Mineral water for the skin. Benefits of drinking water for skin

According to Ekaterina Komarova, a member of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, art director of the Moscow beauty salon Fashion Yard, mineral water, in addition to its main functions of quenching thirst and treating various diseases, can also serve as a cosmetic product for facial skin care.

Benefits of mineral water for the face

Mineral waters have been used in skin care for a long time. They have become especially popular in the last few years. Simultaneously with thermal water for the face in the form of sprays that appeared on the cosmetic market.

The composition of such waters is incredibly rich in its chemical composition. And each useful component is simply irreplaceable for our skin. Mineral water helps to soften, nourish and moisturize, has anti-allergic and immunostimulating, wound healing and bactericidal, tonic and lifting effect. Eliminates excess oiliness, tightens pores, evens out skin tone, prevents dryness and tightness, helps fight teenage acne and age-related changes in the form of mimic wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Error-free use

Mineral water for the face should be selected depending on the type of skin.

Mineral waters with a high salt content - "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Narzan" - are suitable for the care of oily and combination skin, as well as porous skin. They help to reduce the greasy shine on the skin and narrow its pores.

For those who have normal or dry skin, low-mineralized ground waters are better suited - "Holy Spring", "Golden Key", because, in addition to the toning effect, they also have a softening effect on the skin.

You can only use mineral water without gas, as carbon dioxide dries the skin and can cause irritation. Therefore, before using for cosmetic purposes, carbonated mineral water is left in an open container for 30-40 minutes.

We offer you several procedures using mineral water. You can choose for yourself mineral water for the face. By the way, it is quite possible that you can use all the recipes.

Ready-made recipes for some procedures

  1. Washing with mineral water. Dryness and flaking of the skin will be a thing of the past if you wash your face with mineral water every morning instead of chlorinated tap water. It will be useful to produce contrasting washes, alternating warm water with cold.
  2. Mineral ice. After washing, it is recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes made from mineral water (they are easy to make in an ice mold in the freezer). This contributes to the narrowing of pores, strengthening and contraction of facial muscles. This ice massage is an excellent workout for the muscles, they become stronger and better support the skin, which allows you to avoid wrinkles for longer.
  3. Mineral lotion. 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 200-250 ml of mineral water brought to a boil. Infuse the decoction in a sealed container for 20-30 minutes, then strain. Every time after washing, wipe the skin with lotion with mineral water. This lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. For oily and combination skin, chamomile, nettle or calendula are suitable, for dry and normal skin - mint and birch leaves.
  4. Find a fine spray bottle and fill it with mineral water that suits your skin type. During the day, you can irrigate your face with this water several times. This is good for the skin itself, especially during hot weather or in winter in battery-dry rooms. Also, the procedure helps to prolong the life of your makeup, which will hold better. And finally, fine sprays produce a micro-massage effect on the skin, which is surprisingly beneficial.
  5. Anti-aging mask. Mix a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of flour and 50 g of fresh yeast and dissolve in a glass of heated mineral water. Leave it warm for 3 hours, then stir everything well and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with plain water, rinse with mineral water, use your nourishing cream. You can do this mask every other day.
  6. Mask for normal skin. Pour a teaspoon of oatmeal with 50 ml of mineral water and add 4 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Infuse the composition for half an hour and distribute on the skin of the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, wash with running water, and finally with mineral water.
  7. Mask for dry skin. Mix a couple of tablespoons of honey with 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, pour in a little mineral water and apply a mask on your face. Keep it literally 7 minutes and wash off as described above.
  8. For oily skin. Grind a pinch of salt with 3 drops of lemon essential oil, then dissolve this mixture in 50 ml of mineral water. Add 8 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, the mask is also washed off with mineral water.

After a few days of application, you will be convinced that your efforts were not in vain!

