Easter signs: do's and don'ts for Easter. Great Saturday before Easter - what not to do and what you can

The long-awaited and beloved by all is approaching Easter holiday, which in 2018 falls on April 8.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who stands one step above even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate easter. Someone arranges big feasts and does not deny themselves anything on this day, while someone goes to church first of all.

Popular superstitions that have survived from pagan times are closely intertwined with the true traditions of the Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is not. So how is it right to celebrate this holiday, what can you do for Easter, and what can not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions follow from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the festival.

Easter bans

  1. You can not swear with someone or be offended by someone. If you still have old grievances, try to let them go and forgive.

  2. On this day, you can not be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to share food with the poor and the needy on Easter. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.

  3. You can not swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday to others.

  4. You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. Priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.

  5. You can not work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have working hours on a schedule, then there is nothing to worry about. But if there is no great need, it is better to devote this time to communicating with friends and relatives. The church does not forbid work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.

  6. Can't clean up. But there are also nuances: you should not get out in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to mopping and dusting. Of course, this does not apply to small domestic issues. Although, if it doesn't stop you from being in a festive mood, it's all right. In any case, this is more likely not a ban, but moral advice.

  7. You can't go to the cemetery. The Church forbids this week to hold requiems and mourn for the dead. Since grief is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.

  8. Also, you can not lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.

  9. It is also worth mentioning that it is forbidden to sanctify in the church. You can only sanctify those foods that were excluded from the diet during Lent. But alcohol is a complete taboo. Once upon a time, it was customary to sanctify only rich bread (Kulich), eggs, meat, cheese and milk, but now they put everything in the basket.

    You should not put in the Easter basket: alcohol, because there is no place for drunks in the church; money and other material values; black pudding, it is generally not recognized by Orthodox ministers as fit for consumption. You should not consecrate salt and pepper, since these products were not banned during fasting.

    Putting these products in the Easter basket is more of a folk tradition than a church one. Also, do not bring fruits and vegetables to church.

  10. Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after the festive feast, leftovers of food remain - Easter cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left uneaten!

    Don't even throw eggshells in the trash! It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

krotoffa What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter. Suddenly someone will fit ...

Original taken from karina_great What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events taking place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

There were many signs and beliefs among the people for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can’t do housework on Easter - clean, sew, knit. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On the day of Easter and during the Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about the spiritual.

4. You can’t go to the cemetery on Easter; Memorial week is intended for this.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

✔ In order for the house to be in harmony, and for success in business, get a charm or talisman.

✔ Husband and wife should hit each other with colored eggs at breakfast on Easter Sunday, whoever does not break the testicle will be the "head" of the family all year.

✔ Whoever of the neighbors will be the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

✔ If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after that conversation, pour water into the basin, dip the consecrated krashenka into it, roll it in a bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the krashenka over your face - this will bring beauty, getting rid of skin diseases.

✔ And if you wish yourself wealth, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water to the egg.

✔ They roll an egg on the faces of children - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

✔ If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to whisper softly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single fiancé!”

✔ It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting with friends, fight with eggs. Whose after the blow remains intact, he will be healthy and happy all year.

✔ On Easter, you can not do any homework, otherwise happiness will leave with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

✔ And the main belief: on Easter, God hears all our prayers and helps us fulfill our desires! We wish ourselves and loved ones peace, health and love!

✔ There was a belief that the water collected in the spring on Easter night or during matins has a special power comparable to the power of holy water. Only it was necessary to bring her home without saying a word on the way. To gain happiness and well-being, houses and barns were sprinkled with this "silent" water.

✔ Husband and wife should not be christened on Easter, so as not to be separated, as the folk sign for Easter says.

✔ There are also signs for Easter for girls associated with Easter. Lips itch during Easter week - a kiss is inevitable; bruised my elbow - remembered dear; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

✔ There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. In the morning, go to church, dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

✔ If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, be sure to give a coin to a beggar on Easter - you will not know the need all year.

✔ And in order for the family to have peace, harmony and no one quarreled among themselves, the Easter meal must be started by the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

✔ The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such a joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, preserves friendly relations and love for each other in it.

✔ In many places, it was believed that if you go to a spring on Easter night or during matins, draw water there and silently bring it home without uttering a single word along the way, then the water will acquire a special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Houses and barns were sprinkled with such "silent" water for happiness and well-being, they washed themselves with it for health, etc.


What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter?

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events taking place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

There were many signs and beliefs among the people for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can’t do housework on Easter - clean, sew, knit. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On the day of Easter and during the Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about the spiritual.

4. You can’t go to the cemetery on Easter; Memorial week is intended for this.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

In order for the house to be in harmony, and for success in business, get a charm or talisman.

Husband and wife must hit each other with colored eggs at breakfast on Easter Sunday, whoever does not break a testicle will be the "head" of the family all year.

