White henna for lightening hair. White henna for lightening hair - features of a home procedure

It is very difficult to find a girl who would never want to slightly change the natural tone of her hair. Sometimes it’s scary to change dramatically, and the use of chemicals for dyeing harms curls. In such cases, you can resort to the methods that our grandmothers used. Lightening hair at home can be done with the help of products that everyone can find at home: lemon, chamomile, kefir, honey and even cinnamon. All of them are available and absolutely safe for hair. Moreover, they will not only help to change outwardly, but also make your curls more voluminous and healthier.

Folk remedies for lightening hair

Today, the use of improvised means for lightening looks a little strange, because there are a large number of purchased paints and balms to give the hair the desired shade. The problem is that their composition has a very aggressive effect on the hair structure and scalp. The pigment is destroyed, the bulb is depleted, as a result of which dandruff, brittle hair, and a section of the tips appear. Hair restoration takes a very long time. Home remedies are absolutely safe for the hair and scalp, but are not effective enough to lighten the color by several tones.

It should be understood that a burning brunette will not turn into a blonde, but dark blond hair will easily become light blond.


Lightening dark hair is best done with this citrus fruit. The secret is simple - the acid that is in its juice affects the pigment of the hair, and it becomes discolored. This is a very effective way, but not the safest.

To tone the curls with a light shade, you will need the juice of one lemon. Apply the juice after shampooing and dry the strands in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet significantly enhances the reaction citric acid and hair pigment, as a result of which the color will lighten by several tones.

If it’s not summer outside, and you don’t need a radical change in color, but just an increase in a light shade, lemon juice is diluted with water in a one-to-one ratio. Use the prepared mixture as a rinse after shampooing. The curls will not only be beautifully shaded, but will also cease to be electrified, acquire a healthy shine.


This method has been known since ancient times. There are facts proving that the court beauties performed lightening their hair with honey to give them a healthy strength, as well as a beautiful shade. Honey produces an effect similar to the effect of using hydrogen peroxide, only the hair does not suffer from this at all. On the contrary, they become silky and shiny.

Before washing your hair, melt the honey in a steam bath to a liquid state. Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to the shampoo and wash your hair in the usual way. After that, apply melted honey along the entire length of the curls. It's better if it's still warm. After application, wrap your head in cling film and a terry towel. It is better to go to bed with this mask, then the effect will be stronger. Lightening hair with honey is harmless and can be done continuously.

How long to keep: 6-8 hours.


This method is ideal for lightening unhealthy, dry and brittle hair. Kefir well heals the structure of the hair, makes it more elastic and stronger. This method is not very effective, but it is very useful for light hair or in order to wash off the remnants of paint from the hair.

You need half a glass of kefir (yogurt can be used), 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of shampoo so that the composition is easy to apply. Mix all ingredients and apply to wet, clean hair. Wrap your head with a warm towel and polyethylene.

How long to keep: 2-8 hours.


The most popular and easiest way to maintain the beauty and health of blond hair is to rinse it with chamomile infusion. The method is only effective for blondes. Brunettes and brown-haired women can only use it to improve their curls.

2 tbsp. spoons with a slide of dried chamomile flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave to cool. Rinse hair with infusion after washing. Drying with a hair dryer is not recommended, the strands should dry naturally.

How long to keep: 30 min. - 1 hour.

Effective hair lightening techniques at home

Lightening hair with folk remedies includes a few more secrets to independently obtain the desired effect:

  • white henna;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

White henna is not a completely natural remedy. This is a chemical composition, among the ingredients of which there is natural henna. This is a very effective tool among the most affordable. Like natural henna, white henna can react with paint residue. Therefore, it should be used with caution if less than 3 months have passed after dyeing the hair with purchased paint.

White henna appeared on store shelves under the influence of the popularity of its natural "sister" - lavsonia or colorless henna. The manufacturer wanted to combine the usefulness of lavsonia and the effectiveness of peroxide for lightening, resulting in white henna - a tool that costs a penny, brightens hair well, but its benefits are very doubtful.

Perhaps white henna is more suitable for owners of oily scalp, as henna has a drying effect. Also, with the help of such a tool, you can lighten the ends of the hair, without fear for their health.

