Scenarios of the concert program for February 23. Scenario of the festive concert "February 23 - celebrates our country" for children of senior preschool age

1. Immediately after the victory of the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd on November 7-8, 1917 Soviet power I had to fight not only with internal enemies who did not want to go into a bright communist tomorrow, but also with external enemies - continued 1 World War And fighting went to the territory of Russia.

The Soviet government, in order to protect the Soviet state from Kaiser's Germany, began organizing regular armed forces.

2. On January 28, 1918, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed a decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army

(RKKA), and on February 11, the decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet" - (RKKF). Workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland were accepted into the Red Army and the Red Navy.

1. On February 18, 1918, the Austro-German and Turkish troops, treacherously violating the truce, invaded Soviet Russia and proceeded to the occupation of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

On February 23, the Day of the Red Army was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the "Kaiser's troops." In Petrograd alone, tens of thousands of volunteers rose up to repulse the enemy. The newly formed units of the Red Army immediately entered the battle against the German troops.

2. Since 1922, February 23 has acquired the character of a great national holiday. 2013 is the anniversary year. Our army is 95 years old. This figure indicates that today's holiday is a holiday of real men, young men, boys, each of whom is our protector, future soldier.

Unannounced song "Future Soldier"


1. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Some choose it once and for all, become officers and cannot imagine another life. And someone dreams of something else and sees himself as a builder or engineer, programmer or doctor.

2 . But no matter what path the young men choose, in the life of any Russian man there comes a period when he goes to serve in the army. And then the house in which he lives turns into a house where a soldier is expected. Soldiers are waiting in our village today _____________________________________________________________________________________

1 . Soldier! You are doing an honorable service!

And on a festive day you proudly stand in line.

Yes, military service is sometimes not easy,

But love for the Fatherland is hot, deep!

2. We want to wish you this holiday

So that you are lucky, invincible!

Let your commanders be proud of you!

And thank you for protecting our peace!

  1. And to you, fathers and mothers, grandparents, sisters and brothers, the brides of our soldiers, we wish health, success in everything and givethe song "I serve Russia" performed by Anatoly Ermolaev.


1. On this wonderful day, we cannot ignore the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those who fulfilled their duty to the Motherland. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day

and wish them health, good spirits and every blessing. Congratulations for you on our stage Panov Viktor . The song _____________________________ sounds for you


2. Everyone is well aware of the words of Suvorov: “The soldier whodoes not dream of becoming a general.

1. And I will allow myself to rephrase: "The general who does not dream of a strong rear is bad." Everyone, of course, understood who I mean by the rear: wife, girlfriend, lover.

2. For you men, our generals,sings Oksana Kotkova.

Song my general.


1 . To the face of gray hair and wrinkles,

Calm, confident look.

Men, men, men

Now they are sitting in this room.

2. I don't believe stupid rumors

All fewer men, They say.

Knocking on closed doors

They look away in fear.

1. Like, now men are getting smaller,

They completely forgot about honor.

They save our lives

And everyone controls everything!

2. About chivalry, they say, there is no mention ...

In my opinion, this is a lie.

Men, you are! To you men

We dedicate our performance!

1 . Performed by the trio "Spring" soundssong "What to give you."


1. The next number of our holiday program- the song "Bibika" - is, it seems to me, the answer to the question "What to give you", asked by the previous participants in the concert.

2. Why do you think so?

1. Yes, because Bibika, i.e. The car remains the favorite toy of men of all ages.

2. Well, it's hard to disagree with that.

3. So, our holiday continues with a children's vocal trio withsong Bibika.

Soldier and sailor.

Soldier: Hello dear friends, hello dads and grandpas!
sailor : Hello! So it sounds like a military.
Soldier: The concert continues!
sailor : I would clarify: the operation codenamed "Concert" is developing successfully. All artists are in uniform.
Soldier : In what form?
Sailor: In the best, artistic.
Soldier : On the stage, I would say, battle formation.
sailor : What is it with you, sailor, for a military language like this: “I would say ...” You need to speak differently, in a military way! Look at the hall...
Soldier: I'm watching.
Sailor: You look - but you see nothing! And you see how the audience and guests are sitting? Yes, even at such a military holiday! Well, sort it out in rows! Sixth row, pull up! Twelfth row, put aside the talk! Nineteenth row, straighten your shoulders! That's how to speak the military language! And I'm sure everyone here will understand me. However, we will talk about this topic a little later. And now we need to adequately fulfill the instructions of the concert command and speak to our dads and grandfathers. Well, are you ready?
Soldier: Yes sir! The order must be followed. Give me music! Dancers, on stage!

