Waves on the nails of the thumbs. Wavy nail plates - a disease that needs to be treated

Nails, like hands, are an indicator of age and health. Skin aging, ugly nails and changes in the structure of the bones of the hands cannot be hidden under a foundation and a thick layer of varnish. If the skin can be moisturized with a cream and transformed with the help of simple cosmetic manipulations, then sometimes nail problems require careful analysis and treatment.


What are wavy nails

The waves that appear on the nails can be transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are the ribbing of the nail from the cuticle to the free edge.

Consider what causes the appearance of longitudinal waves are:

  • injury;
  • negative effect of household chemicals;
  • inaccurate nail treatment in a nail salon;
  • low-quality varnishes;
  • exposure to water and cold.

Transverse waves are ribbing located across the nail plate. The number of waves can be different, as well as the depth. Why the nails become wavy on the hands, even a specialist will not immediately answer. The appearance of transverse waves most often indicates some kind of disease.

Why do transverse waves appear on the nails

Notice the wavy fingernails? The reasons may be different. Ugly transverse furrows appear as a result of:

  • injuries;
  • fungal infections of the nail;
  • improper processing of the cuticle;
  • use of low-quality varnishes;
  • illness;
  • unstable hormonal background;
  • allergies to materials and substances.

You need to pay close attention to your nails. Pay attention to whether all the nail plates are affected? How does the color and shape of the nail change? Are the waves on the nails large or slightly visible? What is the condition of the skin around the nail plate?

Treatment of the problem depending on the cause

An ugly look of nails can be hidden for a while under invoices, as in the photo, but this will not solve the problem. In addition, after applying varnishes, glues and stabilizers to the nail plate, the access of air to the nail is reduced several times, and this will worsen the problem. Even if an unsightly nail is the result of an injury, oxygen restriction slows down its growth, changes its structure and softens the nail plate. She becomes brittle. Due to the defeat of the growth zone, the nail becomes wavy, its color fades. When treating an injured nail, you should refrain from applying various coatings and pamper your hands with baths with chamomile and iodine.


The treatment process will be more difficult if the nail is damaged by mycosis. The fungus not only damages the plate, but also causes severe itching, burning and even painful sensations on the skin around. Now a large number of remedies for the fungus are being advertised, but self-treatment is unacceptable here, because drugs, varnishes and ointments from the fungus act only on certain groups of mycoses. What kind of fungus the defeat occurred can only be established in the laboratory.

Why not postpone the visit to the doctor? If therapy is delayed, the disease will begin to progress and penetrate deeper and deeper. Only the right drug can cure the affected nail. It is possible that you will have to treat the skin of the hands and even internal organs. Some types of fungus quickly penetrate the body and begin to affect the human immune system.

Bad manicure

If the irregularities of the nails were the result of poor-quality work of the manicurist, it is better to change the specialist. Your pens are always in sight and do not tolerate the mistakes of non-professionals. The nail on the finger of the hand sometimes becomes wavy due to improper processing of the cuticle, as in the photo.

Internal diseases

The appearance of wavy nails can be the result of some kind of disease. Fingers and toes carry control points for some internal organs, and this connection is two-way:

  1. If a large fingernail is wavy, you should pay attention to the respiratory organs.
  2. The index finger is responsible for the digestive system.
  3. The middle finger is for the circulatory system.
  4. The index finger is for the nervous system.
  5. Little finger - for the heart and small intestine.

When waves appear on the corresponding finger, you need to listen to the body and undergo an examination. However, the appearance of waviness on the thumbnail may be just a consequence of the constant use of a fountain pen, when, under the influence of daily pressure, a defect in the nail appears.

If the nails are wavy on both hands or feet and this is accompanied by the appearance of white transverse veins and a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face, then this indicates problems with the digestive system and metabolism. Often the lack of trace elements causes a change in the shape of the nail. Diseases of the small intestine lead to incomplete absorption of vitamins and microelements, as a result of which the skin, hair, and nails suffer. These diseases are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, bloating and colitis. Laboratory tests and treatment under the supervision of a doctor are necessary.

Hormonal stress

Hormonal failure in the body is possible both with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, and as a result of stress, nervous strain, mental exhaustion. Stress causes the body to malfunction. What kind of mechanism is included in the body - destruction or creation - no one knows.

