What relates to work in the dow. The labor activity of preschoolers in kindergarten - what is it and what is it for? Photo report “Work in nature in autumn

AT this material the result of the analysis of the program of education and training in kindergarten edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. The methodological model of labor education will greatly facilitate the implementation of a promising and scheduling work with children, will allow you to consistently and systematically organize all work on labor education on the basis of the created subject environment for every type of work. Educators can change the planning of work, taking into account the algorithm for mastering specific labor skills, abilities, actions in each age group for all four types of labor.

AT pivot tables tasks and content of work for each type of labor, those that are new for each age group in comparison with the previous one are highlighted in font, which will help the teacher to start work on the implementation of new tasks of labor education in a timely manner and continue working on already familiar ones, until the stability of labor skills is fully formed in children.

In the tables of algorithms for familiarizing children with labor operations and actions available to them, those labor skills that children must master in this group are also highlighted. Educators will be able to introspect their own pedagogical activity on the organization of labor education of children and pedagogical diagnostics mastering the program by the section Labor education.

Moreover, instead of the traditionally habitual diagnosis by levels (high, medium, low), the diagnosis of children is based on the principle that allows you to determine the degree of activity and success in relation to the child. this species labor (active or inactive) and the result of mastering it (successful) or not mastering labor operations, actions, skills (unsuccessful).

This evaluation of results labor activity children is more correct.


Formation positive attitude to work in preschool children.


  • Familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of ideas about the social significance of work.
  • Raising respect for working people, careful attitude to the results of work.
  • Formation of labor skills, positive relationships of the child with adults and peers.

Types of work for preschoolers

  • Self-service.
  • Household work.
  • labor in nature.
  • Manual labor.

Forms of labor organization

Methodological comment

Such types of labor as self-service, household work in nature, are used in all age groups, and manual labor - in the senior and preparatory groups. Instructions are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten. But in junior group they are the leading form of labor organization. Therefore, work with kids on labor education should begin with individual assignments that the child performs together with the educator, and only much later move on to other forms.

By virtue of psychological features children of younger groups are not independent enough in their actions, are prone to imitation, cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace necessary for the team, are often distracted, and do not complete the work they have begun. Toddlers are little interested in the result, they are attracted by the process of action itself. They do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve results. Therefore, only from the second half of the year in the 2nd junior group, when children already have some work experience, educators use group assignments.

The main form of uniting children of this age in labor is work "nearby", when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the educator. At the same time, the baby exercises the skills and abilities necessary for teamwork.

In the second half of the year in the 2nd junior group shifts are introduced - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence.

The most widely used different types of duty are in senior and preparatory groups.

The most complex form of organizing the work of children is collective labor. It is widely used only in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, when the skills of children become more stable, and the results of labor are of practical and social significance. Children by this age already have sufficient experience in participating in different types duties, performing various assignments. The age capabilities of children allow the educator to decide more challenging tasks labor education:

  • teach children to agree on upcoming work;
  • work at the right pace
  • complete the task in certain period.

In the senior group the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all, and at the end of the work a general result is summed up. AT preparatory group special meaning acquires joint labor when children are dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to educate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with a request, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

In the process of labor, children acquire necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals (labor in nature), master the simplest actions with objects, learn about materials and their properties (manual labor). Children develop an interest in work, a desire to work (domestic work, self-service). In each group, it is necessary to create conditions for all types of work that are appropriate for the age of the children.

Inventory and materials should be rationally stored so that children can use them independently. The content of the work of children, the system of including them in work, its duration and volume, the forms of combining children in work, methods and techniques, the gradual complication of tasks and the increased requirements for the independence of children should correspond to the program of each age group.

ON A NOTE. Methodological literature for kindergarten at low prices from a specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru


1st junior group

1. To cultivate respect for people of any profession.

2. Emphasize the significance of the results of their work.

3. Support the desire of children to help adults.

4. Involve children in self-care

2nd junior group

To instill a desire to take a feasible part in labor activity.

middle group

1. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work.

2. To teach to carry out individual and collective assignments, to form the ability to negotiate with the help of an educator on the distribution of work, to take care of the timely completion of a joint task.

3. To form the beginning of a responsible attitude to the assigned task (the ability and desire to bring the work started to the end, the desire to do it well).

4. Explain to children the importance of their work.

5. Encourage initiative in helping comrades, adults.

Senior group

1. Continue to expand children's ideas about the work of adults. Show the results of labor, its social significance. Systematize knowledge about the work of people in different time of the year.

2. Talk about the professions of a teacher, doctor, builder, workers Agriculture, transport, clothing industry, trade, etc.

3. Explain that a variety of equipment is used to facilitate labor (computer, cash register, electrical sewing machine etc.).

4. To acquaint children with the work of people of creative professions: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk arts and crafts. Show the results of their work: paintings, books, notes, decorative arts.

5. Explain to children that the work of adults is paid, and people spend the money they earn on buying food, clothing, furniture, and recreation.

6. To develop a desire together with adults and with their help to carry out feasible labor assignments.

7. Learn to bring the work you have started to the end.

8. Develop creativity and initiative in the performance of various types of work. Form responsibility for the implementation of labor assignments.

