How to choose the right hair shampoo. How to choose a shampoo for hair - advice from cosmetologists

Very often, when applying a new hair shampoo, it is not possible to get the expected result from it. And this, despite the fact that modern advertising directly assures that there is a miracle cure for everyone.

When buying a shampoo, it is important not only to get acquainted with its composition, but also to understand the significance of the influence of each of the components on the hair.

Every good shampoo must effectively cleanse the hair and scalp from all sorts of contaminants (dust, sebum). But often it contains aggressive components that dry the hair. But their concentration may differ. If you often use cheap shampoos, where their level just rolls over, toxins accumulate on the hair, and they are damaged over time.

Such components include:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Ammonium laureth sulfate and lauryl sulfate.

They are found even in professional expensive products and lead to the fact that they start and, and the scalp is irritated.

IMPORTANT! If, when buying a shampoo, there is no list of detergents on the label, but only a short surfactant, this violates international rules for indicating ingredients cosmetics. This shampoo is not recommended.

In order to reduce the aggressiveness of the shampoo, its base is usually replenished with soft substances:

  • Okamidopropyl sulfobetaine;
  • Glyceret cocoate;
  • Sodium sulfosuccinate;
  • cocomidopropyl betan;
  • Sodium cocoamphodiacetate.

In addition to all this, the shampoo contains additives that make it comfortable and pleasant to use the product. These supplements include:

  • Dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • Flavors;
  • viscosity regulators.

Now you can see that manufacturers add conditioners to shampoos in order not only to cleanse the head at a time, but also to improve appearance hair. But the problem is that in this way the conditioner weakens and cannot fulfill its purpose, namely, the hair becomes shiny, voluminous and elastic, the alkaline effect of the shampoo is neutralized. Also, with their help, you can ennoble hair from bad environment, temperature changes, the action of chemicals.

And when the conditioner and shampoo are combined, their components can neutralize each other's action. It also turns out that the conditioner components in the 2 in 1 shampoo are in a lower concentration and they have less time to work.

Still, the best additives are silicone. They lead to the formation of a protective film on the hair. Thus, the hair becomes shiny and silky. Washed hair does not tangle and is easier to comb.

For dry hair, glycerin, plant extracts and other substances are added to the shampoo. They are humectants because they can attract the necessary moisture to the hair.

The addition of vitamins A and PP is practiced. They can eliminate brittleness and. Although many believe that vitamins, fruit acids and trace elements in the composition of the shampoo can not positively affect the hair. They do not need to be rubbed into the head, but are best taken orally in in kind(vegetables fruits).

most popular therapeutic agents dandruff shampoos are considered. They include antimicrobial substances and components that exfoliate scales and sebum:

  • Climbazole - prevents the formation and growth of fungi that cause dandruff. It does not cause allergies, it has a calming effect on the skin without side effects.
  • Ketoconazole - fights a fungal infection of the scalp.
  • Sulfur is a natural antioxidant that reduces the greasiness of the scalp and nourishes the hair with protein. It eliminates fragility and cross-section of hair, treats dandruff, and activates them.
  • Tar - cures dandruff well, hair does not fall out and grows faster, becomes lush and shiny.
  • Salicylic acid - and hair loss, promotes their growth.

Rules for choosing a good shampoo

  • Shampoo is recommended to be purchased based on the type of hair;
  • The composition of a good shampoo includes several dozen components. When hair gets sick, they need a remedy with caring substances. For sensitive, allergen-prone skin, products with a small composition are suitable;
  • For daily wash dyed hair and sensitive skin is better to choose mild shampoo;
  • You can’t blindly trust the words “natural” on the bottle, because natural remedies they cannot wash their hair perfectly on their own, and detergents are always present in shampoos;
  • When buying, it is important to take into account the brand of the manufacturer and the cost of the product in order to avoid low-quality shampoo or even a fake;
  • A good shampoo shows the expected results - the hair is clean and easy to care for, the skin is not irritated, the shelf life of the product is quite long;
  • When the hair seems very light and fluffy, it means that it is too fat-free and the shampoo needs to be changed;
  • You can’t experiment with hair detergents for too long, it’s better to choose the two most suitable options and alternate them.

