowledge - this is the main male destiny. Feminine is preservation, strengthening. Therefore, it is so important to develop in girls the ability to calmly, with a desire to work at home, to create comfort and coziness.

Feminine qualities

  • Softness.
  • Compliance.
  • Sacrifice.
  • Willingness to help.
  • Submission.
  • Compassion.
  • Intuitive behavior.
  • Accuracy.
  • Passivity.
  • Ability to do several things at the same time.

Women's femininity implies a combination of masculine and feminine qualities. At the same time, it has a large share of lightness and flexibility. It has an inner creative upsurge and inspiration. This is the ability to be soft, but not to offend yourself. Do not take a masculine position, do not come into conflict with the stronger sex. Realize your creative potential based on their position women.

What adds femininity?

The feeling of happiness, harmony in oneself allows a woman to be calm and peaceful. This is a combination that attracts others. A woman who loves herself, who knows how to give and receive love, creates an aura of comfort around herself. Such a lady knows how to compromise, adapt to her man and circumstances. Feels light and relaxed, allowing himself to be for the stronger sex. She respects and loves men.

Femininity is the ability to come to the rescue and the ability to accept it from others. This is trust and ease of communication. and unobtrusive sexuality. This is inner well-being and a state of comfort.

Such a woman has a sense of humor, radiating positive and good mood. She is polite and has self-respect. Take care of yourself, your body.

The development of femininity

Upbringing and society can crush femininity. The desire to make a career, raise and raise children, a lot of worries and problems make a woman strong, inflexible, able to go ahead to her goal. it masculine qualities, and taking them into oneself, woman walking on the internal conflict with a strong floor. She becomes not a companion and comrade-in-arms, but an adversary who should be overcome. Therefore, entering the male path, a woman opposes herself to a man.

It is necessary to develop femininity, because the representative fair half humanity needs caress and support, care and love. Realization of oneself as a woman is possible subject to certain rules. If there are more masculine qualities in the character, then you can modify them, starting with femininity.

The propensity for and roles makes the weaker sex multifaceted, changeable. Working on the transformation of appearance, a woman is able to change her image. Therefore, it is quite possible in the development of femininity to begin with external changes, which gradually reduce to internal changes.


Symbol of femininity - long hair and dresses. It is not necessary to grow a braid or do intricate hairstyles. But you should get rid of haircuts with a hedgehog and the like. If there is no inner femininity, such hairstyles will give a resemblance to a man. soft curls, frivolous curls or straight lines will add charm. You can not do styling every day. But cleanliness and health of hair is obligatory.

Flowy dresses or strict skirts emphasize the femininity of the figure, add mystery. Heels - even low ones - will introduce fragile instability into the gait, visually lengthen the legs.

You should not put too bright makeup on your face, fill yourself with perfume. A slight understatement of the smell will make men come closer. It is better not to abuse cosmetics, but to prefer healthy color face and radiance of a snow-white smile.


Beauty and femininity lie in the grace and grace of movements and gestures. It is possible, without possessing flexibility, smoothness of gait. You should not allow yourself sharp, masculine movements. Do not wave your arms when walking and do not mint a step. Light, dancing gait attracts the eye.

Soft, smooth hand movements are mesmerizing. Unhurried gestures, calm turns of the head, combined with a smile, will attract hearts faster than harshness and impetuosity. And well-groomed hands and feet (with unobtrusive manicure and pedicure) will add attractiveness.


The ability to speak and listen beautifully makes a woman a pleasant conversationalist. Smooth, unhurried speech is just as important as the timbre of the voice. You should not allow yourself noisy notes, screeching sounds. Loud, clear speech is more like a commander. What adds femininity and charm? Slightly muffled voice. Velvet timbre, expressive intonations. Calm facial expressions, a slight smile during communication, tact emphasize the feminine.

Attention should be paid to the culture of speech, rude and harsh formulations should be avoided. When communicating, look at the interlocutor, listen carefully, be sincerely interested in the topic of conversation. Kindly express your disagreement, avoid categorical assessments.

  1. Learn to surround yourself with an atmosphere of peace, happiness, harmony with the world.
  2. Allow yourself to be weak and helpless, take your time, do not fuss.
  3. Do not overload yourself with work, remember about female self-realization in the family.
  4. To be able to act with dignity, self-respect, not to spend life in anticipation.
  5. Take care of your health and attractiveness.
  6. Radiate caring, kindness, gentleness, sensuality, love.
  7. Feel your uniqueness.
  8. Do not compete with a man, do not blame and do not look for the guilty.
