Iceland people appearance. Iceland is one of the few countries where men and women have roughly equal rights.

The first day of the month Harpa (Harpa) according to the ancient Icelandic calendar is the First Day of Summer (First Day of Summer/Sumardagurinn Fyrsti). If the previous two months were devoted to the husband and wife, respectively, then the meeting of the first summer month belongs entirely to unmarried girls.

The origin of the name of the month Harpa has been lost for centuries, but with light hand romantics of the 19th century, Harpa began to be portrayed as a young girl, the daughter of Torri and Goa - the last winter months. By the way, according to one version, Harpa is considered the female name of one of the forgotten goddesses.

In some villages in Iceland, there are special traditions associated with unmarried girls. For example, in some areas, every day of the month was dedicated to one of the unmarried girls (according to established order depending on where you live). The weather that day was the reason for the "hairpins" to the girl's temperament. Another fun was that the girls drew out the names of unmarried guys who were supposed to come on the first day of the next month - the Lonely Month.

The people did not forget about the unmarried and, alas, middle-aged: the elder bachelor of the village "received" the first unmarried girl who came to visit. The next day, the same was true for the second in seniority, and so on.

You can probably compare this holiday with Valentine's Day, because it also served as an occasion for acquaintances and the beginning romantic relationship. This tradition continues to this day, especially today, when such ways of expressing feelings as flowers, chocolate and champagne are available in Iceland.

As a continuation, I propose to look at the gallery of photos of Iceland's daughters, and if you believe ancient tradition, the daughters of Siegfried and Brunnhilde!

The island nation of Iceland is located in northern Europe. An interesting fact is that Iceland is one of the last inhabited places on the planet, mastered by man. Its settlement took place only in the 9th century AD and it is not as cold here as it is customary to think about this country. For 1000 years, the Icelandic language has not actually changed.

Iceland is a country of geysers, descendants of the Vikings and fabulous elves. Icelandic women are famous for their attractiveness not only in Europe, but also in the world. So, at the Miss Universe contest, the representative of Iceland became vice-Miss, at the Miss World contest, Icelanders won three times, at Miss International once and at Miss Europe, representatives of Iceland became vice-Miss four times.

Branja Jonbjarnardottir(Brynja Jónbjarnardóttir) (born April 15, 1994 in Kopavogur, Iceland) is an Icelandic model. Appeared on the covers of: Edelweiss Switzerland (2012). Works in Milan.

Berglind Aisi(Berglind Icey) (born June 4, 1977, Hafnarfjordur) is an Icelandic actress and fashion model. She was a professional swimmer. She made her film debut in 2001. In 2004, she was recognized as the Girl of St. Pauli (the model whose image is placed on the label of beer bottles of the same name). Filmed for the magazine "Maxim". In 2013, she starred in the TV series "Siberia". Unmarried. Currently lives in Los Angeles.

Edda Oscars(Edda Oscars) (born 1991) is an Icelandic model.

Halla Viljaulmsdottir(Halla Vilhjálmsdóttir) (born January 30, 1982, Reykjavik, Iceland) is an Icelandic actress and singer. Films with her participation: Bullyers (2001), Astropia (2007), Ghost on the Web (2009).

Anita Briem(Anita Briem) (born May 29, 1982, Reykjavik) is an Icelandic actress. She made her debut in 2004 in the TV series "Doctors". Known for her roles in The Nun, The Tudors, Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D and Dylan Dog: The Vampire Chronicles.

We tell you how to “freeze” your youth, how shark fat and volcanic lava are useful, what jokull is and why beauty contests are banned in Iceland.

"No" bikini

Girls in Iceland, like most Scandinavian women, age late - all thanks to the climate. Regular cold really prevents the appearance deep wrinkles, which are typical for residents of hot countries. Given that in Iceland, even in summer, the temperature rarely rises above ten degrees, the girls do not have to lose much weight: they wear skimpy bikini infrequently. Icelandic women feel quite sexy in woolen sweaters.

Natural cryotherapy

The beautiful skin of the inhabitants of the island is due to natural cryotherapy. True, strong icy winds can harm the skin if not protected. That's why oily creams and the consistency is in every girl's cosmetic bag.

In Icelandic stores, light and airy fluids and flowing serums almost do not come - there is no demand. The most popular is the Icelandic national remedy Shark Cream, that is, a cream made from shark oil. It not only protects the skin from frost, but also heals, soothes, tones it.

