How to make a tan at home. Effective tanning at home

Actually, it's the sun that makes the tan. But, firstly, not at any time of the year you can sunbathe, at least without leaving anywhere. Secondly, not every skin perceives the sun well, and there may be medical contraindications. But sometimes you want to amaze everyone with a luxurious tan! If you really want to get such a charming tan, but there is no real opportunity for this, try using special tanning oils, which will make you look like you spent a week on the beach.


Among the positive aspects of the use of such cosmetics are the following:

  • 1. Using self-tanning, you see the effect instantly. Immediately after applying the product, your skin will acquire a pleasant golden hue.
  • 2. The sun strongly dries out the skin, therefore, it ages much faster. Self-tanning is completely devoid of this drawback.
  • 3. The use of such products allows not only to give the skin the desired shade, but also to mask its minor imperfections and irregularities.
  • 4. The use of self-tanning cannot provoke the development of any skin diseases or cancer.


Despite a fairly wide list of positive qualities, such tools also have a list of disadvantages. Among which the following can be particularly highlighted:

  • 1. Applying a self-tanner requires certain skills. As a rule, it is rarely possible to apply it in a perfectly even layer. As a result, the color is uneven.
  • 2. Sun exposure stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body. Using self-tanning, we do not bring ourselves any benefit.
  • 3. The effect of such cosmetics does not last long. As a rule, it only lasts for a few days. Therefore, it will have to be used quite often.
  • 4. It's hard enough to find a self-tanner color that suits your skin tone. It is worth a little mistake and the result may not be what you expected.

How to choose the right self tanner?

Modern self-tanners are produced in the form of a cream, gel or spray. The result will in no way depend on which tool you choose.

If the product is of dubious origin or expired, it is better to refuse it immediately. You don't want to end up all streaked like a zebra, or better yet, get an allergy or skin irritation, do you? It is best to give preference to the means of proven well-known brands.

After you have decided on the brand of the product, you need to choose the right color for it. To do this, you should be guided by your natural skin tone. For fair skin, honey shades are more suitable. Girls with olive skin are better off opting for darker tones. It is also worth remembering that you will have to purchase products of different shades for the face and body. It is better to refuse the acquisition of bronze or orange self-tanners altogether.

How to apply self-tanner?

As usual, before using any new cosmetic product for you, do an allergy test: apply a little product on your wrist and leave for 12 hours. If during this time the skin does not develop a rash and irritation, self-tanning can be used.

Cleanse the skin properly beforehand: shower with an exfoliating gel or scrub, you can also use a special washcloth to remove dead pidermis cells. After a shower, you need to dry yourself very carefully and give the skin 20 minutes to “cool down” - then self-tanning will lie evenly.

On the middle of the abdomen, it is best to apply a small layer of any body lotion that suits you. This will make the treated areas of the body a little lighter. Because of this, the press will seem more taut. You can also treat age spots, scars and freckles with lotion.

Now, finally, you can apply self-tanner. You need to do this starting from the legs up to the shoulders, without missing a single part of the body. If you use a cream, then it should be applied to the body in long, even strokes. Rub the product thoroughly into the skin. Apply quite a bit of self-tanner to the elbows, knees and feet. Otherwise, they will be much darker than the rest of the body.

Pay special attention to the face: To make the tan go evenly, use a cotton swab to cover the wings of the nose, hairline and eyebrows. If you mix equal amounts of self tanner with your regular day cream, it will go on evenly. Self-tanning is not applied to the eyelids and lips, as well as under the eyes.

After you have applied the product, let it dry for a few minutes. Then take an old terry sock and turn it inside out. Using this sock intensively rub the skin in a circular motion. So you can avoid the appearance of stripes and spots.

After you have applied self-tanning, you can not get dressed and sit down for at least 30-40 minutes (for reliability - an hour and a half).

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean your nails with a brush, otherwise the palms will turn out dark and the nails will look like dirty.