Allergic reaction

Allergies can also cause a wavy nail plate: for example, after spending time in the garden without gloves. Upon contact with the ground, the chemical compounds of the soil affect the unprotected skin of the hands and nails. This causes dryness, cracks, desiccation of the nail plate, as well as the appearance of burrs, small blisters on the fingers and a burning sensation. If such signs are present, then you are allergic to this type of soil, and you cannot work without rubber gloves. You can cure affected nails with moisturizing hand creams and therapeutic baths.

Poor quality care products

The use of low-quality cosmetic products can even lead to loss of the nail. Chemical compounds of varnishes penetrate into the nail, coloring not only the surface of the nail plate, but also the underlying layers. They have a toxic effect on living tissues, lead to a change in shape and death of the nail plate.

Even if the nails are in order and delight with their brilliance and color, one should not forget about the benefits of vitamin complexes. They will come to the aid of the majority of us for whom a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements is not an easy task. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and adherence to the regime of wakefulness and sleep will certainly have a positive effect on the nails of the hands and feet.

Deformation of the nail plate in the form of a wavy or ribbed surface can be observed in half of the population. Many do not pay due attention to this problem, mistakenly considering it a minor defect that only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the hands.

In fact, such damage to the nail can tell a lot about the state of the body as a whole, and if you correctly determine the appearance of this problem, you can prevent many diseases.

Photo of the uneven surface of the nail plate

Causes of deformation of the nail plates

The causes of deformation of the nail plate are very diverse. All of them are divided into internal and external factors. The most common causes of external factors of nail deformity are:

  1. Injury to the nail plate, which often occurs with inaccurate removal of the cuticle, improperly performed manicure or extension. Ribbed toenails can develop from wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes when there is a lot of pressure. With a short and weak impact, the nail will soon grow back, but if the injury was significant and deep, the resulting unevenness may remain forever.
  2. Genetic predisposition remains an important factor for a beautiful nail shape. In this case, it will not be possible to correct the shape of the nails. It remains only to mask the irregularities with a beautiful manicure, and to give the nail plate strength - use vitamin and mineral supplements.
  3. Deformation of the nails can be formed after taking certain medications. As a rule, after a course of drunk drugs, broken nails are soon restored.
  4. Of great importance for the healthy condition of the nails is proper nutrition, which will contain a sufficient amount of vitamins. Most often, such disorders can be observed in women during the period of bearing a child and adolescents, whose hormonal background is not stable.
  5. Lack of water in the body. If a person does not drink the daily norm of pure water, this is immediately displayed on the condition of his nails.
  6. If, in addition to the uneven surface of the nail, there are symptoms such as a change in the shape or color of the nail plate, as well as itching around it, this indicates a fungal infection that could connect.
  7. Despite their hardness, nails are very susceptible to various chemicals, and if cleaning the room or washing dishes is carried out using detergents, but without protective gloves, then the deformation of the nail will not take long.

Also, nails are a mirror of the internal state of human health. Malfunctions in the internal organs can be easily identified by fingernails or toenails. The wavy surface of the nail plate may indicate the presence of systemic diseases in the body.

To exclude these causes or know exactly how to fix them, you should undergo a medical examination (the therapist will tell you more).

What to do?

If the unevenness of the nails manifested itself as a result of the disease, complex treatment will be required. It will include curing the disease that caused the deformation and proper nail care. What kind of treatment will depend on the existing health problem, but nail care includes following the rules.

  • at the time of cleaning and washing dishes, always use cotton or household gloves;
  • a manicure set must be individual and always before the next use of disinfection;
  • before applying decorative varnish to the nail plate, it should be covered with a special medicinal preparation;
  • avoid using nail polishes that contain inclusions or sand in their structure (additional elements damage the surface of the nail);
  • iron-rich foods should be present in the diet: pomegranates, green apples, beef liver, etc.;
  • You can increase the rate of iron in the body with the help of drugs such as Tireo-Vit or Elecampane, they are sold at any pharmacy;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Contrasting baths will help to give strength to the nails. For their use, two bowls are taken, with hot and cold water.

Fingers are alternately lowered into each of them and kept for 10 minutes.

Folk remedies include applying beeswax to the nail plate or also baths, but with decoctions of mint or chamomile.

What exactly can not be done

Prohibitions include nail extension during the period of deformation of the nail plate. This method can only mask the damage, but the situation with the problem will only get worse.

