How to wrap a dress in gift paper. Beautiful and unusual DIY gift wrapping (50 photos)

To wrap a gift with your own hands, you will need great desire, glue gun or double-sided tape, wrapping paper and themed decorations (twigs, beads, lace, pine cones, coconut shavings).

Together with designers, we learn how to wrap and decorate a gift for any occasion in an original way.

How to pack a gift correctly?

Help make classic gift packaging interesting simple decorations: sprigs of lavender or rowan, twine bows, prints on paper in the form of Christmas trees or stars. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly wrap a gift in paper.

Option 1. Pack a square box

We will need:

  1. wrapping;
  2. scissors;
  3. Double-sided tape;
  4. ribbon.

Step 1. On the left - this is what the finished gift wrapping looks like. We will need: paper, scissors, double-sided tape, tape, box

If the instructions were not enough, there is a video recording:

Option 2. We make packaging from transparent film

You can pack a cosmetic set for a woman in a basket with transparent film.

To do this, take:

  1. transparent film (cellophane);
  2. basket;
  3. twine;
  4. any twigs or flowers.

Step by step:

Option 3. Vase or dish in burlap

You will need:

  1. burlap or any fabric;
  2. fabric tape;
  3. flowers for decoration.

Depending on the holiday, use twigs, spikelets, and dried flowers for decoration.

Option 4. Bottle design

Also look at the packaging of the bottle. This is how you can decorate a gift for your boss or male colleague.

Step 3. You should get a bow like the one in the photo on the right.

Option 5. Kraft paper bag


  1. craft paper;
  2. Double-sided tape;
  3. scissors;
  4. ribbon.

Option 6. Bulk packaging of candy tubes

Almost finished packaging remains after the used roll toilet paper or baking parchment.

You can make cones from small pieces of paper. Decorate them with butterflies. You can put money in such an envelope. Just roll them up

Origami packaging: diagrams

If you need to wrap a gift in an unusual way, you can make origami out of paper.

IMPORTANT! Use thick cardboard for big gifts.

Option 1. Craft paper box

Step 4. Fold one side into a triangle, as if you were making an airplane.

Step 10. Bend the triangle first on one side, and then, as in the next photo, on the other

Option 2. Cones for jewelry

For small gifts(jewelry, keychains) you can make origami packaging in the shape of ice cream. The base is a cone on a leg. Step-by-step scheme in the video below:

In such a cone you can give small accessories, jewelry, keychains

Paper packaging ideas

We have collected the most interesting ideas for decorating gifts 2018. Read about how to make a gift with your own hands in the article “ Original gifts for the New Year."

Here's an idea for decorating a gift for a teacher. The kid can draw a bow himself. Instead of a photo, there can be a postcard. Attach to a New Year's gift Christmas ball Combinations of pastel colors look very good - gray with white, cream, coffee, mustard. Against such a background, gold or silver ribbons always stand out cool. Very good idea with a car and a Christmas tree to decorate a gift. Use both artificial and natural twigs

Before a festive event, we think about the gift we will give. Every little detail is important here. Of course, you can give a gift in a bag, but it still looks much better decorated with original gift paper. If you need to make a box out of paper, then it is not at all difficult. How to properly pack a box gift paper, our detailed master class will tell you.

Our task is to pack a box with a gift in paper, regardless of square box, rectangular, large or small. The box must be closed with a lid. We pack it ourselves, choose any paper. The main thing is to understand how to do this easier and more accurately. We use colored or plain crepe paper. IN Lately Crepe paper has become very popular in decor. After all, as you know, minimalism, simplicity and naturalness are now in trend.

To work you will need:

  1. Wrapping paper.
  2. Double-sided tape or PVA glue.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Decorative tape.

In order for the packaging to come out beautiful and neat, it is necessary to place the box on the paper at the optimal point. To do this, one side of the box must be ⅔ closed, and the other side must be completely closed. Approximately as in the photo, we cut off the excess paper - this is what is left:

In order to properly pack a box in gift paper, you need to completely wrap the paper around the box. The stock of paper should be 4-5 cm. The longitudinal cut of the paper is located on its side, 4-5 cm from the edge of the box. Subsequently, this will be the bottom of our packaging.

Secure the paper with tape or glue. A strip of tape on the edge and then the sheet on itself. Press tightly, as tightly as possible.

Fold the paper towards the center to form an envelope. To pack the box correctly, take a small piece of tape or glue and glue the resulting flap to the packing paper.

Fold the sides towards the center and, slightly bending the edge of the “envelope”, secure it with tape or glue.

To pack the box beautifully, turn it over and do the same on the opposite end of the box.

