Turkish wedding. What is unique about this celebration? How is a Turkish wedding carried out - customs and traditions

Türkiye is a colorful country. That is why a Turkish wedding is considered a rich and magnificent event with centuries-old traditions. But no matter how people try to preserve ancient customs, European culture is increasingly visible among national foundations.

How is a modern Turkish wedding conducted? What rituals and traditions precede it? Here Interesting Facts about the conduct of the celebration:

Choice of ritual

Increasingly, free marriages are happening in Turkey, when a couple gets to know each other on their own. But still, the old principles have their place.

Thus, parents betroth their babies, who are obliged to get married after reaching a certain age. This ritual is called “beshik-kertme”. If one of the young people refused to marry, the matter often ended in murder. Therefore, this tradition is rarely used.

A more common ritual is when the sister deceased wife married to her widower husband. And vice versa: the brother of the deceased marries his daughter-in-law.

A custom no less shocking to us is called “taigeldi”. In this case, two divorced or widowed people become engaged, and their children are also obliged to marry each other.

In poor areas, the bride was often stolen, especially if the groom could not obtain the consent of relatives.

If a girl stays in a guy’s house, she is already considered his wife. This action is called “gyz gachirtma”.

Finding a bride

Choose good bride For a young family this is not an easy matter. We started with examining the cousins. If a suitable bride was not found, then they switched to the daughters of their close circle, friends or girls from a neighboring village.

When all the eligible ladies have been selected, the most worthy one must be chosen among them. At the same time, the well-being of her family, character and appearance are assessed.


This is sacred for every girl. Even from childhood, mothers begin to give their daughters towels, clothes, kitchen utensils. True, civilization does not stand still. Therefore, ready-made chests are already sold in online stores.

This ritual is not just a check mark on a list of customs. After the wedding, the husband’s parents always come to visit the newlyweds and discuss what the daughter-in-law came to the house with.


The whole groom's family goes to visit the bride. They always take flowers, sweets and a silver tray with them. The latter becomes a family heirloom.

When the bride's parents agree to the marriage, negotiations begin. Over sherbet, the older men of the families discuss the details and come to a general agreement.

The groom's job is to prove his readiness to start a family. To do this, he must drink salty coffee and not wince.

Ceremony "word"

After making a decision, the couple gives each other the floor - this symbolizes a joint step towards family life.

During the ceremony, the newlyweds are presented with expensive gifts, and all the guests drink lemonade. The first person to serve the groom a glass of lemonade will receive a cash prize.

After the celebration, the groom's relatives are obliged to send gifts to the bride, beautiful clothes and accessories. At the same time, the bride moves her belongings to her future husband's house.


Traditionally, the betrothal takes place in the house of the future wife. While the groom's family pays for the wedding expenses, it is customary here to give the bride expensive gifts, money, and jewelry.

Interestingly, relatives keep accurate records of gifts. The fact is that if one of the guests invites them to the wedding, they must give the same amount, otherwise shame cannot be avoided.

Henna night

This is an oriental bachelorette party, which was previously held at home. But today, more and more often, the organization is trusted to professionals.

When saying goodbye to their girlhood, girls paint themselves with henna, and the bride must cry loudly and clench her fists. You can open your palm when your mother-in-law brings her a gold coin. After this, the girl’s hands are covered with henna.

Pre-wedding shopping

Another interesting event. The bride's family takes the groom, and the groom's family takes the bride. The company goes shopping, buying everything it needs and doesn’t need. These are clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and even lingerie for the future wife.

The groom, among other things, must buy expensive watch so that they tick all their lives.

Latest preparations

On the eve of a Turkish wedding, the bride and her bridesmaids visit the hammam. There they wash and have fun, sing songs.

The girls also go together to the hairdresser, where the groom pays for all the procedures.

A man also chooses a dress for his wife. Typically, a closed outfit is chosen for a Muslim woman, and a more revealing outfit for a Christian woman.


In Turkey, it is customary to hold lavish and rich weddings. Many guests are invited to the celebration. The list includes close and distant relatives, friends and even acquaintances whom the family has not seen for a long time.

By Turkish standards, the modest celebration includes 250 people. But it is not customary to feed guests. Traditionally, pastries, nuts and drinks are served.

During wedding dance young male relatives shower banknotes. The rest of the guests present gifts, and it is customary to give gold bracelets to the bride separately. It is interesting that the gold belongs only to her, and not to the young family.

Final rites

When the newlyweds come home after the wedding, a glass is broken on the doorstep to avoid quarrels in family life. Oil is also applied to the door frame to make the relationship smooth and happy. And to attract prosperity, bread is broken over the heads of the bride and groom.