Lightening hair with glycerin is a rather time-consuming procedure. But the effect of it is good, and it is not harmful for the hair, although it is a chemical agent. With it, a mask for lightening hair is prepared:

  • 60 gr. glycerin;
  • 50 gr. real chamomile.

Mix the ingredients and apply to wet, washed hair. Wrap them in plastic wrap and put on a hat or towel. Keep 40-50 minutes. Then rinse with warm boiled water with vinegar (concentration 1:1).

Hydrogen peroxide is the most aggressive component in hair dyes. It has a detrimental effect on the hair follicles and on the scalp. But he is the most efficient. It costs a penny in the pharmacy, and if used correctly, can bring a lot of benefits. Of course, the question arises sharply: “How to restore hair after lightening with hydrogen peroxide?” Very hard. Therefore, it is better to use it to lighten the hair on the arms, legs or face. It is effective and painless.

It is worth noting that lightening hair at home with hydrogen peroxide is safe, only if the concentration of the composition is applied correctly.

To obtain the correct composition, you need a 3% peroxide solution and water in equal proportions. The best way to apply is with a spray bottle and comb. The exposure time depends on the desired result. The lighter the hair should be, the longer the composition should be kept. But still, you should not extend the exposure time if more than an hour has passed, it is better to do the procedure again in a few days to give the hair time to recover.

In a hairdressing salon, such a procedure is many times more expensive, although masters use similar products with hydrogen peroxide.

On sale you can find paint with the ambiguous and attractive name White Henna. For hair, of course, it can be used, but only with extreme caution. We describe below all the secrets of this cosmetic all-chemical product and indicate aspects regarding its safe and dangerous use.

What is white henna?

Manufacturers of white henna give it such a name due to its effect on the hair, after application they should discolor by several tones. That is, become white or brighten as much as possible. According to the information on the packages, it can be concluded that after applying, curing and washing off the dye, it will be possible to give the hair an attractive radiant look and a pure white color. The use of paint may well be harmless and in many cases allows you to achieve an excellent result, but you must clearly follow many rules, namely, first, make sure that there is no individual intolerance to substances from this product by applying the composition to the skin of the hand. But an allergy test isn't everything. You also need to understand that only very strong and healthy hair will survive after this henna. If the curls have already suffered from repeated harmful staining or are exhausted by curls, other chemical procedures, then severe damage to the hairstyle cannot be avoided.

White henna has one inherent plus, it is its low price, it is because of this that this drug has had many fans at all times, the same situation today. It is clear that the paint sold under the name White Henna cannot positively affect the structure of the hair, or rather, strengthen it and improve its appearance. The word "henna" itself is added by manufacturers to the name by interspersing negligible doses of natural henna to the composition of this chemical paint based on hydroperite.

If you clumsily use this very white henna, then you can not only lose or severely ruin your hair, but also leave terrible burns on your scalp. Obviously, there is no question of an action similar to that of colorless henna, since the latter is made entirely from dried leaves of lavsonia and is used exclusively for healing hair. So it should be clear that colorless henna is the exact opposite of white henna.

How does white henna work on hair?

Reviews on the Internet on the topic of this paint are divided into positive and negative. Those women and girls who used it correctly speak well of white henna, applying it clearly according to the instructions and observing the recommended exposure time, in addition to dyeing, they took care of their hair and understood that the drug could noticeably lighten their hair, but the miraculous transformation of black curls into snow-white ones in one or two sessions is not possible.

White henna: causes great damage to the hair

The effect of staining

Also, sane people understand that with almost any dyeing with chemical preparations it is unrealistic to achieve a healthy hair structure; when bleaching, their appearance will not be alive, healthy, natural in any case. Indeed, it is possible to achieve repainting from a very dark color to pure white. But this will require several procedures and you need to take into account the initial state of the hair, as well as observe their reaction to these manipulations with the paint. If white henna for hair of deep dark shades is used, not spoiled, but healthy and strong, then even one coloring will ensure the color transition to red or light brown. At the same time, no one promises to obtain a white color, as evidenced by the instructions for the paint.