Dance "Sunflowers"


Dear dads, uncles!
We wholeheartedly want
Now congratulate you on the most
Happy holiday male!

With the one that is sure
Included now in every home ...
War begins
He commanded: "Rise!"
And this command sounds
By the way, for us...
Five minutes - and we are dressed,
We got up cheerfully from dawn
In a year, maybe for the first time!
And without extra words washed,
We show up in all our glory.
What is Vasya, even Rita, -
As one! In short everything!
May I apply?
We want to congratulate you!
And accept flowers from us
Tulips bright in bloom
Because on defense
Our happiness is worth
You are at the military post!
For us to live in peace
They went to school and kindergarten.
We don't need wars at all

We need peace for all the guys!-
And with smiles on their faces
We tell our families:

We are just like dads!

We want to be like them!

Leaders take the stage.

Presenter 1: There is a beautiful day in February
When we congratulate men.
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.

Presenter 2: Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You, like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

Presenter1:- February 23 the whole country will celebrate great holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. The word "Fatherland" of the same root as the word "father", "Fatherland", " Father's house”, “Paternal land. Fatherland is our country, Motherland.

Presenter 2: We dedicate today's concert program to the Defenders of the Fatherland and that's it. good words and best wishes for you.

Presenter 1: In the old days, they talked about men who defended their homeland with respect and pride.

AT 2- How proudly the word "Men" sounds! And what does it say?

IN 1- A man is courage

AT 2- Will.

IN 1- Magnanimity.

AT 2- And nobility.

IN 1- Courage.

AT 2“And strength.


Happy Defenders Day

Happy holiday, friends.

Do not congratulate on this day

You can't.

On this day, we wish everyone

Happiness, blessings, prosperity,

So that in the service and at home

It was all right.

So that health never

Didn't let you down

So that you have a cloudless

Everything was from now on!

That he became universal,

Everyone is pretty clear...

Happy Defender's Day. A country!

Happy holiday!

No. 1 Alina Ilkaeva performs. Music by Fayzi, lyrics by Tukay. Bayram Bugen.

Speaker Akhmarova Ilyana. Volkov. "Rainbow".

AT 2. Every year on this day we remember those who defended our Motherland from the enemy, stood up for its freedom and independence.

IN 1 I am a Russian person, and Russian nature
Kind to me, and I sing it.
I am a Russian man, the son of my people,
I proudly look at my Motherland!

No. 2 Barashkov Artem performs. Russian folk song "In the forge"._________________________________________________

Vedas 1. Everyone reveres this glorious day

In it on the face of all the courage features

Any man fragile world stores

Serving the Fatherland, with valor on you

Not everyone can accomplish the feat

Especially - in the stream of peaceful days,

But everyone must serve the Motherland

Hurt soul and heart only about her

February brought us a great holiday

Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!

Protects from storms and thunderstorms

Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.


V.2: The Russian folk song “Motherland” performed by Kurbangaliev Aizat sounds for you.
Matishev Runar performs. Tat. national song "Su yes, oyzalasenme."

AT 2. On this day we remember not only those who went through the difficult paths of the war, who forged victory in the rear, but also those who, decades later, performed their international duty in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
No. 4 Enzhe Zakirova performs. "Memory". ???????(Guitar)________________________________________________

AT 2: The events of the Afghan war are becoming more and more distant over the years, but those who went through them are not forgotten. Poems are written about them, Heroes, songs are sung, stories about their exploits are passed from mouth to mouth. All this is a tribute to the memory of a warrior who honorably fulfilled his soldier's duty.

