Scratches on the mirror how to remove. How to remove scratches from a mirror

A mirror is a multifunctional item that, in addition to its direct purpose, which allows a person to see his favorite reflection, is often a part of the interior, helping to emphasize style, improve perception, and transform a room. Therefore, it is important that it is perfectly clean and free of scratches and other defects.

Mirror features

Due to their reflective properties, mirrors are able to visually expand the space, add light to the room, and hide its flaws. Enclosed in beautiful frames with built-in lights, clockwork, ornaments, drawings or inscriptions, they perform a decorative function, and can also be part of the decoration.

The expected effect is reduced to zero if flaws appear on the mirror surface. This often happens with improper care, because with apparent strength, the mirror is a rather fragile material. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate defects, but you can try to mask scratches on the surface yourself.

ATTENTION! To prolong the life of the mirror, it is necessary to carry out quality care for it. Do not use sharp objects, hard sponges or abrasive cleaners for cleaning and washing. For bathrooms, it is better to purchase special mirrors designed for rooms with high humidity, where the coating is protected from moisture damage.

How to remove scratches from a mirror

The essence of correcting such defects consists in filling them with various substances and further polishing the mirror surface. To do this, you can use improvised materials or professional tools.

home methods

To mask small, barely noticeable scratches, the most affordable home remedies are used:

  • toothpaste, it must be applied in a small amount to the scratch and rubbed gently, and after drying, remove the excess with a napkin and polish with a soft flannel;
  • mustard powder plus table vinegar, they are mixed in equal parts, applied and polished with a soft cloth;
  • colorless nail polish, they also fill deeper scratches, remove excess liquid with a flat stick and allow to dry, after which they are brought to a shine;
  • foil, which is tightly sealed with adhesive tape on the defect on the amalgam on the reverse side of the mirror (for which it is carefully removed), the foil should be perfectly smooth, without wrinkles.

IMPORTANT! Be careful with various sticks and knives so as not to make new scratches and do not press too hard on the mirror while polishing, otherwise it may break.

If these methods do not work, you can use professional materials.

professional tools

The following materials may be more effective:

  1. Universal polishing paste GOI, which is used for any surfaces, from metal and plastic to ceramics and glass. You can buy it at a hardware store. The product must be crushed to a state of dust, typed with a cotton swab and filled in the scratch. This is followed by polishing with a new stick for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Epoxy adhesive that has leveling properties. The damaged area must first be treated with a glass cleaner, dried and covered with glue, avoiding the formation of air bubbles, and the residues should be cleaned with a flat tool. The glue dries in a few days, after which the treated surface can be polished with GOI paste.
  3. Silicone adhesive sealant. They fill the defect with a stick or a toothpick, after drying, the residues are removed and polished with paste in several stages.
  4. Cerium oxide preparation, capable of smoothing out all minor scratches and bringing the product to a shine. It is diluted to a paste, applied to the surface to be treated and polished with a soft, damp cloth until the scratches disappear. The canvas is periodically wiped with a clean cloth, and the surface is moistened so that the drug does not freeze.

After finishing work, wipe the surface with glass cleaner and wipe dry. If it is not possible to put the mirror in order on your own, it is better to take it to the master, who will restore the surface using a special grinder.

A mirror is a fragile item, but it is present in every home. With careless handling and improper care, they beat, crack, become covered with plaque, stains and stains. Often there are scratches and scuffs on the surface. Restoring a scratched mirror and completely getting rid of chips or scratches at home will not work.

But defects can be masked. Work must be done very carefully so that the mirror does not accidentally crack, split or break. Let's take a closer look at how to remove scratches from a mirror at home.

