Educational game for children 2 3. Game “Do as I do”

Elizaveta Ananyeva

Temnikovsky kindergarten combined type"The Golden Cockerel"

Educator: Ananyeva E. I.

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old.

This year I sent my children to school. After vacation I was temporarily assigned to work at nursery group. Of course, without working with such children, the methodology, compared to preschoolers aged 3-7 years, is slightly different, and accordingly the games should be less complex. I didn’t want to be in charge of someone else’s group, so I decided to come up with my own games.

I went to my group, looked at the masks that were available and came up with ideas based on them.

I'll be recruiting in September new group. And these will be children 3 years old. Of course, I will gradually make all the games more difficult, but that will come later. In the meantime, I present these games for your consideration.

1.P/i “Vitamins” (For children 2-3 years old).

Goal: To teach children to catch up with the selected child, touching him with their hand, and stand in a circle with him.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, wearing vitamin masks in the center of the circle.

The teacher says:

“We love vitamins “A” (B, D, C) very much,

And we will all be friends with him.

We won't let you out of the circle,

Choose a friend quickly.

Vitamin A (B, D, C) chooses a child, dances with him and stands in a circle around him. This is what other children do with vitamin masks.

When all the “Vitamins” are in a circle with the children, the teacher says the final words of the game:

“Vitamins are our friends; we can’t live without them.”

2. P/n “Come on, Mishka, catch up!” (For children 2-3 years old).

Goal: to teach children to quickly sit on chairs and not push other children.

Progress of the game:

The teacher in a bear mask covers his eyes with his hands, the children come up to him and say: “Misha, Mishenka, wake up and try, catch up.”

The driver opens his eyes, imitates the movements of a clubfooted bear and says:

“Everyone, leave the forest,

Run quickly to the houses"

3.P/i “The Fox and the Bunnies” (For children 2-3 years old).

Goal: to teach children to walk in a circle, holding hands, and quickly run away from the driver.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, and the fox (teacher) is in the center of the circle.

Children walk in a circle saying:

“If you catch up with us, you cheat, we’ll run very smartly.

If you catch someone, you hug them very tightly.

1-2-3- catch up.” Children run away different directions, and the driver catches up.

Having caught the child, the teacher hugs him.

4. P/i “Owl - owl - big head» (For 2-3 years)

Goal: to teach children to act according to the rules of the game; quickly sit on the chairs.

Progress of the game:

The owl (child) closes its eyes (sleeps).

A teacher with children (mice) approach the “sleeping” owl with the words:

“Owl - owl, big head,

It flies at night and falls asleep during the day.

Whoever wakes him up will feel bad.”

The owl wakes up and flies after the children (mice).

P/i “Sun” (For 2-3 years)

The purpose of the game: to teach children to walk in one direction, not to disturb another child, listen carefully to the teacher and perform the movements of the game.

Progress of the game:

Children walk around the entire hall (room) and perform the movements that they hear in the teacher’s text:

“The sun warm us, the sun warm us (hands raised up,

Our feet will stomp (feet will stomp).

Our hands will begin to clap (Clap their hands).

And then we will jump (jump up,

Move your body quickly (make turns).

Our cheeks will turn red (touch the cheeks,

Our eyes will lighten (show eyes).

We will always be smart

And never cry.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for educators “Outdoor games in children’s development preschool age» Anastasia Svinukhova Consultation for educators “Mobile.

Consultation for educators “Outdoor games in the development of preschool children” Consultation for educators “Outdoor games in the development of preschool children” Serguta Gulnara Timerbaevna Funny outdoor games.

Consultation for parents “Active recreational games for preschool children” Thanks to physical exercise The human body develops and improves. Their deficiency negatively affects not only the musculoskeletal system.

Outdoor games for children 3–4 years old. Who will catch it? OBJECTIVES: develop dexterity. MATERIAL: A cord is attached to the fishing rod, at the end of which there is a fish. PROGRESS OF THE GAME: An adult moves a fishing rod.

Bunnies Objectives: teach jumping on the spot, create an emotional mood for children to play. PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children stand in a circle, one in the center. Adult.

