Massage with body parts for a man. Golden rules of relaxing massage

Every girl wants to be the one and only for her man. Accordingly, everyone has their own secrets of seduction. However, for those who do not know how to surprise their chosen one, there is a win-win. When your man comes after a hard day's work, offer him a massage: believe me, he will be very grateful to you.

How to give a back massage to a guy: preparation

First, prepare the room where the main action will take place. Create coziness, dim the lights, turn on pleasant music, light scented candles. All this is already 50% success. A man will immediately understand that an unforgettable evening awaits him.

Be sure to prepare the surface where the beloved will lie. It should not be too soft, but not too hard either. Can be laid on the floor soft plaid. A man should feel comfortable.

Of course, don't forget about cosmetics who will help you in this matter. Presented on the market huge selection various massage creams and oils. What exactly you use depends on the intensity of your movements.

Aromatherapy can also help you with this. If you take rose, vanilla or orange oil, it will create romantic atmosphere. If you take ylang-ylang oil and add a few drops to a massage cream, then after a few minutes a man will feel aroused, because this oil is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

Classic relaxing massage

Let's look at how to give a guy a back massage. It is best to start with strokes. They can be absolutely anything you like.

When you feel that your man has begun to relax, then bend your fingers and run your knuckles along the entire spine. You need to do this only from the neck and down, if you do it the other way around, then your lover may feel pleasant sensations. Don't forget to apply Massage Oil, then the sliding of your hands will allow the man to get even more pleasure.

Bring some variety

If your nails are long enough, then you can easily run them all over your back, believe me, your loved one will appreciate this gesture. You can add light tingles. If you are relaxed enough, then you can add a playful touch by biting your loved one on the earlobe or on the side, this will give an exciting effect.

It is also worth adding a foot massage to the usual back massage. Movement must be directed from the feet to the buttocks in order to improve blood flow and continue the evening in a more intimate setting.

intimate massage

Erotic massage is different from the usual, classic. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. If you want a guy to feel all your passion, then it's worth the effort. You must enjoy yourself, because this will make your other half even more excited.

Here it is impossible to say what kind of movements you need to do, because only you know the erogenous zones of your boyfriend, and this must be used.

Your young man will enjoy the fact that you took this step first. Do not be afraid to experiment, there is no place for fears in the bedroom. Then your sexual life all your friends will envy.

A man will be happy with any of your massages. You can do it not professionally, doing as your intuition tells you. The main thing is not to be afraid, but to take the initiative. Gradually, you will learn which type of massage your boyfriend likes the most.

When using aromatic oils, it is best to check with your other half in advance if he is allergic to certain smells. However, do this so that he does not guess about the upcoming surprise. Correct use aromatic oils will add variety to your sex life.

As you know, even the most bright emotions subside over time. Life and everyday worries often absorb our thoughts, and passion recedes into second place, especially if the relationship with a man lasts a long time. But in the life of every woman there comes a moment when she wants to revive past feelings and again be at the peak of bliss. Especially it concerns intimate side life: passion and emotions are especially difficult to maintain at the proper level in bed. That is why in the arsenal of every woman should be little tricks, which can help make any night no worse, and maybe even better than the first moments of her intimacy with a man. If you are willing to put in some effort and put in some time, then one of these tricks can be Erotic massage.

Many couples use massage as a sexual foreplay, but few people know how to do erotic massage, which can really relax and, most importantly, excite a man. Maybe the first time you don't get everything perfect and you don't achieve main goal- a magical and memorable night, but, as you know, there is no limit to perfection, and over time you will definitely achieve your goal and, with a certain perseverance, will become a real guru of erotic massage.

Where to begin?

The main goal of such a massage is excitation, and it is quite difficult to achieve if a man thinks, for example, about business negotiations that are coming to him tomorrow. That is why the first step towards a passionate night is relaxation. For this you can use standard methods, in particular a glass of his favorite wine or some other alcoholic drink. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, instead of passion, you can get intimate conversations or even a scandal.

