Give birth to a third child after 40 years. Late labor: what about them? What percentage is the share of mature women in labor?

The joy of motherhood can be felt at any age, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a young girl or a woman... Late pregnancy and childbirth at 40 years of age is the norm in Western European countries. And for our mentality it is in some way a departure from the usual. There can be many reasons for carrying a child at forty years old. This includes previously impossible fertilization, the desire to get on your feet, find housing, make a career, live for yourself and, ultimately, test the strength of the marriage bond. Over the years, attitudes towards childbearing have changed dramatically. For young girls this is often an unplanned act, while for an “autumn” woman it is most often carefully thought out and conscious. There are many myths regarding late children. At the same time, the question of how childbirth occurs at 40 years of age is sometimes very contradictory in the opinions of doctors. Some believe that modern medicine has such a stock of therapeutic methods that age is not a sentence, and does not even interfere with pregnancy and childbirth healthy baby. Others are of the opinion that women Health after 40 years, it is not strong enough for this and there is a significant risk for both mothers and newborns.

First birth at forty: pros and cons

If you still decide to give birth in late age- throw away all doubts and nonsense, rejoice in the fact that soon little man will call you mom. Often doctors themselves dissuade patients, saying that giving birth is dangerous, that the pregnancy itself is difficult. But if a woman does not have serious health problems and chronic diseases, then why not? Age itself is not an obstacle to bearing a healthy and strong child.

Benefits of late motherhood

There are many myths that speak in favor of age-related childbearing. Believing them or not is everyone's business. The opinion of doctors on this matter is also quite contradictory.

  1. Late children are more talented and smart than newborns young girls.
  2. With age comes experience, and therefore the education process is of a higher quality and level.
  3. After the baby is born, again due to age, he is created Better conditions for development, more attention and care is given by parents.
  4. Pregnancy has a great health effect - the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases, since the woman’s body is mobilized and adjusted to positive emotions, is programmed for high-quality and healthy image life.
  5. The opinion of doctors in Western clinics is that a forty-year-old expectant mother can easily be compared with a young woman for health reasons.
  6. Breastfeeding produces a special hormone of joy - oxytocin. This leads to a rejuvenation effect for mothers and prolongs life. Giving birth after 40 years of age, statistics say that late children contribute to the return of the body’s health to 5 to 10 years ago.

Well, the most important thing! Give new life is always an act, and it doesn’t matter at what age it was committed.

Risk factors

Risks of first birth at forty years old

However, late childbirth after 40 years has some unpleasant aspects. They are not always natural. There is always the risk of a caesarean section. But why should we be so afraid of this? After all, many young girls consciously take this step during childbirth in order to avoid some complications. And if the woman is healthy and the obstetric history has no contraindications, then it is quite possible natural firsts childbirth. Others also note negative factors, affecting the newborn.

  1. The risk of a child developing Down syndrome and others genetic diseases, which is usually directly related to the age of the parents. But the latest research methods intrauterine development may well be able to determine the development of pathological factors in time.
  2. The complex process of pregnancy and gestation. But modern medicine has all the smell of the necessary techniques to keep the body normal after fertilization.
  3. Frequent cases of prematurity or postmaturity of the fetus. But such cases are typical for different age categories.
  4. Probability of ruptures birth canal. But if we take into account the level of development of medicine, there is no reason for special concern.

Know! Danger always exists, regardless of age! Late pregnancy should not be a reason to give up motherhood. It’s just that it is extremely important for a woman in this position to weigh all the pros and cons in order to decide to give birth after 40 years. It is imperative to consult and be constantly monitored by a gynecologist and geneticist, and undergo all prescribed ultrasounds and other examinations in order to reduce the risk to the health of the unborn baby.

