37 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort in the lower abdomen. A few important points


At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus often stops growing, which does not apply to the baby, who is rapidly gaining weight. Your weight also remains stable and will remain so until the birth. The maximum weight gain during the entire pregnancy is approximately 10 – 14 kg.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, you are probably already tired, you are tormented by difficulties when walking, pain in the legs, discomfort during sleep and rest, frequent urge to urinate, your stomach has become large, the skin on it is stretched, and perhaps itchy, but brace yourself, you won’t have to wait long !

This week, precursors of labor (false contractions) may appear, and the stomach may drop. The pressure on the internal organs is relieved, as the baby's head lowers into the pelvic area, and breathing becomes easier.

Do not forget about your exchange card, in which the doctor must write down all test results and which you must now carry with you at all times.


During the 37th week of pregnancy, a new family member gains weight at a very rapid pace. A baby at this stage of pregnancy is considered full-term. It has already reached about 50 cm in length and about 2.8 kg in weight. The baby has accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat and continues to accumulate 15 grams per day. The baby turns over less and less in the uterus, since there is no room left there; all he can do is kick. Remember these amazing feelings, as you will remember them more than once and even miss them after giving birth.

For better coordination of movements in the first year of life and at 37 weeks, a protective sheath is created around the baby’s nerves. The baby is completely ready for the first breath of air. Surfactant is continuously produced in the lungs.

The baby's head has most likely already dropped into the pelvic area, especially if this is your first pregnancy. And only in a small 5% of his presentation is breech.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, your baby is busy preparing for the long-awaited birth and the first meeting with his beloved mother, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to prepare the lungs for the first breath), sucking thumb, and sometimes a leg (to prepare for the first sucking reflex), blinks and smiles!

The 37th week has already begun, and you are waiting for a miracle! And when it comes to you depends on many factors: if the pregnancy is progressing normally, and this is your first child, then most likely you will carry it to the 40th week. And, if you are expecting twins or the child is not your first, it is quite likely that birth will occur at 37 weeks. Don't worry - by medical indications The pregnancy is considered full-term at this stage.

We'll consider:
  • 37th week of pregnancy - what happens in the mother's body
  • What kind of discharge can there be?
  • It’s week 37 and my stomach hurts.
  • What tests to take
  • Is sex necessary?
  • What to do if you start birth at 37 weeks of pregnancy

How is your baby developing?

So, your baby has already formed and its size has reached the size of a Crenshaw melon - about 47 cm in length and it weighs almost 3 kg - 2950 g. Well, as you know, pregnancy weight varies from person to person, and so your baby's weight may also vary on both sides.

All organ systems of the little one are already fully developed, the hormone cortisone is already being formed in his body (it is the components of this hormone that are used during premature birth, helping the baby’s lungs to open), this hormone promotes the maturation of lung tissue, physiologically, the child’s body is already able to breathe on its own. Meconium (the baby's first stool) has already accumulated in the small intestines, and the head and tummy are approximately the same size.

A baby's sleep used to consist of almost one rapid phase, when the body is in a state of high brain activity and a characteristic decrease in muscle tone. Now a slow phase is being added to sleep, characterized by a decrease in pressure, relaxed muscles and calm in general. The slow phase makes up 30-60% of total sleep, and in an adult it is 80%. This means that your baby is slowly preparing to become a full-fledged part of this world, he dreams, he learns about the world through sensations and sounds, and also processes in his sleep all the information received from the world.

The baby can already physically accept and process the food he receives, since the mucous membrane of his stomach and intestines is already lined with epithelium with villi for absorption and processing of substances. A child born during this period can already suckle at the mother’s breast, its skin smoothes out and subcutaneous fat accumulates.

If the baby decides to come into the world, you should not be afraid, because he no longer has the same stress that he would have had at an earlier stage of birth. This is facilitated by the adrenal glands, which are increasingly enlarged and produce the hormone necessary for the child’s adaptation to life outside the womb. Therefore, you should not be afraid of childbirth, although the baby’s development is still ongoing. The liver actively accumulates iron, which is necessary for the production of blood cells in the first year of a baby’s life. Your baby already has nails and hairs, his skull bones are strengthening to prepare to pass through his mother's pelvis, and he is growing about 1 centimeter per week.

37th week of pregnancy - what happens in the mother’s body

What feelings await you while waiting for the miracle of birth?

37th week of pregnancy harbingers childbirth is the exit of a plug - a mucous membrane similar to yellowish discharge with bloody streaks, the stomach may droop (the baby is preparing to come out), and expect mild diarrhea.

Your uterus is already maximum dimensions, it is unlikely that she will grow even more; the uterus weighs about a kilogram, with a volume of up to 5 liters. The apex of the uterus is 37 cm from the pubis and 17 cm up from the navel. You feel strong pressure on the bladder area, you cannot and do not need to endure the urge to urinate, you can also feel shooting pain in the perineum and legs, your back ache, and your stomach seems to turn to stone - it hardens, even more than once a day.

The placenta is slowly aging, the baby will soon be born, and the placenta will also be “born” with him. And then the midwives will congratulate you on the successful completion of your birth - everything unnecessary will leave your body.

What kind of discharge can there be?

This week you may notice yellowish-brown discharge, which may be streaked with blood. The discharge occurs in the form of a viscous mixture of a cloudy color. These are the same discharges that indicate that the plug has come out and that the path to the uterus is open.

It’s week 37 and my stomach hurts.

Coming 37 weeks pregnant, belly often becomes stiff and painful. You may have pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy, coming from the bottom of the abdomen and extending to the lower back. Don’t be alarmed, these are signals of training contractions; stretching should be short-term and irregular. They pass without your intervention and do not interfere with your household chores. The uterus may be hypertonic. Training contractions are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. If they start more often than expected and the sensations become more sensitive, you need to start worrying. They may get worse, resembling menstrual cramps. The pain becomes less if you change your body position frequently and continue to walk. Remember to breathe deeply or frequently during contractions, and try to relax between them. If you have severe stomach pain and painful contractions, see your doctor for further tests.

What tests to take

Mandatory tests:

  • Measuring weight, height and pelvis
  • General urine analysis
  • Blood pressure measurement

At 37 weeks, you should already be fully tested, especially for streptococci, to make sure that your baby is completely healthy and will not need help immediately after birth. Also, do not forget to monitor the readings hCG level(human chronic gonadotropin), a hormone produced by the placenta, this test is sometimes prescribed by a doctor for the dynamic diagnosis of pregnancy. It happens that the doctor prescribes an additional ultrasound; the most important thing is that the doctor can see whether the baby is positioned correctly and how ready he is for childbirth. If your baby has not yet revealed his gender, do not worry about the fact that on the ultrasound he is turned with his back, there is little room for him to move. Ultrasound will show you:

  • Basic parameters of child development
  • Heartbeat
  • Quality and level of amniotic fluid
  • Diagnosis of the condition of the uterus, cervix, umbilical cord
  • The degree of aging of the placenta.

If you have been prescribed a Doppler ultrasound, you will be able to find out how the uteroplacental blood flow occurs.

Temperature at 37 weeks of pregnancy

An increase in temperature during pregnancy always has a reason. During pregnancy, the temperature may be higher than usual, and even up to 37.3 this is within normal limits. If, in addition to temperature, you notice other signs of an inflammatory process, such as ARVI, you need to consult a doctor so that he can give appropriate treatment. Try to visit public places less during this period, including the clinic. You don't need extra viruses.

Is sex necessary?

Very often, pregnant women refuse sex even earlier than in the 9th month of pregnancy, the reasons for this may be different - some couples believe that it will be sex not just for two, but for three, while other couples cannot choose comfortable position. None of these reasons should deprive you of the pleasure of communicating with a loved one. So, for many women, the “dogi-style” pose becomes comfortable, in which your stomach cannot interfere with anything.

More recently, doctors recommended abstaining from sex just before the onset of labor. But nowadays, many people are in favor of sex during normal pregnancy. And don’t worry, the integrity of the bladder, along with the lining inside, will not be damaged, and if making love does not cause you pain, you can continue making love until childbirth. Moreover, it has been noticed that sperm improves the elasticity of the cervix and helps it open during the birth process.

