Scenario for May 1 evening for adults. may Day

Presenter 1 : Good afternoon, dear friends, dear guests!

Host 2: Hello!

Leader 1 .

White leaf with a red number!

It means holiday!

It's sunny and clear

May Day in spring!

Lead 2 : The month of May begins with the Spring and Labor Day, which used to be called International Workers' Day. Now we celebrate this day as May Day.

The poem "Raising over the world again ..."

Presenter 1 : World! Work! May! We rejoice in the warmth of spring, green grass, we are happy to participate in folk festivals, so beloved by Russians.

Song "I live in Russia"

Presenter 2:

Thin branches bent,

Ringing songs sounded

At the neighbor's mountain ash

The girls started the dance

Dance along the village.

The song "Peace, labor, May" (grade 7a)

Presenter 1:

Holidays on the streets

In the hands of a child

Burning, shimmering


Host 2:

different, different






Dance junior group "We want to walk"

Presenter 1:

May is fine, called by the sun,
Take us away from the screens
Lead me to the forgotten garden
There are apple trees there!
Cherries splash white foam
In a sea of ​​spring greenery.

The sun won't whine
And in the healing air,
Let's get healthy again.

Lead 2 : Yes, spring is a time when there is so much warmth and sunshine around. Well, how to sit at home!

Dance "Warm-up"

Presenter 1 : But spring is not only a time for festivities. Gardening and field work begins. Therefore, on May 1, we also glorify labor.


In the world of various words,
That shine, burn and burn,
Gold, steel, diamond,
There is no sacred word - Labor!

Poem "Labor" 7a

Presenter 1 : Work and life are inseparable concepts.

Lead 2 : Human labor is varied and constant. As long as a person lives, he works! But it is not always easy to find an occupation to your liking, to which you can devote your life.

Presenter 1 : Yes, choosing a profession is a very responsible step. After all, it depends on whether work will bring joy and benefit. This is well understood even by fairy-tale heroes.

Lead 2 : Thanks to the teachers who help us choose a profession and become good specialists in the future. This song is for you!

Host 2:

The motto of the May Day holiday is: Peace! Work! May! And it is not by chance that the word “Peace” is in the first place in this motto.

Presenter 1:

Adults and children know

The world must be valued

To us on the whole planet

Live under the high sun.

Let the sun shine on us

Gives light to you and me

The sky always needs the sun

The world needs peace forever!

An excerpt from the story of B. Ekimov "The Night of Healing"

Lead 2 : Great glory to the people who stand guard over the world. We will be eternally grateful to our soldiers for their valor and patriotism.

Song Lord Officers

Dance "Mission Possible"

Poem "Day of Peace"

"Song of the World" Grade 7b

Presenter 1 : Our concert today is coming to an end.

Lead 2 : We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. We wish you health, success in all your endeavors, happiness and peace on earth.

The order of the concert numbers.

  1. The poem "Again over the world ..."
  2. Song "I live in Russia"
  3. Dance "Along the village"
  4. Song "Peace, Labor, May"
  5. Dance "Little Children"
  6. Dance "Warm-up"
  7. The poem "Labor"
  8. Scene "Choice of profession"
  9. Song "We love you teachers"
  10. The poem "Let there be peace!"
  11. Song Lord Officers
  12. Poem "Day of Peace"
  13. Dance "Mission Possible"
  14. "Song of Peace"

Host 2:

In the world of various words,
That shine, burn and burn,
Gold, steel, diamond,
There is no sacred word - Labor!

Presenter 1:

All that we drink with a full cup
In the past created by labor:
All the happiness in our life
Everything that every house is red!

Host 2:

And the place in life is right,
Only those whose days are in labor!
Glory to the workers!
Only to them - a wreath in the centuries!

Presenter 1: Work and life are inseparable concepts.

Presenter 2: Human labor is diverse and constant. As long as a person lives, he works! But it is not always easy to find an occupation to your liking, to which you can devote your life.

Host 1: Yes, choosing a profession is a very responsible step. After all, it depends on whether work will bring joy and benefit. This is well understood even by fairy-tale heroes.

Scene "Choice of profession" Grade 7b

Presenter 2: Thanks to the teachers who help us choose a profession and become good specialists in the future. 7a class sings for you.

The song "We love you, teachers!"

The poem "Labor"


May Day"

Asphalt is golden today
And the street blooms like a garden.
Glittering young leaves
And flags flutter in the wind.

Decorated with colorful carpets,
Everywhere you look, every house.
On our wide street
Today everything sings around.

In the morning the whole city is green
Rejoices, ringing songs.
Like waves the columns move
In the flood of a festive day.

And after the noisy May Day
With all your big country
We walk behind the columns
Along our native street.

"Step by step"
S. Baruzdin

Man is exactly one year old
He walks across the room.
The first step is not a trifle
It's hard to take the first step.
Whatever the floorboard -
The man sits down.
It's bad -
The floor wobbles a lot!

Snow melted outside the window
The person is growing up.
He goes slowly
From the second floor.
Let the steps be steep -
Don't tremble knees.
The man walks by himself.
Good thing he's stubborn!

Man lives and grows
He walks on his own land.
Well, if so,
The man needs a flag.
Not any, but, clearly,
The best is red
The father brought the red flag.
He grew up under the red flag!

The father handed over the flag:
Take care of him, son!
Red is the best color
There is no life without him.
Treasure the red flag -
Be strong and be honest.
Serve the red flag -
Work to love, people to love.

May day, good day
A man walks with a flag.
Himself no more than a flag,
Every step is half a mile
And he walks like a standard-bearer
With the red banner of the regiment.

Beside him a babbling stream
Accelerates the run to the river ...
real man
This person will!

may Day
Ya Akim

Noisy warm winds
Spring has been brought to the fields.
Earrings are fluffed on the willow.
Furry, like bumblebees.

Breaking river dams,
The spring wave is whipping ...
Long live May Day!
Long live labor and spring!

Let the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the earth are friends,
And also in the sun children
They launch ships in the spring!

May Day is waiting for the people

To dig up your garden.

And seedlings since February,

What has risen all

It needs to be planted in the ground.

Where to celebrate holidays?

Come visit us at the cottage

We will keep you busy.

But on the scarlet dawn

Let's gather at the barbecue

And then we'll drink tea -

Let's meet May Day!

* * *


On a beautiful bright May day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac.

May your life be beautiful

And the children are always happy

Let your house be a full bowl!

Good luck, happiness and kindness!

* * *

Let in business always and everywhere

You are successful!

And today, on May Day,

Be the happiest of all!

* * *

Congratulations on May Day!

I wish you warm days!

Put down the posters

They now need a shovel.

Work in the garden

Both in work and in nature,

And according to the slogan:

"World! Work! May!" - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

* * *

May 1st who celebrates

Day of solidarity, peace, labor?

Healthy people consider this holiday

Meeting spring - and tends to the forests.

May Day opens

Summer walks season, picnics.

We congratulate you on this!

Always be ready for summer trips!

* * *

Spring is shining outside the windows, look!

Beautiful world, embraced by flowering ...

Take the clarity of the dawn

Let the garden give freshness of breath,

And let the eyes shine with joy

And let the soul sing with happiness

Let the storm blow past

Let only joy give every year!

* * *

Again, lifting over the world

All above the purity of heaven,

The young wind of May flies

To us with the promise of miracles.

May this holiday be bright.

We congratulate you and again

We wish that both you and your children

Gave joy love!

* * *

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

With young ringing May.

Let it be the brightest

The kindest and most welcoming,

Opens doors in summer

Generously bestows happiness.

* * *

My toast to the spring sky

For your life in health and work!

Never know hunger for bread

And thirst for warmth and water!

My toast to May Day!

And for a bountiful harvest!

Whatever we sow, we gather

Not losing a single crumb!

For friendly summer residents family,

For bread and salt in the native land!

Neighbour! Wish you success!

Long live potatoes!

What a beautiful May day!
Lilac blooms in clusters
The sun plays with warmth
He invites everyone to the feast.
This is a sonorous may day ,
Accept congratulations!

May is fine, called by the sun,
Take us away from the screens
handhelds, cursors,
Blurry monitors.
Lead me to the forgotten garden
There are apple trees there!
Cherries splash white foam
In a sea of ​​spring greenery.
The beam will slip - we will smile.
The sun won't whine
And in the healing air,
Let's get healthy again.

