At what age do massages begin? Rules for massage movements

In order for a child to actively develop, master new movements and acquire skills in time, massage is very useful for him. It’s good if during the first year of life baby will pass several courses restorative massage under the guidance of a specially trained person, each of which lasts 10 days. After this you need to take a 2-3 month break.

But besides this, it is imperative to massage newborns at home. It has a remarkable effect on the condition of the entire body, because during the session blood flows to the massaged area, enhancing all metabolic processes in it. Babies begin to hold their heads up earlier, learn to roll over onto their tummy more actively, and strive to explore the world.

At what age can newborns be massaged?

If there are no special indications, then massage in a children's clinic is not prescribed before 2-3 months. You can start doing it at home when the baby is 3 weeks old and the umbilical wound has already healed.

When can and should you massage a newborn?

The most best time for massage sessions - when the baby is awake and has good mood. If the time has come, and the child is capricious, then it is better to postpone the lesson until a more opportune moment. It is advisable to develop a specific schedule - this will be convenient for both the mother and more familiar to the baby.

Usually everything physical exercise, including massage, are carried out in the morning or afternoon. Some children become very active after classes, but most soon fall asleep. You should not do it before bedtime, because the child’s reaction can be unpredictable.

After the last feeding, at least an hour should pass, but even before meals you should not start a massage, because the child will not be able to relax, but will actively protest, demanding food.

How to properly massage a newborn?

Massage for newborns, like any other, is carried out with movements from bottom to top on the limbs and from the center to the periphery on the body. All movements, especially at first, should be light and stroking. More active methods should be left to the professionals. At home, you should limit yourself to simple movements.

The child needs to be completely undressed, and if the room is cold, alternately uncover the massaged area, and then wrap it up again.

Newborn massage technique

Massage of a newborn baby is carried out using stroking and twisting techniques. If everything is clear with the first one, then twisting is a light movement, as when squeezing out laundry. Light stretching is also used.

A mother should consult a doctor about what kind of massage to give to her newborn. Usually these are simple manipulations that do not take more than 10 minutes.


Using stroking circular movements, starting from the toes towards the thigh, each leg is worked in turn from bottom to top, several approaches. Then the mother presses her thumb on the foot near the toes - they reflexively tuck. After this, the finger is drawn down to the heel, and the fingers unclench again.


Each hand is rubbed from hand to shoulder, then shaken lightly. Insert your thumb into the baby's palm and massage it clockwise.


When the baby is lying on his back, his chest is stroked from the center to the sides, the same is done with the back, in the position - the baby is on his stomach. The tummy is massaged in a circle with gentle movements.

Currently, almost all newborn babies are prescribed massage. Such exercises, combined with proper gymnastics, help the child develop faster and adapt to life. modern world. This article will tell you about what a massage for infants should be like. If you do not have the appropriate education and skills, then you should first familiarize yourself with some rules.

Restorative massage for infants

Almost every newborn baby is born with strong tone muscles. Don't be scared - this is absolutely normal occurrence. This condition is a consequence of the fact that the baby spent nine long months in his mother’s tummy in almost weightlessness.

Massage for infants helps eliminate hypertension. Also, these manipulations help strengthen the baby’s body. During the massage, blood flow increases and muscles warm up. All this allows you to increase your immunity and avoid many diseases in the future.

When should you do a restorative or relaxing massage for infants?

Most doctors (neonatologists, pediatricians and neurologists) recommend starting to carry out such manipulations already in the first month of the baby’s life. However, this is not always possible. If you contact a specialized medical institution, then most likely you will be faced with a pre-registration for a massage for infants. Don't want to wait? In this case, you can carry out some manipulations yourself and not waste precious time.

Massage for infants is prescribed to almost everyone. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the child has any deviations. During the first year of life, doctors recommend a total of three courses of massage with short breaks. All this will help the child adapt and quickly acquire some skills.


So, you have decided to do a baby massage at home. What will it take? First, you need to decide on the room. It should be light and spacious. Before the session, the room must be ventilated. However, it shouldn't be cold there. The most suitable temperature is 24-26 degrees.

It is also worth choosing a surface. It shouldn't be very soft. If you have a changing table, then use it. Otherwise, give preference to the most ordinary kitchen table. Place a blanket folded several times on a hard surface and cover it with a diaper.

You also need to decide cosmetics for massage. Prepare rich baby cream or oil in advance. If the baby is prone to allergic reaction, then you can use the most common fragrance-free powder.

