Effective protection against energy vampires. How to protect yourself from energy vampires and save your energy

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire: 10 signs of modern Dracula + 3 ways of protection + 5 psychologist's advice.

Have you ever noticed that after interacting with some people, you become like the energizer bunny from a battery commercial - a sparkle in your eyes, ideas in your head and an itch in your hands to do something like that?

But there are also real vampires, after communicating with whom you feel worse than a squeezed lemon. And what to do if this is a close relative or colleague from whom you can’t just run away, you won’t leave?

In this case, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

But first, let's figure out how to calculate this negative character.

10 Signs You Need Protection Against Energy Vampires

The main distinguishing feature of an energy vampire is that he (she) puts pressure on pity.

Under whatever circumstances you meet, he will complain about the boss, relatives, lack of money, poor health, the political situation in the country and the weather. There is no end in sight to this!

  1. Protect yourself from people who love to evoke negative emotions - noisy neighbors, scandalous colleagues, relatives who start a conversation with a 30-year-old young lady with the phrase "Have you got married yet?"
  2. As a rule, energetically heavy people are obsessive.
    These are the very “dear” guests who will shamelessly stay with you until one in the morning, even if you say that you have to get up at five in the morning tomorrow.
  3. Also, energy vampires love tactile contact with people, because it's easier to steal energy from them.
    So, they can grab the arm or coat collar of an unfamiliar person, lean with their whole body on passengers in public transport, etc.
  4. Protection will be needed from those whose household appliances constantly break in the house, flowers in pots wither, animals die, food burns, etc.
    Thus, energy vampires act not only on people, but also on other living beings, and even objects.
  5. Real energy vampires are distinguished by jealousy.
    Moreover, they can be jealous not only of the opposite sex, but also of your work, relatives, friends, hobbies - that is, everything that distracts you from the vampire's fascinating stories about his miserable life. We need to defend ourselves!
  6. Vampire protection does not interfere, which already at a young age have pronounced facial wrinkles.
    After all, this suggests that a person literally lives with negative emotions - nasolabial folds, horizontal lines on the forehead, lines near the lower eyelids.
  7. The look of an energy vampire, usually dim, becomes more expressive when he caused a negative in someone.
    That is, during a quarrel, scandal, or, for example, when an overly delicate person suffers, but cannot put the vampire in his place.
  8. Energy ghouls love to cause in people not only aggression, but also guilt.

    Such a vampire friend will definitely remind you that you went to a bar while she was lying at home with a cold (and it doesn’t matter that you are not a doctor), they took her boyfriend off her freshman year of university (who she didn’t need at all) and did not allow me to write off a math test in my early childhood.

  9. Even thoughts of a vampire and not just communication, cause you weakness and negativity.
    Everything, as they say, put out the light. It definitely needs protection, and serious!

Energy Vampire Defense: 3 Ways to Stay Strong

Option number 1. First there was a word...against the vampire.

If you feel that a vampire is draining energy from you right now, say a special "spell" to yourself to protect yourself.

“The barrier of words reliably protects. Words-amulets help me to win. Your dark conversation does not concern me. By my will, like a lock, it is securely locked.

To protect yourself, you need to repeat the words as long as you are in close proximity to the energy vampire. At the same time, it is desirable to imagine a glass wall between you, so as not to allow yourself to be dragged into this endless stream of negativity.

“I noticed that if I say this simple spell to myself, my friend, who really likes to complain about life, calms down after three or four minutes. And we are moving from defense to constructive dialogue,” Maria shares her experience on one of the forums.

Option number 2. How to use a secret weapon to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

To protect yourself from a vampire stealing your energy, esotericists recommend getting a small thing from one of these materials:

  • Aspen. Oh, it’s not for nothing that in the legends only vampires were killed with aspen stakes. You, of course, be more humane - as soon as someone energetically starts to "run into" you, just touch the wooden block in your pocket for protection.
  • Rhinestone. Magicians claim that this mineral returns all the radiated negativity to an energetically heavy person, “mirror”. Why not buy new earrings or a ring with such a stone?
  • Pin. But in order to defend herself, she must first be spoken to. To do this, prick your finger at exactly midnight and, when the blood comes out, say:

    I meet only kind people, I only walk along the torn roads. Everyone wishes me well, helps me in my affairs. As said, so done.

    The pin should be left on the windowsill until morning. And then before communicating with unpleasant people, pin it on the inside of the clothes.

Option number 3. "Keep your distance!"

Protection from an energy vampire also consists in moving away from him as much as possible:

  1. move away or put some object between you (plate, chair, etc.);
  2. cross your legs, fold your arms on your chest - in general, take the most closed position;
  3. imagine that the vampire stealing your energy is behind glass, a brick wall, or any other obstacle - as long as it is away from you. The more vividly you imagine it, the more effective such a simple method of protection will be.