A merry fellow, but a troublemaker ...
May gave us back the holiday old.
So let's sing about peaceful labor
Under the spring fight

Laziness is a terrible attack.
My friends, do not give in!
Weaken her power
You struggle to resist.

It is not in vain that people say:
Only he will be happy
Who worked all year!

It happens, it happens -
A pale melancholy overcomes.
Spring Fever,
Skeptic mood...
And, you think, for sure - Khan.
The whole world is annoying.
Life is getting more expensive.
Exchange rates fluctuate...
But, May outside the window
And stomp feet
To May Day fireworks!

An old holiday - Labor Day ...
Do the years change his character?
An electrician fixes wires.
A lifeguard launches a boat into the water.
Builder - builds a high-rise building,
For people to live in it ...

Poets compose tricky lines.
And we remember the lessons of life.
What's the point of blaming for years and looking back ...
Life without work does not add up.

And the city was waiting for a blooming spring.
He ruffled the gray scarf of the roads for a long time.
And in traffic jams, and looking for a white day,
So that one day, finally breathing
A sip of her freedom, look around...
To see sunny hospitable May ,
Drink heavenly juice rains, keep warm,
And young trees that are close to the heart,
Settle in your huge garden.

We are at the school desk
Learn the basics of science...
Yes, a crowd of fun
Useful for a lesson - "labor"
Let's go to the office
To make a stool
Prepare hearty soup
From carrots, onions, cereals ...
And how does it happen
Masterpiece fails?
No need to get angry here -
This is where the proverb comes in handy:
Which says
What's the matter - the master is afraid!

Proverbs and sayings about work, business, work

Marina Kalinina /leisure and creativity center/presents a selection of timeless proverbs and folk wisdom. We remember!

Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework!

Gold is tested by fire, man by labor.

Not a pot pleaser, but a cook.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

There is no goodness without hard work.

Not without a mind, and not without a fishery.

Good deed nourishes both mind and body.

By the measure of the master to know.

It's one thing to say, another thing to do.

To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.

Good deeds are medicine.

Craft is not a yoke, it will not stretch your shoulders.

By craft and trade.

What works, such and fruits.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

A bird is recognized by its flight, and a person by work.

May Concentration. Experience.

Yadviga /Club "Moon Raccoon"/: We are not bored! We offer a new concept - a series of programs -"Fun Week" . During the first seven days of May, cultural, entertainment and educational events await visitors, and valuable and memorable prizes for winning competitions will serve as a pleasant addition to the spring weekend. Join now!

1. We celebrate May 1 with a program "Where there is work, there is joy".
Holiday with elements of folklore. This club hour is for children and adults. /Daytime event/.

2. We hold an exhibition-fair of works by young artists and craftsmen on May 2 "Spring blooming".

3. Concert of author's songs and meeting, respectively, with their songwriters. "Songs of Love and Spring" — 3 May. /Evening program/.

4. Concert program - "I will give you spring!" An event for middle-aged and older people. All 7 days of May. /Evening program/.

5. Concert program "Call signs of spring"children's creative groups perform - May 5. / Lilac open area /.

6. Modern dance competition - "Rhythms of Spring" and the final concert on May 6th. / Lilac open area /

7. Spring youth show program - "May Disco". Incendiary spring songs, dances, competitions with prizes. All 7 days of May. / Lilac open area /.

Spring greetings

Congratulations on the first day of May!
He came to us with blue skies,
And in the gardens plays with young foliage
The wind is spring, and the forest is rustling beyond the river.

You see, spring adorns life.
Her magical efforts are at her heart.
I wish everyone love, kindness,
Peace, earthly blessings and prosperity!

Spring holiday!

Pavel Smolyaninov / Cafe-bar "Seven to Eight" /:* Karaoke contest Spring Flowers! We invite the contestants to perform covers of ageless songs - "Lilac", "White Acacia" by the group "Freestyle", "White Bird Cherry" by Vladimir Markin, "Forget-Me-Not" by Ion Suruceanu, "Lilies of the Valley" by Helena Velikanova and many other charming spring songs. We sing from the heart! And alsoparticipate in flower contests, messengers of hope!

The main prize is a certificate for visiting the club on June 9 - Friends Day. Cocktails with intriguing names "I was born a gardener", "Adam and Eve" , "Tear of the Swallow""Spring Kiss". They are accompanied by wishes for the entire magical sunny month of May ...

We will make a collective living ikebana "May Smiles", take a photo for memory and launch wish lanterns into the sky! VIA - "Giuseppe Drive" plays for everyone after 20.00. We have such news. Spring holiday!

What songs do we sing in May?

Alena Kirova — musical consultant of the Pin & Gvin clubinvites the organizers of various programs to remember the everlasting retro, author's and modern songs :

"And outside the window is the month of May" - Garik Sukachev
"Happy Hours Don't Watch" - Natalya Valevskaya
"Crazy Spring" - Potap and Nastya
"The month of May" — Igor Kornelyuk
"Good day" - Vera Brezhneva
"So spring cries" - "Basta"
"Spring Song"— Isabella Yurieva
"Birds" - MakSim
"Lilac Blooms" - Lidia Ruslanova
"Spring in Love"— Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Renat Ibragimov
"Cherry-podoreshenie" -
folk song
"Mother had 12 daughters" - folklore song
"I dreamed of a garden" - Vadim Kozin
"From spring to spring" -
Sergei Chumakov
"Paranoia" - Nikolai Noskov
"White Lilac" - Evgeny Martynov
"May song"- Sl. G. Heine, music. L. Chernysheva
"Do not be bored!" - group "Kalinov bridge"
"Love Coordinates" - "Moral Code"
"Our first date" - Sl. V. Dorohova, music. A. Harasahala
"Lily of the valley" - Sl. E. Serova, music.
E. Derbenko
"May is a curly boy"Sl. and music. S. Yudina
"Hello sweet spring!" Sl.L. Kovalchuk, music. S. Yudina

/ Attention! Do not forget to take into account the age characteristics of the audience when compiling concert programs./

Spring whims ... Hit paradik.

Spring!!! The sun outside the window and in the soul is a song.Zhenya Feminineand the group "The Lady Trap" arranged a series of spring live questionnaires.

* * *

Dear Ladies, do you know What can you not do without in the spring of 2013?

1. Weekend
2. Without company and friends
3. Music
4. New hairstyle
5. Books
6. Strawberries

7. Umbrella from the sun
8. Interesting work
9. Sleep
10. Internet,


Marina Tsvetaeva

Lily of the valley, snow-white lily of the valley,
Rosan is scarlet!
Everyone said to her tenderly:
"My little!"

- Face - a clean icon,
Penem - foam ... -
And rocked her softly
On my knees.

Walks right, walks left
God's pendulum.
And it all ended with the chorus:
"My little!"

God's thoughts are indestructible
The path is specified.
Small don't be big
Free - bound.

And appeared - who is not aimed at
Girls - with a finger:
God's angel got out of bed -
Follow the boy.

- You will bloom under the tree of paradise,
Rosan is scarlet! —
And so it ended with the chorus:
"My little!"