You can not immediately take a shower or bath, so as not to wash off a significant part of the tan - it is washed off quite easily. In fact, cosmetologists recommend not taking water procedures for at least 3-4 hours. Also, do not use any moisturizers.

To maintain the resulting color, this procedure should be repeated every three days.

If you are not satisfied with the result, then take a shower with a scrub or a bath, while adding a glass of milk to the water, as the lactic acid will help neutralize the color.

The use of self-tanning allows you to quickly and easily acquire a beautiful skin tone. In order to achieve a similar effect, you would have to visit the solarium or the beach several times. But it is worth remembering that a beautiful tan will turn out only if you apply the cosmetic product correctly and evenly. The slightest mistake can cause your skin color to appear patchy.

Read in the article:

Tanning at home is a good alternative to beaches and solariums. There are many ways to get an even chocolate tone, as well as significantly affect the condition of your skin, without spending a lot of time and money.

Tanning at home: benefits and effects

The benefit of instant tanning at home is that when the main active substances get under the skin, active production of melanin begins. Thus, it is possible to prepare the epidermis for exposure to UV rays, if further visits to the beaches or solarium are planned: the risk of burns is reduced, the shade falls evenly and lasts for a long time.

In addition, home tanning products improve skin tone, moisturize well, and in some cases even smooth wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté.

How to quickly tan at home:

  • Use creams and sprays (preferably with bronzers);
  • Eat right (eat foods containing vitamins A, B, C and E);
  • The most harmless and useful option is to prepare folk remedies for tanning with your own hands.

The list of home "self-tanners" is quite wide, and with their help you can get both an instant shade (lasts from 12 to 24 hours), and a gradually appearing, but more persistent (3-5 days).

Do not think that a single use of a homemade or purchased tanning product will give a lasting result: even well-established bronzers do not leave a shade for more than a week.

Tanning at home: the recipe helps to achieve an even shade that will last no more than 3-4 days. The easiest way to tan is as follows:

  • Dilute a little iodine in about 1 liter of warm water, and the more it is, the more intense the color will be;
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray all the heat;
  • Lightly rub the droplets with the palm of your hand so that no traces remain in the future.

This simple tool can be used all year round, but only with oily, mixed or normal skin types: iodine dehydrates dry dermis even more.

How to tan at home: folk remedies, recipes

How to get a tan at home

In order to achieve a uniform golden chocolate shade without leaving your home, you can choose one of several useful tools:

  • Oil;
  • Cream;
  • UV lamp.

Cream and oil are suitable even for representatives of the first and second phototype, and they are also recommended for use with any skin type.

Before using one of the selected products, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub, otherwise the entire tan may then be washed off along with dead cells.

Tanning oil at home

  • Mix 50 ml of avocado and apricot oils, drip a little ylang-ylang ether;
  • Distribute on the skin, cleansed of keratinized particles;
  • Do not rinse.

The second recipe looks like this:

  • Mix 50 ml of walnut and almond oils, add a small amount of ylang-ylang ether (10 drops);
  • Use in the same way as the mixture described above.

To enhance dark pigmentation on dry and sensitive skin, there is a separate method:

  • Mix olive and coconut oils in equal proportions, add the same amount of cocoa powder to them;
  • Set the mixture in a water bath and wait until everything dissolves.

Sun cream at home

To prepare the skin for the beach season, the appearance of a persistent shade or enhance an already existing color, you can use self-prepared creams, which, moreover, rejuvenate and increase tone.

The easiest recipe:

  • Grate one or more carrots (raw and peeled) on the smallest grater, mix the gruel with any vegetable oil in equal proportions;
  • Apply the creamy mixture to all parts of the body and hold for half an hour;
  • Take a shower without using soap or gel.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. rhubarb root juice with 2 tbsp. l. regular body cream
  • Spread over the skin, wash off after 30 minutes.