Blue Lagoon

Iceland is an amazing place with virgin nature, incredible rocks and huge amount geothermal healing springs. The most famous is the natural pool called the Blue Lagoon. It is distinguished by a rich azure-milk color and thermal water 36.6°C. Naturally, the Icelanders have a cult of water, they are not averse to everything free time spend in hot springs.

Tourists are usually embarrassed that Icelanders drink water straight from the tap. The thing is, it goes complete cleansing, but still taken from thermal springs, and therefore has a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. But Icelanders firmly believe in the benefit of their water.

Take care of your nerves!

Icelandic women are perhaps the most calm girls, while one of the happiest. Let the world be obsessed with plastic, beauty injections, weight loss and trips to psychoanalysts.

Icelandic girls believe that these complexes are a manifestation of self-dislike. They accept themselves for who they are. Icelanders are tolerant: in 2011, they refused to host the Miss Iceland national pageant, believing it was discrimination. Perhaps that is why they look better: in their life there are no stresses and complexes based on appearance.

Always in moving

Strong people live in Iceland tall girls with predominantly blonde hair and plump lips. Interestingly, they cannot imagine life without sports: cycling, climbing, rafting, swimming, horseback riding, handball, golf - all this is on fresh air among the beautiful Icelandic landscapes.

Jokull and volcanic lava

Icelanders are "the richer, the more happy." Women support domestic producers by choosing cosmetic products from volcanic lava, shark oil and jokull - this is how the Icelanders call the water obtained from the iceberg.

Melt water, like lava, becomes a component for scrubs and tonics. By the way, despite the constant cold, creams with SPF are also a must-buy here: snow reflects the sun and enhances its effect on the skin.

Each people of the world has its own characteristics, which are absolutely normal and ordinary for them, but if a person of a different nationality gets into their midst, he may be very surprised at the habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about life. We invite you to find out 10 national habits and characteristics of the Icelanders, which may seem surprising and a little strange to Russian people.

They don't have last names

When meeting an Icelander personally, it may seem that you have met the hero of an ancient saga, because you will introduce yourself as, say, Petur, the son of Bjorn, or Gudrun, the daughter of Vilhjalm. The Icelanders have preserved the custom of the Vikings to give the newborn the name of the father instead of the surname. In the past, when the population of these cold lands was very small, there was really no need for surnames. Today, however, in a typical Icelandic family of three, mother, father, and son will have different initials. Therefore, in order to successfully find someone in the Icelandic phone book, you will have to remember their family tree well.

Their country is ruled by sheep

Local jokers like to express the population of Iceland in sheep. fun fact, but there are twice as many of those on the island as people. Charming woolen balls short legs walk around for six months wherever they please, enjoying the green grass and incredible scenery. This is really a sheep's paradise: in Iceland there are not even predators that are dangerous for cattle, so pet guards are not needed. When the grazing season (from spring to autumn) ends, farmers go in search of sheep throughout the country. How are they different, you ask? An ancestral system operates here: sheep are collected in large paddocks, and then sorted according to special marks on their ears, appearance which each farmer carefully thought up himself (there are even special label catalogs in the country). Sheep gathering in Iceland is a fun, noisy event that attracts entire families.

They knit all year round.

AT Everyday life Icelanders knitting takes the same important place like a discussion of the weather: men and women simply masterfully use knitting needles. The townspeople, however, today are already a little embarrassed to do this in public places, considering it a little old-fashioned, but in the villages there are many amusing stories about enthusiastic knitters. So, some farmers are noticed with knitting needles in their hands right at work - for example, during pasture of a herd of sheep.

They eat rotten fish

Imagine that in a gourmet restaurant the menu is replete with the positions “black pudding”, “pickled lamb testicles”, “sour whale meat”, “jelly from lamb horns and hooves”, “ram's head”, “rotten shark meat tenderloin” ... No , is not nightmare Parisian gourmet! Forced for centuries to live in difficult climatic conditions, the Icelanders have formed very special taste preferences. The bowels of Iceland are devoid of minerals, freezers too for a long time was not, so the locals had to learn how to do without salt and somehow solve the problem of food storage. They dried the food, smoked it, waited for it to go rotten - they experimented, in general. For example, the dish haukarl is known - dried meat of the Greenland polar shark. It is poisonous in fresh due to the high content of urea, therefore, shark pieces are first kept in barrels with gravel for six months (during this time, excess juices will leave the meat), and then dried in the sun for about three more months. However, not only Icelanders have bizarre taste preferences. You can read about the strange gastronomy of other inhabitants of the planet in our article Unpleasant Appetite.

