How to get rid of a persistent guy. How to get rid of an annoying admirer

The attention of the guys is a real gift of fate. But what if this gift is too big? Sometimes girls have to literally run away from their boyfriends. And getting rid of an annoying, annoying guy can be quite difficult. But it is quite possible to do so. The main thing is to understand whether you really do not need a guy. Or are you just playing with it.

How to get rid of an annoying guy?

If you are already in a relationship, and the guy is tired of you, then you should not continue all this. You just need to talk to this person and explain your position. At the same time, it is worth:

  • Don't joke;
  • Do not flirt;
  • Don't give second chances;
  • Do not doubt.

Then you can break up with the one who pisses you off. A lot of times, guys take a breakup well, but then they start acting like nothing happened.

You shouldn't go for it. If you sent him away, then you need to remove him from any intimacy. Otherwise, he will bother you again. And you can't build normal relationships with anyone.

If the MCH tries to get further explanations and starts asking questions, don't say anything. This is a simple trick. He again draws you into some kind of uncertainty.

How to get rid of an annoying guy?

Intrusive are those suitors who received once, but pursue their "victim" again and again. No explanations or clarifications can be made here. They said "no" 1 time and that's it.

If you ignore him, then he will definitely lose interest in you. You can:

  1. Change number;
  2. Remove him from social media. networks;
  3. Do not cross paths with him at school;
  4. When you see him, move away.

This is a radical but effective method. There is no other way here. If he offers to be just friends, then refuse. Otherwise, he will be jealous of you, hint at relationships and in every possible way get to you.

Do not start a relationship out of pity for an annoying boyfriend. He will quickly understand this, and you will remain guilty.

But don't overdo it. If the person is somehow sympathetic to you, then give him a chance. Suddenly this is your destiny. And in general, you may also be running after someone soon. So get in position.

Many girls refuse those who love them out of spite. After all, it’s much cooler to achieve someone who doesn’t love you than to take what “itself came.” Don't act on this principle. Be guided by your heart.

The best way to turn a guy off

If you do not know how to get rid of the guy who got you, then find him a girlfriend. And, you shouldn't tell him about it.

You can place his details on a dating site or simply suggest him to your girlfriend. Moreover, it is not necessary to initially act mediocrely. Really looking for a nice and pretty girl.

So you protect yourself from his excessive attention. And his personal life will get better. You can also accidentally bump him into a lonely girlfriend or intentionally offer to help him. This is the perfect compromise.

Getting rid of an annoying or annoying guy is easier than it seems. But first, it is worth considering this person in more detail. All of a sudden, he's not so bad after all.

In the life of every woman there are situations when she turns out to be the subject of someone's sighing. It is hard to argue with the fact that it is pleasant and flattering to self-esteem - it really is. But after all, men are different, and some of them know no boundaries in achieving their goals. Such admirers can go to great lengths in order to achieve the desired lady.

Yes, maybe it's fine, but only if she is ready to respond to feelings. But what should the fair sex do in other situations in order to ward off an unwanted admirer?

Question of conduct

In order to answer the question of how to get rid of an annoying admirer, you should think about the reasons for its appearance. All the reasons for which a woman has a new admirer can be conditionally divided into accidental and deliberate.

The first relate to those situations when a woman did not at all try to please someone. This means that she did not have a specific goal to get the attention of any man. And this is a very important point, because having a desire, a girl can always charm anyone.

In cases where she purposefully seeks to capture the attention of a man, we can talk about deliberate reasons. And in such a situation, it will not be so easy to ward off a fan.

A woman uses a maximum of seduction techniques that work great on almost every member of the stronger sex. And the latter receives just a huge dose of various sexual signals from the seductress, which are almost impossible to ignore.

temperamental men

Chances are, every girl knows in a date. The issue is that it doesn't always work. Some men are particularly stubborn and importunate. This quality can push them even to aggressive ones, which they may later regret. In order to protect yourself from such a fan, you need to recognize him in time. It is very important to understand that it is better not to play cat and mouse with the described person.

Harmless male gender

You should also separately highlight the category of men who just love the game of unrequited love. They can love the same woman for years, be faithful to her and hope for reciprocity.

In their hearts, such men rarely strive for a reciprocal feeling. They like the role of an unfortunate wanderer who is crazy about the lady of his heart. This type of admirers is often classified as knightly, because knights choose an object of love and worship once and at the same time leave for the battlefield.

