Who is the best lover in history. The most famous lovers in history

They had many novels, wives and husbands, random connections that have become public. Some settled down and found loved one for life, others continue the pleasant search. All this under close attention press: the new novel is a new occasion for intrigues and rumors.

1. Andrei Konchalovsky - director and screenwriter, public and political figure, he is 79 years old. He had many novels and 5 wives

Konchalovsky with his ex-wife Natalya Arinbasarova

In 1967, at the International Film Festival in Moscow, he met a member of the French delegation, Masha Meril. They began an affair, but not for long, they did not understand each other in the literal sense

Basically, all novels began on the set. For example, during the filming of the film "Siberiada" the director fell in love with actress Natalya Andreichenko

In 1979, the Norwegian actress Liv Ullman briefly struck Konchalovsky in the heart.

From actress Irina Brazgovka Andrey has an illegitimate daughter Dasha

He was married to the ballerina Irina Kandat, the Frenchwoman Vivian Godet, who gave birth to the director's daughter Alexandra, to the director of television Irina Martynova, she gave him two children, but in marriage with Yulia Vysotskaya since 1998, Konchalovsky finally found happiness, his wife gave birth to a boy and girl.

2. Hugh Marston Hefner is the 90-year-old founder of Playboy magazine. According to rumors, he slept with almost every model who starred for the publication, just imagine how many women flashed on the glossy pages

30-year-old model and singer - Crystal Harris - became the chosen one of Hugh in 2012

Married from 1989 to 2010, the main ladies' man was with Kimberly Conrad, they have two children. And even earlier he was married to his peer Millie Williams until 1959.

On this official relations Hefner are over. You can list the former playboy girlfriends for a long time, but we will still introduce you to some of them.

Playboy was with Holly Madison until 2008. After the model and almost actress told a lot of nasty things in her memoirs about Hugh

Kendra Wilkinson starred in the television show "Girls Next Door" about life in the Hugh mansion, judging by the show, she was a frequent visitor to Hefner's bedroom, like most of the inhabitants of the house

Another one former passion- Ukrainian model Dasha Astafieva

3. Jack Nicholson nearly ruined many marriages star couples! He had affairs with Madonna, Anjelica Huston, Janice Dickinson, Michelle Phillips, Lara Flynn Boyle, Joni Mitchell, Melanie Griffith, Meryl Streep and others, and was once married to Sandra Knight

The actor claims that he slept with more than 2,000 women. Such charisma, why not believe his words?

Did Meryl Streep cheat on her husband?

Most long term relationship lasted 17 years with actress Anjelica Husto

Lara Flynn Boyle left the heartthrob for new heights in her career

4. Woody Allen is married to adopted daughter ex-wife for over 20 years! Sun-i Previn younger than husband for 35 years

Another adopted daughter of the director, Dylan Farrow, claims that he has been corrupting her since the age of 7. Dylan's application was considered by the court, but no charges were brought against Allen.
According to the tradition from the world of show business, most of the movie stars were Allen's mistresses, the director believes that it is much easier to shoot the one with whom you have closeness, then the film turns out to be special. “I am madly in love with women,” the director shared in an interview. - I even like it better when a lady interviews me. I took up self-education to be loved. More than once I pretended to understand ancient Greek philosophy or adore Rodin - just to please.

Actress Diane Keaton became one of the director's first muses

With Mia Farrow in a civil marriage, Allen lived for 12 years, she starred in 13 of his films. It is to her adopted daughter that he is married today.

5. Justin Bieber - the youngest and most popular singer, managed to charm not only juvenile fans. Selena Gomez, Hailey Baldwin, Kourtney Kardashian and, according to rumors, even ex-wife Orlando Bloom

Bieber's new passion

And this new one!

Was there an affair with the Kardashians?

6. Oksana Akinshina is known to us from the films "Dandies", "8 First Dates", "Super Beavers". Her personal life is much more eventful than filming.

She dated Alexei Chadov as a teenager

Lived with Sergei Shnurov

Then she married film producer Dmitry Litvinov, they had a son, Phillip

After a divorce from Litvinov, Akinshina began an affair with actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, but he left to conquer America, and the relationship ended.

In 2012, the actress met her second husband, producer Archilo Gelovani. They had a son. However, today the couple has a discord in the relationship.

7. The former soloist of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, also did not waste time: she built a career, was married, had children
From the athlete Pavel Sidorov, whom she knew for 3 months, she had a daughter. Then she met with Vlad Topalov and Timati, became pregnant, but lost the child, never knowing who the father was.

For the first time, Yulia married the criminal businessman Parviz Yasinov, converted to Islam, and gave birth to a son from him. In 2010, Volkova left her husband

There was an affair with Dima Bilan

According to rumors, she is dating blogger Roma Zhelud, who is more than 11 years younger than the singer.