Outdoor games for children 3–4 years old (continued) Moth OBJECTIVES: develop the ability to move beautifully and smoothly. MATERIAL: Bright net. PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The adult sings, and the child pretends to be a moth.

Starting from the age of 2, kids switch interest from exploring their potential to the outside world. They carefully observe what happens around them and remember everything, so the period from 2 to 3 years is a crucial stage in their life, and the selection of activities and games for them must be very careful. Playing with them is now exciting and fun because of their comments and especially the questions they ask. While not yet speaking very clearly, the kids still try to communicate, chat, trying to express their thoughts verbally. The little ones already know how to do a lot of things and are learning every minute, learning something new and improving their experience.

For successful assimilation baby new information and experience, it should be practiced regularly. However, at 2-3 years old children are restless and unfocused. They cannot be forced to do anything they don't like. This is why a child's education should be carried out in a fun, in a comic form, the most understandable for him. Educational games for children 2-3 years old serve this purpose. There are a huge variety of different types of them: cognitive, logical, for memory formation.

Educational games are activities aimed at developing the vocabulary and speech skills of children, the development of their intelligence, and the evolution of fine motor skills and all other qualities. Such games will help your child start learning almost from the very first days. It is important that parents devote maximum time and attention to the baby. It is important to choose the right types of educational games in accordance with the age of the children. If the conditions of the game are too difficult, designed for older children, or, conversely, uninteresting, intended for younger children, the child will become uninterested and will not want to play.

Formation of speech skills

At this age, children develop a variety of patterns of action and behavior. Two year old baby possible:

  • depict the sounds or habits of some animals;
  • imitate someone close to you.

It is at 2-3 years that a breakthrough in the development of speech occurs. To express his desires and thoughts, a child needs to accumulate a large vocabulary. Parents should help him with this by naming surrounding objects and actions performed with them.

Practicing correct breathing and articulation will help you learn to speak in coherent sentences. Almost all little ones like nursery rhymes and counting rhymes, rhythmic and rhyming, which many parents often learn with their children. When communicating with a baby, you should not use difficult-to-pronounce words that will remain incomprehensible to him; you need to monitor the correct pronunciation and stress in words, and kindly correct inaccuracies. It is advisable to communicate with your child as an equal, then he will better learn the meaning of new words and expand his vocabulary.

Children at this age enjoy watching puppet shows, which can be organized without professionally made dolls, with improvised toys that are at home and are familiar to children. Theatrical performances in game form can be arranged when teaching the baby everyday behavior: at lunch, in the process hygiene procedures, while helping my mother clean the room.

Kids get great pleasure from role playing games with peers or adults. Girls love to dress and comb dolls' hair, treat their favorite hares or bears, buy food in stores, copying their mother's actions. Completely different games for 2-3 year old boys: educational toys include cars, blocks used to build a garage, and a simple construction set.

Already at this age, you can engage with children in asking simple, preferably rhyming, riddles, and together with them look for answers. They will be interested in thinking. Such games for 2-3 year old children will develop not only speech, but also intelligence, attention and imagination.

The benefits of finger games

Finger games promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands and, accompanied by poems and nursery rhymes, children like and entertain them. Great joy provide such educational entertainment with older brothers or sisters, and often become a favorite game.

The most popular and widespread in our country is the “Magpie-Crow”. There are many other finger activities, for example, about geese, bears, bees, spiders. Behind Active participation During the game you should praise the baby.

The benefit is to improve the muscles of the child’s palms and fingers. In the future, this will give kids the opportunity to control their brushes and fingers in the process of drawing and writing. For development tactile sensations, the guys are provided in the game a large number of items from different texture and texture: prickly rugs, rough balls, soft fluffy toys, which give the baby a different impression to the touch - than more difference, the more effective the result.

Sandbox games are very useful:

  • the construction of palaces and castles affects the development of imagination;
  • “baking” shortbread “pies” teaches you to recognize the shape of objects;
  • sand massages the fingertips and palms;
  • Communication in the sandbox with children promotes the development of communication skills.

Games to develop logic and thinking

A 2-3 year old child can already become familiar with basic mathematical concepts if he follows special approach and select games that may interest the little one. For these games you will need a special didactic material: a variety of colorful leaves depicting numbers and geometric shapes. You can also stock up on individual pictures for boys and girls: boys like cars, and girls are attracted to dolls.