9. Teach the most economical methods of work. To cultivate a culture of work activity, respect for materials and tools.

10. Learn to evaluate the result of your work with the help of an adult.

11. Stimulate the desire to take part in work activities.

preparatory group

1. Continue to cultivate interest in various professions, place of work of parents.

2. Continue to introduce children to professions related to the specifics of local conditions.

3. Expand ideas about the work of adults. Cultivate respect for working people.

4. Form the need to work.

5. Cultivate love for work.

6. Teach diligently, carefully carry out instructions, protect materials and objects, put them away after work.

7. To cultivate the desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone, the desire to be useful to others, to achieve results.

Methodological comment

Introducing children to work begins with the 1st junior group. The main type of work at this age is self-service.

In the 2nd junior group, the formation of a desire for feasible work in children continues.

The volume of tasks for labor education increases from the middle group, reaching a maximum in the older group. Exactly at middle group children actively master various labor skills and methods of labor in nature, household and self-service labor.

In the older group, manual labor is added. In the older group, more emphasis is placed on the formation of all the skills available to children, skills in various types labor. Formed conscious attitude and interest in work, the ability to achieve results.

In the preparatory group, the formed skills and abilities are improved. But basic foundation labor skills of children are laid in the senior group

ON A NOTE. Role-playing toys for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru

SELF-SERVICE: Tasks and content of group work

1st junior group

1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating).

2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands on your own as they get dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult.

4. To form the skill of using individual items with a handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand.

6. Teach children how to dress and undress.

7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult.

8. Teach in a certain order to carefully fold the removed clothes.

9. Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes.

2nd junior group

1. Continue to teach children to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.).

2. To cultivate neatness, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults.

3. Continue to teach how to use soap correctly, gently wash hands, face, ears; wipe dry after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb, handkerchief.

4. Learn how to properly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin.

middle group

1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean, dry

2. To cultivate the desire to be always neat and tidy.

3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet

4. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief.

5. Teach coughing and sneezing to turn away and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief

6. Continue to learn how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife).

7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating

Senior group

1. Form the habit of daily brushing your teeth and washing your face, as needed, wash your hands.

2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in the closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away).

3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance.

4. Form the habit of taking care of personal things.

5. Develop a desire to help each other

6. Teach yourself to brush your teeth, keep your nails clean

7. Keep order in your closet, lay out clothes in certain places

8. Learn to make a neat bed

preparatory group

1. To consolidate the ability to independently dress and undress in a certain sequence, correctly and accurately put clothes in the closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean).

2. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance, tactfully tell a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, and help eliminate it. To form such qualities as responsiveness, mutual assistance.

3. Learn to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson on your own

4. Teach to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, wash your feet before going to bed

By the end of the year, children can: dress and undress, keep their clothes in order, if necessary, put them in order.

ON A NOTE. Educational toys for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru


The formation of self-service labor skills is closely related to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and affects their improvement. The algorithm will help the educator in working on perspective plan, in thinking through the sequence and choosing specific forms and methods of work for a more complete and timely formation of all the skills of self-service work in children of each age group.

ON A NOTE. Didactic games for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"— detsad-shop.ru

HOUSEHOLD WORK: Tasks and content of work in groups

1st junior group

1. Teach children to keep order in game room, at the end of the games, arrange game material in places.

2. Involve children in performing the simplest labor activities. Together with an adult and under his supervision, before eating, put bread bins (without bread) and napkin holders on the table.

2nd junior group

1. Encourage children to independently complete elementary assignments - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); clean up toys after playing construction material

2. To teach to keep order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten

3. Encourage them to help adults, cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for dining room duty: help set the table for dinner (lay out spoons and forks, arrange bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

middle group

1. Teach children to maintain order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material in place, help the teacher, glue books, boxes.

2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group

1. Teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and study guides, wash toys and building material, repair books, toys

2. To form the ability to clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clean the paths from debris, from snow in winter, pour sand in the sandbox

3. To teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, clean up the dishes after eating

4. Learn to independently lay out the materials prepared by the teacher for classes, clean them up, wash brushes, paint sockets, a palette, wipe tables

preparatory group

1. Continue to teach children to constantly and timely maintain order in the group and on the site: wipe toys and manuals, wash toys, building materials, repair books and toys together with the teacher.

2. Continue to teach yourself how to clean up the kindergarten area on your own: sweep and clean the paths from debris, from snow in winter, water the sand in the sandbox.

3. Learn to make your own bed after sleep

4. Teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants: fully set the table, distribute the second and third (berries, fruits) dishes, clean up the dishes after eating, sweep the floor

5. Learn to independently lay out the materials prepared by the educator for classes, clean them up, wash brushes, paint sockets, and wipe tables.

By the end of the year, children can: organize their own workplace and put it in order at the end of classes.

Work on the formation of skills in household work in children is interconnected with the formation common culture child: properly serve, clean the table, maintain cleanliness, order in the room, on the site.
Mastering labor household operations makes the child independent, ready for adulthood.