Before starting the session, carefully examine your baby and make sure of the following:

  • the child is full;
  • the baby doesn't want to sleep;
  • the baby does not have a fever, runny nose or sore throat;
  • the baby has no medical contraindications for the procedure.

How to massage a baby yourself?

Massage for infants with hypertonicity involves a step-by-step treatment of the entire body. You need to move from bottom to top, without missing a single part. First, you should stretch your fingers and feet, then treat your legs. Next comes the turn of the tummy and arms. You need to move in the same order when you turn the baby over.

Remember that during all manipulations you should not put too much pressure on parts of the body. Perform only stroking and smooth movements. The baby's muscles are still very weak, and the bones are fragile and more like cartilage. They are very easy to damage. You should also avoid parts of the body such as the neck and head area. The only exceptions are those cases when you have a medical education and know where exactly certain points of influence are located.

Fingers, feet and legs

Lubricate your baby's hands and feet with your chosen product. After this, take one finger at a time and turn it slightly. Treat all limbs in this way and move on to the foot.

Draw something like an infinity sign from the heel to the toes. Press alternately on the heel, then on the area between the second and third toe. You will see how the baby reflexively squeezes and unclenches his leg.

Next, move on to your calves. They need to be gently massaged in the muscle area and stroked. Hips are treated in a similar way. However, you should not touch the inside. There are many important arteries and veins there that are not yet protected by either muscle or fat.

Tummy and chest

Massage for infants (2 months) helps not only relieve tone and strengthen the body, but also relieves colic. However, it must be done correctly. Lubricate the abdominal area generously and begin making circular movements clockwise from the navel. After this, use gentle pinching movements to massage the umbilical ring. This will help strengthen the muscles in that area.

Make several gathering movements from the barrels to the center of the tummy. Try to avoid the liver and spleen areas. These organs are too close to the skin and can be injured.

Massage for infants (3 months and older) does not involve treatment of the mammary glands. This condition especially applies to girls. It is better to skip this area completely.

Hands and shoulders

Apply the massage product to the indicated area and begin stroking the shoulders. Gradually work your way down your arm, treating each area of ​​skin. Pay special attention to each finger. Stretch your limbs alternately, bending and straightening them.

Massage for 6-month-old infants involves the following manipulation: after treating the hands, place your hands in the baby’s palms. thumbs When the baby grabs them, pull them slightly towards you - the baby will try to sit up on his own, tensing his abdominal muscles.

It’s better not to touch your neck at all, especially if you don’t have medical education. Leave this place for specialists to work. This will help you avoid accidental joint damage and complications.

Abdominal exercises

Massage for infants (2 months) includes the following manipulation: take the baby by one arm and slightly pull it in the opposite direction - the baby will reflexively try to roll over, and you must help him with this.

Lubricate the baby's back with the product and gently stroke it. Massage your shoulders and lumbar region. After this, begin the exercises for hip joints. Remember that the baby should have no contraindications to such gymnastics. You can find out about this from your pediatrician or neurologist.

Bend your leg at the knee and move it to the side. Do a similar procedure with the second limb. The baby should take a frog pose. Don't worry about the baby being in pain. Babies at this age are very flexible and can make similar movements without difficulty.

Vertical gymnastics

When all the baby’s muscles are stretched and warmed up, lift the baby up by the armpit area. Position the baby so that his feet touch the surface - the baby will begin to reflexively make walking movements. Babies after six months especially like this exercise. They get new sensations and are happy.

Pick up your baby and rock him from side to side. This exercise will help develop the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

How to finish the massage?

After all the procedures performed, it is necessary to feed the baby. Most likely, at this moment the child will fall asleep in a sweet dream. You shouldn't wake him up. Such exercises greatly tire the baby’s still fragile body. Remember that after the massage the baby’s body is warmed up, but during sleep it cools down. Therefore, it is worth covering the child well so that he does not catch a cold.

What benefits does massage give to a baby?

After a few sessions you can already see positive effect. The baby will begin to sleep better and longer, become calmer and more confident. U the baby will disappear fear of your movements. Many kids buy a good appetite and they gain weight better after such courses.

In addition, massage will strengthen the immune defense and relieve the child of increased tone. The effect of the work done lasts for an average of 3 months. After this time, you can repeat the gymnastics course.


You have found out what massage for infants is and why it is needed. If possible, contact massage therapists in specialized institutions. If for some reason you decide to conduct a massage course on your own, be sure to consult with a pediatrician and neurologist before doing so.

Health to you and your baby!