To give your child an idea of ​​the first numbers, you should regularly count the surrounding objects with him: fruit in a vase on the table, pencils, cubes or stair steps. In order to improve logic and intelligence, accuracy and concentration, it is recommended to use bright, colorful picture books and puzzles. A baby at this age is able to assemble a pyramid and perform compound actions that include several simple movements. For development to be complete, it is necessary to communicate with him regularly, explain and comment on his actions, praise, encourage, and support.

Games to develop creativity

At 2-3 years old, a child can already learn a lot on his own, provided that the parents are patient.

You can start teaching your baby:

  • coloring different colors graphically drawn colorless pictures;
  • drawing with pencil and paints;
  • cutting out simple designs from paper;
  • production of simple paper and cardboard small works.

Educational games for 2-3 years old are carried out exclusively by adults, under their guidance and control. Parents or educators must explain and show the child in detail the sequence of making each craft. At first, a two-year-old baby performs only simple operations: he can color large drawings, glue the figures cut out by adults.

During this period, it is already clear who the baby will later be - left-handed or right-handed. In no case should you force him to draw with the other hand: this can forever discourage the child from creating. It is important to praise the baby, even if his masterpiece is not very successful and it is not clear what is shown in the picture. Next time he will try even better, and he will succeed.

Educational games for children 2-3 years old require adult supervision. They should help the child, show him the algorithm of actions, praise the baby, even if he doesn’t do it very well right away. It is necessary to choose games that will bring pleasure to the child, then he will better learn new concepts and words. Educational games expand children's vocabulary, develop fine motor skills, and contribute to the development of logic and intelligence.

Now, it turns out, the age from 2 years is next, so about him we'll talk In this article.

In my opinion, this age is very interesting; games with a child are becoming increasingly important. new level. If we talk about Taisiya, then at the age of 2 her perseverance somehow sharply increased, she became able to do more painstaking work, and also developed a huge passion for construction and creation (blocks became her favorite toy). Therefore, at this time, many new activities appeared in our “game repertoire”, which will be discussed in this article. Or rather, only the first half of the games is presented here, but here is the second:

So, what can you play with a 2-year-old child (most of these games can be made at home with your own hands):

It is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech formation, and on development in general. So, for example, earlier in our games we paid Special attention on, etc. Now is the time to master another new action - winding a thread. Winder games are designed to teach your baby to better coordinate the movements of both hands.

During this game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

To increase the child's interest in playing, you can attach a small soft toy to the end of the tape. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It is very exciting!

Taisiya loved this activity very much, she could toss and toss for a long time, and this despite the fact that at first I didn’t even think of the idea of ​​tying a toy at the end. I notice such enthusiasm in my daughter every time she masters some new practical skill. As if he feels that he will need it in life

2. Making soap foam

Prepare a whisk for the game. Then, together with your child, pour water into a bowl and add a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get a rich foam by whisking vigorously. Usually kids are simply fascinated by this educational game, it’s almost like a magic trick - water turns into foam

Having played enough with the whisk, my daughter and I, as a rule, start inflating soap bubbles through a tube. Usually, for the first time, it is difficult for kids to understand that they should not drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you have never tried to create a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure your baby doesn't drink water. And only then move on to playing with soapy water. In this case, the bubbles are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

3. Playing with sensory boxes

4. Learning to organize objects, focusing on color and size at the same time

My daughter and I often included games with clothespins and tweezers in our games. So, for example, during our tea parties with toys, along with other plastic food - cakes and vegetables - we used pieces of foam rubber as cookies, and beads as candies. Naturally, we laid out food for everyone depending on color preferences everyone (Bear loves only red candies, and the bunny only loves blue ones, etc.).

Tweezers can be used either regular or special children's. It's bigger, they won't be able to transfer beads, but they'll fit well with it fruits from the same company. Learning Resources has other fun tools for improving fine motor skills, For example.

Needless to say, games with clothespins and tweezers wonderfully develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone tool skills.