Washing and toning the skin are one of the most important steps in skin care. Recently, mineral water for the face has been very popular for these purposes. Various types of this drink are suitable for oily, dry and combination skin. At home, it is quite possible to carry out care with the help of mineral water. It is able to easily cleanse pores, rejuvenate, soothe the epidermis after peeling. The magazine site tried to collect all the secrets of the use and proper selection of mineral water.

Benefits of mineral water for the face

The chemical composition of mineral water is incredibly rich in elements that are useful not only for the functioning of internal organs, but also for the epidermis.

The effect to be expected from care using mineral waters:

  • emollient;
  • lifting;
  • antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • matting;
  • immunostimulating;
  • narrowing of pores - for oily skin;
  • oxygen saturation.

Water will help in the rapid healing of small wounds and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Mineral water can be used by owners of both oily and dry skin. It is able to restore elasticity and eliminate the specific tightness of the epidermis. It has also been shown to be beneficial in the fight against acne.

Mineral components dissolved in water help fight skin imperfections.

  • Calcium - is responsible for the normal production of sebum, can relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations, maintains the skin in an elastic state.
  • Magnesium - necessary for the production of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the shape of an oval face. Helps heal wounds, abrasions, microcracks and cuts.
  • Potassium - gives smoothness to the skin, prevents dryness and flaking.
  • Fluoride - Helps heal wounds when present in small doses.

Mineral water for facial skin will benefit only when it is used not periodically, but regularly.

How to pick up water

There are two concepts: mineral and mineralized water. The first is a gift of nature, it initially contains active beneficial substances. It is mined in the natural environment and is often used in medicine. The second water is artificially created by man by adding various salts. It is easy to guess which one is more useful and effective. Of course, this is a natural mineral water, it can be used for all skin types and problems.

  • Teenagers and people with acne problems on the face will benefit from mineral water with a high salt content. They will help keep pores clean by regulating sebum production. If you need just such an effect, look for names such as Borjomi, Essentuki (17 and 4), Dolinskaya, Narzan, Semigorskaya on store shelves.
  • "Naftusya", "Morshinskaya" and "Truskavetskaya" waters are saturated with salts to a lesser extent. These products are perfect for aging and dry skin.
  • "Perrier" and "Evian" are French names for premium drinks. Regular washing of the face with mineral water of this type makes the skin supple and velvety.

To choose a quality product and avoid fakes, you need to pay attention to the information on the bottle label. The place of filling must match the location of the key. Cosmetologists and doctors advise choosing water in glass: it is more difficult to fake it.

You should not wipe your face with mineral water with gases, you must definitely open the bottle and keep it open for 40-60 minutes.

How to apply

The mineral water chosen according to all the rules for facial skin is added to various masks, creams, lotions, scrubs, washing gels. At all stages of skin care, this miraculous liquid can come in handy.

  • washing

To narrow pores, improve complexion, and remove makeup, moisten a cotton pad with mineral water. Further, in the direction of the massage lines on the face, make slightly pressing movements. The composition will be enriched with vitamins and other active ingredients if grape, rice, olive, rose, peach, lavender oils are added to it.

  • Mineral water ice

Ice perfectly tones and "invigorates" the skin in the morning. At the same time, over time, the number of wrinkles decreases, and the skin glows from the inside and acquires a healthy color. Ice cubes are easy to make using ice cube trays. They are filled with liquid and put to freeze in the freezer. Is it possible to enrich ice with other components? Of course, it can be essential oils of orange, jojoba, lavender, decoctions of chamomile, string and other useful plants.

So that the epidermis does not get used to changing temperatures, it is better to carry out the procedures in courses with breaks of one to two weeks.

Ice from mineral water is driven along the massage lines. Immediately after the procedure, a slight reddening of the skin of the face is noticed.

  • Lotion with mineral water

Mineral water can be used alone as a lotion or tonic. As a result, the face will look fresh. Capillaries will strengthen, the process of formation of new epidermal cells will accelerate. For the best effect, add cucumber juice. If there are problems with acne, then two drops of salicylic acid are dripped into the composition to wipe.