They still live in dugouts

How to build a house in a country where there has been practically no forest for many centuries? Using the meager possibilities of the ice island, the Icelanders built peat houses for housing, somewhat reminiscent of dugouts from ancient Russian fairy tales: original dwellings, half underground, with stone walls and a thick layer of turf on the roof and walls to keep warm. But after all, you had to fight for your life with colds and poverty in the distant past, what kind of dugouts can we talk about in the 21st century, you ask? But the Icelanders are an amazing people: today many of them will completely upgrade traditional houses from the inside, keeping the peat cover, and the roofs are not averse to sowing with a lawn. Choosing eco-friendly housing natural materials turned out to be not only wise, but also fabulously beautiful!

They can go to the theater straight from the garden

If a domestic theater-goer decides to visit a dramatic production in Iceland, then in his evening dress he runs the risk of appearing eccentric. Icelanders can safely watch the play right in outerwear: jackets, coats and even hats. During the intermission, spectators with young children can climb onto the stage and wander among the scenery, and even on the stage itself, the most radical experiments with nature have been noticed more than once. Easier, gentlemen, in Iceland you need to be simpler.

They have priests - women, and churches - art objects

Despite the rather traditional way of everyday life in Iceland, the local religious institute works very original way. The official state religion on the island, Lutheranism, allows women to be priests on an equal footing with men. Agree, for Orthodox Christians the thing is unimaginable. Lutheran churches are scattered throughout Iceland, and their appearance even more striking - they are more like futuristic art objects than meeting places with God. The fact that the building is a church, and not a museum of modern art, can only be guessed by the presence of a cross, although that is often absent. The question is, why not?

They don't have orphanages

We can safely say that the family is the main value in the life of any Icelander. The country has created all the conditions for a happy and safe childhood: cozy schools with a variety of curricula, centers creative development, state benefits. But what inspires me the most is the lack of orphanages. In Iceland, there are only temporary shelters, where an abandoned child or an orphan in short time they pick up parents from a whole line of hospitable families ready to take him under their care. The first nursing homes, by the way, also opened quite recently, as traditionally younger children consider it their duty to move in with their elderly parents in order to provide them with a decent old age.

They don't know the word "crime"

Surely you have already heard that the crime rate in Iceland is almost the lowest in the world. Locals are not afraid of neighbors and strangers - you will not see high fences, iron doors and bars on the windows. Icelanders often do not lock the doors of houses and cars at all. Murders and other violent crimes happen once or twice a year, and then in the heat of passion. No deliberate plans for violence.

The sweater is their second skin

The saying "born in a shirt" in Iceland is definitely used a little differently: "Lucky, he was definitely born in a sweater!" Groups of people in colorful, patterned sweaters with the local name "lopapeys" against the calm, deep tones of the Icelandic landscapes - a familiar, cozy picture. The wool of Icelandic sheep will warm you better than any down jacket - however, products from it come out prickly. This material, although rough, can withstand penetrating drafts and has water-repellent properties. Amazing mutual assistance: the farmer takes care of his pets, and vice versa.

1. Iceland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with about 320 thousand people living here, and before the Second World War the country's population was only 50 thousand.

2. Since everyone in Iceland knows each other, when parting or divorcing a couple always tries to keep a good relationship. Cases when ex-boyfriend does not communicate with ex-girlfriend or former spouses do not talk to each other are extremely rare, because in any case, they have almost all friends and acquaintances in common.

Icelandic women and the Icelandic girls are amazing. I get asked this question quite often: what are Icelandic women like? People all over the world have often heard about strong and independent Icelandic women. Quite often they also hear about sexy and beautiful Icelandic women - it always seems like quite a few foreign men just hear the words "beautiful Icelandic women" which they automatically translate to "sexy Icelandic women" but don't seem to listen when they show up words like "strong, independent and feminist Icelandic women".

3. Instead of surnames in Iceland - patronymics, that is, an analogue of our patronymic. The particle “sleep” (that is, son) or “dottir” (if it is a daughter) is added to the name of the father, for example, Silia Palmarsdottir, that is, Silia Palmars daughter, is added.