7. Finding objects in the bag by touch

Take a few small items, differing in shape and texture. For example, you can take a pine cone, a ping-pong ball, Kinder Surprise toys, a hard metal sponge, a spool of thread, etc. You can even use real fruits and vegetables! (But you shouldn’t take too many items at once! For the first time, 5-6 pieces are enough) Together with your baby, put all the items in an opaque bag, carefully examining and feeling everything. Then agree that you will guess the items in the bag without looking into it. The game options are as follows (in order of increasing difficulty):

  • we pick up the first object we come across and, without taking it out of the bag, guess what it is;
  • We show the child a similar object and ask “Find the same one in the bag”;
  • without looking, we look for it in the bag specific item(for example, shishiku);
  • We give tasks like “Find something round/rough/small in the bag.”

To complicate the game you can add it to the bag geometric shapes, For example, Dienesha blocks (Ozon, KoroBoom), and try to guess them by touch.

For a variety of tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around us, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in shell (5 pieces of each type). We played with walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and peanuts.

What can you do with them? Firstly, nuts can also be used in, giving toys nuts, while pronouncing and remembering their names.

Secondly, you can sort nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya the doll loves walnuts, and Olya is peanuts).

Thirdly, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and remove them from the bag by touch, as in the previous game.

9. Playing with a knocker

There are two types of knockers on sale. Knockers with balls (KoroBoom, My-shop), as a rule, do not require significant effort from the child; it is enough to hit the ball once for it to fall through. You can introduce this educational toy to your baby as early as one year of age.

Knockers with nails (Ozon, My-shop, Babadu) require much more clarity of movements, endurance, and concentration from the child, because in order to hammer a nail, you need to hit it repeatedly. And the carnations no longer move out of place as easily as the balls. Therefore, if you have not yet tried to play with such a knocker, then be sure to try it, your child will find it interesting.

Taisiya and I liked to hammer in nails in turns: one for her, one for me, etc.

10. Assemble the matryoshka doll by matching the pattern on its parts.

The usefulness of this time-tested toy can hardly be overestimated; it combines a whole complex of logical and motor games: the child learns to identify parts that are suitable in size, rank them by size, learns to open and close matryoshka (Labyrinth, My-shop, Daughters & sons).

If the baby is already well accustomed to selecting halves by size, then it’s time to draw his attention to the pattern on the nesting doll outfit and explain that the pattern on the two halves does not always match. Teach your child to combine the pattern on the matryoshka doll by rotating the halves.

Naturally, depending on the design on the matryoshka doll, this task may vary in complexity. Some drawings are not too clear for a child. In addition, many nesting dolls are very difficult to turn, and in this case the task of selecting a pattern becomes beyond the capabilities of the baby. Therefore, if you do not yet have a nesting doll, consider these factors when purchasing.

11. We assemble puzzles from 4-20 parts

And, of course, don’t forget about puzzles (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop). All children develop differently, some show great interest in puzzles and can spend a long time putting together pictures from a considerable number of parts, while others don’t really want to assemble even 4 parts. Focus on the child and give him a feasible task, don’t overdo it.

As for Taisiya, at this age she collected puzzles from 4-12 parts (with my help). It must be said that by the age of 2, her interest in puzzles had faded significantly compared to the passion that she had at 1.5 years.

That's all for now. Be sure to read the continuation:

March 28th, 2011

When choosing games for a holiday designed for children aged 2-3 years, special emphasis should be placed on the development of coordination of movements, including fine motor skills. Also note that at this age very quickly development is underway speech and the number of words used increases sharply, imagination begins to form. While playing, it is good to expand a child’s horizons, increase vocabulary, develop speech and memory.

Here are some suitable games:

    1. Loaf (round dance)

    Calm and active game. Teaches children to walk in a circle and perform movements together in accordance with the text. Develops coordination of movements, reinforces the concepts of “high - low” and “wide - narrow”. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    This is a widely known round dance game. They usually play on name days, but you can just play because it’s fun.

    Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle. Then they dance around the birthday boy with a song:

    As on _(name)_ name day

    We baked a loaf

    This is the width (the circle expands as far as your hands allow)

    This is the kind of dinner (the circle narrows, everyone stands as close as possible and hands forward)

    This height is like this (the circle diverges a little, and everyone raises their hands up)

    This is the kind of low place (everyone squats down, hands to the floor)

    Loaf, loaf,

    Whoever you want, choose. (we do a round dance again)

    Of course I love everyone

    And _(other player's name)_ is the most!

