What is the percentage of the funded part of the pension? How much can you save? The procedure for forming a funded pension

A funded pension, which is due to all Russian citizens born in 1967 and later, as well as those insured in accordance with pension legislation, from January 1, 2017 will be calculated according to the new procedure.

The corresponding changes came into force together with the Federal Law “On the expected payment period funded pension for 2017,” reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

So the duration of payments is now will be 240 months, not 234. The period for payment of funded pensions for pensioners in 2017 has been increased by seven months

Insurance and funded pensions

Old age pension in our country it consists of 2 parts: insurance and savings.

Insurance pension is calculated based on pension points, which are assigned annually to each person depending on the insurance contributions paid to the compulsory pension insurance system and the duration length of service. Each point has its own value. In order to calculate how much your insurance pension, you need to find out either from the Pension Fund of Russia or through the government services portal the number of points accrued for all years of work experience and multiply them by the cost of each point.

As for funded pension, then, as the Ministry of Labor reminded and social protection RF, non-state pension funds and management companies are responsible for its formation. And how effectively they manage the pension savings of citizens entrusted to them, so is the size of the funded pension. And in order to understand what specific payments a person can expect, and an indicator such as the expected period of payment of a funded pension is used.

This indicator, as explained in the Ministry of Labor, is determined by federal law on the basis of official statistical data on the life expectancy of Russians in accordance with the Methodology for estimating the expected period of payment of a funded pension, approved by the government.

This is the average time for payment of such a pension. This indicator was introduced in 2015, at the same time the government approved the Methodology for estimating the expected period of payment of a funded pension.

The calculations were based on statistical data from Rosstat. Thus, at that time, 870,169 men and 1,319,847 women lived in Russia at the age of retirement. Based on this information, officials calculated that on average a Russian would receive a funded pension for 261 months.

“The period for payment of funded pensions for pensioners in 2017 has been increased by seven months,” reports the press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

The department emphasized that while this indicator will not be introduced, it is necessary to approach it gradually. After all, the longer the period of payment of a funded pension, the smaller the value itself monthly payment. Do not forget that each person has his own funded pension, so it must be calculated individually. To do this, go to the government services website and " personal account"insured by the Pension Fund, request the amount of funds accumulated in the account and divide the resulting amount by 240 months.

The resulting result will be the amount that a person who retired in 2017 will receive monthly in the form of a funded pension.

Document:the federal law dated December 28, 2016 No. 481-FZ "On the expected period of payment of funded pensions for 2017." This Federal Law comes into force on January 1, 2017.

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The law on “blocking” the funded part of pensions will continue, because the authorities decided that this is the only way they will be able to create a reserve fund in the budget that can be used in in case of emergency(they happen very often today). Against the backdrop of all this, the expected question arises:What should silent people do with the funded part of their pension in 2017?, and this situation requires careful discussion.

It was decided to use restrictions on pensioners’ savings back in 2014, and initially this decision was temporary, but then it became clear that the government could no longer manage without the created reserve, so it was decided to extend it. What remains unchanged is that 6% of pension contributions will still be sent to the insurance pension, and the authorities do not plan to this issue change something, because such use of finances will only help optimize the Pension Fund budget. Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that officials adhere to this position in last time, in any case, the chairmen of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development think so, although practice shows that usually everything happens a little differently, so there is no point in denying that the moratorium will continue.

The adoption of bills suggests that there are time frames that are used to form own pension, and also emphasize that the funded part of pension contributions is not considered mandatory, therefore, it can be abandoned. Officialtransfer of the funded part of the pension in 2017is impossible, but it is worth saying that people who have the right to receive these pension contributions can refuse savings using a written refusal-application, which must be submitted to the Pension Fund. They can also keep them for themselves, and in the event of the death of the pensioner, the savings under the will will be transferred to close people or persons by proxy.

Features of pension savings

Now it is necessary to pay special attention towhat to do with the funded part of the pension in 2017, last news which cannot be called too optimal. According to the authorities, people can “think” for another year about what will happen to their savings, however, in fact, the authorities are simply leaving a “reserve” in the budget that can be used during an emergency. Today, the funded part of the finances can be stored in a non-state pension fund, but he must notify the relevant authority about this in writing by mail, but the signature on the document must necessarily be notarized.

It must be said that today non-state savings funds have lost their authority among the population of the country, so many today are planning to transfer their savings to non-state pension funds. The number of non-state funds will also decrease slightly, so it’s definitely worth thinking about transferring.

What to do?

The authorities decided thatpayment of the funded part of the pension in 2017, is not expected, but the principle of using accumulated funds will still change. Silent people who did not bother to choose the National Pension Fund will be content with only an insurance pension, because the use of a funded pension is no longer available to them.