  • Spray in hot dry air

In hot weather, on an airplane or in a heated room, the skin needs moisture. Maintaining it with creams is difficult and sometimes uncomfortable.

For the procedure, any small spray bottle is suitable. It is good if it is small so that you can take it in your purse and use it as needed: on the beach, on the plane, in the office. Mineral water for the face from a spray bottle is sprayed into a small cloud, under which you need to put your face.

What face masks can be made with mineral water?

A mask for dry skin will relieve swelling, peeling, restore elasticity to the epidermis. Skin tone will become more even.

Cell renewal will go much faster if you regularly make a mask from the following components:

  • 10 ml of water ("Essentuki", "Perrier", "Semigorskaya" or any other);
  • 5-6 drops of tocopherol;
  • 10-12 g sour cream.

Whip sour cream with mineral water and add vitamin. Before applying the composition, you need to steam your face to open the pores. Keep the mask applied with a brush for about 20-40 minutes.

Moisturizing mask has antioxidant property. It will relieve not only toxins, but also peeling. Perfectly tones the capillaries.

For a beauty recipe, you need to take:

  • 10 g of Borjomi water;
  • 2 strawberries;
  • 10 g of starch;
  • 20 drops of grape oil.

Starch is mixed with berry puree, mineral water and moisturizing oil. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and other impurities. The mass is applied in an even layer. After half an hour, you can wash your face.

This is how mineral water is used for the face. Such care is carried out at home as easy as shelling pears, and the skin will be regularly saturated with oxygen and useful microelements.

By secret

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  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
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Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

The benefits of water for our body, health, skin beauty and weight loss are not in doubt, because a person is more than 80 percent water. Thanks to water, all processes in the body take place, metabolism proceeds, toxins and toxins are removed. What else is useful water, why and how much water you need to drink daily - our material.

The benefits of water for the body as a whole

Cleansing the body is perhaps the most important quality of water needed by the body. Slags, toxins, allergens, free radicals destroy our youth, beauty and health. Water is able to remove all harmful substances accumulated in the body. It helps in weight loss and natural renewal of the body. If you drink little water, then an excess of harmful substances accumulates in the body, which causes serious intoxication, all life processes slow down, health problems and excess weight arise, and the skin condition worsens. Pills, diets, chemical cosmetics - we are trying to solve our problems in very expensive and ineffective ways, although there is water, a product that alone can replace all these measures and return the body to normal.

Many people don't understand why we get fat when we don't have enough water. Everything is very simple. If there is not enough water, then a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the body that have not been excreted naturally. To protect our organs from their negative influence, the body creates a special barrier inside itself, consisting of water and fat. That is why, after procedures to cleanse the body of toxins, a person begins to rapidly lose weight, because it no longer makes sense for him to keep excess adipose tissue in himself. Cau note nutritionists, with the daily use of the required amount of water, you can lose up to 3 kilograms per month without diets and exercise. This is an experimentally proven fact! In addition to the above, pure water accelerates fat metabolism, and excess fat is not deposited in problem areas, but is burned. For information on how to drink water for weight loss and how much water you need to consume at a given weight, see the article. water diet where everything is detailed.

The benefits of water for the skin of the face and body

  • Water helps the skin of the face and body stay young. Aging of the skin, especially the skin of the face, the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, deterioration of skin tone are directly related to the lack of water. That is why there are so many home and cosmetic procedures associated with filling the skin with moisture. Experts note that in order to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, it is necessary to help the body in a complex way, from the inside and out, that is, drink enough water and do moisturizing face masks .
  • Water relieves swelling. Excess fluid accumulates in the body not at all due to the fact that you drink a lot, but on the contrary, that little fluid enters the body. Moreover, tea, coffee, and other drinks are perceived by the body not as water, but as food. As a result, if there is little clean water entering the cells, the body begins to accumulate water contaminated by the products of the body, which remains. As a result, there is swelling and lethargy of the skin, appear bags under the eyes. Therefore, the reviews and comments that people leave on the pages of the site, criticizing the consumption of water for edema, are extremely untenable. But, alas, this is a very common myth that is difficult to fight.

