Congratulations on the birth of twin girls are short. Congratulations on the birth of twins

What a miracle, what a miracle!
Congratulations on the babies
Two cute boys at once -
And the family got bigger.

May they be healthy
Let them grow for your joy.
Twins - fortunately - people know
Fate has rewarded you.

Lots of fun stuff
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
Happiness does not happen much:
Happiness is kids!

Congratulations on the double luck of fate, on the miracle in the square, on the birth of wonderful twins. Wish good health I wish you and your boys peace, prosperity, prosperity and mutual understanding in your family. Let the boys grow strong and strong, smart and beautiful, cheerful and kind, inquisitive and, most importantly, happy. And let parents always have enough strength, hope, perseverance, patience and confidence to raise real men, purposeful and brave captains.

Got mom and dad
Today is just a super prize.
Two beautiful, nice guys -
Here is a surprise for you.

I wish only health
I am your heroes.
Strength, patience and will,
Mom and dad, just for you.

You have two whole boys -
This is your great feat.
Undoubtedly received a gift
What was sent by fate.

Let them please you only
Dear heroes.
Let the boys become the center
Your tenderness, love.

Congratulations on the birth of twins!
May the boys be healthy.
Days pass easily and calmly
And your worries will be forgotten!

This is necessary, what news,
Two wonderful sons at once
So, the joy is also double,
Let super men grow from them!

Born in a family today
Two beautiful boys
Two cute sons
Two kids, beauty!

Congratulations, congratulations
Happiness, joy, kindness,
And the boys only health,
You are a wonderful family!

Two handsome heroes
Made the family happy
I heartily congratulate you
I send wishes of happiness.

I wish health to the children
Patience mom, strength always,
Let them give you joy
Support will be forever.

You will have to learn a lot
Boyish comprehend the world,
Let it be interesting to you
Love is your guide.

Boys were born to you
You now have two sons.
You did your best.
Mom and dad are just class.

Happiness to you, love, prosperity
And the health of the kids.
Get ready guys
They won't give you rest.

Big holiday today - twin boys were born! I sincerely congratulate the parents and wish great health and happiness to the whole family. Let the boys grow up to the joy of their loved ones, let their parents delight in their exploits every day, let them become real helpers and support, let the boys be happy and cheerful.

Beautiful boys, just look!
And how similar they are, just do not take your eyes off,
Born today, bestowed good on everyone,
And gave everyone a little tenderness, love.

Twins - although they often do not look alike, they develop and are brought up in the same environment, from which they acquire a very similar character and almost identical hobbies and interests. And this applies even to cases where the kids are of different sexes. They are not ashamed of their similarity and perceive it as a manifestation of individuality. So don't be afraid to give them identical gifts. Perhaps not in appearance, but in essence.

Your congratulations on the birth of twins should be interesting and useful for them. It's great if they can play together with your gifts, or if it will be one common gift. Pay attention to board educational games, puzzles, mosaics and other similar toys. Children will be very pleased when they receive a toy with which they can play together as a gift. After all, twins, especially in childhood, spend almost all their time side by side.

You can also choose common words. And we know how best to do it. We have collected especially for you. In such a wide range free works You are guaranteed to find the one that suits you. Just spend 15 minutes of your time on this business!

We want to congratulate you soon
With the fact that after so many long days,
Everything in life has changed dramatically -
Two miracles have come to light!

It's definitely going to be hard
But you must admit, it's wonderful
And this happiness is forever -
That not one child, but two!

Twice as many tears and laughter
Doubly toys and shirts
Well, let the double success
Twin babies will get it!

Congratulations on your twins
The kids are just class!
Toddlers - babies,
How good are they!

We want them to grow
To bring joy to all relatives,
Well, you have patience
And eternal luck!

As if the copier worked hard,
You did not dream of such an outcome:
Like two drops of water
The two sisters are so similar.

Let the twins grow together
This is very necessary in life.
They don't get sick, they don't get sick
Mom and dad "warm" the soul.

We wish you patience
God's blessing
To raise two at once -
You can't take the strength...

The stork nearly broke
The beak is bent in half!
But he tried very hard
And brought you twins!

Apparently the action is
Two kids per order!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Happy newborns!

Twice as much let the excitement
Twice as much trouble.
But for a new replenishment
You don't need to go to the hospital in a year!