Psychological aspect

How to prepare for childbirth at forty

Not only the body and health, but also the general mental and emotional condition at the age of forty they should be ready for late, qualitatively new changes in life. The first birth at the age of 40, according to psychoanalysts, should be accompanied by an adequate and positive attitude. Anxiety, fears, depressive states will do harm. If these factors are absent, the child will be more developed than those of young mothers, mobile and cheerful. Parents will become role models for the child, and they themselves will become successful and self-sufficient individuals.
Late childbirth, first children - for many it was a pipe dream. Therefore, the principles of education are qualitatively different long-awaited child. And it doesn’t matter that dad won’t ride a bike with his son or play football in the yard. Let late children spend time with their peers, and in the evening their parents offer them educational games and the study of educational literature. You should not pay attention to the opinion of society and its ill will. Maintain your dignity and do not be fooled by provocations from ill-wishers. After all, only you know that if you decide to have your first birth at the age of 40, it means your family is the happiest and strongest in all respects.

Today, late childbirth is no longer something unusual and surprising. Everyone knows that the disadvantages of age-related childbearing are much greater than the advantages. But fortunately, the disadvantages do not always work, but the advantages remain unchanged. And let nothing frighten or stop those who are on the way to the birth of a new little person, regardless of age. But whether to give birth after 40 or not is always up to the woman.

Feel the strength in yourself and realize your desires, then everything will work out!

Health and happiness to you and your future babies!

All more women fears for her health and the condition of the baby if pregnancy occurs after 40 years. But not fewer women give birth successfully healthy children. Therefore, to be sure of smooth and easy pregnancy, you need to know what is dangerous, be aware of all the risks and changes in the body over time.

Pregnancy waits 40 years
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Pregnancy after 40 years has its pros and cons, which you definitely need to know when planning a child. A woman doubts whether to give birth or not. Of course, the body in middle age differs from a young one, all processes slow down, diseases appear, problems with blood pressure, endurance, egg maturation.

The most favorable age for the birth of a first child is considered to be from 20 to 24 years, since 96% of eggs develop correctly and, as a result, conception occurs immediately, without deviations. From 25 to 35 years old, the chance of conceiving after a year of trying is 87%. But after 30 years, there is a risk of miscarriage, which can be caused by chronic diseases.

Future mom's belly

After 35 years, the chance of getting pregnant does not drop much - it is 78%. Moreover, for still unknown reasons, the chance of having twins increases after 34 years and up to 39. At forty and up to 50, the chances of getting pregnant decrease, but this does not mean that they do not exist. If you approach the process of planning a baby wisely, you can easily give birth to a healthy baby.

If you are not pregnant at 40, or even your second, then it will be slightly different from the first. The uterus is located slightly lower, thereby putting pressure on the bladder and lower back. If you have chronic diseases Bladder, you need to carefully examine it and maintain it in a healthy condition.

Advantages and disadvantages of late pregnancy

Late pregnancy, which occurs after 40 years, is actively condemned on forums, and every woman is looking for the pros and cons for herself. The main advantages are:

  • Availability strong family, which is time-tested;
  • good financial condition, the opportunity to give the baby everything he needs, as well as provide proper medical care;
  • life experience that will prevent mistakes;
  • A woman in middle age treats pregnancy with greater seriousness and responsibility, as she worries about her age.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages and cons if pregnancy occurs at age 40:

  • personal experiences about such a pregnancy - what others will think, will everything go well, since getting pregnant is quite difficult;
  • the appearance of chronic diseases, the risk of complications;
  • the risk of miscarriage and development increases various pathologies, it depends not only on the woman, but also on men's health, since irreversible changes occur with age.

If you become pregnant after 40 years, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and only after everything has been well thought out should you start planning. If you want a baby, then you need to approach this responsibly, then everything will work out for you.

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Protection from unwanted fetus

It happens that unexpected news about pregnancy can discourage a woman, since she did not expect it at all. Therefore, protection plays big role. Many women neglect protection from unwanted pregnancy after 40 years, explaining this by the fact that the chances of conceiving a child are very low. In fact, they are not so low that conception will not occur.

Abortion has a very negative impact on health and aggravates existing problems. gynecological diseases, inflammation, provokes endometriosis and adenomyosis. Exist different ways contraception, to exclude pregnancy at 40 years old, you need to choose the one that suits you.