Eight ways to remove scratches from a mirror

  1. Foil. Before the procedure, remove the mirror and pull it out of the frame, if it is framed, or out of the cabinet door. If necessary, unscrew the screws and remove the nails. Take a piece of foil slightly larger than the scratch and smooth it out. Turn the mirror upside down and place the foil over the defect. Smooth out the piece and tape it to the surface. Turn the product on the front side and check the result. If the foil has shifted slightly, correct;
  2. Toothpaste. Apply the product to the surface and gently rub into the mirror in a circular motion with a soft flannel cloth. Leave to dry and then polish to a high shine. This method is suitable for removing small scratches;
  3. Mustard and vinegar. Take mustard powder and table vinegar 9%. Mix the components in equal proportions and apply the composition to scratches or chips. Remove excess with a tissue or soft cloth. After the procedure, polish the mirror;
  4. Cerium oxide is an effective tool that visually hides scratches on the mirror and smoothes surfaces. Mix the powder with a little water until a creamy paste is obtained. Apply the solution to the affected areas and polish the product with a damp cloth. Repeat if necessary;
  5. Colorless nail polish is good for removing deep scratches. To do this, fill the grooves with the product, remove the excess with a napkin or cloth and wait for it to dry. Then polish the surface with a soft cloth to a shine;
  6. Colorless silicone sealant is great for scratching home and car mirrors. First, the scratched area is degreased with alcohol or glass cleaner. Dry the surface and then fill the gaps with sealant. Leave the product to dry for a day. Carefully cut off the excess with a knife. To avoid damaging the surface, hold the knife at a 45 degree angle. After processing, the mirror is polished with a flannel cloth or a grinding machine;
  7. GOI paste is a modern and effective tool that is also used to. Crumble the paste to a powder state and apply with a cotton swab in a thick layer on the damaged area. Rub the product for 1.5 minutes and then wipe with a dry, clean cloth. Then you need to do the procedure a second time, but now polish the surface for 15 minutes. Rub the paste gently and gradually, otherwise the treated areas will fade over time and become different from the other surface;
  8. A mixture of GOI paste and epoxy glue will eliminate deep chips, cracks and scratches. First you need to degrease the area with alcohol or glass cleaner. The dried grooves are filled with glue so that no air bubbles remain. Excess funds are removed with a cotton swab or carefully cut off with a knife. Leave the product to dry for four days, then polish the surface with GOI paste.

How to remove scratches from glass

Removing scratches from car or window glass, as well as aquarium glass, is much more difficult. In this case, you can not sand the surfaces, as you will not be able to remove an even layer. Even if the glass looks normal, grinding will distort and make it difficult to see, resulting in poor vision. Polishing is used to remove scratches from glass.

Polishing removes the minimum thickness of the surface layer, while removing small scratches and making the glass more transparent. Choose the finest polishing pastes with a grain size of up to 0.5 microns. For stains and the smallest scratches, finishing or diamond paste is suitable. By the way, if necessary, it removes stains.

For thick glass, large scratches and a large number of damages, hand sanding with sandpaper can be used. Choose sheets of medium and coarse grit with a size of 200-800. After processing, the glass must be polished.

How to care for a mirror

We looked at how to repair a scratch on a mirror or glass. After treatment, be sure to wipe the surface with a suitable detergent and wipe dry with a paper towel, napkin or dry cloth. And to avoid defects and prolong the life of the product, it is important to ensure proper care.

Wipe mirrors regularly with warm water and a microfiber cloth or cloth using circular motions. By the way, ordinary capron effectively cleans the mirror surface. For contaminated products, take special products for washing mirrors and glasses.

Heavily contaminated products will be washed off with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, which is diluted in half with crushed soda or tooth powder. Plaque effectively eliminates vinegar. Mix the product with water and tooth powder or crushed chalk. The composition is left for a few minutes and the slurry is applied to the surface. Wait for a slight drying and then remove the product with newspaper, crumpled paper or a napkin.

To prevent the mirror from fogging and shining, evenly apply shaving foam to the surface, then wipe off the composition and polish the product with a microfiber cloth. By the way, stains on mirrors appear mainly due to regular fogging and condensation, which is typical for the bathroom.

Every home has mirrors. They are used not only to put themselves in order, but also to decorate the interior of the home. However, over time, scratches may appear on the mirror. They can occur with improper care or mechanical damage. You can seek help from specialists or try to remove scratches from the mirror yourself.

A few words about mirrors

Mirrors are made of durable cast materials with a reflective effect. As a rule, this is glass, under which there is a reflective layer. Thanks to the development of high technology in the production of mirrors, you can find color options, darkened models and classic pieces.

The mirror has high strength, but the glass material is very fragile. When working with mirrors, it is worth considering the characteristics of the material, otherwise, instead of correcting the problem, you can purchase several of them.

Removing scratches from a mirror

You can remove scratches from a mirror at home using a few simple methods.

