Paper carving. Tools for slotted carving: jigsaw or router

Vytynanka (from - "vytinati" - "vitinati" - "vytsіnats" - "cut") is an ancient Slavic type of arts and crafts, openwork cutting from paper, birch bark, foil, fabric and leather.

It differs from the application in that the whole work is a single piece of paper, while the application is usually glued together from several individual parts. The most famous vytynanki to us are snowflakes.

And yet, not all works made in the technique artistic carving, are called vytynanki.

Distinctive features of the protrusions are that the images in them:

  • symmetrical, because in their manufacture, a sheet of paper is folded a certain number of times, after which various patterns are cut out on it,
  • relatively few colors, because, in addition to the background, usually no more than 1-2, less often 3 colors of paper are used,
  • contain national folk symbols.

In this form, this cutting technique existed in Eastern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia).

In Western Europe it was common silhouette cutting . It is characterized by a black image on a white background, the absence of slotted parts. Subjects: portraits (most often - profiles), landscapes, domestic scenes.

Modern works made in the technique of artistic paper cutting, which do not contain traditional folk symbols and symmetry, are called cut-out images, paper graphics, openwork (filigree) cutting.

In this technique, you can make many beautiful things: paintings (panels), postcards, paper napkins, window decorations, shelves, frames, mirrors and more.

To cut patterns, use scissors or knives (stationery, breadboard).

Read about the features of cutting such works with scissors and how to transfer the diagram to paper in the article:.

This time we will talk about cutting with a clerical or mock-up knife.

  • It is safer for children to cut with scissors, because. a knife is still a knife. When cutting, they need to protect their hands, do not keep their fingers on the cut line, do not go beyond the cutting mat. A rug is needed so as not to spoil the table. Sold special mats for cutting. If there is no such rug, it can be made from a piece of linoleum or thick cardboard.
  • The scheme is drawn and cut out from the wrong (back) side of the future tenderloin.
  • Just like when cutting with scissors, work begins with the smallest details, then cut out the details in the center, then along the edges, and only then - the contour, if any.
  • If necessary, smoothly rotate the paper so that it is more convenient to cut.
  • When cutting straight lines, you can use a ruler.
  • When using a clerical knife, break off the dull end of the blade more often.
  • You can not leave parts of the cut areas uncut, and then tear them off with your hands. The work will look sloppy and thus it can be inadvertently torn.
  • Depending on the purpose of the clipping and the chosen plot, choose a suitable background and stick the work on it.

Video lesson on cutting with a knife (not in Russian, but since this is a video, it’s clear how to cut it)

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Lesson topic :

« decorative carving on paper"

Lesson stages :

excursion into history;

Safety precautions;

Practical implementation;

Lesson objectives :

To acquaint students with an ancient art form - carving.

Teach basic cutting techniques and skills

Familiarize yourself with the types and patterns of threading

To instill care, perseverance and love for folk art

Practically fulfill creative work.

Learning goal:

- introduce students to the features of paper cutting;

Focus on the possibility of making paper products;

Tell about the traditions of preparing for the New Year and Christmas.

Development goal:

- create conditions for fruitful creative process for making paper products

Promote the development of thinking,

Create conditions for understanding the responsibility of the person who is engaged in creative activity;

To create in the classroom an atmosphere of benevolent mutual understanding that promotes the self-expression of children.

Educational goal:

through folk calendar, through folk traditions involve children in folk wisdom, create conditions for the use of their strengths and capabilities in the manufacture of decorations for the holiday, the development of creative abilities and aesthetic taste.

Basic Methods works:

Teacher's story


Exercise Method

visual method


Teacher equipment :

Visual aids on decorative paper carving, student work, and a presentation on the topic

Student equipment :

a sheet of white paper, a pencil, an eraser, a cutting board, a cutter or a stationery knife

    Organizing time. Determination of time for a particular job. /1 min/

- greetings

Availability of students

Topic of the lesson

Goals ( determine together with the guys).

Today we have an unusual lesson. Today's lesson is a fairy tale. Paper story. Is such a fairy tale possible, you ask? Yes. And we will visit such a fairy tale in one lesson. Ready?

P. Main part . (teacher's story followed by practical work).

Many of us on New Year and Christmas decorate their windows with paper-cut snowflakes.

This is a fairly simple activity, and everyone knows that paper cutting is one of the types of arts and crafts that has deep traditions and thousand years of history.