8. The men in Jennifer Lopez's life didn't last long.

She first married waiter Ojani Noa, who, after a divorce in 1998, continued to work in her restaurant, but not for long. He tried to blackmail the singer with an erotic video that they once recorded together

P Diddy, or Sean Combs, immediately fell in love with a sultry beauty, but Lopez ended their relationship after a shootout involving a rapper, she did not want to participate in scandalous showdowns

Lightning Lopez fell in love and married a guy from his backup dancer Chris Judd. Their marriage did not last long, in 2002 they were already divorced.

Because she cheated on her husband with Ben Affleck, for which she paid $ 15 million
“When he suggested that I leave, unable to withstand the pressure of the press and fans, I felt as if my heart had been torn out of my chest,” Affleck recalls later leaving.

Yandi Sui

The Chinese emperor Yandi Sui was known as the most tireless and inventive in terms of sex and giving himself pleasure. In his bed scenes 7 of his wives and seventy court ladies took part. In addition, 3,000 concubines were kept in his palace, who were brought to him from different corners countries. When Yandi Sui traveled, there were always 10 chariots in his caravan, each of which had naked beauties reclining on a bed.

Louis XV - the official nickname of the Beloved - was married to the daughter of the former king of Poland, Maria Leszczynska. Louis XV was the most loving French monarch. The Marquise de Pompadour, his most famous mistress, a depraved and not jealous lady, reacted quite calmly to his stormy love affairs with numerous kept women - "royal" goats living in a full royal boarding house in small houses located in the Versailles Park.

Giacomo Casanova is a famous Italian adventurer, traveler and writer. His name has become a household name for lovers love affairs. Casanovo was considered the greatest romantic and passionate lover, although there is a lot of fiction here. He actually loved many women and they answered him the same. Kazanovo, because of his love affairs, could not take the priesthood, as he wanted, and was expelled from the theological seminary. He spent a very stormy and busy life and died in poverty and loneliness.

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus was a Roman emperor known by the name of Caligula. It seemed that nature itself created him in order to show what depravity and unlimited power are capable of. Despite the fact that Caligula was married, he constantly had love affairs with a huge number of contemporaries. But most of all, he loves his half-sister Drusilla and was with her in love relationships. Gaius Julius Caesar took love pleasures and depravity more seriously and more ingeniously than to rule the state. most big love in his life was his horse Incitat. First, he built a marble stable with a golden drinking bowl, and later he gave the horse a whole palace with a staff of servants, to which he invited guests on behalf of the horse.

Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade, who went down in history as the Marquis de Sade, was a French aristocrat, writer and philosopher. The Marquis de Sade supported the principle complete freedom, and considered the satisfaction of the aspirations of the individual as the main value in life. He derived sexual satisfaction from inflicting pain and humiliation on his partner. He was fond of whipping, feeding ladies " spanish flies", group sex. After his name, such hobbies were called "sadism". Over time, the words "sadism" and "sadist" began to be used in a broader sense.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the great Russian poet had many mistresses. He began to love women at a very young age. The aspiring poet was in love with the 36-year-old queen. There is an opinion that his poem “I remember a wonderful moment is dedicated not to Anna Kern, but to her. In the track record of Alexander Pushkin, there are more than 130 "official victims". Even being married to the beautiful Natalya Goncharova, Alexander Sergeevich did not change his habits and continued to follow the playboy path from one skirt to another.

Peter the Great - the great Russian Tsar was considered a very strong lover. He was very jealous and unrestrained in his sexual inclinations. He gave preference to Europeans, and most of all to Germans. He was not very fond of southern women, because their passion aroused insane jealousy in him. According to the unofficial version, Peter the Great became a victim of his own love of love and died of banal syphilis, and not from hypothermia in the icy Neva water.

Lavrenti Bavles-dze-Beria - Soviet statesman and politician. He is not so much an active lover as a great rapist. And in violence he had few competitors at that time. Beria's victims were picked up by specially trained people, looking for beautiful women everywhere. 4 months after Stalin's death, Beria was arrested on charges of espionage and conspiracy to seize power. Shot by verdict.

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin is an American and English film actor, screenwriter, composer and director who created the character of Charlie the Tramp. Charlie Chaplin went down in history not only with roles in films about the little man in a hat, but also as a lover of young actresses. But what is interesting, he not only fell in love but also married them, because of which he had quite a few troubles. And they loved his financial condition and position in society. And only in his mature years did he meet a woman who loved him.

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy is the 35th President of the United States. His love affair with the great Marilyn Monroe is a small episode of his love affairs. The list of his mistresses includes a large number of actresses, secretaries, journalists and simply "night butterflies." He could simply order girls on call and arrange sexual orgies in the presence of White House workers. As statistics show, John F. Kennedy had more than 200 partners, and all this happened almost in front of his beautiful wife.

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueba is a Spanish singer who has sold over 300 million of his records. The famous womanizer Julio Iglesias claims that he had about 500 women, but there is a claim that the number of partners is 10 times more. His first mother wife Enrique Iglesias, after a divorce from him, told reporters that the reason for the divorce was her husband's frequent infidelities, which even a very patient woman cannot reconcile with.