№5Mursalimov Danil speaks. "Song of the Elusive Avengers". Speaker Mitrieva Rufina. Batyr-Bulgari. "Guy with an accordion." __________________________________________________

AT 2: Russia…

Like a word from a song

birch young foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse, Russian soul -

I love you my Russia

I love, I deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness

I love everything they call

One broad word RUS.

№6_Tuiguldina Elvina speaks. Babadzhanyan. "Elegy".________________________________________________
Speaker Abdalova Dinara. Namb.

IN 1: On this day we traditionally congratulate our dear dads!

My dad is not serving now, but sometime

He, too, was a faithful soldier of the Motherland,

He also held a combat machine

Peace guarding the Russian guys

Now he works hard

So that our native land is rich and strong.

No. 7 Our dear dads, for you the next number is performed by the vocal ensemble "Song about dad".________________________________________________
Vedas 2: Today we want to congratulate our boys, the future Defenders of the Fatherland.

When our children become adults,

They, too, will be called to serve as soldiers,

After all, any Russian man should,

Be able to go into battle for Russia

Let the guys protect the country from enemies

And honestly carry out military service

We will be proud of our guys

Long live the valiant Russian soldier!

AT 2: No. 8 Ilkaev Artur performs. Music by Poplyanov, lyrics by Tatarinov. "Tin soldier". ___________________________________________
Speaker Sagidullina Vika. Chaikovsky. "February. Maslenitsa".

IN 1: Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only in the exercises of soldiers
Move forward on the attack.
Let spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep
And your children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today
And who fully gave the debt to the Motherland!

No. 9_The junior choir "Spring song" performs ________________________________________________

IN 1: Thank you soldiers
For a life,
For childhood
For the spring
For the silence
For a peaceful home
For the world we live in.

No. 10 An ensemble of teachers performs. Saidashev. "March of the Soviet Army". ___________________________________________

AT 2:- Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let us say one more wish, the last and most important thing - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!

IN 1: Everything has its time - leisure and fun,

A mountain of other problems awaits you tomorrow,

And our holiday is coming to an end,

It's time to say goodbye, my friends.

Happy journey, thanks for your attention,

Happy journey, see you soon, friends!

"Perfect wife"
Scenario of a theatrical concert,
dedicated February 23

The back of the stage is decorated with an arch of balloons. Music sounds.
The presenter welcomes all the men in the hall.
Host: This story could happen in every family. As you know, February 23 is the favorite holiday of men ... and they all strive to celebrate it at all costs.

Behind the scenes, an accordion sounds, the curtain opens. On the stage, three friends sing "Tanks rumbled on the field." The wife enters, tired from working with large bags. Stops singing.

Wife: Again, drunkards have cleared up, I am dragging heavy bags, raising children, feeding the whole family, and you have one thing on your mind. And when will it end? Well, get the hell out of here, you bastards!

The song “What a mess we have in our house today” sounds to the melody of the song “Weather in the House”.
The men run away, and the husband tries to say something, but his wife does not listen to him and beats the whole company with a broom.

Wife: Everything! My patience has snapped, I'm leaving for my mother! (Leaves, slamming the door.)

Husband: Well, I congratulated you on the holiday, I didn’t even remember that today is February 23rd. And why should I be punished? All wives are like wives, and mine is migera. And it's not like that for her either. All! Let him live with his mother (one field of berries). And I will find myself another: beautiful, economic, smart, kind, gentle, caring. But where to look for this? (Bell rings).
The husband presses the button. A businesswoman appears.

Employee: Did you call?
Husband: Me? Whom?

Employee: As far as I understand, you asked to find an economic, gentle, caring, beautiful and smart woman. We work with those. Please take your passport and follow me.

Husband: Where?
Employee: To our service agency "Ideal Wife", where you can choose the one you have been dreaming of all your life. And now about the list of services provided by the company.
The song ______________________________________, performed by Christina Peregudova, sounds.
Music plays in the background. The company representative and her husband descend from the stage, pass through the hall and return through another portal. A woman is on watch (watchman, flirting with her husband.
The song is "Winter".

Employee: Please moderate your ardor, Klara Evdatovna. It's with me.