ON A NOTE. Role-playing costumes for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"— detsad-shop.ru



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  • Golitsina N. S. Organization and conduct thematic control in DOW. - M.: Scriptorium, 2004.
  • Golitsina N. S. Organization and content of the work of a senior preschool teacher. - M.: Scriptorium, 2008.
  • Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool Pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2002.
  • Guidelines for the program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2008.
  • Prikhodko E. G., Malyshevich T. V. New model educational and educational activities of a preschool teacher educational institution. - Krasnodar: World of Kuban, 2006.

Material provided by the magazine, November 2010

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance. Including children in labor activity, the educator forms labor skills, cultivates the habit of labor effort, responsibility, care, thrift, diligence, willingness to participate in labor without avoiding unpleasant work, forms positive relationships between children.
When organizing labor, the educator is guided by the "Kindergarten Education Program", which determines the content of the labor activity of children in each age group.
The main types of labor in kindergarten are household labor, labor in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties and collective labor of children.
Orders are widely used in all age groups of the kindergarten, but in younger groups they are the leading form of organizing child labor. Educators should know why work with children in labor education should begin with individual assignments that the child performs together with the teacher, and only much later move on to other forms. Due to psychological characteristics, children of younger groups are still not independent enough in their actions, they are prone to imitation, they cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace necessary for the team, they are often distracted, do not finish the work they have begun. At this age, children are little interested in the result, they are attracted by the process of action itself (they do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve the result). Therefore, only in the second younger group from the second half of the year, when the children already have some work experience, educators use group assignments. The main form of association in the work of children of this age is work "nearby", when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the educator; at the same time, the child exercises the skills and abilities necessary for teamwork.
At the end of the year, shifts are introduced in the second junior group - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence. (Different types of duty are most widely used in the senior and preparatory groups.)
The most complex form of organizing the work of children is collective work. It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, when skills become more stable, and the results of labor are of practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience of participating in different types of duty, in performing various assignments. Increased opportunities allow the teacher to solve more complex tasks of labor education: he teaches children to agree on the upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete the task within a certain time. In the older group, the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all and when a general result is summed up at the end of the work.
In the preparatory group, joint work is of particular importance, when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to educate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with a request, agree on joint actions, and help each other.
Properly organized and feasible work unites children, promotes the education of mutual assistance, discipline, the ability to distribute forces and overcome difficulties, promotes the education of independence, initiative, the desire to do a good job, the habit of cooperation. Reasonably directed feasible work contributes to the physical development of children, the growth of overall performance and endurance of the body, accuracy and coordination of movements. In the process of labor, children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals, master the simplest actions with objects (pencil, hammer), learn about materials and their properties. Children develop an interest in work, a desire to work, a correct idea that work brings joy. On this basis, the concept of the obligation of everyone to work for the benefit of the people will subsequently be formed.
The head of the kindergarten must constantly explain to the technical staff and parents what a huge role labor plays in the upbringing of preschool children, how important it is to create all the necessary conditions through joint efforts, under which labor would really become a means of moral education children.
The head of the kindergarten is responsible for the equipment of all labor processes. Materials, tools for child labor must, firstly, strictly comply with hygiene requirements and rules for the protection of life and health of children. It is strictly forbidden to give children to work anything that could create the slightest risk of injury or have an adverse effect on their health and physical development. Secondly, the materials that children use in their work activities must be malleable and easy to process, and the tools are convenient and adapted to the capabilities of children.
The manager must know how educators teach children to work, how they organize work, what requirements they impose on children, how they educate their pets in the process of work. All this is necessary in order to help the teacher in time and prevent errors in his work.
When studying the work of educators in the labor education of children, it is necessary to use different methods: observation pedagogical process, planning analysis, conversations with children and adults.
When observing the labor of children in each age group, it is important to establish whether the conditions for labor activity have been created; are there tools and materials for all types of labor appropriate for the age of children; whether inventory and materials are stored rationally, can children use them independently, and also pay attention to the content of children's work, to the system for including them in work, its duration and volume, forms of combining children in work, to methods and techniques of raising children, to gradual complication of tasks and increased requirements for the independence of children.
During school year control over the implementation of the program should be carried out in all groups. Observations should cover all types of child labor and all forms of organization of children. Yes, watching educational process when self-service, in the younger group, it should be clarified what initial labor duties are introduced for children, how they are assimilated by babies; in the middle group, attention should be paid to consolidating these skills, to accelerating the pace of self-service; in older groups - to check the independence of children in the process of self-service. Observing how household work is organized, in the older groups one should look at whether complications have been introduced into the content of labor, whether children are able to distribute responsibilities, what is the effectiveness of child labor; and in the younger groups - to pay attention to the availability of labor, to the methods and techniques that encourage children to work, to the behavior of children in the future, their interest in labor activity. Observing the work of children in nature, it is important to establish its correspondence with the age of the children, local conditions, and seasons.
Organization manual labor also requires serious attention. Observations will help to find out whether all varieties of this work are used by educators; what types of labor have firmly entered the lives of children, which ones are just being introduced; what skills the children are learning or have mastered.
Observing the work of the attendants in the second junior group, one should pay attention to the ability of children to act with the help of adults, to the desire to get involved in work on their own, without the help of others; in the middle group - on the ability of children to start on duty without reminders, to work in a certain sequence, not to be distracted, to bring the work started to the end; in the senior and preparatory groups - on the ability to independently distribute responsibilities, consistently perform all necessary actions, observe all hygiene rules at work (wash hands before duty, take a cup only by the handle, etc.).
When monitoring work on labor education, attention should be paid to establishing continuity between groups, as well as the unity of requirements among educators and other personnel.
In the course of observations and in the process of analysis, the head reminds of the need to pay constant attention to the formation of children's labor skills, the education of children's attitude to the performance of their duties; discuss the results of everyday child labor, evaluate it, otherwise children lose interest in work. Interest in work disappears even if for everything that children do, they are only praised: “Well done!” Carelessness unnoticed by the educator, lack of diligence, undeserved praise reduce the pedagogical impact of labor. When analyzing the work of the educator, these points should also be paid attention to.
When studying the work of educators in the labor education of children, it is important to use different methods: observation of the pedagogical process, analysis of planning, conversations with children and adults.