    After that, everyone hugs the selected player, he stands in a circle, and the game starts from the beginning.

    1. Train

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements. Teaches children to listen to verbal signals and perform given actions. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The game is especially good because it gives restless kids the opportunity to run through all the rooms.

    The presenter announces: “We are turning into a train. I am a locomotive, and who are you?” The guys answer: “cars” (we prompt you if the pause is too long). The leader stands in front, and the kids follow him in single file. Accompanied by cheerful comments from the host and/or music, the train starts and travels through the rooms. From time to time the presenter announces the station, and its name is unusual: “Jumping”, which means that everyone here jumps, whoever is higher. Selfless jumping begins. The leader commands: “Let’s go” and the journey continues. The stations replace one another: “Khokhotalkino”, “Kruzhilkino”, “Obnimalkino” and others that your imagination tells you. You can also make the movement more difficult: speed up, slow down, goose-step, or crawl under obstacles.

    1. Nest

    "Flickering" game. Teaches children to run without bumping into each other, to start and end the game on a signal. Develops coordination of movements and attentiveness. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    A game in which children and their parents participate. The presenter becomes an owl, and the parents take on the roles of trees, freezing in different poses corresponding to the character or external signs one tree or another. The guys pretend to be animals, butterflies, birds and sit under the trees. Each of them has its own nest. At the command of the presenter: “The day comes - everything comes to life!” – the players run around the playground, pretending to be bugs, butterflies, birds, and animals. The “owl” is sleeping at this time, i.e. sits with his eyes closed. When the leader commands: “Night comes - everything freezes!”, all children should immediately return to their nests and freeze, hiding. Trees make sure that only their inhabitants are hiding under them. The “owl” at this moment “flies out to hunt.” She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and takes the guilty ones into her circle. They become “owls”, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out to hunt” together. Then the game can be complicated: after the command “The day comes - everything comes to life!” the trees also move, change places and change poses. Now the guys need to be very careful not to lose their nests.

    1. Find the color

    Quiet game. Develops color perception, observation. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    A very simple, but exciting and fun game. Good for the start of the holiday.

    The presenter names a color. Children must find this color in their friends’ clothes or things and touch it.

    1. Who says what?

    Quiet game. Develops speech, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    To each player in turn, the presenter names an animal, and the children must say how this animal speaks. Then the presenter names onomatopoeic words, and the children need to answer who or what can speak or sound like that. Remember that there are possible answers.

    1. Big small

    Quiet game. Develops logic, coordination of movements, reinforces the concept of “big - small”. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The presenter names objects and animals. If the object is large, children raise their hands up and stand on their toes, and if it is small, they squat and cup their hands.

    1. Accurate shooter

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements and accuracy. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    Props required are a large basin and a ball. Children take turns trying to hit the ball with the ball.

    1. Sun

    Calm-active team game. Develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    For this game you will need two larger sheets of paper (for example, A3 or Whatman paper), on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and a couple of felt-tip pens (or crayons, if it happens outside). Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of its future drawing, a few meters from the sheets, after which each member in turn runs up and draws a ray of sunshine. The team that is the fastest to draw as many rays of the sun as there are guys in the team wins.

    1. On a flat path

    Calm and active game. Develops coordination of movements. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The game is a warm-up. Children sit on ottomans, chairs, carpet, etc. The presenter offers to travel a little. Children stand one after another in a chain and move, listening to the words:

    On a level path, on a level path,

    One two Three!

    One two Three!

    (You need to repeat this several times. At this time, everyone walks calmly.)

    Over the hills, over the bumps,

    Over the hills, over the bumps,

    One two Three!

    One two Three!

    (Children jump on two legs)

    In the hole - bang!

    (Everyone squats)

    We got out of the hole! Wow!

    (The children straighten up and also say: “Wow!”)

    Everything is repeated several times. At the end of the game there is a rhyme:

    We trampled the paths,

    Our legs are tired

    Let's go back to the house

    Where we live!