But twice as much happiness
After all, twins were born!
We want to congratulate you on this,
Life is definitely good!

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!

God sent twins twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

You have twins,
What a happiness
May their life be joyful
Without storms, worries, bad weather!

Now all days will be filled
caring for children,
Let them smile
More often, cry - rarely!

One by one old belief,
To those who dreamed of heirs,
And earned the heavenly trust
God bless the twins!

And it was given to you, probably by providence
Double miracle - these two souls!
Accept them as a gift, a blessing!
Let your kids make you happy!

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!

God sent twins twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

The family has a double replenishment,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You were waiting for twins and waited
Let the kids not get sick
We wish you a lot of patience
Let the children sleep soundly at night,
Double happiness has come to your house,
Forget about the blues and sadness!

Happy birthday double you
Congratulations on the twins!
Twice as much happiness for you
And we want love.
Let there be twins
Always friendly.
Let there be no grief
Never in life.
Let dreams come true
Joy inspires,
And two naughty miracles
They add strength to live.

Congratulations on the jackpot of life, on the birth of beautiful twins.
Let the crumbs be healthy and happy, cheerful and
deeply loved. I wish you well on their way and good luck,
bright light and faithful support. Let the children doubly delight their mother and
dad, may there always be joy and ringing laughter in your life.

Congratulations on your newborns! The stork was strong and brought you
double happiness - your beautiful twins. We wish you strength and
patience to raise children healthy, beautiful and smart. Let
they will be just as happy as you are now.

You are twice as happy today
Your twins were born today.
Your desire, your dream,
AT double size came true today.
From pure heart my congratulations,
You have two meanings in life.
I wish health to you and your children,
Miracle happens. It happened to you!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy new birthday!
Here are the babies
Just a sight.
Not one, but two
Born to my mother.
And about every word
Will be - "the most-most."
May they never know
No trouble, no grief
Together will be forever -
Happiness will be the sea.

You received a gift from God, therefore you undertake to keep, protect
and love him like the apple of his eye. Congratulations on your double
happiness, let it only multiply. We want the kids to grow up
healthy, strong, smart, talented, charming, kind and
cheerful. May God bless your entire family.

Saving demographics, they became doubly happy,
Extremely and beautifully help the country!
May the horn be full of happiness for you and your children,
And the good God helps in life every day!
May he keep you from unbelief, from illness and trouble,
So that you are always proud of your sweet twins!
Let them grow in goodness and happiness, decorating this world,
So that there is always a guide to the Lord and the truth!

Double happiness in your home
You have two children
Now they will wake you up in the morning
Two voices loud, sonorous,
We wish you good luck,
Give your children affection
They will have more fun together
Their life will be a wonderful fairy tale!

I have congratulations for you
Give me a couple of minutes!
I hasten to congratulate you on the replenishment,
Now you have two babies!
I know it will be a lot of trouble
And the head will go round
But you deserve such happiness
Multiply it by two!
Let the kids be healthy
And only joy will bring you
As little as possible shake the nerves,
Give more happy minutes!

Happy twin birth! The family has grown by two people at once.
Double problems, but double happiness, double joy in the success of children and
confidence that any of the kids will always have the most
best and close friend as possible in this world.

Congratulations on the birth of twins boy and girl

You have twins
blond curls,
Incredibly good
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish the sea happiness
May sorrow always pass!
You live together
And you don't have to be sad!