In the first year of life, the baby undergoes tremendous development. Parents have many questions about the means and methods of education. One of them is massage.

Is it necessary to massage a baby?

There are adults who doubt whether they should massage their infants. The doctor will explain the benefits of the procedure:

  • activation of the immune system;
  • formation of motor skills;
  • stabilization of psychological state;
  • improvement of muscle function.

In case of certain diseases, massage is required for the child; in such cases, massage manipulations are performed only by a professional. With the aim of comprehensive development The baby needs to have a massage every day. If there is no pathology, you can massage at home.

At what age can a baby be massaged? Opinions differ as to how many months a baby should be massaged. Some believe that with early age massage is harmful due to poor development of motor functions. Others, on the contrary, consider it effective to start massage almost in the maternity hospital.

Massage in the clinic is prescribed from 2 months, at home it is allowed to do procedures from half a month after the navel wound has healed.

Massage by month

Massage for infants up to one month old. It is necessary to monitor the baby's reaction. Warmth of hands and sweet words accompany massage.

Perform a massage infant up to 1 month should be used very carefully. You need to start from the head and finish with the lower limbs.

The following exercises are practiced for up to 4 weeks:

  • the child is stroked and “stretched”;
  • gently rub the skin;
  • arms crossed over chest;
  • legs spread;
  • turn on side, tummy.

Massage for infants from 1 month. Every mother can independently perform massage for infants from 1 month onwards. Massaging is complemented by vibrating and kneading techniques.


  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back;
  • buttocks;
  • feet and fingers.

The beginning and end of the session is done with stroking manipulations. In case of protest to any exercise, the impact is stopped and the next one is done. Return to a technique you don’t like later and reduce the time spent performing it. It is advisable to perform a soothing massage before water procedures.

Massage for infants 2 months. At 2 months, the baby does not hold his head for long. Massage of the neck is added to the massage for 2-month-old infants to strengthen the cervical vertebrae.

Massage for a two-month old baby:

  1. You need to start from the legs (the ligaments and muscle tissue, blood flow improves). Procedure:
    • Gently stroke from the hips down.
    • Massage your feet with your fingers.
    • Rub your feet.
  2. After the legs, continue to massage the arms: spread them to the sides, vibrate them a little, massage the palms.
  3. Back. In a position on its side, the child bends and arches the spine: the adult moves his hand along the spine, the baby’s feet are adjacent to the palm of the other hand. Next is a light massage of the back.
  4. The tummy is massaged to prevent navel hernia and relieve colic. Circular movements are made in the direction of the clock.
  5. Breasts are being stroked.
  6. Rocking in the fetal position. The baby needs assistance in accepting the position of being in mother's womb. Take the baby in your arms and rock him from side to side and in a circle.

At the end of the session, the baby needs rest.

Massage for infants 3 months. Does a three month old baby need a massage? If the child has not been massaged, then it is advisable to begin the course.

At this age, the baby moves more. Massage for infant 3 months is aimed at eliminating muscle tension, learning the skill of turning over onto your tummy. The load is initially simple. The actions are gradually becoming more complicated.

Massage for infants from 3 months of age consists of stroking, shaking, vibration, rubbing (massage without pressure).

  • Flexing and straightening the limbs is helpful.
  • Stroke and massage the feet from all sides.
  • Rub and stroke the arms from palms to shoulders.
  • The tummy area is stroked and massaged with circular rubbing movements from the navel to the hips.
  • The back and buttocks are stroked from the upper back - the outer side of the palms of both hands, towards the bottom - inner side palms.
  • The breasts are stroked using circular and simple vibrating actions.

It is useful to perform massage on infants 3-6 months old in combination with elements of gymnastics.

Massage for infants 4 months. Massage for a 4-month-old baby can be performed independently, reducing passive manipulations and adding energetic ones. To form the baby’s muscles it is allowed:

  • pluck;
  • twist;
  • lie down: change the position “lying” - “sitting” and vice versa.

Actions are performed counting to maintain rhythm. When massaging your legs, you should include flexion and alignment. To develop motor skills, the child is allowed to grasp small objects.

Massage for 4-5 month old infants together with elements of gymnastics helps consolidate physical skills and activates subsequent development.

Massage for infants 5 months. Massage for infants 5-6 months is almost the same as the previous month. Massage of the facial area and techniques for developing fine motor skills are complemented.

Stimulation of the massaged areas is enhanced - this helps the correct development of phasomotor functions, the condition of muscle tissue is stabilized and general improvement occurs. The child is turned over, the position of the body is changed with support from the arms.