  1. Condoms are a reliable, most popular type that has no contraindications other than intolerance or allergies.
  2. Injectable contraceptives – Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate). It is administered intramuscularly and has a validity period of 2 months. Women under forty should not use this product, as there is a risk of uterine bleeding, the risk of breast cancer increases. Since the effect of pregnancy on a woman’s body at 40 years old is completely different, both negative and neutral, it is better to choose a more harmless contraceptive.
  3. The spiral is a hormonal contraceptive. It makes sense for middle-aged women, since the drug produces the hormone levonorgestrel, as a result unplanned pregnancy will not come.
  4. The calendar method, which is very popular among women in our countries, does not provide 100% protection, especially for those over 40 years of age.

The choice of a particular method of contraception depends on age and health status, so to avoid undesirable consequences and abortion, consult your gynecologist about how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy after 40 years.

Why doesn't it come

If you are unable to conceive a baby after 12 months of active attempts, you need to contact a fertility specialist. At this age, the risk of miscarriage and failure to conceive a fetus increases due to changes in the body.

Photogenic mommy

There is also a factor that does not depend on a woman - a man. After 40 years, men's sperm motility and quality decrease. For a woman with Rh negative you need to see a doctor immediately, as there is big risk miscarriage.

All these alarming factors do not mean at all that a woman over 40 years old is not able to give birth to a healthy baby. Each body is individual and in any case, before deciding to take such a step, both partners need to be examined and learn in detail how to properly prepare for pregnancy at 40 years old.

Examinations for detecting infertility

If a doctor has diagnosed infertility, then they are usually prescribed mandatory examinations which will show you how to proceed next.

Procedure nameDescription of the procedurePrice

(test for tubal patency)

Shows the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes8,000 – 15,000 rub. (depending on the type of examination, x-rays are more expensive than ultrasound)
Hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity)The internal cavity of the uterus is examined5000 rub
Tests for hormones in the bloodBlood is donated from a vein for certain hormonesThe price depends on the amount of hormones, the approximate cost is 500 rubles. for 1 hormone
Screening for sexually transmitted infectionsUrine, feces, blood or swab is givenThe price also depends on the number of tests, varies from 500 rubles. up to 2000 rub.

Waiting in line for an ultrasound

What do doctors think?

If a woman becomes pregnant at the age of 40, it is important for her to know the doctors’ opinion on this matter. There is an opinion that all women giving birth after 40 years of age are automatically prescribed by the gynecologist. C-section. But if a woman, by all indicators, is able to give birth on her own, she will be allowed to do so, since now more and more people are trying to give preference to natural childbirth.

The doctor also prescribes a large number of There are often many more studies and tests than for young pregnant women. This is normal, since it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the presence of fetal pathologies in the early stages.

Also, pregnancy at 40 years old, according to doctors, is difficult because problems with lactation arise and it is more difficult. May occur painful sensations, body temperature rises to 38 degrees, milk flow is disrupted.

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IN 35 I got married for the second time. I already had an eldest son, 17 years old, and my new husband had no children. At the same time, he needed children and, if possible, quickly - he was irrevocably mature and longed for a baby, maybe even several. Not feeling at all that I was unsuitable for this entertainment due to my age (“old-born,” as it later turned out, they say), I decided not to rush, because I wanted a free life, which was somehow forgotten while I was “working” as a mother for the first time.

Just then my son graduated from school, entered college, and I was finally free like the wind. I thought: what a delight it is to try all sorts of different things now that I didn’t have the nerve to do before! Become a jazz singer. Go on a trip around the world. Leave for another country. Open your own business. All these wonderful opportunities that shine so temptingly before a parent who has raised a child, who is still full of energy and strength and has already put a bold tick in the “motherhood” column.

I really managed to try out some things: sing in a group, change my profession, open and close a business, come up with a plan to move to another country, travel a fair amount. The idea of ​​joining a ship's cook loomed ahead (I'm not kidding!). The prospect of becoming a mother was inferior in comparison to oceanic proportions, but there was still a hefty “but” in the form of a husband who did not want to change his mind, but even vice versa. No black PR about the fact that I have a bad back, and this is all terribly complicated, difficult and generally forever, did not work, my husband was offended. My condition was somewhat suspended; I didn’t want to decide anything; I had no ideas on how to say a stern “no” to my husband. And, apparently, somewhere in my subconscious it seemed to me: most likely nothing would work out (although work was already underway in the direction of new parenthood).