Double happiness has come to you,
So it became warm in the soul,
After all, children, twins were born!
Two angels went up
To keep them from all troubles,
For a lot a lot years!
We congratulate you with love,
We wish the children good health! Congratulations on your twins
The kids are just class!
Toddlers - babies,
How good are they!
We want them to grow
To bring joy to all relatives,
Well, you have patience
And eternal luck! Let the kids be healthy
They were born after all at once two!
Diapers, sliders everywhere
My head is spinning with happiness...
We congratulate you, patience
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health to the children, without a doubt,
Let them grow to your joy! We wish the parents success.
Patience won't hurt either.
After all, twins were born - what happiness!
Disappeared immediately your differences,
Papule - a son, but mom - a daughter!
Look, you really hit the mark!
Well, live without troubles and without offense,
May God always keep children! Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems! Only in our eyes we see double
Is this magic?
We were invited to come
For a double celebration!
are similar to each other
Two eyes are on fire
It won't help to distinguish us
Even festive outfit!
We are with the birth of twins
Congratulations mom and dad
Twice with the best day
We wish you to be happy! Mom wanted a son
And dad dreamed of a daughter ...
Argued and wondered
Who did the Lord send them?
They did not know that fate
In their dispute put an end -
And on a warm summer morning
The stork brought them two bags!
In one golden-haired maiden,
In another blue-eyed little one!
This stork did not suffer
And completed both orders.
And happy mom
And dad is terribly pleased
Not everyone is so lucky -
give birth heterosexual twins!
Two boys are great!
Two girls - great joy!
A boy and a girl at the same time -
Definitely double luck! Today you immediately doubled in number,
This is happiness, and great.
On the wings of love brought
Stork from heavenly dews
Precious parcel
From mutual love, passionate.
Take care of the kids
Your soul lives in them.
For children, for family
A toast to those I love! From joy the soul sings -
You have two cute babies!
Twice as much happiness
Twice as long joy
Divide love.
Health, happiness kids! in the same shirts
Two babies are crying:
Charming twins -
There are no better guys!
Unexpectedly lucky family:
Two at once, not one
Everyone glorious and desired,
Everyone in the house is a master!
Your joy is with you
We share this moment
But deal with the little ones
You'll have two!
Invite us to babysit
wonderful guys,
And let them go on
Just as fun to look at! So everyone around is happy
You, mother, loving:
We are with the birth of twins
Well done, tried
Although I had to "limp" ...
Away from childbirth fatigue -
Babies want a mother!
May luck take you together
Waiting, not only hard work,
And under my mother's songs
Nice kids are growing! We want to congratulate you soon