Here are the general traditions of Turkish weddings. Of course, conditions may vary depending on the region of the country. It is also important what customs the families of the young people adhere to.

Türkiye is a country in which the rich traditions of various regions of this country are mixed. Each region of Turkey is a unique small country with its own unique dishes, rituals and manner of conversation. Let's get acquainted with a Turkish wedding according to the traditions of the Antalya region.

Bride's choice.

Choosing a good bride for your son is not an easy task. First, the search begins among cousins. This tradition dates back to ancient times and is called “preferential marriage.” If there is no “preferred” environment suitable girls, then the search continues among closest acquaintances and friends from your own or neighboring villages. All relatives and neighbors are actively selecting bride candidates. When the groom's family believes that enough girls have already been viewed, the selected candidates are ranked on the basis of greatest preference. When assessing brides, the family is taken into account first, and the beauty and docile nature of the girl second. But in recent times, the material well-being of the family has increasingly come to the fore.

The family of the chosen girl asks for time to discuss and make a decision. At this time, neither “yes” nor “no” is answered, and information about the groom’s family is collected through friends and acquaintances.

Preparing for a Turkish wedding.

After this period, the bride’s side gives an answer. If the answer is yes, then both families meet to negotiate. During negotiations, according to the ancient Turkish tradition, as a sign of a sweet beginning family path, drinking sherbet (fruit drink based on water and sugar).Only men gather to make the final decision. As the first step towards family life, young people give each other their “word”. At the “word” ceremony, it is customary to give expensive gifts and drink lemonade. The first person to snatch the glass of lemonade from the bride's hand and bring it to the groom receives a cash reward.

After the “words” ceremony, the bride transports some of her things to the groom’s house, and the groom’s family sends them as a gift to the bride various dresses, clothes and jewelry.


The next step on the path to marriage is engagement. Depending on the agreement of the families, the engagement ceremony can be either solemn, with a large number of guests, or modest, in a narrow family circle. If guests are invited to the engagement party, then, according to tradition, they give the bride money or jewelry. The bride's family keeps strict records of guests and the value of their gifts. If there is a wedding in the guest's family in the future, then the return gift should be of no less value, so as not to put the family in a difficult situation.

After the engagement in the bride's house, preparations for the wedding are in full swing. In the Anatolian territory of Turkey (especially in the Antalya region)wedding expenses belong to the bride's side: all things in new house The girl's family buys it. The groom can also take part in preparing the wedding, but his costs are minimal. In the old days, the day of sending the bride's dowry to the groom's house was the most fun day before the wedding: music and songs accompanied the cart with things.

Henna night.

On the day before the wedding, a henna night is held, which is attended only by girls or women - friends of the bride and groom. Tradition to use natural henna make-up dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad, who recommended that women and men use this natural dye to change hair color and cover gray hair. Henna has also been used to rejuvenate the skin and fight acne. Even in our time, this tradition has not lost its relevance, although it has taken on the character of fun, in contrast to its original meaning.

Initially, the night of henna is the last night that a girl spends in her mother's house, a night of tears and farewell to her family.Everything necessary for the farewell (henna, sweets) is sent by the groom's side. A red cape is placed on the bride's head, which covers her face.A woman from the invitees, consisting of happy marriage, on a copper traystirs henna. To attract wealth in future family, small money is added to henna. A chair for the bride is placed in the middle of the room. The girls dance around this chair several times in the following sequence: the bride, followed by a girl carrying a tray with henna decorated with candles, and then the rest of the guests holding lighted candles in their hands. Walking around the chair, the girls sing Turkish folk songs. Then the bride sits on a chair, and her friends walk around her and sing sad songs, sure to make her cry. The fact is that according to traditional concepts, a girl should be chaste in her thoughts and not really strive to get married. Therefore, if the bride does not cry, then gossip will spread about her.

When they want to put a henna ball in the bride’s hand, she should not immediately open her palms. Guests from the groom’s side, with the words “The bride does not open her hands,” place gold coins in the girl’s palms. IN Lately in addition to gold, they can put a key to an apartment or car. Then henna with candles is distributed to all guests. According to legend, the girl who gets a coin in henna will be the next to get married. The celebration continues until late at night.

A Turkish wedding usually has a lot of guests. When compiling a list of invitees, even distant acquaintances whom we have not seen for several years come to mind. A modest, small Turkish wedding usually has 200-250 people. Because of large quantity Most wedding guests go without food. Instead of dishes, there are nuts, pastries and soft drinks on the tables. During the slow dance of the bride and groom, male relatives on both sides sprinkle small banknotes on the heads of the newlyweds, and guests give gold coins or envelopes with money.The next day the wedding can continue, but in a narrow family circle.

