Recommended positions for conception. What positions should be used to conceive a child of a certain gender? How to choose the right time for conception

Today, the problem of conceiving a child concerns quite a lot of couples.

There are many ways and methods that influence this process.

Among which, one of the important points is the position of the bodies for the rapid occurrence.

Couples who are seriously planning to conceive a child should be attentive to many moments in their intimate life. Especially it is worth considering the timing of the fertile period.

According to medical statements, a greater likelihood of conception occurs in a time period of 6 days, consisting of three days before and after ovulation.

To accurately determine the period in the female body, it is recommended to use special tests that are sold in pharmacy supermarkets.

An important fact in this process is the period of increased sperm activity during the day. They are most mobile in the afternoon, which accordingly determines the most favorable time for conception.

By choosing the most favorable days, you can speed up the expected process by choosing the most suitable position.

It is worth giving preference to such an arrangement of the woman's body, in which it is as close as possible to the uterine neck and at the same time cannot spontaneously flow out.

The most suitable positions for women with individual structural features of the organs of the genitourinary system:

The process of conception is significantly influenced by the behavior of a woman after intercourse. It is not recommended to get up abruptly and run to the shower. It is better to lift the pelvis up, placing a pillow under the buttocks, and lie down in this position for 10-20 minutes.

Healthy organisms of partners and their psychological calmness in combination with the correct location of the bodies will help in the shortest possible time to carry out the fertilization of the egg. What in the near future will give a young couple a long-awaited child.

The most favorable positions for conceiving a child

According to many experts, the choice of a suitable position for successful fertilization of the oocyte is not as important as it is described, because many women can become pregnant in various positions.

Among them it is worth noting:

  • Doggy style
  • Lying on your side

The "missionary" position determines the position of the woman from below the man, lying on his back. In this position, all female organs are in balance and correctly positioned, which provides the most comfortable conditions for the fertilization of the egg.

You can enhance the effect if the woman bends her knees to her stomach, lifts them on the partner's shoulders, or crosses them behind the man's back. This ensures that the sperm is as close as possible to the uterus. This position is ideal for women diagnosed with uterine inflection.

Doggy-style or knee-elbow pose is

According to experts, when choosing a position for successful fertilization, it is necessary to take into account the natural laws of nature and physics.

universal for any anatomical structure of the female genital organs. It allows the internal organs to be located in other planes. When a woman is on her knees, while leaning on her elbows, it is located below the height of the vagina, and its bend does not prevent the ejaculate from penetrating inside.

The side lying position increases the chance of conception for women with uterine displacement. Initially, before sexual intercourse, it is worth deciding which side to lie on and subsequently only enjoy your partner, without thinking about any unpleasant moments.

When choosing a suitable one for quick conception, you should consult with a doctor who has a woman. Only with a competent approach increases the likelihood of rapid fertilization. Wherever there are positives, there are negatives as well.

Sexologists say that the most favorable position for conceiving a girl is "missionary", and if you want to have a boy, doggy style should be preferred.

It is almost impossible to provide the most expanded list of positions that contribute to rapid conception.

This is due to the fact that in the modern sexual world, people use a lot of various positions of the Kama Sutra.

When choosing a position for fertilization, it is necessary to take into account the laws of nature and physics. In particular, the well-known law of universal gravitation. And give preference to those positions in which the likelihood of ejaculate leakage is excluded.

When making love, remember that it should take place in pleasure and caresses, so you should not approach sexual intercourse as an inevitable and necessary process.

Enjoy your partner, imagine how beautiful your baby will be, be kind and caring to each other, and then an unexpected surprise will soon surprise you.

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Having decided to have a baby, women learn about many things - ovulation, auspicious days ... There are so many ovulation tests sold in pharmacies that many decide - why not buy them and do everything “scientifically”? And now you caught ovulation, charged with a positive attitude, and even picked up two names - for a girl and for a boy ... But time passes, you are already going to buy a pregnancy test, and then a surprise - menstruation. But it was all done on an auspicious day, wasn't it? Is it infertility?