Whoever of the neighbors will be the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into the basin, dip the consecrated krashenka into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the krashenka over your face - this will bring beauty, getting rid of skin diseases.

And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water to the egg.

They roll an egg over the faces of children - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to whisper softly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single fiancé!”

It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting with friends, fight with eggs. Whose after the blow remains intact, he will be healthy and happy all year.

On Easter you can not do any homework, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

And the main belief: on Easter, God hears all our prayers and helps us to fulfill our desires! We wish ourselves and loved ones peace, health and love!

There was a belief that the water collected in the spring on Easter night or during matins has a special power comparable to the power of holy water. Only it was necessary to bring her home without saying a word on the way. To gain happiness and well-being, houses and barns were sprinkled with this "silent" water.

Husband and wife should not be christened on Easter, so as not to be separated, as the popular sign for Easter says.

There are also signs for Easter for girls associated with Easter. Lips itch during Easter week - a kiss is inevitable; bruised my elbow - remembered dear; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. In the morning, go to church, dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, be sure to give a beggar a coin on Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

And in order for the family to have peace, harmony and no one quarreled among themselves, the Easter meal must be started by the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such a joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, preserves friendly relations and love for each other in it.

In many places, it was believed that if you go to a spring on Easter night or during matins, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water will acquire a special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Houses and barns were sprinkled with such "silent" water for happiness and well-being, they washed themselves with it for health, etc.


The long-awaited and beloved by all is approaching Easter holiday, which in 2018 falls on April 8.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who stands one step above even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate easter- someone arranges big feasts and does not deny himself anything on this day, while someone goes to church first of all.

Popular superstitions that have survived from pagan times are closely intertwined with the true traditions of the Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is not. So how is it right to celebrate this holiday, what can you do for Easter, and what can not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Sunday of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions emerge from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the festival.


  1. You can not swear with someone or be offended by someone. If you still have old grievances, try to let them go and forgive.
  2. On this day, you can not be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to share food with the poor and the needy on Easter. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.
  3. You can not swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday to others.
  4. You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. Priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.
  5. You can not work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have working hours on a schedule, then there is nothing to worry about. But without much need, it is better to devote this time to communicating with friends and relatives. The church does not forbid work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.
  6. Can't clean up. But there are also nuances: you should not get out in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to mopping and dusting. Of course, this does not apply to small domestic issues. Although, if it doesn't stop you from being in a festive mood, then everything is in order. In any case, this is more likely not a ban, but moral advice.
  7. You can't go to the cemetery. The Church forbids this week to hold requiems and mourn for the dead. Since grief is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.
  8. Also, you can not lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.
  9. It is also worth mentioning that it is forbidden to sanctify in the church. Only those foods that were excluded from the diet during Lent can be sanctified. But alcohol is a complete taboo. Once upon a time, it was customary to sanctify only rich bread (Kulich), eggs, meat, cheese and milk, but now they put everything in the basket.

    You should not put in the Easter basket: alcohol, because there is no place for drunks in the church; money and other material values, a drop of blood - this sausage is generally not recognized by Orthodox ministers as fit for consumption; you should not consecrate salt and pepper, since these products were not banned during fasting.

    Putting these products in the Easter basket is more of a folk tradition than a church one. Also, do not bring fruits and vegetables to church.

  10. Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after the festive feast, leftovers of food remain - Easter cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left uneaten! Do not even throw eggshells in the trash! It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

I sincerely wish that this Holy holiday bring happiness and joy to your home!

If you find this article helpful, please share these tips with your friends, I'm sure many of them will find them very relevant. And we have in store for you for a bright holiday.

Christ is risen! Happiness and peace to your families, our dear readers!

Easter morning after the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs should begin with a family breakfast, during which it is customary to eat traditional holiday dishes. On this day and throughout the week, rejoice, invite guests, visit, treat each other. By the way, it is desirable to behave this way not only in Bright Week, let such behavior become an example of how to live every day.

What can you eat for Easter

On Easter Day, you can eat everything, the main thing is to know when to stop, especially if you have fasted. With moderate use of festive food, you can taste all the dishes without bad consequences for digestion. You can also drink some wine, but don't overdo it.

What not to do on Easter

1. You can’t do housework on Easter - clean, sew, knit. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On the day of Easter and during the Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about the spiritual.

4. You can’t go to the cemetery on Easter; Memorial week is intended for this.

Easter signs

1. So that the family does not fall apart, the husband and wife should not be christened.

2. To be beautiful, you need to dip a consecrated Easter egg into a basin of water in the morning after breaking the fast, roll it there and wash yourself with this water, you also need to roll the dye on your face.

3. For wealth, coins and silver should be dipped in water with an egg.

4. To get pregnant, you need to go to church in the morning, dedicate the contents of the basket and ask God to give a child.