Baby massage for sitting skills consists of developing the muscles of the back, buttocks, tummy and learning to sit down with emphasis on your arm. For the child to sit in due dates An exercise will help: from a lying position on his back, the baby stretches his arms up, holding onto mother's hands or the crossbar until he sits down.

Massage for infants from 6 months. Massage for infants is reduced in six months, and the variety physical activities increases

  • lifting the body;
  • in a sitting position, the arms bend and align;
  • the baby may crawl towards toys.

Massage of the arms and legs is not necessary, you need to focus on the back, chest and tummy.

Finger massage for babies from 6 months independently performed in various places. The massage takes place in game form combined with nursery rhymes and poems. The finger massage technique has positive impact on intelligence, fine motor skills, speech apparatus.

Massage for infants aged 4-6 months is based on the development of the ability to crawl, the ability to understand speech, rhythm and coordination of actions.

Massage for babies 7, 8, 9 months old. The exercises are done vigorously. Most massage techniques are allowed.

  1. The crossing of the arms is leisurely and fast.
  2. Flexion and alignment of the legs.
  3. Turning over onto your tummy. The baby will be able to do this exercise himself; he should be pushed a little.
  4. Various actions with the back and buttocks.
  5. Training in crawling skills with straight arms on the knees: formation of the muscles of the back, limbs and shoulders. Massage for 8-month-old infants involves doing the exercise on your own. At a younger age, support is required.
  6. Abdominal massage.
  7. Abdominal muscles are trained abdominal cavity by squats: from a lying position, pull up a baby of 7 months by both arms, from 8 months - by one arm.
  8. Stroking the feet.
  9. Raising and lowering straight legs.
  10. Breast massage.

Almost everyone knows that a properly performed massage always has health benefits. However, with babies, questions often arise about when to start massaging a newborn and what is the best place to start. The answer is very simple - it can be done to a child almost from the first weeks of life. The procedure just requires some preparation: if you master a few simple techniques, Mom can handle it on her own.

First of all, we must immediately make it clear that different types massages differ greatly from each other in their purpose and technique.

  1. Therapeutic massage is intended for purely medical purposes - the effect is on certain zones. In this case, the procedure is always carried out in combination with other therapeutic measures - medications, physiotherapy sessions, etc. In this case, only a specialist can massage a newborn.
  2. Preventative care serves as a general health measure and is carried out for all babies almost from the first week of life. Mom can handle it too if she masters a few simple hand movements.

The benefits of the procedure for the child’s health are obvious – after all for a long time he was in the womb and now needs quick and full development of the whole body.

Thanks to massage, there is a healing effect on the body as a whole, which is manifested in the following:

  • optimization of blood flow to different organs, body parts and tissues;
  • maintaining healthy muscle and vascular tone;
  • stabilization nervous system and the baby’s behavior: he becomes calmer, sleep is strengthened due to the relaxing effect of the massage, also due to the fact that as a result of such influences the production of the stress hormone - cortisol - is reduced;
  • the general healing effect is also manifested in increasing immunity, strengthening general condition the child's body;
  • finally, due to irritation of nerve endings on the surface of the body, rapid development of the nervous system and the newborn’s body as a whole occurs.

PLEASE NOTE – The benefits of massage are only fully realized if the correct mode(duration, interval) and the procedure technique itself. Therefore, if the mother does not have the appropriate skills, she should consult with a nurse and doctor, and then try to massage the baby herself.

IN medicinal purposes Massaging a newborn is indicated for a number of diseases:

  • various nervous system disorders;
  • reduced or increased tone muscles;
  • curvature of the legs (X-type and O-type);
  • hip pathologies: congenital dislocations, semi-dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • chest deformities;
  • torticollis;
  • tremor;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet.

At the same time, there are a number of diseases and painful conditions of the child in which massage should not be done unless the procedure is first agreed upon with a doctor:

  • ARVI and other infectious diseases;
  • rickets;
  • with caution - when congenital defects hearts;
  • umbilical and inguinal hernias;
  • stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • skin suppuration, rashes and inflammation.

Essentially any painful condition baby is a signal that you should not take risks and get a massage. However, in the case of chronic diseases There is no need to refuse the procedure - just in such situations, special exercises and a gentle regime are required, which the doctor will tell you in detail.

In other cases, the procedure is suitable for children of almost any age. Most often when asked, at what age can you do massage treatments, doctors answer: after 1 month of life, all infants are entitled to daily preventive massage. Detailed description The corresponding execution techniques are given in the corresponding section.