All that remains is to wrap the package with ribbon and you can decorate it further. Types of decoration are given below.

Types of gift decor

We learned how to quickly pack a box with gift paper. If you don’t have colored paper on hand, plain crepe paper or simple offset paper is suitable for these purposes. Plain paper You can always decorate with a homemade stamp.

Homemade stamp for decoration wrapping paper, you can make it from potatoes, with your own hands. To do this, select a medium potato and draw on it with a pencil the shape that we will cut out. For us this will be an asterisk. You can make a smaller star out of the other half of the potato.

Cut out the shape using a knife.

Take a regular dishwashing sponge and apply paint. It is better to use acrylic paint, but if not available, any other will do. The most important thing is not to smear it and let it dry properly.

You can decorate paper with natural decor: twigs, leaves, flowers, textiles. If you add more ribbon, twine, and a bow, you get the perfect and unique packaging. You can also use lace, especially hand-knitted lace, knitting yarn, and braid. Crepe paper is inexpensive paper, it is usually used at the post office, in large hardware and furniture stores it is free, usually at the exit of the store. Beautiful packaging made from corrugated paper. We hope you will choose the appropriate packaging decor for yourself.

Gifts are an integral gift that always gives to people. great mood. Everyone knows that giving souvenirs is no less pleasant than receiving them. The tradition of gift wrapping has existed for quite a long time, and original packaging makes the surprise even more desirable, maintaining intrigue for some time. Handmade packaging will add exclusivity to the gift. See for yourself!

Creating an Idea for Gift Wrapping

The easiest way to wrap gifts is to use special paper. The assortment is quite diverse: it can be transparent packaging, corrugated paper, decorative mesh, or sisal. First, you need to decide on an idea for packaging, and then select the material.

Advice! A popular simple method is to use a paper bag with beautiful design. You can buy ready-made or make it yourself, the main thing is to securely glue the bottom so that the gift does not fall out.

The package is suitable for almost any gift; you only need to consider the size of the souvenir.

If the gift does not include packaging from the manufacturer, you can make a box with your own hands, following step by step instructions with photos. To do this you will need cardboard, scissors, glue or a stapler. For a complex design, you need to first draw a diagram and then cut out a blank from cardboard.

Advice! : If the gift is for a child, opt for bright colors with fun designs.

Any idea implemented with your own hands has a number of undeniable advantages before purchasing a finished product:

  1. A unique creation created for a specific person.
  2. An opportunity to unleash your creative potential.
  3. Expressing warmth and love for loved ones with the help of a stylish original attribute.

Gift packaging for bottle

A bottle of good alcohol is appropriate as a gift for almost any holiday. Especially if there is no time at all to look for something special, and there are only a few minutes left before the celebration. It's not difficult at all, and it doesn't take much time.

  1. For the main part, cut a rectangular piece of paper large enough to wrap the glass in a circle.
  2. After this, secure the wrapper with tape.
  3. For the neck you will need another square shaped sheet.
  4. Place the piece of paper on the cork in the center of the sheet and crumple the paper with your fingers along the contour of the neck, tying it with thread so that the base fits securely around the neck and the edges stick out freely.
  5. The bottom of the bottle can be wrapped with other material to outline the outline.
  6. Such a bottle can be signed, decorated with a ribbon or any braid, turning supermarket alcohol into a collectible drink for a select few.

Decor made from living plants looks very attractive

Advice! Use several types of paper of different colors and textures to create contrast. This will give the gift brightness and originality.

Decor with small colored sheets of paper

Details for decorating a gift with your own hands

The grid is universal remedy gift decorations. Florists constantly use it when creating. The main advantages of the mesh are that it can be used both independently and as an addition to wrapping paper.

A gift packed in a beautiful wrapper is rarely without tapes. They can be made of paper, satin or special material. They are used to create bows, curls and simply tie souvenirs with them. The peculiarity of ribbons is that they are suitable for gifts of any shape, even for decorating cars.

Silk ribbons for elegant packaging

On a note! Usually ribbons are tied crosswise in the center, but bows on the corners look no less impressive.

Ribbons - a symbol of the solemnity of the gift

As decorations, you can use any elements that come to hand. If there are no ribbons or bows, they can be made from paper, cut into long strips and glued together.

Advice! You can also use paper in the form of a flashlight. This option will look original.

How to stylishly pack a gift in gift paper: creative photo ideas

Do you like to store various junk at home? Can't bring yourself to throw away your old boxes? Now they can be put to good use in creating fancy packaging. At first glance, the idea seems too extravagant, but true art connoisseurs will appreciate its creativity. Matchboxes, newspaper clippings, old postcards, glass jars and many other forgotten things.