But there are still representatives of the stronger sex who can simply believe that you are interested in them. These are normal, typical, average men. To play with a person's feelings or not is a personal and deeply moral question.

Politeness is a good helper

To understand how to politely refuse a guy, you should think about what type of man he belongs to. If your fan is calm and balanced, then everything will work out quite easily.

But you can encounter self-confident and arrogant men, and even those who have certain mental disorders. Therefore, it is very important to understand that only a normal, adequate person will be able to politely refuse. Such a man will listen to you and understand that there are no prospects. Even if he already has feelings, he will fight them alone and will not disturb you anymore.

How to politely refuse?

In order to explain to a man that nothing will happen, it is necessary to be extremely sincere and delicate. It is very important to correctly combine these two qualities in yourself in order to give a concrete rebuff to a person, but, if possible, not to hurt his tender feelings.

Do not leave the conversation, it is better to call a spade a spade. Just explain to the young man that he is not your type. It is also very important to make it clear that nothing will work out even if he continues to woo and woo you. This is an important point, because some young people take rejection as a hint that courtship will become more frequent and pronounced.

In order to understand how to politely refuse a guy, you should put yourself in his place. This simple exercise will help you understand that it is better to say everything right away.

How to get rid of an annoying admirer?

In order to get rid of your admirer, you should know a few important rules. They should be guided relentlessly, otherwise the young man may misunderstand you and perceive the refusal as a kind of continuation of the love game:

  1. So, for starters, you should forget about gentleness and pity. It is necessary to clearly and clearly tell the man that there will be no continuation. In no case can you explain the reasons or go into explanations. Observing such behavior, a man will quickly figure out what to do, and this will happen even unconsciously. As soon as a woman begins to make excuses, she forms a sense of guilt in herself. People are very good at playing this. Even if a man did not plan to manipulate, he will feel this weakness and will not fail to take advantage of it.
  2. You should also pay attention to your own behavior. How to drive a guy away from you, if you accept everything in no way. This point is important because many women make the same mistake. You can not chat, flirt and flirt with a man if you want to get rid of him. Women often do not attach much importance to their behavior. Do not repeat this mistake - ignore the fan you do not need and do not communicate with him.

Should I accept gifts?

If you don't know how to say no to an annoying fan, think about how many gifts he gave you. Too many of his gifts in the house? Alas, this is a common mistake.

If a woman wants to finally get rid of her admirer, it is necessary not only to ignore communication with him, but also not to accept presents. Many girls say that they warned the man, and since he still gifts them, then why not? But, as experience shows, in this case, the man perceives the refusal as a hint that you need to give more, and only then will you make contact.

Simple, but iron. If a girl does not want to continue, why does she accept my gifts? Therefore, this point should be clarified from the very beginning, so that later you do not pay for rings and fur coats.

critical situations

How to get rid of an annoying admirer if no methods work? In this case, you should take care of your own safety. If, after a frank conversation, a man continues to pursue you, you should think about it. So, when a girl notices surveillance of herself or other secret interference in life, she needs to immediately resort to the help of the police.

The problem is that this is where many criminals start. At first they just watch their prey, and then they want more. And since the woman knows everything and does not react in any way, the man thinks that the path is open to him. That is, in this case, you can run into big trouble if you do not involve law enforcement agencies in time.

It is important to report being followed right away, as it is completely outside the scope of a romantic relationship. However, the process of detaining the pursuer may be delayed due to lack of evidence. So if you don't know how to get rid of a pesky suitor, ask a brother or friend to accompany you for a while.

Summing up, it should be said that a woman herself often provokes representatives of the opposite sex. This means that it is important to take care of yourself and not signal that you are ready for a relationship if you really do not want it. It should also be understood that an annoying admirer may turn out to be a criminal or a mentally ill person.

We think that each of the fair sex at least once in her life wondered how to gently get rid of the attention of an annoying gentleman. However, it is far from always possible to do this competently and painlessly. In this article, we will talk about how to ward off an obsessive admirer, we will give several effective ways that will help you achieve results. We also give useful advice from psychologists on how to behave in the company of a boyfriend.