Two miracles have come to light!
It's definitely going to be hard
And this happiness is forever -
That not one child, but two!
Doubly toys and shirts
Well, let the double success
Twin babies will get it! It happens - God will doubly bestow,
After all double care does not age.
Congratulations on your twin!
We wish you a lot now:
wish obedient children,
Let them understand who's in charge here.
We wish you peace in the family,
Life pass on the happiness of the boat. We want to congratulate you soon
With the fact that after so many long days,
Everything in life has changed dramatically -
Two miracles have come to light!
It's definitely going to be hard
But you must admit, it's wonderful
And this happiness is forever -
That not one child, but two!
Twice as many tears and laughter
Doubly toys and shirts
Well, let the double success
Twin babies will get it! Surprises are not welcome
And everyone knew for a long time -
You are expecting twins soon
And it's not funny.
Twice as much happiness
However, problems.
Hassle with a lot of stock
Get you all! Here is a surprise!
Here is a sight!
Today with two children
Birthday happened!
And we will double wish
Doubly wonderful!
Health, happiness, joy,
What would life seem like a song! Congratulations on the birth of twins!
Demography ruling in the country,
God decided that you are quite worthy,
So that you have everything twice!
May you not have too much trouble!
Let the family make good!
Let the kids be healthy;
And parents - our cheers! God bless you from heaven
two newborns
He gave you with love
On the day of birth on the day of birth.
We congratulate you on your twins!
Become twice as happy
Not for a minute or an hour
For days that are a lifetime. According to one old belief,
To those who dreamed of heirs,
And earned the heavenly trust
God bless the twins!
And it was given to you, probably by providence
Double miracle - these two souls!
Accept them as a gift, a blessing!
Let your kids make you happy! Double replenishment made you happy!
God gave you two beautiful kids!
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
I sincerely wish that you have enough strength!
May they grow up healthy and beautiful!
So that they do not know the troubles of everyday life!
And both became just as happy
What did you become after their birth! Congratulations doubly
Accept today -
addition to the family,
Not one, but twins!
Friendly noses sniff,
Sleep well in bed.
Let the angels circle
They give them a sweet dream.
We wish you well
respect, peace,
understanding, warmth,
Life will be happy! Doubly happy family
Yes, perhaps all relatives,
Twins were born immediately
And what a success!
And now father and mother
Will be holding on hand
Busy at the same time
Not alternately
Noisy kids,
Affectionate and smart!
Congratulations have been written to you
To express admiration! Today joy happened
Twins were born today.
For Mom and Dad, this is amazing!
Haven't figured out where yet.
May your little ones live happily
Learn more in the life of a diva.
And you health ocean,
And so that good luck hit the fountain. Twins are joy twice
Mega happiness, not a trifle.
Did anyone ever know
What will happen like this?
There are no words for how happy we are!
What you always wanted.
There is no better reward in the world
Two kids are awesome! A miracle happened in your house,
You have twins in the apartment,
Happiness and a miracle - after all, two babies!
Let the kids grow slowly.
We congratulate mom and dad,
Children - after all, this is such a reward,
We wish you happiness, love and kindness,
The sun will always shine for you! Greatest happiness has come to you,
Not even one, but two,
This twin will become part of your life,
For weeks, months, years.
Let it be easy and comfortable for you,
Let the kids give you a smile,
Let the children be full and happy
And there will be fun in the waterfall house. Such an unusual holiday
Replenishment of the family.
Not one, but immediately twins,
Mom and dad are great.
Well I wish you success
Raise the family.
So that the treasury is not empty,
For the children's meals.
Let strength and health
They won't leave, they won't leave.
Your family will always support you
Brighten up your life path. Not one was born, but two at once,
Another mourns: “What is this?”
And we'll start to envy you,
After all, twins - twice the happiness in the house.
Imagine your kids running
And they voice in unison: “We wish you porridge!”
How can you not be touched, not to be touched,
When two of all - and Mash, and Sing.
Candy fireworks, cheers
Let's exclaim: "Happy birthday, kids!" Prepared by parents
Become twice at once
Now we wish you
Do not get tired of worries
Twice the strength
Will have to pick up
Then cook more
Wash and clean up.
But in all your care
A plus should also be:
Twice as many children
Will always love! Double happiness rolled
Double hardships will come
But you will be happy
After all, there are four of you!
With the birth of a beautiful twin,
With the advent beautiful children,
Now everyone in the family is happy
Two children at a time - so aptly! Today the stork tried:
He rushed through the barriers,
And the good news brought you ...
He dragged twice more than a kilogram,
And more happiness, as much as twice!
Two noses, four eyes...
The twins were born
I wish that they did not know troubles,
To always help each other
To be happy in life.
Parents were doubly loved
Give them warmth and happiness! We hasten to congratulate you
With what happened to you -
And at the appointed hour
Two miracles have come to light!
We congratulate you with twins,
Grow in peace and tranquility,
Let everything be not only once,
Let it be cool - there are two of them! I want to congratulate you, now parents,
With such a huge and significant event…
I wish happiness to you and your children,
While they are growing - only you are responsible for them!
Double happiness - how can you not cry here?
And I'll wipe the tears of joy from my eyes...
After all, your children sincere gift
From the two of you, all the same to you! Replenishment in the family
Not easy - just twins!
You are all very happy
Happiness is worth it!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Let mom be calm
And healthy babies
May good luck come to you.

Best congratulations on the birth of twins

Today is a two-in-one holiday.
Double pleasure!
Guests, gifts full house,
Twins, happy birthday!
Always and everywhere along the way -
There is one calling for you.
Nowhere to be found
Mutual understanding!
We wish you great joys
Love to infinity
We wish you happiness for two
Also separately!

Congratulations on the birth of twins.

in the same shirts
Two babies are crying:
Charming twins -
There are no better guys!
Unexpectedly lucky family:
Two at once, not one
Everyone glorious and desired,
Everyone in the house is a master!
Your joy is with you
We share this moment
But deal with the little ones
You'll have two!
Invite us to babysit
wonderful guys,
And let them go on
Just as fun to look at!

Mom smiled happiness -
The twins have arrived!
Everyone knows in advance
Children will be great!
We wish them good health
Appetite, sweet dreams!
Luck lies ahead
And universal love!

Gemini is an uncommon event.
And not many are so spoiled by life.
And you have a double happiness in your family:
Two babies were born right away!
Twice troublesome, but twice as pleasant!
Who said miracles don't happen?
Happy to whom this happens!
And doubly - who understands this.

Here are the things, brother:
Mom gave birth to twins!
At first I was afraid
Well, what was left for her?
Let's sing for two voices
Together with my brother,
We eat milk in two mouths,
In two diapers we “dudim”!
We wave with four hands
We dance with four legs.
Two funny tomboys
Identical from the face.

Congratulations on the birth of twins.

