Beautiful Arab girls in black hijabs. What is a hijab? Definition, description and photo

Oddly enough, in modern world where men and women have equal rights there are prohibitions. First of all, this concerns the Islamic religion, where, according to the Koran, every girl is obliged to cover herself with traditional clothes.

To the question: "What is a hijab?" - many will answer that this is a scarf or cloth covering the head of a Muslim woman. Agree, this is too simple an explanation of the term for a religion such as Islam. After all, many people know that a piece of clothing sacred to Muslims must comply with Shariah norms, which means that it should not attract attention, should not be transparent and tight.

Woman in hijab: headlong into religion

If in Islam it is any clothing that completely covers the female body from head to toe, then for a Westerner it is a scarf with which Muslim women cover their heads and necks. The Koran says that the hijab is a garment that fully complies with all Sharia norms, that is, it is long, not defiant, and does not fit the female body.

What is hijab in terms of spirituality? There is a definite answer to this. As one Muslim woman said: "A woman in a hijab is comparable to a vessel with a lid. If it is not there, then everyone knows what is inside."

Hijab is not a style of a woman, but a position in life, and to come to the decision to wear it is a very bold step, especially being in a non-Muslim country. But for the Islamic religion, being a woman does not mean wearing long clothes and cover your head. First you need to put on the "inner hijab" (cover your soul), and the need to wear the "outer" will come with time.

Hijab as art

Despite the numerous Sharia prohibitions regarding the correct wearing of the hijab, city dwellers Persian Gulf turned the traditional Muslim outfit into a real art. They prefer an abundance of shades and decorations in an evening or home look, and at the exit - a plain hijab or abaya.

Ever since the Persian Gulf states experienced lightning-fast economic growth, the most famous fashion houses have begun to work on the look of traditional Muslim clothing, turning the wearing of a hijab into a real work of art.

Now the clothes have a more complex style, a variety of inserts and embroideries, scarves are trimmed with rhinestones and stones, including precious ones. Unfortunately, foreign designers and fashion designers cannot yet get used to the fact that the hijab should completely cover the body, so the models show hair on the shows, and their hands are decorated with henna patterns and jewelry.

This Western vision of traditional Muslim attire appealed to young fashionistas, and many of them began to abandon Islamic prohibitions in favor of the style proposed by fashion designers.

Perfume, makeup and hijab

Many will agree that the interest of the Russian people in the East increased during the show of the series "Clone". Everyone remembers how our mothers, grandmothers, sisters were looking forward to the onset of the evening in order to find themselves in a mysterious oriental luxury for an hour. Most of us admired the beauty of Zhadi: a girl covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim attire. The only thing that was open to the gaze of others was her perfectly made-up eyes. And few people know that girls in a hijab before going out have no right to use cosmetics and perfumes. After all, fragrance and makeup will attract male attention.

The only one allowed cosmetic product for eyeliner is antimony, and henna is allowed for hands.

Muslim cosmetics

Islam has a different concept of beauty, and such a concept as a Muslim woman's cosmetics is the best way to explain the subtleties of this religion. For lips, a woman uses only truth and sincerity, for her voice - a mention of the Almighty (prayer), for her eyes - a modest and warm look, for her hands - useful deeds, and for her body she finds patience and chastity. This is what a hijab is in the concept of a true Muslim woman.

Ringing jewelry

Jewelry in combination with a hijab is a separate issue, where permissibility depends on what they are and how much they are. But compared to cosmetics, a compromise can be found here. A woman wearing a hijab should not wear only those types of jewelry that attract attention. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wear jewelry on the ankles, as they will make a sound while walking. What is the point of wearing a hijab if in this way a woman will notify the opposite sex of her presence?

How obligatory is the hijab for children

This question is quite common, but perhaps many mothers of daughters have not yet figured it out completely, as they believe that their child is still not enough to wear a hijab. In fact, it is. According to Sharia law, a child who has not reached the age of majority is not responsible for his actions, that is, his actions are not considered haram. But this does not mean that he should do whatever he wants, and his parents will not pay attention to him.

True Muslims (and not only), despite their age, explain to the child the main provisions of religion: the prohibition of deceit, foul language, theft, envy. They should also tell him about the need to fast and pray.