Watchman: (Disgruntled) Come in.
Employee: And so, let's get acquainted with our file cabinet. By the way, it's pretty big. In order to select the appropriate type, I need to find out those qualities in a woman that you value the most.
Defile of girls.

Husband: Let her be a very good housewife.
An employee dials a number, a housewife comes out. The game "Cook Dinner" is underway.

Employee: Do our housewives meet your high requirements?

Husband: More than! I have already made my choice.
Employee: I propose to consider a few more candidates. And so, your wish is that your wife be beautiful. Let's get a look.

Employee: Pretty? Or do you want something even prettier? (Husband opens his mouth). Got it, even more beautiful.
musical number ________________________________________________

Employee: I see that you are confused, I suggest you relax and rest a little. There are probably men in our gym who love all kinds of sports, without exception, and would like to see a woman capable of sporting achievements. Of course, she must be an active cheerleader.

Positive responses are heard in the hall. A girl appears in sportswear. Conducts a game with the "Fans" hall.

Employee: Did you rest? Now let's look further. The next wish sounded like this: "affectionate and tender." Please pay attention.
Girls appear, perform the Kann-kan dance. In the finale, the husband dances with the girls, but after a while he tries to break free.

Employee: Is something wrong? Affectionate wives choice…
Husband: I don't need so many, I want one.
Employee: Just one!

Music number.
The husband is trying to follow the vocalist backstage.
Employee: Please moderate your ardor. That's not all. We have more valuable employees. In your questionnaire, you indicated that a wife should be kind.

Husband: Yes?
Employee: Yes! See and choose!
Musical number "Forgive me". Performed by Tsiprankova L.

Employee: And so, you made your choice?
Husband: (confused). A…

Employee: Lenochka, invite our staff.
The clown runs. Monologue "Take me". The husband is horrified and tries to leave. All the women run out. They perform the song and dance "Sultan".

Husband: Leave me alone. I want to go home, to my wife, to my own, to my own, to my beloved ...
Everyone disperses. The wife appears.

Employee: And this is the most valuable employee in the file of our company (Everyone says in unison): "The ideal wife."
They dance the waltz. Everyone applauds.

Employee: Dear men, remember: We love you not only on February 23, but all 365 days of the year. And believe me, each of you is the most important, most beloved, most the right man in our life.
The final song sounds _____________________________________

2 leaders come out.

Solemn music sounds.

1. Hello dear friends!

2. We wish you good health! So it sounds like a military.

1. Our concert begins.

2. Operation, codenamed "Concert" is developing successfully. All artists are in uniform.

1. In what form?

2. The best artistic.

1. On the stage, I would say, battle formation.

2. What is it with you, sailor, for a military language like this: "I would say." We need to speak differently! Here, look at the hall.

1. I look.

2. You look - and you see nothing! And you see how the audience is sitting? Yes, even at such a military holiday! Come on, sort it out in rows! Sixth row, pull up! Eighth row, stop talking! Eleventh row, straighten your shoulders! Here's how to speak the military language. And I'm sure everyone here will understand me. However, we will talk about this topic a little later. And now we need to fulfill the order of the commander-

niya concert and read poetry. Well, how are you ready?

1. That's right! The order must be followed. The Rise group is invited to the stage.

A group of students in grades 5-6 rises to the stage.

Dear teachers,
We wholeheartedly want
Now congratulate you on the most
Bright holiday for men!
With the one that is sure
Now included in every home:
It begins with a military command:

And this command sounds
By the way, for us:
Five minutes - and we are dressed,
We got up cheerfully from dawn
In a year, maybe for the first time!

And washed without further ado,
We show up in all our glory.
What is Vasya, even Rita, -
As one! In short, everything!

And with smiles on their faces
We tell our families:
- May I apply?
We want to congratulate you!

For us to live in peace
We went to the lyceum, to the kindergarten.
We don't need wars at all
We need peace for all children!

We want to give you a song
May we begin?
We will sing loudly, together
We kindly ask you to help!

The song "Good Soldiers" sounds.

(At the end, the group of guys leaves the stage.)

1. It was the Rise group. Thanks guys! Well, sailor, let's continue our topic?

2. Is this about military language?

1. Well, in general, yes. Moreover, a funny story happened in our barracks not so long ago. The orderly forgot, as expected, to wake up the unit, and instead: "Company, get up!" - shouted: "Rota, stop spending the night!"