The cultural and everyday traditions and customs of Turkey are very diverse, because this multinational country was formed on the basis of a powerful Ottoman Empire, which existed for more than 600 years and subjugated the peoples of parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Only on July 24, 1923, when the aggressive empire collapsed, did the formation of Turkey begin as a state in which, in essence, there was no Turkish nation as such.

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The national composition of the population, inherited from the empire, had representatives of many peoples: Kurds, Circassians, Arabs, Meskhetians, Syrians, Laz, Balkars, Circassians. Each of them sought to preserve their religious, cultural and everyday traditions. And although now their descendants consider themselves Turks, they continue to preserve their national canons, from which the extraordinary diversity of Turkish customs arose.

The popular novel by the Turkish writer Güntekin, “The Kinglet - the Songbird,” written by him in 1922, became widely known in our country in the late 80s of the last century, as did the film of the same name based on it. The work about love reflected all layers of Turkish society, the social inequality of the very rich and the very poor; downtrodden and depressed Turkish women and, of course, folk traditions.

Now everything has changed since the novel was written: there is no striking social contrast in society; Basically, many people strive to get a good education, master foreign languages, obtain a prestigious profession as a doctor, lawyer, economist, journalist. The rural population is becoming more civilized and prosperous, thanks to modern communications and connections. But as before, everyone is united by traditions and customs developed by their ancestors and revered by modern descendants.

Wedding customs

Marriage is given great paramount importance here, so the traditions and customs of weddings are sacredly respected. Here it is customary to get married in quite early age, while striving to observe the principle of social equality: a low-income man should not marry a girl from a wealthy family, so as not to infringe on her needs and worsen her financial situation in the future.

Although there are exceptions: not all modern young businessmen and politicians choose a financially secure life partner. The most common family unions are within religious and ethnic groups, but interethnic ones are not prohibited by law.

As a basis family code The Swiss civil code is taken here, providing mutual agreement newlyweds, conclusion marriage contract and the principle of monogamy.

Wedding Ceremony Rituals

A family discussion is held after the guy and girl decide to get married, when each of them consults with their family members, discussing all the details of the upcoming celebration.
A visit of the groom's close relatives to the bride's family to obtain consent for marriage.

Betrothal, which consists of presenting the bride with gold jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets after cutting the red thread connecting the rings of the bride and groom into 2 parts.

Preparations for the wedding

Henna night is a kind of bachelorette party held two days before the wedding, in which only women participate. The traditional dress of the bride on this night should be velvet dress lilac color, she (the bride) is seated in the center of the room, a plate with henna diluted with water is placed, where a lit candle is placed. Those present performing ritual songs, they dance around the bride, and she sobs along with her mother as a sign of sadness from separation soon with the parents' house.

wedding ceremony

The wedding ceremony, where 200-300 guests are invited, begins with wild fun, accompanied by bravura music and graceful dancing. Before the end of the celebration, it is the turn of presenting gifts according to the family hierarchy: first the closest ones give, then those further away, and so on in a descending manner.

The wedding night

"Gerdek" is the first the wedding night– a very important and responsible stage, when the virgin purity of the bride is checked, which is still given great importance. Until now, in the morning the bride must show everyone the signs of loss of virginity on the sheet. With mutual desire, the newlyweds can deceive the vigilance of relatives if they already had intimacy before the wedding.

Etiquette traditions

Hospitality Rules

Turkish hospitality is akin to Caucasian hospitality; Turks willingly invite guests to their homes, using a special set of phrases and sentences that emphasize the hosts’ desire to see those invited to their home. Arriving guests, traditionally seated on the floor on spread out pillows and mats, are supposed to be offered the best and most delicious food. Dishes are served on a beautiful, spacious tray, which is placed on a low table. But now in most city houses the feast takes place according to European standards: big table, served with a full set of eating utensils.

Table etiquette

It must be remembered that pieces from a common dish should only be taken with the right hand; you can speak at the table with the permission of the owner. It is considered indecent to quickly and greedily consume food, to stay at a party for a long time, or to smoke without permission; Participation in dancing and singing songs is encouraged. Turkish houses are divided into guest and host halves, so invitees can only enter their half, taking off their shoes before entering.

In Turkish families it is not customary to eat alone; they strictly ensure that everyone living in the same house is present at the table during meals. Turks eat a lot of greens and vegetable salads, which are served with every dish; They can drink anise liqueur or beer at dinner, which are not considered alcoholic drinks among them, although they are strictly forbidden to drink in public places. Pork is never used in cooking, either at home or in public catering.