For dry and pigmented epidermis, you need to prepare this mixture:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Stir fat sour cream with 3 tbsp. rhubarb juice;
  • Apply to the body and wash off after half an hour.

Tanning lamp at home

One of the ways to get a tan without leaving your home is irradiation under a quartz lamp. The process itself is very similar to the procedure in the solarium, and the differences are only in the duration of the session and the speed of obtaining the effect.

  • In diseases of the joints, respiratory organs and gynecology;
  • With tuberculosis, skin infections, diseases of the nervous system.

UV irradiation under the lamp is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • tumors;
  • bleeding;
  • Hypertension 3 stages;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • Slow circulation.

Rules for using a UV lamp:

  • You need to sunbathe under it daily for 15 days, but the duration of the session should not exceed 30 seconds at a time;
  • Before you stand under the lamp, you need to keep it on for 5 minutes;
  • Use special goggles to protect your eyes, and put on a bra or silicone pads on your chest.

The effect of tanning at home depends on how it was obtained:

  • Oils and creams do not last too long (no more than a week), with frequent baths with soap or gel, they are washed off faster;
  • A quartz lamp leaves a lasting shade for about 1 month (like a solarium), but it takes longer to get it.

The best way to tan your face at home, according to cosmetologists, is a mixture of carrot juice and olive oil in equal proportions. This composition must be used daily instead of lotion.

  • Before each session, use a scrub, exclude visiting baths and saunas;
  • Do not take too hot baths;
  • After taking a shower, apply one of the remedies suggested above daily to the skin;
  • Drink carrot juice every day.

Summer is not only the time for vacations and bright colors. This is the time when every woman wants to feel especially attractive and beautiful. And, as you know, nothing paints a woman so much as skin covered with a seductive golden tan. But, unfortunately, far from everyone has the opportunity to tan naturally, and visiting a solarium or a beauty salon for many is an unaffordable luxury. And besides, ultraviolet radiation does not always have a beneficial effect on the skin: under its influence, free radicals are formed that destroy collagen fibers and accelerate the aging process of cells, while the stratum corneum of the epithelium thickens, becomes dry and rough, which, of course, is not the best way. affects the appearance of the skin.

In fact, there are much safer, and most importantly, affordable ways to get a dark skin tone that can be used without leaving home. These are folk remedies tested by more than one generation. Of course, the effect of using such products will not be as strong as, for example, visiting a solarium or sunbathing, but such procedures will not cause any harm to health.

The benefits of folk remedies for sunburn

Folk tanning products with proper use can be an excellent alternative to sunbathing, artificial tanning in a solarium and special factory products (emulsions, lotions and tonics). The main benefits of home remedies include:

  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • naturalness;
  • ease of preparation;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • the opportunity to experiment with the composition.

Another important advantage of folk remedies is that they can be used to get an even shade, while factory cosmetics often give a “spotted effect”. In addition, natural products that do not contain chemical dyes are easy to wash off the skin - for this, it is enough just to treat the body with a scrub or rub it properly with a washcloth.

Recommendations for the use of folk remedies for sunburn

In order to achieve the desired result when using self-made tanning products, you need not only to choose the right recipe, but also follow certain rules:

  • Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of keratinized particles, which may interfere with the even distribution of the tanning mixture. To do this, use a scrub or a hard washcloth.
  • Before applying the product, it is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This is necessary in order to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the mixture and to evaluate the future result. If the shade turns out to be too saturated, the prepared composition can be slightly diluted with water (this only applies to home remedies, not factory cosmetics).
  • Apply the prepared mixture on the body in small portions, making sure that the layer is even, without smudges. For convenience, you can use cotton pads. It is very important to treat all the necessary areas of the skin with the product, including the face, ears, neck and décolleté, so that there are no contrast transitions.
  • Keep the product with a tanning effect should be no more than 15 minutes (depending on the initial skin tone and composition of the mixture). During this period, you can not wear clothes, sit and lie down.
  • Since many tanning products (both homemade and commercial) have a drying effect on the skin, some time after the procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to the face and body.
  • The frequency of the procedures is 2-3 times a week, until the desired result is obtained.