15 ways to get rid of an annoying boyfriend

If you are determined to achieve your goal, then you need to be ready for anything. Sometimes men show excessive perseverance, and they perceive all refusals as a way for a girl to attract attention. Numerous sites and forums are full of various recommendations about this. We have put together the most effective advice from psychologists on how to get rid of a fan. We note right away that we present both fairly neat options for getting rid of a fan, and drastic measures that need to be resorted to only in the most emergency situations.

Straight Talk

It is no coincidence that we present this method among the first. It is perhaps the simplest and most harmless way to get rid of a gentleman. There are situations when a man sincerely does not understand that all his courtship causes you only a feeling of irritation. Remember that he deserves respect. Pick the right moment, gather your courage into a fist and talk to your admirer. Remember that you need to be extremely frank, and you should also be very careful with the choice of words so as not to accidentally offend a man. Your voice should be calm and confident. Explain that you cannot reciprocate. If you do everything right, then the man should understand you and stop annoying you with his attention.

to get rid of an annoying admirer, you must immediately tell him seriously that you are really not interested in him


Another option is to completely ignore the man. Blacklist his number, remove it from all social networks, do not greet when you meet. In a word, let the fan know that you don't want to have anything to do with him. However, here you need to be as strict as possible. Try not to make any compromises. Remember that any indulgence will be tantamount to your defeat.


It's no secret that representatives of the strong half of humanity do not like it when a woman persistently demands something. Men value modesty. It is these women that they prefer above all. If you want to get rid of a fan once and for all, then show him greed and selfishness. These qualities scare a man away. Try to demand at least something from him at every meeting. Believe me, he will not tolerate such an attitude towards him.


Turning into an evil fury is a great way to get rid of a man once and for all. If you are not in the habit of throwing up scandals, then you will have to work hard on this issue. When communicating with a boyfriend, try to throw tantrums as often as possible: scream, cry, especially emotional ones can even break dishes and other small objects. Do all this at regular intervals. To achieve maximum effect, we advise you to make scandals in public, if possible. However, we advise you not to overdo it, otherwise you risk being branded as a hysteric.


This model of behavior should be aimed at a blow to the ego of a man. If you decide to get rid of him, then start criticizing absolutely everything that is possible: his prospects, actions, decisions. In this way, you can awaken in him a sense of insecurity. And this man will not tolerate even from his beloved woman.


We all know that men really do not like to hear rejections from their beloved woman. Even if he is in love with you, then your constant “no” will definitely hurt his pride. Try to refuse a man everything, even if it seems stupid. No one will tolerate systematic rejections, especially if they are also unreasonable. With the help of such simple behavior, you can get rid of the annoying boyfriend.


If you decide to get rid of a fan in this way, then it all depends on your imagination and imagination. Come up with any lie, even if it does not seem very believable. And then ask one of your friends to play along with you. Let it be a casually thrown phrase, with the help of which your boyfriend will understand that you are lying to him. To achieve the desired result, the entire scheme should be repeated several times.

Constant Excuses

If you want to carefully make it clear to a man that his attention to your person does not awaken tender feelings in you, then we advise you to come up with various reasons every time why you cannot spend time with him. If a man has understanding and sensitivity, then he will understand that under all excuses lies a neat refusal.

Don't accept gifts

We all know that any woman has a weakness for gifts and surprises. However, in this situation, you should not accept any gifts from the gentleman. No matter how much you would like it. Remember that otherwise, a man may perceive your behavior as a signal that he has something to count on and hope for. You need it? We think not, so try not to accept any help and gifts from him.

Do not accept values ​​and interests

People who have an interest in any area of ​​life find a common language and gain mutual understanding at an incredible speed. The same is true with priorities and life values. Your job is to prevent this from happening. Remember everything that the man told you about himself, try to remember all the small details of the biography. And after that, try to criticize his life position and worldview as much as possible. Allow yourself a couple of unflattering comments about his hobbies. No man will tolerate such an attitude.

Bad habits

Let's just say that this behavior should be used only in the most extreme cases. No man is attracted to women who openly and brazenly demonstrate to everyone their addiction to alcohol and cigarettes. If you are alone in a restaurant, start ordering alcohol. It is desirable that these were strong drinks. For the sake of a great goal, you can endure once. Be sure that a man will quickly lose interest in you.

The presence of an opponent

Fortunately, there are still enough men for whom the presence of a boyfriend or husband in a girl is a stop signal. Why not take advantage of this? Say that you have a young man with whom you plan to marry. Most men after that will not annoy you with their excessive presence in your life. However, you have to be very careful. If this lie is revealed, then the actions of your admirer can resume with renewed vigor.