The Art of Carving openwork patterns made of white, black or colored paper has been around since the invention of paper in China. Together with the secret of paper making, this art has spread all over the world. Paper clippings of the peoples of China, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Ukraine and other countries are well known.

Exact date paper cut birth is unknown, in

in some sources it is the 10th century AD, in others the 1st century AD.

In any case, it is closely related to the invention of paper during the Han Dynasty in China.

There are many stories and legends about the invention of paper. The Chinese kept the method of manufacture a strict secret. In those distant times, paper cost a lot of money, so the art of artistic cutting first spread in imperial palaces and houses, they knew it as a pastime popular among court ladies.

Later, in the 7th-13th centuries, paper cutting became widespread among the common people. Paper clippings were used as holiday gifts expressing goodwill. Since the 15th century, paper clippings have become an integral part of Chinese life. Especially this kind of art is closely associated with the Spring Festival in China, which is reminiscent of the European Christmas, Easter and New Year, taking place simultaneously during one celebration.

The Chinese decorate their homes with various cut-outs, folded tissue paper decorations, and small lanterns that are pasted on walls, ceiling corners, doors, and window panes.

The austere simplicity of a Chinese home is brought to life by these bright, living creatures. folk art definitely connected with happy events in people's lives.

For example, in the province of Ten Tiang, young girls before marriage learned the art of carving as well as cooking, sewing and embroidery.

The art of Chinese carvings in Asia and Europe dates back to the 7th century AD. Initially, they came to Japan, and then spread along the Great Silk Road, throughout the Eurasian continent.

But much earlier than paper appeared and came to the countries of Asia and Europe, the art of stylization existed there. Samples of which were found during archaeological excavations and date back to the 5th-3rd centuries. BC.

Horse saddles covered with felt and decorated with leather appliqués have been preserved in the permafrost.

The term application itself comes from the Latin word attachment and means one of the types of visual technique based on cutting, overlaying various forms and fixing them on another material taken as a background. The main features of the application are the silhouette, and the planar generalized interpretation of the image.

The application can be made from various materials: leather, cloth, paper, straw, dried plants. For many centuries, the application has been widely used not only in Asia, but also in Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany and France.

We meet the first examples of clippings in Europe in France in the 16th century, where various plots were cut out of paper with a small knife, intended to frame the Saint or Saint. To the most young look paper applications include silhouettes.

We see the first silhouettes on Greek vases as early as the 6th century BC. And this art was revived in France and got its name there. Under Louis 14 (XVIII century), Etienne Silhouette was the main controller of finances. He carried out a number of reforms, of which he proposed to keep the personal expenses of the king and the maintenance of the court.

Naturally, this did not please, and the chief controller became the subject of general ridicule of high society, after which he was forced to resign. There was only one consolation left for him - to cut out his favorite pictures from black paper. He even had a shadow profile caricature drawn on him. Thus was born the name "silhouette", which has survived to this day. They were fascinated by many artists.

Over the centuries it has developed decorative arts paper cuts, and each nation had its own unique style these products.

The cut came to the territory of our country from Poland, where in the 19th century it spread everywhere, as decorative ornament huts and houses name vytsenanka.

She especially took root in Belarus and Ukraine, where she is called "vytinyanka". Paper cuttings in each region of Ukraine and Belarus are different from each other. They also serve to decorate houses and reflect creative fantasy every master. The vytinyankas are based on motifs of flowers, roosters, various birds, and there are also everyday scenes. They can be made of white paper, or they can be colored.

Viewing a presentation on a computer (see separately)

At present, this art is undeservedly forgotten, but there are enthusiasts, which include you and me, who seek to revive this amazing type of decorative paper carving.

Today we will master the basic techniques of paper carving and try to make small creative compositions.

But before we get to work, we'll talk about safety precautions . How to properly hold the cutter and scissors, and be careful of the person sitting next to you. And also about the neatness of the workplace. after cutting, there are many small parts that need to be carefully collected and thrown into wastebasket rather than laying on the floor.

