What is the difference between a ring and a signet? How to distinguish a man's ring from a woman's? What is the difference between a signet ring and a signet ring?

Vintage rings- these are jewelry that differ in design; on their surface you can find a mark indicating the quality of the product; they store information about the master and the jewelry house. You can purchase such a product at an auction or in an antique shop.

The antique ring has symbolism. Not everyone was allowed to wear jewelry. Rings and rings adorned the hands:

  1. Servants of the Faith.
  2. Kings and emperors.
  3. High-ranking officials.
  4. Magicians and fortune tellers.
  5. Military.

Symbols were applied to the metal that endowed a person supernatural powers. According to legends, the images spoke not only about a person’s belonging to a particular family, but also about his occupation. Rings with animal symbols were valued by soldiers, magicians and kings.

Vintage rings

The following images of animals and birds were popular:

  • wolf;
  • eagle or hawk;
  • horse;
  • bull.

The image of a wolf characterized the owner as free personality who is capable of desperate acts.

A hawk or eagle on a ring endowed a person with sharp vision and accuracy.

The image of a horse testified to a person’s love of freedom and his strength.

But the bull said that the owner of the ring has strength and endurance.

Ancient rings inlaid with stones indicated the status of the owner and his wealth. Such jewelry was made from. Decorated with large stones.

Rings were regarded as symbols:

  1. Authorities.
  2. Material security.
  3. High position in society.

It was not just decoration. Pagans wore products, wanting to show their closeness to the gods. Emperors - belonging to noble family. IN royal family, as in all noble houses, jewelry with stones made of precious metal was passed down by inheritance.

A large ring with a stone was worn by men, jewelers offered rings to women, but monarchs made no exceptions, and men's jewelry could be seen on the hands of powerful women.

How to recognize an antique ring?

It is not easy to purchase a product from ancient jewelers. Sellers often pass off jewelry that has been artificially aged as antique jewelry. The following will help you distinguish a fake from an antique:

  • expertise;
  • knowledge of metal properties;
  • product inspection.

Naturally, a jeweler can easily distinguish a fake from a rarity. The master will conduct an examination and issue a conclusion. But you will have to pay for the examination.

Gold and silver have various properties, from these metals, in addition to iron, jewelry was made. They could have been inlaid with stones. Noble metals do not react to a magnet, in addition, there must certainly be a mark on the surface of the product.

Vintage wedding rings

You can examine the brand with a magnifying glass: this will help you get more information about the ring. A ring with a touch of antiquity is unique; such products have a characteristic design, the jewelry is massive and therefore expensive.

Buyers forget that antiques are not a cheap pleasure, and under the guise of antique jewelry made of silver or gold, you can buy a fake made of brass.

An old ring could be inlaid with the following stones:

  1. Emerald.
  2. Rubin.
  3. Sapphire.
  4. Agate.
  5. Alexandrite.
  6. Diamond.

Large stones are a distinctive feature antique jewelry. The polishing of the minerals was not carried out so thoroughly, so the stones had a characteristic dark tint.

Only a jeweler can reliably determine which ring the owner wears on his hand, so you should be vigilant when purchasing antiques.

It is worth noting that rings and rings are on a par with coins and banknotes have specific designation marks that antiquarians are aware of. The information may be contained in a mark, or it may be added to the surface of the product in the form of a small mark or engraving.


Vintage rings are gaining popularity today. You can buy jewelry in a store, or you can make it to order.

Rings that have passed the 50-year mark can safely be called vintage; the jewelry is distinguished by the following:

  • made of metal of the highest standard;
  • inlaid with diamonds of different sizes;
  • have a scattering of sapphires and diamonds.

Such jewelry is made differently, so diamonds and sapphires have a characteristic shine.

One more distinctive feature design is considered. Products that are associated with a particular love story are especially popular among women.

The cost of such rings is not democratic, but it is not too high either, unless, of course, the product is made in a single copy, then its price can be exorbitant.

You should take care of your jewelry carefully; they require careful handling. Products not covered protective layer, and therefore they should be cleaned in a jewelry workshop.