If the result from the "home tan" was not as planned, you can use an alcohol solution (1 part alcohol to 2 parts water). In the resulting solution, moisten a cotton swab and wipe all the necessary areas of the skin with it.

Recipes for the most effective folk remedies for sunburn

In the arsenal of folk cosmetology there are a large number of various means designed to obtain a beautiful tan without harm to health. They do not contain aggressive components in their composition, and therefore have the most gentle effect on the skin. The only thing to keep in mind when using homemade cosmetics is that it does not protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, but, on the contrary, makes it more vulnerable to radiation. Therefore, when going outside in the summer, it is necessary to apply sunscreen to the skin. Below are a few simple homemade tanning recipes.

Mask with cocoa

This remedy, with regular use, will not only give the skin a pleasant golden hue, but also help restore its normal tone.

  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 150 ml warm water.

Preparation and application:

  • Dilute cocoa powder in water to the consistency of thick sour cream (for dry skin, water can be replaced with milk or cream).
  • Apply the prepared mixture on the face and body and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask with cool water without soap.

Turmeric mask

This mask is suitable for owners of slightly dark skin, dreaming of giving it a more saturated shade. Keep in mind that turmeric dries out the dermis, so after such procedures, it is necessary to use a moisturizer.

  • 30 g ground turmeric;
  • 100-150 ml of warm water.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix turmeric with water until smooth.
  • Apply the resulting slurry on the skin of the face and body and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask with cool water.

Carrot mask with glycerin

This tool will give the skin an even bronze tint, saturate it with moisture and vitamins. Carrot mask should not be used by owners of very fair skin, as it can turn yellow.

  • 2-3 root carrots;
  • 50 g of glycerin.

Preparation and application:

  • Grind peeled carrot roots in a blender.
  • Squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry and mix it with glycerin.
  • Apply the carrot mask on your face and body and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash off with cool water without soap.

Tea Spray with Carrot Juice and Ylang Ylang Oil

Such a tool creates the effect of a golden tan on the skin, and also refreshes it, tones it, restores its firmness and elasticity.

  • 150 ml carrot juice;
  • 50 ml of strong black tea;
  • 5-7 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix all the ingredients and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray on face and body and wait until completely dry. Rinse off is not required. If the shade turns out to be mild, repeat the procedure again.

Olive oil and iodine balm

This tool will give the skin a rich golden hue, make it smoother and velvety.

  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 5-6 drops of iodine.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour the oil into a glass container, add iodine and mix thoroughly.
  • Treat the face and body with the resulting solution. Rinse off the balm is not necessary. To get a more saturated shade, the amount of iodine can be increased, but you should not be zealous, otherwise the color may turn out to be too dark.

Decoction of chamomile and string

Such a tool gives the skin the effect of a light tan, helps fight inflammation and relieves fatigue.

  • 30 g of chamomile flowers;
  • 30 g of string;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour boiling water over the herbs and let them brew for at least 2 hours.
  • Strain the resulting broth through gauze, wipe the skin with it 2 times a day, using cotton pads.

A decoction of onion skins

A decoction of onion husks gives a strong coloring effect, and also helps fight inflammation on the skin.

  • a handful of onion peel;
  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Rinse the husk thoroughly under the tap and fill with cold water.
  • Put the container with the husk on a slow fire and cook until the solution becomes a rich brown color.
  • Strain the finished broth and pour it into a glass container. Wipe the face and body with the prepared liquid once a day.

In order to get an even rich tan with the help of folk remedies, you need to think through every detail of the future process in advance, as well as stock up on a fair amount of patience, since the effect of such procedures may not appear immediately. But as soon as you see the first result, you will understand that all your efforts were not in vain.