"Kindergarten. Book for managers", ed. L.P. Tarasova. M., 1982

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Labor assignments- most simple form organization of children's work. This is a request from an adult to the child to perform some kind of labor action. The scientific works of V.G. Nechaeva, A.D. Shatova (1974).

Instructions play an important role in younger groups, because children do not know how to work on their own initiative. They are introduced from the first days of children's stay in kindergarten and have great importance for the development and upbringing of children (interest in work is formed, responsibility for the task assigned, etc.) in all age groups. But assignments are especially important in the period from 3 to 5 years:

· Instructions always come from an adult.

・Determined in instructions specific task and a clear focus on getting results (what and how to do).

Orders create an opportunity for individual work with kids.

· In the process of executing assignments, it is convenient to monitor the presence of labor skills and abilities, the child's relationship to the task assigned, the ability to complete the work.

According to the form of organization, labor assignments can be individual, subgroup, general; by duration - short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time; by content - correspond to the types of labor.

In the practice of working with children, individual assignments are especially common (less often - collective, subgroup - for two or three children). It is easier to teach one or two children than whole group; it is more convenient to control the actions of everyone, provide timely assistance to those who need it, additional demonstration, advice, etc.

Long-term assignments provide special opportunities for the formation of skills, when the child is responsible for some business for two or three days. Instructions contain an element of demand, with the help of which a child, especially a younger one, learns to act purposefully, to realize that he is performing the task of an adult. Through a variety of assignments, the child learns to perform certain duties.

In the practice of upbringing, assignments are more often organized in the first half of the day (before breakfast) or in the second half (after daytime sleep). Since there are no shifts in the younger groups, the teacher has great opportunities systematically involve a large number of children to perform a variety of assignments related to labor in a corner of nature, with various household work in group room and on the site of the kindergarten (collect toys before leaving the walk, distribute pencils for drawing, etc.).

The age level at which assignments are especially common is the middle group, where a greater number of assignments are individual in nature and occur in the first half of the day (water indoor plants, sweep part of the site, collect garbage in a bucket, feed the fish, etc.).

In older groups, instructions continue to play big role However, responsibilities are starting to become important. The teacher involves the children in the execution of assignments that are not included in the duties of the attendants. A special place is occupied by assignments of a public nature (to help the kids, the janitor, etc.).

In order for assignments to have an educational impact, they must always contain specific purpose and educational task, for example, to consolidate fragile labor skills, to introduce the new content of labor. Sometimes instructions are given in order to distract the child from an unwanted activity.

The interest of children in the execution of instructions is due to their content. The first group includes assignments related to the implementation of one method of action (serve, bring, carry, pick up, etc.). They are short-term, episodic.

The second group consists of assignments that contain several methods of action, several labor operations (wash the cage, feed animals, fish, birds, water indoor plants, a flower garden, a vegetable garden).

The third group will include assignments related to results that children do not achieve immediately (sow, plant, wash, ask dad to sharpen colored pencils, etc.). Similar assignments are practiced in older groups.

Assignments are allocated to a special group, in the performance of which there is no visible result (ask the cook what is for breakfast today, invite a methodologist to a lesson, etc.). Such assignments solve the problem of teaching children the ability to communicate with adults, to be able to navigate in the kindergarten.

In different age groups, the management of assignments has its own characteristics. With children 3-5 years old, the teacher uses in more individual approach, reminder, teamwork with children. Observations show that the majority of children from 3 to 5 years old, when performing assignments, are guided by the requirements of the teacher. In order to bring up reasonable obedience and diligence of kids, the educator becomes a direct participant in the child's activities. AT joint activities the educator has the ability to exercise control imperceptibly. The experience of working together with children aged 3-5 years shows how great the role of teaching influence is in carrying out assignments. In this case, the teacher uses the techniques of showing and explaining. Otherwise, the slightest difficulty - and the child abandons the task assigned.

When children master labor skills and abilities, active role educator is needed. However, with the accumulation of experience in independent completion of the task, it is advisable to switch to a verbal reminder (suggest how to act) or to activate the children with questions.

Gradually, the teacher can switch children to individual assignments not for one, but for several children at once, showing the methods of work to all children at the same time. Achieving positive result, it is important for the educator to use an assessment of the content of the child's activities (most often a positive, benevolent assessment) in order to arouse children's interest in completing the assignment.