You shouldn't worry. Sometimes it is not a disease that stands in the way of a desired pregnancy, but ordinary physiology - say, a complicated shape of the uterus. It does not threaten conception or pregnancy - the main thing is to choose the right position that very night.

What posture is considered the most-most?

Before embarking on the most enjoyable activity, tell yourself how you can characterize your intimate life - as regular or as frequent? The fact is that the regularity of sexual relations plays a very important role for conception.

But if you are too passionate about sex (say, you can have it several times a day), this will play a disservice. Indeed, in this case, the body of your boyfriend / husband / partner / lover (underline as necessary) will not produce so many sperm each time, and they may not be enough to fertilize your egg. Yes, and in terms of viability, they will be rather weak.

Sexologists are sure: if you want a child, you need to choose a position for the sexual finale in which the sperm does not leak out of the vagina. Also, the closer the contact between your bodies, the better.

The third factor is the convenience of the partner. If a woman feels discomfort or even pain during sex, the psychological factor turns on, and the chances of conceiving a child are reduced. So if you feel uncomfortable during sex, be honest about it and change your position.

Is it possible to “order” the conception of a girl or a boy with a pose?

There are the most favorable positions for conception - such a top three, described and studied by sexologists.

Is it possible to deliberately conceive twins?

Recently, more and more often you can see a stroller with twins on the street. Some women look at these babies - and so they want twins for themselves! However, it is not so easy to conceive two children at a time - this is directly affected by the hereditary factor ... Or fertilization with the help of IVF.

But there is no special posture or diet for such a conception.

And if a woman has a uterus with features?

Sperm may not always enter the uterus with special features. But here it is just the right posture that decides everything, so if you don’t “make” a baby in the first month, do not rush to the hospital - first try the “Kama Sutra” for an unusual uterus.

"Adjust" to the uterus with a bend

From the vagina of such an organ, it is not easy for "zhivchik" to get to the fallopian tubes. So, we need a position in which the sperm "rolls" to the very cervix, and then the sperm will do everything themselves.

The best position of such a plan can be called "doggy style", in which the lady leans not just on her hands, but on her elbows.

Features of conception with a saddle uterus

In this case, the sperm must be “driven” exactly into the uterus. The previous position will definitely not suit you. Try to lie on your back, put a pillow (not the skinniest) under your ass, and pull your knees higher - to your chest.

How to help your body?

Sometimes the posture is correct, and the time is chosen correctly, and there seems to be no illness, but there is still no pregnancy. There are some simple rules that will help you properly prepare for that very sex and increase your chances.

  • Mood. What you believe will happen to you. Imagine how you “draw” two stripes on the dough, how a baby moves in your tummy, as you call it ...
  • Stress and nerves - no! Did you fail to conceive during this ovulation? Do not rush to give up on yourself - some healthy couples manage to "make" a child in just six months. Do not give up your attempts, and they will surely succeed.
  • Many arrange a romantic evening, buy champagne ... But alcohol spoils the quality of sperm before sex, and it has a bad effect on the unborn baby. Better relax with a beautiful erotic massage.
  • Immediately after love, soak in bed for 15 minutes, let the sperm get where it needs to be during this time.

In general, it is impossible to plan the sex of the baby with only one pose. But to accelerate pregnancy - as much as possible! Sometimes the right position helps couples who have been unable to conceive for about a year. So try the "kama sutra" for "hochushki", and you will definitely succeed!

You can naturally conceive a baby using any known position. But in what position can you get pregnant faster when the conception option is minimal? The probability of pregnancy depends not so much on the number of copulations performed, but on what position the woman will be in at the time of copulation.

A woman can get pregnant in any position, but there are varieties, using which this process will come much faster. The choice of positions is based on the physiological characteristics of the body and the structure of the genital organs of both partners.

The most suitable methods for quick conception

Due to the height and weight of partners, the individual structure of their genitals, a universal position for getting pregnant quickly simply does not exist in life. Partners need to independently or with the help of a specialist choose a method of intercourse in which both partners will receive a simultaneous orgasm.

Experts have proven that contractions (during orgasm) play a crucial role in conception. The basic rule of rapid conception is: the position of partners during sex should maximize the depth of penetration of spermatozoa.