The Tsar sits on the throne in deep thought, three girls knit to the side, Tsarevich Fedul sits on the floor near the throne and plays with a machine with a broken wheel (the wheel is lying nearby). Barbara sits near the Tsar and is bored.
Tsar: Barbara, and Barbara!
Barbara: What, the king-father?
Tsar: I’m thinking, Varvara ... my son, Fedul Tsarevich, is finishing school this year ...
Varvara: Oh, how happy the teachers will be! The hearts are exhausted!
King: Yes, I'm not talking about that! I think he needs to get further education. In this, like him, to enter the institute.
Varvara: What does he need an institute for?
King: Well, how about what? And I will be old, but I will retire, who will govern the state?
Varvara: Well, the tsarevich will govern, but what is the institute to him for?
Tsar: Yes, how can you govern the state, if there is no higher education?
Barbara: You, the king-father, rule! And you only have three grades of education!
Tsar: Hush, you, Barbara, this is a state secret!
Barbara: I'm silent, I'm silent, and what institute should I send him to?
Tsar: Yes, I myself think for the third day ...
Varvara: I heard from godfather Akulina that you first need to choose a direction.
King: What is the direction?
Varvara: Well, to determine what the child has an inclination for.
Tsar: Direction, inclination, you completely confused me Varvara ... (strictly) And why do these people sit knitting all day, let them think too.
Girls: We?!
King: You, you! What are the directions?
1st girl: But I heard from godfather Akulina that there is such a direction -
Barbara: What is this?
1st girl: Well, this is when a child loves different flowers, welcomes animals ...
Tsar: Exactly, exactly, the prince loves animals. Somehow he caught some cat, and smeared it with tar!
Varvara: But I think who my Vaska is. And it's you! Oh you….
(pulls Tsarevich Fedul by the ear)
King: Barbara! How do you treat a king's son?
Varvara: Forgive me, tsar-father, I got excited ....
1st girl: I see he has no inclination towards nature!
King: You see a lot of things! (to another) What do you say?
2nd girl: And I heard from godfather Akulina, there is such a direction -
art man!
King: What is this?
2nd girl: And this, the king-father, when a child is drawn to the arts! He strums there on the balalaika, or draws pictures.
Tsar: Fedul Tsarevich is a master at drawings! He painted my portrait near the closet with a piece of charcoal on the wall!
Varvara: And I went into the closet for peas, I got so scared, I drank anise drops for three days ...
2nd girl: I see that the prince does not gravitate towards the arts ...
Tsar: You understand a lot, you can’t draw a flower yourself, but the prince is my portrait ... (third) Why are you sitting, ruffled?
3rd girl: Do not be angry, the king-father! So I heard from godfather Akulina ...
Tsar (angrily): Your godfather Akulina is of no use!
3rd girl: Kuma Akulina said that there is such a direction
tech man.
King: What is this?
3rd girl: This is when a child indulges in a hammer, takes a hatchet in his hands, makes different machines.
King: It seems to be about ours! And here is my royal will! We will teach the prince on the technical side! And what are there like them ... well, these, which ...
Barbara: What, tsar-father?
King: well, these .... Prochvesii…
Barbara: Maybe ask godfather Akulina?
Tsar: And what about yourself, in the entom, like him, take a look on the internet: am I wasting state money on unlimited money?
(Fedul-prince during this remark attaches the wheel to the typewriter)
Fedul Tsarevich (joyfully): Dad, look how cleverly I attached a wheel!

Tsar: Here, what am I saying, you need to teach him the technical part!

May 1 is one of the strangest world holidays. Even his lineage traces back to the May 1, 1886 Chicago city police crackdown on riots that broke out during a demonstration by local workers.
On May 1, 1886, Chicago workers organized a strike and demonstration demanding an 8-hour day. It all ended in a bloody clash with the police. In response to shots fired from the crowd, the police opened fire, resulting in mass casualties among the demonstrators. Of course, the police, as often happens, exceeded their powers, but it is unlikely that the American proletarians should blame only the law enforcement agencies for what happened, forgetting about the actions of local anarchists, who clearly tried to fire their revolvers and throw bombs to cause return fire to kill. Not surprisingly, the celebration of Workers' Solidarity Day often escalated into clashes with the police. Three years later, the Paris Congress of the 2nd International called May 1 the Day of Solidarity of the Workers of the World and proposed to mark it every year with demonstrations with social demands.
In the Russian Empire, this holiday was first celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw by holding a May Day strike of workers. The following year, the first May Day took place in St. Petersburg. Since 1897, May Days began to be political in nature and were accompanied by mass demonstrations. In 1917, May 1 was celebrated openly for the first time. In all the cities of the country, millions of workers took to the streets with the slogans of the Communist Party "All power to the Soviets", "Down with the capitalist ministers".
May 1 became a truly “mass holiday” in the USSR. And it really was a holiday for the Soviet workers, who received an additional two days off, and through the efforts of the Bolsheviks, the May festivities were turned into a kind of Latin American carnivals, which, unlike the latter, were of a “mandatory nature”, with “ideologically verified” banners, slogans and smiles. "The best of the best" were honored to walk along the main square of the country in front of the Mausoleum. But the chosen ones were not the workers themselves, but their "representatives" - mainly the leaders and activists of the trade union movement.
For a long time, May 1 was celebrated as the Day of International Solidarity of Workers of All Countries. And in 1997, this holiday was renamed the Spring and Labor Day.
May Day was also called the holiday of spring. It really was the first spring holiday, not counting Easter. People rejoiced at the renewal of nature and went to the demonstration together. It was not only a political action. It gave the opportunity to meet with friends, to see your team, the school all at once. After the demonstration, people united in a friendly way, received guests. The festive table was an obligatory attribute of May Day.
And then the restructuring began. From the national holiday there are only two days off. It began to be called modestly - the Holiday of Spring and Labor. Demonstrations in the streets of villages and cities have ceased.
Today, this once ideological holiday has lost its political character, and each of us celebrates May 1 in our own way. But until now, many people remember the legendary “Peace! WORK! MAY!". And whatever is behind this slogan, may May 1 bring all of us only joy (from work), peace and May! Happy Holidays, May Day!!!

For extracurricular educational activities
6. for preschoolers
7. for preschoolers
8. for preschoolers

We are in peace, we will live in friendship

The scenario takes place in the form of a journey through different countries.

Children enter the hall with flowers, green branches.

There is a roll call of children.

The holiday is coming, the holiday is coming
Everything comes alive, sings and blossoms.
Spring again Spring again
She is dressed in fresh greenery.

Everywhere joy and fun
Clear and clear sky
Everywhere bird housewarming
Fuss and call.

In the bright green of the field,
The earth is being renewed.
And the birches are all in earrings,
In sticky poplar buds.

Blue sky today
All boulevards are green
We are celebrating May Day
Holiday of friendship and spring.

Our kindergarten is fun
Meets May Day,
And a spring song
Better sing along!

The song “This is May” (with movements) is performed, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. N. Naidenova.

Opened with a ringing song
We have a cheerful holiday,
Let her fly on wings
It will fly around the entire globe.

Let the song meet everywhere
wonderful guys,
May for peace and happiness
Laughter and jokes will ring out.

Childhood only happens once
The guys of any country.
Let none of them know
Grief, hunger, war.

Let the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the earth are friends,
Let all children rejoice
May they live in happiness.

There are no distances for friendship,
There are no barriers for hearts
Today we are on a May holiday
Hello children of the world!

The song "How many of us" is performed, music. O. Khromushina.

Children march to their places, collect attributes, sit down.

Leading. Dear Guys! Today's holiday will help us to visit different countries. But how can we have time to visit different parts of the Earth at once? What to do? Let's remember what the heroes of different fairy tales traveled on: Ivan Tsarevich (on a gray wolf), Old Man Hottabych (on a flying carpet), traveler frog (on a twig with ducks), Ivan the peasant son (on a flying ship). You can travel on a horse, on an eagle, on a wolf, on a magic carpet and in walking boots, and you and I will fly on a rocket. Want to?

Well, into the rocket, everyone is behind me,
Let's fly around the globe.
3,2, 1 - start!

Put your palms together "Oooo." The music of the ensemble "Zodiac" sounds (phonogram).

Leading. Let's fly!!!
Everyone looked through the windows. What do we see, what country are we flying over?

1st child.
This is Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.
We welcome the Japanese.

And here is a girl from Japan, her name is Sakura.
She doesn't look up
All fragile, like porcelain,
In the hair of a Japanese woman -
tortoise combs,
And in the hand of a fan
It blows like a breeze.

A Japanese dance is being performed.

Japanese. Our Japanese children have favorite toys called kokesshi.
Those Japanese dolls
Looks like Russian nesting dolls
Only snub-nosed nesting dolls,
And cokessi are slanted.

Leading. Let's play with them guys.

The game “Who is sooner” is being played (4 toys - 5 children, in a circle).

Now let's get on the boat
The sea path leads to America.

2nd child.
That's America - a country
Rich at all times.
Hello friends! (2 times)
Sing a song, you and me!

The song is performed in English. The music of "Lambada" sounds.

What is the name of this dance?
He came to us from America.

1st child.
May the children of America be glad
Let's dance "Lambada" for them.

Dance "Lambada" is performed.

Invites us to fly
Lightweight aircraft.
Let's fly over the ocean
Where Africa is waiting for us.

2nd child.
In Africa the rivers are so wide
In Africa, the mountains are such a height,
There are crocodiles, hippos,
Monkeys, elephants, sperm whales,
And then there are parrots -
This is what Africa is!