Common Gestures

Residents of Turkey use specific gestures, sometimes understandable only to them: snapping fingers means approval; Clicking your tongue means, on the contrary, disapproval or denial. Misunderstanding is expressed by quickly shaking the head from side to side or raising the eyebrows in surprise. The sign of consent is indicated by tilting the head to one side. When communicating with Turks, foreigners need to be more careful with their gestures, as they may be perceived by them in a completely different way.

Dressing traditions

Conservative residents of Turkey, both men and women, prefer to wear traditional clothing, especially in rural areas. Required attribute The national Turkish clothing is bloomers, which are worn by both sexes. Men's are made from denser fabrics, while women's are made from thin transparent fabrics, with decorations in the form of intricate patterns.

Over trousers, women wear long dresses and robes made of satin, brocade, taffeta, muslin, and men wear long shirts tucked into trousers. Until now, many men wear a traditional headdress - a fez - a low cap made of red wool intertwined with a blue, black or blue cord with a tassel.

Women wear bright ones on top, beautiful scarves. Nowadays, most business men wear European suits, shirts and ties. Young urban women are more committed to traditional dresses, complementing them modern accessories and shoes, and the elderly strictly follow the customs of national dress.

Turks are intolerant of foreign tourists appearing outside the beach in too open clothes: short shorts, low-cut tops or blouses. Going to public place, you need to dress more modestly, choosing a dress or skirt below the knees and with a slight neckline; preferably with a hat or smooth hairstyle. Visiting mosques and temples requires tourists to be very careful: men should not appear there in shorts, women should wear a long dress that covers their arms and legs; and cover your head with a scarf or handkerchief.

Customs associated with the birth of children

All close relatives, coming to congratulate the family on the birth of a child, should give the mother gold and silver jewelry and coins. The choice of name is also discussed by the family clan, the approved name is pronounced out loud three times, and one of the grandmothers reads a prayer in a whisper in the newborn’s ear. On the fortieth day of a newborn’s life, prayers are also read for his health; before bathing, the child’s body is rubbed with salt so that in the future he will not have a bad smell.

Great importance is attached to the appearance of the first tooth in children: various objects are laid out in front of the baby and, based on what the child takes first, an assumption is made about who he (she) will become.

An important stage in the development of a boy is the rite of circumcision, for which he is prepared with early years. This is a magnificent celebration when a boy, dressed like a king, is transported in an elegantly decorated car, accompanied by a motorcade to musical accompaniment. The boy is given gold coins as a sign that he became a man that day and should have money.

Dear readers and blog readers who courageously joined them! Vostochny I say hello to you!

Symbolically, today’s anniversary, hundredth, article on my blog is about the customs of a Turkish wedding.

“What is the symbolism?” you may be surprised. - Who knows, that’s how it seemed to me. Maybe, as in the joke “It’s time for you to get married, master” :)

Putting jokes aside, let's approach our topic with all possible seriousness, because a wedding in Turkey is very, very serious. This is what you will now see clearly.

So, even having a good idea of ​​how things are going with this in Turkey, I decided to play it safe and talk to an expert in wedding ceremonies, Tuce Hanim, a smart and beautiful woman who works for the benefit of one of the most famous hotel chains, not only in the country, but and beyond.

“Hanim,” of course, is not a surname, but a respectful prefix when addressing a woman or girl in Turkey. And for men, accordingly, it will be “Beat.” Well, like "Ivan Bey" :)

Let’s immediately make a reservation that Turkey is, of course, not our 1/8th of the landmass, but it is also a very large country, let’s say by average European standards. And it is inhabited by very different people and even nations - if not Kurds, then, as a rule, collectively called “Turks”, each with their own foundations, traditions and rules.

In general, we are talking about the average picture quite common traditions, keeping in mind that it is simply impossible to fit them all into the top ten.

Therefore, our TOP 10 are a kind of cornerstone of Turkish wedding traditions.

1. Dowry or in Turkish "çeyiz" ("cheiz")...

Families of girls in Turkey begin to gather very, very early on, almost from childhood. Towels, bed sheets, dishes, household and kitchen appliances - you won’t find anything there. However, there is an option for lazy people - ready-made chests (literally) with a dowry, which can be bought in online stores. Progress, however, does not require “what has been acquired through years of back-breaking labor”...

If anyone thinks that the girl’s family can easily jump off this topic, getting away with a “New Year’s set of candies,” then they are mistaken. Especially, the families of grooms on the Black Sea coast, after the wedding, love to visit the house of the newlyweds, and the girl must lay out in front of them what she came to the groom’s house with. They'll discuss it, they'll discuss it...