By allowing a child to commit haram actions from childhood, parents doom him to the fact that upon reaching adulthood, he will consider this to be the norm, and it will not be so easy to retrain him. Explaining to a little Muslim woman what is forbidden and permissible, the family will be sure that a personality with the correct religious concepts is being formed in it.

Muslim parents who take care of their children will instill in their child the culture of clothing according to Sharia. But this is on condition that the mother herself follows all the instructions of the Koran regarding appearance. Having a model in front of him, the child will begin to perceive Muslim clothing not only from a theoretical, but also from a practical point of view.

Children in a hijab evoke a feeling of tenderness and gratitude to their parents for many. Until the age of majority, a girl has the right to wear what she wants, especially since many collections for little Muslim women are being created in the world. Thus, a girl from a young age will begin to get used to long dresses, skirts and scarves. in accordance with Islam, a girl becomes an adult when one of these three signs appears:


wet dream;

The appearance of hair around the genitals.

How to wear a hijab (photo)

First you need to take a stole or any other fabric and cover your head with it, securing the edges with a pin on the back of the head. The result should be a hat with long ends. Then one end is transferred to the opposite shoulder and secured with a pin, thereby covering the shoulder. Do the same with the second end of the scarf, just fasten it not on the shoulder, but in the temporal region.


Summing up and understanding what a hijab is, we draw conclusions:

1. Every woman must cover her awrah - unprotected places, that is, the whole body, except for the hands and face.

2. The hijab should not be translucent, fit the figure and have bright colors.

3. The covering must take place in the soul and only then go to the body.

4. Before going outside, a girl in a hijab should not use perfumes and cosmetics.

A Muslim woman must understand that covering her body with a hijab is not an infringement of her rights, but a protection of her honor and dignity.

Wearing a veil is pretty controversial issue, causing a lot of discussion, waves of protests in the West and in some areas of the East. Feminists have criticized the veil, arguing that it reinforces the subordination of women to men.

Could you do me a little favor, next time When you see a Muslim woman wearing a hijab, go up to her and ask if she is forced to wear it or if it is her own choice. You will be surprised, because every woman you ask will answer that she wears a hijab because she wants to, and not under duress.

It is rather difficult to talk about this subject, since one should analyze in detail when, why and what was sent down, how it was accepted by people who profess Islam, and, no doubt, find out the reasons why the wearing of a veil is such a hot debate in the West.

We will try to find answers and refute common misconceptions about the veil. I humbly request you to be ready to accept everything that may seem unusual at first glance and to treat this rather long article with patience. When something incomprehensible is happening in society, they look for the people to blame for this; I would like to believe that intelligent and educated people are ready to go to great lengths to personally come to a certain opinion, and not rely on someone else's distorted perception peace.

The popular Western belief that the veil is a symbol of the oppression of Muslim women is completely wrong and anyone who wants to know the truth about why a woman chooses to wear a veil for herself should not ask anyone and believe nothing but these women themselves. For only they can say why they chose to wear a veil and cover their body.

You know, you can also ask a Christian nun why she looks like that, why she dresses modestly.

The outfit of a nun is considered as a custom. But all the nuns wear a veil that covers their hair and their dress code is not much different from what Muslim women wear. Then why is there so much discussion about the wearing of a veil by a Muslim woman (discussions in themselves are not something bad, but disputes and disputes that have a negative meaning usually lead to slander and disagreements between people)? This can be blamed on the media and politicians, who forcefully impose the opinion on non-Muslims, and now even Muslims, that a woman who wears a veil is enslaved and forced to live like that.

Let's take a look at the Christian girl that everyone knows, or at least heard of, and see what she used to wear.

Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, known throughout the world for her humanitarian work, always dressed modestly in accordance with her faith. Many nuns, devout Christians and Jews from all over the world preferred to dress modestly and wear a veil.

The Bible and Torah encourage women to dress modestly, including wearing a veil. There is no particular difference between the veil worn by Christian, Jewish women and that worn by Muslim women. It is genuinely surprising that there is controversy when it comes to Muslim women wearing a veil and, as the Western media suggests, they feel oppressed, and Muslim men treat their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters as second class people.

Dress code question

In today's free world, it is quite acceptable for a woman to dress in the latest fashion, a fashion that every year deliberately shows another part of female body for public viewing.