Reviews of women about white henna

You can also consider the negative reviews of women and girls who personally and irrevocably spoiled their hair with the participation of white henna. At the same time, it is noticeable that mainly situations are considered with unhealthy hair in advance, which have already been severely damaged by several different colors or other procedures. Naturally, if the hair along its entire length has a different structure and has already experienced more than one harmful staining, then after treatment with white henna they will be covered with multi-colored red, brown, green, and generally any spots. They become brittle and unattractive.

In many cases, the use of white henna on already damaged curls shows a negative result. The structure can become so brittle that the hair breaks easily from slight pressure when wet. Those women whose hair has not withstood the aggressive effects of the chemical ingredients of this bleaching paint may notice after one application the falling off of individual strands of hair, in general, their dried, lifeless appearance.

There is increased stiffness and complicated combing, and this is all despite the intensive use of balms. Before using cheap white henna, you should seriously think about whether this paint can surpass the highest quality and most expensive lightening preparations in terms of efficiency and safety, by the way, the latter are also not absolutely safe, they are only characterized by minimal hair-damaging potential and an abundance of useful components in the composition.

White henna for hair should be used with extreme caution, not only for the sake of their health, fears need to be spread in the near future as well. It is necessary to take into account the fact: all those who have tried white henna on themselves claim that subsequent staining after its application gives a terrible result in the form of an uneven color or unexpected shades. To get rid of the consequences of white henna bleaching, only a radical way of cutting this hair and safely growing healthy curls, fresh and completely ready for new experiments, is suitable.

Natural henna has been used to color hair since time immemorial. Even our mothers and grandmothers successfully used this tool to maintain the beauty of their hair, and even today many girls prefer it.

This is due to the fact that the use of modern coloring compositions very often harms curls and extremely adversely affects their structure. A similar situation is observed with bleaching strands.

Those girls and women who dream of lightening their hair by one or more tones are forced to resort to the use of dyes, which include a huge amount of aggressive chemicals. Very often, after such a procedure, the curls look unkempt, become unusually thin and brittle, and it can be incredibly difficult to restore them.

In order not to expose their hair to the extremely unfavorable effects of bleaching agents, many girls are interested in whether it is possible to lighten their hair with henna, and how to do it correctly.

Let's try to understand this issue.

Naturally, ordinary henna, to which we are all accustomed, will not work for this procedure. Even when using it on dark hair, you will not be able to achieve any noticeable result. On the contrary, your black or brown curls will take on an even more expressive shade of dark chestnut.

To lighten the strands in the salon or at home, you must use special white henna. You can buy this tool only in rare pharmacies and specialized hairdressing stores.

In fact, the white version is not one of the varieties of the well-known natural dye and treats the hair in a completely different way. This chemical composition got its name only due to the fact that the usual powder is used in the process of its production.

Due to the fact that white henna is not a completely natural remedy in its composition, it can seriously harm curls, especially if handled carelessly. Often, beautiful ladies note that after using this chemical composition, their hair has become incredibly weak, lifeless and brittle along its entire length. In addition, if this drug is used incorrectly, complications such as intense hair follicle loss and the occurrence of severe burns of the scalp can be encountered.

Despite all the above disadvantages, this tool is popular with girls and women who dream of becoming blondes. This is due to the fact that as a result of clarification with henna, a uniform light shade is almost always obtained, which does not cast yellow.

In addition, with the correct procedure, all parts of the hairstyle are painted in exactly the same way, in contrast to modern gentle lightening methods.

The procedure for lightening hair with white henna consists of several stages, namely:

  • first of all, you will have to pour the required amount of powder with warm, but not hot, water and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry is formed. The exact proportions for the preparation of the composition must be indicated on the packaging of the product you purchased;
  • then the resulting mass should be applied to your hair, coloring each strand and paying special attention to the roots of the hair;
  • After about half an hour, you need to wash your hair in the usual way, and then immediately apply a homemade or industrial moisturizing balm to your curls. If this is not done, your scalp will be overdried, which can lead to dandruff and excessive brittle strands.

If the procedure was originally carried out by a girl with a dark hair color, you will most likely have to repeat the clarification one or more times to get the desired shade. This should be done no earlier than a week after the previous dyeing, so as not to greatly harm your hair.

Although in most cases the fair sex is satisfied with the color that they get as a result of lightening their hair with white henna, in some cases this remedy can give a completely unpredictable shade. Most often this happens when this chemical composition is applied to previously dyed hair, and less than a month has passed since the last use of other dyes.