Health Benefits of Water

  • Water prevents the risk of a heart attack. With a lack of water, the blood begins to thicken. In order to "pump" thick blood, the heart begins to work actively. This leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle - the main cause of a heart attack. It is for this reason that athletes. those experiencing high stress on the cardiovascular system are advised to drink more water. If you want to have a healthy heart and vascular system, make it a rule to drink up to 2 liters of pure mineral water daily (in summer this amount increases to 3 liters or more).
  • Water improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because the work of the intestines directly depends on the incoming fluid. With a sufficient amount of water in the body, more toxins are excreted through the intestines. With a lack of water, on the contrary, constipation occurs, and "waste" enters the bloodstream. Plus digestion also depends on water. To improve digestion, you need to drink at least a glass of clean water 30 minutes before eating and an hour after.
  • Water preserves the nervous system. In order for the body to work normally, about 2 liters of water are spent on its functioning. Fluid deficiency leads to a slowdown in the work of all organs and systems. This, of course, affects the general condition - fatigue, irritability and general nervousness increase. Drink more water, take care of your nerves.
  • Water protects against colds. Lack of fluid in the body leads to dehydration, which reduces the protective functions of the body, so you start to get sick much more often. Water also has an antipyretic effect and removes all the toxins that have accumulated in the body during illness. After treatment, especially with antibiotics, it is also advised to drink more fluids for the same reason.

By answering this question, we will thereby answer one of the main questions related to facial skin care.

Everyone knows that the most common means to maintain cleanliness of the skin is water. However, not everyone knows that the effect of water on the skin depends both on the temperature and chemical composition of the water, and on the condition of the skin itself.

The skin of the face is continuously exposed to various environmental stimuli. The different degree of perception of external stimuli by normal skin depends on the general condition of the body, its nervous system, etc. This explains, for example, that sometimes the skin may temporarily not tolerate water, soap and other hygiene products. Therefore, individual methods of facial skin care should change in accordance with its state at the moment.

As practice shows, water cannot be considered a non-irritating agent for the skin. Water containing a significant amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, the so-called hard water, is harmful not only to the face, but also to the hands. With prolonged use, it dries out the skin, especially dry, thin and sensitive facial skin, makes it rough, flaky and often causes inflammation. To eliminate the irritating effect of hard water, it must be softened. This is achieved primarily by its prolonged boiling.

You can also soften hard water by adding one of the following three products to 1 liter of water: 1) 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda; 2) 1/2 teaspoon of borax; 3) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin (for oily skin). It is best to use rain or snow water, which does not contain irritating substances - the so-called soft water, after which the skin feels especially velvety.

With increased skin sensitivity to water, boiled water should be used in half with milk (temperature 24-25 ° C).

Skin that is irritated, inflamed, or flaky often cannot tolerate water at all. In this case, it is necessary to completely abandon washing with water for the duration of the disease, especially in the morning, before going outside, and in the evening apply warm vegetable oil, removing it with a solution of tea, or a special lotion.

In the morning, 30-40 minutes before going outside, it is recommended to refresh the skin with a liquid emulsion or oily cream applied to a cotton swab. This method of healing sensitive skin quickly restores its elasticity.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

The temperature of the water plays an extremely important role when washing your face. This question is so important that, in addition to the general provisions given in this section, the next two sections are devoted to the effect of cold and hot water on the skin of the face.

The constant use of cold water impairs skin nutrition, causing temporary vasoconstriction and reducing blood supply, just as hot water, with prolonged use, causes a persistent expansion of the surface vessels of the skin and weakens their walls, which leads to loss of skin elasticity.