In the younger and middle groups, it is especially important to notice the children's initiative (he saw that a toy was lying around - pick it up, put it in its place, etc.). For children 3-5 years old, the teacher offers to look carefully and find for themselves what needs to be done. Game methods should be widely used in labor assessment.

The participation of all children of these groups in the execution of instructions is important training to participate in duty.

In the older groups, assignments-tasks are introduced (bring boxes to everyone, etc.), assignments associated with long-term observations. Most of the orders are of a public nature. When managing assignments, the teacher widely uses the methods of assessment (of his own) and self-assessment (of children), reminder, requirement, the role of control is enhanced.

In order to evenly involve all children in the execution of assignments, the teacher must control.

So, assignments allow solving various problems of education and are widely used in preschool institutions, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

Duty roster- a more complex form of organizing the work of children compared to assignments, these are the first duties of preschoolers. Duties require children to have sufficiently formed independence and require the child to perform work aimed at serving the team.

For the first time, the topic of duty was studied by Z.N. Borisova (1953). This author developed the content of this form of labor and the methodology for managing the activities of children.

Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the whole group. On duty, to a greater extent than on assignment, the social orientation of labor, the real practical concern of several children for others, stand out. This allows children to develop responsibility and care for people.

In preschool practice, duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes (if more is required) has already become traditional. preparatory work to provide all children with materials and tools). In the second half of the year (at the end) of the second junior group or at the beginning of the middle group, dining room duty is introduced, because. it is most accessible and understandable to children.

Duty to prepare for classes requires concentration from children. It is introduced in the middle group from the second half of the year. Since the content of this duty is not so constant, the main duty in the dining room should help the children, remind them of what should be on the tables when drawing with pencils, paints, modeling, and designing. When the work is completed, the teacher invites the attendants to check if everything is in place.

Duty in the corner of nature is organized with senior group, because it requires a large amount of knowledge about nature. Duty children during the day should be responsible for living objects in the group. The teacher needs to help the children distribute responsibilities for the whole day: the fish can be fed in the morning, and the plants can be watered later. In addition, the duty officer must understand that you need to “talk” with the parrot, and with the fish, and with the plants. After all, they are alive (at the biological level) and attention and attention are important for them. sweet words. So the children will develop the need to take care of nature, a sense of responsibility for its preservation.

In a preschool institution, duty has its own characteristics:

contribute to the systematic inclusion of children in work;

require more independence from the child;

knowledge of the sequence and scope of work is required;

have social significance for the whole team;

tasks are given in a generalized form.

If the duty is introduced for the first time, then immediately before its introduction, a special training session should be held.

It is necessary to arrange a duty corner. It is better to arrange it with the children. You can decorate in different ways, depending on the imagination and skills of the teacher and children. Together with the children, it is necessary to mark daily who, where and when was on duty. Photos of children, pictures, pockets, etc. are used. In the corner of duty there must be dressing gowns, scarves, caps, you must also have rags, watering cans, sticks for loosening the earth, fish food, etc.

The duration of duty varies depending on the type of work, age, educational purpose. At the end of the shift, it is useful to discuss with the children the quality of the work done. If mistakes were made, it is better to discuss them only with those on duty.

It has its own characteristics and selection of attendants:

uniting children in the same attitude to work;

association on the principle of “who wants with whom” or sits together”;

association on the basis of mobility (mobile with inactive);

alphabetical association (in the preparatory group).

Immediately before the duty, you should recall the duties of the duty officers or ask the children about these duties (so that they remember them).

Duty requirements:

1. The work of duty officers should not replace the work of adults, since it is organized in preschool for educational purposes.

2. During the day, the child can participate in one type of duty.

3. During the year, all children should be on duty in turn.

4. The appointment of attendants is carried out daily, in the groups that have become, appointments for 2-3 days are possible. Some educators practice in the preparatory group the duty of children for the whole week, followed by a report for work.

5. In the process of duty, observe sanitary and hygienic conditions.

6. The duties of the attendants become more complicated gradually.

7. In the middle group, the organization of duty in the dining room takes the form of work nearby: at each table - a separate person on duty; in older groups, attendants (2-3 children) serve all tables and distribute duties among themselves independently.

Thus, despite the seemingly insignificant result of labor, duty is of great importance in the upbringing of children. Duties help in accessible specific cases to form in children a desire to work hard for others, to show a caring attitude towards their comrades, to animals and plants located in a corner of nature, to notice what adults need help with.

If assignments and duties have become systematic, permanent forms of organizing labor in a group and children have achieved certain success, it becomes possible to move on to a more complex form - collective work. This form of labor organization was studied by V.G. Nechaeva, R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, D.V. Sergeeva. S.A. Kozlova and others.

This form of organization of children's work contributes to the solution of the problems of moral education, the formation of the principles of collectivism, the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, establish a single pace of work, etc.

It is possible to unite all children in collective labor only after they have gained the necessary experience of working in a small team and are able to independently distribute work.

Organizing the collective work of the children of the whole group, it is advisable to divide them into several links, each link is offered some common task. For example, one link does laundry, the other tidies up toys, and so on. The number of links should not exceed four. The composition of children in each Even can be constant, and the things they do will change. This ensures the gradual inclusion of each child in the work (RS Bure).

