What is ancestral karma and how to improve it. rule - never justify yourself to anyone! simple principles that will help change karma karma for the better

The religious concept of karma says that what we do today affects our tomorrow. What we have done in the past has created today. All our words, thoughts and actions create karma.

What it will be, good or bad, we decide for ourselves.

Reality is the mirror of our thoughts.

So, the wisest decision is to stay positive, carefully observing your thoughts, actions and words. We have a certain degree of control over what happens to us when we save positive attitude. If our words and thoughts are filled with happiness, joy, lightness, if there is balance, calmness in them, then they influence the future in the best and most useful way for us.

Thoughts, words and actions have a direct impact on our lives. So it's a useful daily practice to stop for a few minutes and think: What am I thinking? During the day, millions of thoughts flash through the mind. When you think about your state of mind, you may sometimes notice that your thoughts are terrible. And you didn't even realize it.

It was as if you were saying to yourself: What stupidity is this, what meanness is that ... How often do you catch yourself thinking like that? However, you were not in control of all this internal monologue. It is very important to take a break, put your mind on pause, pay attention to your thoughts, and do this several times a day.

It is very important to take a break, put your mind on pause, pay attention to your thoughts, and do this several times a day.

Then you can redirect your thoughts to more useful side For yourself and for other people. Perhaps the most important thing to think about is this.

The second thing you can do is look in the mirror and say good affirmations. Suffice it to say: Good in me and in my life. When you say this in front of the mirror, somehow the magic begins to happen.

This little recipe for happiness will help you generate more positive events in your life. This will make yours better.

Finally a great way improve your karma Helping other people without expecting anything in return. And it doesn't matter how exactly you will do it: whether you answer the question of a passer-by on the street about how to get there, help someone financially, or just say a word of consolation. Fate gives us a kind of chance by sending such random encounters so that we can improve our karma.

great way to improve one's karma is to help other people without expecting anything in return.

The main thing is that you will feel much better at the same time. There is great satisfaction in this selflessness.

Whatever it concerns, whether your life, in which you build a beautiful foundation from good words, thoughts and actions, or your home, think about good habits. The house also needs support, just like the person living in it.

Perhaps you should clean your house more often? Or fix long-broken things? Or make friends with your neighbors? Or establish a better relationship with the owners if you are renting? Or improve relations with a housing cooperative, if you live in one?

All these things create the karma of your home. If there is such an opportunity, do it. The move may be good decision if you are surrounded negative people, which big problems. If these problems cannot be solved on your own, it would be wise to move to another place. However, as a rule, everything can be sorted out.

The good one is when you start to act towards change and positive things. Your reaction to what is happening in life is another way to improve karma. Very often we break down and react aggressively to a particular event. But wouldn't it be smarter to learn from it?

As soon as you realize the need for change, this will be reflected in the environment around you, because it is a mirror of our life.

Change your life for the better by creating good karma.

never ending black line problems at work, financial difficulties, troubles just follow you around? You are making a truly colossal effort to change your life in better side, but the situation remains stable at one point? Most likely, the point is not at all that you are not trying hard enough, but bad karma. You will learn how to improve karma from this material.

Karma is a reflection of the causal relationship between the events of the past, present and future. To understand how this works in life, you need to remember the famous Russian proverb: "What you sow, you will reap."

Also, Mary Brown, a scientist and psychologist who has been studying karma and its issues for twenty years, spoke very well about karma. She calls karma "".

People get only what they deserve - the fruits that have grown from the seeds sown with their own hands. That is, sending love to the world, you will receive reciprocal love, just like a boomerang, hatred, anger and aggression will return.

Karma and justice

But how, then, to understand those situations in which a person throughout his life commits exclusively good deeds, tends to a better life, while helping others, but despite this, he constantly faces various difficulties and troubles? And people, on the contrary, leading a dishonorable life live in happiness and wealth?

At first glance, this state of affairs may seem completely unfair and may even greatly disillusion you in the theory of karma. Here it is necessary to mention about reincarnation, because karma and reincarnation are inextricably linked with each other and are complementary concepts.

A person, unfortunately (or fortunately) does not remember anything about his previous incarnations, it is because of this that he often complains about a bad fate and is sure that life treats him completely unfairly.

In fact, it is most likely that the cause of all the problems lies in, for which he now has to pay. Or it may be that a person (or rather, his Soul) desired to experience sacrifice or, alternatively, that his karmic task is to experience the experience of bestowal with renunciation.

For example, a not very decent person in a past incarnation could be a deeply religious and dogmatic person and managed to earn positive karma by practicing good deeds. And in real life he spends his karmic potential or his karmic task is to gain the experience of a “scoundrel”, since in the past incarnation he had an extremely negative attitude towards such people, while idealizing himself.