Buy a ring or vintage ring You can find it in an antique shop, store or at an auction. Such jewelry is distinguished by price, design and incredible luxury.

A vintage ring, ring or other jewelry carries the energy of the owner, is part of history and can become the pride of any woman. Such items often become family treasures; they are passed down by inheritance and carefully stored. A touch of antiquity not only does not spoil the jewelry at all, but only increases their value - this is the main advantage of antique jewelry.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between a RING and a SIGNET? Ring - ring with precious stones or minerals. Massive products of this type belong to the category of predominantly men's jewelry. The term itself is derived from the Old Russian word “finger”, meaning “finger”. The decoration has been known to the world since ancient times. At all times, the ring emphasized the status of its owner, his strength and power. Take, for example, the great Russian tsars. They were always depicted with all kinds of paraphernalia, and the rings were given Special attention. High-ranking persons wore rings with precious and semi-precious stones: agate, amethyst, carnelian, turquoise. Representatives of creative professions were also partial to jewelry, as evidenced by portraits of great poets and writers. In addition to power and might, rings were also attributed magical meaning. They acted as a kind of talismans, attracting good luck and protecting a person from troubles. The boyars wore rings with amethyst, which, according to popular belief, protected against drunkenness. In the Middle Ages, family rings were passed from one generation to another. Modern jewelry They have a purely decorative function and are popular not only among men, but also among the fair sex. A signet is a ring with a massive top on which various designs, symbols, and inscriptions are applied. Initially, the ring had not an aesthetic, but a functional purpose. The history of its creation goes back to Ancient Rome. During the Republican period, signets began to be worn by male equestrians who belonged to the Equiti class. A little later, similar accessories became widespread among noble Romans. On their fingers were so-called chevaliers - rings with an imprint of the coat of arms. Thanks to the matrix top, privileged persons could leave marks on the sealing wax, which was used for sealing important documents. However, during the Roman Empire, rings with symbols began to be perceived solely as decoration. Products were made mainly from gold. When the boundaries between classes became somewhat blurred, signets were elevated to the rank of a universal accessory. This status remains with them to this day. The difference between a ring and a signet Let's talk about external differences decorations As can be seen from the definition, a ring is a ring with precious stones and minerals. They are often expensive pieces of jewelry inlaid with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, etc. In the middle of the top of the piece is a large stone, and smaller ones act as its frame. This accessory belongs to the category of status jewelry. As for the signet, it is a type of ring that does not require the presence of precious stones. But the product in mandatory decorated with all kinds of images, inscriptions and drawings. Often it carries a symbolic meaning. This is why some people prefer to wear their signets upside down front side down. Whereas rings with stones are usually displayed. Another difference between a ring and a signet is that the first product is considered more sophisticated. It looks very elegant on the hand. That is why rings of this type are popular among women. They can be put on any finger, guided by considerations of convenience. The signet is a more massive product. It is a purely masculine adornment, which from time immemorial has been customary to wear on the little finger.

Ever since ancient world people sought to decorate themselves. At first these were beads made of animal bones, later products made of wood and stone. With the development of crafts, the main material for making jewelry is metals. Most often, the softest of them were used, since it was easier to give them a fancy shape. Hand jewelry was worn by both men and women. Until some time they differed little from each other. Usually these were rings, rings and signets.


This products flat shape from one or more metals. They may have some difference in width, contain small inserts of precious or semi-precious stones, which will not stand out noticeably on a flat surface.

Rings can be solid, openwork, or with enamel. Almost everyone has at least one ring, which is the key to a happy family life.

Wedding rings can be classic shape, or can be made according to individual sketches in jewelry workshops. Separately in this row are engagement rings. In this case, the bride's ring can have one fairly large stone.

Currently, rings are most often used to make silver and gold various colors . If a few centuries ago they were worn primarily as amulets and talismans, now they are purely jewelry. The exception is wedding or wedding rings, which, as before, are called upon to protect the union of two lovers.

