Carpets from jute thread crochet pattern. We knit a crochet floor rug according to the instructions with photos and diagrams

Today we will learn how to crochet a round rug from old T-shirts with your own hands. Creating such a rug does not require special skills, so it is suitable for beginners, and a diagram and a step-by-step description with a photo will indicate how to proceed.

Tools and materials Time: 5-6 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • hook 15 mm;
  • 85 g (11 meters) yarn from a dark blue T-shirt (cut the clothes into strips 5 cm wide);
  • 145 g (23 m) cream-colored T-shirt yarn;
  • 200 g (31 meters) of bright blue T-shirt yarn;
  • 220 g (37 meters) yarn from a gray T-shirt;
  • 355g (44m) orange T-shirt.

Step by step instructions with photo

Looking for a fun crochet rug pattern that is both practical and pretty? You are on the right track! In our master class, you will learn how to crochet a round rug for your home in just six steps. To do this, you only need a large hook and a few old T-shirts in different colors.

Notes: to make a rug, choose plain T-shirt models - this way it will look much more interesting and cut them into strips of exactly the same width - 5 cm, otherwise your rug will come out crooked.


  • c.p. - air loop;
  • - connecting column, half-column without crochet;
  • ssn - double crochet;
  • s2n - a column with 2 crochets.

Step 1: knit the middle

Start with dark blue yarn. 5 vp, conn. in the first ch, connect in a circle. ch 2 (count as the first column with 2 crochets), 9 d2n in the ring (10 loops).

Step 2: knit the second row

2 ch, s2n in the base ch, 2 dc in each loop of the circle (20 loops).

Step 3: change the color of the thread

Connect cream yarn.

  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in next st, *, repeat* 8 times. Comm. Art. for joining (30 loops).
  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in each of the next two loops, *, repeat * 8 times, conn. for joining (40 loops).

Step 4: add blue yarn

Switch to bright blue yarn.

  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in each of the next 3 loops, *, repeat * 8 times, conn. st for joining (50 loops).
  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in each of the next 4 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, join st to join (60 sts).

Step 5: Get Orange

Switch to orange.

  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in each of the next 5 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, join st to join (70 sts).
  • 2 ch, s2n in the base ch 1 dc in each of the next 6 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, join st to join (80 sts).

Step 6: Making the Gray Edge

Create gray borders.

  • Ch 1, dc in base ch, 1 dc in each of next 7 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, conn. Art. for joining (90 loops).
  • Ch 1, dc in base ch, 1 dc in each of next 8 sts, *, repeat* 8 times, conn. Art. for joining (100 loops).

Fasten off the yarn.

A wonderful round crocheted rug is ready! You just have to place it at the front door next to your boots or slippers.

We hope you liked our master class with a diagram and description? And if you have any questions or suggestions, write to us in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them! We wish you good luck!

Rug from various types of fabric, crocheted.

Previously, we all tried to throw away everything old from the dacha and summer house, and even those rugs that our grandmothers made from textiles. But just a couple of years ago, these rugs began to come into fashion, only now they have a slightly different appearance.

Crochet rugs for beginners from rags on the floor: master class, step by step instructions

In order to knit a rug, take a bright plain yarn or several shades. You can make it from old T-shirts.

After you make yarn, proceed to the main work. To work, you will need a very thick hook. Remember, the knitting process, its lightness and density of the product will depend on its size. One stage is one R.

  • Stage 1: dial 1 VP, hem for convenience.
  • Stage 2: 2 VP, 11 CH.
  • Stage 3: 2 VP. With each P, 2 CH.
  • Stage 4: 2 VP, 1 CH, 2 CH with one P.
  • Stage 5: this R and all the following add 1 CH in 1 section.
  • Stage 6: tie P to the very end, tighten the last P. Hem the edge, as you did at the beginning of work.

This rug you can make the most different: one color, multi-colored. But at the same time, make sure that the sections follow each other, do not intertwine with each other, do not ruffle. This important point allows you to be stylish and fashionable like rugs.

How to crochet a round rug: diagram, description, photo

For the manufacture of retro rugs, as a rule, ribbons are taken, the width of which is at least 3 cm. The main tool is hook No. 12. Then do everything that is indicated in our instructions.

  • Stage 1: Dial 1 P.
  • Stage 2: knit 6 VP.
  • Stage 3: make a circle out of P, use PS.
  • Stage 4: knit the VP to get the rise.
  • Stage 5: knit a circle with CH with ordinary threads.