How to get rid of small scratches

To cope with minor damage, you will need to follow a number of simple procedures:

  1. Get a glass cleaner.
  2. Spray the product on the mirror and treat the surface with a dry flannel cloth.
  3. Take a silicone type sealant, apply a small amount to the scratch. It is convenient to apply it with a toothpick or an orange stick.
  4. Let the material dry.
  5. Then you need to remove the remnants of the material with an orange spatula stick.

We use goi paste

You can remove scratches with Goi paste.

  1. You will need to prepare the surface of the mirror for work. To do this, carefully wipe the mirror with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Goi paste must be brought to a dusty state.
  3. Take a cotton swab and put some money on it.
  4. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area with rubbing movements.
  5. Polish the surface with a clean cotton swab. The duration of the procedure should be at least 10 minutes.
  6. When working with a cotton swab, you should pay attention to the amount of cotton wool on it, otherwise its plastic part may damage the surface of the mirror.

Goi paste is a popular remedy for removing damage from various surfaces. It is widely used for cleaning jewelry, car surfaces, to remove damage from glass surfaces.

How to deal with big scratches

If you already have experience with mirror surfaces, then you can try to restore your piece of furniture. You will need the availability of improvised materials and some tools.

You need to stock up on the following items:

  • nail puller;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • spatulas;
  • with a knife;
  • aluminum foil;
  • glass cleaner;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • assembly tape.

This kit will allow you to professionally mask the resulting scratches on the mirror.

It is not so difficult to perform this action, it is important to follow the algorithm:

  1. Release the mirror from the frame.
  2. Cut off a small piece of foil. It is important that the size of the resulting piece of foil is slightly larger than the size of the damage. A mandatory requirement is the smoothness of the foil.
  3. On the back of the mirror, you need to glue a piece of foil to the place where damage is found. Secure with tape.
  4. You need to make sure that the foil is fixed in the right place.
  5. After that, it is necessary to return the canvas to the frame, fix it with improvised means, return the decor item to its place and carefully process it with glass cleaner.

Let troubles in the form of scratches on mirrors no longer bother you! After all, removing them with your own hands is not so difficult.

Unfortunately, completely remove scratch from the mirror is allowed only with a special grinding machine, which costs more than 50 thousand rubles. In other cases, scratches will be slightly noticeable in certain lighting or at a certain certain angle. However, if you do not want to buy a new mirror, it is still worth trying to make sure that the scratches are not actually visible and that the image is not distorted. Among the methods of "masking" there are those that do not require rare or expensive means and tools.

You will need

  • - nail hammer
  • - screwdriver
  • - putty knife,
  • - aluminium foil,
  • - a knife
  • - scissors,
  • - transparent tape
  • - liquid glass cleaner
  • – transparent silicone sealant,
  • - a soft cloth (or paper towel)
  • - blade,
  • - a toothpick.


1. Carefully remove the mirror and pull it out of the frame (it may be necessary to unscrew the screws and remove the nails with the appropriate tools).

2. Cut off an even and flattened piece of foil slightly larger than the scratch. The foil can be smoothed with a knife. Carefully place the foil over the scratch on the other side of the mirror. Tilt the mirror and look at the result. If the foil has shifted slightly, lift the mirror and correct it (you can stick it with tape).

3. If the scratch is still visible, clean the damage with glass cleaner and dry with a cloth. Place the mirror on a flat surface with the mirror facing up.

4. Put some clear silicone sealant on a disposable plate (preferably paper). Dip a toothpick into the caulk and, scooping up as little product as possible, fill in the scratches. Change your toothpicks often. When the caulk is completely dry, scrape off the residue by placing the blade of the knife at a 45 degree angle.

We often encounter such a snag as a scratch on the glass: it can be a scratch on a window glass, a windshield of a car, or scratches on the glass of a watch or a cell phone.

You will need

  • - polishing liquids
  • - paste GOI
  • - a small piece of matter
  • - polishing machine


1. Regardless of the type and nature of the scratches, the following should be understood: micro-scratches can be polished absolutely, and large scratches will not succumb to this procedure. Therefore, if you see that the scratches are large, do not waste your time, learn from the mistakes of others. Where should I start? Start with GOI paste. Who was in the army or at the training camp of military personnel knows what it is. The point is that in optics it is used for polishing glasses. We need to heat the paste to a state of melting (this can be done even with a lighter) and carefully grind it on a piece of cloth so that the paste is absorbed into the fabric. It’s cooler for everyone to take felt material - the thinner this material is, the better. Later, we make circular movements at the site of the microcrack. Thus, moving from crack to crack, it is allowed to polish all the shortcomings of our glass.