How to get an effective tan at home? This question is asked by many women, although in our time this question is also of interest to representatives of the stronger half of our population. Men, as a rule, are increasingly watching their appearance, so they will also be interested in this article! So, you have decided on the need to tan, now you need to decide how you will get a quick tan at home.

Someone prefers to achieve the desired result with the help of cosmetics, while someone prefers folk advice using natural ingredients. You yourself will determine the most suitable technique for you, and in this article we will consider the most common options.

Instant tan at home

Consider first getting a beautiful natural tan with the help of various cosmetics. Perhaps the most common is self-tanning cream, but before using it, it is best to test for an allergic reaction. In the absence of such a reaction, a quick tan at home is guaranteed to you. Also, before using a tanning cream, it is recommended to peel the skin, paying special attention to the knee and elbow areas. Applying the cream should start from top to bottom, that is, from the forehead, gradually descending to the legs. The main thing in this process is accuracy and care. Now there are many quality products that will show an instant tan at home in just four hours, so do not be in too much of a hurry to reapply the cream.

Modern tanning products

These include a variety of gels, mousses and lotions, as well as emulsions. There are even shimmery tanning gels on the market. They can be used on both the face and body. In addition to a bronze tan, they will also give you a unique glow! Thus, getting a quick tan at home, you will additionally acquire an exquisite radiance of your skin. I would like to draw your attention to the solid soap for self-tanning. Although when you open the jar, you will see rather a very thick cream. This soap gives an unusually light, slightly discernible effect, but it has a delicious aroma, such as chocolate. And the smell lasts until the next bath. Instant tan at home can be obtained with the help of lotion. As a rule, they do not cause allergic reactions and are enriched with vitamins. They also often contain aloe. Lotions give the skin a honey tint, the main thing is not to forget to shake the bottle before use! You can purchase special drops that will enhance the color of your lotion. The main thing is not to overdo it, so it is better to add them little by little. All these modern cosmetics give you the opportunity to enjoy an effective tan at home without any extra effort. Thanks to modern technologies, every woman can get a beautiful and even tan without resorting to the services of specialists. This saves you time and money!

The effect of tanning at home

You can also get some tanning effect at home with the help of powder and blush. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals for advice. Although there are some general tips for everyone. So, for brown-haired and fair-haired women, a cold tan is more characteristic, so you should choose a blush with a mocha tone and powder with a tan effect. These little tricks will help create the impression of a spectacular tan at home. Now consider the situation with blondes; their tan is brighter and much warmer than that of brown-haired women. Caramel or honey would be the perfect color for foundation, while peach is the best color for blush. With the help of such elementary manipulations, as a rule, known to every woman, we get an instant tan at home!

Effective Hollywood tanning at home

Hollywood tan is also called cane tan, many stars use this method of fast tanning - this allows them to look great all year round! With the help of a special lotion, you will get a quick tan at home with a breathtaking chocolate shade. Moreover, after spraying the lotion, the effect is noticeable after 10 minutes. True, after 10 days this tan gradually brightens, but this technique allows you to achieve the most even and almost instant tan at home! A great way for those who do not have free time and the opportunity to visit the solarium. Cosmetologists believe that Hollywood tan is suitable even for people with very sensitive skin. This type of tan is fixed in 8 hours, at this time it is better to wear light, loose-fitting clothes and avoid all kinds of physical exertion.

Homemade recipes for a spectacular tan

Let's take a look at the gourmet coffee recipe first! So, we take half a teaspoon of instant coffee and two tablespoons of boiling water, mix it all up to make a slurry. We apply such a fragrant mask for 10-15 minutes on the face. Thanks to this simple procedure, we get an effective tan at home! The main thing is not to forget to do this mask every day for a week and the result will not be long in coming. Perfect for the face and infusion of chamomile with a string. Washing with it, you will achieve a natural and safe tan. To obtain an infusion, pour 7 tablespoons of these herbs with boiling water and let it brew for several hours. In these fairly simple ways, you will get an effective tan at home! In addition, I want to note that you can also use: carrots, tea and cocoa. They will also serve as an excellent means for home tanning.