And indeed, for a long time nothing worked. On the day when I found out that I was pregnant, the first thing that came to my mind were two bright thoughts: 1) finally, with a clear conscience, I will give up a very promising and financial one, but I don’t care at all suitable job, where I worked then; 2) how good it is that you don’t have to do anything else with your life - because freedom of choice, as it turns out, is also a huge responsibility. And here all the choices (I thought then) have already been made, excellent entertainment for the next couple of decades has been invented.

The pregnancy was just perfect: I suddenly fell in love with myself new strength and felt amazing and harmonious as never before in my life, my husband showed some new facets of his perfection and was generally in seventh heaven. But still, I was a little scared: everyone around me very convincingly rolled their eyes and said with emphasis how great we were, as if we were performing God knows what feat. Although I still don’t really understand what it consists of.

The result exceeded all my expectations, she already weighs 14 kilograms and is now snoring peacefully in her crib. Despite the fact that my son is already more than a year It seems that I still haven’t realized the scale of what happened and sometimes I look at myself as if from the outside and think: wow, this is my child!

And I thought: maybe you are now facing a similar dilemma, doubting whether you are too old, whether you have enough strength, whether it would be better to go around the world and other things that come to mind for women in our country when they are at least a little older than 35 (and I regularly encounter the fact that women seem too old for new babies and at a ridiculous 32 or 34!). And maybe you need support in your decision. Or simply an opportunity to see the other side of your future motherhood - bright, joyful, incredibly happy.

So here's my vision why giving birth at 40 is a great idea.

1. Most likely by age 40 you have grown quite a large zen- envy thirty-year-olds and other pot-bellied little things. Zen is already a useful thing in the household, but in motherhood it’s simply a superpower.

2. Just when you were about to relax a little and grow old like figs: now you want it or not you have to stay young and beautiful. You don't want to be mistaken for this sweet boy's grandmother, do you? Then please make an effort and introduce sports, massages, cosmetologists and others into daily use varying degrees pleasantness of the procedure. But this won’t last long, only 15 years. And then, you see, you’ll get a taste for it and change your mind about growing old altogether.

3. With a high degree of probability you have a luxurious set of older children, which is very convenient to use in raising a fresh baby (sit, walk, drop off). And go to sleep and rest!

4. You are no longer afraid of getting fat from the production of the baby and subsequent breastfeeding. Because you’ve already done this a hundred times and you know for sure: weight is a variable quantity.

5. Doctors now talk to you in a completely different tone. Where is this delightful “you” address, remarks about the “headless mother” and valuable advice not quite on the medical side? But there are none! Because it might come from an adult aunt.

6. Other moms are listening to you. After all, you have found a dense antiquity and, in general, a living legend, which proves that after 40 there is also life. Maybe you’ll say something interesting, some cute meme.

7. The “how old are you now?” trick, which has entertained you for many years with your older child (especially if you brought him into the world quite early), is working again! Because little children make you look very young. Everyone thought that you were a young mother, young and anxious, but you turn out to be a mature and experienced lady!

8. You will learn a lot of interesting things about your body and you will respect him with renewed vigor. You thought it was no longer what it was before, but it endured pregnancy, gave birth, and is carrying a multi-kilogram baby - and at least henna. Well, maybe not exactly henna, but it survived! And this is not a pound of raisins, no...

9. A child is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease. A child tones the cells of any, even the most mossy brain: from now on and for several years - no planning, quit the useless bullshit. We juggle micro-intervals of free time, reconsider the priority of tasks and affairs, and rejoice if we succeeded in at least something. We rejoice, I say.

10. Your same forty-year-old body will not allow you to cross reasonable boundaries and plunge into motherhood with special fanaticism: no hours of motion sickness, an overloaded spine and sleepless hungry vigils over the child. You are great at calling for help. and take care of yourself first.