We want to note right away that the method is very effective. Try, as if by chance, to drop a phrase that you are going shopping. Naturally, he will offer his help. And then it all depends on your courage and imagination. Spend a lot of time in the fitting room of every store. Then, once you've made your choice, say that you don't have enough money to buy it, but you crave all 25 of your chosen wardrobe items. Try to choose the most expensive things. It will be great if you can demonstrate your extravagance. Hint that you constantly spend money, forgetting about household needs. Every man wants to see a zealous mistress and an economical wife next to him. We are sure that one shopping trip will discourage the fan from any desire to continue communication with you.

Find yourself a replacement

Surely, among your acquaintances there are women who have not yet met their chosen one. Try introducing your obsessive boyfriend to a couple of girlfriends. Perhaps he will turn his attention to one of them. Naturally, this is only worth doing if the man is worthy, but for certain reasons you cannot enter into a relationship with him.


Yes, do not be surprised, it is the wedding that can scare the gentleman. Say that you have long dreamed of going to the registry office in a white dress. Emphasize that you want to become a wife as soon as possible. Mention that after a hasty marriage you want to have children. You can lie that one of your friends works at the registry office and is ready to organize a celebration in the coming weeks. Most likely, after such a conversation, you will no longer see a man.

if a man who shows interest in a woman does not like her, then she should directly tell him about it, do not accept gifts and invitations, do not flirt

How to send a guy off when trying to meet?

In this situation, you should not respond with a joke. A man may take this behavior for light flirting, but not for an attempt to gently refuse. If you do not want to get acquainted, then you need to clearly and dryly answer the young man that you have a young man or that you are simply not in the mood for communication. Therefore, we do not advise giggling and laughing it off. In addition, we do not advise being rude and rude. Firstly, by such behavior you will demonstrate your bad upbringing. Secondly, rudeness can cause retaliatory aggression. Remember that in front of you is a completely unfamiliar person who can behave in any way.

How to send a guy by correspondence?

There may be two scenarios for the development of events, depending on whether you actually communicated or not. In the second case, everything is very simple. Just try not to reply to his messages. Most often, in such a situation, a man will understand that he does not arouse your interest and stop bothering you. In the first version, everything is a little more complicated. There are situations when an old friend suddenly begins to give you all sorts of signs of attention in writing, attack you through all social networks. And you, in turn, are absolutely not in the mood for a romantic relationship with him. Then a logical question arises, how to get rid of a guy on VK, Odnoklassniki or Facebook? You can try to solve the problem in one of the following ways.

  • Don't start the conversation first. If a person is in love with you, then he will perceive this as a manifestation of interest on your part.
  • All messages should be answered in one word, without asking questions. Try to keep all communication to a minimum.
  • If a man declared his love, then try to write to him in the most correct form that you do not have tender feelings for him. This must be done very carefully so as not to offend or hurt pride.
  • Try to become in his eyes the kind of girl he would never fall in love with. Mention a few unpleasant facts about yourself in the conversation.
  • If all else fails, then try to become even more annoying than he is. At first glance, the method seems very doubtful. However, men also don't like annoying women.
  • If a man constantly invites you somewhere, always find a reason not to go. A couple of failures and he'll stop trying.

In this article, we talked about how you can get rid of an obsessive gentleman. In addition, we have formulated a number of recommendations that will help you achieve the effect. Remember that you need to be extremely careful in your words and actions so as not to offend a man.

Girls face the problem of male obsession. Annoyance is not always pleasant. It turns out that warding off an unwanted admirer is quite simple, but in each situation it is necessary to act in a special way.

There are rules to get rid of an unwanted admirer.

If you follow them, then you will quickly solve the problem:

  1. Uncompromising is key. You can not make concessions and succumb to persuasion. Be firm and stick to your chosen position.
  2. Avoid pity. Many fans are beginning to "pressure" on this feeling. Some individuals blackmail with their lives (threatened with suicide). Remember: people who are capable of killing themselves never say such things out loud.
  3. Feeling guilty is bad, otherwise this feeling will make you obey persuasion.
  4. You can not accept gifts - flowers, gifts and other trinkets.
  5. Don't get involved in your life. Many people try to take advantage of an annoying admirer for their own purposes. Remember, if he helps you, then you will not be able to get rid of him.
  6. When communicating, focus on your loved one (if not, feel free to invent). Wear an engagement ring or talk about a future wedding.
  7. Make the conversation specific. Eliminate innuendo and omissions. Otherwise, the fan will think that you are embarrassed to express feelings.
  8. Eliminate coquetry, flirting and smiles.
  9. Try to avoid meetings.
  10. Talk directly, explaining the lack of desire to communicate.