Hugh Marston Hefner is an American publisher and founder of Playboy magazine and company. His life credo is “Do what you like and spit on others. According to him, he had more than 2,000 women. In his chic house, he basically walks around only in a dressing gown, constantly arranges parties, which are difficult even for stars to get to, and lives with three blondes at once.

Oscar Wilde said that women were created not for understanding, but for love. This writer understood the weaker sex much better than most men. As a result, many women went down in history not due to their intelligence, but due to the beauty and seduction of famous men.
However, many of these mistresses did not possess obvious beauty at all, but somehow they were still able to captivate their chosen ones. As a result, the fame of such women passed through the years and centuries. And even today, women are trying to take advantage of some of the secrets of those legendary figures.

Valeria Messalina. In history, this woman remained as one of the most dissolute persons. Despite her high status (she was the wife of Emperor Claudius), Valeria literally became the personification of lust and fornication in Rome. Messalina lived in the 1st century AD. Contemporaries say that she was more promiscuous than Nero himself. But he became famous for wild orgies, harems with children and a palace that became a brothel. It is said about Messalina that she came to one of the brothels of Rome, taking the place of a prostitute there. Only this could satisfy her passion. Valeria herself did not miss a single handsome man. For a long time her behavior got away with her, the blinded husband did not notice anything. But Valeria also decided to enthrone her next lover, Gaius Silius. The plot failed, and Messalina herself was killed by order of the emperor at the age of 28. Historians say that at that time the woman was already stricken with syphilis, so such a death was no worse end to a dissolute and shameful life.

Cleopatra. This woman is considered one of the wisest mistresses. Also, Cleopatra is one of the most scandalous characters of the Ancient World. Because of her, powerful states fought each other. The night with Cleopatra cost each of her new lover-slave lives, nevertheless, the fatal beauty (some sources say that outwardly she was not a beauty) beckoned men to her. Each of them dreamed of conquering a woman with his strength and love skills, and in the morning to wake up not only alive, but also the king of all Egypt. Nevertheless, Cleopatra continued to kill her lovers, unaccepting compromise. Specialists in ancient egypt call the queen one of the first adherents of free love. It was believed that she was an experienced fellatrix, that is, she skillfully gave a blowjob to her chosen ones. Perhaps this is what tied Antony to her? The ancient Greeks nicknamed the queen Meriohane, which literally means "open-mouthed", "women with a thousand mouths." Another nickname for the mistress was "fat-lipped." Although Cleopatra had all the makings of a good ruler, her own desires prevented her from ruling skillfully. She also indulged her own famous lovers. For Caesar, Cleopatra seemed modest and intelligent, and for Antony she became a mad hunter for carnal pleasures. Love for the latter became tragic, the couple decided to resist Rome, for which they paid with their lives.

Phryne. But this Greek hetera became famous for its beauty. She worked as a model. From it, the ancient creators sculpted and painted Aphrodite herself. They wrote that Phryne was very bashful and extremely reluctant to be naked. She even met her men in the dark. As a result, the hetera was convicted of Negative influence on the most enlightened citizens of the republic. But when she was led to her execution and her clothes were torn off, the audience saw the perfect body of Phryne. Geter was immediately acquitted, since it was decided that a dissolute soul simply could not live in such a divine body.

Thais of Athens. This impudent hetaera became famous for seducing Alexander the Great himself. Although she was a prostitute, she became famous for her impregnability. She attracted the great conqueror herself by the fact that she did not want to give herself to him for any treasures or riches. The woman told Alexander that it was necessary to win her heart and then the whole world would fall before him. Subsequently, Thais was able to marry the Egyptian king Ptolemy I.

wu hu. This Chinese empress from the Tang Dynasty announced the advent of an era in the country female superiority. To do this, even the custom of licking the "lotus stamens" appeared in court etiquette. The Empress demanded that all government officials and visiting dignitaries show her special respect through cunnilingus. This ceremony has remained even in old paintings: Wu Hu holds her dress, and a guest kneels in front of her, who kisses her genitals.

Scheherazade. This woman is famous for her intelligence. Naturally, she did not only tell fairy tales with the Sultan. After each love intercourse, Scheherazade began to tell interesting story, which was interrupted by interesting place. At first, the Sultan even wanted to exile her to the lower harem, as a wife who no longer satisfies him. However, it turned out that these interesting tales no one else is able to tell the ruler. Shahriyar continued to listen to his concubine. This is how the book of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" appeared. That's how long it took the ruler to regain common sense and stop killing virgins. And what happened after that with the most desirable wife of the Sultan is unknown. Some infection is said to have caused her death.