Many, when ribbing appears on the nails, run to the nail salon to polish the surface. This solution will not solve the problem either. After removing the dead top layer of the nail, the cause will remain and will soon manifest itself again.

It must be clearly understood that getting rid of deformation on the nails will not work quickly. A tool that can level the surface so that the problem disappears forever has not yet been invented. Only timely treatment, balanced nutrition and proper care of the nail plate will give a positive result.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

How much grief brings us uneven, wavy and ribbed nails on the fingers and toes! Why do they become like this? Today we will talk about the causes and treatment of deformed nails. Manicure is an integral part of healthy nails, and even the most expensive varnish cannot hide diseases of the nail plate. But our nails almost daily face the negative manifestations of external factors that are not reflected on the nail plates in the best way.

Wavy fingernails - causes

It is believed that the nail consists of dead skin cells, but, despite this, it can tell a lot about the state of health. Ribbing and unevenness can appear at any age, both children and adults suffer from this. Usually the problem starts on the big toes and toes, then spreads to others.

Depending on the causes of wavy nails on the fingers or toes, two types of ribbing are distinguished: transverse and longitudinal.

Longitudinal waviness of nails:

The reasons that led to the fact that the nails became wavy are not very serious, in most cases, it is enough to eliminate them and the plates will come in order.

With longitudinal waviness, the grooves are located vertically on the nail, look at the photo, they go from the hole to the edge of the nail. Often the waviness is not very pronounced, you can clearly see it only by looking from the side.

Causes of longitudinal waviness of nails:

  • Quite a fair reaction of the body to malnutrition, the constant lack of certain trace elements, in particular boron, selenium and zinc. The appearance of ribbing also leads to a lack of B vitamins.
  • Washing dishes, more precisely, the use of detergents without protecting your hands.
  • Injury to the nail plate during a manicure, as a result of the wrong actions of the master. Sometimes the master roughly processes the cuticle with tools.
  • A finger injury, for example, a bruise. In toddlers - schoolchildren sometimes occurs due to incorrect holding of the pen, with strong pressure. When the cause is eliminated, the deformation quickly passes as the nail grows.

Causes of transverse nail pathology:

Ugly grooves are located along the nail plate.

More serious causes, mainly associated with various diseases of the internal organs, lead to this type of nail deformation.

  • Metabolism is disturbed, possibly the initial stage of diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders.
  • In pregnant women and adolescents, a flaw can occur due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

If the strips are located close to each other, thickened, then the following are possible:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Incorrect work and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Some thyroid diseases.

Transverse ribbed stripes for:

  • Anemia sufferers.
  • People with respiratory diseases.

In addition to wavy transverse stripes, yellowness is available with:

  • Nail fungus.

In addition, often the problem occurs in stressful situations, constant depression and anxiety. You can not cope with the situation, pamper your hands with pleasant baths. If your nails are beautiful, then you are beautiful and well-groomed. Why not rejoice?

Make baths with the addition of sea salt, essential oils, massage them additionally and your fingers will become flawless.

Wavy and ribbed nails - treatment

I am sure, having learned about the reasons, you have made some conclusions about the state of your health. Depending on the reasons, choose a way to fix the problem.

  1. With longitudinal waviness of the nails on the hands, change the master, if the reason is illiterate work, switch to a dry manicure.
  2. Take a close look at your homemade nail care supplies. Get rid of metal ones, get wooden, more sparing ones.
  3. Wear gloves when washing dishes with detergents. And do the rest of the housework with your hands protected.
  4. Take vitamins, add foods rich in selenium, boron and zinc.
  5. Sometimes it is useful to give the nails a break from the varnish, many choose this method and thus saturate them with oxygen.
  6. Massage your fingers regularly - this stimulates the nerve endings and the nails begin to grow faster. Make baths with a healing decoction of chamomile, mint, sea salt. Add essential oils to water.
  7. With transverse ribbing, treat the underlying disease. Discovered

The condition of the nails is an important component of the appearance of both men and women. Bumpy nails give rise to aesthetic inconvenience and are a cosmetic defect.
The reasons for the appearance of bumpy nails on the hands are diverse, but all reflect trouble in the human body. Sometimes cosmetic manipulations will not contribute to solving the problem, since it lies not in the nail plate, but in other organs and systems of the body.