2. And we have one boy boasted: they say, in the presence of his father, even admirals take off their caps.

1. It can be seen that his father was the commander-in-chief of the fleet, is it not otherwise ?!

2. Yes, he was not the commander in chief, he just worked as a hairdresser.

1. Funny story unless it's a joke. However, jokes are jokes, but it's time for you and me to announce the next number. I think it would be nice to remember the dance.

2. I agree. And what do you think the dance should be like?

1. Why think? I think it's marine. We haven't had him in concert yet.

2. Marine, so marine!

1. Meet!

2. Great. Good dance.

1. Do you know that now dance lessons are taught in all military schools and military academies?! The ability to move beautifully is considered mandatory for an officer. And most of all we love the waltz.

Dance "Waltz"

Strong, durable and sealed
Become a dream of any of us.
The hour will come and the champions
We will win the fight more than once.
IN Russian army and in the navy
No wonder sports are highly respected,
And we don't mind at all
That sport each of us lives!
(The sports block begins. Demonstration performances of the boxing section.)

How many songs about the army are composed,
How many songs about the fleet are composed!
We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,
Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!
Let the guitars sound desperate
Let the timpani and trumpets strike, -
The song-friend of the meeting is waiting with the soldiers.
Young, so young!
There are such hidden words in it,
What can not touch our hearts:
About big military roads,
About our beloved Motherland!

Song performed by VIA Rodina

A young man enters the stage. He performs the monologue "How the Motherland Begins."

Young man. I understood that the Motherland begins, first of all, with that oath, with that military oath, which you took to it, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, becoming its soldier, warrior, and therefore its defender.

How long have we been in fashionable suits with hairstyles, danced the most dashing dances with girls in discos and strummed guitars in the yard? How long have they been waiting at the military registration and enlistment office for an officer who, with difficulty, put us in line and led us to the station, to the train? And how long has this train arrived at its destination, in which the same guitar was strumming? Only her voice had already changed, her voice was breaking. Yes, the one who played on it also broke. And those broke too, who silently listened. Recruits, greenhorns, we arrived in the military unit that has become our home today. And the army days began.

Become! Equal! Attention!

Why were you late for formation, Private Kutsenko?

Because everyone lined up before I came.

Get in line!

Welcome guys to our friendly army family. Here you can feel at home. And always remember that you are one family. And the commander is your father.

(One of the recruits suddenly starts lighting a cigarette.)

What are you doing?

I feel at home. When dad spoke, I always lit a cigarette.

That is great! After smoking, go to the company toilet and wash everything there to a shine.

The toilet is part of our home, and keeping it clean is the responsibility of zealous family members. Especially when you consider that the commander is both dad and mom for you at once ...

And now - “Get up! Equal! Attention!"

What I will tell you will please and upset at the same time. First, good news.

Today, at company training, the pace of the forced march will be set by Private Mundshtukov.

And now, guys, a little disappointment. Private Mouthshtukov will set the pace for the company on my motorcycle. Are you clear?

Yes sir!

Great! Yes, the general is coming to visit us the other day. It is necessary to prepare a concert.

I'll give you half an hour to prepare the number. Disperse!

The soldiers disperse, each makes his own proposals for the preparation

concert number.

What if we show tricks?

Or juggle, I know how?!

And I know how to dance lezginka. Look! (dancing "Lezginka")

Well done, great dance!

No, you need something else, a soldier's.

Or maybe a song?

Song? Which one?

Listen! (plays tune)

Suddenly, the foreman enters.

Why are we sitting? Waiting for anybody? Will I prepare the number for you?

We're all set.

Who sings well?

Weaver, sing!

The song sounds with the guitar "Demobilization"

Not bad, but you will sing this song in two years, and now - a company, harder

step! One, two, three: one, two, three! Rota, stop! Private Zheludkov, what happened?

Nothing special, comrade senior lieutenant, the belt fell off.

Why was there such a crash?

So the machine is tied to the belt!

Private Gordeev, where do you start cleaning the machine gun?