4. In the event that the father for some reason does not recognize the child, the son or daughter receives a matronym as a surname, that is, the same patronymic, but by the name of the mother.

Or, by at least, that's what they indicate. Singer Nanna Brines of Monsters and Men is a great role model. Some time ago I was interviewed by a girl from Kenya who wanted to know more about Icelandic women and what they are - and why exactly they are so strong and independent. What is it about Icelandic society that allows this equality to grow and flourish?

Icelandic women in international media

It is interesting, however, why these two women were thrown into the international spotlight, one for showing breasts and the other for leaving a competition based on a woman's physical beauty. Is that all the world cares about? Nudity and beauty? This is what the Icelandic news covers.

5. Since everyone in Reykjavik knows everyone else, the doors of houses are often not locked, car keys are left in cars, and children in strollers are left unattended at the entrance to a cafe, bar or shop.

6. In Reykjavik, it's normal to go out to the nearest grocery store in your pajamas.

Very few international media articles mentioned that Miss Iceland was a member of the national athletics team, none of them mentioned that she was a "pole vaulter". No one mentioned anything about what she does. They all just focused on her beauty and ridiculous body, shameful.

No one has criticized beauty pageants per se. In Iceland, people were proud of her for leaving, but she also opened up a discussion about why in modern society there are still colorful contests. However, beauty contests do not help relieve this pressure. Another piece of international news about Iceland was supposed to attract most attention because it was about the thousands of Icelandic women who left their jobs early to protest the gap in wages between men and women.

7. Residents of Reykjavik almost always pay for purchases bank cards, moreover, even if they order coffee at the bar. Cash is not accepted here.

8. Icelanders are sure that blowing your nose is unhealthy, so in winter everyone here sniffs, that is, sorry, they draw snot into themselves.

9. But spitting, on the contrary, is not considered indecent, even girls spit on the street and in public places without any problems.

It happened on the same day that Miss Iceland left the beauty pageant, but it looks like Miss Iceland received a lot more funds. mass media. The country is in a dead end. When videos like the ones below are made, they all make Iceland look like fairyland where women have already achieved equality in Iceland. Often they stress that Iceland is slowly but surely closing the pay gap.

This means that Icelandic women will not receive equal pay to men for the next 52 years. Change takes time, but it certainly doesn't take so long to deal with such a basic issue. There are a number of notable Icelandic women who are doing amazing things to promote equality, either by actively fighting for it or simply by being strong and powerful and good samples to emulate.

10. In fact, in Iceland in winter it is not as cold as we used to think, the temperature here rarely drops below -6 degrees.

11. But in winter it is dark in Iceland, on December 21 - on the shortest day of the year, dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets already at 16.00. Change in summer long nights long days come, compared with which the white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing, in June in Iceland the sun sets for only a couple of hours.

Significant pros and cons of migration

Vigdi Finnbogadottir is Iceland's first female president. She is loved and respected by all of Iceland. The country will take a huge step towards women's equality, no matter how it manages this position. At least little girls and grown women will know that it is possible to become president.

I hardly need to introduce Björk, she is very famous all over the world. She has influenced artists all over the world and has complete creative authority over all her work. She definitely paved the way for other influential female artists from Iceland like Emiliana Torrini and Nanna Brindin Hilmarsdóttir from Monsters and Men.

12. The lack of sunlight in winter is compensated to some extent by the northern lights, you can see it all the time, so after a couple of weeks you no longer pay attention to it.

13. Since the sun does not shine in Iceland in winter, all the inhabitants of the country, in order to avoid rickets and other unpleasant diseases, without fail accept fish fat, but not in liquid form, but in tasteless capsules.
14. Almost all Icelanders have profiles on Facebook, according to the latest data, Iceland is an active country in the social network.

They showed few Icelandic girls that women can be successful rappers without having to take off all their clothes in their music videos. A great example of how they deal with this is the number of Icelandic girls and women who participate each year and what happened a few years ago.

In all this talk about how strong and independent Icelandic women are, men tend to be forgotten. But Iceland wouldn't be the most equal country in the world if men didn't want equality, making it easier to strive for it together. Icelandic men are supportive and respectful. If something needs to be done, they expect women to be able to do it just as well as they can.

15. Even if an Icelander doesn't have a Facebook profile for some reason, they can still be easily found online. All residents of the country, of their own free will, register on the website, where they indicate their first and last name, phone number, address and place on the map where their house is located.