Skirt revolution

We have watched the ups and downs of the miniskirt and can imagine how much it attracts the attention of men, so this is great thing for those who want to draw attention to themselves. The popularity of microskirts and the women who wear them is amazing.

Over the decades, more than one fashion has changed, and since the so-called liberation of women, a languid look, trousers, transparent clothes, topless and a number of other items of clothing that are designed to display and emphasize the intimate parts of the female body have entered high fashion.

A similar trend is observed in men's fashion, we are talking about skin-tight leather clothing. Designers menswear, seem to have suspended their activities for the time being, because men, unlike women, are free enough to accept topless or transparent trousers.

Modern clothes show off the figure, while the "Islamic dress code" is designed to hide the figure, at least in public.

For this reason, when leaving the house, a Muslim woman is required to wear clothes that cover her body from head to toe and do not show her figure.

The requirement for modest behavior is not only for women, because in the Qur'an Allah (Holy and Great is he) commands:

“Say [O Muhammad] to the men who truly believe in God that they lower their eyes and guard their flesh [from sins]. [To do] so is the most well-behaved for them. The Lord is aware of what they do. And tell the women who truly believe in God to lower their eyes and guard their flesh [from sins]. And so that they do not flaunt their beauty, except for what is obvious. And let them throw a shawl over their chest. And let them not exhibit their beauty, except for their husbands ... "(St. Koran, 24:30, 31).


Hijab is Tahara (Purification) for believing men and women, because it protects us from passions.

Wearing a hijab is an act of obedience to Allah (Holy and Great is he) and his Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Loyalty to the hijab is a manifestation of chastity and modesty.

The position of women is thoroughly considered in Islamic law (it is unfortunate that the media only informs the world about negative sides its application and interpretation by men). One of the most discussed topics is the hijab in relation to a woman. Restrictions (I would argue that the word “restriction” has a negative connotation and should lead men to think that coercion and intimidation are normal, while Allah (Holy and Exalted) does not force anyone to believe or obey) regarding clothing and demonstrations of beauty, serve the sole purpose of protecting her from the vices (from seduction from the true path) that result from exposing the dazzling beauty of women.

The rules established by Islam, which it requires from believers, are not a restriction on the freedom of a woman, but reliable protection her and society from falling to the lowest levels of morality, which we can observe in a modern liberated society. Women are forced into an illegal and immoral profession, some of the financial considerations easily agree to work in this area, trying to divert attention from the immorality of their actions, saying that this is a real job, they like it, it pays well, etc.

It cannot be denied that the hijab is an integral part of modesty and shame, which protect a woman or a man from falling into the temptations of evil. Most people justify their offense of not wearing the hijab by stating that what is worn on the outside does not matter, but what is important is what is inside (in the heart). How stupid people are, hiding behind such excuses, they do not realize that the day will come when the very beauty that one tries to show will not remain, any reason for not wearing the hijab will be groundless, and he will be called to pay for disobeying the will of Allah (Holy he is Great).

Just think of the number of families destroyed by office romances one of the spouses (and this affair was not caused by someone wearing a hijab, but most likely by someone who flaunted their beauty, and we all know that men are always attracted to beautiful women).

What is a hijab?

For a woman, hijab is a head covering, which means covering all the hair from the forehead through the ears, as well as the neck. The hijab is part of the required clothing for a Muslim woman. There are also such additions as jilbab and niqab.

The purpose of the hijab is to protect the decency and personality of a Muslim woman. This is mentioned in Surah al-Ahzab 33:59: “O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters, and the women of believing men to draw their veils over (or pull together) them. So they will be easier to recognize (distinguish from slaves and harlots) and will not be insulted. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

Many women who wear the hijab find it anti-discriminatory. They don't waste time trying to get the approval of the opposite sex or friends, moreover, interacting with the world at large, these women see that people appreciate them for their intelligence and personal achievements, and not for their sex appeal.

One of the sisters, who recently converted to Islam and started wearing the hijab, said she felt protected and relieved. She is more respected, people really listen to her and not talk to her breasts. Today, many Muslim women want to wear the hijab, but are very afraid of it because of the negative media coverage. Many people worry about what people might think or say to them.