3. Substantiation of the rational placement of materials, tools and fixtures. /2 minutes/
What do we need to work today? /Sheet of colored paper and white paper, stationery knife/
- How do we place materials and tools on the table? /Given a small amount of materials and tools, we will place colored paper on the right and left corners of the table, put a clerical knife next to it, and put a waste box in the middle /

4. Discussion of possible traumatic situations. / 2 min /
- You have a clerical knife on the tables. Remind the rules of working with a knife.
/Stationery knife cannot be passed with the blades up; without working with them, keep them with the blades up or leave them on the desk; if you cut with a knife inattentively, your fingers may suffer /
IV. Discussion of the conditions for observing the rules of personal hygiene. / 1 ​​min /
- While working with paper, put small scraps in the waste box. At the end of the lesson, we throw all the waste into the trash bin, wash our hands.

5. Presentation on the topic "Decorative paper cutting"

V. Execution practical work. /25 minutes/
- Here it is the most ordinary piece of paper. You can draw a picture on it, write a letter, and finally, just crumple, tear or throw it away. But don't be in a hurry to do it. Let's better try to turn this ordinary sheet of paper into a magical one.

6. Summing up - a mini exhibition of pupils' works orphanage

From plain paper we make like magicians.

Flowers of unparalleled beauty bloom,

Our fern is blooming - it brings us happiness.

We can make everything, the beauty of all

We are completing our lesson, we wish you happiness, health, good luck.


    N. Golubeva "Application from natural material", Culture and tradition, 2002,

    M.A. Gusanova "Application", Enlightenment, 1987 goal,

    A. Gir "New Year and Christmas", World of Books, 2007,

    M.I. Nagibina “We make things like magicians from plain paper”, Yaroslavl, 2000,

    K. Mititello "Applique and patchwork for home and garden", Eksmo, 2007,

    K. Mititello “Application. Technique and art”, Eksmo, 2003,

    C. Mititello " The big Book gifts", Eksmo, 2005.


Efimova Anastasia

"My native land"


Fakhretdinova Elina

pupil of MGBU Orphanage№9 Ufa

for participation in the regional competition applied art pupils of orphanages "MasterOK"

for a creative approach to the design of work

"Tree of Happiness"

Director of the Chesnokovsky Orphanage Minniyarova L.M.


Verkhovtsev Dmitry

pupil of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution orphanage No. 9, Ufa

for participation in the regional competition of applied art for pupils of orphanages "MasterOK"

for a creative approach to the design of work

"Sea life"

Director of the Chesnokovsky Orphanage Minniyarova L.M.


Vdovina Valery

pupil of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution orphanage No. 9, Ufa

for participation in the regional competition of applied art for pupils of orphanages "MasterOK"

for a creative approach to the design of work

"Our orphanage"

Director of the Chesnokovsky Orphanage Minniyarova L.M.

The ancient art of woodcarving has always been considered an exciting activity, with the help of carved ornaments erected unique beauty towers and huts, most of which are still classified as architectural monuments. Wood carving, or wood carving, is becoming a popular craft, used to make large and small masterpieces. Beginning craftsmen are helped to create masterpieces by ready-made stencils for woodcarving - special templates for creating three-dimensional ornaments and patterns.

The ancient art of wood carving has always been considered a fascinating pastime.

Stencils for woodwork are used to transfer ready-made identical patterns to a three-dimensional plane. Most often, such work is done to decorate walls and window casings, which is why sketches for working with wooden surfaces are considered the most common.

Carved patterns made using a stencil are divided by craftsmen into several types:

  • ribbon carved ornament;
  • carved platbands;
  • carved balusters;
  • pilaster;
  • towels
  • brackets.

According to such ready-made templates, even a novice master can compose and independently create a unique drawing and real masterpiece carved art. With the help of a ready-made stencil, you can easily decorate any wood product. Artistic cutting and openwork drawings, as a rule, will come in handy when decorating:

  • pieces of furniture;
  • dishes;
  • frames for paintings or photographs;
  • caskets.

In the event that the master wants to convey certain national motifs or features of the subject in his work, you should first study the subtleties and nuances of ornaments and patterns.

How to learn wood carving (video)

Sketches for patterns: instructions

Those masters who not so long ago picked up tools, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to consider the following nuances when preparing for work:

  • the engraving template should be as simple and understandable as possible, without complex and ornate elements;
  • for each type of thread there are templates for work;
  • lines from the existing template to the material for work are transferred as accurately as possible, since this is the only way to achieve accuracy in work.

When choosing a drawing for its subsequent transfer to the material, it is worth considering a number of subtleties that will help to make the product professionally and skillfully.