Dance "Chunga-Changa" is performed. A "negro" child runs out.

I'm just black, black blacks
A small child from Africa far away.
I live under palm trees
And I dance and I sing.

Dance "Papuans" is performed.

Now back to the boat
Greece is waiting for us, full speed ahead.

Four children come out in Greek costumes.

Greece free,
Young and eternal
Greek children,
"Sirtaki" we will dance together.

Dance "Sirtaki" is performed.

And now, kids
It's time to play.
The game "Ring" is being played.

The whistle of a locomotive is heard.

We hear the signal whistle
Hey, hurry up, machinist,
The train is on the rails
The railroad leads to Italy.

Chao, friends!
Glorifying friendship, peace and labor,
We sing the most beautiful songs.
I am with all of Italy together
I will sing for you, gentlemen,
A soulful song.

The song "Santa Lucia" sounds (phonogram).

That's how many friends we have
And it's always more fun with friends.
To France, abroad
Our train is moving again.

Children dressed as musketeers come out.

1st Musketeer.
France is waiting for brave heroes,
Hey, Musketeers, go ahead!

2nd Musketeer.
Friendship and brotherhood
The main wealth!

3rd Musketeer. One for all and all for one!

They sing the song of the Musketeers from the movie "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers".

Leading. Guys, who knows what the Musketeers rode?

Children. On horses.

Leading. Now we will play. Here is a French woman in a white dress and a hat. By the way, France is a trendsetter. We must choose two riders. The French woman has a white headscarf. It is necessary to ride horses to the girl and take a scarf. Snake around skittles - "obstacles". Who is faster?

The game is being played.

1st child.
It is necessary that the children of the whole Earth
In happiness, joy grew.
Now look ahead
Germany is waiting for us!

Starts the car engine
Cheerful German driver.

2nd child.
We are bound by strong friendship
With the children of the German country,
We will perform for the guys
The game of German preschoolers.

A round dance game “Ding-ding-ding, a letter to you” is being held.

1st child.
Fairy Sun - (2x)
Don't feel sorry for your rays
Let it be warmer and stronger
There will be friendship of all children!

Again we will sit in a rocket,
We flew around half the world.

3, 2, 1 - start!

A girl dressed as an Indian comes out.

In India I meet you
Congratulations on May 1!
I will charm everyone with my outfit
And I will dance an Indian dance for you.

Performing Indian dance.

The driver starts the engine again.
We are sitting on the bus
We look at each other.
He is now calling the guys
Home, in Russia, in kindergarten.
A child comes out in a Russian costume.

2nd child.
Here are native forests and fields,
This is our native land!

The Russian folk dance "Sudarushka" is performed.

1st child.
How many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere,
Children on the planet know
That friendship and peace are more precious than anything in the world.

2nd child.
You are my friend, and he and I.
We are all true friends.
We are guys, we are guys
We are preschoolers.
So we need to live
Fun and friendly.

Dance "Kolo" (Ukrainian folk melody) is performed.

So that adults and children
Lived happily in the world, what do you need?
All. Peace and friendship!

Let smiles fly over the earth
Congratulations on May and spring.
Spring is coming and May is coming
Sings a cheerful round dance.

Sounds "Vesnyanka" (Ukrainian folk song).

Leading. May 1 is a nice, warm day. Let the sun shine gently, let the flowers bloom, let the guests, mothers and all our friends smile. May it always be so!

1st child.
Let's hold hands, stand in a circle.
Every person is a friend,
Let's take hands, let it go
On the ground a huge round dance!

All together they sing the song "Big round dance", music. B. Savelyeva, sl. A. Zhigalkina, A. Khait.

Leading: Dear children, dear guests!

Congratulations on holiday Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. I wish you happiness, kindness and a peaceful sky above your head.

The sky is blue now, the streets are all green.

We are meeting May Day, holiday of friendship and spring.

The earth is so beautiful: smiles everywhere, here and there,

The guys are very happy about May, the sun, songs and flowers.

Lena. The country has flourished!

The songs are loud.

Hello holiday, May Day -

Sun and Spring Festival!

Semyon. We live in Kazakhstan

We love our native land,

It is good in winter and summer

And especially in the spring.

Arlan. White dove circling in the sky

In clear sunshine.

Hello holiday, Friendship holiday

All nations on earth!

We open with a ringing song we are our spring holiday,

Let it fly on wings, fly around the entire globe of the earth.

May peace triumph in the world, and the peoples of the Earth be friends,

May all children rejoice, may they live in happiness.

There are no distances for friendship, no barriers for hearts,

We are today in May holiday hello to the children of the world.

Song "Friendship is strong"

presenter: Dear guys, what a wonderful day today holiday! This peace holiday, holiday friendship of people from different countries, holiday unity of all peoples of our Republic of Kazakhstan.

Islam: Above the fields in the sky the sun shines brightly,

It's good to live in your native country - to be friends with all children.

It's good to run to the meadow by the morning path,

If the best friend is next to you.

Sasha: The forest, and the field, and the river, the expanse of the sky without edge,

and in your hand is a hand - it doesn't get any better.

Spring gives a rainbow, sends a smile to children.

We need peace, not war everywhere on the planet.

Song "Let's love the whole world!"

Leading: May Day - holiday Unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

People of different backgrounds live and work together in our republic. nationalities: Kazakhs, Russians, Koreans, Jews, Ukrainians and many others. Each nation has its own rich culture. Customs and traditions are passed on from generation to generation. Different nations tell tales in different ways, sing different songs to children in the cradle, but in one they united: they are united by the desire to be happy and live in peace.

And now we are going to play

Kazakh national game: "Baiga"

Children who participate in scene stand in a semicircle.

Leading. The starling asked the sun

In transparent silence:

Zhenya Skvorets. Where is the sky clear, pure?

Where is the best place for me to fly?

Leading. And the sun smiled

Scattered in the dew:

Ksyusha Sunshine. Under peaceful skies only

Under peaceful skies only

We are all happy.

Leading. asked the tulip sun:

Julia Tulip. To keep us warm

When is the best time to bloom?

We are early flowers.

Leading. And the sun smiled, crumbled into dew:

Sun. Under peaceful skies only

Under peaceful skies only

We are all happy.

Leading. The kid asked sun:

Anya Malysh How to save the world, tell me!

So that the children on the planet

Happy, peaceful life?

Leading. And the sun smiled:

Sun. We are all one family.

Starling. When the starling is happy!

Tulip. When the tulip is happy!

Baby. When the baby is happy!

All. We are happy friends!

Leading: In our house - Kazakhstan -

We live very friendly.

And on holiday on our

We dance and sing.

Here are native steppes and fields, here is our native land.

Funny songs are heard in all corners of the Kazakhstan land today!

Song "Apyz, ara, sarymyz!"

Leading: Guys, guys, today in the world,

On the whole planet, the masters are children.

Let's take each other's hands

And let's play on the globe.

Russian folk game: "Wattle"

Leading: Ukraine, Ukraine! poplar pyramids,

Like a golden sea, endless fields.

Ukrainian gardens are like heaps of emeralds,

Fruits are poured with fragrant sweet juice.

Pasha: The rich and those who are not rich know everything about potatoes,

Everyone cooks it in their own way, everyone is happy with potatoes on the table,

And who fries, and who soars, who pushes, and who bakes.

But they eat it everywhere, and glory and honor to it.

Anya: In Kazakhstan - potatoes, in Ukraine - potatoes,

Come on, friends, let's play a little.

To boil a potato, it must be planted.

Here are the potatoes, but the garden, who is ready to plant potatoes?

Potatoes have grown - you need to take them to the pan with a spoon.

Attraction game "Carry a Potato in a Spoon"

Leading: If children's holiday, a lot of dancing is needed.

Everyone is happy to distinguish himself in the round dance of friendship.

Dasha: Let's be friends with each other,

Like a bird - with the sky, like the wind - with a meadow.

Like a sail - with the sea, grass - with the rains,

How friendly the sun is with all of us.

Performing "Dance of Friends"

Ksyusha: How many cheerful and joyful faces,

Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere.

Children on the planet know

That friendship and peace are more precious in the world.

Artem Gritsay: You are my friend, and he and I,

We are all true friends.

Let smiles fly over the earth

Congratulations on May and spring.