Other no less effective method with which you can make a man stop thinking about daily worries and problems - warm and pleasant bath. You can help your soulmate wash their hair: soft circular movements with fingertips over the scalp will not leave any man indifferent. Rub his back - in this case it is better to do without a washcloth, which, oddly enough, many men consider a rather useless device that only irritates the skin. Put a little shower gel on your hand and rub it on your back. A few drops of a relaxing essential oil, such as lavender or grapefruit, will also help you relax.

You should also think about underwear: erotic massage is a sexual activity, and therefore your attire should be appropriate. If you do not have one, you can do without linen at all.

After the bath, you can immediately move to bedroom, the situation in which it is worth considering also in advance. The room should not be too hot or too cold, the light should not be too bright. Instead, light a night light or place candles around the perimeter of the room to create an appropriately intimate setting.

And one more rule that should not be neglected if you really want to master the technique of erotic massage: do not feed your man coarse and heavy food in front of him, otherwise he can really fall asleep at the most crucial moment. Light dinner V similar situations hasn’t bothered anyone yet, but it’s better to refrain from fatty, smoked and salty foods.

Eromassage techniques, or simple steps on the road to sexuality

The first thing you should remember if you want to make an erotic massage your signature number is that it is not medical procedure, when the main thing is pressing certain points with sufficient force. If you are looking forward to passionate night, alternate soft and gentle touches with intense and maybe even a little aggressive. Watch your partner's reaction - his emotions should, as it were, rush, either leading him to excitement, or again introducing him into a state of relaxation.

It is better to start eromassage from the hands or feet. Gently knead each finger, and if you and your partner have enough trusting relationship, you can even kiss or lick them. Many men get very aroused when women caress their toes with their tongues. Of course, there are exceptions - some men are embarrassed. But you know your partner better, and therefore the list of specific actions is known only to you.

After the feet, gently move on to the thighs and buttocks, which should be massaged more thoroughly. Then ask your chosen one to roll over on his back, and proceed to his stomach. Carefully avoid touching his genitals, otherwise you may simply not learn how to properly do an erotic massage and what it ultimately leads to - everything can immediately turn into sex. It's over, on the one hand it's not bad at all, but if you do everything right and don't rush, you can experience completely new and unforgettable sensations: your patience will be adequately rewarded!

In the navel area in men there is an important erogenous zone: if you gently caress it with your fingers or tongue, then your partner will quickly become aroused. However, if at this point he is still far from the thirst for sex, he may become ticklish. That is why it is necessary to approach this zone at a strictly defined moment, when sexuality in a man will take up over relaxation.

The nipples of many men are also erogenous zone. Of course, this area in the representatives of the stronger sex is not as sensitive as in women, but you should not deprive it of attention. Caress his nipples with your tongue or lightly massage them with your fingers. This area does not tolerate rough touches, because the skin here is very delicate.

Little tricks for big arousal

Erotic massage - intimate art, and therefore there is no clearly established set of rules that would allow working out universal technique to ascend to the heights of pleasure. Specific movements, focusing on certain areas and the list of all kinds of taboos depends on the characteristics of your chosen one. Only by feeling your partner, you can understand where and how you move on. If you really love your man, then you will quickly master erotic massage: your intuition will tell you how to do it.

However, there are little tricks that will help you arouse passion in a man, even if you are doing such a massage for the first time.

Make arrangements with your partner in advance not to touch you. To be sure, you can even carefully tie his hands, but not all men will agree to this. If your chosen one is deprived of the opportunity to touch you, this will greatly increase his sexual attraction. You, in turn, must touch it all the time, at least with one hand, so that the stalls feel your presence and desire.

During the massage, as if by accident, touch the genitals of the parterre with your hand. Play with him, be unpredictable - this will only increase his attraction.

During this kind of sexual game, you can also use essential oils as an assistant, but already those that have a stimulating effect, such as orange or cypress oil.

Many men love biting or touching their nails, but it is still better to refuse long claws during an erotic massage, otherwise your partner may simply get hurt.