From right choice shampoo depends general state hair and scalp, ease of combing and caring for them. well washed and well-groomed hair do not break and do not fall out, on the contrary, their growth and appearance are noticeably improved.

Video on how to choose the right shampoo

Video about choosing a quality shampoo

If you are still looking for your perfect shampoo, and the current one does not suit you, read this article to the end.

Before choosing a shampoo, first pay attention not to the hair, but to the scalp. If the scalp has some features, such as a tendency to irritation, sensitivity, if you begin to notice excessive shedding hair - it means that you need to choose a shampoo that will first of all “work” with the scalp.

Such, for example, Clear shampoos - all of them include a complex of ten nutrients and, with regular use, help get rid of visible dandruff.

How to choose shampoo and conditioner

If your scalp does not cause any discomfort, you are lucky and can only choose a shampoo based on the condition of your hair! But try to choose to him, too. How to choose shampoo and conditioner, should they be from the same series?

This is a frequently asked question, and - no, shampoo and conditioner can be of different series and even different brands, nothing bad will happen from this. But when the shampoo and have the same directional effect on the hair, the effect of using two products of the same series is much stronger and brighter.

How to choose dry shampoo

Not necessarily professional, but many girls simply need it. It happens to everyone sometimes - they didn’t have time to wash their hair, they turned off the water, you need to quickly put yourself in order after the gym or while traveling.

How to choose purple shampoo

If you lighten your hair, you just need. But do not use it every time, but combine it with another "basic" shampoo that suits you. We hope you now know how to choose the right shampoo!

In order to choose a shampoo, use a simple principle: first carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo that is designed for your hair type, and after you start using it, carefully analyze the results. With a huge variety detergents, which the industry offers today, you can correctly choose a remedy for washing any problematic hair.

The positive results of using shampoo can be considered:

  • well-washed hair;
  • lack of fat on them;
  • hair shine after drying;
  • strands are well combed, obedient;
  • no scalp irritation.

In addition, a good shampoo should: replace the loss of proteins, moisture and nutrients; increase hair elasticity; protect the hair cuticle and smooth the cuticle scales; do not make hair too heavy; have a UV filter; take off static electricity from hair; make hair silky.

In order to understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two use is enough. But in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is for you, you need to use it regularly for at least a few weeks. Once you have chosen a shampoo that suits you completely, you should not change it for another.

Conventionally, all existing shampoos can be divided into the following groups:

  • ordinary neutral (intended only for purification);
  • medical or nursing;
  • tint (differ in the method of application - not on the scalp, but on the hair);
  • for deep cleaning.

Shampoo ingredients. The chemical composition of the shampoo

The composition of shampoos varies, but the following components are most often found in it:

  • detergents (or surfactants);
  • surfactants (surfactants; they are hard and soft);
  • antioxidants;
  • antiseptics;
  • carrier substances;
  • chelates;
  • emollients;
  • emulsifiers;
  • humidifiers;
  • lubricators (lubricants);
  • proteins;
  • silicones;
  • UV filters;
  • different types of air conditioners;
  • functional and medicinal additives;
  • preservatives;
  • thickeners;
  • fragrances;
  • solvents;
  • vitamins.

Shampoo quality. How to determine the quality of shampoo

To determine the quality of the shampoo, do the following test:

  • Mix water with shampoo in a glass and let the mixture settle. If a cheesy residue appears, you should not use this shampoo.
  • Shampoos that use foaming agents such as sodium and ammonium sulfate are not recommended. The foam they form does not have a real cleansing effect.

Types of shampoos

What are the types of shampoos? The answer to this question will show the classification of shampoos in modern cosmetology:

  • Shampoo for normal hair. Contains fewer detergents. It cleanses the hair without disturbing natural secretion oils.
  • Shampoo for dry hair. It contains few detergents, it contains a moisturizer that prevents excessive dryness of the skin and hair.
  • Gentle shampoo for frequent washing. Very mild, does not irritate the skin and does not dry out the hair.
  • Anti-dandruff shampoo. Contains substances that slow down the division of skin cells, and also removes dead scales. Using it too often makes hair dull and dry.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to make your hair beautiful and healthy. Start with diagnostics, select proper care- and you will succeed.