Voluntary pension insurance

Besides, what does he say pension in 2017 , many Russians are also interested in what the so-called voluntary pension insurance is, which allows each person to independently save for their own pension. The volume of contributions (transfers to the Pension Fund), as well as their frequency, is determined by the person independently, and the voluntary system differs more from funded pension savings wide possibilities transfers Money by inheritance.

Risk management experts say that there are also non-state pension systems that improve the quality of life of retirees. For example, a corporate pension deserves special attention, which, in fact, is a tripartite agreement between an employee of a particular organization, an employer and a non-state pension fund, and the peculiarity of its collection is that the pension fund is formed through transfers from the employer and the personal funds of an employee of the enterprise. Tariffs will also be determined individually, and in each case the amount of these payments will vary. Experts say that a corporate pension is a great opportunity“tie” an employee to a stable job in one organization seriously and for a long time, because upon dismissal he will lose the opportunity to form his pension benefit with the help of the employer.

"Pension" - For some, this term evokes a feeling of fear. Many people begin to think that life will stop after retirement. But, having reached a certain age and retired. A person realizes that the journey of life does not end. Today, in the Russian Federation, life expectancy is increasing, which means that you can live thirty or more years in retirement.

Alas, as sad as it is, the pension itself cannot be compared with wages, that’s why there is such a term as pension savings. This is in addition to the financial benefits that the state pays to individuals who have reached retirement age. Today we will thoroughly analyze what “pension savings” are, and what it is advisable to do already in this moment so as not to encounter problems after retirement.

Funded pension- the amount received as a result of creating an account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is worth knowing that these payments for different individuals with the same salary may be different from each other.

Payments of the funded portion are made every month from the moment an individual retires. The most important characteristic feature The savings part is that funds credited to a citizen’s individual account can be invested in various projects.

The total of deductions from wages of working citizens is twenty-two percent, six percent is allocated to the formation of the funded part of the pension at the request of the worker. An individual has every right to refuse this plan regarding the accrual of funds and direct all twenty-two percent of the money earned to his insurance pension.

How and where will pensioners be able to receive their funded portion in 2017?

Proposed requirements for payment funded part of pension in 2017 year

A pensioner has the opportunity to receive:

  • The entire accumulated amount;
  • Pension every month;
  • On a one-time basis, all finances are in the account of the deceased pensioner, to the persons who were transferred in the will.
Having all the documents and relying on the law, individuals have the opportunity to receive savings until retirement, a one-time payment only in this case if they are considered disabled people of the first, second or third group.

Another option involves a one-time issue pension savings in connection with the loss of a breadwinner in accordance with Art. No. 4 Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ.

The amount issued directly depends on the state of the pensioner’s savings, which exist in his account for the current period. During the period from which he was given a one-time payment. Working pensioners, after reaching retirement age, are deprived of such an opportunity to receive payments.

What to do with the funded part of your pension?

1) Leave financial resources in the care of the Pension Fund, which will independently invest your funds. In what areas is investment possible:
  • Securities;
  • Mortgage papers;
  • In cash in the accounts of credit institutions.
The rate of return will be below the inflation rate. Account information can be requested no more than once every 12 months.

2) Make a transfer of funds to a private management company that previously entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund. IN in this case, the transferred funds will be stored in the Pension Fund, and management manipulations will be carried out by the Management Company.

Pensioner rights:

  • Possibility of choosing another Management Company;
  • Reverse withdrawal of funds to the Pension Fund;
Options for investing pensioner's funds - Stocks and bonds. Profitability cannot cover inflation, and the cost of the service will be 10% per year.

3) Entrust financial management to the Non-State Pension Fund.

Pensioner's rights:

  • Possibility to assign a receiver;
Investment of funds can be made in securities and deposits, and the return will be higher than the inflation rate.

The funded part of the pension - how to get it?

After a citizen becomes a pensioner, he mandatory must contact the insurer. Pension savings funds will be divided by the expected “survival” period, this calculates the amount that will be paid every month for life.

What is an immediate pension payment?

Term pension payments are made to individuals every month for the duration of the period for which their insurance was issued, but this period should not be less than ten years. What is a pension payment?

This is a financial payment made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to people who have reached retirement age from the pension savings in their account.

The formation of a pension occurs as a result of the receipt of funds into a savings account future pension individual.

Auxiliary reserves with the help of which the formation process takes place.

1) Contributions made voluntarily (transferred to a personal pension asset by an individual soon reaching retirement age);

2) Financial resources that entered the asset as a result of joint financing by the state of the deposits of an individual (according to the law, the state budget is obliged to double the investments of an individual who has reached retirement age, provided that the investment amount is not less than 2,000 rubles and does not exceed 12,000 rubles).

3) Deposits of the enterprise where the pensioner worked;

4) Funds contributed from maternity capital;

5) Family resources.

An employee who manages to form the funded part of his pension on time using the methods discussed above has a good chance of getting his pension funds upon reaching retirement age:

  • In the form of an urgent payment issued every month. The payment period is set by the citizen himself; the established period should not be less than two and no more than ten years.
In the event that the death of the person receiving the pension occurs, the remainder of the funds accumulated by him can be retrieved by the successors noted in the will.

If the funded share is formed by transferring the initial capital to the mother’s pension account. In the event of her death, the child’s parent or children who have not reached the age of majority acquire the opportunity to extract monetary fragments; in this case, if they are considered full-time students at a university branch, the period for extracting a funded pension is extended up to twenty-three years inclusive.

How is the funded part of a pension calculated?

The amount that must be paid monthly under the funded part is calculated from the adopted provisions of the law, according to the formula:


Based on the seventh part of Art. 7. Federal Law No. 424, the amount of payment paid every month is calculated according to the formula:

NP = PN/T.

NP– Funded Pension;
Mon– The amount of funds stored in the account;
T– Period for receiving funds.

The payment amount is adjusted every month due to receipt, and therefore the amount of payments increases. NP receipts go to the insured individual for the rest of his life.

As of December 31, 2015, T was equal to 228 months or 19 years.

An example of how it is done

For example, at the time of his retirement, Alexey Petrov had accumulated 350,000 rubles in his account. Applying the formula above and adjustments for 2017, we find out that the duration of payments will be 234 months, or 19.5 years.

This period is considered real; during this time, a person who has retired will receive a pension. Adjustments affect calculation of the funded part of the pension, and will be held every year starting from January 1, 2017.

Let's say Alexey Petrov has a desire receive your funded pension not from the very moment of retirement, but a year later, so the number of months for payment automatically increases by 12 months and amounts to 234 months. In this case, if Alexey Petrovich began to receive the funded part of the pension, it would be 1,495 rubles, and if deferred for 12 months it would be equal to 1,567 rubles.

According to the adopted law, citizens will be able to reduce the period of monthly payments only to sixty months (five years). It turns out that the number of years during which the planned funded pension will be paid will be fourteen and a half years (174 months).

An interesting video about how the funded part of the pension will be calculated and how to receive it in 2017:

The funded part of the pension in 2017 - how to get it?

There is no reason for difficulties to arise with the payment of a funded pension. To do this, a person who has reached retirement age must contact the management company where part of the pension funds is located.

To find out where accumulative pension contributions are located, you can once a year at the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the local MFC, as well as on the Public Services portal.

If the funds are under the control of the State Pension Fund, the citizen has the opportunity to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is located at the place of temporary registration of the individual or the main registration of the applicant.

Citizens can submit a request for payment through a proxy individual, which, according to adopted laws, represents the interests of the pensioner or through the post office. This application form is offered to people with limited mobility who, due to their health, are unable to attend public organizations.

In order to apply for a funded pension, the following package of documents will be required:

  • Identification document (Passport);
  • Completed application form;
  • SNILS.
If an old-age insurance pension is issued at the same time as a funded pension, it is worth adding the following documents:
  • Employment history;
  • Certificates confirming work experience;
The deadline for acceptance of the appointment or refusal to pay the funded part should be no more than ten working days from the date of submission of the application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Strictly established deadlines when a citizen is obliged to submit an application for the assignment of payments to him, there is no payment.
After the death of a pensioner, his wife or children can become a full heir to the remaining funded part; in the absence of such, the remaining relatives will be considered heirs.

Changes in funded pensions in 2017

As it became known, in 2017 the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation left unchanged the procedure for accruals, as well as the registration and payment of the funded part to people who have reached retirement age.

As we already know, the accumulation procedure itself and the creation of the funded part of the pension was frozen in 2015, but today it is already working in full force.

The fundamental changes in 2017 were that those people who, by their age, are considered pensioners, but still continue to work, must decide whether to remain working and be content with their wages, or, after a well-deserved rest, receive the pension payments due to them.

Frequently asked question

Hello. My name is Teremov Kirill Petrovich, I am forty-six years old, I applied to the Pension Fund for the first time. I understand that I won’t be receiving a pension any time soon, but I still need to think about it today. I understand that I need to accumulate a certain number of points. I read somewhere that, in addition to the insurance pension, there is also a funded pension, can I use the latter to increase the size of my monthly pension payments?

Answer: Hello, Kirill Petrovich. The longer you work, the larger your pension will be.

But you must understand perfectly well what we are talking about work activity with official employment, and your company transfers funds to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation every month. Well, if your work activity is private, then naturally the amount of your salary will not in any way affect the increase in the amount of previously collected points, on the basis of which pension payments will be calculated to you.

What can you say about funded pensions? You correctly noted that these are separate indicators that do not depend on the adopted point system. According to the adopted legislation, you can, of course, receive your share a little later. By making a transfer of payments from one year to five years. Based on this, you can make your pension much higher.

For more than fourteen years, a law has been in force in Russia regulating the process of forming accumulative shares in pension contributions citizens, called the funded part of the pension. The creation of such a part of the pension makes it possible to increase the well-being of persons during the period of incapacity by receiving payments that supplement the main insurance pension. Despite the long validity period of this legislative document, questions regarding the disposal of funded shares still arise today, in 2018, among many future retirees. There are many options for investing it, some NPFs are advertised quite actively. But this does not always help citizens make a decision, whether it is worth withdrawing their part of pension savings from the Pension Fund.

Initially, the end of 2015 was announced as the end of the period during which it was offered the opportunity to transfer one’s funded share from the Pension Fund to specialized funds. The funds of persons who did not show such initiative were to remain at the disposal of the Pension Fund. But since many citizens still have not been able to fully understand this issue, it was decided to extend the deadline for placing the funded share in 2018. Therefore, citizens still have time to choose a non-state pension fund to invest their finances.

The choice of the organization that will be entrusted with the right to dispose of the funded pension portion should be made extremely carefully. It makes sense to study the state of the market in this area, learn as much as possible about various non-state pension funds. Fortunately, you can find a lot of information about them in the media and on the Internet. There is even a . It is necessary to understand that there is a certain degree of risk when placing the savings portion in funds. Therefore, you can not use the right to independently allocate these finances and leave all pension contributions to the Pension Fund.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

All savings account owners pension parts Those who have decided to invest their funds profitably want to know the nuances of choosing non-profit funds that can not only save, but also increase savings, and provide decent conditions during a disabled age. You don't have to worry too much about investing these funds. The work of all organizations specializing in preserving and increasing pension parts is strictly controlled by the Pension Fund, tax services. In case of bankruptcy of any of them, the seized assets are sent to the accounts of the Pension Fund.

However, the productivity of finance and capital growth depend on the correct choice of non-state pension funds. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of the fund into which the funded pension portions will be transferred. It is advisable to prepare, spend time studying reliability and profitability ratings, familiarize yourself with the composition of the founders and the area in which investments are made.

Payment of the funded part of the pension (How to receive the funded part of the pension)

Future pensioners, with , are given the right to choose the method of receiving payment of funds from the funded part. You can receive a monthly supplement throughout your entire retirement age or use quarterly or annual payments. But some citizens may want to receive a funded pension as a one-time payment and inherit it. All these possibilities are reflected in the legislative act. One-time payment Not everyone is eligible for the funded pension component. This method is available only to persons whose funded portions do not exceed five percent of the main insurance portion. A one-time payment is made on the basis of an application that the citizen is required to submit to the Pension Fund.

How does the funded part of a pension differ from the insurance part of a pension?

A monthly twenty-two percent deduction from salary to the Pension Fund is mandatory for all working citizens of the Russian Federation. Six of them are used in the formation of the cumulative share. Insurance part is at the disposal of the Pension Fund, it goes towards pension payments, and is invested in various projects to obtain growth. Cumulative part the owner is given the right to dispose of it at his own discretion. Citizens who receive it do not have to take it away from the Pension Fund, but leave all pension funds in it. It is possible to redirect it to a non-state pension fund and ensure an increase in the funded part through smart investments.

Pensions in 2017, latest news

Changes in legislation that have appeared this year are of interest large category citizens, not only those who have already reached the age of incapacity, but also those who are about to join the category of pensioners. The growth of insurance pensions is provided only for citizens who are not engaged in labor activity, social payments increased by four percent for all pensioners.

State support now amounts to 8 thousand 562 rubles, the average value of insurance pensions has reached 13 thousand 132 rubles.

Currently, a specially developed point-based pension system is used in calculating the old-age pension. Their number is formed from the sizes monthly deductions in the Pension Fund, the number of years during which these payments were made. It is possible to increase your pension points by delaying retirement and accruing it too late, provided by law. Work experience includes caring for sick relatives and children. Moreover, a certain gradation is used when calculating pension point. Mothers who raised three children receive 4 times more points than a woman with one child.

Heated debates in the Government of the Russian Federation caused indexing. The February increase in pension payments by four percent this year may be latest promotion. Creating a budget deficit makes it impossible to raise pensions again in the fall, despite the fact that the added interest is three times lower than the expected increase in inflation this year.

A decrease in the pension point by two rubles and 15 kopecks was recorded; this year it is 74 rubles. 27 kopecks The average pension is 8 thousand 562 rubles. The average insurance pension reached 13 thousand 132 rubles.

Increase and indexation of pensions in 2018

When calculating February 2016 pensions, an indexation of four percent was made. And already in 2017, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, instead of indexation. The difficult economic situation in the country resulted in a state budget deficit. This may be the reason for the lack of subsequent indexation of pensions, despite rising inflation. The possibility of increasing pension payments in the fall will be considered later. There are categories of persons for whom mandatory indexing is provided.

From now on, an increase in pension payments is provided only for non-working persons. IN State Duma Several projects have been submitted for consideration that relate to the retirement age and the procedure for paying benefits to workers in hazardous industries. But they are all just waiting for their decision. Among them there are proposals regarding the funded part, the possibility of their transfer from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to non-profit organizations.

The State Duma, in the third and final reading, adopted a law on freezing the funded part of Russians’ pensions until 2021. Information about this is posted on the website of the lower house of parliament.

The pension of Russians born in 1967 consists of their insurance and funded parts.

The funds that citizens previously contributed to the funded part of pensions (6% of wages) will be used for current payments to pensioners until 2021.

As noted in the document, the implementation of the law will reduce the transfer for compulsory pension insurance transferred from the budget to the Pension Fund of Russia by 609.1 billion rubles.

The decision to freeze the pension savings of Russians was made in 2014. It was seen as a temporary measure that should help pension system withstand the influx of pensioners and prevent a strong expansion of the budget deficit. Then the authorities promised to return all frozen savings with interest.

However, this idea was subsequently abandoned, and the moratorium was constantly extended.

In particular, in December 2017 it was extended until 2020. For citizens whose funded part of their pension was frozen, the funded component was recalculated into pension coefficients.

The Minister of Labor previously announced the extension of the freeze on the funded part of pensions for 2021. According to him, in total, the moratorium saved the Russian budget about 2 trillion rubles.

At the same time, the Minister of Finance previously stated that there would be no return to the mandatory funded pension. Instead, it is necessary to develop a voluntary system of pension savings with the help of IPC (individual pension capital).

Since 2016, the Ministry of Finance began to develop a new voluntary pension system.

The IPC concept assumes that citizens themselves will form the funded part of their pension through non-state pension funds, devoting 6% of their salary to this - with the opportunity to refuse to pay, increase or decrease this amount.

In September, Anton Siluanov stated that IPC system may start working in 2020.

At the same time, during the development of the IPC system, major disagreements previously arose in the government regarding the method for Russians to enter the system. Thus, the option of “auto-subscription” (automatic inclusion with the possibility of refusal) and auto-registration (inclusion through the employer) were considered.

“Auto-subscription” was offered by the Ministry of Finance. But the social bloc of the government was against it. Then it was proposed to replace “auto-subscription” with “auto-registration”, according to which the employer would first have to familiarize the employee with the rules of participation in the system, and, if the employee wants, he will be able to sign documents and join the IPC. The Central Bank insisted on this option.

Last year, a compromise was proposed - formally it was proposed to abandon the term “auto-subscriptions”. It was assumed that the majority of workers would receive the right to a “simplified entry procedure.”

The IPC participant was offered the right to choose the “basic” version of the contribution payment scheme ( gradual increase them from 1% to 6%) or fix the rate, as well as suspend the payment of contributions at any time for a period of five years.

"The government took well for direct management of funds in the country, collecting as much money as possible through taxes and fees for subsequent distribution. For today, funds have been allocated in full for citizens and their “decent” pension, but not for future pensioners,” comments expert Sergei Zvenigorodsky.

As previously stated by the Association of Non-Governmental pension funds(ANPF) in 2017, due to the freezing of pension savings, the country’s economy will lose 6 trillion rubles.

“The created IPC system will be formed at the expense of the citizens themselves. At the same time, the explanation about the voluntariness of the IPC and shifting the responsibility for forming pensions from the state and business to future pensioners looks untimely. In the struggle for the social benefits of citizens, the government’s social bloc is consistently destroying trust in the pension system, changing the rules of the game in the market and not caring about pension recipients in 7-10 years,” sums up Sergei Zvenigorodsky.