Try to touch some areas with hair or, for example, a silk belt - for many representatives of the stronger sex, such techniques are simply stunning. You can also approach the area of ​​the back of the head and armpits in an extraordinary way: breathe erotically on them.

If your partner is very temperamental, then it is better not to play with his feelings and do not use too sexy lingerie. Your attire can also become part of the game if, for example, you put on a short peignoir and do not wear underwear under it.

Make sure that the man does not burn out - if he is oversaturated and cools down, then instead erotic night you will get dissatisfaction and disappointment.

If you want to know how to do erotic massage correctly, in addition to the actual theoretical recommendations, you will have to trust your own intuition. In order for your partner to relax and get excited and be ready for a bright flash of passion, he must feel that you yourself are ready for it. You should not start an erotic massage if, for example, you have Bad mood. Feel your partner, let your femininity and innate sexuality guide your actions, do not be afraid to go beyond the usual and permitted, and after a while you will perfectly master the technique of eromassage, which will allow you to turn ordinary nights into bright and passionate ones.

Here you look at a woman, and smart, and beautiful, and the husband is looking to the left. What does he lack?

By nature, men are males, people of another planet, for them the main thing is food and sex, but not naked, rude, but one that causes a constant thirst for intimacy.

People of the opposite sex want attention, affectionate touches, not only during sex, but constantly. Try to change your behavior, start massaging a man, and get love and devotion a hundredfold.

Getting acquainted - a variety of types and techniques of massage for a man

IN ancient East massage for a man arose as a procedure that brings relaxation and calm. caressing touch gentle hands gave peace, relieved tension from the muscles, filled with energy.

skillful manipulation female hands give pleasure. A massage for a man, done with love, will help him experience unforgettable sensations not only on a short time but also to make him a wonderful lover, true friend and caring owner long years.

Time limit, natural laziness prevents a man from using the services of a massage parlor. In this case, a beloved woman comes to the rescue, because massage for a man at home does not require special preparation. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of massage, learn how to perform elementary techniques, prepare oil with your favorite scent for a man, ventilate the room and that's it, the process has begun, you can start.

The main types of massage, most simple tricks which every woman should learn are:

Erotic - will make your sex unforgettable;

Restorative - relieves stress after have a hard day;

Sports - will help relax the muscles after training.

The main thing is to set a goal - to please a man.

To do this, you first need positive attitude both partners.

Massage for a man at home does not require special knowledge and skills, for this it is enough to master the simplest principles of each technique.

At the heart of each of the listed massages are classical massage techniques: ironing, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

Ironing we do it with open warm palms, which move, as in all techniques, from the center to the periphery. Gently smooth the skin, as if accelerating energy to the sides, making circular movements, zigzag. On a fat, full, downed body sports type ironing can be done with cams or phalanges of fingers folded into a cam.

Many men get great pleasure from rubbing. This technique is performed at a fast pace, you can make rubbing, circular movements with your palm or fists. Then we put our palms on the edge and intensively rub the skin, moving them one palm relative to the other up and down. After rubbing, the skin of the body becomes evenly pink.

Pressing or kneading speaks for itself, with the help of this technique we do a deep study of each muscle. After rubbing, the skin becomes soft and warm, so we put folded palms on it with a boat and make movements, as when kneading dough, rakes from the edges into the middle.

Roll of skin on the back roll over from the bottom up or pinch it, holding it between the index and thumb.

If we are stretching an arm or leg, then it is enough to clasp the limb with both hands and do intense rotational movements.

We finish each massage for a man tapping or vibration. On the worked surface, you can pat with open palms or beat with fists. Finally, we complete the whole process with gentle stroking.

Erotic massage, what is it?

Erotic massage for a man helps to increase sensitivity, is a gentle prelude to sex, which underlies strong family relations.

Erotic massage differs little in techniques from the classical one, although in this case stroking and kneading will be the main one. If in classical massage it is enough to know the location of the main muscles, then manipulation in the style of eros requires knowledge of the main erogenous zones of a man. It may surprise you, but a man is excited not only by manipulations with the genitals, but with the buttocks, back and even ears. loving woman is obliged to know the main erogenous zones of her beloved.