Under such circumstances, the color resulting from the use of white henna can be anything from ashy or yellow to purple or green. In addition, such a tool should never be used by girls with dry hair - white henna will only aggravate the situation and make them incredibly brittle, dull and naughty.

Finally, do not forget that white henna is a mixture of chemicals and natural ingredients, so it can provoke allergies. To avoid such a reaction, it is necessary to test for hypersensitivity of the skin before using this remedy. To do this, a small amount of powder diluted with water is applied to the area behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow and the reaction is observed throughout the day. Some of the girls prefer this dye to all the others presented today in the assortment of cosmetics stores, due to its availability and high efficiency.

However, one should always be aware of the serious disadvantages of this chemical composition and not use it too often.

Carefully monitor the condition of your hair and, if necessary, use gentle cosmetics, which are quite expensive, but do not harm the curls.

Henna is a natural dye obtained from the leaves of lavsonia, a shrub that grows in hot countries (Arab countries, North Africa, India, Pakistan). This natural dye fills the hair with a deep vibrant color (usually different shades of copper), gives them shine and splendor and does not bear any harmful burden on the body. From the stems of lavsonia, another type of henna is obtained - colorless. It does not stain the hair, but it has a number of useful qualities that are successfully used for hair care. This natural remedy strengthens, restores and thickens the hair shaft, improves blood circulation, awakening the hair follicles and thus stops hair loss. Weak damaged tips become shiny and thick. Product "White henna" attracts consumers primarily with its name, which mentions this wonderful natural ingredient. It must be said right away that white henna does not exist in nature. Let's try to figure it out.

What it is?

The inscription on the package says that this is a hair lightener. The developers promise that if you apply the product on very dark or light brown hair, you can quickly lighten them by 5-6 tones and get the desired result - pearl or ashy color (blond). Recall that bleaching is the result of exposure to aggressive substances, oxidizing agents, which, penetrating deep into the hair, make it porous and “wash out” natural pigments from it, thereby depriving it of color. Natural dyes are not capable of such "meanness", which means that "white henna" contains chemical components. Indeed, it contains:

  • Ammonium persulfate;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Carboxymethylcellulose;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • Citric acid and others.

In other words, This is a dye of chemical origin for lightening hair. True, the manufacturer has introduced small amounts of natural additives into the composition: for example, the same colorless henna, extracts of some plants (chamomile, white lemon), chitosan. The presence of these components is designed to soften the irritating effect of the bleaching process on the hair and skin, making it more gentle. When using henna, it is very important to carefully study and then carefully follow the instructions.

How to breed?

To prepare a solution for staining, the oxidizing agent is mixed with henna powder in a non-metallic container. In some cases, hot water and a little shampoo are added to the mixture so that the composition is better applied. The proportions for the preparation of the product, the duration of exposure and the result may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. The amount of powder is selected differently, it depends on the thickness of the hair and length. Improperly prepared mixture can cause hair deterioration and even skin burns. It is important to note that before use, the product must be tested for sensitivity to components. On the bend of the elbow, you need to apply a little composition and wait a few hours. In the absence of signs of allergy, the paint can be used. Before bleaching, it is advised not to wash your hair for a couple of days, this should reduce the irritating effect of the drug on the skin and hair.

If you have recently dyed or permed, you will have to wait a month and a half or two with discoloration. Otherwise, your curls will become like dry straw and begin to crumble.

But this is only one side of the coin. The fact is that henna is very unpredictable on freshly dyed hair, especially dark ones. So, if you don’t want to turn into a mermaid with green strands, be patient, wait until the paint is washed off and your hair gets stronger. Dry, brittle and split ends, prone to falling out, must first be treated and only then lightened

How to apply?

Before painting, the skin on the forehead and neck along the hairline should be lubricated with a greasy cream to protect it from possible burns and irritation. The prepared composition is applied with a brush to the roots of the hair, divided into strands and then gently distributed along the entire length. At the end, you need to make sure that the coating is evenly coated with a coloring composition. To do this, with your hands massage movements, walk along the entire head of hair, starting from the roots. If henna is used for highlighting, then the composition is applied along the entire length of the strand from roots to ends or, if necessary, an indent of 1-1.5 cm from the roots. The dyed strand is then wrapped in foil. Some instructions recommend that you then put on a cap or cellophane and wrap your head with a terry towel to enhance the bleaching process. But if you have sensitive skin, then you can do without it.