Elizabeth Bathory. This woman went down in history under the name of the Bloody Countess. She had many lovers, the most famous of which is the painter Caravaggio. They say that she became for him not only a model, but also a real muse and goddess. Contemporaries recall that Bathory was of unearthly beauty, until her death she kept her face like young girl. This effect became possible supposedly due to the fact that the countess bathed in the blood of tortured and murdered virgins. In total, she killed about 600 women, among whom were not only peasant women and servants, but also noble persons. They say that Bathory came up with terrible mechanisms. For example, a metal coffin containing spikes inside. They entered the body shallowly, not killing immediately, but causing only bleeding. Thus, the victim died gradually, giving his blood to the insatiable countess. They say that Bathory invented several thousand sophisticated tortures and devices for this. Only in 1611 was the 50-year-old sadist condemned. There are several versions of her death. They say that the angry mob simply staged lynching for her, immuring her alive in the walls of her own castle. A popular story is that Bathory got away with it. Her family was too powerful. The bloody countess was sent to the dungeon to live out her term, away from human eyes. There is an opinion that Elizabeth was slandered. The fact is that she was richer than the king himself, who wanted to take away all her property from her. After the death of the countess, five of her children disappeared somewhere, and all her gold and lands went to the ruler. Bathory went down in history not only as a bloodthirsty killer, but also as one of the most beautiful women of her time with unfading beauty. In Hungary itself, the woman was called a vampire, believing that in terms of the number of her atrocities she was in no way inferior to Count Dracula.

Marquise de Pompadour. This favorite of the French king Louis XV was not only a skillful and tireless mistress, but also played an important role in European politics. It is said that she owes her passion to celery. Every day, the Marquise used two of the strongest aphrodisiacs at once - chocolate and celery root. In the morning she drank a mug of hot chocolate, adding ground root there. During the day she ate a special salad with apples, walnuts and celery. While it's unclear if she knew these particular foods helped her stay lovable, Pompadour could make love up to 10 times a day with different partners. Celery is generally a well-known pathogen. So in different countries peasants put a bunch of this plant at the head of the bed on their wedding night. Jeanne Poisson herself, the future Marquise of Pompadour, was promised the love of the king himself at the age of nine. What more could a young girl dream of? The origin of the Pompadour remains a mystery. There is an opinion that she was generally of low origin, just one day she successfully found herself a patron in the form of a nobleman and ended up at court. There, at a masquerade, she met Louis XV. The monarch was intrigued by the behavior of the girl, who coquettishly hid her face under a mask. And when the mask was removed, the king finally fell in love. Achieve a high position and the status of a favorite on long years it was not easy, but Jeanne was able to do it. She did not limit her activities to just bed. The Marquise of Pompadour took up the development of the arts, patronizing many artists and writers. Until her death, she remained for the king not only a mistress, but also a close friend. This in itself is a rarity.

Josephine. Napoleon's chosen one at the time of their meeting was not young, she was already over thirty and she had two children. However, she looked flawless on the outside. Although Bonaparte himself gave imperious orders to the rest, he was shy in front of Josephine and experienced either tender or passionate feelings. The secret of the victory over Napoleon was simple. Josephine was not just a beauty, she was also an excellent listener. Wise woman always approved of the actions of her lover, no matter what he did. And as a reward for this, she became the first Empress of France. The divorce of the couple took place only for the good of France - the country needed an heir.

Inessa Armand. This woman, although she was right in the center of revolutionary actions, her role was bashfully hushed up by historians. After all, she was the mistress of Vladimir Lenin himself, which somehow did not fit in with the immaculate image of the leader. Armand met him in front of Krupskaya in Paris. Personal relationships Inessa and Lenin were so close that Nadezhda Konstantinovna herself was in the background with her husband. Krupskaya was forced to forgive her husband's passion for his mistress, if only it was for the good of the revolution. Inessa herself was wholeheartedly devoted to her occupation and to Lenin himself. Armand left behind three children who were born before meeting the leader. And she died of cholera in 1920 and was buried not far from her beloved - under the Kremlin wall.

Mata Hari. This courtesan earned her living by performing exotic dances. At one time, all of Paris admired her. Many high-ranking officials of France and Germany became lovers of the artist. According to legend, during the First World War, Mata Hari was a spy, while cooperating with both warring parties at once. It is not known whether she was able to extract really valuable information from her patrons. Nevertheless, in 1917 the French shot Mata Hari for her spying for Germany. She herself became a legend, embodying the images femme fatale and a fearless intelligence agent.

Isadora Duncan. This American dancer led a bohemian lifestyle. She is considered the founder of free dance, from which the Art Nouveau style was born. She had many admirers, some of whom she reciprocated. Having survived the death of her two children, she went to Russia, where she met Sergei Yesenin. He became her lover and later her husband. Isadora herself, according to her contemporaries, did not captivate with her brilliant beauty. But she was very natural and had a natural sexuality. On stage, Duncan performed barefoot, and her every movement was filled with grace and natural charm. All her dances spoke of the fact that she was open to life and madly in love with her in all manifestations. She herself wrote: "If my art is symbolic, then this symbol is only one: the freedom of a woman and her emancipation from the rigid conventions that underlie puritanism." Contemporaries believed that Duncan's work opens up new horizons for the women of the future. Her dances were called brilliant, she was able to change both art and everyday life. But relations with Yesenin did not work out - two gifted creative person jealous of each other's glory.