Therefore, it is important to avoid positions during intercourse in which the partner is on top or standing. In this position, there is a rapid flow of sperm from the vagina, and the chances of conception are reduced. Let's figure out in what position you can quickly get pregnant for the fairer sex.

"Missionary" position

The probability of conception when using the position is maximum. Partner Locations:

  • the woman lies on her back;
  • legs are bent at the knees and pulled to the stomach as much as possible;
  • another option involves raising one or both legs up, or crossing them on the back of the sexual partner;
  • the man is only on top of the partner.

To increase the chances of a quick conception, the woman's legs are placed on the man's shoulders. This position provides maximum contact between the penis and the cervix. When ejaculating, the maximum depth of sperm penetration is obtained. You need to know: "Missionary" method of intercourse will not help to conceive a child for women who have been diagnosed with a uterine bend.

"Knee-elbow" position or "Doggy-style"

The pose is universal, it suits partners with different structures and sizes of organs (genitals). In what position is it faster to get pregnant for women with a diagnosed bend of the cervix? The only possible option is "Doggy-style". Another such method of copulation is called "Man from behind." Partners are placed like this:

The woman is on all fours, takes a position in which the emphasis is on her hands, elbows and knees); the partner bends her back as much as possible; during intercourse, the man is on his knees, behind the partner.

Thus, the woman's uterus is anatomically much lower than the level of the female vagina. And even the presence of a bend in the cervix does not at all prevent the penetration of spermatozoa at this position into the uterine cavity.

Position "On the barrel"

In what position can a woman quickly become pregnant? It is considered by experts to be an excellent position for conceiving a baby, the “To the barrel” method. This is how an active role is offered to a man. At the same time, it is possible to fulfill the main rule of rapid conception - the ejection of sperm occurs to the maximum deep and close to the neck. Partner Locations:

  • during copulation, both partners are on their sides;
  • a woman holds her legs straight, bends at the knees, or raises one high up;
  • the man is behind the partner.

The location of the girl's legs plays a direct role in this position. A slight change in their position causes a change in the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina. This pose is especially recommended for girls who suffer from chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

A few important tips from experts on the fastest conception of a baby:

  1. In what position a woman can get pregnant faster, a specialist will help determine after an examination.
  2. As accurately as possible, calculate the period in which ovulation occurs.
  3. It is recommended that a woman not get up for about half an hour after copulation.
  4. After ejaculation during "Missionary" copulation, a woman is recommended to stand on a "birch" (raise her legs as high as possible).
  5. After “Doggy-style” or “Knee-elbow” intercourse, a woman, for the easiest possible advancement of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity, should lie on her stomach.

It is necessary to remember both sexual partners: poses to get pregnant quickly, it is necessary to apply only those that maximally prevent semen from flowing out of the vagina.

If both partners are perfectly healthy, a woman can become pregnant after intercourse in any position. But often, for a number of reasons, the long-awaited conception does not occur for a long time. Of course, this is an occasion to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. In addition to the proposed treatment, it makes sense to use positions during intimacy that increase the chances of conceiving a child. This method does not guarantee results, but it's worth a try.

Preparing for conception

Ideally, both future parents should be screened. If any of them have genetic diseases, then it is necessary to conduct tests and get advice from a geneticist. A few months before the planned pregnancy, both partners should stop smoking, reduce the use of strong tea, alcoholic beverages, and coffee. It is advisable to minimize visits to saunas, pools and baths.

Many doctors advise both partners to start taking folic acid 3 months before the planned pregnancy. They have a positive effect on the body and increase the likelihood of conception walking in the fresh air, playing sports of moderate intensity. No matter how trite it sounds, but a healthy lifestyle is exactly what is needed to become happy parents.

There is such a thing as emotional infertility, when the partners are perfectly healthy, but the woman fails to get pregnant for a long time. Therefore, you should not turn this process into a routine or work: have sex only in the best positions for conceiving a child strictly on schedule. Both partners should enjoy intimacy!

To get pregnant, it is worth giving preference to positions in which a woman and a man feel most comfortable, since positive emotions in this case are the best companions.