2. It is also allowed to use “polishes” - polishing liquids. More often than not, they can be found in car dealerships. The special technology for applying polishes is much simpler - we apply it on glass and rub it with a clean piece of matter without lint until the microcracks disappear.

It is worth noting that GOI paste is of several types. You need to use the one that is used in the glass business, or for the manufacture of glasses.

Helpful advice
You can use a polishing machine, so you save a lot of time. Any motor with a low rotation speed can serve as a replacement for this machine (a motor from a household audio player will do).

Glass is a very fragile material and it will not work to completely remove scratches (exceptionally large ones) without damaging the surface. To eliminate scratches and imperfections, various methods of polishing or grinding with further polishing are used. To do this, use special pastes, polishing machines, sandpaper.

You will need

  • Special paste, polishing machine, sandpaper


1. Removing scratches from window glass, car windshields and aquarium glass has its own characteristics. It is by no means impossible to grind such glasses, because it will never be possible to remove an even layer, and due to irregularities, the result of the lens may appear. True, such glass will look typical, but this is only at first glance. It will obstruct and distort the view, which can lead to visual impairment.

2. For these glasses it is necessary to apply polishing, because during polishing the glass loses fractions of microns in the thickness of each, while small scratches are removed and the glass becomes more transparent. It is allowed to use paste with a grain of up to 0.5 microns - the smallest, and the best result is achieved with Polarit paste. For very small scratches, diamond paste (finishing) is used, it will also help in removing indelible spots.

3. To remove scratches from thicker glasses, only if they have a lot of small or large scratches, grinding is used, but after that it is strictly necessary to polish the surface. For manual grinding, sandpaper No. 200-800, medium and coarse-grained pastes (diamond and boron, intermediate and grinding) are used. The larger the scratch, the more large grain must be used in the first stage, smaller in the second, even smaller in the third, and so on. This process is very long and laborious. With the help of special machines, of course, things will go faster. But if you do not want to completely ruin the glass, then you first need to practice on a different glass, which is not negligible, in order to determine with what degree of pressure you need to grind.

Removing scratches from glass is a long and patient process. In order to remove the truth would be one scratch, it will take you several times more time than the one you spent searching for and reading this article. If the glass is expensive, then at first it is more desirable to find out from an expert whether it is allowed to polish it, and if it is not possible, then it is better to get a new one, so as not to waste time in vain.

Helpful advice
How to remove a scratch from glass I just wanted you to realize that removing a scratch from glass is not so easy, but even difficult, and this requires a lot of time and patience. In some cases, it's easier and cheaper to get new glass, but, say, if you accidentally scratched the side of an aquarium or glass in a car, then it would be better to get rid of these scratches yourself. Special technologies for removing scratches from different types of glass do not actually differ from each other, but there are certain nuances.

scratches and scuffs on surfaces furniture, mirrors or cars spoil the owner's well-being. The thing looks shabby and dilapidated. But small and shallow scratches can be quickly disguised at home.


1. Prepare a special mastic. Heat 3 parts of turpentine over low heat and dissolve 4 parts of wax in it. Stir thoroughly, pour 2 parts of alcohol into the mixture and stir again. With a piece of woolen cloth soaked in pure gasoline, wipe the scratch on the furniture. After that, apply mastic with a cotton swab and rub it to a shine with a soft woolen cloth. Keep this mastic in a closed glass jar.

2. Match the color of the children's crayons to the color of the polished furniture. Apply strokes across the scratch with the selected crayon. Remove excess with cardboard. Rub a few drops of lemon oil into the scratch with a soft cloth. Instead of crayons, get furniture grout and rub it with furniture polish.

3. Cover a scratch on dark colored furniture with iodine. Apply several layers of iodine solution to the scratch until the color of the damaged area matches the main color of the furniture. scratches on furniture of clear shades, rub with Brazilian or walnut oil, tung or vegetable oil. Cover white scratches with shoe polish.