Of course, we must also not forget about the existence of various exceptions to general rules and painful distortions that occasionally cause people to do terrible things.

Live and learn

Human life is very similar to an ordinary school. The soul of each chooses a training program for itself even before it is embodied in physical body. And the incarnation itself occurs exactly when all the conditions on the planet-school Earth fully meet our request. Each person will have to go through their own personal experience required for further improvement.

When the soul formed a request to receive new experience, she must wait for permission to incarnate. At the same time, an environment is being formed on earth that you can get into. What will influence the conditions of your earthly life and the experience gained?

Your environment depends on the quality of your karma - negative and positive, as well as the summation of past deeds - that is, the karmic mass that was accumulated during past incarnations.

At the same time, it does not matter at all how many lives you have already lived, whether you lived all the experience yourself or whether it was inherited by you as well as your personality and role in life. But the fact remains that you constantly encounter different influences during your stay in a particular physical shell.

You can bring different illustrative examples- for example, studying at Harvard University and a university in a small provincial town. By studying at Havard, you will have the opportunity to further develop professionally and make a career, and you will also not experience a lack of financial resources. As for the provincial university, it does not provide the same extensive opportunities.

So, in which of the universities you find yourself - your past karmic accumulations will affect this.

How to improve karma

There is an opinion that our karma is accumulated based on the actions we perform. However, in fact, actions are only a consequence of our thoughts with sensations. And the more a long period the soul lives (it can be equal to billions of years), the more it has accumulated life experience and information. In the process of gaining life experience, the entity realizes that in reality the quality of the future incarnation depends on the information accumulated by the soul, and real conditions do not always play the main role in this case.

Engage in self-development

The initial stage of self-development consists in constructive information, thanks to which a person realizes the unity and integrity of everything in our world. Although it seems that all people are different - they have a different gender, nationality, social status and religious worldview - we are all children of one planet Earth.

And for each of us, self-development should come first. It is important to learn to think positively, if you do this regularly, your thinking and the way you perceive the world around you will change, and accordingly your actions.

For happy life you need to stop expressing your dissatisfaction with the world around you, spend as little of your time as possible watching TV shows and useless hanging on social networks.

Instead, start reading self-development literature today, study your own karmic horoscope. It is likely that when you start self-development, you will want to go to church or practice various physical practices - for example, yoga.

Positive information motivates internal development and getting rid of such negative emotions like guilt or aggression. Under the influence new information gradually your actions will begin to change, and behind them - your reactions and as a result - your whole life. It is in this way that a positive “karmic mass” is accumulated, which in the future will provide you with more high conditions life and development.

And, of course, selflessness plays a huge role - when you help the world around you and others for free - there is an active development of positive karmic potential.

  1. Do not forget that in life it is important to take risks in order to get what you want.
  2. When it happens that your plans are destroyed, you lose - do not rush to get upset, but learn the necessary lesson for yourself from this situation.
  3. It is important to respect yourself and the people around you and be very responsible in your words, thoughts and actions.
  4. Do not forget that often, if something does not work out for you, this is not a failure, but a great success.
  5. Stick to the rules, but know how to break them intelligently.
  6. Don't let small misunderstandings and conflicts ruin your life.
  7. If you suddenly realize that you made a mistake, stop reproaching yourself, and take all measures to correct mistakes.
  8. Spend some time alone every day.
  9. Don't be afraid of change, but always be true to yourself.
  10. Remember that silence is often the best response and strategy.
  11. Try to live well decent life so that in old age you can proudly remember the years you have lived.
  12. Happy family life will be in that dwelling where the atmosphere of love reigns.
  13. When arguing with someone, consider only the current situation and do not touch the past.
  14. Share your life experience with other people. Only in this way will you be able to secure "immortality" for yourself.
  15. Treat our planet with love.
  16. Take a yearly trip to a place you've never been before.
  17. Remember that better relationship there will be those in which people love each other more than they need each other.
  18. You can judge the degree of your success by what you sacrificed to achieve it.
  19. Show empathy and compassion for those around you.
  20. Try to live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

In fact, a person with light karma is happier, healthier, more prosperous in every sense of the word, that is, all this is the result of his light karma.

Let's look at a few ways to improve or brighten karma.

1. Before you start creating light karma, you need to cleanse yourself of the dark. To do this, remember those people who greatly offended you, deceived or treated you badly. The result of this could be illness, problems in his personal life, a constant lack of money, and the like.

Forgive them, you can do any forgiveness ritual that psychologists offer. Forgiveness energetically frees you from offenders and makes you free from dark karma, which continued to act on you as a result of the fact that you did not draw conclusions from what happened, did not see how you attracted this situation into your life, but harbored a grudge .