Lilya Brik. Men were drawn to her by her sense of inner freedom. This woman had many admirers - Pablo Neruda, Marc Chagall, Louis Aragon, Sergei Parajanov, Fernand Léger, Yves Saint Laurent. But Brik's most famous lover was Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet even lived with her and her husband, embarrassing the townsfolk with such love triangle. Brik herself said: “We need to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what is not allowed at home, for example, to smoke or go wherever he pleases. good shoes and silk underwear. "As you can see, the secret of seduction is not so complicated. Lilya Brik often appears in the form of a femme fatale. If a man attracted her, then nothing could stop her. The story of Brik is covered with legends, there was some mystery that attracted the most famous men that time. Talking with people, Lily skillfully and cleverly emphasized her interest in her interlocutor. Brik has always been fashion-conscious, dressing with taste and hiding her flaws in her clothes. It was she who became the first woman in Moscow who dared to wear trousers. The straightforward Akhmatova recalled Lila in this way: "Hair dyed and impudent eyes on a worn face."

Marilyn Monroe. This mistress is one of the most mysterious in history. The sex symbol of the 20th century had a close relationship with US President John F. Kennedy. But this connection, like the subsequent death of the actress, is shrouded in mystery. It is not clear if Monroe's death was a suicide or if her love for Kennedy became a hindrance to someone and she was simply removed. During her lifetime, she managed to tarnish the reputation of an excellent family man and the pride of America, John F. Kennedy. It is still unprofitable for someone to reveal the secret about those events. One thing is clear - the sexy beauty Marilyn Monroe was deeply unhappy in her personal life. From the day she mysterious death more than half a century has passed, but she still remains the standard of femininity and sexuality. And the actress herself turned into a hyped and popular brand. With the help of her name, billions of dollars are earned annually in the world.

Edwina Curry. The mistress of the English Prime Minister John Major made it difficult for him political career after he decided to break up with her. Although the woman was even threatened with reprisal, she did not want to remain silent, writing the whole truth about her relationship with a powerful admirer. Written at the risk of his life, the book quickly became a bestseller, and Major's own career went downhill. Curry said that she was not only threatened, but also attacked and beaten twice. The criminals demanded silence from her and promised to kill her if the book was published. But she did it anyway. Maybe she was driven by a sense of revenge, or maybe the desire to prove that even powerful men should be held accountable for their actions. In the end, the truth about the premiere turned out to be stunning. No British politician was told so many humiliating details as about him. The most intimate details of his life became the property of the public. And this happened because one day he decided to leave the one who loved him. Fear for a career and threats only exacerbated the position of the unfortunate lover.

Sylvia Kristel b. This beautiful woman became famous for her leading role in the acclaimed erotic film "Emmanuelle". Her attractiveness did not go unnoticed by the most prominent men. Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, President of France, became Christelle's mistress. Moreover, their romance began even before he took this prominent post. d'Estaing himself never hid this relationship. As a result, Sylvia was even invited to all official events associated with the head of state. She acted as hostess at his receptions. Yes, and on foreign trips, the president often took Sylvia with him. Thus, Christelle seemed to have received the status of an "official" mistress.

Anne Penjo. As already mentioned, they often generated a scandal around their politician-fan. So it was with Anne Penjo. This mistress of Francois Mitterrand even settled in the Elysee Palace. But when the new president, Jacques Chirac, came to power, the first thing he did was order the eviction of Penjo and her illegitimate daughter from his predecessor from the state residence. Biographers say that the loving Mitterrand had many mistresses. Penjo was just one of them. That is why the French themselves were calm about the fact of its existence. But the fact that the president gave her free housing in the Elysee Palace, and even denied it, the citizens of the country could not forgive him. After Mitterrand's death, another scandal erupted. The mistress, along with the president's illegitimate daughter, wanted to attend the funeral, which his family vehemently opposed. Now Ann does not lead a luxurious life at all - she works in a museum, barely making ends meet. And Mitterrand's illegitimate daughter, with the help of the court, won the right to her father's surname and went into politics.

Monica Lewinsky. This mistress turned out to be very selfish. She not only had a strong influence on the career and family of her partner, but also did not fail to earn several million dollars from this. Monica told the press about all the details of her intimate relationship in the Oval Office. Already after this connection became known to the public, everyone was literally amazed at how the intern, unknown to anyone before, managed to carry out the operation she had planned. She even saved for history the dress in which she made love with Clinton. For the president, that story almost turned into a resignation and even a prison for lying before the court. Monica herself, with memories of those relationships, traveled all over the world. Lewinsky has written a book about her intimate relationship and even made a documentary, Monica in black and white", for which she received a multi-million dollar fee. And Clinton himself is frankly sorry, even his wife forgave him. It is only unclear what the charming and popular politician found in the unsightly plump Lewinsky.

"Women are made to be loved, not to be understood," he said. Oscar Wilde who understood feminine essence better than most men. The most famous women forever inscribed their names in history. And although some of them do not seem to us fatal beauties, and they really did not possess unearthly beauty, they were remembered for centuries ...