Poses that increase the chances of becoming parents

In the "general" position, the partner throws her legs on the shoulders of a man (in common parlance - on shoulder straps). According to experts, this position increases the severity of sensations due to deep penetration, makes it possible to get multiple orgasms. By the way, there is an opinion that the female orgasm contributes to the conception of a son, so men who dream of an heir should make sure that their partner enjoys it.

The "missionary" position has many options, but the essence is the same - the woman lies on her back, and her partner is located on her. In some studies, it was found that it is in this case that the maximum volume of seminal fluid is secreted in a man. But, this position sometimes does not make it possible for women with an incorrect location of the cervix to become pregnant.

Knee-elbow position, in which the man is located behind the partner leaning on her knees and elbows. In this case, deep penetration is provided, the penis is directed to the cervix.
Position on the side ("spoons") - the partners are face to face or the man is behind the woman's back. In this position, it is easy for a man to control the pace and strength of movements.

How to get pregnant with a tilted uterus

Many experts argue that if a woman has such a physiological feature, pregnancy can only occur in a certain position. The optimal positions for conceiving a child in this case are “knee-elbow” and “spoon”. The woman should be in the “spoon” position on the side towards which the uterus is bent. If the uterus is bent down, the optimal positions are when the partner lies on her stomach.

There is an opinion, not officially confirmed, that there are positions for intimacy that determine the sex of the child.

If partners want a son to appear in the family, preference should be given to the “general”, “missionary” or knee-elbow positions. When choosing a "missionary" position, a pillow, cushion, or folded blanket should be placed under the woman's pelvis. To get pregnant with a boy, you should choose positions for conceiving a child with deep penetration. The chance of conceiving a boy is highest 12-14 hours before ovulation.

To conceive a daughter, it makes sense to choose a position with shallow penetration (“spoons”, “missionary”, the partner lies on her stomach, and the man is on top). To conceive a girl, experts recommend having sex 2-3 days before ovulation, and then abstaining from intimacy for several days.

The appearance of twins or twins, as a rule, is due to a genetic predisposition. Also, multiple pregnancy often occurs as a result of IVF. Those who dream of having two children at the same time can try the "waterfall" position, which increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant with twins. In this position, the man is behind the kneeling woman. The partner begins sexual intercourse with shallow frictions and gradually increases the depth of penetration. At the time of ejaculation, the penis should be as deep as possible in the vagina.

What to do after sex?

In any case, immediately after intimacy, you should not run to the bath or start doing daily activities. It makes sense to relax, chat with a partner on pleasant topics.

Your doctor may recommend a specific position for 15 to 20 minutes after intercourse. But, here you should not go to extremes. For example, the well-known "birch", according to many experts, increases the chances of seeing 2 strips on the test in the near future, but not everyone can accept it. A woman who is far from sports records should not mock herself, as this is unlikely to bring a positive effect. It is better to just talk with a partner or listen to good music.

For successful conception, several recommendations should be followed. Pregnancy depends not only on the schedule of sex, the number of acts, mood, but also posture. Sometimes this significant detail is overlooked, although a lot depends on it. The correct position will bring a long-awaited result and even allows you to control the sex of the child.


Regular sex - once every few days - will create favorable conditions for conception. Between sexual intercourse, you need to take breaks for at least two days. In addition, to get pregnant, it is best to have sex a few days before ovulation.

Poses for conceiving a child also affect the result. Due to physical laws, some provisions prevent sperm from flowing out, which increases the chance of fertilization. You can have sex in any position, but before the end of the act, it is advisable to change it to a more favorable one.

Changing the position will allow the male penis to get as close to the uterus as possible, which will increase the chance of fertilization. There is a whole Kama Sutra assembled from successful poses.

The choice of position is also not an easy task. A woman should not experience inconvenience, discomfort, or other unpleasant sensations. Sex is supposed to bring pleasure, and a negative attitude affects the final result.

However, when choosing poses, you need to consider not only the mood. The physiological characteristics of the partner should be taken into account.