Artem Tereshin: Every Mayu, I am glad for friendship -

May meets kindergarten!

Our fun kindergarten

Sings a song in tune!

Song "Solar Circle"

    • Graduation Scenarios
    • Graduation Songs
    • Congratulations and poems
  • 9TH MAY
    • Holiday scenarios
    • Songs for Victory
    • Congratulations and poems
  • 1ST OF MAY
    • Scenarios
    • Songs for May 1
    • Congratulations and poems
  • APRIL 1
    • Scenarios
    • Songs for April 1
    • Congratulations and poems
    • Scenarios
  • MARCH 8
    • Scenarios
    • backing tracks
    • Song chords
    • Congratulations and pictures
    • Scenarios
    • backing tracks
    • Song chords
    • Congratulations and pictures
  • May 1: holiday, chords and backing tracks of songs, congratulations

    If the holiday on May 1 did not exist, it would definitely be worth inventing it. Indeed, in our climate, the month of May is the most joyful month of the year. This is the time of bright colors, soft sun, fresh aromas. Nature celebrates Spring so captivatingly that it is impossible for people to stay away.

    And the name of May Day is not so important - the Day of Solidarity of Workers, as before, or the holiday of Spring and Labor, as it is now. In fact, on May 1st, we celebrate that the year has finally turned to summer, there are many warm days ahead, and holidays are already looming nearby. And Labor Day gently hints: in order to have a good rest, you need to work a little more :)

    1st of May. script for kindergarten

    Scenario for preschoolers "We will live in peace, friendship." Senior and preparatory group.

    Children enter the hall with flowers, green branches.

    There is a roll call of children.

    The holiday is coming, the holiday is coming

    Everything comes alive, sings and blossoms.

    Spring again Spring again

    She is dressed in fresh greenery.

    Everywhere joy and fun

    Clear and clear sky

    Everywhere bird housewarming

    Fuss and call.

    In the bright green of the field,

    The earth is being renewed.

    And the birches are all in earrings,

    In sticky poplar buds.

    With songs, with flowers,

    Walking in step

    We are celebrating the holiday

    Blue sky today

    All boulevards are green

    We are celebrating May Day

    Holiday of friendship and spring.

    Who lives in the world

    Wishing for peace

    Will meet with us

    Wedding Dimitrovgrad, scenario "Marine". Agency Triumph

    http://agency-triumph.rf Wedding Dimitrovgrad, videographer Dimitrovgrad, photographing Dimitrovgrad. Any celebrations, corporate parties, holidays - exclusively, inexpensively, fun!

    Our kindergarten is fun

    Meets May Day,

    And a spring song

    Better sing along!

    The song “This is May” (with movements) is performed, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. N. Naidenova.


    Opened with a ringing song

    We have a cheerful holiday,

    Let her fly on wings

    It will fly around the entire globe.

    Let the song meet everywhere

    wonderful guys,

    May for peace and happiness

    Laughter and jokes will ring out.

    Childhood only happens once

    The guys of any country.

    Let none of them know

    Grief, hunger, war.

    And the peoples of the earth are friends,

    Let all children rejoice

    May they live in happiness.

    There are no distances for friendship,

    There are no barriers for hearts

    Today we are on a May holiday

    Hello children of the world!

    The song "How many of us" is performed, music. O. Khromushina.

    Children march to their places, collect attributes, sit down.

    Leading. Dear Guys! Today's holiday will help us to visit different countries. But how can we have time to visit different parts of the Earth at once? What to do? Let's remember what the heroes of different fairy tales traveled on: Ivan Tsarevich (on a gray wolf), Old Man Hottabych (on a flying carpet), traveler frog (on a twig with ducks), Ivan the peasant son (on a flying ship). You can travel on a horse, on an eagle, on a wolf, on a magic carpet and in walking boots, and you and I will fly on a rocket. Want to?

    Well, into the rocket, everyone is behind me,

    Let's fly around the globe.

    3,2, 1 - start!

    Put your palms together "Oooo." The music of the ensemble "Zodiac" sounds (phonogram).

    presenter. Let's fly!!!

    1st child.

    We welcome the Japanese.


    She doesn't look up

    All fragile, like porcelain,

    In the hair of a Japanese woman -

    tortoise combs,

    And in the hand of a fan

    It blows like a breeze.

    A Japanese dance is being performed.

    Japanese. Our Japanese have favorite toys called kokesshi.

    Those Japanese dolls

    Looks like Russian nesting dolls

    Only snub-nosed nesting dolls,

    And cokessi are slanted.

    Leading. Let's play with them guys.

    The game "Who is sooner" is being played (4 toys - 5 children, in a circle).


    Now let's get on the boat

    2nd child.

    Here is America - a country,

    Rich at all times.

    Hello friends! (2 times)

    Sing a song, you and me!

    The song is performed in English. The music of "Lambada" sounds.


    What is the name of this dance?

    He came to us from America.

    1st child.

    Let's dance "Lambada" for them.

    Dance "Lambada" is performed.


    Invites us to fly

    Lightweight aircraft.

    Let's fly over the ocean

    Where Africa is waiting for us.

    2nd child.

    There are crocodiles, hippos,

    Monkeys, elephants, sperm whales,

    And then there are parrots -

    This is what Africa is!

    Dance "Chunga-Changa" is performed. A "negro" child runs out.


    I'm black, black blacks

    I live under palm trees

    And I dance and I sing.

    Dance "Papuans" is performed.


    Now back to the ship

    Four children come out in Greek costumes.

    May 1 celebration scenario - the soul sings, meeting May Day - women's magazine beauty and attractiveness

    The soul sings, meeting May Day

    The organizers of the mass celebrations must determine the venue of the holiday no later than a month in advance.

    If there is a park of culture and recreation in the settlement, the holiday can be held in it. This is best done in the nearest suburban forest. At the same time, it is necessary to organize the transport delivery of spectators, an autonomous generator for scoring the event, and strictly observe safety regulations.

    The venue must be chosen so that it is possible to place an impromptu stage, attributes for sports competitions, and exit outlets. Before the start of the holiday, popular pop songs are recorded.

    The host comes out and opens the party.)

    Host -1:

    Hello dear friends! Look around: the sun gently shines, flower buds open from its pleasant kisses, the spring breeze playfully caresses the long braids of birches, transparent clouds slowly float in the blue sky, and the unique trills of birds spread around.

    This is our beautiful land

    So meets May Day!

    Happy holiday, friends!


    Host -1:

    When spring comes, it seems to each of us that we are born again, that this spring is special, much better than the previous one. She bewitches us with the multi-colored palette of Her Majesty Flora, the sonorous voices of birds. At this time, we are in anticipation of something special.

    And we have an unusual guest at the celebration. Meet! Representative of one of the eastern countries Abdul-Nas-All-Nadul-Bay!

    (The second presenter comes out, dressed in a bright oriental robe and turban).


    Host -1: Hello, dear!

    Host -2:

    A glass, a glass, tables bent-bent, balsam, moonshine-can. Hooray!

    Host -1: I cordially congratulate you on May Day.

    Presenter - 2: Tefal, Toshiba, Sony, Oriflame, Mercedes, euro.

    Host-1: I wish you a prosperous and happy life.

    Presenter -2: "Bitner", analgin, corvalol, viagra - KNOW, KNOW, KNOW!

    Host -1: And I also wish you good health for many years of life.

    Presenter - 2: Chupa Chups, Raffaello, Bonjour, hee hee, ha ha.

    Host -1: May your life be sweet and cheerful.

    (Second presenter bows).

    Host -1: Thank you for the congratulations! Stay with us and see for yourself that we know how to have fun. And we'll start with an incendiary song.

    The concert program begins.

    At the end of the concert program, the presenter invites everyone to take part in games and sports competitions: tug of war, lifting 16 kg kettlebells, running in bags, jumping to the side, etc.

    To prepare and solemnly present diplomas, memorable prizes and souvenirs to the winners in sports competitions.

    May 1 holiday script

    Dear visitors of the site, we are glad that you have enough strength and energy to start preparing for the next holiday. Do not hesitate, and we will have enough strength and energy to provide you with all possible assistance. We are going to once again act as a generator of ideas that will help you have fun from the heart at the Spring and Labor Day, using the scenario of the May 1 holiday.