  • Stage 1: from each P, knit 2 sc.
  • Stage 2: knit the next Rs identically to 1 R.
  • Stage 3: Divide the resulting circle into 6 identical parts.
  • Stage 4: add 1 CH to the last P of each section.

You will get a finished rug that is very beautiful and even if you do 1 VP at the end of each P and combine P with PS.

How to crochet an oval rug: diagram, description, photo

An oval-shaped crocheted rug is very beautiful, especially since the knitting itself is not difficult. Choosing a beautiful shade of thread is the main thing and you don’t need to think of anything else.

Now let's deal with the actual work of making an oval rug.

  • Stage 1: dial a chain consisting of VP of the length that you need. Determine the size of the chain as follows: subtract its width from the length of the future product. For example, you decided to knit a rug 100 cm long and 70 cm wide. Then 100 cm - 70 cm \u003d 30 cm. You can make the chain a little smaller, since its length will become longer during knitting.

  • Stage 2: continue to knit along the length of the resulting chain CH or RLS. When you finish knitting the P on the chain, cast on some S from 1 P. You should have a semicircle. Tie the chain further, go to the other side.
  • Stage 3: knit the rug until the product you get the right size.

How to crochet a square rug: diagram, description, photo

The rug that we suggest you knit will have a size of 114 cm by 84 m. Buy 1 kg of white thread, 0.4 kg of blue and yellow threads, as well as hook number 15. Do you want to get a dense product? Then knit with 3 threads at the same time, connecting them into one. Start every odd P with VP. Cast on 32 sts with a hook.

  • 1 R. For work, take yellow threads. In 3 sts, work 3 sts, skip 2 sts, repeat: 3 sts, skip 2 sts, 3 sts in st, end the chain by knitting sts.
  • 2 R. Continue knitting with blue yarn to the end. Work: Sc, ch 2, skip 3 sts, work between next sts.
  • 3 R. Continue knitting with white threads. Do not skip the arc, knit 3 CH, finish the work of CH in the last P.

  • 4 R. Change the threads to yellow. Knit as 2 R.
  • 5 R. Take blue threads, knit like 3 R.
  • 6 R. Using white threads, knit as 2 R.
  • 7 R. Take the yellow threads again. Knit like 3 R.
  • Repeat the next R, starting with 2 R and ending with 7 R. As a result, you should get 43 R or 30 cm of the rug.

When finished, tie the product around the edges with white threads. Tie 2 P as follows:

  • 1 R. All P knit RLS.
  • 2 R. Knit like this: 1 sc, skip 2 sts of the last r, knit 3 dc together, skip 2 sts ... Continue to knit like this until you completely knit the entire R. At the end, form one unifying column.

How to crochet a rectangular rug: diagram, description, photo

Bright and colorful rug will be a real decoration of your home. Moreover, the work itself is not difficult. To do this, take the following materials:

  • Yarn - 200 g. You can take 5 different shades
  • Hook - number 12

The size of the product will turn out to be 90 cm by 57 cm. The main pattern is this: knit straight R and reverse R. Start each R with VP instead of RLS or 3 VP instead of CH. Stage 1 = 1 R.

  • Stage 1: knit RLS with orange threads
  • Stage 2: knit CH with yellow threads
  • Stage 3: knit RLS with blue threads
  • Stage 4: knit CH with red threads
  • Stage 5: knit RLS with green threads
  • Stage 6: knit CH with blue threads
  • Stage 7: knit RLS with purple threads
  • Stage 8: knit CH with green threads
  • Step 9: knit RLS with yellow threads
  • Step 10: knit CH with purple threads
  • Repeat all R starting from R 1 and ending with R 10

From an orange thread, make a chain by dialing 54 VP. Then start knitting a striped ornament. At the beginning of all R and at the end of R, leave a piece of thread to make tassels from them in the future. Repeat the striped pattern until all the threads run out. At the end, fix the tip with a knot.

How to crochet an openwork rug: diagram, description, photo

  • To get started, do a round P - Amigurumi. Work 12 dc.
  • Then combine C using PS.
  • 2 P knit CH. That is, knit 2 CHs to each C. So you get 24 CH in 2 R
  • With 3 R, continue to increase the number of C. Add 2 C for each C of the past R through 1 P. In 3 R, you should get 36 CH.