Types of uneven nails

There are the following types of pathology of the nail plate:

  • The grooves on the nail plates can be horizontal and vertical. If you find one or two vertical irregularities on the nails of the thumbs or little fingers, do not panic. This can also be seen in the norm. If there are more stripes, they are different in direction and are found on all nails - this is a signal for action. It's time to reconsider your diet, add more iron-rich foods. If there are problems not only with nails, but also with other derivatives of the epidermis (increased fragility of hair, dry skin), you should consult a doctor.
  • The nail plate looks like a cobbled pavement. If pits, dents appear in different areas reason should be considered.

  • This symptom is not normally observed. It indicates the presence of internal diseases. The dermatologist also has psoriasis (if there is an appropriate clinical picture, the symptoms manifested by nail changes may not be the main ones).

The main causes of bumpy nails

The whole mass of factors acting on our body can be divided by origin into two large groups: external and internal.

External factors

  1. Injury. With direct mechanical shocks, the nail plate is deformed. It cannot recover on its own - specific cells that can do this are located only at the root of the nail. Therefore, after a strong blow, the nail turns blue, peels off and grows only from the side of the hole.
  2. Violation of the manicure technique. Injury to the cuticle or the use of harsh abrasive materials not intended for this procedure can lead to the appearance of bumps on the nails.
  3. Onychophagia. The bad habit of biting nails according to the mechanism of action refers to mechanical injuries. This is one of the manifestations of neurotic states and obsessive states. Most often this affects children attending school or kindergarten. In addition to deformation of the plate, biting nails leads to the development of inflammation in the surrounding tissues, the addition of a secondary infection up to the development of abscesses under the nail and in the nearby tissues of the finger.
  4. Influence of household chemicals. The condition of the nails is worsened by surfactants, chlorine-containing detergents, phosphates, fungicides, inorganic acids.

All manipulations and housework should be carried out with household gloves.

Diagnosis of diseases by the appearance of the nail plate in the video:

Internal factors

  1. Diseases of the nails. They can be fungal and non-fungal. The cause of non-fungal diseases is beriberi, lack of trace elements, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Fungal diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms - dermatophytes, trichophytosis, microspores, etc. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person. Manifested by yellowing of the nails, irregularities appear. The patient complains of "humped nails". Early treatment is usually effective. A wide range of antimycotic drugs is available for purchase at any pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin deficiency and malnutrition. A lack of iron in food, a violation of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and its subsequent transformations lead to a change in the nail. A change in the shape and color of the nail is a common symptom of iron deficiency or B-12 deficiency anemia. To strengthen nails, vitamins of groups A, B, C are needed.
  3. stressful situations. During physical or psychological stress, a portion of adrenaline and noradrenaline is released into the blood. These hormones force the body to throw all its efforts into supplying vital organs with vitamins and nutrients, and there are no resources left for hair and nails. Therefore, they fade, become uneven and brittle.
  4. Smoking. It is known that nicotine accumulates in the nail plates, giving them a yellow color. Nails become brittle.
  5. Weakened immunity. Immunodeficiencies can be congenital or acquired. Symptoms of congenital immunodeficiency appear already from infancy and are expressed not only in changes in the appendages of the skin and the skin itself. Acquired immune deficiencies include HIV. This condition can be cured if all the requirements of the doctor are observed.

The uneven surface of the nails should not cause an attack of panic and thoughts about the worst. Severe immunodeficiencies have vivid clinical manifestations and clumsy nails are not their only manifestation!

Treatment for wavy nails

  • Medical treatment. It consists in correcting the conditions that caused it. Dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema; diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems; correction of anemia with iron preparations or B vitamins; extermination of the fungus with fungicides; correction of beriberi and hypovitaminosis.
  • Treatment with cosmetics available without expert advice. If it is determined that the cause is not serious, you can continue the treatment at home with the help of special hand creams and baths with herbs and essential oils. Do not forget about. How to align the nail outside the salon? With the help of baths, nail files and varnishes protecting the record.
  • Hygiene. This also includes visits to proven salons and masters. Regular use of local antiseptics and hand soap will relieve nail problems. It is also necessary to know if people with whom regular contacts are maintained have fungal diseases.
  • Folk remedies and recipes. For home treatment, you can use unrefined oil, using cotton wool or cotton pads, making applications on the affected plates. Effective baths with sage, oregano, chamomile. Baths with celandine are also available for use.
  • Special diet for healing nails. A complete diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the use of vitamin complexes contributes to the health of nails.