We must remember that Allah (Holy and Great is He) is omnipresent; by not following His instructions, we fall into disobedience, and then what is the chance of entering paradise in the afterlife? (Do not be fooled into thinking that life in this world is the end.) As Muslims, we follow the teachings of Islam, which means submitting to the will of Allah and following his orders.

Hijab is a symbol of piety for every Muslim woman, just like for a nun who covers her head. Half-nakedness gives the impression that the girl is ready to let any man near her. The hijab is a statement that says “I am forbidden to you”, so a man should not consider a woman in a hijab as an object of desire or sex appeal. The hijab is a barrier to reason between a man and a woman who are unfamiliar or unmarried to each other.

Islam does not oppress women, but gives them real liberation, removes from them the fetters created by men in modern society. Don't believe me, just ask a Muslim woman what she thinks about wearing a hijab.

Translation by Raushania Gafiyev

All information on this site is published outside the scope of missionary activity and is intended exclusively for Muslims! The views and opinions published in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the site administration

The one who thinks that all Arab girls are enslaved individuals, wrapped from head to toe in a veil and obeying the whims of a despot husband, is mistaken. In fact, everything is not so, and now you will see it.

The most beautiful Arab girls

Meet Afef Jnifen - model and TV presenter from Tunisia. Possessing strong character and the desire for independence, she ignored the standards of society and went to study in Switzerland. This was followed by a move to Paris, where she was offered to become a model. The work gave her an invaluable gift - the opportunity to travel. But for her it turned out to be Italy, where she lives to this day.

French dancer of Algerian origin Amelia Zidane. This beauty is not only one of the TOP 5 belly dancers in the world, but is also the first dancer to appear on the cover of a gloss without being a model.

The real sex symbol of the Middle East comes from Lebanon. From childhood, the girl was pretty and incredibly talented. At 16, she won the Miss Lebanon pageant. By the age of 20, she began to decorate the covers of fashion glossies, and in 2002 her career as a singer began. At 18, she gave birth to a daughter, and in 2009 she became a grandmother.

Nancy Ajram is a famous singer from Beirut. She released her first album at the age of 15, and at 17 she joined the list of professional artists in Lebanon. But she won fans not only with her sweet voice, but also interesting appearance: brunette with bright blue eyes.

Stylish arab girls

Wife and mother of the heir. She is considered one of stylish women Islamic world, and this is not surprising. The wardrobe of the Moroccan princess is full evening dresses With traditional patterns and embroidered precious stones. At social events, she looks like a sultana from the movie "Magnificent Age".

Dina Abdulaziz - slim and incredible beautiful brunette, mother of three children and wife of the prince Saudi Arabia. For a long time Dina and her husband lived in New York, and it was there that she formed the opinion that Arab girls can also choose what to wear.

By the way, in the summer of 2016, Dina Abdulaziz became the editor-in-chief fashion magazine Vogue Arabia.

Hijab and oriental girls

Arab girls in hijab separate category oriental beauty. As the proverb says: "The wife is the rose of the house." Therefore, in Islam female beauty should be hidden from prying eyes.

See how beautiful Arab girls look (photos below) in a hijab.

And if a young girl is still allowed to be uncovered, then for married absence hijab is unforgivable. Today, this traditional dress is mandatory in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. And in countries such as Tajikistan, Turkey and Tunisia, wearing a hijab in state institutions and educational institutions is prohibited.

Myths about the appearance of Arab girls

Many people believe that Arabs are (without exception) black-haired, with dark skin and black eyes, and all Arab girls are plump and with curly hair. But this is not so, because most of them are very similar to Europeans, but they have an oriental twist.

The Middle East is actually a place of mixing of three races: African, European and Asian. Describing the Arab world, it should be noted that it is diverse. For example, in Syria, Lebanon and Algeria, the skin of the population ranges from light milky to chocolate, and in Sudan, beige and olive shades are very common.

Eyes are the highlight that all Arab girls have. A photo charming views presented in this article is proof of this. The shade of the eyes is from bright blue to black, the figure of oriental beauties resembles a guitar, and hair is not only dark shades.

Arab girls know a lot about natural beauty and cosmetics. That is why many beauty secrets Oriental women deserve special attention:

  • Argan oil is the number 1 product in the box of Arab beauties. It is applied to pure form face, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair.
  • Amla extract - a miracle remedy for rapid growth hair. You can use both powder and oil.
  • Rose water is a wonderful refreshing facial tonic that can replace the micellar water familiar to many women.
  • Turmeric is the basis of face masks. To prepare, mix 2 tbsp. l. milk and the same pink water, a pinch of turmeric and 50 g of flour.