    So, for starters, we advise you, when planning a celebration on the occasion of the holiday of spring and labor, do not forget about its name. It contains the word spring. Great. Let your celebration be called, for example, the holiday of the spring man. The title contains the word labor. Perfect. Call your event a holiday of the industrious slacker.

    Pay attention to the fact that the theme of your scenario immediately characterizes the upcoming events.

    In the first case, the name suggests fun. Well, think for yourself, what are people like in spring? In the spring, they absolutely ignore current affairs and are too attentive to the opposite sex, they are ready not to notice the charms of civilization, but they can’t live a day without enjoying the singing of birds, without admiring the greenery that has appeared not so long ago.

    That is why we offer the following scenario of the event: all contests, games, toasts should reveal the most spring person who is ready to compliment women to the point of hoarseness in his voice, stand under a tree for hours and listen to birdsong, forget about his pressing problems and enjoy life.

    Let's start with the guests. We offer an appropriate entrance door. Here is one option: you attach a paper garland with flowers around the entire perimeter of the door. On the door itself, post an announcement of the following nature: “Pick a flower, it will suddenly come in handy!”. The number of flowers should match the number of expected guests.

    The guests plucked a flower each and went into the house. Let them know that the flowers they picked are a pass to the living room, where there is a table with refreshments. Guests will have to take their places at the table, depending on which flower they picked: someone has a chamomile in his hands - he should sit where the chamomile lies on the table.

    It is very likely that you will hear statements like: “I did not expect that such and such a person would be my neighbor on the right!”. Let your guests know that it is not you who is to blame, but fate. Someone does not agree with fate, so let him try to fight it and be at the table next to the person whom he would like to see next to him today. Invite all those who disagree to tell a joke. If the anecdote being told is unknown to the audience, then the person who told it can be allowed to take any place convenient for him at the table. And if not... If not, let him tell another anecdote. If you want, limit the number of attempts, and if not, listen to jokes until you get bored.

    Here are your guests at the table. It's time to raise your glasses, make a toast. You know how it happens: the guests argue for a long time about who to speak. Stop these disputes, establish a strict order. For example, you could offer toasts in the following order: first, the word to the most hardworking (the one who has a higher position at work), and then in descending order of importance - after all, a labor holiday. In addition, the order of “toasting” may depend on how much time each of those present spends at work: start with the one who is practically not at home, who makes his loved ones jealous of himself at work.

    And if you don’t want your guests at the table to talk in detail about the specifics of their work and how much time it should take them, in principle, organize something like a lottery to establish the order of toasting. And for this, do the following: make as many cards as there are invitees sitting at the festive table, and on the cards draw one representative of a particular profession (builder, janitor, plumber, doctor, etc.). Invite everyone to dream up on the topic: who could I become if I did not become who I am. After that, pass a box of cards around so that everyone can choose an alternative profession for themselves.

    Well, after the guests make their choice regarding the proposed professions, they will no longer have any opportunity to insist on the time and order of the toast. You will announce in advance which of those who have just received a new specialty should make a toast immediately, and who later. You can write the text of a humorous story, which would list all the professions offered to choose from. And this must be done so that, in the process of reading, the guests, having heard the name of their profession, rise and ... And make a toast. Below is an excerpt from one such story.

    "Spring came. Nature woke up. And it must be the same to happen, woke up women. What about women? As always, they are in their role: give them family well-being, comfort and a bigger family nest. What to do? Call the BUILDER (the builder gets up and makes a toast). The men woke up from the roar of construction work. And what do men need in spring? Of course, love. Does that mean you have to create? And not just something, but a garden. For what? For women, in addition to them, give them romance: flowers, leaves, nooks and crannies. So it's time to call the GARDENER (the gardener makes a toast). Etc. and so on.

    Well, it seems that we figured out the toasts. It's time to move on to contests and games. And again we remind you, do not forget about the name of the holiday and your event. Spring Man's Day suggests the most talented composer of compliments for women, the most vociferous singer, whose vocals can only be compared with the nightingale - the harbinger of love. But these are competitions for men only.

    And what about women, do they have to sit at the table? In no case. Arrange a competition for the most slender legs - in the end, men love precisely because all the beautiful ladies take off their long winter clothes and show off their charms. Hold a competition for the best shooter among women. What are we talking about? Of course, about women who shoot eyes. Remember that May 1 is the Holiday of Spring and Labor, that those who know how to do it work with pleasure, and organize a competition for women. The award in it will be the title of "The Most Skilled".

    The competition according to the scenario of the holiday on May 1 is held as follows: for each of the participants, tie a belt around the waist so that the free end hangs down at the back approximately to the level of the knees. Tie a pencil to this end. When all the preparations are done, invite the ladies to put their feet shoulder-width apart, or maybe wider, put an empty bottle a little behind them. The task is as follows: you need to get a pencil hanging freely on a belt into the neck of the bottle. The one who first manages to throw a pencil into the neck of the bottle will become the owner of the title of "The Most Skilled". We think you can guess that the beauty of this competition lies in the opportunity to watch women who, in the process of completing the task, will take the most incredible poses.

    We offer another game. Everyone should participate in this competition. The goal is to check which of the guests is truly imbued with the spirit of spring, who is ready to pay attention to the representatives of the opposite sex and commit all kinds of crazy things for them.

    Invite the guests to divide into two teams: men and women, respectively. In addition, each woman chooses a partner in the game. The role of the facilitator is to find out what in the appearance of the chosen man you like more and get an intelligible answer. When each of the participants publicly announces what exactly attracts her in a man, invite them to kiss the part of the body that they named.

    We think we have listed a lot of things that you can do to cheer up your guests according to the May 1 holiday scenario and have fun with them wholeheartedly. And now let's move on to discussing possible options for decorating a house, hall or any other room intended for a festive event.

    First, remember that the holiday for which you decided to turn your house into a gathering of people forever chewing and laughing is spring. Therefore, dark, gloomy tones are unacceptable in the design. Spring is so wonderful. Bring all of her colors into your home.

    Scenario May 1 "holiday of spring and labor"

    / Dance "Sunny Bunny", hands. Eliseeva V. A.

    HOST 1: Good afternoon!

    HOST 2: Hello!

    HOST 1: A white leaf with a red number!

    It means holiday!

    It's sunny and clear

    May Day in spring!

    HOST 2: The month of May begins with the Holiday of Spring and Labor, which used to be called International Workers' Day. Now we celebrate this day as May Day.

    HOST 1: Peace! Work! May! We rejoice in the spring warmth, green grass, and take part in folk festivals with pleasure.

    HOST 2: We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day. We wish you health, success in all your endeavors, happiness and peace on Earth!

    HOST 1: Accept as a gift from students of secondary school No. 1 of the middle group of the dance group "Vizavi"

    /Dance "Variety Sketch"

    HOST 2: Red tulips

    In the hands of a child.

    Music is fun

    Rumble, rumble, rumble!

    HOST 1: Festive view today

    At villages and cities.

    And the square flourishes

    From many flowers.

    HOST 2: The vocal group "Melody" sings for you

    / Song "Girls"

    HOST 1: On stage, students of secondary school No. 5 dance group "Era".

    /Dance "Folk"

    HOST 2: On holidays on the streets

    In the hands of a child

    Burning, shimmering


    Different, different


    HOST 1: You are congratulated on the holiday by the vocal group "Melody"

    /Song "Freckles"

    HOST 2: On stage, the younger group of the dance group "Victoria".

    / Dance "Lady Perfection"

    HOST 1: The motto of the May Day holiday is: Peace! Work! May! And it is no coincidence that the word “Peace” is in the first place in this motto.

    LEADER 2: Adults and children know

    The world must be valued

    To us on the whole planet

    Live under the high sun.

    Let the sun pour over us

    Gives light to you and me!

    The sky always needs the sun

    The world needs peace forever!

    HOST 2: Galina Zinoviev and Masha Kondrachuk sing for you.

    /Song "May Waltz"

    HOST 1: On stage, the senior group of the dance group "Victoria"

    /Dance "Smuglyanka"

    HOST 2: We want our planet to have

    The children were never sad.

    So that no one cries, does not get sick,

    If only the children's choir would ring.

    HOST 1: The vocal group "Melody" sings for you ""

    / Song "Sparrow disco"

    HOST 1: Thin branches bent,

    Ringing songs sounded

    At the neighbor's mountain ash

    The girls started the dance!