Thus, we have considered some natural components for getting a tan on the face. Now let's move on to the method of quick tanning at home for your body. Let's start, perhaps, with potassium permanganate, take a bath of hot water and pour this remedy into it. The water should turn pink, after that you fall into the bath, and wait until the skin begins to darken. In no case should you dry yourself after such a bath! The main, moreover, rather unpleasant minus of this method is the darkened enamel of the bath. So if you decide to use potassium permanganate for an instant tan at home, tune in to a somewhat tedious cleaning of the bath in advance.

You can achieve the cherished darkness with the help of iodine. To do this, you need to spray a mixture of water and iodine on the body. Although not everyone likes the result of such a quick tan at home.

The most common mistakes

Of course, you should pay special attention to other people's mistakes during the application of self-tanning. This additional information will allow you to avoid some rather unpleasant surprises in achieving effective tanning at home. First of all, it should be noted that self-tanning should be applied in a very thin layer - this will allow you to achieve the most even shade. In no case should you be distracted and stop, unless, of course, you want to get the right hand darker than the left as a result. Definitely should get a helper for a quick tan at home, this will greatly speed up the process and make it easier to apply the product on your back. Don't forget to protect your palms and nails as they can darken significantly while using self-tanner! These tips will help you achieve a spectacular tan at home.

Foods that help you tan

Experts also recommend people who want to tan to stick to a certain diet. All products are quite diverse, and most importantly contain many vitamins, which positively affects not only your tan, but also the whole body as a whole. So, to get an effective and even tan at home, eat: fish, carrots, Roquefort cheese, spinach, tomato soup and eggs. You can also use a little peach and chocolate. And of the drinks, wet-orange juice will be the most successful. Agree, the food is tasty and healthy, which will have a positive effect on your natural and effective tanning at home. In addition, in addition to natural tan, eating in this way, you also strengthen your immune system!

Is self tanning safe

Studies have shown that self-tanning does not harm your health, you just need to be aware of a possible allergic reaction. But it is very rare, however, it is still better to do a trial test on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This will help you get an instant tan at home without any worries. Be sure to check the expiration date before using self-tanner. After all, it is not safe to use an expired product. You should also read the attached instructions for using this product for quick tanning at home. Every self-tanner contains alcohol, which will definitely dry out your skin. Therefore, after using a tanning product, it is recommended to apply a quality moisturizer to the body.

How does self-tanning work

Every effective home tanning product contains dihydroxyacetone, the name is incomprehensible and therefore slightly intimidating. But do not worry, this substance contributes to the production of melanin without interacting with the sun's rays. However, it should be remembered that artificial tanning is not protection from the sun. Self-tanner that promotes a quick tan at home has an effect only on the upper layers of the skin, so it is safe for your health. In addition, after a couple of days, this substance leaves your body along with dead cells.

Dangerous temptation

There are also so-called tanning pills. In many countries they are banned for use, although many people use them anyway in the hope of getting an instant tan at home. The consumption of these tablets can lead to liver damage and vision problems. In addition, the probability of obtaining a not very beautiful and natural color is too high. So, despite the temptation to drink a dangerous pill, it is better to abandon this experiment. Moreover, there are different cosmetic products for effective tanning at home.

Summing up

Everyone chooses for himself a suitable variant of tanning. But remember that each person is a bright personality with his own special skin and, as a result, a reaction to various means for a quick tan at home, so the choice should be approached thoughtfully. Do not take risks and use untested and low-quality means. Be sure to consider your type of appearance when choosing the intensity of the desired color.