Types of energy vampires and protection against them

5 useful tips from psychologists on how to protect yourself from energy vampires

Magic is magic, but professional psychologists have their own opinion on how to protect themselves from energy vampires, and it is worth considering:

  1. Be wary if a new person in your environment is always “on courage”.
    The fact is that at first energy ghouls (although not always consciously) feed you with positive emotions (laughter, smiles, jokes) in order to bind you more strongly to yourself. And only then the emotional swings swing to the fullest.
  2. Learn to say no.
    You cannot be in touch 24 hours a day, fulfill any request of an energy vampire. It is worth a couple of times to give up slack - and you will be used to the fullest.

    A few months ago, the author of the article had a roommate in the office. The young lady in the next office was doing manicures to clients. And everything would have been fine, but one day Katerina dropped in to borrow sugar for tea and away we go: I had to listen to complaints about my health, my beloved, relatives and the absence of good friends for forty minutes.

    Woman, I see you for the first time in my life! I have someone to go for coffee with and my own manicurist. In a word, as the title of the famous movie says "Run Lola Run" from this vampire!

  3. Gently but firmly stand up for your boundaries - personal space, free time, lifestyle, etc.
    Don't let anyone tell you that you are a bad daughter or son if you don't call your elderly parents five times a day - this is your relatives and relationships.
  4. Don't listen to gossip.
    This is an unworthy occupation! Yes, and it is worth considering why a person retells them to you, what are his goals. Call for pity? Disrupt relations with your best friend, so that later you will have even more "nightmare"? Think, think...
  5. Do not immediately be fascinated by new acquaintances, and do not demand the impossible from old friends.
    Forgive weaknesses and mistakes with a light heart. Your girlfriend for the fifth time refuses to take a walk with you, referring to employment? Do not be offended, but occupy yourself with something interesting so that other people want to recharge from you.

“And do not forget: most of all in people, including energy vampires, we are annoyed by what we are“ guilty ”of ourselves - whining, the desire to arouse pity, and so on,” psychologists say.

These simple but effective tips from professionals in their field - psychics and psychologists - will help ensure that your protection against energy vampires is reliable and effective.

Don't waste your time on people who don't bring anything good into your life. A comfortable, benevolent environment will stimulate you to self-development.

We often hear about energy vampires. But who are they? Where are they hiding, how to recognize them and is it possible to escape from this scourge? Energy vampires differ from ordinary vampires in that they suck out not blood, but the vital energy of others. They do it in very sophisticated ways: they can regularly put pressure on pity, arousing sympathy in you, bring you to irritation or anger, harass you with the details of your own life. The methods may be different, but the result is the same - after talking with this evil spirits, you feel squeezed out like a lemon. And it's not so easy to defend yourself - an aspen stake and garlic beads will not help. The surest way is to avoid communication, which is not so easy to do if a vampire lives in your boss.

What to do if your boss turned out to be an energy vampire

You can understand that you have an energy vampire in front of you by listening to yourself. If after a planning meeting with the leader you constantly experience discomfort, are ready to burst into tears, burst into tears, your nervous balance is disturbed, and the volume of vitality has noticeably decreased, urgently start the fight. Otherwise, regular stress will damage your health.

What to do to protect yourself from a vampire:

  1. Protect your personal space.

When communicating with a harmful character, try to take such a position that there is some kind of barrier between you - a piece of furniture, a large plant. You can just pick up a large notepad. The thing will take the main energy blow.

  1. Be on top.

If the vampire is constantly "hanging" over you, dominating with his authority, stand up to be on the same level with him, or even better, have him sit and you stand.

  1. Imagine that you are inside a safe haven.

Imaginary protection can be anything - a high tower, a huge dome, a brick wall. Imagine that it instantly arises between you every time you start a conversation with your boss.

  1. Don't be afraid of emotions.

If you want to cry, cry, but where no one will see you. Tears will relieve nervous strain and cleanse from negativity. By the way, a good way is to wash with cold water. It is good at removing negative energy. After a day at work, take a cold shower at home, and you will feel how much easier it has become.

  1. Have an internal incentive.

During a stressful situation, remember why you endure it all. Maybe you have three children at home and an unemployed wife. Or you are saving up for the car of your dreams. Or maybe you are planning to open your own business soon? The presence of a goal and a stimulus is also a strong defense against the attacks of an evil energy vampire.

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Protection from energy vampires at work is a relevant issue, since we usually do not choose colleagues, employees and bosses. Among them, there may easily be lovers to profit from someone else's energy, with whom they will have to somehow coexist.

The issue of energy vampires is ambiguous, and measures to combat them can be very different: from reading prayers and mantras to wearing special amulets. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon of energy vampirism and how to protect against it.

Energy vampirism

In essence, energy vampirism is the pulling of life forces from the energy system of one person into the system of another. How do they do it? Sometimes unconsciously, sometimes consciously. The unconscious process occurs as if by touch, at the level of reflexes. The vampire feels a surge of energy during a quarrel or conversation, and his unconscious takes note of the situation in order to repeat it more than once (in this case, the robber, like the victim, may simply not be aware of what is really happening in the process of communication).

Conscious energy vampires act differently - they create an intention to feed on someone else's energy and visualize a certain channel through which life forces flow from the donor to them. Of course, they know what to say and do in order to “dissolve” you into emotions, unbalance the system and make you splash out energy. They can put pressure on pity or show aggression, grope for vulnerabilities or even do nothing - just be somewhere nearby. At you the mood spoils, the head hurts, tends to sleep and working capacity decreases.