4. Polish the car scratch with wax. If the scratch is not too deep and has not reached the ground, get a special pencil from an auto shop, apply it and polish the surface with a high-to-medium abrasive polish. However, this procedure will have to be repeated actually after the entire washing of the car.

5. Purchase a polish for super compact discs. With her help, you can remove scratches from a mirror or phone screen. Apply the product to the damaged surface and rub vigorously with a cotton cloth. Remove excess with another rag.

6. Fill the scratch with putty if it is huge and deep. Remove excess. Wait until the material is completely dry. Level the surface with a soft sandpaper. Carefully paint over the area with a stain of a suitable color and apply a coat of primer varnish for protection. surfaces .

The whole wondered, but how to remove scratches quickly and without special efforts? There are many options for how to do this, but there are several comfortable, fast and effective of each. If you suddenly scratched the screen of your phone and you certainly would not want to buy the newest one because of one or two scratches, then you don’t need to be upset - act.

There are ways to help you get rid of scratches by 100%, but there are some nuances:

  • if the scratches are very large, then they cannot be completely eliminated.
  • the part of the mirror or the screen on which you want to remove scratches must be removed from each design of the object, whether it be a telephone or a primitive room mirror, because it will be very inconvenient to work and you may not be able to eliminate the scratch completely.

To get started, you need to take an electric razor with a linear drive, it is available from various companies, such as Brown or Panasonic. You will also need a soft cloth, preferably without lint, which is used to wipe computer monitors. When you have prepared these elements, get down to business:

  • first, you need to remove the mesh from the razor;
  • secondly, cut a circle from a napkin, counting that it will need to be folded twice and in size it should fit the razor blade.
  • now you need to take a napkin and put it on the blade, then fix it around the edges with the support of a silk thread.
  • turn on the razor and, slowly, polish the screen or mirror. Be careful, if you attached the napkin poorly, then the surface can be scratched, which you would not want to. After a few minutes of polishing, it will be as good as new, and there will be no trace of scratches.

Knowing what goi paste is, you will be able to remove scratches quickly and without special efforts. To do this, get a small pebble of goy paste and rub it on a slice of hard woolen cloth (more cool than each on a footcloth). After that, rub the scratched areas. If you want your thing to be like new, then rub for 20 minutes, the result will amaze you. You can also remove scratches with the support of polish for disks. All you need is:

  • buy a tube of polish for wheels;
  • apply to the damaged surface of the screen or mirror;
  • take a cotton swab or a small piece of cotton cloth and rub it nicely for a few minutes.
  • after you need to remove the remnants of the polish with another cloth, and your screen will be as good as new.

With the help of these methods, you will forever be able to forget about scratches.

Many people prefer wooden doors for interior decoration in their apartment. However, it often happens that on the surface of a brand new, just installed doors scratches occur only if there are small children or animals in the house. Get rid of this trouble and turn back doors the former appearance will be helped by several means deliberately prepared for this.

You will need

  • – soft furniture wax;
  • - strong furniture wax;
  • - a knife;
  • - a clean felt cloth;
  • - a special piece of furniture.


1. In order to close up unpleasant scratches on wooden surfaces, it is allowed to use soft furniture wax. With the support of an edge cutter or spatula, rub a small amount of wax onto the damaged area. doors. Later, with gentle movements, cut off the remaining wax, using a piece of plastic, the one that prevents the occurrence of new damage to the surface. doors. Polish the waxed area with a clean felt cloth.

2. Strong wax is used to repair small damages on laminated and wooden surfaces, which are prepared mainly for medium and heavy loads. Strong furniture wax helps to ensure the water resistance of the site, the one that is being repaired. Unlike soft wax, strong wax is more resistant to various kinds of mechanical stress. Such wax is much more expensive than soft wax, because it does not have a wide range of colors and is not so common.

3. Melt strong wax with the help of a lighter or soldering iron and carefully apply it to the scratched surface. After this, try to quickly cool the wax, in this case excellent adhesion to the surface is achieved. Remove excess wax and buff the damaged area with a felt cloth.

4. Another effective tool for repairing scratches on wooden doors is a special furniture touch. This tool is quite rare and quite expensive, its color range is limited. The stroke is preferably used to remove small scratches on laminated and wooden surfaces. Before starting the repair, be sure to shake the product and apply it stepwise to the area (1-3 layers). Wait until the applied solution dries, then remove the residue with the support of a damp cloth. At the end of the work close the bottle tightly.