You look like each other!
Same: faces!
Only you are different -
Here it is impossible not to agree!
Walk through life with a smile
Set goals for yourself
Successfully achieve them all
To make everyone around go nuts!)
We wish you to live very friendly
weeks, months, and all year round
After all, you both need to live
At least three hundred years!

Happy birthday twins!
There is nothing to separate you
And, like tumbler dolls,
Impossible to distinguish!
So let's change a little
You worries, people, days ...
You are like God's angels
With your friends, relatives.
Put up without fights, without flattery,
Good, light soul! ..
So stay together!
Love to you, caress tremendous!!!

With this twice big day- we congratulate you,
And we wish the kids to grow up healthy!
There will be a lot of joy and full of worries,
May double happiness come to you with them!

Only in our eyes we see double
Maybe it's magic?
We were invited to come
For a double celebration.
So similar to each other
Two eyes are on fire
It won't help to distinguish you
Even a party outfit!
We are with the birth of twins
Congratulations mom and dad
Twice with the best day
We wish you to be happy!

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!
God sent twins twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

Congratulations for twins in prose - congratulations in your own words

Happy birthday to the lovely twins. With all my heart I wish
double happiness and joy cheerful mood and strong friendship,
mutual support and love, great success and great victories in life

Happy birthday to the wonderful and wonderful twins and
I want to wish fun fun and ideas, interesting leisure and great
knowledge, sweet life and double happiness, great luck and strong

Happy birthday to dear twins and I want to wish you happy
ideas and strong friendship, wonderful mood and good luck
happy life and high successes, good friends and love of relatives,
incredible miracles in life and excellent health.

Happy birthday to wonderful twins and wish from the bottom of my heart
I want you to be friendly and happy, so that you have a lot
interesting activities and fun games so that every day passes with
exciting adventures and delicious sweets.

Dear twins, happy birthday. I wish you strong
friendship and good cheer. May the path of life always follow the course
happiness and prosperity is coming, may there be many joyful smiles and
amazing ideas. I always wish to achieve my goal, to each other in everything
help and in their dreams to fly high.

Happy birthday to you! I wish to go through life together, skillfully
substituting each other reliable shoulder, be friendly, appreciate
lack of loneliness and the constant presence of the best in your life
and most faithful friend!

Happy birthday to the adorable and cute twins.
May there be many achievements in your life, on the way to which you
you will help each other. I wish you wake up every time with
smile on your face, have fun happy Days and fall asleep with
dreams dear to your hearts.

Happy birthday! You are still very young and do not know how you
lucky. Each of you has a dear little man who always
support. No wonder they say that twins feel sadness and joy.
each other, even at a distance. Be happy guys! hold on
hold tight to the handles and you will succeed.

Happy birthday greetings to twins (twins) in prose

Double holiday and joy - the birthday of the twins.
Congratulations! I wish that in your life all the good things are served in
double portion: so that wishes come true twice as fast, so that
you shared all the joyful moments, good luck and luck for two. Be
happy, healthy and successful.

Your mother is incredibly lucky - she got happiness right away in
double copy. Unlike others, you will never
celebrate a birthday alone. You always have support
from the moment they were born, they have already acquired a faithful and reliable
friend. So let all your wishes double on your holiday: health
enough for two lives, luck will go to both, and to each his own, and
cherished dreams will come true.

Happy birthday to the adorable twins, wonderful
children. I wish you always and in everything to support each other, to live with
dreams in the soul and love in the hearts, to achieve great goals and
incredible success, sincerely enjoy life and share this joy
With dear people. May there be a double measure of happiness in your life and
good luck.

Today is not even one birthday, but two. you came to this
world together, brought double joy to their parents and the whole
planet Earth. We wish you all the very best. Let them give you
only those gifts that you want, and in life there will be only
happy and fun days.

Our lovely adorable twins, we congratulate you on your birthday!
May happiness, luck, joy, success be double yours, and
sorrows, hardships, difficulties are always divided in half. We wish you easy
overcome all obstacles, achieve your goals.
Stay as cute, funny and mischievous as you are.

Happy birthday to the adorable and cute twins. Wish
you mutual understanding and strong friendship, great luck and good fortune,
interesting hobbies and happy moments, funny friends and
mischievous tricks.

Happy birthday to the lovely twins and wish from the bottom of my heart
want great joy and happy roads life, great happiness and
good luck, strong friendship and excellent health, cheerful
moods and extraordinary miracles.