It's also very rare for Icelandic men to close their doors to women or even offer to pay for drinks - they usually expect women to be able to open their doors and pay for their drinks. We learn from our mothers and fathers and grandparents. She had just started her own company and couldn't afford to rest.

Always in moving

In addition, as her own boss, she has already helped close the pay gap on her own terms. You don't always have to do the same things everyone else does to be part of this change. Change comes in small doses, but someone has to be the one to start. And you can help him in many ways. If you don't feel like organizing meetings or negotiating, you can write posts or blogs or share positive articles. No matter if you are a man or a woman.

16. In Iceland, if a person is well disposed toward you, he demonstrates this by touching something and something.

17. There are an order of magnitude more blondes in Iceland than brunettes, so local residents like to dye their hair in a darker shade.

18. To spend the night with an Icelandic girl, long courtship are not required, most Icelanders are, as they say, easy going, including why Italians and Spaniards love to come to Reykjavik so much.

Economic situation in the region

And hopefully one day all people will be treated the same, no matter what they look like, where they're from, or what gender they're from, and kids will read about unequal pay in school books and find it bewildering because the fact that women weren't allowed to ride bikes - just earlier this year he was unhappy that women were riding bikes in Iran.

We still have a long way to go. A description of Iceland's "country feel" and what that means to you when it comes to women. Therefore, you should visit Reykjavik and not worry about other cities. The type of accommodation and materials you will need to maximize your chances of getting romance. How to Make Iceland Cheap Low level alcohol culture consumption: the most common liqueurs, typical prices and Icelandic drinking habits. Important Tips about visiting the year so you don't come when he's dead. . Most of the book is devoted to women.

19. Icelanders are very tolerant, a gay pride parade is regularly held in Reykjavik, homosexual marriages have been allowed here since 2010, and the percentage of bisexuals in the country is very high.

20 . The most popular professions in Iceland are artist, musician or designer. Every second bartender or waiter tries to get an education in a creative specialty, and at the same time plays in some kind of rock or folk group.

Icelandic nightlife is arguably the best in the whole world.

How to deal with the skeptical, non-flirtatious, shy and feminist nature of an Icelandic girl. Two qualities that Icelandic girls use to choose a man for instant romance A detailed breakdown of the five types of Icelandic girls and who most wants to meet a foreigner. How many sets you probably have to do to have an affair with an Icelandic girl. How to arrange meetings with girls on the biggest dating site in Iceland before you even arrive. How to convince the Icelandic girls you run into all the time on Notes about how you will be perceived based on your race. A depressing description of an Icelandic guy's game that should make you feel better about yourself. What type of clothes to pack, for what turns out one of the most stylish countries in the world. Stories: Six short stories from my time in Iceland travel guides: details about the capital.

  • Description of the appearance, shape and size of the figure of Islam, character and vibration.
  • Welcome to Iceland: the history of the country and logistics.
  • Girls: how they look and act.
  • Game: how to effectively meet local women.
Just finished a book a few months before my trip to Iceland, and even though it knocked some of the wind out of my sails, how cold locals Compared to other Scandinavians, this is a wonderful read and the quality of the Reykjavik City Guide section will at least save you money on other guidebooks.

21. For the reason described above, the services of designers, for example, in order to come up with the design of an apartment or wedding dress no one is using it here. The inhabitants of Iceland are sure that each of them is an artist himself, therefore they prefer to invent the interior of the apartment and the design of the dress on their own.

22. Repairs in apartments are also done mainly with their own hands, without hiring workers.

Read Iceland Explosion Without Risk Today

The other problem Rush faced was that after walking the country blind, he was seen and treated as an outsider, and they're all about the social circle. The paperback book is also available for a few more dollars. After sending the payment using credit card you will be immediately directed to the book download page.

15 year old Icelandic girl was granted the right to legally use the name given to her by her mother despite opposition from the authorities. On Thursday, the court ruled that the name "Blaer" could be used. It means "light breeze". The decision overturns an earlier rejection by the Icelandic authorities who said it was not correct. woman's name. So far, Blair Bjarkardottir has been identified simply as "The Girl" in interactions with officials.

23. Icelanders are crazy about Eurovision, they take the competition of young singers very seriously here, and during the live broadcast, the whole country is watching what is happening on TV.