First of all, I check the number of the machine.

To make sure that this is my machine, and not someone else's!

Yablochkov, Zheludkov, Gordeev - start the task!

Target shooting.

Suddenly there is a voice:

Comrade senior lieutenant, from such results I am ready to shoot myself!

Shoot, you say? I wonder from what time you get into yourself? Disperse!

Yes, that's how it was at first. But we gradually got used to it, became more serious, more collected. Pulled up in all disciplines. And in terms of discipline, too. And when some hour of free time fell out, everyone again and again remembered parental home, beloved. And how we waited for these letters!

Miniature "Soldier's Letters".

A girl comes out, poems sound against the background of lyrical music.

Under sunny sky,
Under the warm rain
Under the snowy blizzard ringing
You serve, guys, we will wait for you,
Just write us letters more often!
you to the army units
The trains will be dispersed
And more than once in the middle of the night
Raise an alarm:
We will always miss you
But two years
Not so much!
Think back to your parents' home.
The work of a soldier is not easy, but honorable:
You serve, guys - we will wait for you,
Only military duty fulfill you holy!

The song "Letter to Mother" sounds.

Today, we, who have gone through military school, reason and look at life in a completely different way. Now we have understood that the Motherland - from its northern borders to the southern ones - begins with us.

Friends, on this great military holiday, we cannot but remember those immortal heroes who gave their lives for the freedom, honor and independence of our Motherland! Eternal glory to them! Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten! Let's honor their blessed memory with a moment of silence. Everybody get up!

After a minute of silence, the young man gives a command to those on the stage:

Equal! Attention!

On the background sounding melody Y. Frenkel's songs "Cranes" performed by readers recitative verses sound.

Check, check, check -
An excited voice above the ranks.
Forever the names will not fade
For the homeland of the fallen heroes.

And the whole system freezes,

And we answer

short word response
And proudly sounds, and winged.
Through the eyes of the heroes of the planet
Today he is looking at a soldier.

They are with us - our comrades,
And the whole system freezes,
When the names of the fearless are spoken
We are responsible

The stage is full of light. Leaders come out.

1. Well, our holiday is coming to an end.

2. Oh, it's a pity that we will have to study military science for more than one year!

1. Nothing, time flies quickly. Don't worry! And the defense of the Motherland is still in the reliable hands of our fathers, brothers and senior comrades.

2. We have only one thing left to say:


SCENARIO holiday concert to the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Heroes for All Seasons"

  • The date of the event is February 22, 2017.
  • Location - Entertainment Center"Don"
  • Start - 14-00 hours.
  • On celebratory event among the invitees: participants in the Second World War, participants in local military operations, liquidators of man-made disasters, heads of enterprises and organizations, representatives power structures And public organizations, leaders of the city and district
  • Before the start of the event, thematic works are heard in the recording.
  • The stage is festively decorated.
  • The lights go out in the hall. A long fanfare heralds the start of the event.
  • The emblem of the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the name of the concert are displayed on the screen.
  • The recording contains the words of the announcer.

ANNOUNCER: Russia is a holy, sovereign land

Your defenders cannot be counted,

Your soldiers will pave the glorious path,

With courage, dignity and honor!

A video about military prowess, a modern army and military newsreel footage are shown.

The hosts of the festive concert come out against the musical background.

HE: Hello everyone who came to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. This auditorium brought together the best representatives strong half our beautiful land!

SHE: In the midst of winter - a harsh season. So history ordered, and the main feature of the holiday is that we celebrate it in February - the day of real men. The focus of this day is brave, strong, noble men's hearts!

HE: In our age, being a man is not easy,

Become a leader, pass for a wall in a circle.

To be a strong friend, to be at the epicenter of the toast,

And to be loved by both wife and country.

SHE: In our age, it is difficult for a man to be right,

Have wealth, but not be stingy.

To be healthy and forever youthful.

Be smart, wise, but look simple.

OH: On behalf of all the participants of the concert, we wish everyone ... good luck in realizing the main strategic tasks at work and at home!

SHE: Good health, noteworthy and love, great success in business, interesting leisure and great luck!