Such employees, and even more so - bosses, are really a problem. After all, they have to not only endure, but also perform some tasks together. Of course, I don’t want to change jobs because of the presence of an energy vampire in the office. But you will have to put forward protection against him - both you and him need it. The fact is that getting used to free energy, a vampire extremely weakens his energy system and practically loses the ability to generate life force himself.

Regular attacks by an energy vampire affect not only the donor's performance, but also his health and mental state. Options are not excluded when the vampire needs not only energy. Using his ability to “de-energize” the victim, he can also pursue other goals - to “hook up” you or discredit you. Thus, he can fight the competition or take revenge for something. Since the victim does not suspect anything, the vampire's evil plans sometimes come true.

However, you should not consider an energy vampire a superman, or at least a strong personality. The main reason for his abilities is just a weak, disturbed energy system. This is a kind of disease that can be cured if you set a goal.

Forms of protection

  1. subject. These include amulets, amulets and talismans that you can wear on yourself, keep on your desktop or in your nightstand. To activate the amulet, you need to conduct the appropriate ceremony. It is also good to make it with your own hands, investing positive energy and a specific intention of protection.
  2. Abstract. These are energy methods based on visualization and intention. Most often they consist in the mental creation of a power or reflective barrier. This group of protection methods also includes prayers, conspiracies and mantras.
  3. Aimed at strengthening their own energy system. This is perhaps the most successful approach, as it allows you to create a permanent protection against vampirism. To a person whose energy system is strong and balanced, a vampire simply cannot “suck”. If there are no cracks and gaps in the thin body, the "tentacles" of the invader do not penetrate into it and the channel is not formed.

Talismans and amulets

Whatever they say, but the pectoral cross is a classic amulet. Of course, a vampire can wear exactly the same cross himself, but this should not discourage you. It is important how you perceive this symbol - if you believe in its power, then you automatically fall into the protection zone of the Christian egregor. Feeling signs of an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection, read your favorite prayer.

In essence, an amulet against an energy vampire is any amulet that protects against negative influences from the outside and strengthens you from the inside. It can be a red cabalistic thread on the wrist, Slavic amulets, Scandinavian runes... To choose a suitable amulet, get acquainted with several of them - read the literature, learn about their capabilities, history, meaning. Then purchase or make your own one that inspires sympathy and observe how it works in practice.

There are also specific amulets recommended by esoteric scientists to protect against energy vampirism and increase personal energy. One of these amulets is a quartz crystal. Due to its structure, this stone lends itself perfectly to programming and creates a strong protective barrier. In addition, it is able to equalize disturbances in the energy system of its owner, cure phobias, depression and other diseases.

The quartz crystal must be programmed correctly, and beforehand, the old program must be removed by holding it under a stream of cold water and letting it dry in the air. To program the crystal, you need to hold it in your hand and formulate your intention to cooperate with it to create a protective barrier. It is desirable to wear a crystal closer to the body or at least in a purse. If one day you see that a speck or other defect has formed in it, you should know that the amulet protected you from a powerful energy attack.

Another talisman is a pyramid that respects the proportions of the Great Egyptian Pyramid. It can be made from any natural material - stone, wood, glass... To activate the pyramid, hold it in your hands, imagining how cosmic energy pours in through its top and spreads through your body. This amulet not only creates a protective barrier, but also promotes concentration and focus on work.

Abstract methods and self-improvement

In fact, abstract methods operate on the same principle as objective methods, creating a protective field and strengthening the human energy system. The only difference is that they do not require any items. On the one hand, it is easier to concentrate on the subject, but on the other hand, it may simply not be at your fingertips. In this case, abstract methods are indispensable. They are especially suitable for people with a developed imagination.

The easiest and most fun way is to imagine a vampire and cover it with an imaginary glass. You can develop the situation further - imagine his futile attempts to influence you because of the "impenetrable" glass. To some, this method seems even cruel, since it fences off the vampire from all sources of energy. What if he comes to his senses and wants to connect with space? A softer way is to put an "impenetrable" barrier between him and you, as an option - a mirror one, reflecting any attack.

You can mentally read conspiracies, mantras or prayers. The universal amulet is the prayer "Our Father". Communicating with nature - trees, the sea, the starry sky - will help to make up for the loss of vitality and strengthen the energy system ... All sorts of meditations and yoga classes are also useful. Concentrate your attention on something high - spiritual growth, self-improvement, revealing your potential, and no vampires will simply be able to reach you.

    Energy vampires are divided into:/> Solar, Lunar, Solar-lunar.

    Solar Vampires:

    This is a cruel and supremely selfish energy bandit. They themselves provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental and physical pain. The solar vampire acts brazenly, causing an explosion of our indignation, insulting in the face. They are driven by envy, malice and hatred. If we do not react to solar vampires, then they are able to hit us, just to get a portion of junk energy. You can identify a solar vampire by the lines on the palms of his hands. They are dark red or purple instead of a solid red. In Rus', bloodletting was used to alleviate the disease, in which heavy blood predominated, since the blood of vampires is slagged. However, the most effective method of treatment was the use of medical leeches.