You should wash your face not with hot or cold water, but with water at room temperature (24-25 ° C). (If you measure the temperature of the water 2-3 times with a thermometer, then in the future the skin of the face itself will accurately tell you the desired temperature.)

Every woman can wash her face with water at room temperature, regardless of age, skin properties and season. Such water is very pleasant for the skin, and even abundant washing with it does not cause an unpleasant feeling of deep cooling, which occurs when washing with cold water.

Water at room temperature causes a short-term constriction of blood vessels, followed by a prolonged expansion of them. This promotes a rush of blood to the skin, which is exactly what is needed to improve its nutrition.

It is useful sometimes to wash with warm water alternately with cool, causing contrast irritation. A rapid change in temperature has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, on the nerve endings of the skin and is a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels, providing good nutrition to the skin.

The denser the skin and the deeper the blood vessels are located in it, the more often washing with contrast temperature water can be used. In this case, the procedure should be ended with water at room temperature, cool or cold.

So, the most reasonable thing is to wash your face with water at room temperature, soft (rain, snow) or softened by boiling or adding borax, soda.

The effect of cold water on the skin of the face. Here is what he writes about the effect produced on the skin by constant washing with cold water, prof. M. A. Rozentul: “Cold water, when exposed to the skin, causes an outflow of blood from the superficial vessels and leads to exsanguination of the skin, to a narrowing of its vessels. The latter, in turn, causes a delay in the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands and a decrease in the release of fat and sweat on the surface of the skin, which contributes to the loss of skin elasticity, causing dryness and flabbiness of the skin.

This opinion of a prominent dermatologist is confirmed by practical observations. If you constantly wash the skin of the face with cold water, it develops first of all its pallor, then dryness, lethargy and, finally, wrinkling. Women often notice this too late.

The desire to harden the skin of the face and equate it in all respects with the skin of the body is unjustified. After all, the face is already constantly under the influence of the external environment and its contrasts. Cold water hardens the body and our entire body, however, with constant use, it often causes damage to the skin of the face, contributing to its premature aging.

With dry skin, when the secretion of fat by the glands is already limited, the use of cold water, even without soap, further inhibits sebum secretion. Skin that is prone to dryness also cannot withstand prolonged washing with cold water and begins to peel off, even in young people.

From the foregoing, it is clear why in winter and spring it is not advisable to wash your face in the morning with cold water. This applies not only to dry or sensitive skin, but also to normal. Low air temperature outside cools and dries the skin, so you should not increase its hypothermia, which leads to irritation or frostbite.

By the way, a slight frostbite of the face, especially the cheeks and the tip of the nose, at - 15-20 ° C, women rarely notice, but it turns out later, in a beauty parlor. As a result, recommendations on this issue by many Western European experts are not always acceptable for our climate.

In the cold season, you can use water at room temperature to refresh your face in the morning. This rinsing of the face and neck, followed by the application of a greasy cream to a wet face, should be done 40 minutes before going outside (from the moment moisture and excess cream are removed from the face).

Thanks to proper care, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, its resistance to any meteorological factors increases; With such care, peeling of the skin is completely eliminated and dryness of the skin is significantly reduced.

In the warm season or in areas with a warm climate, the use of cold water in the morning (you can even add a piece of ice to it) refreshes and strengthens any skin, since after washing under the influence of warm air, blood flow increases.

Washing with cold water or applying ice in the evening before going to bed is not recommended, as this can cause unwanted arousal and disrupt sleep. For the same reason, it is better to transfer to the morning and contrast washing.

The effect of hot water on the skin of the face. It is known that water somewhat degreases and dries the skin. This effect is enhanced by washing the face with hot water and soap.

It would seem that in this case, with oily skin, hot water should be used for washing, because it cleanses the face well, washing away fatty layers from its surface along with particles of dust that have fallen on them.