Arabic models

Girls always dream of conquering the world catwalks, and there are such desires in the Eastern world too. Here are a few beauties who have conquered the world catwalks.

Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid - First Representative Arab world, climbing the western catwalks. In the mid-70s, she posed for Vogue and participated in the shows of Yves Saint Laurent, Klein, Versace.

Kenza Furati is the first Arab model of Muslim origin to take part in a photo shoot in a bikini.

Hana Ben Abdelsalem is a Tunisian model and face of Lancome.

Reema Fakih is the first woman from the Arab world to win the Miss USA title.


Zizi Adele is an Egyptian singer born in Kuwait. Glory to the girl came in 2005, when she took 3rd place in song contest "Star Academy". After 2 years, she signed a contract with largest company musical production in the Arab countries.

Latifa is a Tunisian singer whose first album was released in 1988. The beauty sings not only in Arabic, but also in French. To date, she has released 70 clips, 20 albums and starred in several films.

Sofia El Marik is a singer who starred in a diaper commercial at the age of 4. At the age of 15, she got the role of Sophia Loren in a Moroccan film. Singing career began with participation in the show "Star Academy".

Melissa, like many previous Arab girls, was born in Lebanon and is considered one of the popular singers in the Arab world. Melissa sang a duet with the famous musician Akon.

Amar Al Tash is the most photogenic artist in the Arab world. In 2008 she became the most sexy woman, and in 2010 she was in 15th place in the TOP-100 of the sexiest Arab beauties.

Amina Kaddour is a supermodel, originally from Algeria.


Continues our rating "Beautiful Arab girls" actress from Syria - Sulaf Favakerji. Remarkably, she became famous thanks to her bright eyes. Played in many Syrian soap operas, in 2008 was one of the torchbearers at the summer Olympic Games, and in 2011 defended Bashar al-Assad.

Makhtab Keramati is an Iranian-Persian actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Nadine Agnathios is a green-eyed beauty and a Lebanese TV news anchor.

Diana Karazon is a Jordanian-Palestinian Arab actress. But she became famous thanks to her participation in the Superstar competition and has since been recognized as the most successful singer in Jordan.

Gabrielle Bow Rashid is an Arab actress and Miss Lebanon title holder. After the beauty contest, she began to receive offers from Lebanese film companies, and also starred in many videos.

Egyptian beauties

Undoubtedly, Cleopatra is considered one of the most beautiful Egyptians in the world, but we can only judge her external data from the words of historians. But what the daughters of famous pharaohs have become now, we can find out from the photographs of the following beauties.

Yara Naum - was born in Cairo, and in 2008 became the owner of the title "Miss Egypt".

Elham Vagdi - represented her homeland at the Miss Universe contest.

Arva Gouda is a model and actress who won the Egyptian Oscar for Best Actress.

The most stylish and powerful woman in the Arab world

Her manner of dressing shocked the United Arab Emirates. Girls living in Islamic states admire her beauty, style and strong character. It is not surprising, because the former mayor of Qatar allowed his wife not only to remove the hijab, but also to participate in public affairs.

Meet Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Minsed - mother of 7 children, one of the most stylish first ladies in the world and a public figure.

Having met her future husband at the age of 18, she was in no hurry to catch her luck by the tail, but first entered the university, completed an internship at prestigious American universities, and only then got married.

In her images there is no hint of the true "fashion of Qatar", where women are dressed in abayas and wear headscarves. AT rare cases Moza may appear in trousers, but she always wears a stylish turban on her head.

Now she is 59 years old, and you must admit that she looks amazing, and this once again emphasizes that Arab girls (photo confirms this) can also look stylish and beautiful. However, there are rumors that in order to preserve her youth, Sheikha Moza underwent 12 plastic surgery and spent about two million dollars. And those who have ever dealt with her foundation admire not only her appearance, but also with determination, perseverance, authority and incredible ability to work.

Style is the main weapon against stereotypes

These Arab girls and women challenged their traditions and became trendsetters, founders of their own brands and designers. No, we are not talking about representatives of Europe or America. A story about modern beautiful women East.