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Wood furniture is loved and appreciated for its natural beauty and radiance, but ugly marks and scratches may ruin the look. There are several methods of getting rid of vices on a piece of furniture so dear to your heart.

You will need

  • Soft furniture wax, plastic spatula, knife, dry and damp clean rags, damp gauze, iron, walnut or Brazil nut, tung or vegetable oil, furniture stroke, polish.


1. To get rid of scratches furniture from MDF or chipboard, use furniture soft wax. It is designed to repair cracks, scratches, chips and dents on wood and laminated surfaces. Wax can be purchased at specialized hardware stores. Choose the color scheme you need.

2. Apply the repair compound by rubbing on the damaged surface. If you have a chip on your furniture or a deep scratch, take a knife, cut off a small piece of wax and fill the chip with it. Carefully remove the excess with a plastic spatula, and later polish the damaged area with a dry felt cloth.

3. Several companies make special polishes that are prepared to polish wood furniture and mask scratches and blemishes. Varnishes are available in various shades, among which there is a suitable for wood of any breed and shade. Choose a color that is especially close to the wood of your furniture. As the polish is rubbed into the surface, the scratches and worn areas of the polish will take on the color of every other surface.

4. It is allowed to purchase a special tool for filling scratches on furniture - a furniture touch. Shake the furniture touch before use, apply the composition in 1-4 coats depending on the severity of the damage to the surface. Leave to dry for 5-10 minutes and remove excess with a clean, damp cloth.

5. Small scratches on furniture made of clear wood can be hidden by wiping the scratched area with the pulp of a walnut or Brazil nut. Cut the nut in advance and wait 1-2 minutes for the nut oil to stand out.

6. In order to match the repaired surface to the color, vegetable or tung oil is also often used. This method works exceptionally well on clear pine and related wood furniture, which certainly darkens when exposed to direct clear light.

7. Apply oil, let it soak into the wood and, if necessary, if the surface is not already quite dark, repeat the procedure. After applying 3 layers, before applying further, leave the furniture to stand overnight so that the oil penetrates deeper into the wood.

8. Small scratches and chips can be dealt with with steam. Attach raw gauze, folded in 3-4 layers, to the chipped area and press it with a hot iron. The outstanding steam penetrates the wood and expands it, hiding the damage. The tree will not expand indefinitely, therefore, on large chips, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the deficiency. And most importantly: first, be sure to try this method on some inconspicuous piece of furniture.

Even the smallest scratches capable of spoiling the appearance of any plastic product, only if they are located in a conspicuous place. In order to put your cell phone, laptop or car interior in order, it is not at all necessary to turn to an expert. Try to get rid of scratches on plastic you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - a damp cloth;
  • - fine sandpaper;
  • – primer for plastic;
  • - dye for plastic products;
  • - varnish.


1. Before you start removing scratches, carefully rinse the product or wipe it with a damp cloth. After that, with the support of the finest sandpaper, get rid of the swollen paint, roughness and chipping.

2. Now dampen a small piece of lint-free cloth with acetone or a plastic cleaner. Thoroughly wipe the sanded surface with it. This is necessary in order to remove the clogs left by the sandpaper.

3. Take a spray can with a special primer for plastic, shake it well and sprinkle a little bit of the product to the side in order to protect the plastic product from getting small objectionable lumps on its surface.

4. Apply the product to scratches from a distance of 20 cm. While doing this, move parallel to the surface of the part. First cover the damage with a thick layer of primer, and then with a thinner one. Let the plastic surface dry completely.

5. Then sand the primed surface again and wipe it with any cleaner. Now proceed to coloring the plastic with a special dye designed specifically for plastic products. Hefty scrupulously select the shade of paint in order to avoid even a minimal discrepancy with the color of the damaged surface.

6. Paint the plastic first with one layer, and after 10-20 minutes with the second. Larger scratches may require multiple layers of decorative coating. Protect the wet part from dust and other debris. In case of unwanted smudges, immediately get rid of them with the support of a damp cloth. Let the product dry for 1-2 hours.

7. If the scratched product is covered with varnish, do not forget to apply the varnish on its surface in an even layer so as not to fill it completely.