What to do if labor begins at 37 weeks of pregnancy

It is important during this period, especially if you are already giving birth for the second time, or you are expecting twins, you can feel the harbingers of labor.

So be fully prepared: pack your things, be sure to take an exchange card and the necessary documents.

There is no need to go to the maternity hospital ahead of schedule, wait until contractions begin to repeat at intervals of about 5 minutes between them, and when you feel painful sensations. Don't stand in one place, walk a lot and try to use breathing exercises.

Remember that childbirth is a lot of work, and not only for you. And you must do it perfectly, while not only you, but also your future baby will try. Stay optimistic, follow all the instructions of the doctor and medical staff, because there are hours or even minutes left until the desired meeting with the baby.

A practical psychologist was with you, Olga Demchenko

For many expectant mothers, pregnancy between 35 weeks and 36 weeks is accompanied by anxiety day and night. At this stage, the fundus of the uterus rises to the very high point and is located directly under the sternum. Therefore it becomes difficult to breathe. It becomes even more difficult when the child begins to push literally under the heart.
If you are due 36 week of pregnancy tummy tugging, this indicates that the uterus is preparing for childbirth. It is not recommended to travel during this period so as not to risk the life and health of the baby. At week 36, the placenta begins to work less, and because... If the baby does not have enough nutrients, it secretes the so-called stress hormone, which is why pregnant women experience regular uterine contractions. Consequently, the stomach often hurts during this period.

It should be noted that pregnancy of 36-37 weeks already accurately determines the position of the baby in the stomach. It is considered correct if the child is upside down. This period is called prenatal, when the baby can be born any day. Therefore, the expectant mother should remember this, not be afraid and be prepared for childbirth.

36th week of pregnancy - baby

The thirty-sixth week of pregnancy means that the baby continues to gain weight: it is 2 kilograms 500 grams, and its length is 45 centimeters.

As we have already stated, pregnancy at 36 weeks does not necessarily mean gaining a certain weight: its indicators may vary, it depends on external and hereditary reasons. Basically, the doctor calculates this by feeling and measuring the belly of a pregnant woman, and calculating the weight of a newborn is not difficult, the formula is simple. You should know that this value is very approximate, although basically it actually corresponds to the actual weight of the baby.

Gestational age 37 weeks

37 weeks pregnant how many months?

Some women may be surprised to learn that at 37 weeks pregnant they are entering their tenth month! But if we calculate everything correctly, we will understand what the matter is. Ideally, carrying a baby in mother's womb lasts 280 days. Exactly so much is allocated by nature for its origin, development, growth and maturation. One obstetric month lasts 28 days or 4 weeks. So it turns out that this is 10 gynecological months, which obstetricians consider the duration of pregnancy, or a little more than 9 calendar months, which we, the common people, consider it to be.

So, exactly 9 obstetric months are behind us, but in order to give birth, as the book says, you need to leave another one. 37th week of pregnancy, first week of the last tenth month. In fact, childbirth can happen any day now. But how is the baby ready to meet his mother?

Fetus at 37 weeks gestation

Great news this week - the baby is ready to be born! And although the time for childbirth has not yet come, they will no longer be considered premature if they come now. By this time, the child is ready to accept, assimilate and digest food: the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is lined with villous epithelium, which will absorb nutrients, the baby’s original feces, meconium, have already been formed, and peristalsis is activated. The child is able to suckle at his mother’s breast; he is already quite strong and has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat, thanks to which the skin is practically smoothed out. Heat exchange processes take place without failures, the baby will be able to retain and maintain body heat at the level necessary for life.

The born baby will already be able to breathe on his own, the lungs are sufficiently mature. In addition, at the 37th week of pregnancy, the hormone cortisone is produced in the small body, which brings the pulmonary system to perfection, that is, final maturation.

Birth will no longer be as stressful for the baby as it would have been before. The adrenal glands take care of this: they have greatly enlarged and produce a special hormone that helps the baby adapt to life outside the womb. As you can see, there is no longer any need to be afraid of childbirth, although the development of the child at 37 weeks of pregnancy is still ongoing.

The baby’s liver intensively accumulates iron: it will be needed to produce blood cells, which it will provide for the baby in the first year of his life.

The process of covering neurons with protective membranes responsible for the coordination of movements continues. The establishment of neural connections will last until childbirth and beyond for a whole year.

Your baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy is absolutely unique: he has individual facial features, his own pattern on the skin has formed, his nails and hairs have grown (although it is quite possible that your miracle will be born bald), and the nasal and ear cartilages have hardened. The bones of the skull are still quite soft and elastic, because when passing through the mother’s pelvis, the head will be deformed. Two fontanelles remain completely open, which will close only a few months after birth. The lanugo fluff has practically disappeared from the body, as well as the birth lubricant, the remnants of which are collected only in skin folds. The baby's head and tummy are now equal in circumference. Its size has already reached 48-50 cm and increases by an average of 1 cm every week, and its weight reaches 2,900 g. Of course, in this sense, all babies are different.


There is less and less space left in the tummy for the baby, but he does not stop growing. It’s a bit cramped there, and mom feels it quite well, especially when the baby tries to dance: movements sometimes even become painful, especially kicks in the hypochondrium.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the belly may begin to gradually drop, which the woman will be incredibly happy about: firstly, this means that birth is approaching (and she is already tired of carrying the load, what can I say), secondly, she will finally be able to breathe air full breasts(how long ago this hasn’t happened!). True, in return for this there will be pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and perineal area; the tummy will begin to press down with its load.

However, the stomach does not always drop before childbirth, and this is also the norm. But you can predict the approaching birth by your feelings: the lower abdomen begins to pull and ache.

Due to the strong tension of the skin, the tummy may itch and the navel may turn outward. The stripe on the abdomen also becomes dark, but after childbirth all these changes will disappear.

Now you should listen to the training contractions every time: they can become more frequent and intensify, but if the contractions begin to differ in rhythm, and all the time become more painful and longer, then your time has come.

Ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Chances are you've already gone through the last one. ultrasonography, during which the expected date of birth was finally established. But it happens that an ultrasound is prescribed at the 37th week of pregnancy to clarify a number of points. One of the main questions is how the baby was positioned before being released into the wild. Most babies rush head down, since this position is the most physiological: this is the easiest way to give birth, and the uterus has such a shape that a baby turned upside down follows its outline, which is very convenient in conditions of a catastrophic lack of space. However, some guys sit on their butts or lay across them. Breech presentation today is not an absolute indication for cesarean section, but surgical delivery can be prescribed taking into account aggravating factors.

Specialist during ultrasound diagnostics at 37 weeks, she will carefully examine the baby and the degree of its development, record the main parameters, heartbeat, assess the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the uterus and cervix, umbilical cord, and the degree of maturity of the placenta. Most likely, Doppler ultrasound will also be performed to assess uteroplacental blood flow.

We will have to disappoint parents who expect to find out the sex of the child by ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The baby practically no longer moves in his tummy; he has occupied the entire uterine cavity and his movements are no longer as active as before. The likelihood that the genitals will be exposed for for everyone to see, very low. So the question about the sex of the heir may remain unanswered until birth.


The vestibule imminent birth often becomes the reason for refusing sex at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Some parents now perceive it as a threesome, others have difficulty finding a comfortable position. It should be said that none of the reasons is good enough to deprive each other of pleasure. Certainly, big belly ik definitely interferes, but if you want to adapt, you can still, for example, practice the dogi-style pose on all fours.

Until recently, doctors advised abstaining from intimate relations before childbirth. But today they have formed a different opinion on this matter: if both parents are healthy, the integrity of the amniotic sac is not compromised, and sex does not cause pain to the woman, then it can be continued until childbirth. And it’s even useful: it has been found that sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, facilitating its dilation during childbirth.


You need to stop having sex if you notice watery discharge, this is most likely your water breaking. They can gush out in a stream or be released in small portions, soaking the laundry.

The discharge of amniotic fluid indicates that the labor process has begun. Normally they should be transparent, but with fetal hypoxia they have a greenish color.

Together with the waters or independently of them, the mucous plug also comes off before childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, she clogged the entrance to the uterus, protecting the baby from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. After it leaves, the path to the little one opens, so now it will be impossible to swim in stagnant water and have sex, so as not to introduce some kind of infection.