A third of women believe that they have dry hair. However, this common “diagnosis” often hides a different condition of the strands. Dull and weak, like those that break when combed, you can call it dry, but in fact they have different needs. It is not enough to randomly try to “water” curls using oils and moisturizing shampoos that come to hand. To find out exactly what your hair needs, answer 10 questions of the test, calculate the points received - and get individualized advice. Follow them and see - it works! By regularly and properly caring for your hair and slightly changing your styling habits, you can actually transform.

Your hair...
A. Short *
B. Middle length **
IN. Long ***

Do they curl or fluff?
A. Yes ****
B. No **

You wash your hair...
A. Every day ***
B. Once every two days **
IN. Maximum twice a week *

Do you dye your hair?
A. No *
B. Once in two months **
IN. Every month ***

Do you have bleached hair?
A. Yes ****
B. No *

You do hot styling...
A. Very rarely or never *
B. Once a week **
IN. More than once
in Week ***

You use a hair straightener...
A. Rarely or never *
B. Once a week **
IN. More than once a week ****

Tried to do permanent salon straightening or “chemistry”?
A. Yes ****
B. No *

Do you feel like your hair is not growing?
A. Yes ***
B. No *

Are the ends of your hair split?
A. Yes ***
B. No **

12 to 17 * Dry but not too dry
Hair is dull and coarse, they are clearly not in best form although it's not yet a disaster.
Cause: the surface protective film has thinned, which ideally covers each hair and plays the role of a barrier to the evaporation of moisture from the inside and aggressive influences outside. This natural shell, which is made up of lipids, i.e. fats, can be too thin. natural causes- if you inherited the dry type of hair from your ancestors. But more often we thin it literally with our own hands. Coloring, aggressive shampoos or too frequent washing heads, styling, careless combing, abuse of styling with silicone - all this weakens the natural protection of the hair, deprives them of a healthy and elastic shine.
Solution: restore the protective film.
Choose a mild shampoo with caring ingredients. They may be different, but instead of memorizing the whole list, it is better to focus on the packaging - it should be marked “nourishing”, “for dry hair”, “delicate” or “restoring”.
Use a balm or conditioner that is also nourishing, with vegetable oils. It will smooth the scales of the hair, restore their shine and facilitate combing, which means that the strands will be less injured during styling.
You need styling products with thermal protection to keep your hair healthy. Products with oils and amino acids are what you need, they will not allow hot appliances to dry out the curls. The benefit will be double: the hairstyle looks better, and the hair does not suffer.

Advice. Apply shampoo only to the hair roots and scalp and lather well. To clean the tips, foam flowing down the strands will be enough.

From 18 to 25 * Beware fragile!
From such weakened hair with thinning or split ends, it is difficult to make beautiful hairstyle, they lack elasticity and density, they are often electrified.
Cause: the protective lipid film is practically destroyed, and the cuticles of the hair fall under the blow - the scales of the outer shell, which smoothes and holds together the fatty “cement”. When there are not enough lipids, the scales begin to bulge, exposing the core of the hair. it loses moisture, gets damaged and receives a negative electrical charge, from which the hairs stand on end.
Solution:“repair” damaged areas of hair.
A nourishing shampoo is a must. And if you can't do without daily shampooing, alternate between shampoo and conditioner. Cleansing hair with only conditioner is called co-washing, and its plus is that it washes away impurities without dissolving the protective lipid film.
Once a week, after shampooing, apply not a balm, but a mask, leaving it for ten minutes.
To restore strength and shine to the tips, a light serum that does not need to be washed off will help. She not only gives them healthy look but also protects against breakage.

Advice. Use a hair straightener no more than once a week. Heated to 200 ° C, the hair intensively loses moisture and becomes brittle. align long strands Can natural way: still wet, wrap them around the head, secure with hairpins and leave to dry.