Roman Valeria Messalina went down in history as the most dissolute mistress, while being the wife of the emperor, she became a symbol of lust and fornication. Messalina lived in the 1st century AD and died at the hands of her husband at the age of 23. She wanted to enthrone her young lover Gaius Silius.

Historians also argue that at that time she was already seriously stricken with syphilis, so that death at the hands of her husband was a beautiful - and quite successful - end to her dissolute life.

According to her contemporaries, she was much more dissolute than Emperor Nero, who was famous for wild orgies, children's harems and the imperial palace turned into a brothel...

Egyptian Queen Cleopatra- one of the wisest mistresses, far from being a beauty in appearance. Cleopatra is perhaps the most controversial character in the ancient world. The night of love with the queen cost the man his life, however, those who wanted to experience all the passion of the fatal beauty did not become less from this.

Each man was determined to conquer Cleopatra with his strength and skill, and in the morning not only stay alive, but also become her lawful husband and king of Egypt. But Cleopatra was uncompromising: she did not leave life to any of her lovers.

Egyptologists call Cleopatra not only an adherent of free love, but also an experienced fellatrix ( fellatio from lat. fello - to suck), or, more simply, Cleopatra did an amazing blowjob. Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient Greeks gave her the name Meriohane - translated from Greek. - “open-mouthed”, “one that opens its mouth wide”; "wide short"; "the woman with ten thousand mouths." Cleopatra was also called Khaylon - "Thick-lipped".

Despite the good inclinations of a real ruler, Cleopatra most of all loved to indulge her desires. And the desires of their heroic lovers. Cleopatra always knew exactly what a man wants from her, what he wants to see her. For Caesar, she was smart and modest, and for Mark Antony, she was a frantic hunter for carnal pleasures.

Was truly beautiful Greek hetaera Phryne. Phryne's name means "toad" in Greek. But this name was not awarded at all for some faults. According to historians, in ancient Hellas, women with olive skin were called so - lighter, compared to the usual for dark-skinned Greeks - skin tone. The daughter of a wealthy physician Epikles, the girl received a good education.

Henryk Semiradsky "Phryne at the Feast of Poseidon in Eleusis" 1889 Russian Museum

Early realizing her worth, the smart and ambitious beauty realized that thanks to her appearance she could achieve a lot. She was not at all attracted by the fate of an ordinary provincial housewife, which was the fate of many Greek women.

Of course, the life of such a woman could not do without dramatic events. The orator Evfiy fell in love with a hetaera. For her love, he was ready to lay out all his fortune. To rejuvenate and please his beloved, he even shaved off his beard and solicited favor with all his might. But the ungrateful courtesan ridiculed him.

Jose Frappa, "Phryna"

And then Euthius filed a complaint against the hetaera with the Athenian court accusing him of godlessness, which was a serious accusation at that time and entailed exile or death. The reason for everything was the statue of Aphrodite of Cnidus - the one that the sculptor Praxiteles once sculpted in the likeness of a little-known stranger hetaera, who was then just beginning.

For this, the orator Euthius, who was rejected by her, accused the geter of godlessness and blasphemy. Allegedly, allowing herself to be worshiped as a goddess, the courtesan thereby offended the greatness of the gods, and also constantly corrupted the most prominent citizens of the republic, "turning them away from serving for the good of the fatherland."

At the trial, Phryne was defended by the orator Hyperides, who had long sought her favor. For this, she promised him to become his mistress. But, despite all the eloquence of the lawyer and the testimony of witnesses, the judges were extremely harsh, and the case took a worse turn.

Jean Leon Gerome Phryne before the court of the Areopagus. 1861

Then Hyperides uttered his famous words:
- Noble judges, look all of you, admirers of Aphrodite, and then, sentence to death the one that the goddess herself would recognize as her sister! - and with a sharp movement he pulled off the covers from the shoulders of Phryne, who was standing in front of the court, exposing the defendant.

“The judges were seized with a holy awe, and they did not dare to execute the priestess of Aphrodite,” wrote the historian Athenaeus, because, according to the ideas of the Greeks of that time, an imperfect body could not hide in such a perfect body. Hetera was acquitted, and the court punished Evfiya with a large fine.

Thais of Athens- a daring hetera who seduced Alexander the Great. She went down in history as an impregnable beauty, although she was a prostitute.

Unlike Phryne's hetaera, Thais did not inspire a single sculptor or artist, no one captured the beauty of her body and face. This is all the more strange because Thais of Athens was not an ordinary hetero, but best friend and the mistress of Alexander the Great himself, and later became the second wife of the king of Egypt, Ptolemy the First, from whom she gave birth to two children - a daughter, Eirene, and a son, Leontisk.

There is almost no mention of it in the annals. As if providence itself made sure that there was no memory left of this hetaera. And yet they know about her, they remember her, and that's all thanks to her extremely eccentric and, at the same time, patriotic act ... So who is she - Thais of Athens and what did she do?