How to massage a baby directly depends on his age.

It is important to note that before any session you should do a little preparation:

  1. The room should be at a comfortable temperature.
  2. For the child, you need to prepare a flat and soft surface on which to place a diaper or blanket.
  3. Hands should be clean, nails should be trimmed as much as possible. You should also remove all jewelry, watches, etc.

It is important to correctly determine the time when you can start doing massage.

There are some useful tips on this matter:

  • The optimal time is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., i.e. It is better not to perform a session in the evening and especially at night;
  • if the baby looks tired or sleepy, the procedure should be postponed;
  • finally, an important condition When you can do a massage is when you are eating: you can start the session at least an hour after eating.


Before and during the procedure, you should continuously monitor the baby’s behavior: if he likes it, doesn’t cry or is capricious, then everything is fine. If you look lethargic and cry during the massage, you should reschedule it.

Conventionally, there are 4 periods of life one year old child: up to 3 months, up to 6, up to 9 and up to 12. In each of these periods, the massage technique will be different: gradually the movements become more complicated and become more varied. In general, the procedure is repeated daily (once) every third month: i.e. There are 4 such cycles per year.

From 1 to 3 months

If we talk about how to massage a baby in the very first months, the main thing here is to follow a gentle regime: all movements should be extremely careful, soft and the child likes it.

The first sessions are essentially not a massage, but stroking different parts body without much pressure: back, abdomen, arms, legs, all fingers. The nature of the movements depends on the area being massaged:

  1. Palms and heels, feet are stroked and gently kneaded.
  2. The tummy is massaged in a clockwise circular motion.
  3. Back - light movements on the right and left sides of the spine (at least 1 cm).

The duration of the session is short - from 5 to 10 minutes. In this case, you should not touch the areas of the heart, liver, armpits and below the knees.

The duration of the procedure gradually increases to 20-30 minutes.

At this time, a number of others are added to the actions already described:

  1. First, they stroke the arms, legs and fingers; You can gently rub all areas. Armpit areas, under the knees, inner part the hips are not affected.
  2. The tummy is again stroked clockwise, and direct upward and downward movements are also made to the groin area and back.
  3. By chest You can only stroke the area of ​​the shoulders and sides.
  4. The neck is massaged with very light movements only in a lying position.
  5. The back is stroked with the pad of the palm along the vertebra (but not along the spine itself). If the baby is lying on his side, you can move your fingertip along the spine along the entire column.
  6. It is very important to teach the child to grab his mother’s finger so that he can hold on to it tightly and rise, stretching out.
  7. You can also take your baby by the armpits and lean forward slightly, making sure that he learns to lean on his feet and take small steps.
  8. You can do a slight tilt upside down (no more than 30 degrees) so that the blood flows slightly to the head, but if the child cries, you should not repeat the exercise.

At this time, the exercise complex begins to get used to - all exercises are done when the baby lies on his back:

  • the handles need to be moved apart and brought together one by one;
  • then the arms are extended and lowered;
  • knees come together and diverge;
  • and finally, lightly roll the baby in different directions.

IMPORTANT - When the baby turns 3 months old, he will need to be periodically placed on his tummy so that gases do not stagnate in the intestines.

At this stage, several other exercises are added to all the described massage actions:

  1. Particular attention is paid to active activities - the baby must learn to crawl. This technique helps especially well: a bright, beautiful toy, and when he starts crawling after her, you can play a little and move him a few centimeters - then the baby will crawl a greater distance.
  2. At the same time, the child is taught to walk independently: first he is supported by both hands, then by one. The baby should walk with his arms widely spaced (in line with his shoulders).

From 9 to 12 months

Finally, at the end of the first year, the following activities are added to the massage actions and active exercises already described:

  1. Raising the legs (when the child is lying down).
  2. Small squats.
  3. Body tilts in a standing position, turns.

Ball exercises

Not only massage will be very useful for your baby, but also exercises with a special massage ball.

They are done at different ages:

  1. At 3 months, you can rock your baby by placing a ball under his tummy.
  2. You can roll the ball with your side and back for up to six months.
  3. At six months you can already sit on the ball and put the child on his feet.
  4. At 10 months, the baby can walk under the supervision of an adult, using the ball as a walker.

Correct massage technique is the basis of a child’s health. If mom is not sure whether she is doing everything right, it is better to ask a doctor for advice. The main thing is to follow the regime and ensure that your baby enjoys the exercises.

Every mother should be able to massage her infant. These are mandatory hygiene procedures which are held daily. General value massage movements for the development of the baby is difficult to overestimate. At birth, the child has full tactile sensitivity. But at the same time many internal organs and the systems are in a state of ongoing development. The correct baby massage techniques will help them develop correctly.

These procedures are useful for relieving muscle hypertonicity, developing sensitivity, improving blood flow and lymph movement, and preventing umbilical hernias, strengthening muscles, improving digestion processes, hardening the baby.

General principles of massage for infants:

  • procedures should begin with 10-15 minutes;
  • the child must be completely undressed;
  • The massage is done on the hard surface of the changing table, which is covered;
  • hands should be lubricated with baby cream and all jewelry should be removed;
  • you need to monitor the child’s body temperature - if occipital region warm, then cold fingers and toes are not taken into account;
  • talk during a massage with your baby;
  • increase the time of procedures gradually up to 30 minutes per day.

Massaging an infant is strictly prohibited when:

  • increased body temperature;
  • digestive disorders;
  • immediately after feeding;
  • hernias around the umbilical ring;
  • irritations on the skin;
  • pustules;
  • colds.

Before you start regularly massaging your infant, consult a doctor who is monitoring his condition. Your baby may need special massage techniques to correct a particular condition.

At what month can you start massage for newborns?

Many parents wonder at what month they can start doing massage for newborn babies. IN maternity wards massage for healthy, full-term babies in combination with air baths provided from the second day after birth. At home, after discharge, massage can be done as soon as the umbilical cord stump falls off. Until this time, it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with the child’s body without sufficient experience. Wrong actions of parents can lead to the development of an umbilical hernia in the future.

So wait complete healing umbilical wound and begin to accustom your baby to daily massage. In this case, the area around the umbilical ring should be massaged gradually, starting with the grip skin Around him. Stimulation of cutaneous nerve receptors will help enhance muscle tone linea alba and will reduce the risk of umbilical hernia.

Practical techniques for baby massage

We begin massaging the infant. To do this, we warm the air in the room to 25-28 °C. Be sure to wash your hands with baby soap and remove all jewelry. Warm your hands to body temperature. We carefully place the baby on the changing table and gradually undress. It is best to do a massage immediately after the child wakes up from sleep and recovers his natural physiological needs.

When the child is undressed, begin to slowly stroke the feet away from thumb to the heel. It is recommended to stretch each finger thoroughly. Located on the foot a large number of reflex points that stimulate work internal organs. Be sure to talk to your child during procedures, tell him fairy tales and songs.

  • massage your legs with light stroking movements, in the direction from the foot to the groin area avoiding touching inner surface hips and groin area;
  • straighten each of the baby’s legs several times, lift the baby and try to put him on his legs, but at the same time supporting the body weight in your arms;
  • hand massage consists of stimulating the palms to unclench and the grasping reflex - straighten the child’s palm, massage the fingers, provoke the child to grab your fingers. After this, by stroking and lightly patting, massage the inner and outer surfaces of the forearm and shoulder girdle;
  • turn the child over onto his tummy and massage the back and gluteal region with circular stroking movements clockwise and counterclockwise - avoid pressure on the spinal column and neck;
  • We complete the massage by turning the baby onto his back and lightly stroking movements along the front chest wall, then place your palms on the baby’s tummy and lightly knead it with soft circular movements.

How to massage the abdomen for colic?

In infants at birth digestive tract is in a state of ongoing development and restructuring to a new source of nutrients.

In this regard, specific problems can often arise, which include:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the act;
  • decreased appetite.

You can help your baby with regular tummy massages. You can do a massage for colic only if you have accurate information about the child’s absence of congenital colic. To do this, you need to consult a doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, massaging the tummy and placing the baby on the stomach will help normalize the process of intestinal development and prevent the development of negative symptoms. If problems have already arisen, try doing abdominal mass for colic. In some cases this technique helps. For this:

  • expose your baby's tummy and legs;
  • place the child on his back on a hard surface;
  • bend the child’s legs several times, pulling the knees towards the front surface of the abdomen;
  • Using circular movements clockwise, massage first the upper abdomen, then the lower;
  • Using gentle pressing movements, move along the entire course of the intestines - you should start from the right hypochondrium along the diaphragm, then going down and rising around the navel to the stomach area.

Repeat all these techniques for the child 3-5 times. Complete the procedure by placing your baby on his tummy for a few minutes. In combination with other techniques that your doctor tells you, this should help get rid of colic and possible bloating.