    1. In the transport, a young man - a vampire pushed the old woman away and sat down in the vacant seat. The people begin to resent, shame him, and he sits and smiles impudently. And now everyone is almost shouting at him, calling him names, and he sits and smiles. They got involved in the scenario conceived by the vampire and fed him with their junk energy, because during stormy emotions they opened, and some even tore their biofields and made it possible for the energy to flow to the vampire. The more intense our reaction to irritation, the faster and better we fed the vampire, and that's all he needs. Then he comes out, everyone sighs with relief, but they feel bad, they can hardly stand on their feet - they have such a strong weakness. 2. A teacher - a vampire enters the class and after hello begins to insult students, calling them lazy, loafers, ignoramuses and threatening to instruct the whole class of deuces. The students begin to tremble with fear and. losing their energy, they feed the vampire teacher, who by the end of the lesson becomes even cheerful and affectionate. He ate and he was fine.
    2. Jealous husband is a vampire. Moreover, jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but a cunning trick to keep your victim in constant energy (mental) tension and breakdown. The vampire does not see or hear the object of his love, and by arranging scandals, he eats energy. Family vampires live for a long time, not giving life to their household members. They outlive their donors, and we wonder why good people die before bad ones.
    3. The boss-vampire needs slobs like bread, he will keep them near him all the time, keep those who can be offended and insulted daily with impunity. When the boss is a vampire, on this basis, sycophants and saints appear around him. These are weak people, and by this they protect themselves from energy shocks.
    4. Another hidden trick of vampirism that vampires use is that they require proof. You will never convince them of anything, they will still remain in their opinion. And how many nerves will you spoil at the same time; and how devastated you come out of these conversations! Here the conflict is important for the vampire, he provokes us to an energy clash. We rush about in front of him, and he is filled with contentment. A vampire loves only himself, he does not know how to love others and enjoy life.

    Lunar Vampires:

    The energy of the lunar vampire people is the opposite of the solar energy, it is cold and wet. Lunar energy has a strong magnetic quality. These are people who imperceptibly, gently and calmly pull the soul out of us. The Lunar Vampire is an energy thief, quiet and secretive. He always cries about his problems, pretends to be deaf and incomprehensible. It's a bore. He does not swear, does not quarrel, does not prove, he whines and this brings us out of balance. A person is arranged in such a way that if he is not attacked, if he is not destroyed, then there seems to be no reason to alienate someone who is supposedly looking for advice and help. This one always has the same problems, and no matter how much you say or advise, the problems do not change, and this is already starting to annoy. From contact with it, strength is lost, vitality decreases, you start to yawn, something squeezes and tickles your throat. Lunar vampires value friendship with you, because they managed to pick up the key to you and learned how to gently open the floodgates of your energy channels.


    1. Prelude before the energy meal of a domestic vampire: "No one loves me and does not feel sorry for me. I try for you, and you only spoil everything. You can't even help me, and I'm so tired, etc." And after a while: "Well, why are you some kind of boiled? I said that you can't do anything. But I spoke out and it's easier for me. Let's go somewhere."
    2. A vampire neighbor came to visit and began to talk about her alcoholic husband, drug addict son, sick mother, and so on. You listen, advise something, then you begin to almost fall asleep under her monotonous voice, and she says: "Well, I ran, I still have a lot to do." And the neighbor runs away, and you wander to the sofa and fall asleep. A characteristic detail: vampires never invite you to visit them, but strive to come to you, drink tea, but they themselves never treat you to tea. When visiting a vampire, you will feel like you are not at ease, and you will leave him with a sore head, weakness in the body, with a sense of wasted time.
    3. Technological progress has given rise to another sophisticated form of vampirism - telephone. The telephone vampire, when calling, does not share joy with you, but splashes out the next or the same problems on you.

    Lunar-solar vampires

    They are characterized by duplicity: at work they are alone, but at home they are completely different.


    1. In a family, even lunar vampires are always aggressive and give the whole family or one of its members an energy shake-up every day. Outside the house, they are quieter than water and lower than the grass, fawning, lisping.
    2. With a family, solar vampires often complain about misunderstandings at work, about their boss or stupid subordinates. Voluntary donation When someone in the family falls ill, we unconsciously, taking care of our loved ones, give them some of our energy and help them recover. When someone in the family is very tired, by communicating we help to restore the balance of energy. From a person with a high level of energy, vitality will automatically flow to a weakened one (with a low level of energy). People exchange energy with each other without even touching each other. Don't be afraid to give your energy to good people. The more often you empty your "reservoirs" for them, the more fresh and healing energy you will receive from nature. For those who "loved their neighbor as themselves", energy vampirism does not exist! Give, you will receive more - this is the Cosmic Law.

    Children's vampirism

    Children's vampirism is usually accompanied by begging for expensive purchases, tantrums and blackmail. What to do? Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior of the child. What makes a child take energy from adults? Disease? Physical exhaustion? It seems not. The child is "healthy, developed." Little care? Neither: "They are reaching out with their last strength so that she has everything ..." And yet the child is missing something. What? Why did a "cheerful, cheerful" woman become irritable immediately after birth? The child prevents her from leading a former lifestyle. Now she has to give all her strength, time, attention to this little man. Secretly, in the depths of her soul, she hates her child for this. She does everything that is supposed to be: she feeds on time, changes diapers, but ... the child is not satisfied, he is naughty and "everything demands something." What? He demands love! The mother pays off with handouts: "Ha, just don't disturb ..." Here is the true reason for children's vampirism: the mother deprived her child of the most powerful and most necessary energy for him - the energy of love. If the mother succeeds in changing her attitude, the child will no longer be a little vampire. "Start with yourself ..." If the mother does not change, then the child, having exhausted the mother, begins to look for new victims - this is how "hysterical" children appear in kindergartens, "hooligans" at school, and then "tyrants" in the family and at work.

    Energy vampire protection.

    1. During an energy attack by a vampire:

    1. So, you recognized the energy vampire, how to behave in this case, how to protect yourself from it? First you need to interrupt the process of transferring energy from your aura to someone else's. To do this, you cannot look into the vampire's eyes, and you need to close your energy field by folding the palms of your hands together for this.
    2. It is known that silence is a good energy protection. Silence gives a person wisdom, but on one condition: there should be no internal dialogue - reproaches, insults. The only wise dialogue will be your appeal to God: "Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing." This sincere prayer with pity for a person can stop him, and save you from suffering. Only calmness, only the soul of a person filled with joy can withstand psychic attacks. "Love your neighbor as yourself."
    3. Counteraction with coldness. It happens that the energy vampire does not leave you alone, constantly complains about his fate, problems and illnesses, but at the same time does absolutely nothing to correct the situation. It may turn out that this is your close relative. Then you can counteract it with coldness. It is necessary to treat people with sick radiations coldly, not cruelly or indifferently, but coldly. Of course, after such a change in your relationship with an energy vampire, their deterioration or rupture is inevitable. However, believe me - this is the best way out for both of you. You will be protected, and the vampire will be forced to learn how to get energy in the normal way, in the worst case, switch to other donors.
    4. To counteract vampires, you can ask for help from God, the Guardian Angel, or use a conspiracy that you can say to yourself when in contact with a vampire: "On the sea on Okiyana, on Buyan Island, there is an Alatyr stone, three old men with iron bars are sitting on that stone, they are walking twelve feverish sisters, blood-sucking, accursed ones, met them. star, I complain to you, servant of God (name), about twelve maidens. Herod's daughters! Repeat the spell three times, imperceptibly spitting to the left side after each time, with the sentence: Where I spit, sinful bloodsuckers do not go there!"
    5. Special talismans and amulets are very good for fighting energy vampires. 6. Countering with an energy shield. This method is found in some adepts of the occult teachings. It consists in the fact that a person who is confident in the impact of an energy vampire on him should mentally surround himself with a thin energy shield or screen, as if woven from unusually strong luminous matter. Usually it is a sphere or shield of golden color. The brighter your imagination, the calmer and more confident you are at the time of the attack, the more effective the result will be. Don't forget to destroy the screen afterwards, as its constant presence will disrupt your natural energy exchange with the environment.

    2.After contact:

    1. After contact with an energy vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a shower, preferably a contrast one, since the water takes everything away.
    2. Hot tea or hot water intake in the amount of 200-300 ml, which is an excellent tool that cleanses the body and contributes to an increase in energy strength in it. It is a glass of boiling water, which is drunk in slow sips on an empty stomach, relieves headaches, reduces fever and improves appetite.
      • a) Herbal tea to neutralize solar vampirism should include: bergenia, hawthorn, peony, licorice, yellowish sophora, nutmeg, astregalus, cranberries, lily of the valley, eucalyptus.
      • b) Herbal tea for the neutralization and treatment of lunar vampirism should include: elecampane, thyme, tansy, wormwood, celandine, bearberry, gloucester, wild strawberry, white mistletoe, mint, wild rosemary.
      • c) Herbal tea for neutralization and treatment of solar and lunar vampirism at the same time: yarrow, rhubarb, calamus, marsha dyer, plantain, horsetail, marigold, burdock, blueberry.
    3. Stop talking and getting annoyed with vampires, don't hold a grudge against them. As long as you remember your offender, keep anger and resentment against him, while you wash his bones, you will shake, and your energy and strength will continue to go to the offender.
    4. What if your energy was stolen? As well as sucked blood, it must be urgently restored, because blood and energy are the two main life principles of a person. To do this, you need to take the so-called "coachman's position": you sit comfortably in a chair, put your hands on your knees with your palms up (this is how you open your energy channels) and, completely relaxed, closing your eyes, mentally turn to the Cosmos, asking from there for new vitality. The duration of the session is fifteen minutes, during which you feel how prana fills you.
    5. Energy storage method. To do this, you need to choose a donor tree, such as birch, oak or pine. Go around the tree nine times counterclockwise with the words: "I ask you tree (name) give me strength, heal my wounds." Then you need to hug the tree and imagine that it fills you with energy.