24. There are no McDonald's restaurants in Iceland, the latter closed in 2008 during the crisis.

Reykjavik district court decided on Thursday that the name "Blaer" could be used. Finally, I will have Blair's name on my passport. Like several other countries, including Germany and Denmark, Iceland has official rules about how a child can be named.

Blair's mother, Björk Eidsdottir, fought for the right to have the name recognized. The court ruling means that other girls are also allowed to use the name in Iceland. In an interview earlier this year, Eidsdottir said she didn't know "Blair" wasn't on the list of recognized female names when she gave it to her daughter. The name was rejected because the panel viewed it as a masculine name, which was unacceptable for a girl.

25. The most popular names in Iceland are Jon for men and Guvrun for women. Also, ancient mythological names are still common, for example, aðalsteinn, which means "main stone".

26. Icelanders, like Russians, like to use in everyday life not full, but abbreviated versions of names, so David in the diminutive Icelandic version will be Dabby, Guvrun - Gunna, Stefan - Steppi, Jon - Nonni, etc.

The court found that, based on testimony and other evidence, that the name could be used by both men and women, and that Blair was entitled to her name under the Icelandic constitution and human rights conventions in Europe. He rejected the government's argument that her request should be denied the protection of the Icelandic language.

Blair told the court that she was very happy with her name and had problems with her when she was dealing with government bodies who rejected it. The court did not grant her any damages. The government did not indicate whether it would appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

27. The language of Iceland has not changed much over the past 1000 years, so there are letters in it that have disappeared from English, plus the inhabitants of the country can read the old Viking sagas in the original without any problems.

28. The local population generally loves to read, today, according to some reports, the Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

29. The price of wine in Iceland is often determined not by the year of its production or quality, but by the strength. Thus, an expensive but light French wine can cost many times less than a 15-degree chatter.

30. Not in Iceland armed forces, their functions are performed to some extent by the Coast Guard.

31. The police in Iceland do not carry weapons, they are not issued pistols.

32. Residents of Reykjavik for the most part are terrible at parking, they can throw the car right across the street. Availability of tow trucks and parking fines in wrong place little help.

33. Icelanders are trying to use only renewable energy sources, gas and gasoline are used here only to fuel cars and boats, and this is because electric cars have not taken root in the country.

34. There is no need to pay for water in restaurants and cafes, it is still poured from a tap. This is water from local thermal springs, and therefore it is absolutely drinkable.

35. Here is hot tap water smells in Iceland rotten eggs. The fact is that it also enters the water supply system directly from hot thermal springs, and they are rich in hydrogen sulfide.

36. Taking hot thermal baths is a popular evening activity in Reykjavik, the cost of visiting with the purchase of a subscription is about 5 euros.

37. In the houses of Iceland, as in Russia, there is a central heating system, which compares favorably with the country from Italy or France, where you have to pay for each inclusion of the heater.

38. Until the seventies of the twentieth century, Icelandic law allowed the inhabitants of the country to kill Turks with impunity. This is because in the past, Turkish pirates often plundered Icelandic ships and coastal villages.

39. To this day, Icelandic law allows the inhabitants of the country to kill polar bears for food.

40. In Iceland, licorice is very popular, it is added to any dishes, plus they produce it here. chocolate candies stuffed with licorice.

41. The National dish Iceland - haukarl - rotten meat of the Greenland shark cut into small pieces. If you do not chew it and just swallow it, it is still quite edible, but if you chew the meat, you will feel the “magic” taste of urea. The fact is, the Greenland shark does not urinary tract and its meat contains poisonous ammonia. In order for the meat to be eaten, it is left to rot for three months underground or in the basement. The creators of The Simpsons sneered at the taste of this dish, among other things, in one of the episodes of the animated series.

42. In Iceland, they eat mostly fish, while all dishes are poured over the top with mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, after which the real taste of fish can not be recognized.

43. Most Icelanders have very bad teeth, while Iceland is one of the main sugar-consuming countries, and Coca-Cola is also very popular here.

44. Most Icelanders still believe in elves and trolls, which makes it difficult to build a house or a road. Before construction begins, local “witches” are consulted here to see if it is possible to move this or that stone, or whether an elf lives under it. Sometimes, in order to "not offend" the elf and move the stone, the Icelanders have to make magical rites for example, keep the stone in honey for a while.