In life

Life situations are different, in the circle of acquaintances there may be a person who has become overly intrusive. You can meet in cafes, transport, university, on the street. The situation is aggravated by close proximity to such an admirer, one has to meet often. What can be done, because the guy starts to pursue? Initially, it is important and necessary to follow the basic rules.

But such maneuvers are also used:

  1. In a conversation, you can allow a manifestation of interest in his person, but this must be done correctly. For example, take an interest in the financial situation, life positions, career. With any positive answer, express dissatisfaction. Say that you absolutely do not fit his position. This situation leads the fan to disgust.
  2. If the admirer is not aggressive, then you can get nasty, insult and humiliate. Self-respecting representatives of humanity will not tolerate such an attitude.
  3. If you are given flowers, throw them in the trash without regret in front of a guy.
  4. Invite girlfriends and friends. The girlfriend should flirt with him, and he, like a true "gentleman", will reciprocate. For your part, explain to the fan that he did not pass the test. Walk with friends more often so that there is no opportunity to communicate alone.
  5. With frequent phone calls, picking up the phone is contraindicated, the solution is the "black" list. And don't promise to call back.
  6. Try, looking into his eyes, firmly explain that he does not belong to your type.

At work

  1. In the workplace, the situation gets out of hand, because you are forced to communicate. It is recommended to talk exclusively about working moments, maintaining an official tone.
  2. Do not agree to a joint lunch.
  3. Do not accept compliments, do not show that you are pleased with them. Say directly that you do not want to listen to them or make a displeased grimace.
  4. If the admirer is a subordinate, do not call to your office, but give instructions through a third party. If the boss, then turn your attention to other employees. Surely you know about the chef's secret admirers. Above the chief there is a superior, to whom one should turn for help.

In the Internet

Getting rid of a fan on the Internet is easy:

  1. Block.
  2. If rudeness appears, you can contact the site administration.
  3. Don't meet strangers: one person creates different Nicks.

How to rid yourself of a married admirer?

  1. If a married person with children is soliciting, say that you do not love them. And you're just sick of his baby.
  2. Ask a man to introduce him to his lawful woman. He won't like it.
  3. Calmly but firmly explain that you will never have relationships with married people.
  4. Threaten to tell his wife about the obsession.

How to get rid of an aggressive admirer who threatens?

The most terrible situation is when the gentleman is overly aggressive and threatening. Not every person is able to deal with it alone. Therefore, in such situations, it is desirable to involve other people: stronger than the admirer, friends, parents, and even the police. Be sure to notify the precinct. Make an audio recording of threats, provide information to law enforcement. If the aggressive fan only knows contact details, then the best solution would be to change them.

With the help of magic - a conspiracy from an annoying admirer

A simple and effective conspiracy, pronounced for salt. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. salt in the palm of your hand, light a candle bought in the church and read the prayer:

“Salt is crumbly, but white. I was for the servant of God (say the name) sweet, but I became not sweet. As the fire goes out, the eyes do not burn, the heart does not ignite. Amen".

Salt is poured into the shoes and pockets of the fan.

With a hug or a firm handshake. Be sure to look into the eyes. Say three times:

“As hands are burned with needles - the heart will prick, and the servant of God (name) will turn away from me. Amen".

Bay leaf - to help

If you make a wish to get rid of an annoying admirer and lower a bay leaf into an open fire, then 10 days after burning it, the wish will come true!

What do girls write on forums?

On the forums there are appeals of girls with the question: how to get rid of an annoying annoying admirer. At the same time, people give completely contradictory advice to each other.

The main point is not to run away from the problem, but to discuss it directly with the fan. Often, many of the recommendations are ineffective. However, any situation is individual, which means that it is necessary to act based on the characteristics.

How to get rid of a fan, boyfriend? -

What to do?

Find out for sure!