Buttons – creative element decor

Of course, a matchbox is only suitable for the smallest gifts. For example, for jewelry Special velvet boxes are used everywhere.

Advice! Matchbox with unusual holes and creative decor can become a work of art. For inspiration, use a book cover or a parcel parcel..

Advice! Old newspapers can help create retro-style packaging. For those who are nostalgic for Soviet times, such a gift will be especially pleasant.

Festive gift wrapping - focus on details

Details play a huge role in creating unique packaging. Especially in cases where the paper is made in subdued tones without a bright pattern. Details can be as simple as unusual elements, so carry it special meaning. If your task is to decorate a gift in the style of the upcoming holiday, you should use matching accessories. For example, cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees and other winter attributes are suitable. If the emphasis is on the birthday person, then the details may reflect his characteristics and habits.

Exclusive packaging will reflect the individuality of the person receiving the gift.

Do you think that choosing a gift is the most difficult part? But you also need to take care to pack the gift beautifully, which is also an important stage in preparing a gift. Of course, the easiest way is to go to a store where they additionally provide packaging services, but this is another expense item, and the packaging format is standard, so it’s worth thinking about how to wrap a gift in gift paper with your own hands. There is quite a large number of packaging options, it all depends on the size of the gift.

Gift wrapping is creative process, where it is fashionable to show all your imagination and make efforts that the hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate. In addition, a self-wrapped gift looks more beautiful, stylish and unique.

Features of packaging a large gift

If the gift is of impressive size, then packing it will not be so easy, since it is unlikely to fit in a regular bag. Don’t despair, you can beautifully decorate a gift of absolutely any size, there are many various variations DIY packaging. If your surprise measures more than a meter, then it is appropriate to pack them in big box made of cardboard, many things that you buy for the hero of the occasion are already sold in such boxes. Otherwise, you should order a regular cardboard box. How to make such a big present:

  • cover standard or branded packaging with special gift material;
  • use aerosol cans to paint the box in bright colors or decorate them with original drawings and wishes;
  • Decorate the wrapped gift with bows, appliqués and other decorative elements.

Features of packaging small gifts

There are many ways to wrap a gift beautifully. Small sizes gifts can be wrapped in special wrapping paper different ways. Wrapping paper can be used for all types of packaging; the gift can first be placed in a box and then beautifully decorated or immediately wrapped without the use of additional containers.

Gifts that have uneven edges and non-standard shapes may not fit into a standard box format, and therefore they can be packed directly into gift material. It’s very easy to make a gift without a box yourself; you can use a beautiful wrapper with an original texture or classic packaging film with a bright pattern. This is the simplest and easy way, you should cut off a fairly large piece of film or paper, preferably with a margin; the excess can then be cut off or wrapped beautifully. The gift is placed in the center of the cut packaging material, which wraps the gift in neat folds and is secured on top with a ribbon or bow.

Box packaging

Small and medium sized boxes can be packed in a special wrapping paper different textures. It's not difficult to do this this method Suitable for square and rectangular boxes. For this you will need:

  • gift packaging material;
  • scissors;
  • tape, preferably double-sided;
  • decorative decorations - ribbons, bows and other accessories.

First of all, you need to cut off required size gift paper. The size is determined for rectangular box paper, thus, the width should exceed 3-4 centimeters, and the length should be twice the height of the box.

A box with a gift is placed directly in the center on the cut out part. One of the vertical ends must be tucked 1 cm and taped with double-sided tape. Then wrap the paper as tightly as possible around the box and secure it with the already glued tape. On the sides, you need to carefully bend the ends and press them tightly to the box and secure them with tape. Now all that remains is to decorate the present decorative materials at your discretion, you can additionally wrap it with a narrow line beautiful fabric to hide where the paper joins. Here's how to wrap a box in gift paper at home with your own hands.

Packaging bag

How to wrap a gift in paper if it is without a box, with your own hands. Don't rely solely on classic versions packaging, you can create it yourself beautiful package from packaging material. First of all, you need to decide on the texture of the wrapping paper, its color scheme, and also select decorative elements that will become decoration.

It is worth noting that the package may also have different shapes, square, rectangular. Depending on the desired shape of the package, it is necessary to cut the material, fold it, giving the required form and glue with double-sided tape. The bottom of the bag should be formed as shown in the photo, you can safely experiment and come up with your own variations, the main thing, in the end, is to secure everything well with tape or glue.

In the finished bag, all that remains is to make handles; for this, holes are made using a hole punch, into which special ribbons or beautiful ropes are threaded. The packaging bag is ready, all that remains is to decorate it with decorative elements and place your gift in it.