Wonderful twins, magnificent children, congratulations on the day
birth. Wish double luck in life and true happiness, good destinies
and prosperous roads to dreams, I wish you to be strong and healthy,
cheerful and friendly, loved and cheerful.

Happy birthday to the adorable twins. I wish you dear
children, never leave each other in trouble, always believe in a miracle and
keep expanding your horizons. May life give you
joy and fun, let them be near good friends and dear people
May every day of your life be filled with happiness and
an unforgettable adventure.

You are our most beloved, dearest, most beloved! Today
double holiday, squared holiday - your birthday! We want
wish you only the best: excellent study, true friends,
interesting meetings. Live bright, use every chance to
be happy and be happy!

On your birthday, I wish you bright, twins, a favorable wind for you. I wish your bright and mischievous eyes to shine so that you never lose your self-esteem. I wish that your most cherished dreams will certainly come true, and sweet dreams turn out to be prophetic. May everything in the world be for you, dear ones! ©

I wish you, my dear twins, that all your cherished desires, certainly came true and gave you a million sweet moments. I wish that everything in this world was only for you, that new stars would light up, and the coin of the sun would shine. In that wonderful holiday let all your real friends gather at the same table. ©

Roofing felts during the day, and roofing felts at night,
The mother gave birth to a daughter.
She was doubly happy
When there were two daughters.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Everyone was in a hurry to visit her.
To wish health
Get a star from heaven.

After all, twins are the most beautiful,
Let the laughter flow.
Let them strive only up
So that dreams come true soon. ©

Mom gave birth to a miracle
Not one, but two at once.
I will congratulate them now
To circle the head.

To make the twins smile
Fulfilled all dreams.
They remained joyful
Mother's two beauties.

I wish you happiness
Many sincere victories.
Happy birthday, congratulations
There are simply no better kids. ©

I wish my twins
My dear adorables,
To be bold
Strong and skillful! ©

I wish you a birthday
great luck,
Joy, light, love
I want my twins! ©

I hasten to wish twins
Never lose heart in trouble
Drive all problems away
Change night with days

I wish that on a holiday
There was a sea of ​​wonders of different
I wish, for God's sake,
My relatives are touchy,

Angels could protect you
And learned to soar in the clouds,
I wish all dreams come true
And remember your birthday forever! ©

I wish, my dears,
The most tender and sweet
So that you don't get discouraged
And all received from life,

I wish that on a holiday
Different miracles shone
So, sweet twins,
Everything in life was smooth

To make you smile brightly
I hasten to give you gifts,
I wish, dear children,
So that the inclinations were creative! ©

A little from mom, a little from dad
And you look like, well, like two drops
Twins, happy birthday!
Catch the holiday moment!

May happiness be with you
There are many awards in life
For each other, you be a support
Don't forget about your bloodline.

In this precious hour
Accept congratulations from us
We wish you success in your endeavors
And do not meet disappointments in life. ©

Like two identical glitters
Twins were born on the same day
Happy birthday to you!
I invite you to the festive table.

Let words flow for you like a river
Infinitely and warm water
Accept gifts and congratulations
You make everyone feel at ease.

You are a whole, like two halves
The two closest bloodlines
Remember this and always appreciate
Thanks mom and dad! ©

Congratulations to parents on the birth of a child

A miracle happened - a baby was born!
It blossomed like a delicate flower.
There is no place in the house for diapers,
Everywhere gifts, clothes, a pot.

A woman with a child in her arms
The most beautiful of women.
Tears of happiness hide in the eyes
And flow down between the wrinkles of the cracks.

From joy the soul sings -
You have two cute babies!
Twice as much happiness
Twice as long joy
Divide love.
Health, happiness kids!

So everyone around is happy
You, mother, loving:
We are with the birth of twins
Well done, tried
Though I had to "limp"
Away from childbirth fatigue -
Babies want a mother!
May luck take you together
Waiting, not only hard work,
And under my mother's songs
The kids are growing up nicely.

There is a very special reason here,
Serious and important.
And your happiness is not simple,
And happiness today is doubly!

We wish the children good health
Patience to parents, strength.
So that each of these little ones
You only brought delight.

I heartily congratulate you
With newborn twins
Fate is a gift for love
Made you worthy.

May it grow healthy and strong
May his childhood be bright
Confidently let him walk through life,
Parents may never forget.