History contains legends about some rings:

  1. Ring of Solomon, which gave peace of mind to its owner. To do this, you just had to look through it during times of intense anger, emotional excitement or irrepressible joy. Thanks to this decoration, everyone knows the phrase “Everything passes and this too shall pass.”
  2. Rings of Almandzor, guaranteed eternal love for the guy and girl who will wear these rings to each other.
  3. Ring of the Nibelungs, which gave its owner untold wealth and unlimited power. In Russian fairy tales it's like this gold ring there too. With its help, you can call two assistants who will carry out any command of the owner of the ring.


These massive products are necessarily decorated large convex stone. It can be both precious and ornamental. Thanks to certain characteristics Stones of such decorations were attributed to the properties of amulets and talismans.

Initially, such jewelry was worn exclusively by men due to its massiveness. Many of them became symbols of power and might. If you pay attention to the numerous portraits of rulers of powers or noble nobles, you will notice how carefully all the rings and rings on their hands are drawn. It was the rings that became symbols of power. They were passed down from generation to generation, from the head of the family to the first heir.

The most famous rings are:

  1. Ring with Paul's rubyII, which he received after being consecrated as a Grand Master. It is currently kept in the Hermitage.
  2. Ring of King John the Landless of England with turquoise, with which he checked whether the food was poisoned. According to legend, this stone changes color in the presence of any poison.
  3. Magic ring Prophet Muhammad decorated with carnelian.
  4. Each Pope, upon ascending the throne, receives a ring called “ Fisherman" A personal ring is made for each new ruler of the Vatican.

There are many legends about rings with hidden places. They contained images of lovers, locks of their hair, as well as potent poisons. For example, many pieces of jewelry from the Borgia family, known for dealing with their ill-wishers using poisons, contain similar containers. Members of this family not only knew a lot about various poisons, but also independently developed designs for rings with various cunning devices that allowed them to store poison in them.

The most famous of them are Flame of the Borgia And Lion's claw. In the latter, a special needle with poison was installed, which came into action when shaking hands.

The difference between rings and rings

Their main difference is, first of all, dimensions. Rings are small rims made of metal, flat, twisted or openwork shape, decorated with small precious stones. Such jewelry can be worn by both women and men in everyday life.

Rings are more massive products that have a convex part, decorated with either a monogram or a large convex stone. Nowadays, it is mainly women who prefer to wear rings. Modern products are more elegant, and the setting of stones can be lighter and more openwork. The exception is representatives of creative professions who, regardless of gender, love to decorate their fingers with rings with large stones.

Men prefer rings like small sizes, and more massive, and they can be made not by them precious metals. Modern costume jewelry offers customers original models rings that are not inferior in beauty jewelry. Such products can be decorated not only with massive stones, but with various fantasy elements.

Rings are weighty jewel, which used to be very loved by kings and other noble persons. From time immemorial, the ring was a symbol of high social status and was very often passed down by inheritance as a family heirloom, and sometimes as a symbol of power. But people gradually stopped attaching such great importance rings, and buy it today interesting decoration anyone can do it without investing a lot of money, because jewelers do not always create them from precious materials.

At the end of the last century, the most popular was with ruby ​​or garnet - these beautiful bright stones were crowned with gold and together created an impressive picture. Surprisingly, today their popularity is returning, and people increasingly prefer large and weighty rings rather than thin rings.

What is the difference between a ring and a ring?

The main difference between a ring and a ring is its size. The ring is much wider than the ring and, as a rule, has big Stone. In some cases, there may be several small stones that form a specific symbol or figure.

On which finger is the ring worn?

Previously, the representative of the ring, the signet, was worn on the little finger. This rule did not apply to rings, and even today signets are rarely worn on the little fingers. It is believed that a large ring looks too aggressive on index finger, but in ancient times kings wore them this way. Today, the ring is placed on the ring or middle finger. At the same time, small rings are not put on the same hand. Today everyone chooses for themselves the question of which side to wear the ring on.

Watch ring

Jewelry steel rings are often made original with interesting solutions, and one of them is a watch instead of a stone. They have become an excellent alternative to wristwatches. At the same time, a gold ring watch turns out to be more preferable, especially if it is an antique.