However, daily washing with hot water leads to the expansion of superficial blood vessels, to stagnation of blood in the skin, which, in turn, can cause unpleasant redness of the skin of the nose, cheeks, etc. In addition, hot water helps to relax the superficial skin muscles, which in turn further causes flabbiness of the skin and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

Hot water not only mechanically washes away dirt, but at the same time expands the pores, lowers the skin's resistance. Therefore, it is quite enough to wash your face with hot water once a week, in the evening, after which you must certainly rinse it with cool water.

Practice shows that special evening washing has a good effect on oily skin. In this case, boiled warm water (not higher than 30 ° C) and neutral soap should be used. The most suitable in this case is a soapy shaving cream.

After washing, the face is rinsed with acidified or slightly salted cold water or water at room temperature. You can also carry out contrast washing, i.e. alternate warm water with cool water several times, starting and ending this procedure always with cool water.

If the skin is very oily, rough, with large pores, then the duration of the contrast wash can be increased by applying cool water, but this should be done gradually so that it is pleasant for the skin. This procedure can be used not only as a means of cleansing the skin, but also for treatment. In the latter case, such washing is performed within 10-15 days, preferably in the morning or one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

Note : Washing with hot water is contraindicated for those who have dilated capillaries on their skin; this also applies to sharp contrast washes.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the systematic use of hot water, as well as cold water, is harmful to the skin. So, oily skin can be washed with hot water only once a week for no more than 1-2 months. Then, instead of hot water, warm water (temperature not higher than 35 ° C) is recommended, followed by washing with cool water. For any face wash, softened or, even better, soft water at room temperature is used.

Washing with warm water (35°C) calms the nervous system, relieves muscle tension in the skin, prepares the body for sleep well, but we must not forget that abuse, prolonged use of warm water is not recommended for anyone. Its use must be driven by necessity.

Human skin performs the function of protecting internal organs and the body from manifestations of the external environment. It does not let harmful and dangerous substances into the body, protects it from damage, taking the impact on itself, and also performs a significant part of the metabolism of the whole organism. The very structure of the skin provides for the implementation of these tasks.

Skin is a durable, elastic spacesuit in which our body is dressed. It protects the body from wind and cold, reacts to pain and external stimuli. The sebaceous glands allow you to maintain the skin in the right condition, nourishing it naturally. This is what sometimes gives us a lot of problems from an aesthetic point of view.

Healthy and clean skin without inflammation indicates that its owner is clean, healthy and takes care of himself and his body.

The skin is a silent recommendation or negative characteristic on a subconscious level. People around make a conclusion about a person in the first 10 seconds of eye contact, including smell. Therefore, to ensure competitiveness, both sexes carefully monitor themselves and strive to bring the skin into proper form.

It happens that the measures taken do not give the desired effect. Often the cause of pale and flaccid skin lies in the lack of water or the quality of the fluid consumed. The conditions of a modern metropolis with an abundance of factories and machines provide another factor in an unhealthy complexion - air. But still water is one of the main sources of trouble.

How can water affect the skin from the negative side?

It is not the water itself that is harmful to the skin, but all the chemicals it contains. These are, first of all, chlorine and its derivatives, molybdenum and insoluble calcium salts.

Chlorine is an odorous poisonous gas that effectively destroys any organic matter. That is why it is used to disinfect drinking tap water. Before the use of chlorine, more than half a century ago, water spread an infectious epidemic. Now the usual bleach continues to destroy organic matter, causing dry skin, violation of the integrity of the fat layer, brittle hair and other troubles. Organochlorine compounds can cause cancer.

Salts of calcium and magnesium (remember scale?) settle on the skin, causing dermatitis and irritation. Even selenium works in a similar way.

As a result, the usual urban bleach is extremely unpleasant for the skin and the body as a whole. To take care of your health, you should start with water. Buying water for washing in large quantities is quite expensive, so the alternative is to use modern water purification systems. This is not one household filter, but a whole system that purifies water from many impurities.