The screen displays video or photographic materials about various events, on the topic - the defense of the Fatherland.

ON: Defender of the Fatherland Day is perhaps one of the most popular holidays Russia, because on this holiday, traditional concepts revered by the people are proclaimed: courage, military glory, nobility, service to the Motherland, fatherhood. Protecting the Fatherland has always been a priority duty, the sacred duty of every real man.

SHE: Defender of the Fatherland Day is also a reflection of the successes of our Army, bright victories that the people have always been proud of. The victories that we did not get easily are reflected in the brilliance of the medals and orders of our veterans and today's servicemen.

ON: Every mother in Russia educates in her children from the very early age deep respect for native land putting into young hearts infinite pride and deepest respect to the military exploits of their people, their country, their homeland.

Thematic number concert program.

The children's choir of the art school performs the song "Where does the Motherland begin ...".

Official part

Against the background of instrumental music

SHE: Today, perhaps the most remarkable representatives of the strong half of humanity are present at our festive event. Among them are participants of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local hostilities and conflicts, liquidators of man-made disasters, policemen, former soldiers, officers.

HE: For all of you, the phrase “defenders of the Fatherland” sounds special. Dear people in uniform on a tunic, they choose not an easy path, but the path of a soldier has always been honorable.

SHE: You, everyday defenders of your home, are united by endless devotion to the people, heroic history and loyalty to the oath.

HE: Dear viewers, you are welcomed by the leadership of the district:

The presenters list positions and names, congratulators pass to the microphones to the background music.

SHE: We thank our esteemed leaders, sincerely

congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and invite you to take your places of honor in the auditorium.

Thematic number of the concert program

SHE: Dear friends present at our celebration wonderful people, whose whole life is inseparably connected with serving the Fatherland, its defense.

HE: The floor is given to the military commissar of the region.

The congratulator passes to the microphone under the background music.

SHE: The homeland of the strong knows well what the price of soldier's courage and valor is.

Our fellow countrymen, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, have performed their holy military duty with dignity and honorably carry out their military duties Today.

HE: Every inhabitant of our beautiful land understands that any victory is not only pride and celebration, but the bitterness of losses. But it is impossible otherwise, otherwise it is impossible to defeat the numerous enemies who have attacked our lands for many centuries.

SHE: To you, defenders of the fatherland, we dedicate our words and songs. Words and music by Oleg Gazmanov "Officers".

HE: The song "Officers" sounds for you.

During the performance of the song, photographs of fellow countrymen are shown on the screen: heroes of the Soviet Union, fallen soldiers, liquidators of man-made disasters. At the last chords of the song, representatives of the cadet class present flowers to the guests of honor of the holiday.

SHE: Every man, regardless of whether he is a soldier, has always been, is and will be the defender of his home, his family, his small homeland, your country. However, the proud title of "Defender of the Fatherland" can be worn not only by a man.

HE: And today, we - men, accepting congratulations, turn our eyes to the beautiful half of humanity, moreover, according to statistics in Russia, about 50 thousand women devoted themselves to protecting the Fatherland. And if we turn to the annals of the motherland, we can name beautiful names. In the difficult times of the Patriotic War of 1812, she showed her heroism beautiful half, this is a cavalryman of the hussar regiment Nadezhda Durova, ...

SHE: ... In the trenches of the First World War of 1914, all of Russia learned about the heroism of Antonina Palyiina. The emperor awarded her the highest soldier's award - the St. George Cross.

HE: It is impossible to forget Maria Bochkareva, who organized the first female battalion in the annals of the Russian army, ...

SHE: ... History captured the feat and heroism of the sister of mercy Rimma Ivanova, who was posthumously awarded an officer's award - the "Order of St. George", ...

SHE: ... We can remember our countrywoman, the hero Soviet Union, pilot Fomicheva Claudia Lidia Yakovlevna - a participant in the great Patriotic War and many, many others... All of them, along with men, defended their land and their people in a difficult time, and we are proud of them.

HE: There is a wonderful female team on stage ...

Thematic number. Performance by the women's group.

  • The screen displays photographs of men of various professions in the Dankovsky district and the city of Dankov.
  • Leading text behind the scenes.