1. Shampoo for dry hair with pearl extractAlfaparf Nutri Seduction.
2. Nourishing mask for dry hair Alfaparf Nutri Seduction.
3. Vita-cream with shea butter for dry hair J.F. Lazartigue.
4. Serum-care for split ends of hair
5. Nourishing mask Matrix Biolage Exquisite Oil.
6. Care mask for dry and damaged hair with argan oil Oriflame Hairx Restore Therapy.

1. Silk oil Silk Wonder Matrix Total Results.
2. Balm conditionerNIVEA "Dazzling Diamond".
3. Delicate shampoo for sensitive scalp with 12 medicinal herbs Iren Bukur.
4. Shampoo for normal and dry hair, restoring water balance,
5. Protein treatment for dry, damaged hairGiovanni Eco Chic Technology.
6. Serum for dry endsAvon Advanced Techniques.
7, 8. Strengthening shampoo and serum for severely damaged hair Schwarzkopf Professional BC Fiber Force.

An oil mask helps restore strength and elasticity to brittle hair.

26 to 34 * In the red zone
Hair is stiff, like straw, and just as brittle - it is enough to run a comb, and whole bunches remain on it. Proof that this is due to brittleness, and not loss: the hair does not seem to grow, it thins already halfway to the ends and looks very weak. And then, on the comb, they are noticeably shorter than the strands on the head.
Cause: the hair is so desiccated that the scales, not glued together with lipids, bristle, do not adhere to each other, and the cortex - the central part of the hair - turns out to be uncovered. Therefore, keratin - the material that makes up the hair - is seriously damaged, the hairs are very porous, they cannot resist external influences and retain moisture.
Solution: replenish keratin and lipid stores. Before washing your hair, give them an “oil bath” using special caring oils, always without silicone. Once a week, leave this mask longer, ideally overnight, to properly “charge” each hair with lipids. No need to try to fill your head with oil, a small amount is enough, but applied strand by strand and well massaged.
For cleansing, use a sulfate-free shampoo or with keratins, which strengthens the hair structure.
thick nourishing mask, containing oils and amino acids, is needed 1-2 times a week. Its components will allow you to “restore” the most damaged areas.
The final stage is care without rinsing. It will replace the natural protection that almost does not remain on dry hair, help increase their elasticity and make them more shiny. Bonus - a slight smoothing effect and protection of the tips.

Advice. If you are convinced but not natural blonde, replace traditional bleaching preparations with more gentle ones based on natural ingredients. Try going darker by just one tone, it won't change your look, but your hair will. And try to dry your curls without a blow dryer and style them without a flat iron to reduce the amount of aggressors that weaken your hair.

1. Keratin shampoo for damaged and weakened hair Matrix Biolage Keratindose.
2. Softening and moisturizing conditionerMatrix Biolage Keratindose.
3. Extraordinary oil for colored hair With L'Oreal Paris Elseve.
4. Shampoo for very damaged hair Syoss "Cellular Recovery".
5. Spray lotion to protect hair during styling Avon Advance Techniques Thermal Protection.
6. Strengthening and volumizing mask and hair spray with bamboo extractBrelil BioTreatment Volume.
7. Revitalizing and moisturizing serum with oils and plant extracts Fresh Line Erato.

Thick, radiant and well-groomed hair provides not only an attractive appearance, but is also an indicator healthy body. To create and maintain luxurious and healthy hair, of course, regular maintenance is required. Although the manufacturers cosmetic products produce all kinds of masks, balms, tinctures and other hair care products, the main and main tool is shampoo. Shampoos are recognized to cleanse not only the hair, but also the scalp. Properly selected high-quality shampoo can make curls voluminous, smooth and silky, as well as give strength and shine to even the most diseased and dull hair.

So, how to choose the right shampoo in order to enjoy tangible results in the future?

First, when choosing a shampoo, stop at those in which, as detergent ingredients serve as natural organic plant extracts, since this composition will help get rid of various problems with the scalp and will have it therapeutic effect. Well, accordingly, the shampoo must be chosen according to the type of hair.