“... Ptolemy could not take his eyes off the stranger, like a goddess who arose from the foam and noise of the sea. copper face, grey eyes and blue-black hair- a completely unusual appearance for an Athenian struck Ptolemy.

Later, he realized that the copper-colored tan of the girl allowed her not to be afraid of the sun, which so frightened the Athenian fashionistas. The Athenians tanned too deeply, becoming like lilac-bronze Ethiopians, and therefore avoided being naked in the air. And this one is copper-bodied, like Circe or one of the legendary daughters of Minos with solar blood, and stands before him with the dignity of a priestess. No, not a goddess, of course, and not a priestess, this short, very young girl.

In Attica, as in all of Hellas, priestesses are selected from among the tallest fair-haired beauties. But where does her calm confidence and polished movements come from, as if she were in a temple, and not on an empty shore, naked in front of him, as if she, too, had left all her clothes on the distant cape of Foonta? Charites, who endowed women with magical attractiveness, were embodied in girls of small stature, but they made up an eternally inseparable trio, and here there was one!”

So begins the book of Ivan Efremov " Thais of Athens", Thanks to which more than one generation has already learned about this great woman who really lived in Athens. But Efremov sang not so much the beauty of the hetaera, but rather her wisdom and courage.

Tais favorably differed from her contemporaries in her appearance, and her proud character, lively mind made it possible to stand on a level with worthy men, which could not help but notice the king of Macedonia himself - Alexander.

Having become the beloved of the king and commander, Thais accompanied him even on military campaigns. It was during one of them, which ended with the complete defeat of the Persians and the capture of the royal palace in Persepolis, that Thais did what many historians wrote with rapture.

Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch describe it especially colorfully. According to their records, Tais drove into Persepolis, which fell under the onslaught of the Macedonian army, on a chariot.

Exposing your beautiful body, covered only precious jewelry, not at all embarrassed by the many soldiers who greeted her with cries, she proudly rode around the courtyard, was sweet and cheerful at the royal feast, and, having waited until everyone present had drunk a lot, she suddenly grabbed a torch and began to call on the king and his soldiers to burn the palace.

Alexander the Great with getters in the captured persepolis . Thais calls on the king to set the palace on fire. Drawing by G. Simoni.

Tipsy and heated men without further ado fulfilled her desire. The pearl of Persian culture, an amazing architectural complex - was burned to the ground and destroyed ....

This act of hers could be condemned without knowing the background, but Thais really had reasons to take revenge on the Persian "barbarians": quite recently, her family was forced to flee from the Persian troops, and returning back to Athens, she was horrified by the charred ruins that turned into a magnificent marble city. This resentment sunk deep into the heart of the Athenian, and she could not deny herself the pleasure of taking revenge on Xerxes.

Thais sets fire to Persepolis. Painting Joshua Reynolds , 1781

"- And let people say that the women accompanying Alexander managed to avenge the Persians for Greece better than the famous leaders of the army and fleet!" - shaking the burning torch, the militant geter finished her speech. ... And her words were drowned in a loud rumble of approval and applause. "(With)

This event, which became the brightest chapter in the history of Thais, hetaeras from Athens, once again proves how great the power of a woman in this world. A wise woman can achieve the fulfillment of any of her desires, a bright woman can inspire actions and creative impulses, and a passionate and courageous woman can lead her to any feats and accomplishments. What if we put it all together?

Chinese empress Wu Hu of the Tang Dynasty introduced into court etiquette the custom of "licking the stamens of a lotus", which symbolized the advent of an era of female superiority.

Wu Hu demanded that all government officials and visiting dignitaries show their special respect for Her Imperial Majesty through cunnilingus. So, ancient paintings depict the Empress supporting her dress, and the dignitary, kneeling in front of her, kisses her genitals.

In Chinese stories of the 18th-19th centuries, one can read about a romantic and comfortable armchair. Large landowners quite widely used this device.

It was a folding chair with automatic grippers for arms and legs, when a woman was put into this chair, the grips worked and fixed her arms and legs, and the chair itself unfolded, turning into a miniature bed. Such chairs were banned during the reign of the Manchus.

Scheherazade famous for her intelligence. After each act of love, she told her master a fairy tale, which she interrupted at the most interesting place. The Sultan initially wanted to exile her to the lower harem as a wife who no longer satisfies him, but he never did, because she was a tireless storyteller, and no one could tell him such stories.

Scheherazade and her book of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" is a folk legend about the same brilliant dreamer who was the most desired wife of the Sultan for exactly 1000 nights. What happened to her afterwards is unknown. According to some sources, she died from some infectious disease.

Blood Countess Alzhbeta Bathory became the muse of the painter Caravaggio, his model and goddess. According to legend, she had unearthly beauty and had the face of a young girl until her death, and all because she tortured and killed young girls, and then bathed in their blood.

She killed about six hundred women, among whom were not only servants and peasant women, but also women of noble birth. Bathory is credited with making monstrous mechanisms. Among them is a metal coffin with spikes inside, the spikes do not penetrate deep into the body, they only cause bleeding. In this case, the victim slowly dies from blood loss.