    (And everyone runs to the places where they sat at the beginning of the game).

    1. Dragon's Lair

    Both toddlers and older children enjoy playing this game.

    The leader is the "dragon". He lies in his “den” - a circle drawn on the floor or lined with tape, and sleeps. Children crawl around, sometimes touching the dragon, teasing it. At some point, the dragon jumps up and rushes after the children. They try to escape to their house - a pre-agreed place where the dragon does not touch them. The role of the dragon is best played by an adult who can make sure that all the children have time to run for cover in time.

    1. What did Pavlusha wash?

    A calm game to develop logic and expand your vocabulary. Suitable for indoor and outdoor

    The presenter recites a poem:

    Pavlusha says: “I will

    Wash the dishes with mom!"

    Now listen

    What did Pavlusha wash?

    And each child in turn must name something from the dishes. You can come up with a lot of similar games.

    1. Little frogs

    Active game. Develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    A simple fun game that gives children great pleasure.

    Mark two lines closer to the opposite walls of the room. The distance between them should be 5-7m (depending on the age of the children). The place behind the lines is the shore of the swamp where little frogs live. At the beginning of the game, everyone squats down at one line and, overtaking each other, tries to jump to the opposite line. When jumping, children should croak desperately. The one who stumbled and fell starts over. Not only those who jump well win, but also those who croak well.

    1. Baba sowed peas

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements and the ability to dance improvisation. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    Dance improvisation, which will require musical accompaniment. A repetitive game that begins with a calm rhythm and ends with a dashing dance. The children and the leader hold hands, jump in place and repeat:

    The woman was sowing peas, jump-jump, jump-jump!

    The ceiling has collapsed (everyone sits on the floor), jump-jump, jump-jump (everyone jumps)!

    The woman walked, walked, walked (the presenter shows how she shifts from foot to foot, everyone repeats)

    I found the pie (everyone bends down together, straightens up and raises their hands up, making fun of the woman’s joy),

    She sat down, ate, walked again (squatted, stood up, walked swaying)

    Baba stood on her toes (stand on her toes),

    And then on the heel (stand on the heels),

    She began to dance in Russian (they turn to the neighbor on the left and right, dancing rhythmically),

    And then squat! (everyone dances, the brighter the improvisation, the better).

    The best dancers are awarded.

    1. Mice, hide in the hole

    Active game. Develops coordination of movements.

    To play, you need to stretch a rope between two chairs and hang a bell from it. The game is that children, pretending to be mice, must, at the command of the leader: “Mice, hide in the hole,” crawl under the rope without touching it. The “mice” that hit the rope must go back and crawl again.

    1. Stroke

    A calm game to develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and imagination. Suitable for home.

    The presenter prepares objects of various shapes for the game (a jar lid, a small book, construction kit parts, bottles different forms etc.). Each child chooses an object. After this, the presenter gives the task - to outline it with a pencil, and then tell what the outline looks like. For example, a circle may look like a sun, a face, etc. Then the children, with the help of adults, complete the pictures. You can trace your palm (and turn it into a hedgehog, ghost, etc.)

    1. What is inside

    A calm game to develop logic and broaden your horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor

    The presenter names an object (for example, a closet, a refrigerator, a nest, etc.), and the players take turns saying what might be inside. Those who find it difficult move to the end of the chain of respondents (options: drop out of the game or complete some task).

    1. Magic bag

    A calm game to develop fine motor skills, tactile sensations, and logic. Suitable for home

    The presenter shows the things or toys that he puts in the bag. At the same time, he pronounces the name of each toy and draws the children’s attention to its features. Then the children take turns feeling the object inside the bag, trying to determine what it is. It is important that among the objects there are no identical ones in shape and texture.

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old


outdoor play is an exciting, emotionally rich activity for a child in compliance with certain rules.

difficult to overestimate. During active movement, breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body are activated. In addition, outdoor games, speed of reaction and attention, train strength and endurance, relieve impulsiveness.