  1. For a large product, you should not choose an openwork ornament or pattern with small details. Such a pattern will be lost on the finished item and will not make it unique.
  2. Small things are not decorated with patterns with large elements and ornamental details, so as not to hide the shape and uniqueness of the product.
  3. The proportions when transferring details to fragments of the product should be observed to the finest so as not to violate the integrity of the finished ornament.

You should not start work without first creating a sketch, which you can make yourself or download finished photos from the Internet.

Carved mirror frames: an interesting idea

Art Nouveau interior lovers will love carved frames framing paintings or mirrors.

Such interior items not only look rich and unique, but add a special “zest” to the interior of the room. For cutting frames for a mirror, experts recommend using several basic styles for work.

  1. The double baroque style contains two contours inside and outside, represented by openwork curls. The craftsmen included a feather profile in this style, it reflects some lightness and elegance of a rectangular piece.
  2. For mirrors, the feather profile with a back is ideal, providing for a dense back where the mirror is attached.
  3. The refined profile also has the style of a dumbbell, despite the somewhat massive frame. It is these frames that hold a heavy and massive mirror well.

Art Nouveau interior lovers will love the carved frames framing paintings or mirrors.

For the manufacture of mirror frames are used and special methods decoration:

  • gilding with preliminary polishing;
  • varnishing with a transparent composition;
  • patina, or artificial aging of wood;
  • antique decoration with cracks called craquelure.

In order to transfer the pattern from the stencil to the product, soft pencils are used, transferring the ornament as accurately and accurately as possible.

Stencils for woodcarving in pencil: how to make

Those craftsmen who are just starting to try themselves as a woodcarver should understand that high-quality cutting can be done only after the template has been properly prepared.

  1. Initially, it is worth deciding on a blank for carving. Beginning craftsmen better fit geometric carving on a plane or a simple wooden figurine.
  2. A sketch is made on paper with a pencil, while the main zones and places where carving is planned are clearly defined on it.
  3. By using special devices for drawing the image is transferred to graph paper.
  4. Repeating parts are made of thick paper or thick cardboard.
  5. The finished paper pattern is fixed on a wooden base and copied.

In the manufacture of stencils for carvings made in the slotted technique, craftsmen recommend initially using thick paper for patterns.

Geometric and flat-relief carving: what is it

Name geometric carving on wood comes from the main details and elements at the base of the pattern: geometric shapes, shapes and their elements. Use such ornaments to decorate furniture, household utensils.

To create this engraving, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • a piece of board made of soft wood;
  • special knife-jamb;
  • simple soft pencil;
  • ruler.

In the manufacture of the product, an invoice paper blank is not required, since the elements geometric pattern can be applied directly to wood.

relief carving is done in a similar way, but the pictorial elements are not geometric figures, and images of animals, elements of nature, people. This type of carving is also used for making backgammon.

The finished product can be treated with a colorless varnish

For such a wood engraving you will need materials:

  • a set of cutters for wood;
  • soft wood blank;
  • sandpaper, pencils.

A product is manufactured in accordance with a certain sequence of actions.

  1. The wood is pre-cleaned and prepared for work. The drawing is applied to carbon paper and transferred to the workpiece.
  2. The contour carving is made according to the drawing, the relief and the frame of the product are pre-selected.
  3. Upon completion, the work is processed with stain, dye, or simply watercolor paints. Cleaned up with sandpaper.

The finished product can be treated with a colorless varnish.

Flowers: Wood Carving for Beginners

Flowers are one of the main elements of many wood carving patterns. Cutting this element is not difficult, it is important to follow the sequence of actions and the principle of operation.

  1. On wooden surface a drawing is applied in the form of circles and the details of the future flower are marked.
  2. The central circles are cut in a circle, after which they are cut from the outer circle to the center.
  3. After marking the petals, they are cut along the contour, cutting off the triangles between the petals, after which the outer contour of each petal is cut.
  4. An incision is made inside the flower, rounding the center of the drawing element.

You can decorate the picture with any additional motives, wide opportunities for toning gives geriolacquer base of the product

Wood carving for beginners (video)

You can make templates and stencils for carving yourself using your own Creative skills can be downloaded from internet ready-made templates. Most of the ready-made stencils can be found on the Tatyanka website, some, no less interesting options offer other online resources.