45. 2,148 people in Iceland adhere to the pagan teachings of the Ásatrú Association, which is based on a revival of Icelandic and Norwegian pagan beliefs. This religion is officially accepted, and its ministers can perform a wedding ceremony, which is equivalent to the traditional registration of marriage.

46. In addition to the well-known Santa Claus in Iceland, there are 15 more Santa Clauses different types, by and large they are all elves, in which the locals believe.

47. Every major store in Reykjavik has a playground.

48. All Icelanders wear lopapeysa - knitted sweater from sheep wool with characteristic national pattern. You could say this is the same example. national costume, which has not disappeared over time.

Typical Icelandic appearance? How are Icelandic women different? How to get $10,000?

I made these screenshots three months ago for a Telegram chat dedicated to Iceland ( Since then, flipping through photos on my phone, I sometimes stumble upon them and tell myself that it's time to add a post to the site about Icelandic girls. It looks like the time has come.

I must say right away that I do not want to offend anyone with my opinion and do not pretend to be objective. This post will be my subjective attempt to answer a question that is often asked about Iceland - “ What do girls look like in Iceland?”.

I tried to find and select a few photos with the most typical "Icelandic" appearance.

Yes, in most cases they are blondes with blue eyes. Compared with other nations, the average Icelandic woman (and man too) is much larger than representatives of other nationalities. No, I'm not saying that they are full, they are just large. That is, a girl can have a beautiful, proportional figure, but when it will have a big "everything". Features of the northern peoples.

This “northernness” is also noticeable in communication. After hot, southern countries, where all the locals simply sparkle with hospitality and goodwill, Icelandic indifferent and cold looks act like cold and hot shower. I don’t know what influences them so much, but even in the simplest everyday situations, like going to the supermarket, such detachment slips that it becomes uncomfortable.

We tell you how to “freeze” your youth, how shark fat and volcanic lava are useful, what jokull is and why beauty contests are banned in Iceland.

"No" bikini

Girls in Iceland, like most Scandinavian women, age late - all thanks to the climate. Regular cold really prevents the appearance of deep wrinkles, which are typical for residents of hot countries. Given that in Iceland, even in summer, the temperature rarely rises above 10 degrees, the girls do not have to lose much weight: they do not often wear skimpy bikinis. Icelandic women feel quite sexy in woolen sweaters.

Natural cryotherapy

The beautiful skin of the inhabitants of the island is due to natural cryotherapy. True, strong icy winds can harm the skin if not protected. Therefore, fatty creams and textures are here in every girl's cosmetic bag.

In Icelandic stores, light and airy fluids and flowing serums almost do not come - there is no demand. The most popular is the Icelandic national remedy Shark Cream, that is, a cream made from shark oil. It not only protects the skin from frost, but also heals, soothes, tones it.

Blue Lagoon

Iceland is an amazing place with unspoilt nature, incredible cliffs and a huge amount of geothermal healing springs. The most famous is the natural pool called the Blue Lagoon. It is distinguished by a rich azure milky color and thermal water of 36.6 ° C. Naturally, the Icelanders have a cult of water, they are not averse to spending all their free time in hot springs.

Tourists are usually embarrassed that Icelanders drink water straight from the tap. The fact is that it undergoes complete purification, but still it is taken from thermal springs, and therefore has a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. But Icelanders firmly believe in the benefit of their water.

Take care of your nerves!

Icelandic women are perhaps the calmest girls, while one of the happiest. Let the world be obsessed with plastic, beauty injections, weight loss and trips to psychoanalysts.

Icelandic girls believe that these complexes are a manifestation of self-dislike. They accept themselves for who they are. Icelanders are tolerant: in 2011, they refused to host the Miss Iceland national pageant, believing it was discrimination. Perhaps that is why they look better: in their life there are no stresses and complexes based on appearance.

Always in moving

In Iceland live strong tall girls with mostly blond hair and full lips. Interestingly, they cannot imagine life without sports: cycling, climbing, rafting, swimming, horseback riding, handball, golf - all this in the fresh air among the beautiful Icelandic landscapes.

Jokull and volcanic lava

Icelanders are "the richer, the more happy." Women support the domestic manufacturer by choosing cosmetic products made from volcanic lava, shark oil and jokull, as the Icelanders call the water obtained from the iceberg.

Melt water, like lava, becomes a component for scrubs and tonics. By the way, despite the constant cold, creams with SPF are also a must-buy here: snow reflects the sun and enhances its effect on the skin.