Rania Al-Abdullah is the wife and mother of four children, one of whom is the crown prince of the kingdom. AT Everyday life she prefers jeans and T-shirts, but at social events she shines in luxurious outfits from famous designers. By the way, Giorgio Armani himself has repeatedly called her the main muse.

Asma Al-Ahras is the graceful first lady of Syria. Due to the fact that she grew up in England, instead of a hijab, she prefers to wear European style. Even stylists admire her carefully selected wardrobe, because Asma chooses her own outfits.

Amira Al-Taweel - princess and ex-wife prince of Saudi Arabia.

It is very different from our usual idea of ​​what Arab young girls should be like. Amira is a human rights activist and, even after becoming a member royal family, did not change its principles.

Many of the people who do not follow the canons of Sharia confuse the religious aspect in the clothes of a Muslim woman with the national one. Very often I am asked a question of this nature: "Why don't you wear a veil like girls in the east do? After all, they are true believers there!"

In answer to this question, first of all, I would like to say that nationality has nothing to do with religion and one should not assume that only Arabs are true Muslims, and their clothes are the most correct. We talked about the meaning of the word and the Sharia requirements for it earlier. Now let's look at its varieties.

This article will serve good addition to the topic National clothes of the peoples of the world. And I'll start with Russia. You will be surprised, but Russian women have long worn a hijab, which consisted of fabric. In Rus', scarves called "plats" played an extremely important role in a woman's attire. In the distant past beautiful half instead of changing hairstyles, constantly repainting hair, they simply changed hats of a wide variety of styles and colors, as well as ways of tying them. There was such a tradition as “untying the mind”, when a little girl was given a skirt with a scarf. But she did not have to wear a headscarf until puberty, when she was already supposed to wear a wreath, and a ribbon, and a handkerchief, from under which her hair braided into a braid was visible.

When, finally, the wedding came, which took place throughout the week, in wedding ceremonies also steadily involved was the headscarf, which, for example, was put on a girl by her father. During the wedding, the bride's hairstyle also changed - two braids were braided, on which a kick was put on. All relatives also exchanged gifts in the form of handkerchiefs. Then, all my life married woman she could never appear without a scarf, not covered. Her headdress now consisted of a warrior, a magpie, and a street scarf.

Then we will go to Turkey. Although Turkey is considered a secular state, almost 20% of young Turkish women aged 15 to 23 prefer Islamic clothing. Wearing a hijab can be associated with teenage rebellion as they change their clothes into more modern style to Islamic in protest against the very free manners in the choice of clothing of their peers. According to many Turkish women muslim headscarf gives self-confidence, a sense of security, raises self-esteem and even allows you to take a higher position in Turkish society.

And this Burqa?(synonymous with burka, less often veil) - female outerwear in Muslim countries, in particular Central Asia and the Middle East, which is a robe with long false sleeves and with a hairnet covering the face - chachvan.

Veil(tur. ya?mak) - light female cover in white, blue or black. It is worn when leaving the house and covers the figure of a woman from head to toe. Most often you can see it in photographs from Afghanistan or Pakistan.

In the Arabian Peninsula region, women mostly wear abayas. Abaya is a traditional outerwear Arab women. It is a thin soft, usually black, cape, or similar to a loose dress. The urban ladies of the peninsula and the Middle East wear predominantly black abayas, abandoning bright trims and colorful colors. They are even before the famous Coco Chanel, who invented a small black dress, discovered the power of black, its depth, expressiveness, mystery, femininity and solemnity.

In Saudi Arabia, women's traditional clothing is richly decorated with tribal signs, coins, beads, and threads. When leaving home, a Saudi woman is required to cover her body with an abaya.

Abaya(Arab. ????? ??) - long traditional Arabic women's dress with sleeves. Not belted. Designed to be worn in in public places. Usually black, but also multicolored. Abaya is often richly decorated with embroidery, beads, rhinestones. In some Arab countries, the obligatory clothing of Muslim women, worn with a hijab or niqab.

And now we will find out what Muslim women wear in Malaysia. In general, the Islamic world is extremely conservative, but in Malaysia, love for bright colors still managed to overcome the severity of Islam. And although everything is within the canon, nevertheless, women look bright and festive. High-fashion and the everyday clothes of the Malays are certainly not the same thing. But a general idea of ​​local tastes and customs can be formed.