    /Dance "Quadrille"

    HOST 2: Ksenia Shulikina sings for you

    / Song "Merry Echo"

    HOST 1: Shine your smiles,

    Warmed by the sun!

    Peace and happiness to you

    Children of the planet!

    HOST 2: Once again, we congratulate everyone on the holiday! Happiness, health and peaceful sky above your head!

    HOST 1: Goodbye!

    HOST 2: See you soon!

    • Chastushki by May 1 (for adults)
    • Holiday events in May
    • Congratulations on May 1
    • Congratulations on May 1 to colleagues
    • Congratulations to your beloved on May 1

    May 1 holiday is the day of labor and spring, the history and traditions of May Day, congratulations in verse and in - nicelady women's magazine

    May 1 holiday Labor Day and Spring May Day, history and traditions

    May Day - it's impossible not to celebrate

    May 1 is the most popular of all political holidays inherited from the Soviet past. Indeed, what other holiday allows people from many countries to show such solidarity in the desire to spend the day in nature, in the company of friends, relatives and barbecue accompanying them.

    May 1, 2013 labor day holiday: history of May 1, congratulations on labor day, labor holiday scenario // top-artist

    I think no one has a question: “what holiday is May 1?” 1st of May- This Labor Day. Today this holiday is called the Holiday of Spring and Labor, but often it is simply called Labor Day. Not always this holiday had such a name. However, it is international and celebrated in 66 countries around the world. Let us turn to the history of the holiday on May 1.

    History May 1

    History May 1 begins in 1886 in the city of Chicago. On this day, American workers demonstrated to demand the introduction of an 8-hour working day. And in 1889 in Paris, the First Congress of the Second International decided to consider May 1 the Day of the International Struggle for the 8-Hour Working Day, as well as the Day of International Solidarity of the Proletarians of All Countries. This is how the story began on May 1st. Labor Day has been celebrated in our country since 1890. And for the first time in the Russian Empire, May 1 was celebrated in Warsaw. On this day, the May Day strike of workers was held. A year later, May 1 began to be celebrated in St. Petersburg. Since 1986, this holiday has acquired a political character. And an obligatory tradition 1st of May organized mass demonstrations. In Soviet Russia, May 1 was called the Day of International Solidarity of Workers, and May 1 and 2 were days off. In the USSR, this holiday was treated in a special way. For two weeks, preparations for the upcoming holiday began: banners were prepared, on which it was not uncommon to find the slogan: “Peace. Work. May"; people drew and glued paper flowers, prepared balloons. Today, this holiday no longer has a political character, and it has acquired a new name - today, May 1, is the Day of Spring and Labor. And despite the fact that the traditions of the holiday - Labor Day - have changed, as well as its name, the anticipation of the May Day holidays remains unchanged.

    congratulations on labor day

    congratulations on labor day or from May 1, traditionally heard at May Day demonstrations. You can also send your congratulations on Labor Day in the form of SMS messages, the so-called Labor Day poems, to your friends and family. For example, this:

    On the day of labor and spring we rest,

    What I wish for you too

    On the wonderful holiday of May Day -

    Let there be joy on Earth!

    You can pick up something more original, for this you can use the services of professional poets. SMS congratulations on May 1, written for a specific person, will always be unique, and, of course, pleasant.

    labor holiday script

    Labor holiday scenarios are an opportunity to have a good rest and spend time. Oddly enough, but for May 1 there is a long-forgotten tradition, according to which it was customary to go out into nature on this day. This tradition arose back in the time of Peter the Great, when this Labor Day holiday was called "May Day". Today, having labor holiday script, you can organize a wonderful holiday in the bosom of nature. To find a suitable Labor Day script for this occasion, you can contact the scriptwriters. Also, the scenario of May 1 will not be replaced when organizing a labor holiday at school.

    If you want to organize a festive event on the occasion of the holiday of spring and labor, then you are very lucky - on our top-artist portal, you will find everything you need to organize May 1, 2013: scriptwriters, holiday organizers, poets, actors, and much more other.

    May 1 holiday scenario for kindergarten - teacher's piggy bank

    Senior and preparatory group.

    The scenario takes place in the form of a journey through different countries.

    Children enter the hall with flowers, green branches.

    There is a roll call of children.

    The holiday is coming, the holiday is coming

    Everything comes alive, sings and blossoms.

    Spring again Spring again

    She is dressed in fresh greenery.

    Everywhere joy and fun

    Clear and clear sky

    Everywhere bird housewarming

    Fuss and call.

    In the bright green of the field,

    The earth is being renewed.

    And the birches are all in earrings,

    In sticky poplar buds.

    With songs, with flowers,

    Walking in step

    We are celebrating the holiday

    Blue sky today

    All boulevards are green

    We are celebrating May Day

    Holiday of friendship and spring.

    Who lives in the world

    Wishing for peace

    Will meet with us

    Our kindergarten is fun

    Meets May Day,

    And a spring song

    Better sing along!

    The song “This is May” (with movements) is performed, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. N. Naidenova.

    Opened with a ringing song

    We have a cheerful holiday,

    Let her fly on wings

    It will fly around the entire globe.

    Let the song meet everywhere

    wonderful guys,

    May for peace and happiness

    Laughter and jokes will ring out.

    Childhood only happens once

    The guys of any country.

    Let none of them know

    Grief, hunger, war.

    Let the world triumph in the world

    And the peoples of the earth are friends,

    Let all children rejoice

    May they live in happiness.

    There are no distances for friendship,

    There are no barriers for hearts

    Today we are on a May holiday

    Hello children of the world!

    The song "How many of us" is performed, music. O. Khromushina.

    Children march to their places, collect attributes, sit down.

    Leading. Dear Guys! Today's holiday will help us to visit different countries. But how can we have time to visit different parts of the Earth at once? What to do? Let's remember what the heroes of different fairy tales traveled on: Ivan Tsarevich (on a gray wolf), Old Man Hottabych (on a flying carpet), traveler frog (on a twig with ducks), Ivan the peasant son (on a flying ship). You can travel on a horse, on an eagle, on a wolf, on a magic carpet and in walking boots, and you and I will fly on a rocket. Want to?

    Well, into the rocket, everyone is behind me,

    Let's fly around the globe.

    3,2, 1 - start!

    Put your palms together "Oooo." The music of the ensemble "Zodiac" sounds (phonogram).

    Leading. Let's fly!!!

    Everyone looked through the windows. What do we see, what country are we flying over?

    1st child.

    This is Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.

    We welcome the Japanese.

    And here is a girl from Japan, her name is Sakura.

    She doesn't look up

    All fragile, like porcelain,

    In the hair of a Japanese woman -

    tortoise combs,

    And in the hand of a fan

    It blows like a breeze.

    A Japanese dance is being performed.

    Japanese. Our Japanese children have favorite toys called kokesshi.

    Those Japanese dolls

    Looks like Russian nesting dolls

    Only snub-nosed nesting dolls,

    And cokessi are slanted.

    Leading. Let's play with them guys.

    The game "Who is sooner" is being played (4 toys - 5 children, in a circle).

    Now let's get on the boat

    The sea path leads to America.

    2nd child.

    Here is America - a country,

    Rich at all times.

    Hello friends! (2 times)

    Sing a song, you and me!

    The song is performed in English. The music of "Lambada" sounds.

    What is the name of this dance?

    He came to us from America.

    1st child.

    May the children of America be glad

    Let's dance "Lambada" for them.

    Dance "Lambada" is performed.

    Invites us to fly

    Lightweight aircraft.

    Let's fly over the ocean

    Where Africa is waiting for us.

    2nd child.

    In Africa, the rivers are so wide

    In Africa, the mountains are such a height,

    There are crocodiles, hippos,

    Monkeys, elephants, sperm whales,

    And then there are parrots -

    This is what Africa is!

    Dance "Chunga-Changa" is performed. A "negro" child runs out.


    I'm just black, black blacks

    A small child from Africa far away.

    I live under palm trees

    And I dance and I sing.

    Dance "Papuans" is performed.

    Now back to the ship

    Greece is waiting for us, full speed ahead.

    Four children come out in Greek costumes.


    Greece free,

    Young and eternal

    Greek children,

    "Sirtaki" we will dance together.

    Dance "Sirtaki" is performed.

    And now, kids

    It's time to play.