2. Rings

Previously, in Turkey everything was like “people”, that is, only ordinary wedding rings. But then the Westerners came and, as always, ruined everything for everyone :)

First of all, for grooms - by introducing into fashion rings made of gold with one diamond, the so-called “tek taşlı yüzük” (“tek tashly yuzük”, that is, a ring with one stone and it’s clear which one...).

And when now a guy proposes to a girl, in a romantic setting and on his knees (if rheumatism does not torment him :)), and if he is at a certain level of well-being, then the Turkish young lady will already be waiting for this ring in a velvet box.

Well, he expects that she will accept the proposal and put the ring on her ring finger right hand(don't confuse girls).

In addition, there are also wedding rings, the type familiar to us, which are worn during engagement, on top of the first ring, on the same ring finger of the right hand.

After the wedding, the girl begins to wear both rings ring finger already the left hand.

Also, special pre-wedding thin gold wedding rings or, say, bracelets are sometimes used instead of regular wedding rings, which are worn later.

3. Matchmaking or in Turkish “isteme ve söz” (“isteme ve söz”)

The groom's family, as full as possible, goes to woo the bride with flowers (roses, as a rule) and special box sweets, as well as with a special silver tray.

Which is then kept for many years as an important family heirloom. Not in the sense that “remember how I once hit you over the head with this tray?” :)

The groom's father wooes the bride's father, and the groom's job is to drink coffee, which traditionally will be salty, without wincing. If he didn’t wince, it means the “fighter” is ready for family difficulties.

Maybe there future mother-in-law come to the rescue: they say, that’s enough, everyone saw that you are “ready” :) But such mothers-in-law are worth their weight in gold...

The bride's job is to blush and be embarrassed, and not to rub her hands contentedly :)

4. Betrothal or in Turkish "nişan" ("nishan")

The next step on the road to marriage may or may not happen. It all depends on how eager the young couple are to formalize their relationship. If they are in a hurry, then immediately after matchmaking they can set a wedding date.

The event can be organized both in a wide format and in narrow circle, both outside and at home. But in the latter case it is, in the traditional way, there will be a bride's house and all expenses associated with the engagement will be paid by the bride's family.

This is not altruism - the groom’s family will “take the rap” for the wedding, that is, much more seriously.

5. Photo album

Need I say that all stages thorny path newlyweds to become a full-fledged unit of society are recorded by professional photographers - matchmaking, betrothal and the climax - the wedding itself.

To then release photo albums in several copies for both families, recording the young people at their most different interiors and exteriors, at home and outdoors. How full version, and "pocketbook".

6. Pre-wedding shopping

A very interesting event, during which the groom’s family takes the bride, and the bride’s family takes the groom shopping and buy literally everything that catches their eye, and not only the essentials.

Brides are bought dresses, jewelry and various cosmetics. They should also buy underwear, but not all girls are ready for such a test - to buy something lacy for themselves under the curious gaze of their betrothed’s relatives, especially since there may also be male representatives among them. Cousins ​​or brothers there.

By the way, few foreign brides know about this tradition, and their Turkish mothers-in-law may “squeeze” :)

The bride's family also buys a long list of everything for the grooms, but main accessory- this is, in mandatory, a good brand watch. So that they “tick” all their lives.

7. Night of henna or “kına gecesi” (“kyna gecesi”)

If it comes to the night of henna, then - “hana”: the wedding is no longer just around the corner, but most likely the next day.

Henna Night is a sort of oriental-style bachelorette party, which was traditionally held at home. This is understandable; the girl says goodbye to her home and goes to her groom.

However, in last years This event from home is increasingly being moved outside the home, and its organization is entrusted to professionals. They will explain that the girl should cry louder if she gets a laugh, and also that she should keep her hands clenched into fists and only when her future mother-in-law gives her a gold coin, open them in order to apply a traditional henna design on both palms.

The groom and the “kunaki of the horseman in love”, in principle, do not participate in the holiday. They have their own "carols". But recently there has been a trend for the male half to join the female half at the end of the evening.

8. "Rings and bracelets, skirts and jackets..." (C)

Investment gold in Turkey is sold in the form of gold coins of a certain weight and is called “republican gold” (“cumhuriyet altını” or “cumhuriyet altını”).

It can be implemented in any jewelry store and it can be sold back there without questions, according to current prices per gram of precious metal.