The Blood Countess had several thousand painful tortures and devices in her arsenal. In 1611, at the age of 50, Alzhbet Bathory was tried, and then an angry mob staged lynching - the countess was immured in the wall of her castle in the Lesser Carpathians.

According to another version, the widow of Bathory was slandered because she was richer than the king, and he wanted to take away her land and gold. Where her five children disappeared after her death is also unknown, but the immortal wealth of the widow Bathory went to the royal family.

She went down in history as beautiful woman Europe with unfading youth, and in Hungary, to lure tourists, she is still called a vampire, not inferior in the number of atrocities and cruelty to Vlad the Impaler, the prototype of Count Dracula.

Voluptuous Marquise de Pompadour, the favorite of the French king Louis XV, is still considered one of the most tireless and skillful mistresses. The secret of her passion is in celery.

Her daily menu included two of the strongest aphrodisiacs - chocolate and celery root. The lady drank a cup of hot chocolate with celery root powder in the morning, and during the day she ate a salad of celery, apples and walnuts.

It is not known for certain whether she or she knew about the exciting effect of these products, but she had sex five to ten times a day and with different partners. By the way, in many countries, peasants hung a bunch of celery at the head of the bed on their wedding night.

The Marquise de Pompaure (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was predicted at the age of nine that she would have a relationship with the king himself. Its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, she was not at all from rich family, but she was very lucky to find herself a patron in the face of a nobleman.

Her meeting with King Louis XV took place at a masquerade. The king was intrigued by the behavior of the girl who hid her face under the mask, and when she took it off, it finally struck the monarch. Progress towards the goal further was not easy, but Jeanne nevertheless achieved her goal, becoming the official favorite of the king.

She continued her vigorous activity - she took up the development of art, becoming the greatest patron for many writers and artists of that time. The Marquise de Pompadour until her death remained for Louis not just a mistress, always brilliant and original, but also a friend, which is very rare.

Men from this list went down in history not only as great commanders and rulers, but also as famous womanizers and lovers. Here is a list of ten of the most famous people who are famous for their victories on the love front.


1. Louis XIV.

The King of France ascended the throne at the age of four and reigned for 72 years - far longer than any other European king in history. Over time, the king surrounded himself with a dozen official favorites who were ready to do everything to be near him.

2. Peter the Great.

The first passion of the Russian emperor for women was known far beyond the palace. According to historians, Peter had a real harem in his residence, which included only ladies from high society. Despite the fact that he was the emperor of Russia, in love affairs he was not a patriot and preferred women from Europe.

3. Giacomo Casanova.

The name of this Italian writer has become synonymous with the hero-lover. Thanks to his aunt, Casanova grew up to be a gallant and educated young man. It was these qualities that conquered all of his women. The ladies (and, according to various sources, there were about 1000 of them) were crazy about him and Giacomo treated each of them in a special way leaving no broken hearts.

4. Napoleon I Bonaparte.

The French emperor wrote his name in history not only with his military campaigns and political victories. FROM young age Napoleon courted women and did his best to win over the lady he loved. He gave his mistresses luxurious gifts and wrote them heartfelt romantic letters.

5. Marquis de Sade.

This French aristocrat, writer and philosopher is known for his unusual preferences in bed, now called sadism. Many courtesans became victims of his passion. At the age of 23, de Sade had already visited all the brothels, experienced different kinds pleasures and became known as the most desired lover of Paris.

6. Honore de Balzac.

This famous French writer knew a lot about women. Perhaps it was for this reason that he preferred only middle-aged women (a woman of Balzac age). The writer did not hide his many intrigues with married ladies. Moreover, according to some information from Balzac's biography, he was not the initiator of most of his adventures. Married women showered the writer with love voluntarily.

7. Pablo Picasso.

Nature endowed this Spanish artist not only with talent in painting, but also with the ability to professionally seduce women. No one really knows how many mistresses Picasso had, but one thing is for sure - there are many fleeting romances in his biography.

8. Clark Gable.

Clark Gable, American actor and sex symbol of the 1930s and 1940s, was married five times. Josephine Dillon was 14 years older than him and Maria Langham was 17 years older. Then there were Carole Lombard, Sylvia Ashley and Kay Williams. Despite the many adventures of the actor, his third wife, Carole Lombard, was his only true love which Clark has put through all his late marriages and novels.

9. Suleiman I.

Suleiman I the Magnificent became the greatest sultan of the Ottoman dynasty. Like any eastern ruler of that time, Suleiman had a huge harem with hundreds of the most beautiful girls from all conquered and friendly territories. Each concubine dreamed of becoming the legal wife of the ruler, giving birth to an heir, or at least spending more nights with him.

10. Don Miguel de Manyara (prototype of Don Juan).

Even though Don Juan literary character, it still has a real prototype. The name of this hero-lover is Miguel de Manyara. Don Miguel's list of achievements includes 640 Italian, 100 French, 231 German, 91 Turkish and 1003 Spanish ladies!