Types of packaging material

An important factor when choosing a gift material is not only its color scheme, but also texture. Most often, standard glossy paper is used, which can be either plain or with all kinds of designs and prints. IN corrugated paper It is mainly used for packing bouquets of flowers, but it can also be used for wrapping gifts. Wrapping material such as kraft has a cross section, due to which it is slightly ribbed to the touch. Ideal for wrapping gifts of any format and size; as a rule, this material is sold in rolls. If the present has non-standard shape, then it is best to use a type of material such as polysilk, which is very elastic and easily takes the desired shape.

Do you like to give gifts? Then you have to pack them often. Of course, it’s easier to buy a holiday bag for the box and add it to the rest of the gifts. But most of all the gifts with original packaging, which you can do yourself.

How to wrap a standard size box in gift paper

Wrapping a regular-sized gift doesn't require any special skill from you. If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, you will wrap it quickly.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • wrapping paper;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors.


  • Calculate the size of paper you need to use for packaging. This can be done using this formula. The width of the sheet of paper will be equal to the sum of the length and height of the box, which is multiplied by 1.5. To determine the length, measure twice the width and height of the box, add them together, then add 4 cm to the total.
  • Place the gift with reverse side paper according to size. Glue a strip of tape on top of the cardboard along its entire length. Remove the protective layer from it.

  • Fold the short edge of the paper over the cardboard. Press the tape in place so that the package fits tightly to the cardboard. Press the fold lines with your fingers.

  • Fold the opposite edge of the paper up 2 cm. Place tape along the fold line and remove the tape.

Pull the packaging tightly around the gift, fold the paper over the lid of the box and glue its edge, as shown in the photo.

  • Now wrap the sides of the package. To do this, first fold the paper at the top and iron all the resulting folds. Place tape on top.

  • Fix the corners of the paper on the cardboard one by one.

  • Apply double-sided tape to the sides of the resulting triangle.

  • Then press the triangle firmly into the box. Repeat all steps on the other side.

  • Top the gift with a bow and packaging tape.

How to pack a round sized box in gift paper

Present round shape Packing is quite problematic, but possible. With the following method of decorating a box, you use a minimum of paper and decor.

For round packaging you will need:

  • patterned paper;
  • hole punch, scissors, stapler;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard circle;
  • ribbon or twine.


  • Measure the box's height and diameter. Cut out a rectangle according to size, the height of which will correspond to the height of the gift, multiplied by 1.5; and the length of the figure is the diameter. Cut the paper into strips no more than 3 cm wide.

  • From one narrow edge strips, make one hole using a hole punch. Glue their other side onto the cardboard in a circle. You did it round fan from strips. Wait for the glue to dry.

  • Place the gift in the center of the figure. Cut the ribbon and thread it through the holes in the strips. To do this, gradually bend the strips towards the middle of the circle, tightening the tape tightly.

  • When you have threaded the last strip, tie the ribbon in a knot. This way you will collect all the blanks together and they will not fall apart. Cut off the excess tape. Hide the knot with a bow made from leftover ribbon.

How to pack a long box with gift paper

Narrow and long gifts can be wrapped as standard, but it is much more interesting to make the packaging in the form of a large candy.

Packaging materials:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors, transparent tape;
  • decorative tape.

  • Cut off colored paper in the form of a long rectangle, where its length will be equal to double the length of the box. The height of the figure will be double the width and height of the gift. Add 3 cm to it for allowances.

  • Center the gift on the parchment and wrap it around it. Secure the paper cut to the cardboard with transparent tape.
  • Use a piece of decorative tape to secure the paper on each side. If desired, create curls using the sharp edge of a pair of scissors.

  • Cut off the excess parchment along the edges of the package.

How to wrap a custom-sized box in gift paper

Sometimes gifts have a non-standard shape. Their packaging is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Take:

  • two types of wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • decor.


  • Wrap a custom gift in thin parchment. You can do without this action, but this way you will smooth out the corners of the box. Cut a small piece of wrapping paper depending on the size of the box. Place the box at one end. Apply tape to this side.

  • Wrap the box with paper in a circle. Press the edges of the packaging on one side and lightly iron the folds. Fold the edge toward the center several times and secure with glue.

  • Press down the packaging well so that the glue hardens completely.

  • Fold the other side of the package in the same way, but at a right angle to the other edge of the package. This will give you a three-dimensional triangle.

  • Decorate the packaging with any decor.

Giving gifts is an art. It's easy to learn if you follow these simple master classes. Now your gifts will always be original and memorable among many others.

Watch the video for three more ways to pack a box:
