The pores on the nose are clogged. 3 Ways to Clean Nose Pores - wikiHow

Comedones - black spots on the skin caused by oxidation sebum, clogging pores. The pores on the nose are especially susceptible to this scourge, since the skin there is the oiliest. Let's figure out how to clean the pores on the nose and what causes the formation of comedones.

Clogged pores on the nose: causes

Hormonal changes in the body, hormonal imbalance

Notorious skin problems in puberty This is where I'm from. As a temporary phenomenon, sometimes pores on the nose appear during PMS. Menopause can also be associated with deteriorating skin conditions.

Improper skin care

Insufficient cleansing; too much strong cleansing, which provokes excessive production of sebum; too heavy, comedogenic creams.

Poor nutrition

An abundance of fatty and fried foods provokes both clogged pores on the nose and skin inflammation.

Slagging in the body

If the body is contaminated from the inside, then expect clear skin and to think only about how to narrow the pores on the nose without solving internal problems is, to say the least, naive.

Climatic conditions

The weather is too hot, causing sweating; dry air, forcing the body to intensively produce protective fatty lubricant, or, on the contrary, increased humidity and, as a result, profuse sweating.

How to clean the pores on your nose: solution to the problem

How to narrow the pores on your nose during a period of hormonal imbalance?

If we are talking about age hormonal changes V at a young age, then you should focus as much as possible on proper skin care and careful hygiene. To cleanse and moisturize, you should use special preparations for young skin. Oils have proven themselves well in such products tea tree, salicylic acid, clay.

If we are talking about menopause, then a consultation with an endocrinologist may be useful. It will allow both to narrow pores and harmonize hormonal background. This is actually a priority task; with its solution, there is a very high probability that the pores on the nose will cease to bother you at all.

How to reduce pores on the nose if the problem is caused by improper skin care?

First, change your care. Thorough but not harsh cleansing of the skin, mandatory use of tonic, non-greasy moisturizing, periodic peeling and clay masks will tell you how to clean the pores on your nose. The skin on the nose is most often oily, so nourishing creams she doesn't need it, but matting and antiseptics can be used.

How to narrow the pores on your nose if unhealthy eating is to blame?

Strictly avoid foods such as chips and carbonated sweet drinks. Limit as much as possible products that contain hydrogenated fats, sausages, and smoked meats. “Avoid home” to fast food. And on the contrary - eat more fruits and vegetables, perhaps try green smoothies, be sure to take vegetable oils(in the sense of ingesting unrefined healthy oils, and not deep-frying, of course). Make a choice towards baking rather than frying, choose lean varieties of meat, but from oily fish Do not refuse under any circumstances. Omega-3 acids have a direct bearing not only on how to reduce pores on the nose, but also on the condition of the skin in general.

How to clean pores if the body is clogged?

Nutrition advice is more relevant than ever. Plus it’s worth connecting cleansing procedures. It may not hurt to pay attention to colon hydrotherapy and choose an option for liver cleansing. A hirudotherapy session has a good effect on the skin. Plus beauty care, answering the query on how to tighten the pores on the nose.

How to reduce pores on the nose if they are caused by climatic reasons?

In this case, you should approach it from two sides: proper care- cleansing, moisturizing, toning and refreshing throughout the day plus the right drinking regime.

How to clean the pores on your nose at home?

The use of clay masks can help reduce pores on the nose. Many cosmetic series have masks that can be used to both cleanse pores and mattify the skin. This mask is easy to prepare yourself.

Clay mask against comedones on the nose

2 tbsp. dilute the clay with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, add a pinch of salt and 2-3 drops essential oil tea tree. Apply to cleansed, damp facial skin or just to the pores on the nose for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wipe face with tonic, moisturize.

How to narrow the pores on your nose using cosmetics?

How to reduce pores? Use regularly face tonic, containing aloe extracts, tea tree and lavender esters. You can use it not only for morning and evening toilet, but also wipe it during the day cotton pad, soaked in tonic, pores on the nose.

How to clean pores with nasal patch? Lightly steam the cleansed skin: if there is no special device for this, just bend over hot water for a few minutes, blot the pores on the noses with a dry cloth and stick a patch on the nose. Through specified time(usually this is 10-15 minutes) remove the patch and see how easy it is to clean the pores with such a patch. After this, wipe the pores on your nose with tonic.

How to reduce pores on the nose in a beauty salon?

The first procedure offered in a beauty salon is facial cleansing. It will allow you to both cleanse the pores on your nose and refresh and cleanse your entire face. Depending on the specific manifestation of the problem, manual or machine facial cleansing may be recommended.

Peels successfully cope with the task of “how to narrow pores”. A cosmetologist will help you choose the most suitable option for your skin type. Dermabrasion and the use of darsonval also give good results for cleaning the pores on the nose.

You will need

  • Recipe 1:
  • - sea salt;
  • - honey;
  • - moisturizing cream.
  • Recipe 2:
  • - peel of one orange;
  • - cream.
  • Recipe 3:
  • - fenugreek;
  • - mineral water.
  • Recipe 4:
  • - 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay;
  • - 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • - a pinch of fine salt;
  • - tonic for narrowing pores.


It is quite difficult to completely clean the clogged pores on your nose. Squeezing can lead not only to redness of the skin, but also to the appearance of scars. Various synthetic products help fight comedones, but have side effects, dry out the skin, which leads to irreversible damage skin. Mechanical cleaning should only be carried out by a specialist in a cosmetology salon, do not do this yourself, such experiments can end in failure.

The safest and easiest way to clean out the pores on your nose is to use home remedies that will help remove blackheads and their occurrence. Homemade cosmetics gently open and cleanse pores, remove dead cell particles, bacteria and dirt, and regulate sebum production. Prepare a cleansing scrub. To do this, mix sea ​​salt And natural honey to form a thick paste. Wash your face thoroughly, apply the resulting product to damp skin of the nose. Massage for 5 minutes, rinse with cool water. Finally, apply moisturizer. If you use this scrub 2-3 times a week, then blackheads will not bother you anymore.

Orange peel works great as a scrub for dirty pores. Take the peel of one orange, wash it thoroughly and dry it in natural conditions. Then grate on a fine grater or grind in a blender (you can use a coffee grinder). Mix the resulting powder with cream to form a creamy mass. Apply it to the nose area, rub in for a couple of minutes, leave for another 5-10 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

Use fenugreek to combat blackheads on the nose. To do this, take some freshly cut fenugreek leaves and rinse them under running water. cold water, finely chop or grind in a mortar and pestle until a paste forms, pour in a small amount mineral water. Apply the mixture to problem areas, hold for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your face with water. room temperature. If there are no acne on your facial skin, then you can use this remedy daily until the pores on your nose are completely clear.

Cleans and reduces pores on the nose clay mask, which can be purchased at a specialty store or pharmacy. Dilute cosmetic blue or white clay with lukewarm water to the consistency of sour cream. Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil and a small pinch of fine salt. Mix these components thoroughly, apply the mask to moisturized facial skin or exclusively to the nose area. Massage lightly and leave for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your face with warm water and wipe your skin with a toner to tighten the pores.

This unpleasant phenomenon, like black dots on the nose can spoil the mood of any representative of the fair sex and not only: there are many men who take care of their appearance.

So, enlarged pores on the nose, and even with acne, are an unpleasant sight. How many complexes people have because of this problem! Needless to say, cleaning the pores of the nose is almost daily procedure for those who pay a lot of attention to their appearance. To get good results from this procedure, it is important to carry it out correctly.

Home Methods for Cleaning Nose Pores

There is nothing easier and more enjoyable than putting your face in order with the help of folk remedies. Firstly: this is budget savings, secondly - home cosmetics for skin care does not contain chemical substances, and its composition is known.

The first thing you need to do is expand the pores on your nose, since removing dirt from narrowed pores is fraught with irritation and redness.


Rules for the procedure:

  • pour 1 liter (more is possible) of purified water into a small iron vessel;
  • turn on the stove and place the vessel on it;
  • bring water to a boil;
  • throw a towel over your head and bend over the vessel (at a safe distance, otherwise you can get burned);
  • inhale and exhale steam for 5-10 minutes.

Mask from mashed potatoes it's done like this:

  • boil potatoes (2-3 pcs.);
  • puree it;
  • let cool to the optimal temperature (which will not leave burns);
  • apply to face;
  • hold for 5 minutes.

Oil compress

Helps both open pores on the nose and other areas of the face and clean them.

How to do:

  • Heat olive or other oil to a temperature of 40°;
  • dip a wide one into it paper napkin with slits for eyes and mouth;
  • apply it to your face;
  • For a thermal effect, cover your head with a towel.
  • hold for 20 minutes.


The next step is cleaning.

Before cleaning the pores on your nose, you need to wrap your fingers in a thin towel or cloth, then lightly press two fingers on the small area with blackheads and squeeze them out. Wipe your nose with disinfectant lotion or alcohol.

Cleanse clogged pores on the nose you can use the following recipes:

Film mask - gelatin plus charcoal


  1. Gelatin – 10 gm.
  2. Activated carbon – one tablet.
  3. Water – 30 milliliters.
  4. Dry napkins – 3-4 pcs.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Dissolve gelatin with water in a heat-resistant container.
  • Heat until completely dissolved, stirring all the time;
  • Crush the coal tablet to a powder;
  • Add gelatin to the solution and stir;
  • Apply this mixture to your face;
  • Stick a napkin on top;
  • Wait until the mask dries;
  • With a sharp movement, remove it from your face.

Cleansing the nasal pores can also be done using scrubs.

Aspirin scrub, recipe:

  • Crush 2-3 aspirin tablets
  • Add some water
  • Apply to face
  • After five minutes, start rubbing the mask into the skin
  • Continue for 1-2 minutes
  • Wash with soap.

After the pores on the nose have been cleaned, they should be narrowed.

How to tighten the pores on your nose?

This problem is solved with the help of masks. It should be remembered that they only reduce, but do not remove, the pores on the nose, since for maximum narrowing, more complex procedures will be needed.

Orange mask


  1. Two orange slices.
  2. Cottage cheese – 30 grams.


Everything needs to be put in a convenient container and chopped (preferably with a blender).


  • apply immediately after cleansing;
  • wash off after 10 minutes.

Yeast mask


  1. Yeast – 15-20 grams.
  2. Water – 20 ml.

Preparation and use of the mask:

  • mix ingredients;
  • what you managed to apply to enlarged pores, without touching those areas of the skin where the pores are narrowed;
  • keep the mask on for 20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

That's all, the skin cleansing procedure can be considered complete.

How else can you get rid of pores on your nose?

Many people ask the question: “How to remove huge pores on the nose so that the skin becomes smooth and clean?” If appearance the nose has deteriorated after smallpox, furunculosis or during advanced demodicosis, home methods will be powerless, you should resort to hardware methods, such as:


The most common remedy for getting rid of pores on the nose, since with this method the unsightly top layer of skin is removed, leaving the one underneath that is smooth and without enlarged pores. Removal of the top layer is carried out using aluminum oxide crystals, the necessary pressure and vacuum. The cost of one procedure for the nose area does not exceed 1000 rubles.

Chemical peeling

The procedure is less popular because it is quite long and quite painful. This is because it is nothing more than exfoliation of the skin after an acid burn. But everything is designed in such a way that only the upper (porous) layer of skin is affected.

Why is the procedure long? Because after this peeling, the face becomes reddish tint and is very flaky. This is how your face will look for a week, then a cosmetologist will remove the crusts, because removing them yourself can lead to the appearance of scars. The cost of the procedure is from 1000 rubles and above.

Eliminating large and dirty pores on the nose is not big problem. There are quite a few effective means, for this. Eliminating enlarged pores during demodicosis and after furunculosis is problematic, but there are also solutions for this effective methods, the price of which is not so high. In any case, these procedures are cheaper than unsuccessfully searching for the right one. cosmetic product during a year.

Camendons, or blackheads, can form in absolutely healthy person. The reason for this feature is considered to be poor nutrition, bad habits, neglect basic care. Due to the mixing of subcutaneous sebum and keratinized epithelial particles, the pores become severely clogged, forming plugs. As a result, the activity of the glands is disrupted, which promotes the development of bacteria in the skin cavity. Many people do not know how to deal with the defect, so they try to squeeze out blackheads. This move leads to even greater infection and scarring.

Reasons for the formation of comedones

  • neglect of basic skin care rules;
  • incorrect selection of decorative cosmetics;
  • abuse tonal means, clogging pores;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy, lactation, breastfeeding, menopause;
  • adolescence;
  • naturally excessively oily skin;
  • frequent consumption of salty, spicy, fried foods;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • addictions (tobacco, alcohol);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • insomnia, wrong mode work and rest;
  • malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  • environmental factor.

How to get rid of blackheads on the nose

It is not difficult to cleanse your pores of comedones if you stick to effective recommendations regarding possible procedures. You are required to comply with hygiene standards and regular use masks.

Method number 1. Correct use of cosmetics

  1. Make it a habit to regularly use mattifying wipes at the slightest appearance of oily shine. Cosmetic materials of this kind are sold in specialized stores and are relatively inexpensive. Many girls make the mistake of powdering their nose when they see excessive greasiness. This move clogs the pores more, contributing to the appearance of even more blackheads. Using the wipes is quite simple: place them on your nose, press, wait 5 seconds. Repeat the manipulations until greasy shine won't go away completely.
  2. Foundations, powders, blushes, concealers and correctors penetrate deep into the skin structure. Due to this, the dermis stops breathing, and sebaceous plugs. Fat cannot come out, causing the development of bacteria. Limit the use of the above formulations or wash them off 4 hours after application. If possible, change your foundation to a BB cream designed with age in mind. Before applying makeup, spread cosmetic primer (available in professional stores) over the surface of your face.
  3. IN summer time protect the epidermis from direct ultraviolet radiation for years. Buy a serum gel with a special SPF filter and apply the product before going outside. When visiting the solarium, ask the administrator to provide protective cream(at extra charge). In winter, the use of anti-frost agents will become especially relevant ( baby cream, Nivea, etc.). Avoid applying night cream or soften your skin 2 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, remove excess with cosmetic sponges.
  4. Start your morning awakening with washing your face. Do not use for these purposes toilet soap, give preference to special products. Buy a scrub for daily use, gel or foam for washing. After the procedure, wipe the epidermis with lotion designed for your skin type. Morning hygiene ends with the application of a light hydrogel, which consists of 70% water (an extra-moisturizing cream is suitable). Water for washing should be contrasting (first warm, then cold), but not hot. Many girls rub their skin cosmetic ice based medicinal herbs(chamomile, oak, sage, geranium, green or black tea, etc.).

Method number 2. Properly composed diet

  1. As mentioned earlier, an incorrectly composed diet has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Constant consumption of fatty foods promotes faster work sebaceous glands. Salty foods accumulate fluid, slowing down the natural cleansing of the skin. To get rid of blackheads on the nose, you need to review your daily menu.
  2. Products that cause blockage of pores include oil (vegetable, butter), alcoholic beverages, fatty meats, hot sauces and seasonings, homemade pickled “delicacies”, sour cream (fat content from 20%). You should also avoid excessive consumption of sweets, jam and preserves, and smoked sausage. If possible, completely abandon the listed products, replace them with healthier dishes (sugar - honey, smoked sausage - boiled water, and so on).
  3. Normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands and increasing the level of metabolism is quite simple. Stick to the “right” foods, these include: seasonal berries and fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork, beef, veal, rabbit, duck). Stick to low-fat dairy products ( natural yoghurts, cereals, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.). Don't forget about legumes and cereals, replace wheat bread with whole grains.
  4. Don't neglect breakfast. After morning awakening drink a glass of water with lemon, then eat cottage cheese with honey and berries or flaxseed/oatmeal. To increase the absorption of calcium (responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands), cook the cereal in milk (fat content 1-2.5%). Do not apply the rule “You can’t spoil porridge with butter!” on yourself. Make it a habit to drink freshly squeezed juices diluted 50:50 with water 3 times a day. If you often drink alcohol, prefer dry or semi-dry white wine (no more than 150 ml per day) to your favorite drinks.

Method No. 3. Use of folk remedies
In addition to changing your usual lifestyle, you need to use effective methods aimed at cleansing pores. This includes hot compresses, masks, scrubs.

  1. Chamomile compress. To steam the skin and clear blackheads from your nose, use a hot compress. Brew dry chamomile in boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and strain. Dip a towel into the mixture and apply to the problem area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. In this case, the fabric must be moistened regularly so that steaming does not stop. After using the compress, wipe the skin with a scrub and melt water (you can replace it with ice cubes).
  2. Contrast wash. Great option the fight against blackheads is considered contrast wash. Rinse your skin three times a day, first with hot, then with ice water. Do at least 5 approaches. The first stage will steam the skin, the second step will tighten the pores and push out sebaceous plugs. If possible, use filtered water that contains minimal impurities.
  3. Steam bath. Prepare 3 liters of infusion based on medicinal herbs. You can brew sage, birch bark, yarrow, ginseng, lemon balm and other plants. The steaming procedure in this way is carried out as follows: cover your head with a towel, bring your face to the pan (distance 35 cm). Breathe in steam for 7-10 minutes, complete the procedure by wiping with a cleansing tonic or using a scrub.
  4. Oatmeal peeling. Mix 30 gr. thick honey, 45 gr. oatmeal, 25 ml. fat kefir. Steam your face over the bath, distribute the mask over the entire surface of the problem area. Cover with gauze or cling film, leave for 45 minutes. Rinse off with warm water first, then cold water. Apply moisturizing hydrogel, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.
  5. Soda mask. Mix baking soda with cold water to make a porridge. Wash your face with hot water or make a compress to open the pores. Apply the soda mixture for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off. To enhance effectiveness, add a teaspoon of medium-ground flax flakes.

It is easy to rid your skin of blackheads if you follow basic rules for facial care. Review your daily menu, choose the right cosmetics, and make masks. Steam and cleanse the epidermis steam baths, prepare compresses, do not neglect contrast washing.

Video: how to clean pores on your face

Clean fresh skin looks attractive even without makeup. On the contrary, if the pores on the face are enlarged, clogged, inflamed, then it looks repulsive. But blackheads are not only an aesthetic problem. If measures are not taken to remove them in time, they turn into comedones, pimples, and this is a dermatological disease. To prevent and overcome it, you should not only visit a cosmetologist, but also clean the pores on your face at home. The procedure is necessary for any type of epithelium, especially important for oily ones.

Causes of clogged pores

Everyone has pores on their face. The dermis “breathes” through them, and sebum is secreted through them, which is necessary to protect against negative external influences. People who have almost no protective fat layer notice signs of aging on their faces earlier, but those with an oily dermis also have a hard time. They usually have it dense, with wide pores, excess sebum, covering the face with a greasy layer, creates an unattractive shine.

Most often, those who have naturally enlarged pores suffer from clogged pores. This usually happens when fat type face, in which there is also intense sebum secretion, which aggravates the problem. Dust and dirt get into the pores, blocking the exit of sebum, which accumulates in the pores. Inflammation in such a situation is almost inevitable. As a result, acne appears on the face, which creates many problems, including low self-esteem and self-loathing. The more sebum produced, the higher the risk of acne.

Reasons enhanced education fat are most often genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders due to hormonal surges, unhealthy diet. Thus, love for flour, sweet, fatty and all kinds of smoked foods is reflected on the face with black dots and pimples.

Pore ​​blockage can also occur when normal level production of sebum, if its release is difficult due to the use of incorrect decorative cosmetics.

How to cleanse your face at home

Pore ​​cleansing must be done regularly, regardless of the type of dermis. You can focus on the following recommendations: when oily skin It is recommended to use scrubs every other day or two; in addition, about once a week or a little less often, it is advisable to use more deep cleansing. At normal skin procedures are carried out half as often, with dry skin - 3-4 times less often, that is, in this case you need to use a scrub twice a month, and carry out deep cleaning only if necessary.

There are several methods for cleaning pores that can be successfully used at home. The simplest and safest is the use of cleansing masks. They can be of several types. A gelatin film mask allows you to “pull out” dirt from your pores; it is especially good when you need to cleanse the pores on your nose. Egg helps to “close” pores and tighten the skin at the same time. The kaolin mask perfectly removes all impurities, smoothes the epithelium and gives the face a fresh tone and mattifies it. Cleansing pores with its help can be used at any age, even when caring for mature skin. A soda mask that acts as a scrub is considered quite effective. When you need to clear your nose of oily spots, this product is ideal. Oatmeal mask has a complex effect: cleanses, nourishes, balances. Read the article below for detailed recipes for each mask.