  • 4 P form a little differently. Create an openwork effect, knit like this: CH, 2 VP, skip 1 C and CH.
  • 5 R will consist of CH. For each 4 R, add 2 CH. Your rug will thus increase in diameter.
  • 6 R, perform threads of a different shade of CH while knitting, as in 5 R. And repeat this work in each 5 R.
  • 7 p make openwork.
  • 8 R knit CH.
  • Change to the color you used originally. Knit it in CH.
  • Knit again with an openwork pattern CH.

Finish up like this:

  • Knit the VP with a rise to C.
  • Skip 2 s.
  • 3 C knit 6 CH.
  • Finish PS in lower C, skip 2 lower Cs.

How to crochet a Japanese rug: diagram, description, photo

Japanese-style rugs are a special technique. Products are unique and inimitable. They intertwine rings, stripes and unusual combinations of shades, conquering everyone.


The basis of your future product is a circle. Dial a chain consisting of 6 VP. Connect the chain to form a ring.

  • Knit 1 P like this: 3 VP, 7 C2H.
  • Knit 2 P like this: 5 lush Cs in each, 2 N. Knit 3 VPs between them.
  • 3 R and 4 R knit like this: 2 C (in each 4 lush Cs of 2 H, knitted together under the VP of the past R).
  • 5 P do this: dial the chain using the VP. Attach it to the past R PS.


  • 1 ring: dial a chain with VP, connect them to make a ring. Choose the length of the chain at your discretion. Tie a ring with C2H.
  • 2 ring: dial a chain from the VP, pull 1 ring through it, connect 1 and the last P with PS. So you have 2 rings connected. Tie ring 2 with C2H.

Tie all the rings, connect them like the previous two. Sew the rings to each other. You can attach them while you work.

How to crochet a star rug: diagram, description, photo

A rug made in this style looks unusual. You can knit such a product in the form of a large star, but we suggest you make a rug from several small stars.

Take any materials as threads, even shreds and bags will do. The manufacturing process goes like this:

  • Dial 5 VP, secure them with a ring.
  • 1 R knit like this: 3 VP, rise, 2 CH over 1 VP 1 R, 2 VP, 3 CH over 2 VP. Knit in this way 5 times, you should form an asterisk shape.
  • 2 R knit like this: dial 3 VP, 2 CH over 1 VP 1 R. Then knit like this: 2 VP, 3 CH, 1 VP ...

How to crochet a rug from knitted, ribbon yarn?

Do you want to have an interesting rug on the floor in your house? Then you will definitely like the next option. To make it, you need to take knitted stripes 4 cm wide. Stretch these stripes slightly, and then sew them together so that you have one long strip.

Roll the edge of 1 strip so that you have a ring. Tie a knitted strip with threads.

  • Step 1: Roll the ring into a spiral. All P knit RLS.
  • Stage 2: in 1 R you should have an odd number of P.
  • Stage 3: in 2 R, add 2 to each P.
  • Stage 4: alternate in this way - in 1 P 2 P, in 1 P 1 P, in 1 P 1 P, in 1 P 2 P.
  • Stage 5: in 1 P knit 2 P, in 1 P 1 P, in 1 P 3 P ...
  • So continue to knit until you get a rug of the desired size.

How to crochet a rug from a cord, rope?

Knitting a rug from a cord or rope, start from the central part. Make a ring, tie it with 20 CH.

  • Stage 1: 3 VP, then knit 4 VP, 1 CH.
  • Stage 2: 3 VP, 50 CH.
  • Stage 3: 3 VP, repeat to the end 3 VP, 5 CH, 3 VP, 1 CH.
  • Stage 4: 3 VP, 1 RLS.
  • Stage 5: repeat the previous R.
  • Stage 6: 1 VP, repeat from 4 CH, 3 VP, 4 CH, 1 RLS.

Since our pattern has serrated edges, your piece will look like a large flower.

Other similar ornaments are also performed. You can use special templates, thanks to which napkins are made.

If you want to make a semicircular rug, then do this:

  • 1 R knit with only half of the desired number of CHs.
  • Turn the product, knit 3 VP with a rise, knit 2 R.
  • Repeat the procedures with the remaining R.
  • Knit the last 2 P from 3 VP.

How to crochet a rug from threads for a chair?

To make this rug, take 4 colors of different threads, plus hook 4 numbers.

  • Knit 12 ch to start. Connect them in a circle
  • Raise knitting - knit another 5 ch
  • Knit 24 dc
  • In the next R, knit the same number C, but only in each you should have 2 N
  • Finish the job. Remove working thread

To end up with a large rug, knit 60 of these elements. and more. Connect all the elements one by one with ordinary threads.

If you knit with 4 threads of different colors, then connect the elements randomly. Contrasting tones of threads will look great. In this case, you will get a bright and elegant product. If you make a plain rug, it will not be as interesting as the first option.

How to crochet a rug from T-shirts on a stool?

To make this version of the rug, you will need multi-colored knitted stripes and a large hook.

  • Measure the width of the top of the stool, as the length of one knitted strip will be equal to this size.
  • Knit 1 strip with CH.
  • Then knit as many of the same strips so that, by folding them, you get the width of the stool.
  • Then gather the strips together. Tie the resulting fabric along the narrower edge of the RLS. Make a similar canvas, only from threads of a different color.

  • Then weave the strips in the form of a checkerboard. Tie the resulting squares along the contour, connect them together.
  • Tie the edges of the product and finish the work like this: arch, 3 VP, repeat every 4 C.
  • Make a fringe.

How to crochet a rug from jeans?

Do you have a lot of denim pants and other similar clothes that you don’t know where to put? You can do like all experienced craftswomen - make a rug from such material.

So, for work, take scissors and cut them into thin strips of denim pants. Using a thick hook, tie the rug that you have long dreamed of. To perform, select any pattern of your choice. Well, how do you like this idea?

You can knit a rug from some RLS. If you want to get an original product, alternate the shades of the fabric: light, dark, light, and so on.

Tie the product around 2 R RLS. You can take white jeans for edging. Believe me, every guest who crosses the threshold of your house will notice such a miracle.

How to crochet a rug from tights?

  • Choose for work those tights that stretch well: black, brown, beige, in general, a variety of colors. You will need 10 pairs of tights in total.
  • Remove the tight belt from the product and elastic. Using scissors, start cutting the tights in a spiral. In the end, you should get a ribbon no more than 3 cm wide. Roll a ball out of the strips.
  • Using a thick hook, tie a ring. Next, knit in a circle RLS. To make the diameter of the product larger, knit from 1 P of the past P 2 S.

  • When you run out of the first ribbon, tie the next one to its tip. Continue work. Alternate the colors of the ribbons to make the product interesting. When finished, cut off the remaining tip of the strip, tie a knot and tuck it tightly.
  • If you run out of material, and the product turned out to be small, take any elastic material for work.
  • You can also make a rectangular rug out of tights. But to create it, you need to chain from the VI. It should have the same length as the future product.

How to crochet a rug from sheets?

You can knit rugs on the floor from any materials. Thin threads, multi-colored, various ropes, cords, the remains of knitted clothes and even old bed linen are ideal. In general, look around you, for sure you can find everything that will help you make an interesting rug.

As a template, you can take ordinary lace napkins that were previously knitted by grandmothers. Most importantly, make yarn for the product.

Just take, for example, an old sheet, cut it into thin strips, tie them together and twist the balls. You can lay such a rug in the bedroom - beautiful and elegant.

How to crochet a rug from plastic bags in the bathroom, toilet?

First, make the necessary threads:

  • Take a few bags, cut them into strips about 4 cm wide.
  • Unfold 1 ribbon. Insert 2 strips into it.
  • Connect them.
  • Tie a few strips like this, and then twist a ball out of them.

To make a square product, follow these steps:

  • Link 4 VP, close the resulting chain.
  • Knit 8 sc from the central part, pinch them with the VP.
  • Attach a pin to those Ps to which you will attach the 4 axial strips of the square.
  • Knit 2 R. At the corners, knit 2 sc, knit VP between these sc. Do not do VP on straight sides.

Connect all elements.

How to crochet a rug from twine in the corridor?

You can buy twine at your nearest hardware store. To make a product 1500 cm by 1500 cm, you will spend 2 spools of thread, the diameter of which is approximately 20 cm.

  • Type P crochet.
  • Mark the required number of P - attach 1 chain to the place where you plan to put the product.
  • When tie the desired length, add 5 p.

  • Turn work.
  • Continue knitting until you reach 1500 cm.
  • The main Ps of the work - RLS.

Beautiful crochet rugs: ideas, photos

There are so many options for knitting crochet rugs. Some options are quite simple, but there are those that are distinguished by originality and sophistication.


  • Pink yarn - 200 g.
  • Red threads.
  • Hook number 6.

Knit with double thread.

  • Work 23 chs plus 2 chs for lifting. Mark the center.
  • Knit 15 sc, while adding 1 additional loop on the sides in each R.
  • Knit 5 sts in the center.
  • Starting from 16 R and ending with 25 R, decrease 1 P in the place where you made the increase. 3 P in the center, knit 1 P.
  • Knit around the RLS product: first with a pink thread, then with a red one.
  • Make an increase of 5 P on the central P.

Video: Crochet a rug

How to crochet rugs

If you take a hook in your hand, you will be able to create various masterpieces. With the help of knitting, you can not only replenish your wardrobe. But also to make some beautiful things for your home. For example, it knits to decorate a room. You can knit rugs not only with threads and knitting needles, but also take improvised materials, such as old things or fabric.

Do-it-yourself rugs crocheted from threads

When choosing threads, it is worth starting from how you would like to see the rug - thin or warm. It is also worth considering where exactly you would like to lay it at home and whether you want it to be just for beauty. For example, threads made from pure or mercerized cotton can be used for thin carpets and can also be used on furniture.

Usually the hook in diameter should be twice as large as the thread itself. Thick yarns are suitable for heavy carpets such as polyester, acrylic or wool. These rugs can be laid in the toilet or bathroom. These canvases can be knitted very quickly, because they are knitted from a dense material. Here are some simple and beautiful examples.

Striped square rug

How to crochet striped rugs

This product will be 84 cm wide and 144 cm long. For the canvas, you will need white threads - 1 kg, blue and yellow threads of 400 g each, as well as hook No. 5. Next, let's get started:

  • you will need three balls in order for the carpet to be dense. We also choose rugs. We put the threads of three balls together and knit with a triple thread. It is necessary to make three air loops at the beginning of each odd row for lifting.
  • work begins with a set of chains of 32 loops of yellow threads. We follow the diagram below:

How to knit a striped rug pattern

  • 1r. tie three sts. c \ n in the third loop of the row in yellow. Then two loops are skipped, and the report is repeated up to 32 loops: 3 with a crochet in one loop, 2 loops are skipped. 3 art. without a crochet, 1 column with \ n is knitted into the last loop of the chain.
  • - 2r. knit in blue to the end of the row: 1 single crochet, two air, three loops are skipped and knitted with the following loops 1 single crochet.
  • - 3r. here you need to take a white thread. 3 double crochets are knitted in each arc, the row ends by knitting 1 double crochet in the last loop.
  • - 4r. change from white to yellow. Knit a row similarly to the second.
  • - 5r. return the blue thread to work, and knit the row in the same way as the third.
  • - 6r. there is a white thread, and the row repeats the second row.
  • - 7r. again take the yellow thread and knit it, like the third row.
  • - to the end of the canvas, repeat from 2 to 7 rows. The canvas should be 130 cm and have 43 rows.
  • - you need to finish the work by tying the canvas along the edges with two rows of white thread. In the first row there are b \ n columns, in the second it is necessary to tie it like this: 1 b \ n column, skip two loops of the previous row, three double crochets in one loop, skip two loops, and so go to the end of the row. Do not forget about the connecting post at the end of each row.

Here is another example of how to crochet a rug:

Rugs crocheted from rags or patches

If you have a lot of unnecessary knitted or linen items in your apartment, then you should not immediately throw them away, because they may well come in handy for creating a nice rug of their shreds. Rugs from such materials can be made in any size and shape. To do this, you need a little imagination and basic crochet skills. The most important thing is that such a rug can be made from any material that you want. Pick up a variety of bright colors and enjoy your work.

Before starting work, you need to take the materials. Necessary things must be cut into long shreds. Their width can be equal to three centimeters. Next, the patches must be tied together and rolled into a ball. The twist should be twice as thick as the patchwork thread itself.

Our grandmothers also made rugs from rags that were in the shape of a circle. Such rugs could be seen in every house and in large numbers. After all, crocheting such a masterpiece is not only a pleasure, but also very simple, if at the same time you know simple knitting. For example, you can make a carpet like this:

How to crochet rugs from fabric

Or like this:

How to crochet plain rugs

To do this, do the following:

Make a loop in the same way as when knitting with ordinary threads and knit six air ones out of it. Then connect it all with a half-column. Next comes the air loop for lifting. It is necessary to knit in the same way as a circle, with double crochets, using simple threads. You can add by eye, or follow this scheme:

  • in the first row, 2 tbsp is tied into each loop. b\n
  • then the circle is divided into 6 parts. In the last loop of each part, add 1 tbsp. s\n
  • the mat will be even, if you do not forget the air loop for lifting at the beginning of the row of the circle. At the end, connect the rows with a half-column.

Over time, each of us accumulates a large number of knitwear that no one wears for a long time. Do not rush to throw them away, if you show a little imagination, you can make wonderful and functional rugs from them that will decorate the interior of your apartment or house. Crocheting rugs from knitted rags is available even to beginner knitters, as the knitting patterns for these products are quite simple to perform.

Tools and materials Time: 1-2 days Difficulty: 3/10

  • yarn from old knitwear;
  • a hook corresponding to the thickness of the thread (usually number 12-15);
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle or a sewing machine to connect the strips into a single whole.

Crocheting rugs from knitted rags is available even to beginner knitters, as the knitting patterns for these products are quite simple to perform.

Step by step description with diagram:

Step 1. Making knitting yarn

In order to make yarn from old things, you will need scissors and, in fact, the things themselves. T-shirts, knitted shorts, children's sets and the like are perfect as a material.

We start making yarn by cutting the old thing into strips about 2 cm wide. This must be done on a flat and hard surface, for example, on a table. First, carefully cut off the bottom of the T-shirt.

Then cut into strips. In the process of cutting, each strip should be slightly undercut, stopping about 3 cm before the opposite side edge of the product. When all the strips are cut, we separate them from each other along the uncut seam so that the seams are located diagonally.

After separating all the strips, you need to sew them into one knitted thread.

Yarn from old things is ready, now you can start knitting a rug.

Step 2. Choose a shape and determine the size of the product

Choosing a shape and determining the size is an important preparatory moment when knitting a rug. From this master class you will learn how to knit a round and oval rug from knitted yarn.

Step 3. Knitting a rug of a certain shape

Round rug

We start knitting with an arugumi loop.

After that, the arugumi loop is carefully tightened.

The first row of our rug is ready.

2 row. We knit 24 columns with a crochet, two loops in one loop of the previous row.

3 row. We increase the number of loops to 36. To do this, we knit 2 columns with a crochet in every second loop of the previous row.

4th row will be slightly openwork. To do this, we will knit according to the following pattern: 1 double crochet, 2 air loops, skipping one loop of the previous row, 1 double crochet. Thus, each double crochet must be knitted through the loop of the previous row.

5 row. We knit with double crochets.

Important! In order for the product to expand evenly, you need to knit 2 double crochets in every fourth loop of the previous row.

6 row can be done in a different color. The knitting pattern remains the same, starting from the 2nd row.

After the rug of the size you need is knitted, we finish knitting according to the following pattern: one lifting air loop, 6 double crochets in the third loop of the previous row, a semi-column in the sixth loop of the previous row. Then repeat the pattern to the end of the row.

This is how the finished knitted product looks like:

Oval rug

We start knitting with a set of chains of air loops.

The length of the chain is calculated as follows: the desired length minus the width. For example, if you want to knit a 100x40 rug, then your chain will be 60 cm long (100 - 40 = 60). Next, we knit according to the scheme:

You can complete knitting in the same way as in the previous master class.

Now you know how you can rationally use old things, extend their lifespan and give originality to your interior, making your home even more comfortable and colorful.

Crochet a rug: a few examples for beginners

Do-it-yourself rugs or kitchen napkins are not only the pride of their creators, but also add some zest to the interior space of any home. Anyone who has at least a drop of patience can make them - our master class will help you with everything else. If you strictly follow the instructions, then at the end you will get such a wonderful floor mat:

Before starting work, you must have:

Thick thread (yarn);

Crochet hook (size - No. 10);


If you decide to start not with a rug, but with a napkin, then replace the hook with number 3, and take thinner threads.

Work progress.

Take the thread and tie it into a knot, without tightening it too tight - this will be the loop for the middle of our rug. Above the ring, dial 3 ch (air loops) with a hook.

Step 1. We tie the ring with 1n (with a double crochet). To do this, we lead the hook to the center of the ring and weave s1n until there are 14 of them.

Step 2. The following illustration shows the distance between the loops and how far you need to hook when knitting the next row.