To increase interest in collective work, we can recommend the organization of a workshop of good deeds, which will fulfill various orders, including those from younger groups.

So, the collective labor of children is labor that unites several or all children at once and has overall result. Collective work is characterized by bringing children together to achieve a common goal.

Based on the research of V.G. Nechaeva, R.S. Bure, we can conclude that two types of collective labor are used in kindergarten: common labor and joint labor.

General labor. In the process this work each child performs his own task, independent of other participants in labor, but the result of labor is common.

In the common work of children, they are united by a common task and a generalization of the results of the work of all participants. The implementation of a part of the common cause enables the child to feel like a member of the team, to realize the usefulness of his work.

For example, children are instructed to clean a rack with toys. The teacher explains to the children that each of them becomes a member of one working group, that when they work together, they always try to help each other. The teacher distributes the work evenly among the children so that each of them can finish the work at approximately the same time. Children not only listen to the explanations of the teacher, but they themselves are convinced that the overall result of the work depends on how conscientiously each part of the common task has been completed.

Such an organization contributes to the formation of positive relationships, the ability to subordinate their desires to the requirements of the group.

For the first time, general labor can be organized in the middle group in the second half of the year. It takes place in all types of work. Children's associations for common work become regular in older kindergarten groups. Such associations usually include from 3 to 6 members.

Alternating tasks, consistently involving all the children in the group in work, the teacher achieves that each of the children systematically takes part in different types of work, acquires stable skills. Children themselves begin to agree on the distribution of responsibilities, learn to yield to each other, and jointly come to a common decision.

It is worth emphasizing the peculiarity of common labor: the significance of each individual result and its connection with others appears only after the end of the process of activity itself. It is very important when the teacher at the end of the work makes a general result: “How well you worked! No one was left behind, everyone worked together!”. The ability of the educator to emphasize the pathos of collective work is of great importance for the formation in children of the desire for collective work.

Joint work of children. In the preparatory group, in addition to common labor, more than complex shape organizations of children - joint work, which is characterized by the fact that the work of another child depends on the work of another. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to educate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with a request, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

Joint work involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace, the quality of the work of others. The goal, as in common work, is a common one.

With such an organization of labor, it becomes necessary to take into account the complexity of each individual task, since some of them require more or less effort. So, removing dust from a shelf is faster than changing dolls, washing a plant is more difficult and longer than transferring it to a windowsill. In order to roughly equalize the work time of each child, the most difficult task should be entrusted to 2-3 children.

Another feature of joint work is the non-simultaneous inclusion of children in the process of activity. For example, when repairing books, the first child is assigned to prepare strips of paper. The second child, who will glue the spine, is forced to wait until he completes his first task.

Given the complexity of the organization, it is necessary to distribute the entire labor process into 3-4 stages, each of which ends with obtaining some result, to which requirements can be made for its quality.

It should be emphasized that, despite the complexity of the organization, the association of children in joint work presents great opportunities for the formation of positive relationships between the participants. Here, naturally, in the very process of labor, situations repeatedly arise that require joint action. In the process of work, children regulate their relationships, learn to provide assistance in case of difficulties, make comments and give advice in the correct form. Joint work teaches children to act together, as a team, to be jointly responsible for the result of work.

Each of the methods of association in labor creates the conditions for solving various educational tasks. Leading the collective work of children, the educator solves two main tasks:

Directs the efforts of each child to achieve the goal; gives Special attention for those children who find it difficult to complete the task: makes sure that everyone achieves good results.

Implements great job on the formation of the principles of collectivism in children, so that children show attention to each other in the process of work, help those in need of help, establish positive relationships, etc.

There are four successive stages in the organization of the collective labor of children:

Workplace equipment

distribution of work among the participants;

performance by children different tasks;

Discussion of the results of labor activity.

In the middle group (general labor), with the help of collective labor, planting of onions, oats, caring for plants in a corner of nature, washing doll linen, and washing toys can be organized. At first, the educator himself works together with the children, shows, explains, distributes duties himself. In order for all the children to finish their work at the same time, the teacher connects the children to the provision of mutual assistance.

In older groups, collective work is carried out at least once a week. The educator distributes the labor process into 3-4 stages, taking into account (if the work is joint):

the complexity of the work of each link;

non-simultaneous inclusion of children in the process of activity;

organizes work by dividing the children into units, where the children themselves distribute responsibilities among themselves. In each link, a leader (link leader) must be elected. The teacher reminds that before transferring your work to a comrade (link), you need to check the quality. “If you do badly, you will let your friend down”;

The educator engages in the discussion of the results of labor activity

children. The discussion should not last longer than 3-4 minutes.

It should be noted that there is another point of view on the classification of types of collective labor - S.A. Kozlova. She proposes the following classification:

general labor;

joint work;

collective work.

Common labor is labor that is performed by several (or all) children for a single purpose. Form of organization - associations in subgroups and individual work.

Joint work - work in subgroups. Each subgroup has its own business, the result of the work of one child depends on the other. All children are not required to participate.

Collective work can be both general and joint, but with the obligatory inclusion of situations involving mutual assistance, support, and common responsibility for the result.

Collective labor is also organized purposefully by adults, i.e. situations are specially created that form the skills of collective relationships in children.