Exclusive rings

Exclusive rings today are offered by masters to order on an individual basis. For example, Sergey Lunev and Danila Ivanov came up with an interesting plot depicted on a wide ring made of platinum, silver and yellow gold. These jewelers have a series of such rings that depict mythological images and stories.

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a ring on your finger. This is a very common phenomenon; the most “popular” finger to wear this jewelry is the ring finger. As a rule, a person does not think much about which finger to decorate with a ring. And the choice stops at that finger, which of all five, oddly enough, does not have a name. But rings are not just beautiful decoration, it is also an effective reinforcing factor of influence. They can greatly influence the person who wears them. Depending on which finger the ring is placed on, certain human character traits are enhanced.

Rings with Scandinavian runes and amulets:

Ring finger

By decorating this finger with a ring, a person seems to want to attract happiness into his life and feel inner warmth. This finger is directly associated with happiness, luck, success, creativity and recognition of achievements and talent by others. If a person increases the number of rings on this finger to two or even more, this indicates a catastrophic lack of the above and a subconscious desire to strengthen them significantly. A striking example of this is the incomparable singer Vladimir Kuzmin. In addition to increasing the feeling of happiness, the ring gives significant creative potential. If a person has chosen the ring finger of the left hand, which is also called the passive hand for rings, this indicates that he lacks creative qualities and should be drawn from outside. Although outwardly he looks like a person who has them in abundance. An example is the humorist Vladimir Vinokur. His creative potential seems enormous, but is rather unstable.

Little finger

One of the neighbors ring finger- little finger, not so often decorated with a ring. This smallest of fingers is chosen for wearing rings by those who seek to increase the possibilities of their own self-expression and communication skills. Wearing rings on your little finger can enhance your entrepreneurial abilities. The ring on the little finger affects a person, and he is much more difficult to influence when making certain decisions. There is information about adding psychic abilities to the one who wears rings on this particular finger. For example, the legendary Wolf Messing chose his little finger for rings. Yuri Bashmet also wears a ring on it, he chose a massive one black ring. This shows that self-expression through creativity is a key goal for him, and the ring once again draws attention to his unusual, uniqueness and individuality, as well as the desire to become not just the brightest in his chosen profession, but also truly unique .

Middle finger

The second neighbor of the ring finger is the middle one. Such a choice for wearing rings and rings is the most optimal, harmonizing: it does not enhance or introduce bad character traits at all, but some qualities are well activated. At the same time, wearing rings on the middle finger, on the contrary, smooths out very pronounced ones. A person becomes calmer and much more balanced. Note that prolonged wearing of rings on this finger can develop self-isolation, a desire not only for solitude, but even loneliness. Usually moral values for the person who chose this finger for rings, are extremely important. If he recently began to decorate this finger with a ring, it means that he lacks this and he strives to compensate for them. To become more balanced, calmer, more consistent with yourself, you just need to put the ring on middle finger in order to smooth out disharmony. An example of this is singer Yulia Savicheva. Wearing a ring will enhance the need for harmony and slightly restrain similar qualities of Savicheva: such as perseverance, self-confidence, independence, openness to others.


The ring always looks most expressive on the index finger. And this is due to the meaning of this finger. With its help, people indicate, show their will, direction of thoughts and actions, independence. Consequently, the ring on the index finger influences the degree of a person’s self-esteem - increasing it well, while the person gains pride. These qualities are especially developed with regular wearing of the ring. However, this can develop selfishness, too much increased self-esteem, pride and great love of freedom. Dima Bilan likes to wear a ring on this finger. This speaks of a thirst for managing people, inflated self-esteem, the desire to make decisions, the need for fame, which for the singer are higher than financial benefits. For Bilan, the main thing is creativity, and he is unlikely to give up on it and concert performances.


The ring on this finger is the least likely to be found. Most likely, the person wearing the ring on thumb, longs to stand out from the crowd, to be different not only appearance, but also by their own behavior.

Many people decorate several fingers with rings at once. It looks quite interesting. But it also happens in general complete absence jewelry on the hands, which should indicate the full presence of all necessary qualities, however, this is usually far from the case.

Rings with Slavic amulets:
