A beautiful letter to a man for dating. How to write a letter for dating: important rules

I decided to give some examples of profiles in English from foreign dating sites. Of course, the examples of questionnaires given here can and should even be modified to better suit your personality and lifestyle. The Russian translations I have here are somewhat clumsy, but in English, believe me, everything sounds very smooth and familiar to a foreign ear.

About me ABOUT yourself )

1. I have been lucky in life and now I am looking to be lucky in love. I am confident, artistic and like being the center of attention. My friends say I "m the life of the party. I am always positive and only surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. However, I do know when and where to be serious and respect that trait in others as well.

Translation:I am a lucky person in life, and now I want to find luck in love. I am confident, artistic and love to be the center of attention. Friends say that I am the soul of the company. I always have a positive attitude and try to surround myself with the same people. I laugh and smile at every opportunity. However, I know when and where to be serious and I respect that quality in others.

Note that the meaning of the expression "sole of company" in English is better expressed by the expression "the life of the party".

2. I enjoy a broad range of activities and listing them all would require too much room, so I'll only mention some of them: photography and traveling (I would love to visit Paris and take some great pictures), outdoors activities (boating around a lake can be such a treat), working out (soccer makes me very, very happy) and shopping (I am a lady, first of all)

Translation:I have so many interests and it would take too much space to list them all. Therefore, I will mention just a few of them: photography and travel (I would really like to visit Paris and take some great photos), fresh air(boating on the lake can be such fun!), training (football makes me very, very happy) and shopping (I'm a woman first and foremost).

3. I am loyal and caring person. I believe in giving to the community and helping others. That's how I would describe myself. However, my family and friends would describe me as spunky, energetic, outgoing and very, very sweet. I am not too sure about the spunky part… But they are family and friends, so they know better, right?

Translation:I am loyal and caring. I believe that we should contribute to society and help others. This is how I describe myself. At the same time, my family and friends would describe me as brave, energetic, outgoing and very, very sweet. I'm not quite sure about courage, but they are friends and relatives, so they know better, don't they?

4. I can be shy at first but once you get to know me you"ll see I"m just a nice person with laid back attitude who enjoys the little things in life. I have a passion for books. I love movies - genres aren't important. I am a bit of a couch potato, love to stay home and read, watch movies, or waste some time on the computer… If it sounds to you like we have enough interests in common, drop me a line and perhaps we can get together one day.

Translation:At first I can be shy, but once you get to know me better, you will see that I am a good person with a calm personality. I am a passionate book lover. I love cinema, no matter what genre. I'm kind of lazy, spending a lot of time on the couch watching TV, like to stay at home, read books, watch movies or spend my time sitting at the computer... If it sounds to you that we have a lot in common, drop me a line or two and maybe we'll meet one day.

5. I like to think I "m quick witted, articulate, and intelligent, but that"s mostly for you to decide. I can talk on a variety of different subjects, and enjoy smart conversations that are full of interesting topics. I am an optimistic, free spirited individual, and a little bit of a health nut. When I think of the right guy for me I think of someone who could carry on a conversation whether the topic is silly or serious, who knows who he is, what he wants, and what things in life matter.

Translation:I would like to think that I am resourceful, expressing my thoughts clearly, intelligent person but for the most part it's up to you. I can speak most different topics and enjoy intelligent and interesting conversation. Optimism and a free spirit are my traits. I also a bit obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. When I think of my partner, I think of a man who can carry on a conversation, whether the conversation is silly or serious. A man who knows who he is, what he wants, and what things in life really matter.

It would seem that it could be easier - to write a letter or a message to the person you like. It's not personal, looking straight into the eyes, to say about his sympathy. Stuttering, skin color change to bright red, embarrassed and stupid facial expression and other unforeseen troubles are excluded. However, in reality, writing a letter for acquaintance turns out to be much more difficult than it seemed. Let's try to understand how to do it according to the rules.

How to write a letter for dating: important rules

There can be many ways to find friends or a soulmate. Of course random encounters and dating are the most romantic means. However, a regular letter can be a much more attractive reason to get to know the person you are interested in. So, how to write a letter to get acquainted with the object of your attention?

The sequence of your actions

First of all, we decide who and why we are writing a letter. Perhaps you are planning to romantic relationship, and business acquaintance or friendly relations. In any case, your interest should be reflected in the style of writing the letter;

The way it is written is also important. You can write a letter for acquaintance in a modern way, that is, using a PC, or by hand, as in the old good times. Be that as it may, literacy is above all.

How to write a letter for dating for different purposes?

First, greet the recipient. The first greeting will set the tone for the rest of the letter and will also give the person an impression of you. The respectful opening is the most neutral and common. However, if you want to demonstrate a friendly disposition or a willingness to communicate more closely, it is perfectly acceptable to make it easier, especially if you are going to write a letter of acquaintance that does not concern the business sphere;

Tell me about what attracts you to specific person. Perhaps he owns some special technique, skills that your business cannot do without. Or, let's say you liked the appearance of the chosen person, his tastes or views on things;

Give a couple of compliments to the addressee. Do not stoop to outright flattery. Indicate only what the person himself knows and is proud of without you. For example, a scientist can be praised for his knowledge, and in a beautiful girl, emphasize a wasp waist or a perfect lip line. Two or three similar remarks in the whole letter are quite enough;

Tell about yourself. Here you can exploit your imagination with might and main, the main thing is not to write too much. For example, a potential partner should not talk about “how I spent my summer”, and an object of attention or a friend should not talk about where you work and how much you earn;

Do not overload the letter with information, try to write a short acquaintance letter. Even when you're trying to impress an honest man, do not lay out all your “underground” in the letter. Then you will have a chance and a reason for subsequent letters;

How to write a letter to a guy for dating

So, your journey through the Internet space has finally been crowned with success. On the screen - a photo of the very prince for whom you will become perfect second half. Only now he does not even know about it.

Because right now you are painfully thinking about how to compose the first message so that it does not go unanswered. After all, such a handsome guy probably receives letters in whole batches. And your "Hi, how are you?" or "Let's get acquainted" are unlikely to receive attention.

Obviously, before writing a letter to a guy, you need to thoroughly study his profile. What he does, how he likes to spend his free time, what exactly he hopes to find on a dating site, etc. It's great if you find common interests, then the task is greatly simplified.

But even if you didn’t find any, you can pretend to be for a good purpose. For example, he plays the guitar very well. Then you can build the first message in this way: “Since childhood, I dreamed of playing the guitar, can you teach it?”

However, the first letter to the guy can be longer. So you will demonstrate a genuine interest in his person, which the prince will certainly be pleased with. It would be nice to emphasize your similarities in the message - it's always nice to find your soul mate. Ask him about something not listed in the questionnaire.

Make a compliment - believe me, they give pleasure not only to women. Why not just write the truth - after all, you really liked these mysterious grey-blue eyes. Or you can also ask in a half-joking way who gave him such a wonderful smile.

By the way, humor is an indispensable assistant in communication through correspondence. It makes dialogue easier, more relaxed, more interesting. And besides, a sense of humor can say a lot about the intelligence of its owner. So it would be quite useful to joke a little in the first message, showing yourself to be a smart and cheerful interlocutor.

Speaking about how to write a letter to a guy, one cannot ignore flirting. In reasonable doses, it is very useful. It is only important not to go too far, otherwise you can easily scare away the prince who has dawned on the horizon.

The same undesirable effect is likely to be caused by complex long phrases. Brevity is the sister of talent, and everything refined is simple. Do not forget about this - and your message will definitely reach the goal.

Finally, it's best to forget about template expressions. In the first message, as nowhere else, it is important to emphasize your uniqueness. In addition, having received a standard letter, the prince may decide that you are simply copying the text and sending it to everyone. Would you like to after that handsome guy from photography to deal with you? Of course not. Moreover, he has enough other fans.

If you really want to get to know him better, try to write a sincere and sincere letter to the guy for dating, coming straight from the heart. Do not be afraid to even honestly admit that you really hope for continued communication. It is unlikely that such an act will go unnoticed.

How to write a letter to a guy on paper: important rules

You can frame a piece of paper. You can come up with several dozen design styles in the form of a frame. You can simply decorate the paper with small hearts, which will be neatly and asymmetrically arranged.

But naturally, the most important thing in a letter is the text of the letter. You should not torment yourself with endless thoughts on how to write a letter to a guy. It is worth expressing thoughts evenly, consistently, but not too dryly, because our goal is to write a letter for acquaintance, i.e. to continue the relationship.

It is worth not to impose yourself, but to submit if you decide to write a letter for dating. No slogans or appeals should be written. If you need to write a letter to a young person with whom you do not know, then in the first lines you should introduce yourself and describe yourself.

It is not worth lying and embellishing reality. It is necessary to tell truthfully, but not in too much detail about your life and interests. It is not worth writing in detail about work, family and income level. You can talk about looks. Once again, do not embellish or downplay the facts. You can talk about why it was decided to write. In addition, it will be interesting for a young person to read about entertaining facts from the life of a girl who can characterize her. But it is worth writing really interesting stories.

Confessing love in a letter to a stranger not worth it. After the letter is written, the only thing left is to send it by mail.

If a letter is written to a well-known guy, then it’s worth laying everything out as if in spirit. To say about everything that cannot be said in person. In this case, delivering a letter to the addressee will be even more difficult. It will be necessary to quietly throw the letter in a place visible to the young man.

You can put the letter in a jacket pocket or in a case, briefcase or bag of a young person. Naturally, all this must be done away from prying eyes. Strangers they might think that some strange machinations are being committed.

If the guy did not pay attention to the girl who threw the letter, then maybe he just did not find the letter or accidentally lost it without finding it. You can write another letter to the guy and try to re-toss it to the addressee. You can put the letter in the mailbox or under the door. If in this case, the young man does not give a look, then he does not want to communicate. And most likely, he considers the planted letter a misunderstanding.

In this case, you can gather your will into a fist and talk to the young man about everything to be honest. In this case, you don’t have to bother yourself with questions about how to write a letter to a guy. It will be possible to resolve all difficulties with the help of a confidential conversation.

How to write a letter to a man for dating

Your first letter should be carefully thought out. It should be short but meaningful. Try to keep within 200 characters and at the same time describe yourself. A woman should remain a mystery, so you do not need to immediately lay out all the information about yourself. Men love cheerful and a little self-critical females.

In the first message, you should not write about your chest size, or the length of your legs. A normal man is not initially very interested in these parameters, and he will not take you seriously. In this case, he may think that you just need a one-night stand and provide you with it. Only here it is not necessary to accuse him of being a bastard. Here it is already her own fault - what she offered him, he took advantage of it.

No need to think long about how to write a letter to meet a man. You just need to sit down and write a simple, short, but with a twist, letter.

You need to decide who you are going to write a letter to get acquainted with and for what purpose. You have the opportunity to plan a profitable business acquaintance, friendly conversations or strong personal relationships. Although your enthusiasm must be reflected in the words you have chosen.

Choose your own way of writing a letter. It can be done in the spirit of modern times using a computer or handwritten with a personal address. Be sure to keep an eye on literacy.

Greet the recipient. The style of the first greeting can determine the whole tone of your letter, as well as the first impression you make on the person. The most neutral and popular option would be a simple, respectful start. Although since you want to immediately show your friendly location and readiness for close communication, then you can arrange a greeting for the most familiar or easy.

Tell us about what lured you in this particular person, what prompted you to write a letter for acquaintance. He probably has some unusual technique or the skills you need to grow your business. Or you are interested in the appearance of the chosen one, his skills and tastes.

Also give a couple of compliments. But sincere flattery should not be written under any circumstances. You can only show what a person already knows very well about himself or what he is proud of. At the scientific worker, praise knowledge and merits. Be sure to point out to the beauty special eyes and seductive lip line. 2x-3x remarks for the first letter will suffice.

Tell about yourself. Here you have the most big choice for a flight of fancy. Although there are many tips on how not to write anything superfluous. Remember that a potential business partner does not need to know about your vacation, and a fan or just a friend does not need to tell about seniority and reputation of the company.

Be careful not to overload the letter with information, try to write a letter to get acquainted with a short one. Including when you are eager to make a representation of a frank person, then you don’t have to lay out everything “from” and “to”. Then you already have the opportunity for the 2nd and following letters.

Do not praise yourself in a letter. Including when you really want it - you don't need it. First of all, then you will have to convince the declared qualities, and, secondly, it is likely that your addressee is much more pleasant to talk about himself. Better let him ask you himself in his own answer. We hope that our tips have helped you answer the question: "How to write a letter for dating."

A beautiful love letter to your beloved man, boyfriend

Hello my lovely! It's been years since the day we accidentally grabbed the same ice cream at the counter, do you remember? And you didn't let go for a few seconds. And I was surprised at the impudence and decided to fight to the death for the last ice cream in this stall. Of course, then you made excuses, kept talking about my bottomless blue eyes, from which there was a noise in my head and my consciousness turned off. And I laughed merrily and did not trust a single word, because I knew what kind of guys can sing praises, just to powder the girl's head.

Until dawn, we wandered with you along the shore of the pond, along the linden alley. It seemed that this ice cream, already eaten for a long time, became our common star, one for two, like the one that slowly, slowly fell from the sky, so that we managed to make a wish together. And you never told me what you thought of that night. Do you remember, darling? We all walked and walked, holding hands and looking at each other as if we would never see each other again. But we met the next day. And than.

Do you remember the first time you wanted to kiss me? Do you remember how embarrassed and tangled your tongue at this request? And I was seething inside: the stupidest person! Why ask when you can see with your eyes! But you did not see, you were glowing with paint, although it was dark, and the distant lamp highlighted our shadows on the asphalt path. And how we kissed! Selflessly, to pain, to small cracks on the lips! Sweet and salty, remember?

You asked me to marry you on the bus when we were driving from the skating rink. It was so funny: disheveled hair that had fallen out from under the cap and stuck to the forehead, cheeks dyed crimson by frost and a bewildered look. Were you afraid that I would refuse? And I agreed! Immediately, without hesitation, without consulting with my mother and grandmother! It was then that they shouted that I was a careless, stupid girl who was dropping out of her studies and career because of the first person she met. They also cried, dressing me up on my wedding day, they both roared in a voice, no in three voices. I also cried with them, not knowing why. Maybe from happiness, or maybe for the company.

You went to the army, did not excuse yourself, although you graduated from high school. And he could hide behind our son. You didn't. I'm offended. Silly, how I did not understand male honor, pride. In general, patriotism - the word then for me was completely distant and alien. And only later I became proud of you, my love, I realized how important it was for you to serve your Motherland, protect the country, parents, me and your own son. How you rejoiced at his clumsy words! How he tormented him when he returned! I was jealous, yes, very jealous of both of you for each other. Alone, you belonged to me without a trace, and together you seemed to be able to do without me. Silly! How can you do without me!

And now I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, where you haven't had time to wake up yet. I look at you, my love, and I feel myself happy woman in the world. I have a house, I have a son, I have you. So big, strong, smart and kind, you have been in my life for ten years. And you haven't forgotten about our date. Here it is, ice cream on the nightstand. You brought it at night and didn't wake me up. Melted. Well, let. We'll eat it together when you wake up.

Other beautiful love letters to your beloved man, boyfriend:

Your first letter

  • General tone of the first letter
  • First impressions last forever

    Your first letter is your first personal contact with a man, and it depends on it whether or not your relationship will be in the future. You will never get a second chance to make a first impression. There is an expression in English: "First impressions last" - the first impressions remain for a long time.

    The principle of constructing the first letter

    Whether you're responding to an ad or a potential candidate's email, the principle of building your first email is the same.

    The first letter to a man should be long enough to interest him, but not get bored - 1.5-2 pages. It should be informative, but at the same time entertaining and interesting. A little bit of humor is always welcome.

    And, of course, it must be in English (or in the native language of the man). A man is unlikely to run to look for an interpreter; rather, he would prefer to answer another letter. Prepare the initial "sample" of the first letter, and in the future you will only have to vary the details slightly, sending it to different men.

    Begin the letter with "Hi", or "Dear", putting the man's name after the address. "Hi" has an informal connotation, "Dear" is more strict, usually translated as "respected". Mention where you got the man's address from if you are the initiator of the contact. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as him, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are the initiator of the contact, mention where you got the man's address from. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as he is, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are replying to a man’s letter, first of all thank him for his attention and warm letter, and say that you really liked it (I guess if you didn’t like the letter, you just write short note with refusal). It is important to show the man that you carefully read his ad or profile, and not just send the same letter to everyone. Quote or paraphrase a couple of phrases that you liked the most and say that you think that you might be right for each other (I think we may be right for each other) and that you would like to start corresponding with him to find out is that so (I would be happy to start corresponding with you and get to know each other better).

    Briefly tell us who you live with, whether you have brothers and sisters, what education you received, where and with whom you work. This whole "autobiography" should not take up more than half a page - but this is very important, Western people attach great importance family ties.

    Next, tell us what kind of person you are, what you like and dislike, what you value in people, what you dream about, what place your family occupies in your life. If you have children, tell a little about them, especially if the man also has children. (For more on what to say about yourself, see What to say about yourself.)

    When you talk about your positive qualities, sometimes it seems inconvenient to "overpraise" yourself - give your description as if from the words of others ("My friends say that I am." - "My friends say that I am."). Tell us in detail about your hobbies - not just "I love music", but what kind of music do you prefer, what bands are your favorite. If you have animals in the house, tell us about them, about funny cases with them and in general about funny cases with you, if they are "in the subject."

    Ask a few questions about what you would like to know about the man, about his country. It is desirable that questions about the country be more specific, let the man understand that you already know a lot about his homeland, but would like to know more.

    A man should feel that he is interesting to you. Ask if he is going to come to Russia, and if he is going to, then when he plans to travel. Say that you will be happy to be his guide when he arrives.

    How to make your writing stand out from others

    Try to make your letter original, the way you yourself would like to receive. Constantly correct and supplement the original sample.

    At one time, within a few months, I wrote a wonderful first letter, to which I received about 9 responses for 10 letters sent (with an average coefficient of 2-3 responses). My knowledge of English at that time left much to be desired, to put it mildly, and I constantly had difficulty expressing my thoughts. How to find a way out of this situation?

    I used letters I received from men. When I found an idea, phrase, or expression I liked, I included it in my sample letter. Gradually, I came up with a great message - interesting, fun and, most importantly, 100% "English".

    Your letter should not give the impression that you are unhappy. It should come from a woman who is completely satisfied with herself, life and others, but who is not enough for the complete happiness of a loved one.

    Topics that should not be developed in the first letter: problems in Everyday life, shortcomings of Russian men, bad marriage, politics, your salary, money or health problems, drugs and alcohol in Russia, etc. You don't want a man to think that a foreign marriage is just a means to escape from the harsh Russian reality for you, do you?

    General tone of the first letter

    Try to carry on as if you were already friends. Do not be afraid of men - they are afraid of you. Ask the man to answer your letter, write that you are really looking forward to his answer.

    Be sure to include your photo. The photo does not have to be professional - a high-quality amateur one will do. If the photo is not from a studio, write a short comment about where and when it was taken.



    Since the time of Pushkin's Tatyana, the norms of etiquette have seriously changed. Writing to a man first today is not at all shameful, it is a sign of an active and purposeful woman. If you have registered in a dating service that involves correspondence, and you want to interest a man in your first letter, you should use the following rules.

    Top 10 Rules for Initial Chatting with a Man

    Avoid template expressions. Phrases from the series "Hi, how are you?" or "Do you want to meet?" beaten. The first impression that a man gets after reading them is that this woman is banal, she most likely has a small vocabulary. Better try to use more original expressions to start dating. Example: “Are you also looking for a pretty, outgoing and fun girl? Here I am!"

    The first letter to a man for acquaintance is an example of an unobtrusive sign of attention. Ask him about things that are important to him. This is not yet the moment when the candidate needs to be interrogated with prejudice. One or two questions are enough, and they should be pleasant, such that he himself wants to answer them. Based on the information from his profile or on his photographs.

    Example: “The photo in the background is such a beautiful landscape, reminiscent of Switzerland. You were there?"

    Encourage him to talk about himself. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to speak out, become a grateful listener. Let him know that you are interested in getting to know him.

    Stand out. In the first letter, it is important to hook the addressee. Tell us about your unusual hobbies or hobbies. But you shouldn't imagine that you are an ardent fan of snowboarding and climbing, if in fact you are terribly afraid of heights and prefer to relax by the fireplace with your favorite novel.

    Maintain intrigue. Don't tell everything about yourself at once. Don't clutter up the letter. Better bit by bit give out " classified information". Men love it when a woman has a mystery. This increases your chances that he will want to know more about you and continue to get to know you.

    Don't write about problems. Don't scare your new friend. On initial stage communication should be easy and bring only pleasure. If the relationship moves into a more serious phase, you will have time to discuss all the pressing issues. Remember, this is the first letter to a man for dating. An example of phrases that can scare a potential groom:

    "All previous men have disappointed me."

    "I'm all alone, and I'm so sad..."

    "Hope you're not one of those people who don't answer emails."

    "My two children really need a father."

    Don't go overboard with compliments. Everything should be in moderation. Here is an anti-example of such excessive praise for you: “When I saw you, I immediately thought that you were the one I needed. You look like the man in my dreams. You are just perfect."

    Remove jargon. Keep a literary style and restrained tone, otherwise the addressee may think that you are not a serious person. If you communicate with a foreigner, he may not understand you at all.

    Avoid controversial topics. For example, questions of political preferences at the beginning of communication should definitely not be touched upon.

    Be yourself. This is the first letter to a man for acquaintance. He doesn't need a role model. He wants to know the real you. So, while observing all of the above, try to be sincere at the same time!

    If you want to get to know a man without racking your brains over the first letter, we suggest you do it via Skype. We will select for you really interesting candidates for husbands who will meet your needs, and we ourselves will establish initial contact with them on your behalf. Do you want to know how things are going? Ask your questions to our consultant. Contacts for communication here.

    Writing a love letter to a man

    Writing love letters to your loved ones is a long tradition, although somewhat modified. Now write mostly emails, sms, messages through social networks, skype. Traditional paper letters still have their charm. You can touch them, inhale the scent of perfume-scented paper, press them to your heart, even kiss them (romantic people).

    Reason for writing love messages, is clear. But there are nuances: the content of love letters to a man depends on the nature of love. They are passionate, timid, sad, hopeless, pleading, joyful or filled with bitterness. There are messages addressed real partner(husband, boyfriend), your potential partner, your ex, someone else's man, or even a beautiful stranger.

    sad letters

    Perhaps, let's start with the sad ones, then we will consider more life-affirming variants of letters. Sad love letters to a man are the result of unrequited, sometimes hopeless, doomed love, sometimes asking for love, where there is hope for reciprocity.

    Letter of hope for reciprocity

    Associatively, Tatyana Larina is remembered, who wrote a similar message to Eugene Onegin. Such a letter can be sentimental, a little begging, touching, or vice versa, bold and passionate. The main thing is that the letter should be sincere, opening soul feelings. Like this:

    When I saw you, the ground left from under my feet, my breath caught, my heart beat faster. I then realized that I was waiting for you all my life. Please hear me, understand. You are my Destiny. I want to see you, enjoy your touches, hear the music of your voice, gently hug you, die from our kisses. I love you forever...

    Hopeless or unconditional love letter

    There is love unconditional, humble, accessible to the chosen "saints" women's hearts. The feeling is directed at someone else's partner or a man who does not reciprocate. The motto of such love is: “I don’t need anything from you. I'm happy that you exist." In such a message, sadness is bright, although love is unrequited. As an option:

    I breathe you. I wake up - I think about you, I wish you a good day. I work - I remember your voice. I fall asleep - I imagine your face. I mentally wish you a good night. Your eyes are bottomless, your smile is the sweetest, the timbre of your voice is the most pleasant. You are my favorite, unique, desired. I perceive everything that happens through the prism of you: public transport, my work, any weather, music, films, books ... My heart is yours. My thoughts are for you. All of me is for you. Be happy, love! Too bad it's not with me...

    joyful letters

    Such letters are written by lucky women: a beloved partner is nearby, everything is harmonious, joyful, good. The message can be addressed to the past (memories of acquaintance), to the present, even to the future (modeling happy life together).

    A kind of recognition-memory revives feelings. Remember in the letter the day you met, your first date, your first emotions, funny situations. What did you like right away? What made you laugh? What's hooked? For example:

    You weren't alone when we met. I didn't like your companion right away. The thought flashed: "It's a pity that I'm busy!". Turns out it was a friend. How glad I was! You were wearing a plain T-shirt and faded jeans. You shook your shaggy hair, tried to please me, joked, looked into my eyes. I smiled, a little embarrassed. She played the role of the snow queen, and she herself drowned in sparkling blue eyes. The imaginary queen's heart melted. I was afraid you wouldn't ask for my number. You still asked...

    We write a letter of encouragement. You can list the qualities of a loved one that you like, recall small joint joys, secrets. Your partner will be pleased! For example, like this:

    You are special. I like your sincerity, the ability to listen to all my nonsense, to understand perfectly. I love your sparkling sense of humor. I love your courage. I'm proud of your mind. I melt from your tenderness. I like your romance, passion, ability to surprise, delight with surprises. Ready to love you forever! You are my ideal…

    About future

    We write a message to the future. We list the components of a joint happy life. What will life be like? How many children? Which house? We fantasize, modeling an ideal future with a loved one! Let's say:

    10 years will pass. We will only love each other more. Let's build beautiful house surrounded by a garden. The house will be full of friends. We'll have naughty kids. The son is your copy. Daughter is like me. We will love them, scold them for pranks (occasionally), walk in the park, travel together. Sometimes we will send children to their parents, arranging romantic evenings for ourselves. After such dates, I will be younger, bloom again. You will admire me, I will adore you. In 10 and 20 years we will be happy...

    Want to write a letter to your loved one? It's great if the beloved man is nearby. Then the letter will be joyful. If so far unlucky, you can write a sad letter. In any case, the writing process love letter- a pleasant activity or a kind of cardiac psychotherapy.

    We compose a letter to a man so as to get a 100% answer

    In our computer age, letters are no longer masterpieces of the epistolary genre. Gone are the days when they were written with goose quills by candlelight all night long. beautiful handwriting. When, before sending, a letter was smothered with your favorite perfume, decorated with kisses and official seals, and the received letters, tied with a silk ribbon, were carefully stored in expensive boxes for decades.

    Today, handwritten letters are extremely rare, many prefer faceless electronic messages. Therefore, it is especially important to give them sincerity, to make them individual and unique, in order to attract the attention of the addressee even with a few lines.

    On the site intdate.ru, we have already published an article about what can and cannot be written in letters to a man.

    But how to write the first letter to a man so that he is interested in it?

    First of all, each looking for a woman You may be advised not to wait for a letter, but to write first. Of course, for the most part, few women decide on this. But in vain. After all, this is a guarantee that you will not receive a letter from someone unknown whose profile does not interest you at all, and you will have a chance to wait for a response letter from a person who really interested you. Therefore, the more emails you send, the higher the chances of getting multiple responses.

    Of course, not all recipients will answer you. And there are several reasons for that. For example, if your photo and profile seemed too positive to a man, then he may not answer simply because he thinks that you are too good for him, or he thinks that you just want to use him as a chance to move to another country. Or foreign grooms, simply taught by bitter experience, believe that a girl who is too beautiful (“a la model”) will simply love his money.

    A nondescript photograph of a woman will also not cause a desire to answer a letter, because many modern European men consider Slavic women the most beautiful, and may take their time to answer you in search of a more attractive photo.

    You may not even wait for an answer if a foreign man considers that your profile contains excessive requirements for candidates for the position of the second half. Promising foreign suitors are also afraid that Russian women in their letters often adhere to an assertive tone, and sometimes openly, already in the first letter, hint that they want marriage and children.

    By the way, the upbringing of many Europeans tells them that it is better to ignore the letter than to write a polite refusal about the fact that you are not suitable for them.

    In any case, there is no reason to be sad. No answer - it's okay - it just means that the silent addressee is not your man.

    So what do we write in the first letter?

    Read here examples of letters to a foreigner in different languages.

    First, the first letter should not be too long, but should also consist of two sentences too. It is enough to write 10-20 lines, in which there will be no unnecessary burdensome information, but at the same time, the letter should interest him.

    Be sure to address the foreigner by name, as a faceless letter implies that this is just a template addressed to several people. And addressing by name indicates that the letter is intended for a specific addressee, and also indicates your interest in him. Remember: your letter must be original, because it is likely that the man you are interested in receives ten letters of the same type a day, and yours should be out of this pattern. Agree, a letter that simply says “hello, how are you?” won't spark any interest.

    In the first letter, you do not need to write only about yourself, but on the contrary, indicate why you chose his profile, or find some common ground and talk about them. For example, if it is indicated in his profile that a man likes to travel, you can write that you also love it and indicate the places where you managed to visit.

    If you can’t think of anything at all, then just write honestly that you have recently registered on the site, are still inexperienced in meeting foreigners, and for some reason you liked his profile. Will it suddenly work?

    At the end of the letter, be sure to indicate your name, and it is also desirable to attach a photo. Moreover, the photo should not be the one that has already been placed in your profile, but a new one, and preferably recent. These two circumstances will oblige the man to answer your letter, because he will not have to waste time looking for you on the site, and he will immediately be able to evaluate everything.

    By the way, if you still muster up the courage to write a letter first, then take care of your profile. In addition to the fact that it should be original and unique, it can be "customized" a little. That is, after evaluating the questionnaire of the chosen one and noting a number of unique points, you can indicate something in your questionnaire that will correspond to his parameters for finding a bride.

    It is also worth asking one or two questions in a letter - this also encourages you to answer your message so as not to seem impolite. But do not build a letter out of questions alone - men do not want to feel like they are being interrogated, and most of them do not have the literary talent to write a multi-page response.

    Probably, it is not worth reminding that your letter must be literate, because an illiterate message will be regarded by European men as impolite, or even as an insult.

    Remember, your main task is to get a response to your letter.

    There are a few things that can almost certainly scare off a potential groom. Some of them are noted above. You can add to the list by saying that you should not write in an enthusiastic tone about how you dream of living in England (Germany, America, etc.) - this may suggest that you perceive a foreigner as a bridge to a new life, and no more. It is also not necessary to express unflattering reviews about local men, it is more reasonable to simply modestly indicate that you could not find your soul mate in your homeland and therefore turned your attention to abroad.

    You should also not talk too frankly about yourself, if no one asked about your past, keep silent. Of course, if you are asked, you should not lie, answer sincerely.

    Sincerity must be in everything. In every letter. Of particular note is that you should not lie about your age and whether you have children. Understand for most European men this is not a disadvantage.

    Having children indicates that you can have them, and age in most European countries is a shaky concept. After all, as you know, from the point of view of the majority of the inhabitants of mother Europe, their childbearing age comes after 27 years, and not at 18, as we do. And any, even your most insignificant lie, can be regarded as a sign that you will deceive in the future.

    Interest in oneself needs to be warmed up with each letter, constantly keep a foreign man in suspense, in good sense this word, only in this way can one achieve that virtual communication turn into a real meeting.

    Elina, especially for intdate.ru

    The first phrase is the key to a pleasant acquaintance!

    If you want to make a good impression on the person you like, then you should know that first phrases are always the most decisive. Here, for example, you see your favorite girl or guy and write a banal "hello", but believe me, this word in itself is uninteresting and banal. You need to write in such a way that the person is “hooked” and led to the idea that you cool guy or a girl. Words affect a person like a magnet. And do not neglect such a special "weapon" that will help you find happiness in love. Open your true feelings to another person with the help of enticing statements, and you will get exactly what you are counting on!

    Simple and understandable words are the key to longevity of acquaintance!

    Good afternoon I have been looking for you (ala) on the Internet for so long, and you are here ...

    Always dreamed (ala) to meet such wonderful person How are you.

    You are unique!

    Good afternoon. I would like (ala) to get to know you better, watch a movie or have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. What do you think about that?

    Hello, it seems to me or have you really starred in some movie?

    It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

    You know, when I saw you (la) I immediately wanted to live happily ever after!

    Hello! I dreamed about you today...

    Hi. Today is such a wonderful day. When I saw (la) you, I could not (la) resist not to write!

    I wish you a wonderful and pleasant day!

    If you want, I'll give you happiness!

    Hello. I am (name) and I really want to meet you! To be honest, I have never met such a person before. I really liked your profile and your photo is so cute. How do you like my suggestion to go somewhere and just chat?

    Hello. Can you tell me how to get to the library? It's a joke, of course)) You are just so sweet that I was confused (was) and didn't know (la) what to say. Let's be friends?

    Hi Hello). You have such beautiful eyes (legs, hair, dress, suit, biceps, mustache, beard, handbag)!

    Good afternoon. How is your mood?

    I knew (la) that the most beautiful girls (guys) are here!

    Hello. You have such a thoughtful look (mysterious, bewitching, striking, captivating, striking on the spot, sweet, gentle, wonderful, maddening, unsurpassed, unpredictable, insanely beautiful, surprised, attractive, sunny, fabulous, in love with life).

    Hello, I really liked you, let's get acquainted, I am (name), are you looking for your destiny?

    Good afternoon If you are tired of the same type of days, then I propose to spend a wonderful day in a cafe, cinema or wherever you wish! How do you look at it, and when will it be convenient for you to meet?

    Greetings! Can I entertain you on this site or even in reality?

    Greetings to you. Please advise me how to please a girl (guy)?

    Hello, do you need a funny (th) and witty (th) husband (wife)?

    Good afternoon, what are you doing tonight?

    Hello, do you think I'm cute?

    Hello! I have been looking for you (ala) for many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds! And now I found (found)! Let's meet tonight, shall we?

    Folded letters into the correct phrase - knock down anyone at once!

    If you are between 18 and 70 years old and you often do not know what and how to write to a person, then welcome to our Garden of Eden with such simple and understandable phrases for the first communication on the Internet using the site.
    Never be discouraged if you don't get a response to your first email on the internet. This is not a person who does not want to communicate with you, but you have not written to him. You can always try to re-write something that will open his eyes to your attention. This is a regularity: all the most serious arises from the frivolous.

    Rather, even the first stupid joke can make the other person fall in love with you. If you really want love and a lot of attention, look at the person’s profile and, guided by it, write those phrases for dating a girl or a guy that we offer to you. All people are different, but one thing unites everyone, and also the desire to be happy.

    Read the phrases and look for among them exactly those that, in your opinion, will win the heart of your sympathy. It's so easy and simple. In fact, everything in our life is easy and simple. You just need to understand this and find those methods of communication that will attract to you only those who you need. And we assure you that it will work with you, and after a while you will no longer do anything, and people will write to you and write to you. And already you will think to answer them with a mutual answer or not.

    Often, young people do not want and do not know how to get acquainted on the street (due to innate modesty) or do not have the time and opportunity for this (due to a busy schedule and high employment), but everyone wants to build new relationships, which is why men turn to social networks and dating sites in search of the perfect girl.

    Interesting phrases for guys: use when meeting

    Despite the fact that the world is now propagating the idea of ​​" magic pill”(pump up the press in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you will become cool yourself), there are things that really work.

    For example, when you first meet, you can use these options:

    • You know, the Constitution says you can't deprive a person of the right to happiness.
    • Today I finally understood for whom I registered on a dating site ...
    • Hello Anya! My name is Max. I stumbled across your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. The smile on the avatar is painfully charming 🙂
    • Hello Sveta! I was looking for posts on the hashtag #anapa in the news, and accidentally landed on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Wouldn't it take me a long time to ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Arkady.
    • I lost the bet, and for that I have to ask the most beautiful girl in the world on a date!
    • Hello Tanya! My name is Oleg. I saw the photos and videos that you recently posted to the Bon Jovi group and wanted to ask how it went? In Moscow it was not possible to go, but the day after tomorrow they will be in St. Petersburg. So I'm wondering if I should go or not?
    • Hello. I know things about you that others don't know...
    • Hello! I'm one of those pushy guys who think you're stunningly beautiful.
    • Your parents deserve a Nobel Prize. Or what do they give out to the creators of world masterpieces?
    • I guess I'm not the first one who wants to meet you. But I am the best. Do you want to check?

    Or simpler, uncomplicated phrases like:

    • Hello! I have been looking for you for a long time, and you are here!
    • I've wanted to meet this girl for a long time.
    • Your beauty cannot be compared to anything. You are unique!
    • Is there any chance for me to meet such a beautiful girl? If yes, let me know.
    • Are you from the royal family by any chance? Look like a princess!
    • I had a desire to find happiness after seeing your profile.
    • Girl, do you have a dream? And I dream to meet you.
    • Hello. And I saw you today in a dream. Help me make it a reality.
    • I read in your profile that you don't smoke. Always dreamed of meeting a girl who leads healthy lifestyle life.
    • Do you remember me? We met in a dream. But I was sitting on a white horse.
    • Are you looking for the perfect man by any chance?
    • Let me make you happy.
    • Today is such a wonderful day. How not to write to such a beautiful girl?
    • I got very lucky today. I found the most charming and sweet girl. May I meet you?
    • Girl, what are you planning to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible to include me in the list of your life plans?
    • Do you know that you hit me with your look? You are insanely beautiful!
    • You must have put in a lot of effort and energy to look so good. I fell for your bait.

    In this video, psychologists Anton and Ekaterina will tell you how you can determine how interested a girl is in you using tests:

    With these options, you will surely be able to win her attention:

    1. You couldn't smile, otherwise it's dark outside.
    2. How do you do it?.. Look so good.
    3. Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!
    4. Have you had young people crawling at your feet before?
    5. You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to address you!
    6. Many already today sent away? I have only three so far. Well, the arrogant girls are gone now.
    7. You must have started. At least you're scary for me.
    8. You are so cool that I am ready to drink bath water after you!
    9. Girl, are you interested in cute unmarried guys? No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about a friend. His girlfriend is a bitch and left him. And you are not a bitch?
    10. On the street: Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: "Didn't you just pinch my ass? .. No? .. Too bad ..."
    11. Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
    12. Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
    13. Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?
    14. I looked in the dictionary for a synonym for the word "beautiful" - your name there was also...
    15. Girl, I'm looking for a dance partner... Allow me to examine you more closely.
    16. And you, by chance, do not have my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!
    17. And what will you do tonight, after we get to know you?
    18. Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?
    19. Did you happen to see that my white horse didn't run here five minutes ago?
    20. You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
    21. Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.
    22. What is your shoe size? .. I have the 45th. Well, we got to know each other!
    23. Girl, how long do you think it's decent to be late?
    24. Hello! Today we are lucky ... We met.
    25. Girl, please call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!
    26. Hello! Recognized? ... So I didn’t recognize you right away either.
    27. Let me take you home. At least with a glance.
    28. I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..
    29. Girl, excuse me, but your legs are not tired? .. You always do not get out of my head.
    30. Girl, do you know what makes Tefal dishes good? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to get to know you better and ask for a phone number.
    31. Do you play trombone? No... Me too! See how much we have in common. Let's get to know each other better?
    32. Sorry I forgot my phone number. Won't you borrow yours?
    33. You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
    34. Do you have a thread to start our relationship right here?
    35. Girl, do you have a compass? And the hourglass? I think it's not worth asking about the barometer.
    36. Girl, your help is urgently needed! .. The fact is that I'm going to drown. And your eyes are perfect for that.
    37. The only thing your eyes didn't tell me was your name.
    38. I'm a visitor. Can you tell me how to get to your house?
    39. I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
    40. Girl, don’t you know why the lens is round, but the photos are square?
    41. Giving flowers to a girl: “I really wanted to show this rose (tulip, mimosa, etc.) how beautiful you are ...”
    42. If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
    43. Girl, don't you know New Year will it be this year or next?
    44. Girl, over there, do you see that young man? So he doesn't know yet, doesn't know yet... And what's your name?.. And my name is Sasha. So, here - that young man does not yet know that we just met.
    45. You know, I have absolutely no idea what I should say to get to know you, but let's better imagine that I have already said all this.
    46. Girl, did you sleep well yesterday? And didn't even flinch? I couldn't sleep all night waiting for our meeting.
    47. Girl, do you have plush toys at home? Me too! Let's introduce them.
    48. I bet you are a stubborn person... I read in a magazine that girls who wear round earrings/red pants/green bags/whatever have very stubborn personalities. (Most people consider themselves stubborn, so it's easy to strike up a conversation.)
    49. Can you tell me in which direction you need to go in order to meet a SIMULTANEOUSLY ATTRACTIVE AND SMART girl?
    50. Don't you remember me, I lived next door? No? And no wonder - after all, I have never lived near you. Maybe we have everything ahead of us?
    51. When I get old, I will remember the brightest moments of my life: the day my children were born, the day of my wedding, and the day I met you.
    52. Please remind me what I was wearing when we saw each other last time?
    53. Girl, do you meet young and pretty people?
    54. Girl wait! You seem to have lost something!.. I don't see your smile anywhere!! Ah, no! Here I found it!!
    55. Girl, kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Antonina?
    56. Girl, you know what I just saw? I saw a young man just meet a girl. And literally after five minutes of conversation, they communicated as if they had known each other for 100 years. By the way, you know how the young man started the conversation. He said: “Do you know what I just saw? ..”

    1. Girl, I'm sorry, didn't you get hit by a shrapnel? .. It's just that you, passing by, broke my heart. I thought, suddenly I hooked you?
    2. Such beautiful girl must be a nice phone number!
    3. How did you know that I'm here?
    4. Can you forgive yourself... if I don't get to know you?
    5. My friend said that being sent by a girl is very difficult. I made a bet with him for 20 rubles, so you can help me earn money for beer. But I ask you - the message must be of high quality and original!)
    6. You appear in front of a sitting girl, you say: "I'll come right now." And you disappear, after which you reappear, but already as an old acquaintance of hers.
    7. I knew that the most beautiful girls are here!
    8. I am ready to erect a monument to the inventor of the Internet - because without him I would never have seen a photo of such a charming girl like you!
    9. Girl, I can’t help myself: the charm emanating from you acts even through the Internet.
    10. My dream is to get into those 30% of the lucky ones who found their soul mate on the Internet. Can you help me with this?
    11. From your page on the social network I learned that you are a big fan of vanilla coffee. But, unfortunately, the Internet is not yet able to convey the taste and aroma of this drink of the gods. Can I still treat you in real life?
    12. I don't know what Internet gods to thank for seeing your photo on social networks. And it's a spark, it's madness!
    13. Girl, can you help me find my pulse?
    14. I don't usually meet girls like this...
    15. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to urgently inform you that you are terribly cute.
    16. I've been thinking of a reason to meet you for an hour, but so far nothing has come to my mind.
    17. You know, I just realized one thing. I could have stayed at home today and never found out about your existence. Terrible prospect, right?
    18. Hello! I have a completely unconventional question for you. I am interested in what you would say to a young man who turned to you with the phrase: “Let's get to know each other?”
    19. And what does it feel like to be beautiful girl in this city?
    20. The gypsy told me that today I would meet a beauty in (say the color of the girl's clothes). Does this description remind you of anyone?
    21. Allow me to offer you a hand and a heart. I am a surgeon, I have this stuff in bulk.
    22. Your right eye is lighter than your left - I've never seen anything like this in my life! Or so it seems to me? We need to figure it out and get to know each other better.
    23. There's something wrong with my eyes - I can't take them away from you.
    24. Oh my God! Imagine, I thought I was gay until I met you!
    25. Excuse me, but what do you do the rest of your life?
    26. Are you Catherine, my contact? No? It's a pity ... Maybe then I can treat you to coffee as a token of apology for mistaking?
    27. You are beautiful like a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
    28. Did you meet me in Anapa in 2008? No? And no wonder, because I was not there. And where did you meet me, do not tell me?
    29. Can you tell me what the current rate of the Spanish peseta is? And the Portuguese escudo?
    30. You have arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve a life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
    31. You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl walking slowly. In our time, everyone is running like that ... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: caught up - it means you got married, if you didn’t catch up - it’s your own fault. Do you know such a custom?
    32. My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought a lottery ticket and I want you to kiss it and bring me good luck.
    33. I'm sorry... I just want to thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you're not entirely happy, and not...when you feel like you're going with the flow. And suddenly you run into someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a sense of beauty for the whole day? .. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like appearance of my life...
    34. Your parents are thieves! Two stars have disappeared from the sky, they are burning now in your eyes.
    35. I wanted to compare you to a star, but that would be unfair to you. After all, the stars are beautiful only at night, and you are always beautiful.
    36. Excuse me, can you help me? I am a journalist and I am assigned to interview the most beautiful girl in the city.
    37. Hello! The ruble is falling, and my interest in you is growing ...
    38. Girl, you look so much like my first wife! I haven't met her yet...
    39. Hello. I decided to open a help center for homeless cockroaches. Can you help me with my pet?
    40. You are so sad... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.
    41. Hello! Listen, my friends and I are doing a study on the topic "What is the most suitable phrase for dating a spectacular girl like you ..."
    42. You are so sad. Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.

    These words should never be written

    This will only push the interlocutor away from you, never text her:

    • I would like to see you up close!
    • Hello! How are you?
    • Wanna ride my Hummer?
    • I really like you, and I don't know why.
    • You look like my ex, only much better!
    • I oh...ate when I saw you.
    • It seems to me that I don’t fit you in status, but I’ll try anyway ...
    • I like pose number 69 from Kamasutra, how about you?
    • Girl, don't you know how I'd better spend my ten thousand?
    • Girl, I'm on the ad. Are you giving away your phone number for free?
    • Girl, does your mom need a son-in-law?
    • And you are awfully beautiful. It's even scary to approach you!

    Typical mistakes guys make when texting a girl

    Below we describe the most common mistakes of all guys that only repel girls:

    1. Don't text just for the sake of getting positive emoticons and good reactions from her side. It will only destroy everything between you.
    2. Don't pretend to be someone you are not.
    3. Do not "mow" under too smart in private messages with her. Don't quote Shakespeare or facts from evolutionary biology.
    4. Don't write overly large, unwieldy texts. Volumetric texts take a very long time to write. Because of this, the thread of the conversation between you is lost. Brevity is the soul of wit.
    5. Don't go overboard with compliments. No need to remind her through every word that she is beautiful, and this is your first experience of correspondence with such a beautiful girl.
    6. Communicate with her in private messages, and not somewhere in the comments under the photo. The girl will behave in a completely different way and write the wrong things at all if your correspondence is going on in front of everyone.
    7. Write correctly and without errors, without swearing. This will only be a plus in your piggy bank. The girl is not your bro. She does not need to write all sorts of curse words that you use in correspondence with friends.

    Know that you want to see her in person first and not chat forever on the internet. Do not stick with her on the Internet for hours. Call for a meeting as soon as you feel that this moment has already come.

    Video: how to chat with a girl correctly?

    In this video, Alexey Samsonov will tell you what to write to that very impregnable beauty from the social network:

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