    3. After contact with a conscious vampire.

    1. If the vampire isn't very strong and has sucked for a while, it's easy enough to get rid of him with something as simple as temporarily stopping the updraft. To do this, as you already know, it is enough just to hold your breath while inhaling. The suction cup will fall off by itself.
    2. With a sucker not too deeply rooted, if it has been recently installed, it is also enough to concentrate on feeling the boundaries of your etheric body and trace their integrity and inviolability. By focusing on your etheric body and carefully examining its boundaries, you will definitely feel where they are violated, where exactly the outflow of energy occurs (as you already know, vampires connect to the lower chakras - Manipura or Svadhisthana). Feeling the place of outflow, you can direct additional energy there. Do this until the sensations of the restored integrity of the boundaries of the etheric body become clear and distinct.
    3. If the previous two methods did not help, then you got a vampire strong enough and he managed to take root very deeply. It would be better if you are left alone in a quiet room, relax, drive away extraneous thoughts. After that, you have to cut off, cut off or in some other way cut off the suction cup from yourself. Focus on feeling your etheric body, explore its boundaries, feel the place of the suction cup through which your energy flows out. Now feel this sucker in the form of a completely material bundle, rope, rope - as your intuition tells you. Further, again in accordance with your own intuition, act as you would act in reality if you had to cut this rope. You can use any tools you want - take, for example, a sword, a saw or an ax and cut off the sucker. If neither the sword nor the ax turned out to be able to do this - well, use a laser beam, a flamethrower, a rocket launcher. In general, any weapon that you can clearly and clearly feel can be used - it will be modeled by your etheric body. Cut off, chop off, cut off the sucker until you have a clear feeling of its separation and the restoration of the normal boundary of your etheric body. But we must keep in mind the following: cut off the sucker - that's not all. Because even after cutting off, it will still reach for you in space, and strive to stick back. To prevent the vampire from re-attaching, one can close the cut tourniquet with the vampire's Manipura chakra, forming such a kind of loop. If for some reason you fail to do this, you can immerse the cut off sucker deep into the ground - as deep as you can get it (naturally, in your imagination, you don’t need to dig a real hole). After that, the vampire is unlikely to want to reach out to you with his tentacles again.
    4. If you manage to recognize a vampire at the moment when he is just installing a sucker (for example, you are talking to some person, and suddenly you feel tired for no reason), the easiest thing to do in self-defense is to immediately create a powerful energy flow from his Ajna chakra, like a searchlight beam, and with this beam connect the vampire's etheric body with the etheric body of any nearby object. Suitable for this purpose and a tree, and an animal, and even a casual passerby. You will not harm anyone by this: this connection will be destroyed almost immediately, but during this time you will have time to get out of the influence of the vampire. And yet, this method must be used very carefully: it can be used only if you are sure that you are being consciously being vampirized, that the person understands perfectly well what he is doing, because he is used to receiving nourishment at the expense of others. Otherwise, you will go beyond the necessary defense. If a person connected to you by accident, simply because he is energetically depleted at the moment, then his vampirism is unconscious. And for such a person, your spotlight beam can be dangerous, since in this case you are doing nothing more than inducing the evil eye. Again, I want to remind you that by doing this you can harm yourself, spoiling your karma with such an unseemly act. Some might get the impression that vampires have a better life than ordinary people - still! - "freebie", on everything ready ... Dangerous delusion! Do not envy, and even more so do not get in their way. With someone else's energy, information about the illnesses of these people is also absorbed. Over time, you will acquire such a "bouquet" of sores that neither medicines nor the best healers will help. And secondly, the body will soon forget how to feed on nature. Chronic exhaustion and rapid aging are guaranteed to him ...

    How to Stop Being an Energy Vampire:

  • Honestly admit to yourself that you have become an energy vampire and want to change.
  • The institution that fights energy vampirism is the Christian church. The commandments of Christ teach weak people who need support to draw the necessary energy not from their neighbor, but from prayers and spiritual communion with the Creator.
  • Engage in energy cleansing, opening the chakras and spiritual practices.
  • Communicate more with nature.

In this article, we will talk about how to deal with energy vampirism. Energy vampires can be found anywhere, but everyone can avoid their negative influence.

We used to associate vampirism with folklore - stories that are so good to tell in the form of a fairy tale somewhere around a campfire! But did you know that vampires exist in reality? However, do not rush to sharpen the aspen stake or chew garlic hard - in this case, we are talking about energy vampirism.

Energy, lunar vampire: signs by date of birth

An energy vampire is quite recognizable and visually- such people like to demonstrate aggressive behavior, arouse pity, often insincere, assert themselves in any way. However, these aspects of behavior are often simply caused by nuances of character.

If you know date of birth of a person, then it will be easier to determine his involvement in the so-called lunar vampirism. For this:

  • Write your date of birth
  • Add up all the numbers individually

IMPORTANT: If the resulting figure turns out to be two-digit, add up its components as well - the result should be unambiguous. For example, after summing up the date of birth, you have the number 48. So, you need to add 4 and 8 - you get 12. But 12 is also not suitable, which means 1 + 2 = 3.