A mucus plug appears as a glob of jelly- or silicone-like mucus, the total volume of which is approximately two tablespoons. If it comes off in parts, then the woman notices lumps of thick mucus on her underwear. The cork can be white, translucent, creamy, or even bloody; you will recognize it immediately. However, not all women manage to see this object: often the plug comes off during childbirth.

It is necessary to go to the hospital immediately if bleeding begins after the water breaks or the plug breaks. Bloody discharge may indicate incorrect location or placenta previa.

We hope that pathological discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy you are no longer disturbed. Thrush and other sexual diseases, if they existed, should have been cured by this time.

Pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy

The release of the mucus plug before childbirth is often preceded by a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Along with other signs, it indicates that the due date is approaching. The baby presses on the perineum, the pelvic bones soften and gradually move apart, so here, in the lower abdomen and pubic area, the woman feels pain and heaviness. Often shooting pains at the 37th week of pregnancy radiate to the legs, especially when walking.

But if the tummy has dropped, then they have already disappeared or, according to at least, the pain in the hypochondrium has decreased: the baby no longer reaches his legs so high. But training contractions can become a little painful.

My back, lower back, sacrum, and legs still hurt quite a lot and ache. The baby is already heavy and continues to gain weight, and you are also getting heavier. The load on the bones and musculoskeletal system in the last weeks of pregnancy is enormous!


A heavier baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, large volumes of blood, breasts and your own fat reserves undoubtedly affect your weight at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Since the beginning of pregnancy, you could have gained more than 13 kg. In each individual case, the increase will differ in one direction or another, since it depends on the parameters and physique of the woman, concomitant diseases and aggravating factors, and heredity. But sharp differences from the norms of gain at the 37th week of pregnancy, which are 10-17 kg, are, of course, undesirable.

Closer to childbirth, weight usually decreases slightly. In ancient times, this was also facilitated by the fact that women adhered to a lean diet in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Sensations (movements) at 37 weeks of pregnancy

We have already said that the belly can drop at 37 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to easier breathing, you will feel that heartburn and constipation now occur less frequently. However, more often you have to run to the toilet, since the uterus puts even more pressure on bladder. This is especially annoying at night, when it is not always possible to sleep. This is how nature prepares a woman for sleepless nights after childbirth. You need to overcome insomnia and try to get enough sleep before giving birth; in the future you will need strength. To get a better night's sleep, do light work during the day and reduce your rest time if you're used to taking an hour or two of naps. Be sure to take daily short walks in the fresh air; it is very good to take a walk before bed. Do not overeat at night, and also reduce the amount of liquid consumed after 6 pm. Ventilate the room before going to bed or even leave the window open all night.

On latest dates the woman feels a feeling of internal heat, sweats a lot, and feels stuffy all the time. All due to noticeably increased blood volumes.

The baby’s movements sometimes bring painful sensations, because he is very cramped there: there is less amniotic fluid, his size and weight increase, and the uterus seems to squeeze the baby. By the way, movement control should be carried out even at 37 weeks of pregnancy: you should feel at least 10 per day. And before birth, the baby calms down a little, his activity decreases.

Overall, the inconvenience won't last long. Very soon you will miss the baby’s movements and your own funny tummy. By the way, be sure to take a photo at 37 weeks of pregnancy for your album.

During a routine examination, the gynecologist will assess the degree to which the cervix is ​​ready to dilate, and it is likely that after the examination you will begin to experience signs of labor.


Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy is highly likely to occur in multiparous women and women carrying twins. But other women may well give birth right now. Therefore, you must be fully prepared to go to the maternity hospital at any moment: collect all the necessary things, give instructions to your family and friends, do not leave home without an exchange card and other necessary documents.

Carefully monitor the warning signs of labor, but don’t fuss ahead of time: you should go to the maternity hospital only when contractions recur at short intervals (less than 5 minutes) and become quite painful. In the meantime, you can have something light to eat. Start using breathing techniques, walk back and forth, easing your condition.

Childbirth at the 37th week of pregnancy is considered timely and occurs naturally: by this time the placenta is aging, it can no longer cope with its functions of providing the baby with vital substances, and he makes the decision to give birth. The mother’s body picks up the baton: it begins to produce hormones, which ultimately leads to the onset of contractions and labor activity.

Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that childbirth is work. Not necessarily heavy, but not always easy either. It must be done perfectly, and remember that you will not only be trying, the baby is also working hard! Let this understanding prevent you from faltering or giving up. Stay optimistic and follow the instructions of the medical staff: there are hours, if not minutes, left until the most desired meeting in the world... Drive away all doubts and fears, and rush forward to meet your little one.

37 weeks pregnant

Woman's condition

Starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already considered full-term and can be born any day. Thus, at 37 weeks of pregnancy you already need to take care of collecting the things necessary for your stay in the maternity hospital. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you will most likely be taken to the maternity hospital after the amniotic fluid has broken and the labor process has begun, so you will have no time to pack your things at that moment. In addition to documents, do not forget to take with you comfortable slippers, a nightgown, bath accessories, and a nursing bra.

At 37 weeks pregnant, your body continues to prepare for labor. At this stage of pregnancy, carefully monitor your condition in order to distinguish the symptoms of beginning labor from the body’s planned preparation for the birth process.

Braxton Hicks contractions at 37 weeks of pregnancy may become more frequent and longer lasting and cause more and more discomfort. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, they may cause pain in the groin, abdomen, and back. They are becoming more and more similar to real contractions, so how can you tell them apart? Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and unpredictable, occurring at irregular intervals and varying in duration and intensity. True contractions may also be irregular at first, but then they become periodic, the intervals between them decrease, and the intensity increases. During false contractions at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the pain is predominantly concentrated in the lower abdomen; during true contractions, the pain usually begins in the back and then covers the abdomen. That is why you should immediately consult a doctor if you have back pain only at 37 weeks of pregnancy and have not been observed before. Another difference between false contractions and true contractions is that false contractions may subside on their own or when your activity or body position changes, but true contractions will continue no matter what you do.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, abdominal drooping may occur, usually a few weeks before giving birth if this is your first, or just before giving birth if this is your second and subsequent pregnancies. The feeling that your stomach is pulling at 37 weeks of pregnancy may just accompany prolapse of the abdomen. In this regard, you may also feel easier breathing and a decrease in heartburn, since the uterus has dropped lower and no longer presses with such force on the stomach and diaphragm. On the other hand, the pressure of the uterus on the pelvic area increases, and you may feel the need to urinate and defecate more frequently, and it may become more difficult to walk.

Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy may indicate the release of a mucus plug that was blocking the entrance to the uterus for harmful microorganisms; usually this discharge is colorless or pinkish mucus. If you experience spotting at 37 weeks of pregnancy, consult your doctor immediately.

Continue to closely monitor your baby's movements and contact your doctor immediately if you notice a decrease in fetal activity: although fetal movements become milder at 37 weeks of gestation, the fetus should still be as active as before.

Your weight may decrease slightly at 37 weeks of pregnancy, this normal phenomenon when preparing the body for childbirth.

Fetal condition

The fetus at the 37th week of pregnancy is almost ready to be born: all systems and organs are formed, respiratory movements are performed, urine is released into the amniotic fluid, and original feces - meconium - are formed in the intestines. The head and belly of a baby at 37 weeks of gestation are almost the same in circumference.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to age, the formation of calcific plaques and blood clots occurs - the function of the placenta in the nutrition and development of the child is almost complete.

Fetal dimensions at 37 weeks of gestation: total length - about 49 cm, fetal weight - about 2860 g.

37th week of pregnancy: movements, breech presentation, childbirth. thirty-seventh week of pregnancy: discharge, tummy tugging:: medical circle.ru

37th week of pregnancy: fetal development, weight, movement

At the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to actively gain weight and by the end of this period its weight reaches 2900-3000 g. The length of the fetus is on average 48-49 cm, the diameter of its head is 89.4 mm, the chest is 93.8 mm, and the abdomen 97.0 mm.

The child is already completely ready to be born. The skin has pink color, in some places covered with vernix. A sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat has been accumulated, which will help the newborn’s body maintain a constant body temperature and serve as an excellent supply of nutrients for the adaptation period. digestive system to new features.