When you get a tan at home, you are not exposed to the harmful rays of the sun, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer. In addition, under direct sunlight, your skin ages much faster, and using self-tanning, you avoid this. An important factor is the speed of the result achieved when using cosmetic products for tanning. Instant tanning at home is ideal for those who do not have the opportunity to go on vacation to hot countries. In addition, the desire to impress everyone with your chocolate tan often arises on the eve of significant events such as a wedding, anniversary or romantic date. In this case, you simply do not have time to wallow in the sun, but thanks to modern means, there is a great opportunity to get a quick tan at home!

It should also be noted that a tan visually slims, and in any case this is a huge plus! If, in addition to your tan, you also choose the right wardrobe, you will be simply irresistible! It is necessary to adhere to a light and bright color scheme; it will most favorably emphasize the golden or chocolate color of your body. Don't forget about the right make-up. The brilliance of a beautiful pendant or the sparkle of earrings will additionally draw attention to your tan.

Effective tanning at home is an amazing tool for raising your self-esteem and, as a result, a good mood! Everyone knows that when we are satisfied and happy, our gait becomes light, our eyes sparkle with joy. Feeling confident, you will attract many admiring male glances!

Sunburn is a natural reaction of the human body to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Its rays penetrate the skin and as a result, melanin begins to be produced, which causes the skin to darken.

However, if the rays of the sun are not available, then you have to use dyes that can give the skin a golden hue. To make money, you will need the most common products that are in almost every home.

Beautiful and tanned skin attracts the eyes of others, it visually makes its owner slimmer. But what if nature has not awarded the skin with a swarthy or olive color? Then you need to look for ways to fix it.

Many men and women do this with the help of special cosmetics, which are sold in abundance in stores. They also visit solariums. If there is no time and opportunity to visit a salon or buy expensive lotions and sprays for self-tanning, then you can prepare folk remedies for tanning yourself at home.


  • Coffee is a popular folk remedy.

This is a great way to especially appeal to coffee lovers. Half a teaspoon of instant coffee should be poured with a small amount of boiling water to make a thick aromatic slurry. Wait until it cools down a bit and apply on the face for 15 minutes.

This is also a kind of aromatherapy, the smell of coffee from such a mask will certainly appeal to lovers of this aromatic drink. To get the effect of tanning from instant coffee, you need to apply a coffee mask for a whole week every day. Only during this time the skin tone will change. Then you should take a break for a week, and then again you can carry out the procedure.

An excellent folk remedy for tanning is regular beer. This option is ideal for campers, because almost everyone takes beer with them on picnics. You just need to apply any beer on the skin and sunbathe.

  • carrot juice

Carrot juice is also very useful. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Natural carotene gives the skin a golden hue. In summer, you should drink carrot juice as often as possible, preferably with cream, so that beta-carotene is absorbed.

You can take a large carrot and squeeze the juice out of it through a juicer. Apply it all over the body and spread thoroughly. Wait 15 minutes and wash with warm water.

When using carrot juice, you should proceed carefully and carefully. It gives the skin an orange tint and it is better not to go outside immediately after removing the carrot mask.

In addition to the resulting golden hue, the skin is also nourished with vitamins. Such a carrot tan should be applied once a week or even a little less often, then it will be possible to evaluate the result.

  • Chamomile and chamomile.

It is necessary to brew seven tablespoons of each herb with boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours. After that, you should begin to wash yourself with the resulting decoction and the result in the form of an even tan will not keep you waiting. In addition, these herbs soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and soften.

You can also become a chocolate by taking a bath with regular black tea. Large-leaf black tea of ​​a very high strength should be brewed. It should look like a chifir. Next, pour the resulting tea leaves into the bath, put sea salt there and you can go to "sunbathe".

Black tea is an affordable option for getting a beautiful bronzed skin tone. You can wipe your face daily with a swab dipped in strong tea leaves. In addition, tea contains a large amount of antioxidants, which perfectly protect the skin from external harmful effects.

  • Cocoa.