To maintain healthy nails, it is enough to follow a number of rules:

  • avoid injuries and other damage to the nail;
  • clean only with gloves or using gentle products;
  • visit trusted nail salons;
  • follow a high-vitamin nutritious diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially during seasonal hypovitaminosis;
  • give up bad habits (smoking);
  • regularly carry out cosmetic procedures for nail care (use of creams, baths, strengthening varnishes).

Not only women, but also men pay attention to the condition of nails. The condition of the nail plates is one of the main indicators of the internal well-being of the body. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their change in order not to start a serious illness and not to miss time. And most importantly, be patient in order to cure the problem if it appears and understand its essence.

The appearance of tubercles on the nails of the feet and hands is a fairly common phenomenon that patients of any age face. In addition to the fact that deformation affects the aesthetic appearance, a person often has a reduced self-esteem. In addition, the infection can spread to all nail plates, disrupting the appearance of the hands of a woman or a man.

When any wave-like formations appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. This will allow you to find out why the fingernails are wavy, eliminate the cause of the disease and return the nails to a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

If a violation is detected at the initial stage, you can quickly get rid of the pathology. The doctor after the examination will select the necessary medicine. It is also possible to improve the condition of the nail plates at home with the help of proven folk remedies.

What is this article about?

Causes of Wavy Nails

If bumpy nails appear on the hands and feet, it is important to determine the causes of their occurrence and prescribe the right treatment. Most often, the cause is the development of an infectious disease, which must be immediately disposed of as soon as the first symptoms of infection appear.

When infected, uneven nails on the thumbs and toes become thinner, crumble and turn yellow. In this case, the doctor prescribes an analysis to make sure of the diagnosis, after which he prescribes a course of treatment for mycosis. Bacteria are among the culprits.

When the nails become dull, change color and white or black spots are found on them, the cause may be hidden in the disruption of the internal organs. Transverse ribbing on the limbs is usually observed with diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the thyroid gland, arthritis, pneumonia, iron deficiency anemia.

  • In case of metabolic disorders in the body, the so-called Bo furrows appear on the nails. With such a diagnosis, the curvature is arcuate, has a small comb on the posterior edge of the line.
  • Also, a longitudinal wavy nail on the thumb or toe can appear with severe pinching, bruising or improper processing of the nail plate during manicure. If you often build up nails or remove them without first soaking, thinning of natural plates occurs.
  • When a person is fond of diets and does not eat in a balanced way, the body undergoes vitamin deficiency. Due to the lack of important vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, deformation of the nails occurs. In particular, with a lack of silicon, iodine, calcium, iron and sulfur, the nail plates fade. If they turn yellow or gray, and waves form, the body is deficient in selenium, vitamin B5 and PP.
  • With frequent stress and excessive fatigue after work, the body weakens, due to which the nails become covered with white spots, wavy grooves and lose their healthy shine.
  • The condition of the nails can change if you often use household chemicals for washing dishes or house cleaning. To avoid deformation, you need to wear special rubber gloves. The nail plates at the base change when low-quality varnish or other cheap coating is used.

Only a doctor can accurately identify the cause of the violation after a visual examination and study of the test results. In this case, the infection is accompanied by itching and burning.

Pathology can also be determined by the type of deformation.

What do nails look like in waves

Depending on what caused the changes, damaged nails may look different. When the nail plates are unevenly covered with longitudinal grooves, it is not only ugly, but also dangerous to health.

The only time you should not worry is in old age, as during this period the body undergoes hormonal changes. If the pathology is found in young people, you should immediately seek medical help.

The appearance of waves on the nails indicates that the internal organs are not working properly. A similar condition is often observed in vegetarians with a complete rejection of the use of meat products.

  1. With the appearance of transverse waves and flaking, a fungal disease is most often diagnosed. This phenomenon is treated quickly if you immediately pay attention to the pathology.
  2. Bumps appear with a lack of minerals and vitamins. It is also caused by hormonal imbalances.
  3. Waves on the thumb occur after a poor-quality manicure or if a person does not properly care for his hands.