11. You are no longer in a hurry to get away from your baby.. To a cool party, a production meeting, to the kitchen to prepare dinner. All cool parties you visited in the last decade, production meetings are now perfectly held via Skype at a time convenient for you, and your husband knows how to cook dinner. You know exactly how quickly he will grow up, this little smelly baby, and you wouldn't trade time with him for anything. You are here and now, and let the whole world wait. And, by the way, your baby really feels this, relaxing and filling with your calmness.

12. Your mother listens to you and, it seems, even finally considers you an adult. Goodbye to advice and lectures that sucked tons of blood from your relationship. It’s just a pity that it’s no longer so easy for her to help you with your grandchildren.

13. You no longer rush at the baby’s dad shouting “let me do it, you can’t do it that way!”. As a result, your grown-up husband receives pure joy from parenthood and full participation in changing diapers, putting the person to bed and other bathing activities. And this is simply a huge contribution to the future friendship of the baby and dad (as well as mom and dad).

14. Your anxiety level has dropped significantly compared to you 10-15-20 years ago. This is very useful for your baby: you are able to make informed decisions, not panic about everything, analyze information and the sources of its receipt. And also harden them, douse them with water, dress them much colder than all the other children, travel together where no one has gone before, and much more that makes past life you would definitely have a heart attack.

15. You and your husband are incredibly happy about this child! He came into your life solely for pleasure, all other gestalts have long been closed to you, you can love him without being distracted by anything. And this love seems to open up some new additional sources of energy, fills enormous power, helps you survive any sleepless nights, any difficulties that, of course, you will encounter along the way - all this is decay, compared to the cunning face of a baby smiling at you in the morning.

In fact, being forty is very cool! You haven’t spent the last 40 years in vain, and you have a whole deck of trump cards up your sleeve that help you not only cope with life, but also enjoy it: you have experienced a lot of stress and know how to deal with it, minimizing the damage, you know the tricks self-defense and can build a comfortable space around you, you have accepted your own imperfections and defeated perfectionism, you know how to please yourself and do it regularly, a team has formed around you that gives you support and love, and you also own a whole bunch of the most useful tools, skills and knowledge, you have enormous reserves of energy and will that simply crave new use.

And even if sometimes it seems to you that all of the above has somehow disappeared through your fingers, and life has turned its less attractive side towards you, you and I know that this is temporary, right? Yes, you are simply created to become a great mother!

In general, I think you have absolutely nothing to fear, go for it and may the force be with you.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together!

IN last years The number of women who decide to give birth to a second or even first child at the age of 40 is increasing. This is due to many factors, for example, the desire to pursue a career and increased demands on living conditions. As a result, first births increasingly occur between the ages of 30 and 35, and only at the age of forty does the question of a second child arise.

This desire is understandable. The woman has established herself as a specialist, has good financial conditions or has been educated new family, all this supports the desire for motherhood. But is it too late? This serious decision, which needs to be carefully considered and specialist advice sought.

Doctors' opinion about pregnancy at 40 years old

There cannot be a consensus on this matter. All life situations differ from each other. What is important is the well-being of the expectant mother, the presence of chronic diseases, whether this is the first birth or not.

Getting pregnant at this age is also much more difficult than in youth. The level of fertility decreases, the number of eggs suitable for fertilization decreases. It doesn’t matter what kind of pregnancy it is, aging occurs in any case. The experience of doctors who are constantly faced with similar situations, also gives them the opportunity to relate differently to late pregnancy.

  • a complete examination of the patient’s health status;
  • detection of chronic diseases;
  • studying heredity;
  • psychological state research.

Taking into account all these factors, the doctor can express his opinion about the woman’s ability to give birth to a baby.

Doctors often do not recommend late childbirth, but if a woman decides to do this, she should be warned about the risks of late pregnancy and that she will need serious preparation and will require many examinations. You need to carefully monitor your health.