There are several rules:

  • When the uterus is bent, positions where the man will be behind are desirable. This is necessary to improve the flow of sperm.
  • If the uterus is higher than usual, during sex, the woman should be from below.
  • The best position for conceiving a child when turning the uterus is on its side.
  • Sex in water is highly undesirable.
  • If the uterus is small, it is necessary to lift the buttocks of the partner with the help of a pillow, press the knees and raise the legs.
  • Before conception, it is important not to drink alcohol.
  • After sex, you do not need to immediately get up, and even more so to wash and remove sperm.

Stress worsens the result. You should not get hung up on what position is best to get pregnant. Before sex, it is desirable to get rid of all negative thoughts.

Best Poses

At conception, one cannot do without experiments in sex. Gynecologists advise diversifying your sex life in order to achieve positive results.

The best positions for conceiving a child:

  • Partners lie sideways cuddling. From this position, a man will be able to caress a woman, as well as set the pace.
  • Sitting on the table, the partner slightly deviates. The man rests his hands and penetrates into her.
  • A woman lying on her back throws her legs on the shoulders of the partner who entered her. This position allows the man to control the pace.
  • The partner lying on her back spreads and holds her legs. A kneeling man enters her. The position ensures the maximum convergence of the uterus with the dignity of the partner.
  • Lying on her back, the woman raises her legs up. The man, spreading his knees and holding his partner, penetrates into her.
  • A pillow is placed under the woman lying belly down. From above, spreading his legs to the sides, the partner lies down and penetrates. This position is good for getting pregnant and having an orgasm.
  • Sitting, the man straightens his legs, and the woman sits on top and hugs him. Sex is completely controlled by the partner.
  • An ottoman is needed to reproduce the position. The woman places her back and buttocks on it, while hanging her legs. The man enters the partner on his knees and holding her.
  • The woman is on all fours. The man behind her enters.
  • Lying belly down, the partner spreads bent legs. The man rests his hands and penetrates from behind. This position is considered the best when bending the uterus.

Having figured out in what position you can quickly get pregnant, you need to start experimenting. However, you should not use only one pose. Variety will not only spark the relationship, but also increase the chance of pregnancy.

Conception of a boy

There are many ways created to control the sex of the child. One of the most effective is the Kama Sutra for conception. Of course, the result will not be 100%, but the probability will increase.

Poses for conceiving a boy:

  • The partner sits leaning on a chair. The woman sits on top, facing him.
  • The partner bends over, resting her hands on the bed. The man enters from behind.
  • A pillow is adjusted under the pelvis, lying on the back of the partner. The man on top.
  • The woman is on all fours, and her partner penetrates from behind.

To get pregnant with a boy, deep penetration positions should be tried. Reducing the path to the egg has a positive effect on the result.

conception of a girl

Among the methods that help manage the sex of the child, special positions are considered the most effective. By controlling the depth of penetration, you can even control the sex of the child.

Poses for conception of a girl:

  • Lying position. Top partner.
  • The woman is on her side. The man behind.
  • Partner on a woman lying face down.

To get pregnant with a girl, penetration should not be very deep. Almost any position will do, but just before the end, a man should increase the distance between the uterus and the penis. This creates favorable conditions for slow X chromosomes. After the end of the act, it is recommended to rest a little, relax, but you should not wash.

Conceiving multiple children

Ways to get a boy or a girl are quite understandable. But what if the couple wants twins? For this, too, there are correct provisions.

  • A man enters a standing woman. The partner should bend over.
  • You can get pregnant with twins in the doggy-style position.
  • The partner enters the kneeling woman.

The way to have twins is similar to fertilization by a boy. All positions that provide deep penetration and reduce the distance between the penis and the uterus will do.

Although not only positions will help in the conception of twins. Only an integrated approach will help achieve positive results. You will need to follow some guidelines.

  • Proper nutrition. The diet should be done with an emphasis on dairy products, bananas and other fruits containing folic acid. This will help you get pregnant with twins.
  • Weight set. It is believed that full partners are more likely to give birth to twins.

While postures are effective, mood also plays a role. Partners, especially a woman, should avoid stress and discomfort.