During these games, kids learn to obey general rules and act in a team; They develop and develop such qualities as honesty, justice, discipline, develop a sense of empathy and develop a desire to help each other.

in the third year, children already walk, run, crawl and climb relatively well, so motor content for this age is based on these movements.

the same game can be played several times in a row (up to 5 times), depending on the mood of the children and the nature of the motor tasks. the total duration of outdoor games is approximately 10-15 minutes.

sunny bunny

take a lantern and show your child how it makes a picture appear on the wall. yellow spot: “This is a sunbeam.” Invite your child to catch the “bunny” with his palms. if the “bunny” ends up on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

the runners are jumping
we call them - they don’t come,
were here - and they are not here.
jump, jump around the corners,
were there - and they are not there.
where are the bunnies? gone,
We didn't find them anywhere.
(A. Brodsky)

near the bear in the forest

This game requires the participation of two adults. The “bear” (one of the adults) is sitting on a chair in the corner of the room and “sleeping.” another adult, together with a child (or children), walks through the forest, collects “mushrooms”, “berries”, they call out to each other: “ay! ow!” then the adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach the “bear” with the words:

near the bear in the forest
I'll pick up a lot of cones,
and the bear is blind -
doesn't run after me.
the branch will break off -
the bear will chase me!

on last word The “bear” growls (gently!, so as not to scare the kids) and runs after the players, catching them.

bear and children

one of the adults is designated as the “bear.” another adult and children are squatting at one end of the room. The “bear” walks around the room, pretends to be looking for children and says:

the bear was walking through the forest,
for a long, long time he searched,
the bear was looking for children,
sat down on the grass and dozed off.
then the “bear” sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and takes a nap.
adult and children say:
the children began to dance,
bear, bear, get up,
They began to knock their feet.
catch up with our kids.

At the last word, the children run to the other end of the room and squat down there.

one, two, three - catch it!

children stand on one side of the room. they say: “one, two, three – catch it!” - and run to the opposite wall of the room. the driver, who is in the center of the room, must have time to catch the players before they reach the wall.

tag with snake

sounds fun music for children , children run, jump, have fun. the music stops, and the children squat down and hide (so that the snake “doesn’t notice” them). a snake (toy) crawls past the children, and the children need to hold on and not rush to run away from the snake. In this game, children develop self-control.

geese, geese

children stand against one wall of the room. driver (adult) in the middle.

the presenter says: “geese, geese.”
children: “ha, ha, ha.”
presenter: “Do you want to eat?”
children: “yes, yes, yes.”
presenter: “well, fly - if you want, just take care of your wings

the children run to the opposite wall (there is their house), and the leader must have time to make as many children as possible.

wolf and sheep

children stand in a circle, in the middle of which sits a “wolf” (the chosen child).

the rest of the “sheep” children quietly approach the “wolf”, and you can invite the children to perform various movements (squat, clap their hands, etc.).

when one of the “sheep” touches the “wolf”, he jumps up and begins to catch the children. the caught “sheep” becomes a “wolf” instead, and the game continues.

mice dance in circles

children - “mice” - dance in a circle, in the middle the “cat” (one of the children) “sleeps”

mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
“Hush, mice, don’t make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How will Vaska the cat wake up?
will break up our round dance!”

at the last words the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice”. Children can hide if they sit on chairs (climb into holes).

little mice

The “cat” (designated adult) sleeps on the high chair. children - “mice” - slowly walk beside him, pronouncing the words of the nursery rhyme and performing the corresponding movements:

the mice came out one day
see what time it is.
one-two- three four,
the mice pulled the weights.
suddenly there was a terrible ringing:
the mice have run away!

The “cat” “wakes up” and catches up with the “mice”. Children need to have time to sit on chairs.

birds in nests

children - “birds” - stand on small elevations (cubes, bars 5-10 cm high) located on one side of the room. the adult says: “the sun is shining outside, all the birds are flying out of their nests, looking for grains.”

“birds” jump or go down from heights, “fly”, flap their “wings”, squat, “peck” “grains”. at the adult’s signal: “It’s raining!” - the birds fly away to their nests.

pancakes and pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (this is a “pancake”), and around there are several small hoops (“pancakes”). children run around the room, then the adult says: “damn,” or “pancakes.” Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.

throw the toys

if you have a lot of soft toys at home, you can play very fun game . Divide the carpet in the room in half (to mark the border, place a long rope in the middle of the carpet).

distribute Stuffed Toys equally between you and the child. you throw your soft toys into the child’s territory, and he throws them into yours. task: throw all the soft toys onto the other player's square.

day Night

The driver says: “day”, - everyone runs around, - “night” - they freeze in place. The driver must notice who is moving. whoever moves becomes the driver.