Serenades under the window "to the delight" of neighbors, endless calls with confessions, night shifts in the entrance ... The methods of some men to achieve your love at all costs can literally drive you crazy. How to recognize an obsessive fan and stop his courtship, told psychologist Elena Tsedova.

Sign No. 1. He goes ahead

When a man on the first or second date says nice words and compliments to you, this is normal. But, if he very actively begins to confess his feelings, build far-reaching plans - it's worth considering. Perhaps at first the phrases “I would really like our daughter to have the same eyes as yours” or “I'm crazy in love with you” will flatter you. But don't be tempted. Yes, it happens that a woman in a very short period of time can cause vivid feelings in a man. However, in most cases, the stronger sex is cautious, tries to hide their emotions, is afraid of unrequited love, and only people who are prone to obsessive communication immediately go ahead.

Sign number 2. He sought another for 5 years, but she rejected him

Learn to correctly hear the stories of your new man about the past, because you can project so many moments onto your future. It is common for the stronger sex to build relationships according to a long-familiar scenario, they are so comfortable. If a boyfriend shares with you a story about how he pursued a woman for five years, knocked on her doorsteps, fought with her brother in the name of his great love, in the end she moved to another city, but he found her there, be sure, with high chances are the same will happen to you. Gently ask why the ex-lover did not want this relationship. The answer “We had love, but for some reason she didn’t understand it” is a signal to forget the new boyfriend once and for all.

The problem is that for most women, obsessive men at first seem very romantic, subtle natures, able to care for and achieve their goal. But these stories have only one ending.

Sign #3: He constantly wants your attention.

An attack by calls, SMS, messages on social networks is another reason to think. But here it is important to make one correction, there is a “24 hours” rule, which says that if a man is really carried away by a woman, he will contact her within a day. If he didn't, he probably didn't like her that much. Of course, there are exceptions, but this is one percent out of a hundred. As a rule, a person who is interested in you begins to show himself by calls or SMS: “Good morning, how did you get home, how was your day,” etc. This is absolutely normal! It's not normal when 250 messages arrive in the first three hours of separation! If you find yourself in a similar situation, I advise you to tell your new friend that you are very busy right now and cannot keep up a correspondence. See how he reacts to this. If a man does not accept the fact that a woman can have some business of her own, wants her beloved to belong to him 24 hours a day, continues to call - this is not a good sign!

Sign number 4. He causes pity

“If you don’t come, I will be sad, drink, jump out of the window” - do not think that such behavior is typical only for teenagers. Grown men sometimes act in exactly the same way. Typical line: “I thought I met my destiny, and you can't even give me a little time. I don't know what to do now." Of course, at first such things sound like a joke, no one will seriously scare you by throwing themselves out the window because you did not show up for a date. Only from jokes can a person move on to action.

Another technique is to invent illnesses and difficult life circumstances. You can’t refuse a man who twisted his finger, got a sore throat, is experiencing depression, lost his job, survived the death of a hamster, etc. Such people build their relationship on the “mother-son” principle; if you feel that a new boyfriend is trying to impose himself on you as adult children, then all this will certainly end in persecution, because not a single child wants to lose his mother.

Sign #5: He is aggressive

In general, everything is fine with you, but, for example, a man reacts aggressively to a refusal to write SMS or being late: “Was it difficult for you to write? Why were you late, why didn't you answer who you were with? Such pressure will not lead to good.

How to “neutralize” an obsessive admirer

The only way to end such a relationship is to ignore it. There is no other way! It’s nice to explain to a man that he is wonderful, but you just don’t fit together is a waste of time. An obsessive person doesn’t care what you do: shout, threaten or talk sweetly - you pay attention to him, which means he has a chance. Don't ask your dad or sibling to talk to a fan because he'll think you're introducing him to your family. In addition, some boyfriends in a relationship do not need the woman herself, but need a struggle, overcoming, suffering. When your brother once again pushes him down the stairs, he will be very happy.

Such a man should be blacklisted on the phone. On social networks, do not even read his messages, just delete them or block them again. When he sees that his letters are not read, calls do not reach, it will be easier for him to choose a new victim than to continue communicating with you.

There are certain safety rules that are good to follow on first dates with any man. Don't immediately reveal where you live, work, park your car, spork, etc. Avoid exact addresses, because if you don't get along and the new suitor is persistent, he can turn your life into a real hell .