Second method - deep cleaning por. It is produced in several stages:

  1. Washing with special means: gel, foam, camphor soap cream.
  2. Steaming the face. During this procedure, the pores expand even more, the skin softens, which makes it possible to better cleanse the nose of acne, remove blackheads on the forehead, chin mechanically or otherwise. You can steam your face by bending over a container of hot liquid in which soda or a decoction of medicinal herbs is previously dissolved. The fire should be minimal, the escape of steam should be blocked by covering with a towel. Steaming lasts 10-15 minutes. If the skin is very sensitive, then it is better to steam it at home with compresses: dipping cloth napkin into a hot (in moderation) infusion or decoction of herbs, applying it to the face for a couple of minutes.
  3. Now it's time to move on to removing blackheads. Mechanical method, when they are simply squeezed out with your fingers, effective, but risky. When using it, it is important to maintain sterility so as not to spread the infection throughout the face. At home, it is better to choose a safer method: using a scrub or using a cleansing mask.
  4. After removing the mask after the required time (usually 10-20 minutes), the pores need to be narrowed. For this purpose, special masks and tonics are used at home. You can simply wipe your face with a piece of ice, a slice of lemon, juice from raw potatoes. After using a cleansing mask with egg white, lemon in acceptance additional measures There is no need to narrow the pores.
  5. The procedure is completed by applying a moisturizing and soothing cream. You can replace it with aloe gel or juice of this plant.

Third method - honey massage. It will appeal to those who are looking for a way to clean out the pores on their nose without purchasing a special patch. Honey is melted and applied to the nose and other problem areas. After five minutes, you need to touch the skin with your fingertips and sharply tear them off. A kind of vacuum is created and impurities are drawn out of the pores. All that remains is to wash your face and tighten the pores. The procedure is contraindicated for those who are allergic to bee products.

You can clear blackheads from your nose using a special patch. The adhesive substance applied to it begins to act upon contact with water and dissolves sebum. You need to wet your nose, stick a patch on it, and after a while remove it - all the dirt will remain on it. Cleaning the pores on your nose using this method is safe and painless.

How to maintain the effect for a long time

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to exclude fried, fatty, flour, sweet, smoked foods from your diet and start taking proper care of your face:

  1. Cleanse your face twice a day using cleansers, toners, and lotions.
  2. Do not overuse decorative cosmetics.
  3. Regularly use scrubs and cleansing masks, which are easy to make at home.

Masks for cleaning pores on the nose and face

To prepare cleansing masks, you can use proven recipes:

  • Gelatinous. Fill a bag of gelatin with three tablespoons of water or milk, heat in a water bath until completely dissolved, when it cools down, beat the egg white into the mixture. Apply the composition warm to the face, wait until it hardens, and remove from bottom to top. For greater effect, when dissolving gelatin, you can add a crushed tablet activated carbon. This homemade mask is no less effective than similar store-bought products.
  • Egg. The protein should be combined with the juice of one lemon, beat, and add a few drops of tea tree ether.
  • Oatmeal. Cereals you need to brew it with hot water or milk, wait until it swells, apply thickly to the face, wait a quarter of an hour, rinse.
  • Egg-oatmeal. A large spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with whipped egg whites and used as oatmeal.
  • Kaolin. White clay diluted with warm water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. For problem skin You can replace half of the white clay with blue. This mask is most often made at home.
  • Soda. Three teaspoons of soda should be mixed with one teaspoon of melted honey. Apply, lightly massaging. Before removal, you can perform a honey massage using the method described above.
  • Yagodnaya. Five strawberries or grapes need to be mashed and mixed with a teaspoon lemon juice, egg white. In addition, it is necessary to regularly wipe your face with tonics that tighten pores. Tonic can be replaced cucumber lotion or cucumber juice, citrus juice (you can just cut off a slice and wipe your face with it), potato juice. Good result Gives wiping the face with a piece of ice. It is better to freeze not just water, but birch sap, chamomile decoction, and calendula.

Deep cleaning of pores: advice from a cosmetologist

Blackheads on the face can cause acne. Clogged pores need to be cleaned. Pore ​​cleaning can be done at home. Preventive measures will not allow the pores to become clogged, and the effect after the procedure will last for a long time.