It is “republican gold” and gold bracelets that are a mandatory gift at a Turkish wedding. The bracelets are put on the bride’s hands, and the coins are put into a purse to turn the “unhappy” girl into a cash collector by the end of the evening.

The only thing that should console her is that the gold is hers, and not the groom’s “reserve fund” or “national welfare fund.”

9. Spa treatments

These include the bride and her bridesmaids going together to a Turkish bath - hamam, where they not only steam, wash and exfoliate, but also have fun with everything available the fair sex ways.

And of course, a joint trip to the hairdresser on the wedding day. And here the groom will pay for everything - for the bride, mother-in-law and all the girlfriends. Haircuts, styling, manicures and pedicures - everything your heart desires for the entire female team.

They shave him solemnly and with special care.

All this solemn action, naturally, is recorded on photo and video cameras to become an important part of the wedding album.

10. Who is knocking on my door?

Around the doors wedding cultures All nations, including the Turkish, have accumulated many different beliefs.

For example, when the groom picks up the bride on the wedding day, a child will probably open the door for him and start giving him money. And without this the groom will not be allowed inside.

Again, we sympathize with the groom, who these days must have a very thick “shovel”.

And after the wedding, when the newlyweds arrive at their home, a glass is broken on the threshold of their house in order to leave all quarrels on the threshold. A little oil is applied to the door frame so that everything goes “like clockwork” for the young people. And bread is also broken over the bride's head - so that there is prosperity in the family.

In general, by the time you enter the apartment, you will have to stomp around the threshold quite a bit :)

I caught myself thinking that I was already ready to write about what was happening next. But since further events unfold, although individually, but traditionally for lovers from all countries of the world, this is where I end my top ten :)

Have a good mood and love each other! If you have any clarification questions, please contact me :)

See you again on the blog pages and don’t forget to subscribe to it!

In the modern age, many young couples prefer organizing a wedding abroad. This fashion trend captured the minds and hearts of the newlyweds, due to the fact that the unusual setting only adds fun and unforgettable impressions. A wedding in Turkey is one of the most interesting ideas holding a celebration. Here you are guaranteed excellent weather, beautiful photos, stunning scenery and a pleasant stay. You can combine the wedding ceremony with a honeymoon, spending it in amazing Turkey.

Traditions and customs of a Turkish wedding

Turkish weddings have many customs and rituals. After deciding to seal their relationship with marriage, the newlyweds consult with their families. If the groom's parents give their consent, they go to the bride's relatives to ask for her hand. The beginning of the celebration marks the moment when the party young guy buys gold jewelry for the bride, chooses her wedding dress.

At a wedding, the newlyweds put wedding rings on their fingers, which are tied together with a red thread. The bride and groom are given a few heartfelt words of encouragement and the thread is cut. Then the celebration begins. After engagement, before the wedding, according to Turkish traditions, a lot of time can pass, up to a year or more. At this time, the couple lives together and gets to know each other better. Preparations for a wedding celebration in Turkey last for 2-3 months.

A couple of days before the wedding, the bride's palms and feet are painted with henna. A burning candle and a plate with ready-made henna. Only women take part in this ritual. This counts last night young lady in parental home. Wedding feast in Turkey it is held on a grand scale and is very fun. The number of invitees can reach 500 people.

How to organize a wedding in Turkey

Türkiye is the border between West and East, harmony and greatness. This is a country of contrasts, where the cultures of the Byzantine, Ottoman, and Roman empires mix. This makes her mysterious, majestic. A wedding in Turkey can take place either on the territory of a modern hotel or in an ancient castle. Wide sandy beaches, sun, sea, eucalyptus and pine forests are ideal for the birth of a new family. Until recently, Turkey could only offer newlyweds a symbolic wedding, but now you can officially seal your marriage here.

Official wedding

Citizens in Turkey Russian Federation may conclude official marriage. This does not require any special documents. The bride and groom must take with them internal and foreign passports, birth certificates, death certificates if one of the spouses is a widower, or divorce certificates if someone in the couple was previously married. The most popular places for a wedding are considered:

  • Coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas of Turkey. Here are located best places for Wedding. Alanya, Antalya, Bodrum, Kemer and other famous resorts in Turkey are always at the disposal of young couples. It is very convenient to hold a wedding on the shore. Places for exit registration, photo shoot, festive banquet in the form of chic local restaurants on the coast.
  • Private beaches in Turkey. For the wedding, the coast of one of the selected hotels is booked. The shore will belong only to those invited to the ceremony and the newlyweds.
  • On a yacht. The calm surface of the sea, the indescribable beauty of sunsets, the majestic mountain landscapes of Turkey. Isn't this the most romantic setting for Wedding? On a yacht you can gather all your loved ones in one place and have fun from the heart. A wedding held on the high seas in Turkey will be one you will remember for the rest of your life.