Erotic massage for a man in salons does not end with sex, which cannot be said about massage at home. Make a man a slave to your hands, and you will feel like a queen always and everywhere.

The main erogenous zones of a man and the impact on them

Exists misconception that the erogenous organs of men are only the genitals. Every male body is individual to the perception of touch. For some men, the erogenous zone is the point between the shoulder blades, for others it is the coccyx, and for others, stroking the thighs and upper legs brings special pleasure.

Almost all men are delighted from ear massage.

To conduct a massage session, you should consider every detail:

Find out what kind of music your man likes;

How does he react to smells, candles;

Create an intimate twilight in the room;

Ensure the absence of strangers in the entire apartment.

If your goal is rough sex after a massage for a man, then conduct a session half-naked.

Every man loves touching the thighs and buttocks, with this we begin erotic massage.

- We start the massage for a man with foot stroking, from the fingertips, slowly rising to inguinal zone.

Lying on his stomach, a man should feel calm.

warm hands, barely smeared with aroma oil, we begin stroke the buttocks from the spine to the hips, making large circular movements, pulling the hands down the hips and returning to the lower back. Gradually reduce the radius of the circles. We stroke our hands, fists, as if inadvertently touching a man with our bare thigh or chest.

When rubbing, try to convey your desires through the intensity of movement.

Turning to kneading, remember that during an erotic massage a man should not experience pain, so we knead gently, deeply working out the muscles of the buttocks. Stroke the entire back and make a soft, playful pat on the bottom of your loved one.

- Turn the man on his back and do a belly massage. All techniques are carried out clockwise, from the navel to the hips, descending lower and lower, but without touching the genitals. Always keep intrigue.

The belly of many men is covered with hair, so we do all the tricks with rake-like fingers. Vibration of the abdomen is best done finger shower, quickly and gently tapping on the skin, as if quickly playing the piano.

- Having worked out the stomach, if your massage has not yet been interrupted by violent sex, go to breast massage.

You can afford to sit on your loved one's lap and start massaging his chest, while bending low and lightly touching his skin with your bare chest. For a thrill, you can use a piece of ice. We work out all the tricks according to the scheme.

Ear massage do it with the index finger and thumb. At a slow pace, we rub and knead the auricles, starting from the lobe and ending with the tips of the ears. Slowly iron in the middle, alternating ironing and pressure, the intensity of the impact. We finish the massage of the ears by stroking with open palms, in circular motions from top to bottom.

Let all your fantasies come true!

Back and neck pain relieve wellness massage

A tired man will not be sensitive to erotic games if his back or neck hurts.

To relieve back pain, a man should lie on his stomach. For this, a hard sofa or a rug laid on the floor is suitable.

All techniques are performed from the spine to the hips. Having performed ironing and rubbing from the bottom up, according to the scheme described above, we do kneading, carefully kneading each point, especially fixing the effect on the painful area.

Be sure to do a “herringbone” when massaging the back, for this we set index fingers at a distance of 1 cm from the spine and slide them up, like on skates, from the bottom up, with one hand, then with the other, acting on each vertebra.

With back pain, we make vibration easily, tap with one finger, imitating raindrops.

For pain in the neck, we do all movements from the head to the shoulders. After stroking, we clasp the neck with both hands and rub it intensively, moving our hands back and forth.

We do kneading with the index and thumb, grabbing the muscles that run along the neck, then stroke and make a “herringbone”.

We pass each reception 3-4 times, we finish the neck massage with a light tapping, imitating playing the piano.

Sports massage with appliances

After the gym, our men very often need a relaxing massage, especially if there are muscle spasms in the arms or legs.

Not every woman knows how to massage a man at home, but every loving friend ready to help.

Manual and electric massagers designed for mass use, they are available to everyone.

The easiest to use are plastic "crabs" all kinds of configurations.