It is also necessary to carefully study its composition in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Means containing surface-active substances (surfactants) dry the scalp, and therefore the less of them in the shampoo, the better. Also pay attention to the pH level, which should be identical to the PH of the scalp.

On a note!

In oily hair, it is 6-7, in normal hair it is 5-5.5, and in dry hair it is 4.

Top 10 Best Shampoos 2018

Out of standings - Moroccanoil Moisture Repair

An Israeli-made shampoo with an effective formula gently and gently cleanses hair of all types, saturating them with useful antioxidants: argan oil, avocado and olive oil, fatty acids, keratin, etc. Revitalizing shampoo is suitable for damaged chemical influences and hair coloring.


  • It has nourishing and moisturizing properties;
  • UV protection;
  • Nice smell;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Daily use.


  • Price.

10. Sim Sensitive Shampoo

Sim Sensitive is a therapeutic, nourishing shampoo designed for color-treated, damaged and dry hair. It effectively fights against hair loss, relieves irritation and prevents dandruff. Returns natural strength and shine to damaged hair. After using the shampoo, the hair is easy to comb and style.


  • Healing properties;
  • Anti-dandruff;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • Nutritious.


  • Price.

9. Charm Professional Shampoo Expert Collection

A stunning shampoo from a domestic manufacturer, suitable for daily use, gently cleansing the hair, to the very ends, without weighing them down. The shampoo contains revitalizing argan and macadamia oils, which are instantly absorbed into the hair without leaving a greasy film, protecting the hair from unwanted sun exposure, while prolonging the life of a rich hair color, as well as provitamin B5, which is responsible for tissue regeneration and vitamin B3, needed to improve blood circulation involved in the formation of pigments in the hair.


  • Large bottle;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • Affordable price;
  • Excellent composition;
  • Does not contain parabens and dyes;
  • Has an anti-static effect;
  • Hair is slowly getting dirty;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Doesn't tangle hair
  • Softness and silkiness of hair during washing.


  • Not a very convenient dispenser.

Moisturizing universal shampoo Estel professional line, gives a great shine, promotes complex hair restoration and effectively cleanses them along the entire length without weighing them down. Estel Professional Otium Aqua Mild is suitable for all hair types.

Developed in the Estel laboratory, unique formula products - True Aqua Balance, based on amino acids and betaine, balances the water-lipid level, penetrating deeply into the skin cells of the head, moisturizes and strengthens the hair, giving them natural shine and shine, has an anti-static effect.


  • Does not contain sodium laurite sulfate;
  • Universal, suitable for all types of hair;
  • Eliminates dandruff;
  • Daily use;
  • Moisturizing;
  • healthy shine;
  • Affordable price.


  • Can be addictive;
  • Specific smell;
  • Hair gets dirty quickly.

7. Londa Professional Shampoo Visible Repair

Professional hair product is great for those who have been exposed to perm, damaged, weakened dry curls requiring special care. Among other things, it is ideal for colored hair. Extracts of almonds and jojoba oil gently restore the hair structure from the inside, protecting it from drying out and moisturizing in a balanced way. The rich composition also contributes to giving maximum, luxurious volume. Moisturizing and nourishing shampoo protects against UV rays and promotes easy combing.


  • Daily use;
  • Moisturizes hair;
  • UV protection;
  • Nutritious;
  • Gives volume;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Easy combing and styling;
  • Convenient bottle;
  • professional care;
  • Affordable cost.


  • Without dispenser;
  • It foams badly.

6. Schwarzkopf Professional Shampoo Schwarzkopf Bonacure Color Freeze

A specially designed shampoo for color-treated hair, based on Krio Color Defense technology, which balances color pigments. Cryo formulas - silk hydrolyzate with the help of additional ingredients polish the surface of the curls, providing them with a unique shine, and also does not wash out the shade of dyed hair. The shampoo maintains a stable level of moisture and revives the structure of the hair, and at the same time does not contain sulfates.


  • Daily use;
  • UV protection;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • Light fragrance;
  • Ideal for home care;
  • Saves saturated color hair.


  • Price;
  • Partially dries out the skin.

5. Natura Siberica Shampoo Protection and Shine for colored and damaged

Rhodiola rosea, better known as the "golden root" has long been famous for its beneficial and healing properties, it is not surprising - Rhodiola extract stimulates natural regenerative processes, nourishes the hair, and also increases their protective potential. A series of shampoos Natura Siberica, designed for weakened, brittle and damaged hair, is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for delicate and gentle protection of hair fibers and scalp.

Moreover, Natura Siberica shampoo contains vitamin complex: C, D, A, B, E, P, and saturating the scalp and hair with vegetable natural protein, Dahurian soy extract. energy and vitality hair gives Far Eastern lemongrass, white beeswax, Siberian flax oil, etc.


  • Affordable price;
  • Suitable for dandruff;
  • Nourishing and moisturizing;
  • Easily foams;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Pleasant aroma.


  • Partially dries out the skin.

4. Wella Professionals Shampoo System Professional Balance Scalp

Shampoo of the professional line, for sensitive scalp, relieves itching and irritation, easily and especially delicately cleanses the hair and skin covering, restores damaged hair and gives them a chic volume. Wella Balance Scalp prevents itching, burning, and also replenishes the lack of moisture.

Careful care for curls and scalp depends on the ingredients that make up the product: lotus extract, which prevents hair loss and eliminates irritation of the scalp, champagne extract, which provides shine to dull hair and softens the skin, vitamin E, which restores strength and natural shine hair, as well as panthenol, keratin, phytokeratin and glyoxic acid.


  • Care sensitive skin th head;
  • Gives volume;
  • With dispenser;
  • Nutritious;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Persistent and pleasant smell;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Convenient bottle.


  • Price.

3. L'Oreal Professionnel Shampoo Pro Fiber Restore

Restorative professional series Pro Fiber for damaged hair from the French giant L'Oreal is rightfully considered one of the best and highest quality. Thanks to their therapeutic actions and rich composition.

Aminosilane is an active component responsible for the restoration and strengthening of the hair structure, a cationic polymer covers the hair cuticle with a protective film, and the revolutionary Aptyl 100 complex provides an unprecedented effect in 3 steps: instant recovery in the salon, personal home care reactivation program and effect at home. More suitable for dry hair, and the result is healthy and silky curls.


  • Economic consumption;
  • Pleasant persistent smell;
  • Nourishes and moisturizes hair;
  • Does not weigh down hair;
  • Air conditioned;
  • Suitable for sensitive scalp
  • Facilitates combing;
  • Nutritious.


  • Price;
  • Leaves a shine.

The shampoo professionally and reliably protects the hair from UV rays and harmful radicals, cleansing the hair and favorably affecting the scalp, maintaining an optimal PH balance and effectively combating hair fading, and also provides rich color and lasting shine to dyed hair.

Shampoo prevents the split ends, their fragility and restores porous areas of hair. It contains sunflower oil and vitamin E, which protect curls from negative impact external factors, as well as natural silicones, which give shine and significantly improve the integrity of the hair structure.


  • Affordable price;
  • Daily use;
  • Air conditioned;
  • Suitable for thin and damaged hair;
  • Suitable for colored hair;
  • Easy combing;
  • Nutritious;
  • Nice smell;
  • Convenient bottle;
  • Economic consumption.


  • Hair becomes oily at the roots.

1Mulsan Cosmetic Repair Shampoo

The unconditional first place is occupied by the shampoo company Mulsan Cosmetic. The peculiarity of this shampoo in its natural composition. It does not contain sulfates (SLS, SLES), parabens, silicones and other chemicals that can harm hair.

Shampoo restores damaged hair, reduces hair loss, gives natural shine and elasticity to curls. After use, the curls become soft and smooth, and most importantly - healthy. Mulsan Cosmetic is a leader in natural and safe cosmetics. The products are incredibly popular with women who pay Special attention to your health. In terms of its properties and composition, it easily surpasses competitors with a cost 4-7 times higher. Confidently recommend official internet— shop (


  • 100% natural composition;
  • Low cost;
  • Plant extracts and oils in the composition;