The duration of bleaching can be different: from 10 to 40 minutes and depends on the color of the hair before the procedure and on the result that you need. For example, if you have light curls, then 10-15 minutes will be enough to achieve even more discoloration. The owner of dark strands will have to wait the maximum time allowed according to the instructions. Please note that if your hair condition is not the best, but for some reason you still decide to bleach, it is better to keep the paint as small as possible, otherwise the result is easy to guess - overdried hair that is difficult to comb, which will fall out a lot. Don't expect blinding whiteness from the first use if you have very dark hair. The procedure will have to be repeated several times until you achieve the desired effect. This must be done at intervals of at least 1.5-2 weeks, if you value the beauty and health of your hair.

Lightening the shade is definitely a risky procedure for the health of the hair. But many women in the pursuit of beauty do not pay attention to this at all. Dreaming of becoming fair-haired, there is a chance of damaging your curls and getting an ugly yellowness as a result. Therefore, more and more people choose henna as a clarifying agent. This dye is one of the most ancient, which has been used for many years. At the moment, henna is a good replacement for chemical dyes that do not care about the condition of the hair.

Henna Benefits

Such a folk remedy has many advantages, compared with chemical powders and other substances manufactured in an industrial environment:

  • Eliminates the appearance of dandruff on the scalp;
  • Relieves itching and irritation;
  • Has a cooling effect;
  • Qualitatively paints over gray hair;
  • Restrains the course of hair aging;
  • Promotes hair growth;
  • Leaves hair beautiful, healthy & strong.

What henna to choose

Simple natural henna for high-quality lightening of hair is not suitable for its properties. It will be better if you use a special, so-called white henna. It can be purchased at specialty stores and many pharmacies in your city. However, even with all its healing capabilities, you need to be careful with any coloring pigment. Improper preparation of white henna for the lightening process can significantly damage the hair and even the scalp. But if you do everything right, then your hair will be evenly dyed in the right shade and the result will look beautiful and well-groomed.

white henna

If you decide to purchase henna, then among the many variations of packages, you will probably notice that each manufacturer marks their grams in the recipe. It all depends on how successful you want to be. Therefore, there is no single recipe for such henna. Please read the instructions carefully before starting.

Who does not suit white henna

Like any coloring matter, white henna is not universal for all types of scalp and hair. Who does not fit:

  • Two days before the lightening phase, test for an allergic reaction on the skin area. If nothing is found, then white henna can be safely used. However, if redness is noticeable or itching appears, it is better to refuse this remedy.
  • You should not use henna if one month has not passed after painting.
  • Not suitable for those who have fairly dry hair.


To begin with, you need to accurately assess how much white henna should be used to lighten. You need to proceed from the length of the hair and the shade that you want to achieve. You can find out the detailed amount on the packaging of the purchased product.


Thoroughly wash my head and hair, dry them for the best henna effect.

Henna and water

We mix the right amount of henna with warm water or use a water bath. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.


Features of applying the composition:

  1. We apply henna along the entire length of the hair, along all strands;
  2. We pay special attention to the roots of the hair;
  3. We put a cap made of polyethylene on the head, and cover it with a towel on top.
  4. Keep the product for 20-30 minutes (see instructions).


Wash your hair thoroughly with normal water (without using shampoo). Be sure to apply healing balms on the scalp and curls.

When lightening hair with henna, pay attention to these tips:

  • If you need to dye only the roots of your hair, then the henna gruel should be applied only to the undyed part of the hair. This is necessary because during the secondary application of the coloring matter, there is a possibility of uneven staining and the appearance of unwanted spots.
  • If you lightened your hair with hydrogen peroxide in advance, then you should reduce the time the henna is held on your head.
  • If you have previously had a perm and branch hair, then you should get rid of this part of the hair or do not use henna for lightening. After all, this can contribute to the formation of stains.

Using henna to lighten hair may seem like a fairly simple process to someone, but in reality it turns out that you need to be very careful with this remedy. Before you start, read the instructions and then follow them completely.