Symbolic wedding

Some married couples who have chosen Turkey for their holidays are so inspired by the local beauties and romantic atmosphere that they decide to hold the wedding again. But not real, but symbolic. This trend is so popular that spouses with 30 and 40 years of experience come to re-experience the emotions that the happiest day of their lives gave them.

A symbolic wedding is more modest than an official one, but here it opens up wide field for fantasy. You can hold a celebration on the pier, in a hotel, show center, or on the beach in Turkey. The decor of the venue is agreed in advance with the organizers. In Turkey, at a symbolic wedding, you can independently correct the mistakes that were made during the official ceremony.

Where to hold a wedding ceremony in Turkey?

This country offers many ideas for organizing and holding weddings. The most the best places The coasts of the Aegean Sea (Marmaris, Bodrum, Cesme, Kusadasi, Fethiye), the Mediterranean Sea (Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Kemer, Side, Lara), and Istanbul are considered. Turkey's warm climate will give you confidence that nothing will ruin your day. Clear sunny weather and high water temperatures are guaranteed 10 months a year, and short-term rain occurs only occasionally.

Aegean coast

The Turkish part of the Aegean coast offers crystal clear water, comfortable hotels, picturesque beaches, and sophisticated society. This place is chosen by many newlyweds to celebrate their wedding. You can hold the celebration in a hotel in Turkey, a castle or on the coast. A wedding here will be remembered for a long time. The Aegean coast is also famous for its chic wedding venues:

  • Marmaris is the largest port of Turkey, a youth resort surrounded by mountains. There is an island on the sea side that protects the city from the wind. Marmaris is distinguished by a large number of pine forests. The best time for a wedding at the resort is considered to be from May to September. The city is famous for its nightlife with an abundance of pubs and discos.
  • Icmeler is a resort town in Turkey, rich in gardens.
  • Turunc is a small picturesque town for a wedding, surrounded by mountains with pine forests. The air here is very clean, and the sea is protected from the wind. The local sandy beaches have received the Blue Flag award for their environmental friendliness and cleanliness. The stunning nature is considered the main attraction of this corner of Turkey and is ideal for a wedding.
  • Fethiye is a surprisingly clean, secluded resort in Turkey, warmed by the hot sun, smelling of pine, very prestigious and democratic at the same time. Here you will find a botanical garden and famous old hotel-clubs. It's fabulous a nice place for a wedding.
  • Bodrum is a large resort in Turkey, the most youthful and party place on the entire coast. It was nicknamed “Turkish Ibiza”. In the surrounding area there are many picturesque bays and historical monuments.

Mediterranean coast

Unique beauty, majestic and at the same time calming, the azure sea, countless islands, bays, long beaches, emerald green pine trees, steep mountains with caves - all this is offered by the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, captivating newlyweds with oriental generosity and romance. Spending the main day of a loving couple’s life at one of the resorts will give unforgettable experience. There are many romantic places suitable for a wedding on the Mediterranean coast:

  • Alanya is the most remote resort in Turkey, has a developed infrastructure and a lot of entertainment. The sea and mountains protect the city from the winds. Famous attractions include: Damlatas Cave, a 14th-century fortress and castle, a shipyard, “Cleopatra Beach,” numerous monuments and museums.
  • Antalya is a young resort in southern Turkey. New part The city has a developed infrastructure with restaurants, hotels, parks, bars, and the old part is practically untouched by modern buildings, which has preserved the national flavor of the combination of Roman, Ottoman and Byzantine architecture.
  • Belek is one of the greenest resort towns on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. In addition to the fact that the city is popular among those who want to celebrate a wedding and spend a honeymoon here, it is also famous for its rich fauna and flora, an abundance of eucalyptus and pine forests.
  • Kemer is the most popular resort town on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The ancient cities of Myra, Olympos, and Phaselis are located here. Kemer includes several resort areas suitable for weddings: Beldibi, Kirish, Goynuk, Tekirova, Chemyuva.
  • Side – “museum under open air» Turkey with a rich history. This place is famous for its long sandy beaches, good hotels, modern restaurants, convenient for weddings. Side includes the resort areas of Kizilot, Colakly, Manavgat, Kumkoy, Sorgun.


Istanbul is an excellent place both for a noisy big wedding and for a secluded celebration with modest budget. Thanks to affordable prices for accommodation, flying to this resort town in Turkey is considered relatively inexpensive. This is the only place where couples get married while located between two parts of the world, Asia and Europe. You can have a wedding on an island in the Sea of ​​Marmara, in an Ottoman palace, a Greek mansion, a chic Turkish restaurant overlooking the city, in the mountains in nature. Here you can combine a wedding with a honeymoon.