It is difficult to “overcome” dark scratches with such methods. In this case, the use of chemicals such as mercury, cerium oxide, ammonia, etc. will be required. Also, especially invisible damage can be dealt with with the help of a grinding machine with a cork polishing tape (it is possible to process the mirror with a pressure roller of the tape so that the scratch becomes approximately noticeable).

Helpful advice
After working on scratches, it is recommended to treat the mirror again with a glass cleaner and wipe it with a dry cloth or paper towel. After that, it is allowed to hang it in place.

Nowadays, a mirror is a necessary thing in every home. But few people know that the first mirrors found in Turkey were made 7.5 thousand years ago. They were made of rock crystal, silver and gold. Many mystical traditions and legends are associated with the mirror. He is credited with almost paranormal abilities. Once upon a time, Christianity declared a real war on the mirror, considering it a product of the devil. But in the East, the attitude was just the opposite - in China they made mirrors that were considered magical. Only very wealthy people could afford them. Now they are in every home and are a matter of prime necessity. In addition, mirrors are often used to decorate rooms to give it a visually larger volume. But these fragile items often show scratches and chips. How to remove scratches from a mirror at home? This is what we will find out in this article.

How effective is it?

In fact, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of deep scratches and chips with home methods. But they can be disguised. The main thing - when removing scratches, do not damage the mirror even more.

If possible, it is better to contact specialists who, using a special grinder, will restore your favorite item. But if you are determined to do it yourself, then we will help you with useful tips and tricks. There are several ways to remove scratches from a mirror at home.

Removing scratches from a mirror

Before removing scratches, you need to carefully remove the mirror and pull it out of the frame.

Important! If this is not possible, then you need to completely remove the mirror and lay it out on a horizontal surface so that it does not slip off.

If the scratches are not very deep, they can be masked as follows.

With foil:

  1. Cut off a small piece of foil. It should cover the scratch and be perfectly smooth.
  2. Stick it with adhesive tape on the back of the mirror.

Cerium oxide

If you have shallow hairline scratches, then cerium oxide will come to the rescue - a fine, odorless powder that can be of different colors, ranging from shades of white to brown.

Important! The quality of the powder does not depend on the color.

It is used for polishing and grinding glass as follows:

  1. Dilute it in water in a ratio of 1 to 20.
  2. Use to polish mirrors in tandem with a felt wheel. This will bring the polishing process to perfection.

With silicone sealant

This way you can mask a deep scratch. Before filling the scratch with sealant, you must first treat the surface with glass cleaner:

  1. Apply your product to the surface and wipe thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. The surface must be dry and clean.
  2. Apply silicone sealant directly to the scratch and spread evenly with a toothpick.
  3. Wait for the mixture to dry completely, then remove the excess with a knife, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees.

Important! Be careful not to further damage the surface.

Paste GOI

If you are ready to spend a little more money, get GOI paste. This universal tool will help you not only remove scratches from the mirror, but also from the screen of a mobile phone or other touch device, clean jewelry and a collection of old expensive coins.


  1. Break up the paste.
  2. Pick up the product with a cotton swab.
  3. Apply a thick layer on the damaged area.
  4. Polish the surface for a minute, then wipe the area with clean cotton.
  5. Repeat the polishing cycle again. But this time, polish for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Pressing on the wand should not be very strong. Otherwise, plastic from a cotton swab can damage the glass even more.

As a result of your careful actions, well-visible scratches will become almost invisible to the naked eye.

Epoxy glue plus plus GOI paste

It is possible to combine epoxy glue with GOI paste to improve the effect. How it's done?

  1. First you need to treat the scratch with alcohol.
  2. Then you need to apply transparent epoxy glue to it with your finger. It is necessary to rub it in such a way that air bubbles do not form.
  3. Excess resin must be removed with a solvent.
  4. The next stage of work will be possible only after 4 days, when the glue completely crystallizes.
  5. Then we take a piece of felt or other soft cloth, apply GOI paste and gently polish the surface.

Important! It is impossible to rub intensively or put a felt disk on a drill and polish it like that. The mirror may burst or the paste may fade, and clearly visible traces will remain.

As a result of such processing, the cobweb from a scratch will be almost invisible. There may be a slight trace in the form of a transparent strip.