    The game "Ring" is being played.

    The whistle of a locomotive is heard.

    We hear the signal whistle

    Hey, hurry up, machinist,

    The train is on the rails

    The railroad leads to Italy.


    Chao, friends!

    Glorifying friendship, peace and labor,

    We sing the most beautiful songs.

    I am with all of Italy together

    I will sing for you, gentlemen,

    A soulful song.

    The song "Santa Lucia" sounds (phonogram).

    That's how many friends we have

    And it's always more fun with friends.

    To France, abroad

    Our train is moving again.

    Children dressed as musketeers come out.

    1st Musketeer.

    France is waiting for brave heroes,

    Hey, Musketeers, go ahead!

    2nd Musketeer.

    Friendship and brotherhood -

    The main wealth!

    3rd Musketeer. One for all and all for one!

    They sing the song of the Musketeers from the film "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.

    Leading. Guys, who knows what the Musketeers rode?

    Children. On horses.

    Leading. Now we will play. Here is a French woman in a white dress and a hat. By the way, France is a trendsetter. We must choose two riders. The French woman has a white headscarf. It is necessary to ride horses to the girl and take a scarf. Snake around skittles - "obstacles". Who is faster?

    The game is being played.

    1st child.

    It is necessary that the children of the whole Earth

    In happiness, joy grew.


    Now look ahead

    Germany is waiting for us!

    Starts the car engine

    Cheerful German driver.

    2nd child.

    We are bound by strong friendship

    With the children of the German country,

    We will perform for the guys

    The game of German preschoolers.

    A round dance game “Ding-ding-ding, a letter to you” is being held.

    1st child.

    Fairy Sun - (2 times)

    Don't feel sorry for your rays

    Let it be warmer and stronger

    There will be friendship of all children!

    Again we will sit in a rocket,

    We flew around half the world.

    3, 2, 1 - start!

    A girl dressed as an Indian comes out.

    In India I meet you

    I will charm everyone with my outfit

    And I will dance an Indian dance for you.

    Performing Indian dance.

    The driver starts the engine again.

    We are sitting on the bus

    We look at each other.

    He is now calling the guys

    Home, in Russia, in kindergarten.

    A child comes out in a Russian costume.

    2nd child.

    Here are native forests and fields,

    This is our native land!

    The Russian folk dance "Sudarushka" is performed.

    1st child.

    How many cheerful and joyful faces.

    Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere,

    Children on the planet know

    That friendship and peace are more precious than anything in the world.

    2nd child.

    You are my friend, and he and I.

    We are all true friends.

    We are guys, we are guys

    We are preschoolers.

    So we need to live

    Fun and friendly.

    Dance "Kolo" (Ukrainian folk melody) is performed.

    So that adults and children

    Lived happily in the world, what do you need?

    All. Peace and friendship!

    Let smiles fly over the earth

    Congratulations on May and spring.

    Spring is coming and May is coming

    Sings a cheerful round dance.

    Sounds "Vesnyanka" (Ukrainian folk song).

    Leading. May 1 is a nice, warm day. Let the sun shine gently, let the flowers bloom, let the guests, mothers and all our friends smile. May it always be so!

    1st child.

    Let's hold hands, stand in a circle.

    Every person is a friend,

    Let's take hands, let it go

    On the ground a huge round dance!

    All together they sing the song "Big round dance", music. B. Savelyeva, sl. A. Zhigalkina, A. Khait.

    Happy holiday! - congratulations - scenarios - May 1: peace, labor, May!

    Spring holiday May Day

    Let it enter every house soon.

    The cold wind is chasing away

    Warmth and joy will bring.

    Let's smile today

    And have fun from the heart.

    We invite you to laugh

    Our guests are great!


    With the onset of spring, not only nature becomes beautiful, but also our lovely women. But do men know how difficult it is for women to look good, be irresistible and charming. Let's check?

    Competition 1. "Beauty requires sacrifice"

    Two men are involved. The host gives everyone rubber gloves, a large scarf and nylon tights. Men should tie scarves in the form of a skirt, put on gloves and, without removing them, try to pull on tights as quickly as possible. The one who manages first and does not tear the pantyhose will win.

    All of you loved in childhood to let boats through the streams. Let's remember this amazing and bright time.

    Competition 2. "Ships"

    Two participants each receive a piece of paper. They must make a boat as quickly as possible, put it in front of them on the floor and blow it so that it flies as far as possible. The fastest one wins.

    In the spring, men strive to conquer as many women's hearts as possible. They take care of the ladies and give them compliments. But can women be as gallant and can they say nice words to men? Now we will check it.

    Competition 3. "Compliments"

    Two couples, consisting of a man and a woman, are invited to participate in the competition. Women take turns complimenting their men. Whoever says more kind words and does it in an original way wins.

    Our women are beautiful

    And kind, slender, sweet.

    We wish them, men,

    In the heart of joy, spring.

    Our lovely ladies have said so many compliments to our men. Now it's their turn to answer them in kind.

    Competition 4. "Who are women"

    The host invites at least five men. Each of them in turn must continue the phrase "A woman is ...". You can not repeat and think for more than 5 seconds. If a man does not know what to say or thinks for a long time, then he leaves. The last one left wins.

    Today, for the holiday, all the women were very prepared, tried to look especially beautiful and, of course, they all used cosmetics.

    Competition 5. "Cosmetic bag"

    There are two women involved. On the floor, the presenter scatters various cosmetics and other items that are not intended for personal care. Women should pack everything they need into cosmetic bags as quickly as possible. The one who quickly collects as many cosmetics as possible wins.

    Today is a great holiday - the day of spring and labor. So let's not be lazy and work a little… paper shredders.

    Competition 6. "Paper shredder"

    Everyone who wants to participate. Each is given a sheet of newspaper. You need to tear it into small pieces as quickly as possible, but this can only be done using one right hand, holding the other behind your back. The winner is the one who tears the newspaper smaller than the others.

    On the spring holiday, May Day

    I want to wish you all

    Health, vigor without edge,

    It's great to live you live!

    May happiness be endless

    May there be joy and success

    Everything works flawlessly

    And let the cheerful laughter sound!

    1. "Happy Labor Day"

    Happy Labor Day

    And I wish forever

    Love your job

    Don't see her as caring.

    I also wish you

    So that you rejoice in May

    Lots of money on merit

    Vacation somewhere in the South!

    2. “May Day is the first of May!”

    May Day is the first of May!

    Meet the holiday of labor, resting

    At the table, or digging beds,

    And wishing each other good health!

    Let your faces bloom like flowers

    Happiness days let them go in a string.

    May Day, spring, primrose -

    Everything will be filled with joyful light!

    3. "Best friend"

    There is a reason to make a toast!

    And the reason - May Day!

    As the saying goes, work counts!

    And the workers - paradise!

    And you, my friend, do not be lazy!


    I'll be reaching out to you soon

    For barbecue and fries!

    "Have fun, honest people!"

    Have fun, honest people!

    Holiday celebrating!

    We'll raise a toast to labor

    Glory to May Day!

    Let it be worthy, according to work

    Merits are valued

    So that we can all buy

    House, Lincoln and wow!

    4. "I drink grape wine"

    I drink grape wine

    Like Marx once - without interfering!

    For a bright labor holiday,

    What a beautiful May Day!

    Don't let communism flourish

    And children don't wear ties

    As before, I drink this glass,

    For peace and happiness on the planet!

    5. May Day! Hooray! Hooray!

    We waited for him not in vain:

    Due to holiday...

    We will sing, we will walk again!

    Let's go to the forests!

    There are miracles waiting

    inspiration from nature,

    The pleasure of the weather

    Fragrances by the fire

    Vodka and barbecue!

    Let's meet the holiday on "Hurrah"!

    Let's get started... it's time!

    6. Glorious holiday of spring,

    We are in love with you

    Can't be cuter and prettier

    You are calling to space

    You delight our eyes

    you promise happiness.

    Heaven is deep

    The clouds are high

    Everywhere greenery, flowers and joy.

    Sweet sunny May

    You receive guests

    Every moment is yours

    Reward for the heart.

    7. Long live the First of May

    Spring and holiday

    Nature wakes up in spring

    And the lilac blossoms.

    Let's give congratulations

    Beloved family and friends

    Tell me how much you love

    How dear they all are to you.