Sports massage hands with the help of a “crab” we do from the bottom up along the course of the lymph, from the hand to the elbow, further to the axillary region. Having previously done ironing, rubbing and kneading, we do the massager in circular and zigzag movements. Intense exposure will help disperse lactic acid, which causes cramps and is the cause of pain after exercise.

plastic massager can replace wood, rubber or electric.

Electric massagers produce a variety of types, with red radiation and vibration, a variety of configurations and prices affordable to everyone.

Be attentive to indications and prohibitions

The healing effect of massage was discovered many centuries before our era. Improving blood circulation helps relieve pain and spasms in such diseases:



Myositis; bursitis;


No matter how life-giving recovery a massage creates for a man, there are a number of limitations.

It is strictly forbidden to do massage with a tendency to bleeding, the presence of any kind of tumor, hypertension of 2-3 degrees. Skin diseases are also contraindications to massage.

And here prostate disease much faster cured with skillfully performed massage. Having visited a urologist with your husband, ask the doctor to show you the simplest massage techniques for prostatitis. remember, that loving hands can save a man from surgery. Just 4 - 5 minutes a day and there will be no end to gratitude. To carry out this type of massage, you need gloves, cream and knowledge of two to three techniques.

When starting a massage for a man, remember that the main thing is not to harm!

Without a doubt, our health dough is connected with the sexual sphere. And if there are no problems there, then we enjoy life to the fullest, do not lose hope of obtaining the highest satisfaction. It is important to take into account that, doing the right erotic massage, it is necessary to act on all corners of the body where there are sensitive points. For example, if you slowly press your palms on the skin, use slow rubbing, then this will help your partner relax and feel your care, and if you use a faster pace and strong pressure, the massage will become stimulating, targeted to ensure that your lover as soon as possible was ready to interact.

Consider the main types of erotic massage and learn how to do it correctly:

Help you relax quickly and rubbing will help to forget about pressing matters. This method is also useful for circulatory problems. Internal processes will all come into tone. Erotic massage will turn into wellness.

Stroking at the beginning of the massage and at the end- an integral part of any massage. Don't forget about it. And yet - in no case do not confuse which types of movements to use for the back and legs, and which for more sensitive points, otherwise you will get the opposite effect and the partner will regret that he agreed to such a session.

It is also worth noting such a positive feature of erotic massage - that this is a process in which you can slowly get to know each other's bodies, identify those features that you did not notice before when the lights were off. Don't be ashamed of your build, even if your body isn't quite perfect. Your partner will not pay attention to this if you yourself do not direct him to this thought.

When we just touch fingers to the partner's body, thousands of goosebumps run through him, if at that moment he is naked, then millions. Therefore, such movements as stroking, sliding techniques will give more sensuality. Invest your soul, love and passion from the very beginning and control the pressing force, angle tilt your hands. You should not constantly look at your partner's face in anticipation of what he will say. Let him rest and enjoy the process. You can only occasionally glance at his expression to know if he has fallen asleep. Otherwise, it will be a shame that you started doing erotic massage for one purpose, and in the end you put your partner to sleep.

- Light tapping will occasionally bring the partner into tone, so to speak, the massage did not seem boring to him, and even a little fun activity. You can perform this action not only directly on his skin, but also by placing your palm on his back. That is, you tap on your palm, and he receives light echoes inside himself. It's also helpful.

- Alternating movements. The "carrot and stick" method. You can add interest to the massage if you first slowly run your palms over the body, and then finish with tapping. Proper erotic massage does not have a strict sequence of movements, so everything will depend on you.

Now let's talk about how to move correctly from one part of the partner's body to another.

There are 3 main rules here:

- No harshness.

- All the means that you decide to apply to the massage should be nearby, and not in another room, or not be at all.

- Talk less with the person you are doing the massage, let him relax and completely transfer to the pinnacle of bliss.

Let's talk a little more about each of these points.