The bones of the fetus are quite strong, the processes of ossification of the epiphyses of bones, ribs, and skull bones continue. The bones of the skull retain their pliability the longest, thanks to which the fetal head is able to change its shape and adapt to the mother’s birth canal, while keeping the child’s brain intact. The density and elasticity of cartilage tissue increases, the ears are already quite elastic.

The lungs are well developed and continue to accumulate surfactant. If born, the baby will breathe normally. Twins born at 37 weeks are considered full term. The fetus breathes and in the process of this breathing enters the lungs insignificant amount amniotic fluid. In case of feto-placental insufficiency and the presence of meconium in amniotic fluid, the threat of lung infection and the development of intrauterine pulmonary infection increases.

The development of the fetal nervous system continues. Myelination completes nerve fibers, that is, the nerve trunks are dressed in a sheath that ensures rapid transmission of the nerve impulse.

The thickness of the placenta at 37 weeks is 35.22 mm and the processes of its withering are already becoming noticeable.

Make sure you have everything ready for the birth, including things your newborn may need in the first few days.

37th week of pregnancy: woman's feelings

Starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, the fetus is considered full-term, and the birth is characterized as urgent, that is, on time. The fear of premature birth is being replaced by agonizing wait. Women increasingly listen to their feelings. Every time her stomach pulls, she becomes wary and anxiously awaits the continuation and intensification of contractions. However, the tension of the uterus is not yet strong enough and not coordinated, similar to the training of the uterus before childbirth. Similar contractions were named after the scientists who observed them, Braxton Hicks contractions.

A large, heavy belly, clumsiness, pain in the lower back and legs sharply limit activity and are already quite boring for the woman. She is preparing for childbirth and is worried about how well it will go last period pregnancy. Irritability, moodiness, demanding of others, tearfulness - all these are common phenomena for pregnant women at 37 weeks. Listening to young mothers' stories about childbirth and children's health problems, she becomes anxious and persistently drives away terrible thoughts. Oddly enough, but usually the stories of eyewitnesses are just scary, because what to tell if the birth went well and the child was born healthy, it’s banal. Don't listen to such storytellers and stop the stories about difficult birth at the very beginning, do not program yourself for failure.

The fetal movement is felt well, although it experiences difficulty in movement due to cramped conditions. Observe the child's movements; they reflect his general condition. You are alone with your baby almost all the time, who else but you will be the first to notice when he feels unwell. Strengthening and weakening of movements, a decrease in their frequency may indicate intrauterine suffering of the fetus. If you notice warning symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. At 37 weeks pregnant, you should still feel at least 10 movements in 12 hours.

Weight gain continues, albeit at a much slower pace, only 150-200 g per week. The fetus no longer changes its position and begins to move down, its head is located in the pelvic cavity, due to which the fundus of the uterus remains at the same level, at approximately 36- a few centimeters from the symphysis pubis, or even lower. Already now the woman is beginning to experience some relief. It becomes a little easier to breathe, heartburn and heaviness in the right hypochondrium bother me less. These feelings are replaced by unpleasant sensations in the symphysis pubis, sacrum and coccyx.

37th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

Discharge from the genital tract of a woman at the 37th week of pregnancy should indicate the absence of infection and readiness for childbirth. The presence of pathogenic pathogens in the birth canal can cause infection of the child and cause illness in the early neonatal period.

Discharge from the genital tract of a healthy pregnant woman should be milky white, homogeneous, with a slight sour smell. At the end of pregnancy, the presence of a slight admixture of mucus is acceptable. The appearance of pus unpleasant odor, foaminess indicates the addition of an infection and requires diagnosis and treatment. There is very little time left before the birth and it is urgent to cope with the disease.

If you notice a large clump of mucus in your vaginal discharge, you may be preparing for labor. The departure of the mucus plug, which was previously located in the cervical canal and closed the entrance to the uterine cavity, indicates the beginning of dilatation of the cervix and is considered a harbinger of imminent labor, as is the rupture of amniotic fluid. If at the same time your stomach hurts and contractions appear, wait a little until they become rhythmic, collect the necessary things, take documents (exchange card, passport and insurance certificate) and go to the maternity hospital.

Bloody vaginal discharge from a pregnant woman may be a sign premature detachment a normally located placenta pathology that threatens the health and life of the mother and child. If blood appears in vaginal discharge, call an ambulance immediately.

37th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

The nutrition of a pregnant woman at 37 weeks should be balanced in composition and energy value. It must fully satisfy all the needs of the mother and fetus for nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

At the end of pregnancy, you should strictly monitor your weight gain, trying not to overeat or get carried away with sweets and fatty foods. Spicy, fatty, smokey, carbohydrate foods increase heartburn, hinder the functioning of the liver and pancreas, cause heaviness in the stomach and disrupt sleep.

Eat small meals, 5-6 times a day and do not eat before bed. Consume more fermented milk products, they improve digestion and serve an excellent remedy from constipation. Whole milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, and yoghurts are an excellent source of calcium. Wholemeal bread with the addition of vegetable fiber, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds will replenish the body with B vitamins. Various vegetables and potatoes will become a source of ascorbic acid. Sources of iron: beef liver, red meat, cereals.

Even if you suffer from edema, do not limit your fluid intake to less than 1.5 liters per day. With dropsy, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues, and in the bloodstream, on the contrary, it becomes scarce. If you drink less, blood circulation will suffer, but swelling will not decrease. To remove excess fluid, once a week, arrange a fasting day, for example, eat only cottage cheese or only apples.

37th week of pregnancy: preparing for childbirth

Now that you're getting closer to your expected due date, make sure you're fully prepared for the birth. Discuss all the details again with the person who will be with you during the birth of the child; perhaps new points will emerge that you would like to draw his attention to.

If you are going to give birth in a maternity hospital, place a bag with the things you will need near the front door, and leave on the nightstand in the hallway a piece of paper with the telephone number of the ambulance that will take you to the maternity hospital (now, in addition to the state ambulance, there are special ambulances , intended specifically for women who have begun to give birth). If you have a car, keep it close to your home at all times and be fully fueled.

Relax. Research has repeatedly shown that the stress hormones your body produces can negatively affect your baby. Find time to lie on your bed with your feet up on the wall and not think about anything. (You remember that to prevent swelling, it would be good to raise your legs higher than your body more often?) If you are still working, avoid traffic jams and do not drive public transport during rush hour. Be sure to use all of your lunch time to forget about work and relax.

Didn't have time for childbirth preparation courses? Read about the mechanism of childbirth on the Internet, talk to friends who have gone through childbirth. Find out in your antenatal clinic about lectures for pregnant women: some minimum necessary information you can get it in an expedited manner in a couple of visits.

Read about breastfeeding management. Pay special attention to the mechanism of milk production and the peculiarities of feeding the baby in the first week after birth. The baby will need to be fed immediately after birth, and you will have no time to deal with theoretical issues. Add it to your phone book mobile phone number of consultants breastfeeding. Information about who works in your city can be found here.

Useful tips

Support your partner: future dad may feel very uncomfortable in light of the inevitability of the impending birth. Calm him down.

If any of you still have questions like what if, read the relevant literature, look for information on the Internet, go to the obstetrician together. Remember, both of you, that millions married couples every day they pass safely through the meeting with their child.

37 weeks pregnant

By the 37th week of pregnancy, feelings of discomfort and various pains increase more and more. You feel huge and clumsy, sometimes even specially purchased maternity clothes, which seemed oversized to you when you bought them, cannot be fastened.

Lifestyle, sex, nutrition at 37 weeks of pregnancy should be agreed upon with your doctor depending on your condition, because what is prohibited for some may be useful for others.

Your condition

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the mother's weight increases by at least 9.5 11 kg. Most of this weight is made up of the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta, enlarged uterus and mammary glands:

— child’s weight 3000 3500 grams

- weight of amniotic fluid is about 1000-1500 grams (by the time of birth, their amount decreases)

- placenta weight is about 350-500 grams

— the weight of the enlarged uterus and mammary glands is 1500 grams.

The remaining weight is due to an increase in the mother's circulating blood volume by approximately 50%, and, of course, those body fat that you have managed to accumulate.

It should be noted that before giving birth, women lose weight. Part of the weight is lost due to changes in hormonal balance and the removal of fluid from the body.

Now you may experience quite serious discomfort, complaints during this week of pregnancy are varied and numerous, and this is not surprising in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is really not easy for you now.

your child

The fetus at 37 weeks of gestation is completely ready to be born and is just waiting in the wings. He is now the main conductor of future events. Once his body is completely ready for birth, the birth process will begin. Your body is also preparing for this event.

A baby at 37 weeks of gestation looks like a normal newborn. His body is practically free of vellus hair, and there is a fair amount of hair on his head. The cheese-like lubricant remained only in the folds of the skin. The nails are long, reach the edge of the fingers and even go beyond it, the baby can scratch himself. The navel has shifted to the center of the tummy, and in boys the testicles are in the scrotum. In girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora.

The baby's skin is a beautiful light pink color. If your baby is dark-skinned, his skin is also quite fair now, at least lighter than his parents', and his palms and feet are pink. A fair amount of fat has accumulated under the skin, which makes the baby plump. Particularly a lot of fat is deposited in the face area; the baby needs round cheeks to successfully cope with the task of breastfeeding.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight often already exceeds 3 kg; on average, babies are born weighing 3200-3500 grams, and most already manage to gain what they need by this week. At the 37th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus can vary greatly both in two different women and in the same woman. different pregnancies. As a rule, at second births the baby is larger, and boys usually weigh more than girls. In some cases, the baby gains 3800-4000 grams by the 37th week of pregnancy. A large fetus can cause difficult labor and even caesarean section.

A baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy leads approximately the same lifestyle as a newborn. His sleep takes up most of his time, and when he is not sleeping, he is busy sucking everything in sight, from his own fingers and forearms to the umbilical cord. He is sensitive to everything that happens around his mother. Now his hearing and vision are fully mature, he hears and sees perfectly, his memory allows him to remember his mother’s voice and more.

Musical preferences are also being developed now. If a mother listens to a lot of music during pregnancy, there is a high probability of giving birth to a gifted baby.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, fetal movement becomes even less common. You may even sometimes worry whether everything is okay when you don’t hear from your child for an hour or so. Movements become less frequent before childbirth, this is due to the tightness of the uterus and the baby’s gained weight. This shouldn't scare you.

Your tummy

The abdominal changes that occur before childbirth are well known and they can be quite noticeable, especially if this is your first pregnancy. This is primarily a lowering of the abdomen. Due to the fact that the baby's head descends into the mother's pelvis, the fundus of the uterus becomes lower and the abdomen appears smaller. If you are 37 weeks pregnant and your belly is drooping, this does not mean that you will give birth soon; usually in first-time mothers, abdominal drooping occurs 2 weeks before the expected birth or earlier, but with repeated births, drooping can only occur during childbirth.

Analyzes and examinations

The end of pregnancy means for you that you will again be tortured with tests. One joy is that it is quite possible that you are already in the maternity hospital awaiting the birth and this means that you will not have to take everything again.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, tests are of great importance for planning your birth.

In most maternity hospitals, all women who were hospitalized in advance undergo an ultrasound examination. Why is it needed?

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound gives doctors a huge amount of necessary information. Even if your baby lies correctly in the uterus, head down, extension insertions are possible, which serve as a contraindication to natural childbirth. Timely identified deviations make it possible to successfully avoid possible complications and conduct your childbirth as carefully and sparingly as possible.

Possible complaints and problems

Pregnancy calendar 37th week is the time of the harbingers of childbirth. What it is?

Harbingers are called numerous and sometimes not very pleasant symptoms, which indicate the possible imminent onset of labor.

So, 37 weeks of pregnancy, harbingers of labor:

Many pregnant women note that their stomachs now quite often ache and become stiff. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, uterine tone may increase for three reasons, and you must learn to distinguish between them.

Braxton-Higgs abbreviations.

These are not precursors; such contractions do not lead to changes in the condition of the cervix. During Braxton-Higgs contractions, the tone increases from the fundus of the uterus and spreads downward, but there is no pain or even any particular discomfort.

Harbingers of childbirth.

These are more sensitive uterine contractions that may even wake you up at night. At the same time, the stomach does not hurt constantly, and contractions are not regular and pass quickly. These precursors change the very structure of the cervix, it smoothes out and becomes softer.

Pathological preliminary period.

The preliminary period is the last hours before the onset of labor; they are characterized by the first signs of labor. The woman is worried about irregular contractions, which normally increase in duration and gradually become more frequent. In the pathological preliminary period, this time drags on for many hours, and for the especially unfortunate, the count goes on for days. This condition is not normal and requires labor induction. If you are 37 weeks pregnant, your stomach hurts, and this is not just a feeling characterized by the word pulling, but rather sensitive contractions, do not sit at home waiting for everything to speed up, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, almost all women suffer from pain. The most common complaint among women is that their back hurts, lower back pain. Sometimes the lower back is pulled not just because the tummy is large; unpleasant sensations can also fall into the category of precursors of childbirth.

For most pregnant women, the nature of the discharge changes, and the variety of symptoms can be significant. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, discharge can indicate either pathology or be normal. What kind of discharge should you be concerned about?

If you are 37 weeks pregnant, have white discharge, itching and redness, it is likely thrush. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is extremely undesirable, since the child will definitely become infected with it from you during childbirth. Be sure to inform the doctor and do not experiment with self-medication, there is simply no time for this.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, yellow discharge may be normal, but may indicate inflammatory diseases genitals. If they are significant, you should take a smear to see if everything is in order.

Bloody discharge may be normal, or it may indicate serious complications. Blood at 37 weeks of pregnancy, bright, even a couple of drops, is a reason to immediately call an ambulance; brown, pink discharge should also cause concern. Mucous discharge with small streaks of blood, both pink and Brown This is normal, the plug just comes out before giving birth.

The end of pregnancy is the time when the gastrointestinal tract is seriously protesting against its oppressed state by the uterus; many feel sick at 37 weeks of pregnancy and suffer from heartburn. Nausea is simply associated with compression of the stomach by the uterus, and with the lowering of the tummy, many note a decrease in this discomfort. But vomiting and diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy can be either ordinary poisoning or a sign of the onset of labor. If in the first case your condition may worsen significantly, your temperature may rise; in the second case, most expectant mothers experience slightly different additional symptoms, for example, tone and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It is clear that there is no Activated carbon I need to drink and go to the maternity hospital.


Preserved at 37 weeks of gestation breech presentation will most likely cause a caesarean section. Not all maternity hospitals allow natural childbirth in a breech position, and is it worth insisting on them, C-section is chosen for a reason; the risk for the child is too high.

The last ultrasound may not be very pleasing with its results; revealed polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios in half of the cases also become one of the indications for cesarean section. Placenta previa and fetal hypoxia almost always mean surgery.

Now you need to especially carefully monitor your blood pressure. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, blood pressure may increase due to late toxicosis If you have a headache, swelling, or notice that your arms or legs are swelling, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

ARVI is unnecessary and dangerous now. Fever and runny nose at 37 weeks of pregnancy, a cold, can cause you to be separated from your baby after childbirth. If staying together with a mild ARVI is allowed, your serious condition will definitely cause separation from your child, and giving birth will be very difficult, try not to catch a cold now.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth is the norm, if it starts great for you, it’s just your time. It is important not to miss the onset of labor and to distinguish them from precursors. Real contractions increase in duration and strength, and become more frequent over time.


At 37 weeks of pregnancy, twins are most often born.

Stomach cramps at 37 weeks.

Has anyone had any experience with what this could be? The belly has not dropped, the baby is moving there.

Stomach cramps at 37 weeks. Open theme in windows

  • # 63865734
  • robbiecute +
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03.02.11 14:39
First time like this. I had never pulled at all before, but this morning I have been pulling in the lower abdomen and on the sides in the lumbar region. And very much so. And the stomach “tightens up” all the time, as if it were turning to stone.
Has anyone had any experience with what this could be? The belly has not dropped, the baby is moving there.
  • # 63868916
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03.02.11 16:03 Reply to message:63865734
Drink noshpa. Call your doctor if possible. I've been feeling a slight ache lately. Either in the lumbar region, then on the sides, then in the stomach area. Then it passes. I also reached 37 weeks.
Monitor your condition. How often does it pull and hurt? Tell your doctor about this. Most likely these are training contractions.
  • # 63869092
  • Dumpling Mouse *
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03.02.11 16:08 Reply to message:63865734
I was so sick yesterday. It lasted for a few minutes in the lower back and then went away...it happened again this morning...the same way. but without continuation. I think it was training exercises... the deadline is also 37
  • # 63870316
  • Pumpkin C.S.
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03.02.11 16:44 Reply to message:63865734
You can already give birth. You don't need any burden.
Time yourself. If the contractions occur at constant intervals or the intensity increases, then perhaps these are real contractions and it’s time to go to the hospital.
  • # 63870734
  • Malianna **K**
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03.02.11 16:57
I'm 37 too full weeks, I’m on the 38th, I also periodically began to hurt and have pain in the lower abdomen, then in the lower back, both here and there... and even contractions even begin, but so far it has been that after lying down and resting, such pains go away after a while. The doctor says these are training contractions. The doctor also assured me that if no-shpu is taken, then the birth process cannot be stopped by it, even if it is real birth pains... since, of course, real contractions may already begin at this stage, I expect each time that they will continue, intensify and the interval will begin to shorten))) it’s already hard to walk)))

Sincerely, Anna, son Vanyusha born on July 4, 2005, daughter Polenka born on March 13, 2008. and son Andryusha 02/18/2011

  • # 63872110
  • Alice in Wonderland) **K**
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03.02.11 17:41
Here is the 37 week topic)))))) I found you!)))
We also went to 37th)))
Sometimes my tummy gets tight too... SO far without pain, but it turns to stone, yes. I think it's sweatpants. He also spins around, or changes the position of his butt from right to left, etc. some parts are sticking out, similar to the butt in general))), then everything just gets tense somehow... I can’t find the words... and the blood goes to my head. I take Magne-B6 2t/3 times a day...
I would like to carry my baby to 38 weeks...

A bright dream come true) :)

  • # 63872913
  • robbiecute +
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03.02.11 18:08
I've already forgiven everything. Now again, as if nothing had happened. It doesn’t drag, it doesn’t hurt.
  • # 63874934
  • Pumpkin C.S.
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03.02.11 19:22 Reply to message:63872913
So these were training sessions/false contractions.
  • # 63895567
  • ketiusha +
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04.02.11 12:52 Reply to message:63872110
So I also want to get to 38 weeks.
  • # 63895616
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04.02.11 12:53 Reply to message:63874934
  • # 63895862
  • Dumpling Mouse *
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04.02.11 12:59 Reply to message:63872110
and I am up to 38, but we are 4 days away from them... but in general, for some reason I am sure that I will not give birth earlier...
04.02.11 16:25
I’ll also stand next to you... although my period is shorter - I’m approaching 36 weeks, but today for half a day I also felt a sip/pain downstairs or something... although I suspect that the elastic band of the tights could be pulling... now I’m lying on the sofa and everything is ok)
  • # 63925567
  • robbiecute +
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05.02.11 13:23
Don’t these training contractions mean that you’re about to give birth very soon? I have a work permit for February 24, i.e. I still have a little less than three weeks to go.
  • # 63926754
  • Dumpling Mouse *
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05.02.11 14:21 Reply to message:63925567
and I have the same PDD)) no, they don’t mean)) they can be at 30 weeks... the main thing is not to confuse them with real ones

Question: does the lower abdomen feel tight during the 39th week of pregnancy?

Hello! I am in my 39th week, that is, my last menstruation was on July 18, I became pregnant on July 25, that is, not 14 days later (a week earlier), as is generally believed by gynecologists. The birth date was set for April 23, according to my calculations, 16. But the second birth often happens a week earlier... But that’s not the point. For about two weeks now, I have been having periods of stabbing in the cervix, as if with a needle, sometimes once a day, sometimes once every 5 days, no periodicity. And last night I started to feel a tightening in the lower abdomen and the colic was strong, and as if I was about to faint, the baby seemed to change position and it was so painful... somehow I fell asleep, and in the morning I woke up and as if nothing had happened I walked on, the baby was moving I feel my stomach is small, so I don’t see any drooping...Please tell me what it was and approximately how long to walk, a day or no more than a week? It’s just that my family home opens on the 16th, I wouldn’t want to go to another one, is there any chance of getting there? Just don’t write, please, that you need to consult a doctor, I already know that, I’ll go to him tomorrow... Please write in more detail! Yes, and a runny nose appeared yesterday and while stretching my stomach I ran to pee every 15 minutes, the stretching continued for about 3 hours!

37 weeks pregnant

For many women 37 weeks pregnant is the completion gestation period . By this time, the baby is already ready for birth and life outside the mother’s womb.
Week 37 is the time to decide on a maternity hospital. It is not necessary to go to the maternity hospital related to the consultation; the expectant mother has the right to give birth in another place. Find out whether the hospital allows partner births and whether relatives are allowed into the ward with the woman in labor.

The belly lowers as the baby moves closer to the pelvis. During your first pregnancy, your belly will become lower a few weeks before giving birth; for a woman giving birth, this happens a couple of days before the long-awaited moment. The child puts pressure on the lower abdomen, but it becomes easier to breathe.

After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's weight is close to maximum and if delivery takes place After 2-3 weeks, the weight will change slightly by this time. The child's body weight is approximately 3 kilograms, daily it increases by 30 grams, 50% of the gained weight is subcutaneous fat.
A protective film begins to form around the nerves, which has a positive effect on coordination of movements. 12 months after
birth of a child this process will end. A lot of surfactant is produced in the lungs, the baby is ready to breathe on its own. Small the fetal body is developed It is enough for the baby to be born at 37 weeks.
The fuzz on the baby's baby skin has become smaller. The nasal and ear cartilages harden. The fetus's sleep pattern changes: 30-60% of sleep is REM sleep, during which there is an increase in heart rate, a decrease in muscle tone, an increase in blood pressure, other time occupies slow sleep and relative calm, relaxation of muscle tissue.

If this is your first pregnancy , then after 37 weeks of the fetal development period, the stomach sometimes hurts and a heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen. False contractions may occur. They are weak, sporadic, occurring every day or several times a week. There is tension in the lower abdomen, and if between contractions Different periods of time pass, reasons to hurry There is no pregnant woman in the maternity hospital.

Presage premature birth the following factors may exist:
- Removal of the mucus plug, which protects the fetus from external infections. The mucus may come away quickly or slowly. This colorless liquid sometimes has yellowish tint, possible presence of blood impurities.
- The abdomen sinks greatly and turns to stone, in addition to easy breathing, pain is felt in the back, and there is constantly something pressing in the perineum. The baby's head has already moved into the birth canal and he is about to be born soon.
- Rare movements of the baby indicate that he is gathering strength for birth.
- Before childbirth, nausea intensifies, stool becomes liquid, the body cleanses itself, and weight drops slightly. The flexibility of the body increases, this helps a woman endure childbirth more easily.
- The fetus puts pressure on the mother’s bladder, her hormonal state changes, which leads to more frequent urges to defecation and urination.

For some women, the 37th week of pregnancy may result in early labor. But for many pregnant women For those who already have children, childbirth during this period is even more likely to occur. Later 37 weeks pregnant baby weight can be 3000 g, but on average the weight ranges from 2600 g to 2800 g.

Often, pregnancy after 37 weeks can be accompanied by pain in the lower back, legs and back, and often stomach pain, as the baby moves further and further down the birth canal . How women themselves describe their feelings - 37 weeks pregnant accompanied by the following sensations: the stomach becomes hard, training contractions are increasingly painful, shooting pains while walking they give it to your feet. We hope that you will easily endure all the trials that pregnancy and childbirth rarely go without. If the pain is very severe, then the doctor can prescribe you a shpa . We wish you that the newborn baby will be strong and healthy, and also enjoy the wonderful happiness of motherhood!


In the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, incredible things happen. The baby is moving with all his might, and the mother’s body is preparing for childbirth. Here you see the harbingers of childbirth, and the baby hiccups and pulls in the lower abdomen. What happens to the body? What is the child's weight and height? Why does breech presentation occur and why does the stomach become stone? Despite the diarrhea and discharge, you are looking forward to giving birth, which is coming soon.

Intrauterine development of the fetus continues, although the birth canal is ready for the process. What happens to the baby and mother? Let's watch the process.

The baby's skin becomes thicker. It smooths out because fat cells accumulate underneath it. The lanugo fluff is no longer there, except that it still remains on the back and shoulders. The original lubricant remains only between the folds on the body. Nails are visible at the tips of the fingers.

Changes also affected cartilage tissue. The nose and ears are hard, the ear shells bend because they have become denser and more elastic.

The skull becomes ossified, leaving two areas soft. These are fontanelles that allow the head to slip through the birth canal. The fontanelles are soft, but then they will close, and the skull will ossify.

The lungs have already formed, so at birth the baby will take its first breath. Cortisone, a hormone for the development of the respiratory system, is produced in full, as is surfactant, a substance that helps the lungs not to stick together.

The adrenal glands produce adrenaline. It will be needed to preserve the nervous system from the stress of birth.

The nervous system will continue to develop after birth, but sucking and grasping reflexes are already working.

Villi appear in the gastrointestinal tract. They cover the mucous membrane in certain areas of the digestive system to absorb nutrients from food. The ventricle makes the first contractions in order to digest food in the future, and the first feces - meconium - appear in the intestines. He will be out a couple of hours after birth.

We are asked: 37 weeks of pregnancy is how many months? We answer: tenth. Gestation of a baby takes 280 days. The fetus appears, ripens and prepares for birth. An obstetric month has 28 days or, if counted in weeks, 4 weeks. Thus, 37 weeks is the tenth obstetric month or the ninth calendar month (but it still turns out to be a little more than nine). To give birth, the mother goes for a full 9 obstetric months and completes another one - the tenth. From the 37th week the last tenth obstetric month begins, so you can already prepare to give birth.

How does mom feel at this stage?

Since the child is big, there is not enough space for him and the mother feels this. The stomach drops - childbirth is coming soon. Read in detail, you will need it.

When your tummy drops, you will breathe deeply for the first time in 9 months. This is an indescribable feeling, but don’t expect it on purpose.

Child's weight and height

37 - 38 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which the baby is ready to be born, and in obstetric practice, birth at this period is full-term. The baby's organs are formed and ready to function independently.

During this period, the child’s standard height reaches 48 cm, but also reaches 50 cm. The child’s weight reaches 2.8 kg.

Mothers worry about breech birth. What is it and why is it important?

Breech presentation of the fetus is the position of the fetus in the womb.

Why know how the baby lies? If the fetus is turned with its legs down, then the mother herself will not give birth. Medical intervention occurs in 5% of cases.

The normal position of the baby is considered to be head down.

Why does the child change position? Reasons according to doctors:

  • too narrow pelvis and other similar anatomical defects;
  • low position of the placenta;
  • baby's head is too big;
  • problems associated with the tone of the uterus or malformations;
  • a large volume of amniotic fluid and, as a result, high fetal activity;
  • The fruit is too small.

The position of the baby is also different, not necessarily feet down. The doctor will examine and say one of the following:

  • partial position - buttocks forward, while legs are placed upward along the body;
  • incomplete position - legs are bent at the knees, and the buttocks are closest to the birth canal;
  • full location - legs in the birth canal;
  • knee position - the legs are also closer to the birth canal, but at the same time they are bent at the knees.

Breech presentation is a signal for the doctor to prescribe further procedures and prepare for a caesarean section.

How is breech presentation determined?

  • the doctor probes the child’s head through the stomach;
  • determines the baby’s heartbeat, normally above the navel on the tummy;
  • vaginal determination method;
  • Ultrasound is the most in an exact way make a diagnosis based on location.

If breech presentation is determined at 37 weeks, then labor will not go away on its own. Perhaps the doctor will decide to take such a step if you have a wide pelvis or the size of the baby is not large. In other cases, in order to protect both you and the child, the specialist will take other measures.

What do you need to do?

The 37th week is no longer the period when radical measures are taken - giving birth soon. For the future: there will be no diarrhea, nausea, if you follow the golden rules. And the vitamin and mineral reserves will completely protect against pathologies:

  • eat wisely, focusing on the usefulness of the product, and not on serving sizes (read);
  • monitor your weight and gain safely;
  • do not neglect rest and sleep, without them the body cannot recover;
  • improve abdominal tone.

What does a gynecologist do?

If you are already in the third trimester, the doctor sends you for preservation. After the tests, it will become clear whether you need to undergo a caesarean section or whether you will give birth on your own.

Don't be afraid of anything, but be careful. The outcome of the situation depends on the strength of spirit and a positive attitude.

37 weeks pregnant: questions

A stone belly is normal. In the article we wrote that the firmness of the abdomen is a toning of the uterus, which is preparing for the upcoming birth.

When the abdomen hardens, the uterus expands to its limit, and the baby still grows. Mom feels Braxton-Higgs contractions, these are training or false contractions. The good news is that you will not feel any discomfort or discomfort. Protect yourself from stressful worries and rest, after all, soon you will plunge headlong into a new life where physical endurance is needed.

If your stomach turns to stone regularly, but you also experience slight nagging pain, then childbirth is coming soon. Take a warm shower and relax. You still have time. Contact your doctor to reassure you that there is nothing to worry about.

Go to the hospital if abdominal hardness is accompanied by pain in the lower back or in the abdomen itself. Reinsurance is not unnecessary.

If the child moves actively

At 37 weeks the baby is actively moving. So much so that mom doesn’t sleep or eat. But don't worry if the movements are strong. There is little room left in your stomach, and the baby is cramped.

At this stage you should feel 10 movements in 12 hours.

The gynecologist will confirm that there are no abnormalities in the movements. Rest and tune in.

If there is a pull in the lower abdomen

What happens if at 37 weeks of pregnancy there is a pull in the lower abdomen? When the stomach drops, all the heaviness is directed downward, hence the pain. If the pain is not sharp or intense, then rest assured that these are harbingers of labor.

Along with nagging pain, the skin on the abdomen is stretched to the limit, causing it to itch and the navel to turn out. After childbirth, the symptoms will disappear and the body will return to normal. Be patient, there's not much left.

Nagging pain also indicates the release of the mucous plug. Another signal of imminent birth. The mucus plug protected the fetus from external substances and dirt, but now the baby is asking to come out.

Another reason is banal poisoning from expired products. In this case, loose stools are accompanied by fever, chills, headache, and muscle aches.

Diarrhea occurs when using medications and vitamin complexes. Check the side effects of medications to be sure.

If none of the above is your case, then diarrhea is a harbinger of labor. A kind of diarrhea is a way of cleansing the mother’s body before the process of giving birth to a child. This will make the upcoming event easier.

Only diarrhea from mild poisoning will go unnoticed. If the intestines contract for a long time and intensely, and there are no harbingers of labor yet, then diarrhea will cause contractions when the body is not yet ready for childbirth.

Diarrhea is also dehydration, so a doctor should monitor the situation.

Without finding out the causes of loose stools, further treatment is wrong.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe you a diet where the diet is dominated by fresh foods with a strengthening effect:

  • porridge;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • drying

As for medications, their prescription is controlled by a doctor.

This is useful to know: diarrhea is the excessively rapid digestion of food with the same rapid disposal of its remains. Processing food in the digestive tract usually takes up to 72 hours for nutrients and water to be absorbed, and if the food is stale, the body turns on its defenses - loose stool with elevated temperatures to kill germs.

Is there any way to prevent diarrhea? Yes, you can. Check the suitability of products, monitor the heat treatment of meat, dairy and fish products. Wash your hands before and after eating, especially in public places. Check your prescribed medications for side effects.

Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Discharge is a way to understand what is wrong with your body. Healthy discharge is transparent. If they are white, then this is thrush and is treated by a doctor so as not to infect the baby with a fungus during childbirth.

At 37 weeks pregnant, monitor your discharge. Excessive watery discharge at this time may be water leakage. Refrain from intimacy with your husband and go to the doctor.

You may also see a lump of mucus coming out. This is a traffic jam. Sometimes it comes out in parts, then you will see white pieces of discharge. The color can be different - creamy, bloody, translucent. After the plug comes out, be careful, childbirth is coming soon, so refrain from intimacy, do not take a hot bath or shower under running water - there is a high risk of infections.

It happens that the plug does not come out. Or rather, she comes out, but already with water, so she is not visible.

The usual amount of mucus plug is 2 tablespoons.

The most undesirable ones - brown discharge. They may indicate pathologies with the placenta, so go to the doctor.

The color, character, and consistency of the discharge varies depending on a number of individual factors. Be careful. At this time, they indicate the course of further events.

Hiccups start from conception, so they can appear in the womb. It is at 37 weeks that mothers complain of hiccups or what they interpret as hiccups.

What can you feel? Barely perceptible tremors - rhythmic and short. But it can also be spasms, tapping, or incomprehensible twitching. The duration of hiccups is from 5 to 30 minutes. Often the mother does not feel anything, but the child hiccups.

There are three versions of the reasons for a baby’s hiccups:

  1. Hiccups are caused by the contraction of the diaphragm, which releases the compression of the vagus nerve if it occurs.
  2. The second version is copious swallowing of amniotic fluid. If a baby swallows water, his body removes the excess with hiccups. This usually happens if mom ate something sweet.
  3. The third case is hypoxia, but only if the hiccups are very long.

If your baby hiccups, stand in knee-elbow position. Sometimes it helps.

Sex at 37 weeks pregnant

At the 37th week of pregnancy and in general in the third trimester, sex life fades into the background for spouses. Now more attention is focused on the precursors of childbirth, the physiological discomfort of the mother. For her, sexual desire decreases, because the size of the abdomen, swelling, high blood pressure- all this creates inconvenience that can hardly be avoided during sexual intercourse.

In any case, you need to be careful with excessive physical exertion, pressure on the stomach and too deep penetration - this imposes great restrictions, leaving little room for fantasy. On the other hand, all this is temporary and will soon pass.

The optimal postures during this period are the side position, the transverse position and sitting - these are safe options.

Will the parents' sexual relations harm the baby? Doctors say no. The baby is protected by a thick wall of uterine muscles, the amniotic sac and the mucus plug. But once the plug is out, you can’t have sex.

If you are worried that the baby feels everything, then this is partly true, but he is more likely to react to his mother’s heartbeat and therefore moves more actively, and he also enjoys the pleasure hormone - endorphin.

If fears overly constrain you, then opt for lighter forms of intimacy that do not involve penetration.

Do orgasms provoke? premature birth? If the pregnancy is proceeding normally and there have been no precursors of labor yet, then uterine contractions will not lead to the onset of labor. But immediately before childbirth, it is sexual intercourse that causes contractions. Sometimes the doctor himself pushes his patients to be intimate with their husbands in order to speed up the process, but this is individual. If it's too early, nothing will happen.

When is it better to refuse sex:

  • with a real threat of miscarriage;
  • if the mother previously had miscarriages;
  • presentation;
  • multiple pregnancy.

It’s the 37th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor appear and then disappear, and so on for 3–4 days in a row. The sensations change before your eyes - from fatigue and cumbersomeness to a Superman burst of strength for washing windows.

The human body is a wonderful machine with complete self-control. The main thing is not to disturb him. He himself will warn you about the upcoming event, and you watch and prepare.

The mucus plug has come off

In the section about Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy, we talked about what the plug looks like and what it looks like when it comes out. Its purpose is to protect the cervix and when the cervix ripens, the plug comes out. The discharge usually ranges in color from white to pinkish and contains blood.

The plug comes out differently for everyone: in parts, at the time of birth, 2 weeks before birth.

First contractions

Primiparous women have difficulty distinguishing false contractions from real ones, although multiparous women also have problems with this. Real contractions gradually intensify and cause increasing anxiety. Pain will occur in the calves, hips, lower back - everywhere at once or somewhere separately - this is individual. There are times when contractions go unnoticed.

Water broke

Near amniotic sac ruptures and liquid flows out. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt and is perceived as a gushing stream, although in in some cases drips little by little - it depends on the specific location of the bubble rupture.

The broken water cannot be confused with anything - it will flow without your consent or warning. Urine can be controlled, water cannot.

If contractions have not started, but your water has already broken, then use a sanitary pad (not a tampon) and go to the maternity hospital. Be sure to tell your doctor about characteristic color water Light and slightly runny is the norm. If the waters are greenish, then the baby is oxygen deprived and the doctor needs to know this in order to induce labor, because it is impossible to delay.

If you are 37 - 38 weeks pregnant, when will labor begin? After the release of amniotic fluid within 24 hours. So, get ready.

When the membranes burst, contractions become intense. This is due to the pressure of the child directly on the os of the uterus - after all, there is no longer a cushion of water.

The release of the mucus plug, contractions and the breaking of water are three signs of impending labor. If the warning signs appear before the 37th week, then you are in premature labor and need to go to the maternity hospital.

Precursors of labor in first-time mothers

If it’s your first time, it’s especially exciting - there’s nothing to navigate yet.

What exactly does the birth process involve? Everyone will tend to trigger a complex of physical, emotional and external circumstances, starting with the waxing moon and ending with the doctor’s arrival from vacation. Yes, this also happens - the baby does not want to be born until the mother’s doctor returns to work.

Observations have shown that stress and anxiety delay childbirth, but a good position, on the contrary, speeds up the process. From an esoteric point of view, the baby will be born when it is resolved family tension– he is like a welcome guest who will reconcile everyone and cool the situation.

Physiologically, everything looks simple - the uterus reaches its maximum limits, and the baby has grown critically and is ready for independent existence.

So, you are 37 weeks and contractions have started. How can you tell if they are real? During the last months of pregnancy, you will often feel contractions, but at first they may be training contractions (Braxton Hicks). They are also called false. They happen so often that they become a habit and the mother does not notice that everything is no longer for fun. By the way, false contractions can also grow, becoming more intense.

Please note the following:

  • contractions became natural;
  • contractions appear several times every hour;
  • their duration lasts 30 – 60 seconds.

What does it mean? It's time for you to give birth.

If contractions are isolated, not intense and frequent, then they are false. For first-time mothers, these sensations will be extremely annoying, but you should be more tolerant of the body - it is preparing for battle.

So, be prepared from week 37 for what will happen soon. Your stomach will drop, light nagging pain will appear in the lower abdomen, the mucus plug will come out, contractions will begin and your water will break. This will not happen in an instant, but the harbingers and the first signs of this, so that you tune in and prepare, are coming soon.

If the pregnancy is already 37 weeks old, the second birth will be the same as the first - with the same signs. In some cases, all signs appear faster, but this is not a trend, but individual characteristics.

Remember how you felt the first time and listen to your body. There should be no excitement - just concentration and calm. Multiparous mothers are more sensitive to false contractions, so they may not notice how real ones appear, so watch your body - it will tell you everything.

Additionally, note that you have nesting syndrome and slight weight loss. In the second case, this is due to a decrease in swelling - the body seems to lighten up in order to prepare. As for the nesting instinct, the recently lethargic mother who falls asleep on the move has the energy to tidy everything up, complete it and go give birth.

Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Childbirth at 36 - 37 weeks of pregnancy. If on the 37th, then this is normal, the baby will be full-term. Labor begins when the uterus contracts at certain regular intervals. When the muscles of the uterus contract for 20 seconds, you will feel a dull pressure in the lower abdomen. Don't worry, you won't miss them - they will wake you up even in a very deep sleep.

If you are giving birth for the first time, the frequency of contractions will increase slowly. First-time mothers can labor for 12 hours. Repeated births already less - from 6 hours. There are also rapid births - 3 hours.

When contractions are repeated every 10 minutes and their duration is no less than one minute, then you should be in the hospital by this time. At least go to the maternity hospital. Before the trip, take a shower, but it is not advisable to eat.

Giving birth at 37 weeks is quite normal if there are no pathologies. The baby is ready for childbirth, as is the mother herself, if there have already been warning signs.

Week 37 is the time when it’s time for any mother to prepare for childbirth. Most often, childbirth occurs at this stage or during a second pregnancy.

We talked about the most important and painful questions for mothers. If you missed anything about week 37, then ask us in the comments. Share the article on social networks if you found it interesting and take care of yourself.

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