Each player is assigned a "car".

his “garage” can be a chair or a hoop lying on the floor. The “cars” “drive” around the room, “steer” and try not to crash into each other.

you can complicate the task and place a wide, long plank (bridge) on the floor, place obstacles in the form of chairs, boxes, etc. at the signal: “cars, to the garage!” - everyone is trying to quickly occupy their “house”.


children stand one after another in a column and place their hands on their shoulders in front standing child. it turns out to be a “train” that slowly moves around the room with the words:

here is our train coming,
the wheels are knocking,
and on this train
the guys are sitting.
"chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu"
- the locomotive is running
far, far away,
he took the guys
far, far away.
but here's the stop:
“Who wants to get down?
get up guys
let's go for a walk!
(A. Anufrieva)

At the last words, the children run away and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries. At a signal from an adult, they again stand one after another, pretending to be trailers.

mosquitoes and frog

The adult is designated as a “frog,” and the children as “mosquitoes.” Each child has a handkerchief in their hands. children run around the room, flapping their “wings”. adult says:

a mosquito sat on a bush,
on a spruce tree on a stump,
dangled his legs under the leaf and hid!

Children, having heard these words, sit down on pre-prepared chairs and cover their heads and faces with handkerchiefs. The “frog” looks for “mosquitoes”, saying: “kva-kva! where are the mosquitoes? qua-qua!” then the game repeats.

birds and cars

girls are designated “sparrows” and boys are designated “cars.” the adult says: “the birds flew out for a walk.” girls - “birds” - “fly” around the room, “flapping their wings”, “pecking grains”. at the adult’s signal: “The cars have left!” - the “birds” quickly run away from the road, and the boys begin to imitate cars: “turn the steering wheel” and “drive” along the “road”. V next time Children can switch roles.


children - “bees” - run around the room, “flapping their wings” and buzzing: “w-w-w.” a “bear” appears (an adult or a toy in the hands of an adult) and says:

teddy bear is coming
It will take away the honey from the bees.
the bees answer:
this hive is our house.
get away from us, bear,

The “bees” flap their “wings” and buzz, driving the “bear” away from their “hives.”


children pretend to be crows. children squat down and pretend to sleep. adult says:

the crows are fast asleep,
everyone is sitting in their nests,
and wake up at dawn,
they will croak in the yard.”

at the last word of the poem, the children wake up and say: “kar-kar-kar”, and begin to “fly” around the room and flap their “wings”. the adult accompanies their actions with the words:

flew, flew,
the crows flew: “kar-kar.”
Aunt came out onto the path,
sprinkles crumbs for the crows.
the crows flew in,
They pecked everything down to the crumbs:
"knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock" -
their beaks were knocking.

children - “crows” - squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: “knock-knock-knock.” an adult takes a toy dog ​​and says:

little boy was walking around the yard,
scared the little crows:
“Aw-aw, aw-aw!”

(A. Anufrieva)

the dog “catches up” with the “crows”, and the “crows” “fly away” to their “nests” and squat down.

bunnies and houses

Hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. children - “bunnies” - jump and run around the room. to the words of an adult: “ Gray wolf! - children run into their “houses”.


children pretend to be moths. an adult recites the words of the poem:

on the green in the meadow
moths fly.
and from flower to flower
fluttering merrily.
children run, wave their winged arms, and “flutter.”
Tanya went out into the meadow,
she has a net in her hands.
watch out, moth,
fly away quickly, my friend!
(A. Anufrieva)

The “moths” run away from an adult who is holding a bright net in his hands and is trying to catch them.

a toy for everyone!

on the floor in different places soft toys are laid out. children run around the room, trying not to touch the toys. at a certain signal: clapping hands, hitting a tambourine, ringing a bell - each child picks up one of the toys. then puts the toy back and the game continues.