Your baby was born
Here comes an angel
A joyful event for all of us,
Happy, sweet.

When a child is born in a family,
Events are not more important.
And today the face of diapers
On the new world looks enigmatically.
Let it grow and please both
Parents with their successes,
Let it fill the whole world yourself
After all, these walls are dear to him.

Let the baby be cheerful and glorious,
And achieves the first successes,
He will be the most important to parents

Baby dear, crouching to the chest,
Milk sucks without getting tired.
How many happy days ahead
Congratulations on a healthy baby!
Brought turmoil into everyday life,
If you want to eat - immediately scream
Let it grow happy and big
Filling every moment with joy.

You have twins
blond curls,
Incredibly good
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish the sea happiness
May sorrow always pass!
You live together
And you don't have to be sad!

Double happiness has come to you,
So it became warm in the soul,
After all, children, twins were born!
Two angels went up
To keep them from all troubles,
For many, many years!
We congratulate you with love,
We wish the children good health!

Congratulations on your twins
The kids are just class!
Toddlers - babies,
How good are they!
We want them to grow
To bring joy to all relatives,
Well, you have patience
And eternal luck!

No, the best in the world
Of all the wonders of nature
Tiny kids!
Well you're living now
Not at all how they lived;
Well, so what? We do know:
You deserve it,
And we congratulate you!

A piece of love, a piece of warmth,
Heaven gave the child
Let it grow in joy
You will be supported in your old age.
May the angels keep him
To be stronger than other guys,
So that the first "agu" is filled for years,
Let all adversity pass you by.

Birth of a child -
Desire of two hearts!
Let him frolic in the stroller
Creations crown!
Let it give you joy
deeds, mind,
Let it be a giant
A gentle gnome in diapers!

We wish the parents success.
Patience won't hurt either.
After all, twins were born - what happiness!
Disappeared immediately your differences,
Papule - a son, but mom - a daughter!
Look, you really hit the mark!
Well, live without troubles and without offense,
May God always keep children!

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!
God sent twins twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

Only in our eyes we see double
Is this magic?
We were invited to come
For a double celebration!
are similar to each other
Two eyes are on fire
It won't help to distinguish us
Even a party outfit!
We are with the birth of twins
Congratulations mom and dad
Twice with the best day
We wish you to be happy!

Gemini is not a frequent event.
And not many are so pampered by life.
And you have a double happiness in your family:
Two daughters were born at once!
Twice troublesome, but twice as pleasant!
Who said miracles don't happen?
Happy to whom this happens!
And doubly - who understands this!

Mom, mommy and proudly mother -
The most desired words.
You had to wait so long
But now you're the mother of a little man.

Let there be double happiness
Released by fate
To be doubly happy
You have become a family.

Double happiness, double joy, congratulations on the birth of twins. Let the children be healthy and happy, let them go through life together, let them please their parents and have fun themselves. Well-being to the family, prosperity, peace and good luck, as well as double patience and understanding.

May your little ones live happily
Learn more in the life of a diva.
And you health ocean,
And so that good luck hit the fountain.

Family double replenishment,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You were waiting for twins and waited
Let the kids not get sick
We wish you a lot of patience
Let the children sleep soundly at night,
Double happiness has come to your house,
Forget about the blues and sadness!

Happy twin birth! That's luck
Now the joy in the house, probably forever.
Let the children grow, smiling, not crying,
And there is enough happiness and fun for everyone!

Take heart, parents, do not get tired,
Now you will have more worries,
You gently swing the kids on the handles,
And get a lot of love in return!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy new birthday!
Here are the babies
Just a sight.

Not one, but two
Born to my mother.
And about every word
Will be - "the most-most."

May they never know
No trouble, no grief
Together will be forever -
Happiness will be the sea.

Congratulations on your newborns! The stork turned out to be strong and brought you double happiness - your beautiful twins. We wish you strength and patience to raise children healthy, beautiful and smart. May they be as happy as you are now.

Happy birthday double you
Congratulations on the twins!
Twice as much happiness for you
And we want love.

Let there be twins
Always friendly.
Let there be no grief
Never in life.

Let dreams come true
Joy inspires,
And two naughty miracles
They add strength to live.

You are twice as happy today
Your twins were born today.
Your desire, your dream,
In double size today came true.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you
You have two meanings in life.
I wish health to you and your children,
Miracle happens. It happened to you!