Apply at home and such a fragrant and healthy drink as cocoa. Cocoa powder without flavorings and additives should be poured with hot water and put on the face for about 25 minutes. The procedure should be performed every day until the desired effect is achieved.

You can use this means of tanning Mulatto. This is an aromatherapy preparation that prepares the skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, softens it, provides a beautiful, long-lasting tan, but at the same time the skin does not dry out, remains elastic and smooth.

The composition includes only natural essential oils of bergamot, sage and juniper, which prevent skin burning. Herbal extracts of thyme and lavender reduce the appearance of excessive pigmentation and freckles, which usually begin to stand out more strongly when exposed to sunlight.

Fatty mustard oil, St. John's wort and carrot extract protect the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, soften and nourish the skin. Such a complex of natural substances will allow you to get an even, perfect tan and maintain skin health. It should be applied before sunbathing.

If you urgently need to tan

A quick tan at home is ideal for those who want to look sexy and beautiful but don't have time to visit a sun spa or tanning salon. Folk methods for tanning allow you to do this almost instantly.

Potassium permanganate solution

Many women try to acquire a dark skin color with potassium permanganate. To do this, a bath of hot water is drawn up and potassium permanganate is carefully poured into it. It should be diluted well so that it dissolves completely, and the water becomes a beautiful pink color.

After that, you need to sink into this water and sit until the desired effect appears. After such a potassium permanganate bath, in no case should you wipe yourself off. Otherwise, the tan will turn out uneven and blurry.

The main disadvantage of this method is a darkened bath, which can then be difficult to clean. Potassium permanganate for tanning is considered a very old way to change skin color, but it causes conflicting opinions. Some people are unhappy with the effect. Therefore, to use it or not, it is necessary for everyone to decide for themselves.


With the help of iodine, you can get an excellent tanned skin color. This element is found in sea water, so if you relax on the sea, you get a beautiful golden tan, unlike tanning in a solarium, where the skin becomes bronze.

  1. Yodno - olive lotion.

At home, with iodine, you can make a suntan lotion. You should take half a glass of olive oil and use a pipette to drop 5 drops of iodine solution into it. Pour the entire mixture into an airtight container and rub it into the skin before going out into the sun.

Olive oil will perfectly protect the skin, make it velvety, smooth and eliminate fine wrinkles. Iodine will give a golden hue and help even milky-white skin not to burn. However, do not be too zealous, otherwise you can get too dark a color.

After several procedures, it will already be possible to decide on the dosage in order to get a beautiful tan with iodine in the future.

  1. Iodine water.

If tanning is used, then it is necessary to dilute it in water in the right amount. The more iodine, the stronger the tan will be. Pour water with iodine into a spray bottle and apply the solution evenly on the skin, you can rub it with your hands so that the solution is quickly absorbed.

Usually the tan is good, but the iodine is absorbed, and the skin will soon begin to lighten, depending on the characteristics of the particular organism.

But still, you should not overdo it with such a remedy as iodine, especially for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, since an excess of it can seriously harm your health. It is better to consult a doctor.

You need to choose the right dosage of iodine for yourself in order to get the desired tanning effect. And it is better to experiment first on areas of the body that are not conspicuous. So it will be possible to understand whether this method of home tanning is suitable or not.

Not everyone likes the resulting effect. Water with iodine for tanning is gently sprayed onto the body. If the shade is not satisfactory, then the procedure should be repeated. Or change the way to achieve a beautiful swarthy.

It is worth adhering to a certain diet so that the skin gets the necessary goldenness. To get an even tan, you need to eat spinach, Roquefort cheese, carrots, tomatoes and eggs.

Tan is beautiful and sexy. However, sometimes there is simply no time to acquire it naturally. Then cosmetic and folk remedies for tanning come to the rescue.


Thanks to them, you can get a high-quality, even and beautiful golden skin tone. It is only necessary to carefully follow the instructions or prescription, and also check for allergic reactions to the components of the composition.