What to do with a fungal disease

First you need to find out what caused the development of the disease and eliminate the provoking factor. To do this, the doctor prescribes the passage of the analysis in the laboratory. Next, a suitable treatment regimen is selected.

The infection is treated with antifungal gels, creams and ointments. The drug is chosen based on the variety of the detected fungus. As a rule, treatment is carried out with antimycotic drugs such as Terbizil, Mikozan, Lamezil, Nizoral, Amorolfine, Atifin, Zalin.

To strengthen brittle nails, eliminate damage and small cracks, oil solutions with vitamin A and E are additionally used. The product is rubbed into the nail plate four times a week to obtain a smooth and shiny surface. Spa treatments and hot paraffin baths also have a therapeutic effect.

For you can use:

  • Red ground pepper in the amount of two teaspoons is mixed with three tablespoons of hand cream and one tablespoon of boiling water. The product is thoroughly mixed, the finished ointment is rubbed into the plate and the skin around the nails. Put on cotton gloves on your hands and hold the product for 20 minutes. The mask is then washed off with warm water.
  • To prepare healing baths, a tablespoon of sea salt is mixed with 300 g of warm water until the crystals are completely dissolved. The fingers are dipped into the liquid for 15 minutes, after which they are thoroughly wiped and smeared with cream.
  • It is very useful before going to bed to wipe the little finger and the rest of the nails with liquid vitamin A, which is sold in any pharmacy. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is also recommended to add vitamin E.
  • Alternatively, cotton wool is moistened in unrefined sunflower oil. This tool wipes each nail. Wash off the oil after 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated for two weeks.
  • Strengthen nails allows a mask of oatmeal. The agent is applied to the plates and aged for half an hour.

Deformation of toenails and hands: how to hide the problem

Often during treatment, women try to hide the defect using a manicure file. But doctors do not recommend polishing the nails, as this makes them very thin, which causes the plates to exfoliate and break.

There are safer ways to eliminate visible irregularities with the help of decorative cosmetics. So, for example, you can perfectly hide irregularities with the help of a modern gel polish from the Shellac series, which creates a leveling base layer and a dense color coating.

When using conventional varnishes, it is worth using a special leveling agent before applying it. To hide the wavy grooves, several layers of a decorative agent are applied. It is recommended to use dark colors without gloss, pastel shades with mother-of-pearl or sparkles.

Also on sale you can find a special gel or varnish that strengthens weak nails. It is applied as a base coat before decorating. The most famous products include Mavala Ridge Filler, Orly Ridgefiller Smoothing Primer Basecoat, Zinger Smoothing Base, Smart Enamel corrector.

To prevent the development of infection and deformation of the nail plates, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Nutrition should be complete, be sure to include proteins, minerals and vitamins. The menu should include carrots, cabbage, eggplant, beets, greens, citrus fruits, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat, dairy products.
  2. If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, the risk of infection with a fungus will be minimal. During a manicure, only disinfected manicure tools are used, while an antiseptic is applied to the hands before the procedure. The patient must use personal shoes to avoid accidental infection.
  3. After contact with water, hands are always wiped dry with a soft towel. Using household chemicals, you should wear special gloves, and after work, treat the skin with a nourishing and moisturizing cream.
  4. With thin and brittle nails, the cuticles are removed with orange sticks, before that, the keratinized skin is covered with a special manicure remover. If there are burrs, they are softened with oil and removed with scissors. So that the infection does not get into the wounds, they are immediately treated with an antiseptic.
  5. For manicure and use only high-quality tools. Before applying varnish, the nails are covered with a base coat for protection. Remove the hardened varnish base with safe liquids without acetone and other harmful solutions. When wearing extended nails, natural plates should rest, for this they periodically take a break with the application of nourishing masks.
  6. You need to visit only professional nail salons with a high level of service.

To improve the condition of the skin around the nails, do a hand massage. The periungual area is especially carefully massaged for five minutes. This allows you to increase blood flow to the roots of the nails. The procedure is done with fingertips, a special manicure brush is additionally used.

To restore the metabolism in the body, it is necessary to accelerate the delivery of vital nutrients. This is facilitated by light exercises, daily gymnastics, walks in the fresh air. You can improve blood circulation with a quick sports step. It is also necessary to monitor the daily routine, sleep well, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The causes of nail deformation are discussed in the video in this article.

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