Thus, we can conclude that the labor activity of children in a preschool institution can be successfully used as a means of educating and developing a child only if the forms of its organization in all groups that have their own characteristics at each age stage are correctly defined. .


1. Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work / R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

3. Education of a preschooler in labor / Ed. V.G. Nechaeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

2. Preschool pedagogy / Ed. IN AND. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

4. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikov. - M.: Academy, 2000.

5. Moral and labor education of preschoolers / Ed. S.A. Kozlova. - M.: Academy, 2002.

Labor education of preschool children is associated with physical and moral development child. In the process of performing gradually more complex tasks, the kids strengthen their health, they move more and more confidently, accurately.

It is through labor that stability in behavior is formed, independence and discipline are developed.

In the process of labor activity of a preschooler children's team unites: kids learn to work together, help a friend, find joint solutions to achieve the desired result. Depending on the purpose and content, the following types of work of preschool children are distinguished:

  1. self-service;
  2. household;
  3. in nature;
  4. manual.

Each of the types allows the child to master the world, develop thinking, memory, gain knowledge about the purpose and rules for using materials and tools for work. In addition, familiarizing children with the work of adults expands the horizons of preschool children, contributes to the education respectful attitude to the elders.

Self service

In the period of early preschool age, the tasks of labor education are the formation of self-care skills in the child, the development of the ability to satisfy their own needs. This is due to overcoming some age-related difficulties:

  1. the baby's fingers are not yet obedient enough;
  2. while it is difficult to remember the sequence of certain actions;
  3. the ability to volitional efforts is just beginning to form.

Such difficulties can cause denial in the little one, so the teacher, parents must remain calm, showing patience and goodwill. Proper organization this type of work will allow the baby to learn how to perform the required actions:

  1. undressing and dressing;
  2. washing and caring for teeth;
  3. cleaning the bed after sleep;
  4. preparation of a place for work;
  5. putting things in order in the play area.

Self-service skills are reinforced through daily implementation, compliance with uniform requirements. Adults should control the accuracy and independence of children, forming in them the habit of neatness and cleanliness. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly name the types of clothing and its parts to preschoolers, introduce new terms into their vocabulary.

Household work

This type of activity is aimed at forming a positive attitude towards peers, surrounding adults. Mastering new skills in the process of household activities, preschoolers learn to respect the results of someone else's work. Labor education by its methods and means allows the child at each age stage to master certain skills:

  • A younger preschooler is able to rinse clothes and do wet cleaning for his toys, help set the table, clean his workplace, sweep snow on a bench in the yard.
  • A child of middle preschool age performs the duties of a duty officer, independently washes and squeezes rags to care for toys, can wash dolls' clothes, fully set a table for dinner, wipe shelves, sweep a path in the garden.
  • A senior preschooler prepares his workplace for a lesson, a game, washes rubber objects with safe soap, able to wash things not large sizes.

Repairing toys together or gluing books together, preschoolers learn to help their peers and take care of babies. This type of work of children is aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness. Adults should use such educational means as praising the work done, assessing the quality of assistance to another person. Then the guys have a desire to match them, to reach out for each other, to achieve their goals.

labor in nature

With the help of labor in nature, children learn the beauty small homeland, develop observation and improve their movements. They increase stamina, develop the ability to volitional effort. By means of this type, the issue of educating respect for the environment is solved.

The work activity of a preschooler becomes more complicated with each stage of growing up. This also applies to the work of children in nature. In the younger group, pupils, together with mentors, feed colorful fish in transparent aquariums, help harvest crops on the site, and feed the birds that stay for the winter. With pleasure, children water the plants in pots, wipe their leaves. They learn from adults new concepts, information about the natural world around them, learn to love pets in living corners, take care of them.

The children of the older group take care of plants and animals that need more complex care. Sow seeds with different growing seasons - get used to the systematic work. Children are becoming more attentive and caring. Preschoolers are trusted to work with a spray gun, they are able to independently loosen the ground to a given depth without damaging the roots of plants. Under the supervision of a teacher, children try to plant seedlings, feed the plants.

In the process of labor activity, preschoolers learn to notice patterns, connections between certain phenomena. They have broader horizons, increased independence. The children learn to enjoy the results of their own work, to please their parents by talking about their achievements.

Manual labor

The labor education of children of senior preschool age is also aimed at developing the ability to work with different materials. This is achieved through manual labor. Children under the guidance of adults master various crafts while using:

  1. different types of colored or white paper - cardboard, corrugated or velvet paper, napkins;
  2. natural material- acorns, straw, cones, fruit seeds, bark, corn cobs;
  3. waste material- scraps of fabrics, furs, boxes, disposable tableware, coils.

Such labor activity of preschoolers is aimed at developing their creativity and imagination, fantasy, and constructive abilities. They broaden their horizons by getting to know various materials, their properties. It is very important to develop fine motor skills hands in the process of working on small details of crafts. Another aspect is the inculcation of perseverance, neatness, patience. By means of manual labor, a sense of aesthetics is instilled, because the gifts that the children give to their parents should look beautiful and neat.

Organization of child labor

Labor education of preschoolers in a children's educational institution should be strictly regulated. It is very important, being carried away by the practical component of this process, not to lose a sense of proportion and carefully monitor compliance with the requirements for each type of work. sanitary norms and rules.