Replenishment in the family, especially double, is a reason for great joy and excitement, the beginning of change. All friends, relatives and colleagues want to wish the best for young parents, voice beautiful congratulations with the birth of twin boys, and, of course, look at the cute lumps.

To bring joy every day

And most big trouble will only be lazy.

I see the poor man's stork almost overstrained,

There are now more than two!

God sent twins to the family for joy

For amazing twins, let life become an interesting adventure, all undertakings are crowned with victory, and new things come easy! Charming eyes radiate with happiness and new ideas, and they themselves grow by the hour! Let them surround faithful friends and the family will be the support!

Congratulations doubly happy mom twins! Beloved, beloved and the cutest boys celebrate their first day on Earth. Let their life turn out perfectly, in the circle of friends and relatives, and every day will bring new discoveries!

Dear twins, grow up strong boys. Bring every day a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, bright emotions. The way the house will be filled with the tramp of small feet and ringing laughter! Your mom, dad today became parents, they have a lot of strength, patience, and most importantly love and warmth, so that both kids are more than enough!

Congratulations on the birth of twin boys in verse - more beautiful options:

The first cry and a sip of oxygen.
First look into an upside down world.
So full of magic nature
That nothing compares to him.

Let the children's fairy tale, innocence,
Purity and desire to live,
As the origins of gift and mercy,
They can enhance your happiness.

To grow up, be healthy,
He was strong and hardened
I ate porridge with gusto,
I always listened to my mom and dad!

To learn English
Became a Russian diplomat
Traveled around the planet
Don't forget about relatives!

Another beautiful princess
Reappeared in this world
She looks at the world with interest,
And feels the love of parents.

I congratulate you and wish you
So that my daughter grows up beautiful!
To wake up, feeling happiness,
And most importantly, she was healthy!

May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
Love your wife more
You've become a father today!

Your child - health,
Good luck and all the best wishes
And with this joy today
Congratulations to all the family!

The circle of the eternal mysteries of the two goes,
One of them is called birth
The whole world is circling
That life is a free movement.

He's still quite small.
But the path of fate is drawn from above,
Let it pass proudly, without problems,
Let him live and breathe freely!

May he and you be healthy
God sent in full measure,
Let the children grow up with love
I wish you from my heart!

There is a miracle of miracles in the world,
And the miracle is called motherhood!
Angels descend from heaven
Making unity with the baby!

We congratulate you today
With a triumph - with the birth of a child!
May the Lord keep her from darkness,
Let the girl grow up healthy!

Twice as much let the excitement
Twice as much trouble.
But for a new replenishment
You don't need to go to the hospital in a year!
But twice as much happiness
After all, twins were born!
We want to congratulate you on this,
Life is definitely good!

With this twice important day
We congratulate you
And grow healthy
We wish kids
There will be a lot of joy
And full of worries
May double happiness
They will come to you!

We hasten to congratulate you
With what happened to you -
And at the appointed hour
Two miracles have come to light!
We congratulate you with twins,
Grow in peace and tranquility,
Let everything be not only once,
Let it be cool - there are two of them!

Double happiness rolled
Double hardships will come
But you will be happy
After all, there are four of you!
With the birth of a beautiful twin,
With the advent of beautiful children,
Now everyone in the family is happy
Two children at a time - so aptly!

Our joy is our children
We live for their happiness
And today on the planet
There are more than two!
God sent twins twins
And double joy to everyone!
May they live with dignity
No worries or problems!

Everyone knows that a man
Passionately waiting for the birth of a son,
Only daughter as the days go by
Loves everything more.

Warm little bundle
Lacy funny bag,
Let there be little weight in it,
Daughter is daddy's princess.

Let her grow
And beautiful and smart
To be terribly happy
If they give her. brother!

Mom's helper, dad's joy,
A sweet daughter was born,
On a magical sunny day, and the family is so happy
Your daughter will delight you for many, many years!

We want to be always attentive to you with her,
Girls sometimes grow up vulnerable
Your daughter will be so charming
That the boys are crazy, everything, they will come down from love!

Happiness has settled in your house
The day my daughter was born.
And now you have worries with the mountain,
Only after all desired. No lights out
From young grannies and grandfathers,
Thirsty to get down to business -
Nurse and raise your bloodline,
To grow up healthy and more beautiful!