All pregnant women over forty must be referred to a geneticist to identify possible genetic abnormalities in the child. How older mother, the more often babies with Down syndrome are born. At twenty-five years of age, this risk is 1:2000, and for mothers over forty years old it is already -1:150.

Contraindications for late childbirth should be:

  • oncology;
  • renal failure;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Assessment by specialists of late labor

According to doctors about pregnancy, at 42 years old, carrying a child poses a serious risk to the mother herself. After forty, exacerbations of chronic diseases often occur, which complicate the process of bearing a child. And the onset of menopause and hormonal surge, accompanying pregnancy, can contribute to the development of diseases that were not previously clearly manifested. There is a danger of developing mastopathy, kidney disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

Giving birth at 42 years old, according to doctors, is also dangerous for the child. Missed pregnancies and miscarriages are common. Women in labor have to stay in a hospital for a long time, sometimes most of the time before giving birth.

Regarding childbirth after 40 years of age, statistics say that they occur by caesarean section eight times more often than at 30 years of age.

How does pregnancy occur at 44 years old? Doctors' opinion - this is almost always possible only with the help of a procedure in vitro fertilization. Self-conception at this age is unlikely.

In vitro fertilization procedure:

  • Allows you to fight infertility.
  • Eliminates the presence of genetic diseases of the embryo.
  • Allows you to select the gender of the child.

As a result of IVF, children are born who develop in the same way as their peers conceived in the traditional way. This procedure is also used by women aged 45, 50 years and older. A Muscovite woman recently gave birth healthy child at 60 years old. The gynecologists at the clinic who were involved in obstetrics say that this is their first case, but there are more and more women giving birth at the age of 41-50. This is a record for our country, but in India, a 70-year-old woman gave birth to twins after IVF.

Positive sides

Against the background of many arguments “against”, it is worth recognizing a number of positive aspects. In favor of late motherhood There are also several arguments:

Having assessed all the pros and cons, taking into account the results of examinations and the recommendations of doctors, a woman can make an informed decision . If the choice is made in favor the arrival of a new family member, she will need psychological support from family and friends. This will help overcome all sorts of fears associated with late birth child, and gain peace and confidence, which are very important during this period. Positive attitude mothers are the key to the birth of a healthy baby.


Salma Hayek, Kim Basinger, Halle Berry are not just Hollywood beauties who have managed to do successful career and be married several times. They decided on a desperate act: to give birth for the first time at the age of 40, without using the services of a surrogate mother. Some will say that this is a common thing for stars, but the latest statistics say the opposite: average age Primiparas actively strive for 40.

Today, more and more often, women become mothers for the first time at the age of 35-37 years, and for the second time they decide to have a child when they are 40 years of age or more. Back in the Soviet Union, this was beyond the scope, but now times have changed and this is becoming more of a norm. But how safe pregnancy is after 40 years of age, doctors’ opinions on this matter are divided: from positive to negative. What to do, is it worth the risk or not? What awaits those who want to become parents at this age?

Why is it difficult to get pregnant at 40?

Women's eggs are formed even before birth; their number is in the millions. They decrease rapidly while it lasts intrauterine period, at the time of birth there are approximately 2 million eggs left. The process does not stop, back to the beginning menstrual cycle the girl has only about 300 thousand eggs and then they become less and less. This means that by the age of 40, a woman has very few eggs left that can be fertilized. However, this is not the only reason why it is difficult to get pregnant at 40 years old. Many factors, including age, affect the quality of the eggs themselves. They become less productive, and often hide genetic abnormalities.

How to prepare for conception

Give birth to a child in mature age possible, but prior preparation is required preparation period, both for women and men. Firstly, you need to give up cigarettes and alcohol; secondly, reconsider your diet in favor of healthier foods. If there are problems with overweight, it is imperative that both partners fight this problem, because it is often because of this that the couple fails to get pregnant.

Pregnancy at 40 years old, according to doctors, is no different from an earlier one, so before conceiving, a woman also needs to visit a dentist and have her problem teeth treated. In addition, the preparation period includes admission vitamin complex with minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins B6, C, E.