Step 3. In the second row, we make three lifting loops, after which we lead the hook into the gap indicated by the left arrow and knit 4 s1n through it. Then we do one more ch and move on to the next gap. Thus, we knit to the edge of the row: 4 s1n through the gap - one ch - again 4 s1n through the hole.

Step 4. Due to the VP between the sections, a circle is formed with patterns from knitted parts. To move to the next row, three lifting loops are again made. Next, we continue knitting in a circle in approximately the same pattern: 3 s1n through the hole, one ch, 3 s1n through the hole.

Step 5. For the next row, you need to dial three lifting loops. Then, refer to the illustration below. The lower arrow indicates where to hook, and the upper arrow shows 2 loops of the previous row, which we do not touch.

Step 6. Now we knit three lifting loops, then we crochet into the hole and knit three s1n. After that, we do one ch and again three columns. Similarly, we knit until the end of the row.

STEP 7 Now let's make a particularly attractive row. We knit three lifting loops, we lead the hook into the hole and we knit 6 s1n. Then we do one VP and again 6 s1n. Due to the abundant number of columns, the end of this row comes out wavy.

Step 8. Now you have the opportunity to enlarge your rug to the required size. Knit three columns in the hole, and if you notice that it is worth making the product larger, knit six columns.

Step 9. With the help of semi-columns, we tie the edge of our product with a thread of a different shade.

All! Your the first crochet rug is completely ready. By experimenting with the colors of the threads, you can create a rug that is in perfect harmony with the interior of any room.

If the above option for creating a rug seems to you for some reason unsuitable for you, then we offer another master class on crocheting the original rug.

In this master class, a set of materials and tools will look like this:


Cotton yarn called "spaghetti" (two different colors that go well with each other);

Gypsy needle (with a large eye);

Crochet hook suitable size for yarn. The yarn label usually indicates the size of the hook for which it is suitable. In this example, a 15 mm hook was used.

It will not be possible to knit such a rug quickly (on average, it takes about 8 hours), so either be patient or break the knitting process into two days. This method does not require special preparation, and is suitable for both beginners and more experienced needlewomen. We begin to knit the product according to the following scheme.

1st row.

We take the thread of the shade that will be the main one in the rug, make a ring, as in the photo and fix the thread.

We tie a ring with 11 loops with a double cape.

We fix the ring. To do this, we knit a loop in the 3rd link of the chain.

2nd row.

Again we knit a chain of 3 ch.

In all loops of the previous row we knit 2 loops with a double cape.

We close the circle in the same way as in the 1st row.

3rd row.

We start again with a chain of 3 ch.

First, we knit 2 loops with a double cape in the 1st loop in the bottom row. Next, we knit one loop with a double cape in the 2nd loop in the bottom row. After that, again we knit 2 loops, but already in the 3rd loop in the bottom row, and then, until the end of the row, we alternate the loops in the same way.

Closing the circle is similar to the first row.

4th row.

Here we already knit a chain of 5 ch.

In the bottom row, skipping the 1st loop, we knit immediately into the 2nd with a double crochet. Next, we knit 2 ch, skip the loop in the bottom row, and in the next we knit a loop with a double cape. We close this row as well as all the previous ones.

5th row.

Again we start with a chain of 3 ch. Then we tie the 4th row with loops with one crochet and close it.

6th row.

Change the threads to a different shade. We knit a chain of three ch, into the next loop c1n, and then into the next loop 2 loops with a double cape. So we alternate until we finish and then close the circle.

7th row we knit similarly to the fourth.

8th row.

We form a chain of 3 ch, in a circle we tie the previous row with a loop with one cape and close.

9th row.

Again, change the thread to a different color. We tie the previous row with loops with a crochet in a circle and close the row.

10th row we knit similarly to the 7th.

11th row knit according to the scheme of the third row.

12th row.

Change the color of the thread again and tie a chain of 3 ch. We tie the rug around with loops with a cape and close it.

13th row knit similarly to the 10th.

14th row. We change the thread and knit according to the scheme of the 12th.

15th row knit with the same thread as in the previous row.

16th row we knit according to the scheme of the tenth.

17th row we knit similarly with the eleventh.

18th row.

We form one ch into which we knit a loop without a crochet. Next, skip 2 rows and knit in a loop with a crochet in the same loop in the bottom row.

Then we make 2 ch, again skip 2 rows and knit 6 loops with one cape in the loop in the bottom row. We also do until the end of the row, after which we close it.

Now you can enjoy your new crochet rug!