Celebration scenario

The wedding script can be based on the work “Scarlet Sails”. According to this theme, the celebration should be held on the Turkish coast in a restaurant. The captain will meet the guests there wedding ship, yoongi, bride and groom. To the sound of the ship's whistle, the lights go out and romantic music turns on. The wedding host says the following words: “This story began when the girl (bride’s name) met an old wise storyteller. He told her the story and promised that when she grew up, she would meet a captain who would love her.

The young man will sail on a ship under scarlet sails, together they will go to the Rose Valley and live happily ever after. The girl obeyed the storyteller and began to wait for the captain. Years passed and (name of the groom) sailed to the girl, fell in love at first sight, vowed to love her until last days life. And so our newlyweds set off on a romantic trip on their ship. Let us wish them that the Rose Valley brings them only joy and happiness.”

The newlyweds take their seats, and the captain invites the guests to join the celebration. The wedding host in Turkey makes the first toast to the newlyweds and announces a competition: “Since the playful sea is drowning out my voice, I need to choose a “bitter” who will loudly command “Gorko!” on the ship". For candidates among the guests, a competition is organized, where all participants blow on banknotes at the same time: whose one flies farthest becomes “bitter”.

Anchor raising competition. For it you need to prepare cardboard anchors with 1.5 meter threads attached. Participants must grasp the thread so that the anchor hangs down. On command, they lift it and collect the thread in their mouth, without helping with their hands. The first person to complete the task receives a prize. Afterwards, the wedding host announces: “I give the command “full speed ahead” and we are not afraid of any storm or storm. With such a team we will overcome all obstacles."

A romantic song is played, and those invited take turns saying congratulations. The wedding host distributes multi-colored flags to everyone so that the guests get to know each other faster, and says: “The signal is given by the witnesses (they must raise the flags), parents of the bride, groom, brothers of the bride, etc.” The host of a wedding in Turkey must read out everyone on the guest list.

There is a musical pause. The wedding host announces a stop at desert island Turkey, where the newlyweds perform their first dance. Next, each guest is presented with an on-board book to enter wishes for the newlyweds. Meanwhile, a sign is brought out that says “Island of Bad Luck.” The wedding host announces that the ship has been carried by waves to the island of bad luck, which is strewn with greenery (at this time he shows a gesture of rustling banknotes), and offers to check how the guests are doing with their luck.

Go out for the competition married couples. Counterfeit dollars are poured onto the floor and couples must collect them within a certain time while the song "Bad Luck Island" plays. The wedding host says: “The participants tried so hard, but the bills turned out to be fake. Indeed, this is the Island of Bad Luck, but our contestants have found their love. Maybe this place isn't so unlucky? Let's see if someone can catch the bride's bouquet?"

The girls line up behind the newlywed, and she throws a bouquet. Whoever catches him crosses out the “not” on the sign with the name of the island. The wedding host announces a stop on an island in Turkey where the lighthouse is located. Everyone goes to the coast. Guests light small candles and approach the newlyweds, who have one large candle in their hands. They light it with the fire of their small candles. The wedding host says: “This candle is family hearth, which will always illuminate your path and bring happiness to your home!” This ceremony is the final chord of the wedding.

Cost of a wedding in Turkey?

Organization wedding celebration in Turkey - a good solution in terms of quality and cost. Many hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, which makes it easier to clearly plan your budget if you have a lot of guests. The price of the celebration of travel companies includes: coordinator services, organization of the ceremony, ordering a registrar, marriage certificate, the ceremony itself, festive decoration of the place, cake, video and photo for a couple of hours, bouquet, boutonniere. Accommodation, flights and wedding banquets are not included.

Travel company name

Cost of a wedding (for two, excluding guests), rub.

Symbolic ceremony

Official ceremony


All-Russian honeymoon tour operator

I'm resting

Note: The data provided was collected through a random analysis of several travel companies and is not of an advertising nature. Information may be out of date at the time of viewing.

Video: how a wedding goes in Turkey

A wedding held in Turkey is a new, unforgettable, incomparable experience. This is a country of contrasts, mysterious and majestic. You will see this by watching the video below. The program for organizing the celebration includes: getting ready for the bride and groom, banquet, outdoor ceremony, invitation of artists. A wedding held on the beach in the open air of Turkey gives a magical feeling, and live music and hundreds of lights twinkling in the night add their own flavor.