And men need medical supplies, which will increase sperm activity, and therefore the chances of conceiving a child. Both partners should start taking the pills at least 2 months before conception.

In order for the probability of conception to be high, you need to accurately determine the time when the egg is ready for fertilization (ovulation period). This can be done using rapid ovulation tests.

Late pregnancy and women's health

What to do, whether to give birth or not on the threshold of your 40th birthday, because this can affect your health? This is the first question women ask themselves. And the second is how exactly pregnancy and childbirth will be affected. Do not be alarmed if you are diagnosed with pregnancy after 40 years of age; doctors’ reviews do not prohibit having children at this age, but only in the absence of direct contraindications.

How does pregnancy affect the woman herself? There are actually two sides, positive and negative. On the one hand, this period rejuvenates a woman due to a hormonal surge, and the effect continues during the lactation period. However, all this is short-term in nature, as it disappears after breastfeeding is stopped, as the level of hormones returns to its previous state.

Necessary examinations

If you decide to give birth to a second child after 40 or are preparing to become a mother for the first time, be prepared to undergo a number of necessary examinations. This is necessary in order to determine whether there are genetic abnormalities in the fetus, since with age there is a risk of giving birth with genetic abnormalities increases. These include the following:

  1. Ultrasound at 11th and 18th weeks.
  2. « Triple test" This is a blood test during the period of 16-18 weeks, helps to identify fetal pathologies.
  3. Amniocentesis. To obtain results, a fence is made amniotic fluid, but not earlier than the 14th week.
  4. Cordocentesis. This is a blood test from the umbilical cord. This is done to count the exact number of chromosomes in the fetus. Optimal period for examination - from the 22nd to the 24th week of pregnancy.
  5. Chorionic villus biopsy. It is carried out to identify Down syndrome and other abnormalities. Fragments of the placenta are taken as laboratory material. The test is carried out between the 11th and 14th weeks.
  6. Cardiotocography. This is a test of the baby's heart rate to detect oxygen starvation. Done at the end of the 3rd trimester.

Possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth

Even the first child at 40 years old will be healthy if future mom will follow all medical instructions and take redoubled effort to take care of his health. On the other hand, at any time, pregnancy after 40 years, according to doctors, can become complicated. It could be:

What other difficulties might there be? Every year the elasticity of tissues and muscles decreases female organs, it becomes more difficult for the uterus to hold the fetus and therefore a 40-year-old woman automatically falls into the risk group for miscarriage. However, difficulties also await during childbirth. Weak labor activity, premature birth, ruptures and bleeding - all this can occur at any time when pregnancy is after 40 years, according to reviews from mothers.

Many people believe that age means a direct hit on the surgical table. This is not true; a caesarean section is prescribed only for certain indications. In other cases, it is recommended to give birth naturally, however, with long breaks, more than 10 years, the ancestral memory disappears female body and the process can proceed as if it were the first time.

Opinion of psychologists: late mothers - good or not?

First, second or third pregnancy at 40 years old - to give birth or not, what to do? According to psychologists, physiological readiness for motherhood lags behind psychological readiness by 10 years. So, it is at the age of 35-40 that a woman is ready to become a full-fledged mother, devoting herself entirely to caring for and raising her child. According to statistics, late parents are more likely than others to raise child prodigies and live longer than other couples of a similar age.

The second aspect why psychologists consider middle age to be successful for pregnancy is that by this time there is a career, material level, and other values ​​for the sake of which many young women postpone procreation until later. Subsequently, having secured a future for themselves and their future children, they can completely and completely calmly devote the first few years after their birth to their child.

For some couples, their first pregnancy at the age of 40 occurs after a series of long unsuccessful attempts, just when the last hope dries up. A child born is an unexpected happiness, but because of this, he is often under overprotection in this case, although excessive care and attention have a negative impact on psychological development child.

Don’t be alarmed if you are pregnant at the age of 40; reviews from doctors prove that with proper management of pregnancy, taking into account all possible risks and the right attitude women to their pregnancy, gestation and childbirth themselves pass without complications. A child born from adult parents in such cases is no different from his peers.