Now let's look at the result:

  • 1 or 2- in front of you is the real energetic vampire. He may be consciously, or he may not be aware of his abilities. However, in any case, this person draws the energy of the people around him, using it for his own needs.
  • 5 or 7- but the owners of these numbers belong to the category donors. Unfortunately, they are especially susceptible to the attacks of energy vampires.

  • 3, 6, 8 – people with any of these numbers are not vampires, but they are not donors either. Such neutrality is provided by a powerful aura through which nothing can break through.
  • 9 - People with powerful energy, but not vampires. This energy is positive, forming a powerful potential. If a person with the number 9 does not learn how to manage his gift, the potential will remain unrealized.
  • 4 - extraordinary personalities able to be in all states. So, with a sufficient supply of vitality, they will be protected from negativity. If a strong lack of strength becomes noticeable, they will be able to draw it from others.

IMPORTANT: With a great desire, such a person will be able to control his own energy in the same way as it is available to people with the number 9.

A person with the number 4 can be perfectly protected from energy vampirism, but sometimes he himself is a vampire

How to put protection from an energy vampire at work?

  • Ignoring. If a colleague is throwing tantrums, talking loudly, or showing aggression in other ways, try to keep your cool. When talking on the phone, hang up if possible.

  • The escape. Believe me, running away from a problem is not always a sign of cowardice or weakness. In this case, in order to avoid harm, it is best to leave if possible in another office. If you have the opportunity not to cross the threshold at all, beyond which the vampire lives - great!
  • Laughter prolongs life- perhaps, in the case of energy vampirism, this is especially true. Discourage a colleague with a smile, laughter. Or just talk about something nice.

IMPORTANT: If the energy vampire's monologue is not about work and he is not your boss, feel free to interrupt it. Ask what good things have happened to him lately. You will help the unconscious vampire to get out of this bad state in this way, and the conscious one will lose interest in the conversation.

  • Colleagues often eat together. Given that food is one of the energy channels, try not to sit at the same dining table with a vampire colleague. If this is not possible, carefully remain silent.

Protection from an energy vampire - boss

  • Create a barrier between you and your boss. As it can fit table chair. If no furniture is expected nearby, pick up folder holding it in front of you.
  • Try to use your imagination and Imagine that you are inside a glass dome. All the nasty words just bounce off him. The more clearly you present such protection, the better.
  • Not a bad way to save yourself from negativity - again humor. Imagine that you are not dealing with a formidable boss, but with a funny gnome or a boy. Try to find funny moments in this person's behavior.

IMPORTANT: Try not to laugh out loud, because in front of you is not just a colleague, but a person on whom a career depends. However, smiling even mentally, you protect yourself well.

  • Many bosses like to talk with subordinates, towering over them. If possible, try to fix this, being on the same level. Or, if the boss is sitting, talk to him while standing.

Many energy vampire bosses like to communicate with subordinates, towering over them.

Protection from an energy vampire in the family, relative

If an energy vampire lives in your home, don't shun him. It is necessary to cope with the problem in such a way that a loved one does not receive harm:

  • First of all, make contact with a relative. Maybe suspicious behavior is just a consequence of some problems.
  • Explain close person that he brings discomfort to others. Direct him on the right path by offering to draw energy from some hobbies, walks in nature.

IMPORTANT: It is possible that by helping a person find harmony, you will achieve greater results than by isolation.

  • If the energy vampire is child, wean him from tantrums by ignoring- in this case, you need to show indifference as much as possible. If the child understands that no one is going to run headlong on his stomping and screaming, he will calm down after a while.

A child can also be an energy vampire, throwing tantrums

Protection from the energy vampire - mother

Energy vampirism is most often manifested in mothers when their beloved child creates his own family. The easiest way to get rid of negative influences is to live apart.

Of course, it is not always possible to live separately, so we recommend that you pay attention to the following ways:

  • Demonstrate the so-called "calm love" Do not ignore, pretending that the mother does not exist, namely, without nervousness, take care.
  • Try not to argue. Smile sweetly, nod, briefly agree. But do not say anything superfluous, do not make nervous movements.

IMPORTANT: Always remember that the energy vampire needs a response.

  • Imagine that you are surrounded by a stream of light. The negative, getting into it, burns out without even reaching the goal.

The best way to avoid energy vampirism from the mother is not to react to disturbances.

Protection from an energy vampire - husband

First of all, check with the help of the test described above which type you are. If you are a resilient person, then probably vampirism will not bring harm. Who knows: perhaps your union is just strong due to the exchange of energies.

If you are weak then you will have to choose methods of protection:

  • Spend some time doing needlework embroidered circles wherever convenient. You can decorate them with tablecloths, linen, towels, napkins. The so-called "rings of fire" may well be small.
  • If your spouse needs an impressive amount of energy, suggest that he draw it from something that will bring pleasure. Go in for sports together, meet friends, get out to beautiful places. Availability would be ideal shared hobby.

IMPORTANT: This approach is much more effective than ignoring the husband.

  • Go whisper. In this case, the opponent will immediately stop tearing his vocal cords.