At the heart of the outfits are the styles of baju kebaya and baju kurong. Baju kurung- consists of a loose knee-length blouse with a long skirt, decorated with pleats on the side. Baju kurung can be made from traditional fabrics such as batik or songket. It is often complemented by a selendang shawl or a tudung head scarf.

As for children, it is not customary here to dress girls in traditional clothes and head scarves. With the exception of especially religious families in the state of Kelantan, for example. Nevertheless, such a children's series was also presented in the collection.

By the way, a photo from a fashion show in Malaysia. Models here are not all Malays. So don't be surprised by the facial charts and whiteness of the skin. The brightness of colors and multicolor is typical for Malay clothing. Not only on the catwalk, but also in everyday life.

And this is the national Azerbaijani "hijab".

Unfortunately, there are so few people walking there now. Therefore, the photos are staged. But the essence of the costume is visible:

Now I would like to talk about the niqab. Niqab- a Muslim women's headdress covering the face with a narrow slit for the eyes. As a rule, it is made of black fabric. Covers the entire face except for the eyes. Consists of a forehead bandage (strips of thick fabric tied on the forehead with ribbons at the back) and two rectangular scarves sewn to the headband. One scarf is sewn to the bandage from below and only along the edges - it should fall over the face in such a way that there is a slit for the eyes. The second large scarf is sewn on without any cuts - it should completely cover the woman's hair.

Niqab is not only black. it can be any color at all.

By the way, if you notice, you can wear gloves with a niqab, or you can not wear them.

But Muslim women love to put such photos as avatars. In theory, this is also a niqab.))

Islam- the second most important religion in the Republic of India (after the predominant Hinduism). According to reports, there are 150 million Muslims living in India, which make up 14% of the total population of this country. In other words, the number of Muslims in India exceeds the population of most Islamic states, which suggests that Indian Muslims can play an effective and influential role in this country and in everything. Islamic world. Islam has a rich past in the Indian peninsula.

Islam in China. According to historical records, Islam entered China around the 7th century through Muslim merchants who came to trade in China. Along the Silk Road and across the sea, Arab and Persian Muslim merchants often visited China. Following the spread in China, Islam gradually adopted the Chinese traditional culture and thus a religion with Chinese characteristics emerged.

Islamic swimsuit- this is the latest squeak of Muslim fashion. Not so long ago, not wanting to be naked in public, religious women tried to avoid the beaches. Going to bathe, Muslim women completely cover the body. A suit is put on a narrow cap, and a cape is placed on top, which covers the woman from the neck to the ankles. Turkish journalists laugh at the Islamic bathing suit and call it stupid and tasteless, although this does not affect sales at all.

Europe is also not far behind in terms of fashion. For example, Islamic Design House is a British company that has done the impossible. The designers of this company combined seemingly incompatible things and created a whole collection of very comfortable and practical sports abayas. (I myself go to this))).

And recently, another interesting and rather innovative designer line of Islamic clothing appeared in Germany - StyleIslam®. Its creator is Melih Kesmen. It all started with a T-shirt he made for himself during the riots against cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He printed on it the inscription: "I love my prophet." Since he could not identify with those Muslims who burned flags in protest against the cartoon, he intended to express his protest creatively, but intellectually, which is what his T-shirt became. Whenever he wore a T-shirt, people would come up to him and ask questions about the writing on it. This was the starting point for the creation of Styleislam®, whose products have enjoyed growing international popularity ever since. This line of clothing for the whole family:

Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Ali al-Jum'a (Darul Iftaa al-Misriyya) noted that, unlike the crosses worn by some Christians or the headdresses worn by Jews, the hijab is not a "symbol" of Islam, the correct understanding is that "Islam orders a woman of age to wear a hijab as compulsory clothing for the believer.

This is part of the religious practice of every Muslim woman. The modern hijab is not a “standard” wide hoodie dress, but a huge variety of fashionable, beautiful and at the same time modest things. You can look attractive and modern and still follow the rules of Islam. Sweatshirts and cardigans, blouses, tunics, turtlenecks - all this should be in the wardrobe of a Muslim woman these days. Wide long skirt goes well with turtlenecks, sweaters different style, cardigans, tunics and blouses. You can also easily choose a suitable top for trousers - for example, beautiful jacket with embroidery, unusual finishes, quite long and spacious will be in perfect harmony with both classic and flared trousers.

The hijab is a woman's "natural" clothing. As you can see, it can be found almost everywhere, in any corner of the world, if not today, then in history, in traditional costumes.

In Persia:

In Turkmenistan:




In Christianity:

Islam, as the most perfect religion, gave women a moderate hijab, avoiding any extreme in this regard. Islam fully knows the subtleties in the character of women and men and their psychological properties. Therefore, he formulates precise prescriptions for the feminine and male gender, in particular, prescribing effective measures to preserve their valuable vocation in the family and society.

Russian orientalist and poet Lyudmila Avieva says: “The hijab serves as a means to protect women from lustful men who view women as a consumer product.”

British researcher Lugi says:“It would not be an exaggeration to say that Muslim women live much more freely than European women. A Muslim woman is free in the true sense of the word. She knows what freedom is. But today, Europeans, having gone to extremes in the use of freedom, "fell out of the fire and into the frying pan." Therefore, the hijab not only does not contradict freedom, but also brings freedom.”

Professor Morteza Motahari says about this:“Respecting the veil established by Islam for women does not mean that women have no right to go out. Islam does not advocate the imprisonment of a woman in a domestic prison. The hijab of women in Islam means that women should cover their bodies in communication with men, avoid coquetry and flaunting themselves.

American historian Will Durant writes in his book A History of Civilization:“Women have learned from experience that unbridledness brings them humiliation and reproach. They realized how precious and valuable what a person is looking for, but does not find. Based on this, they began to teach their daughters modesty. Some biologists also recognize a kind of sense of shame and shyness in humans, especially in females.

Beautiful girls in hijab The heart rejoices when you walk on hometown and you see Muslim girls dressed in Islamic clothes. Beautiful light headdress, delicate long dress, hiding the shape of the body from someone else's eyes. All, absolutely all of them are tastefully dressed.

Everyone's gait is like a selection - smooth, while the gaze is lowered, and the face glows with light and tenderness. Isn't it happiness to see such beautiful girls around you!

Praise be to the Almighty that all of them are our sisters, daughters and just neighbors who evoke a feeling of boundless respect for them. Will the tongue turn to say that they are downtrodden, uneducated, dark and stupidly follow their religion, in which they understand nothing? Each of them studies in some secular educational institution, in parallel with this, receives Islamic knowledge in Islamic universities or in madrasas.

Luckily, everyone has this opportunity now. In a conversation with them, you can find a rich spiritual world these girls. Having such a wealth of knowledge, they do not pretend to be more than just a modest, submissive Muslim woman.

There is a hadith of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that what is much more valuable than our worship, performed by us in youth . We all know well how difficult it is in youth to resist evil temptations, of which there are a lot around us.

Youth is the time for ambition worldly goods so they seduce and attract, distracting from the spiritual.

Praise the Almighty! More and more young people are embarking on the path of truth and worship of Allah!

Those who drive around the city in the morning must have noticed how schoolgirls in white hijabs and boys in skullcaps run to the mosque to learn how to read the Koran during summer holidays. And there is such joy on the faces of these children! No wonder it is said: "Children are the flowers of life."

When a woman in adulthood dressed in a Muslim style, she definitely calls to her great feeling respect. But... This is already a person who has considerable life baggage and who, due to his age and experience, is able to adequately perceive spiritual values, is able to distinguish between good and bad. Therefore, women dressed according to the norms of Islam are perceived with respect, but as a matter of course.

Among adult women, there are those who wear a headdress carelessly thrown over their heads (which is doomed to forever slide around their necks) - it seems to be in a headdress, but it seems to be not. Though casually, they wear it! And this means that not everything is lost, even a drop of our Islamic traditions remains in our people.

The paradox is that many of them pray, as they should, and leave the house without covering themselves. Due to ignorance of the norms of our religion, in their defense, they try to convince others of the uselessness of dressing closed, except when performing namaz. Dear women, dress like a Muslim! Especially when going outside. This is prescribed for us by the Almighty! Believe me, there is such charm in this! You are inaccessible to someone else's eyes! You are free from this sin! Alhamdulillah! May Allah save us all from sin and mistakes! Amine!