  1. If suddenly you begin to recklessly change position. To start massaging another part of the body, you can accidentally “drop in” with your elbow in the nose or hit the rib with your heel. So approach everything wisely, remembering the rules.
  2. When you work with dry hands, it will bring joy, but not the kind that a fragrant cream or gel can provide you.
  3. When you want to relax, you try to avoid extraneous sounds. So is the one who this moment busy getting pleasure, would not like to have a "radio" next to him. Therefore, give moments of silence.

Many girls have a question about how to start a massage.

A guy who has returned from work is not always able to adequately behave with a girl who is standing almost naked. He can pass by, or he can fall asleep right in the hallway. So, if you do not want your Romeo to leave you without attention, take the initiative. Approach him, slowly run your palm over his cheek and lips, kiss him. Next, whisper in your ear that you have been waiting for him for a long time and now there will be a surprise. Next, take him by the shirt collar and lead him into the room where the massage will be performed. Just prepare everything in advance so that he understands that it will be an erotic massage, and not just another adult with toys.

Begin to massage by undoing the buttons on his shirt, slowly taking off his trousers. Or you can wait for him to get out of the shower and just as well conduct an erotic massage session.

During the massage, you can make teasing movements. For example: reach for a tube of gel without removing your palms from your chest, reach through it, arching back. Stroke yourself. Pull his hair down his back and draw with the ends of the strands.

Make an ordinary erotic massage unforgettable!

Now you know how to do an erotic massage correctly.

How to deliver pleasant sensations to your beloved? Erotic massage is incredibly pleasant, useful activity which brings pleasure to both partners. Any massage brings great joy from touching your beloved girl, and erotic massage in particular. Touches will help to relax, forget about all worries, stop time for a moment. However, in order to deliver such sensations, you need to know erotic. Exist great amount subtleties, thanks to which the massage will not only relax and calm the girl, but also sharpen the senses, awaken sexual desire. Not every man knows about it. However, it is quite easy if you follow certain rules and advice.

So first and foremost important rule how to give an erotic massage to a woman, talks about… lighting! Yes, it is with the right lighting that relaxation begins. In a bright, cutting light, not a single lady can relax, many girls are embarrassed by their bodies, and all the time they will only think about how they look. The light should be subdued, soft. Before doing an erotic massage, it is better to send the girl to the shower, and when she flies out fresh and clean, she will feel at her best! Moreover, the time that the girl is in the shower can be used for preparation. Arrange the candles, turn on the quiet slow music, light the aroma lamp. Smells should be handled carefully, you need to be sure that she likes it. Otherwise peculiar smell may cause headache and massage will not be a joy. Undressing a girl can be turned into a real ritual: you need to do it slowly and carefully. After that, you need to lay it on the bed, or on the carpet. The second option is more suitable, since there is a lot of space on the floor, and you can be on any side during the massage. To make it comfortable for the lady to lie down, you can twist the roller and put it under the chest, and open areas of the body that are not massaged can be covered with a warm terry towel.

Another secret of how to do erotic massage are oils that will give your hands the ability to glide over the skin. Even just rubbing it into the skin, you can deliver a lot of pleasure. It's no secret that essential oil is the most powerful weapon of any massage therapist. Certain smells can relax and soothe, while others can awaken feelings and sharpen desire.

It is necessary to start the massage from the arms and legs. almost all girls are, which is why this part of the body must be given great attention. You need to move from gentle touches and strokes to more intense movements very carefully and smoothly. You can also massage, moving from stroking to rubbing. You can rub with fingertips, phalanges clenched into a fist, with the edge of the palm. Movements need to be diversified, changing the force of pressure, speed, rhythm of strokes. Every girl has a "cat's place", which is located between the shoulder blades. A gentle touch to this point will cause a lot of stormy pleasant sensations. It must be remembered that erogenous places can shift, and what caused pleasant sensations a week ago can now become unpleasant. Massage is perfect way find all the erogenous places of the girl, carefully watching her reaction. If you need to remember the alternation of strong kneading touches and gentle stroking and tingling.

Now you know how to do an erotic massage and give your girlfriend a pleasant feeling, help you plunge into the world of pleasure and forget about all the problems!