Husband can become an energy vampire

Protection from moon vampires

Lunar vampires drain energy from victims in a non-aggressive manner. They do not make scandals, but instead they constantly whine in the waistcoat, complain and literally shake compassion out of opponents. To avoid subsequent despondency and loss of joy in life, you can do this:

IMPORTANT: If possible, do not communicate with the lunar vampire. Otherwise, you will not help him, and you will make things worse for yourself.

How to protect against an energy vampire with salt

The Feng Shui doctrine assumes protection by salt as a mineral. Slavs also left it on the dining table in an uncovered salt shaker- it was believed that the negative energy emanating from the guests was instantly extinguished.

You can do the following ritual:

  • Stock up on a thick cast iron skillet and of course salt. You will need to purchase a pack of coarse salt
  • Hold frying pan on fire until she gets hot
  • pour out then on her half a pack
  • Wait for the moment when the salt will burn that is, it will start to make crackling sounds
  • Holding a frying pan in my right hand, go around the perimeter of the house. Quietly read Our Father

IMPORTANT: Don't rush. Stay in each corner for a while.

For the ritual of energy vampirism, only coarse salt is suitable

How to put protection from an energy vampire with a mirror

The principle of protecting oneself from the effects of energy vampirism is simple: as soon as communication with an unpleasant person begins, it is necessary imagine a mirror. And not a small one, but a whole wall of a reflective surface!

It should be positioned carefully between himself and a vampire. As soon as a person begins to send negativity in your direction, this wall successfully reflects it. Imagine such a method very clearly - and the defense is ready!

The mirror that you present to protect against an energy vampire should be large - something like this

How to put protection from an energy vampire with a conspiracy, prayer?

Try using the following CONSPIRACY:

“I will become, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates, to the high eastern side, to the ocean-blue sea. There is an island on the ocean-blue sea, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne is the eagle father Vladimir, Ilya Muromets and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I came to you to ask and beg from stabbing, from hunks, from whining, from a simple-haired girl, from a man-sorcerer, from a wild eye, from a windmill to protect me, a servant of God (name).

Concerning prayers, then you can say prayer to the Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of Thee, because You have given birth to the Savior of our Souls.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that all these words are not just mechanical voicing, but a message coming from the heart.

Energy Vampire Protection Stone

Agate- is considered the best means of protection from negativity. All attempts by energy vampires to evoke emotions in you will be doomed to failure. Negative messages directed in your direction will be successfully absorbed by the stone.

Jet- a stone that has long been used as a talisman against negative forces. It is even capable of taking away bad thoughts that the owner may have.

A jet bracelet is an excellent remedy for energy vampirism

Eye of the Tiger- with him, energy vampires can not be afraid. All the negativity that will be directed at the owner of the stone will bounce in an instant. There is an opinion that if a bad person is nearby, the tiger's eye becomes warmer or gains weight.

Tiger's eye - a stone that will tell the owner that there is an energy vampire nearby

Amulet - protection from an energy vampire

The aspen stake is not just part of the folklore about the blood-drinking vampire. A thing made from this tree will perfectly help in contact with an energy vampire. It is believed that aspen amulet will begin to darken the moment the vampire tries to make contact.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, it is worth carrying such a useful thing with you all the time.

Rhinestone- another great amulet. Place a small piece of it in some similar small transparent box. Put the box in turn, for example, in a pocket of clothes or a bag.

Fresh fruits- affordable and pleasant amulet. After using these gifts of nature, a person restores the energy field.

Fresh fruits are the best talisman against energy vampires

Amulet-protection from the energy vampire

Sun symbol- strong when a person wears it on the body. At the same time, it does not matter at all in the traditions of which people the solar disk is depicted. The energy of the amulet will drive away unpleasant people at a decent distance from you.

Clover- Another universally recognized symbol that protects from evil and brings good luck. Wood, silver, gold - absolutely any material is suitable for manufacturing. It is believed to be especially good at dealing with male energy vampires.

IMPORTANT: Pets, oddly enough, are also excellent amulets. They endow their owners with so much positive energy that sometimes no negative encroachments from the outside are terrible!

Spend more time with your pet - and he will become a defense against energy vampirism

Rune - protection from an energy vampire

Runes Perth and Hagalaz great help to dodge energy encroachment. And it is desirable that they be united in tandem- in this case, the effect will be increased many times:

  • Perth is a symbol of rebirth. This rune gives a person a good supply of energy.
  • Hagalaz- another bunch of energy. Unlike Perth, it is spontaneous. However, such a rune teaches its owner sanity and patience.

Rune Perth from energy vampirism

Rune Hagalaz from energy vampirism

Mudras - protection from an energy vampire

intertwined fingers- an excellent mudra that will successfully complement an imaginary cocoon or mirror. The palms should be turned towards the body, and then placed opposite the solar plexus.

"Shield of Shambhala"- Clench one palm into a fist and attach it to the open palm of the other hand. Such mudra also protects, and helps restore tone. It is advisable to place the palms near the solar plexus.

IMPORTANT: In order for the energy to recover, hold the mudra for about 5-15 minutes.

Mudra Shield of Shambhala will help restore energy after contact with an energy vampire

No matter how hard you try to avoid such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in life you will certainly meet at least one person who will emotionally drain you. But if you learn to defend yourself from this trouble, no negative is terrible!