Dosing classes

Labor education of preschool children must comply with physiological characteristics and psychology of pupils of a certain age.

The duration of work for children 4 years old is 10-15 minutes, kids from 6 to 7 years old can do physical activity for 20-30 minutes.

If there is active work, then it is necessary to control the condition of each baby - sweating, stopping for rest, redness skin. If such signs appear, then the teacher should change the type of activity for the child. When dosing classes, the following are also taken into account:

  1. volume;
  2. complexity;

Hygienic conditions

Paying attention to the means and forms of organization of child labor, first of all, we must remember about hygiene in order to prevent bad influence conditions of activity on the health of children. For example, when gluing books or sewing on buttons, it is necessary that the lesson takes place in a room with lighting that complies with current standards.

It is important for the teacher to control the postures of children, the regularity of their change, so that posture disorders do not develop. The next step is to ensure the flow fresh air. Before and after each lesson, the room should be aired without the presence of children. It is useful to work outside in good weather.

Equipment and materials

Each group must be equipped with the means and instruments of activity. For the organization of household work, you need:

  1. aprons;
  2. trays;
  3. basins;
  4. brushes.

Working in nature, kids use various tools: shovels, watering cans, rakes.

For manual labor, you will also need various tools and materials. Requirements for all equipment - safety, appropriate for the age of children, ease of use, aesthetic and attractive appearance. Storage areas must be provided necessary funds separately for each type of work.

Interaction between family and kindergarten

Education by work should be systematic, so the support of parents is extremely important in this matter. The requirements that sound at home must fully comply with the requirements for a child in kindergarten.

On the parent meetings it is necessary to acquaint mothers and fathers with educational program educational institution. The educator should advise parents or persons replacing them on the means and methods of organizing child labor at home. It must be remembered that the kindergarten lays the foundation for successful labor education at school.

It is useful for parents to arrange demonstrations of crafts, drawings of pupils. Photo exhibitions are great for this, where it is clearly shown how the kids work, and each photo should be accompanied by interesting explanations. The group should be equipped with thematic stands, exhibitions with recommended books and materials on parenting. It is good if the positive experience of labor education of individual families is popularized.


  1. The importance of work for the development of a child cannot be overestimated. But adults should remember that a preschooler is only learning the basics, something may not work out for him, he may be afraid to make a mistake and not cope. Therefore, parents and educators should do everything so that labor does not bring grief to the baby;
  2. It is necessary to give feasible tasks, to welcome their implementation, encouraging any attempt to cope. Then the child will feel joy and pride from what he is already an adult and capable of all sorts of good deeds.

Probably everyone knows the statement that genius is 1% talent and 99% diligence. Cognitive ability is individual characteristics child, which determine his success both in further education and in life in general.

They are developing in the best way in children's activities. One of these activities is work in kindergarten.

It is in labor activity that a child can be taught such important qualities, as the ability to bring the work started to the end, control the correctness of their actions, act together and much more.

Types of work in kindergarten

How are they taught to work in kindergarten?

Self service

Labor actions are already available to the smallest child. Self-care for babies is dressing, washing and other hygiene skills, self-catering and others.

Household work

Household work in kindergarten is most actively beginning to be mastered on average preschool age. It is necessary to wash the toys, wipe the dust. In winter, the guys help to remove snow on the site, build slides, castles for battles

Here, the kids develop the ability to concentrate, plan their actions, develop attention, the ability to negotiate.

The labor of children in nature special kind labor. The result of this labor is a material product. For children, such work in kindergarten is interesting for this very reason.

For example, the guys patiently grow onions and other greens, take care of them, and weed them. Not afraid of mosquitoes. Harvesting is joy.

And then these greens are used in the classes of the Smak culinary circle, and just at dinner. Here we implement parent-child projects: “Garden on the Window”, “Decorate the Kindergarten's Flowerbeds”, “Tulips for Grandmother” and so on.

Our pupils know indoor and medicinal plants. Labor in nature allows children to learn in practice to establish some patterns in nature, cause-and-effect relationships. For example, children successfully solve problems like “What can cause a violet to die?” and so on.

Activity modeling

Simulations can be used to help children develop planning skills. Modeling - what is it?

We establish a sequence of actions and draw pictures for each stage of our actions. Then we place them on a sheet of paper in order. It turns out here is such a card "The sequence of growing green onions."

You can use cards in the work of children of any age. Only for kids, an adult draws them, and older children may well first with the help of an adult, and then make cards on their own.

Manual and artistic labor

Development cognitive processes For older preschoolers, the most active process occurs in the process of organizing manual and artistic labor.

This type of work in kindergarten contributes to the development of attention, imagination, independence, endurance, which is very important before schooling.

We encourage the desire for independence. Children themselves suggest topics for work. Extracurricular activities became interesting and exciting for my children " skillful hands"and" Relish. We baked pies, made salads and sandwiches. Oh, it was such enthusiasm!

And for us, educators, it was important that the children learn to plan in the process of activity, to explain to themselves and others the course of their thoughts and actions, to draw conclusions and conclusions.

Work in kindergarten is an important tool development of cognitive abilities in preschoolers. Treat work with love, see the joy in it - necessary condition for personal creativity.