2. Remember the people you offended, if possible, meet with them and ask for forgiveness. AT last resort, you can call them. If those people have already passed away, then mentally ask for forgiveness, you can go to church and order a memorial service for them or light a candle for the repose of the Soul.

3. In order to improve karma, it is important to establish a dialogue with life and learn to understand the symbols and signs with which she communicates with us. Life speaks to us through people, situations and circumstances that do not leave us indifferent. It happens that you need to make a choice on which your fate depends, if there is contact with life, then make right choice will be easy.

4. In addition, very often people are prevented from creating bright karma by resentment for life., therefore, in this matter it is important to build a dialogue with life, that is, constantly look for an answer to the question of what life wants to tell me through this negative, in my opinion, situation or person. After all, it gives us those situations and circumstances that will contribute to our growth and development, and not to worsen our fate. Remember that the cross is given in the strictest accordance with our back, that is, there are no circumstances that could be higher than us.

5. To create light karma will help the attitude that determines You as a dark or light person. Learn to treat all living things with love, it means to see Divinity and uniqueness in every creation. Learn to love yourself, the people close to you and life itself. Find every day something for which you are grateful in life, even if it seems to you that this is a trifle. Gratitude is a quality that is characteristic of bright people, they always find something to be grateful for.

6. Do charity work however, it is important here that it be absolutely disinterested. If you do charity work and expect that life will thank you, then this will no longer be a way to improve karma.

Therefore, let it be something that you can really do with pleasure, without expecting anything in return. Maybe you take food to an orphanage, take a homeless cat to your place, or just help a lonely old woman, it doesn't matter.

7. Find your mission. Each person should have his own mission and benefit people and life itself. What will it be? It is up to you, the main thing is that these actions are systematic, for example, once a month or a week. The mission also implies that you will do it just like that.

One of the most better ways to create light karma is not to commit evil deeds that will harm someone. And actions are always motivated by feelings, which are based on thoughts, so the most important thing is to have pure thoughts. Dream of something bright and move towards your dream bright way, this is best method create good karma.

Any daily actions have an impact on our destiny. By improving your karma, you will be able to avoid failures, and problems will become an unpleasant rarity in your life.

Lest the future bring you unpleasant surprises, try not to commit evil deeds in the present. Karma is a kind of boomerang effect. If today you decide to harm someone, tomorrow your actions may come back to you. Each of us at least sometimes did what he has Negative consequences. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to improve our karma or whether our sins will torment us throughout life. It is difficult to answer this question without thinking, but do not lose faith. Site site experts offer you several simple tips that will help you change your life and destiny.

How to improve your karma

Fate can be changed, and many people who have made efforts to this end will agree with us. If previously your behavior was immoral, but on this moment you are overcome by a stream of bad luck, try to change your life using effective methods for this.

Release evil. Very often it is difficult for us to forgive insults, especially if someone has greatly harmed us. However, do not focus on this. Learn to let go of evil. This will help you not only improve karma, but also clear your energy background. When we are overwhelmed by unpleasant memories, we accumulate negativity around and inside ourselves. All this affects our condition and, of course, our destiny. If you learn to forgive other people, you will notice significant improvements in your own life.

Love. It is important to give your love not to everyone around, but only to close people. If you lack romance, don't seek adventure with every member of the opposite sex. Awaken in yourself deep feelings to one partner and avoid a riotous lifestyle. Thus, you will not only change your karma, but also achieve improvements in your personal life. only sincere and faithful relationship able to give you happiness.

Develop spiritually. Religion personal choice each person. You can adhere to any faith, but you need to have an idea about the spiritual life. Sometimes simple prayer or even mental communication with the Saints can give inner peace. If you are far from religion, then find for yourself spiritual guide to help you decide on your faith. The most important thing is that it be sincere and meaningful. You should not go to church if you do not have a voluntary desire.

Create. Even if you are not a talented artist or writer, this will not stop you from trying your hand at creative activity. You may not be able to write a work of genius, and your paintings will be amateur, but it is important to try your hand. Creativity helps you relax and let go negative thoughts. Any negative has bad influence on our lives. To improve your karma, you need to direct your forces in the right and useful direction. Create more often, and soon you will notice positive changes around and inside you.

Communicate with your inner voice . Perhaps someone does not see the point in talking to himself. However, this will help you adequately analyze your life and understand what you did wrong. Communicating with your inner voice helps you understand your sins and avoid them in the future. Of course, it is always much better to speak out to your loved ones, to pour out your soul in a warm atmosphere. Knowing the price for your actions in the past, you will not want to do them in the future.

Karma determines not only our past and future, but also our life tasks. From birth, we have a certain goal that we must achieve in order to become happy. We wish you a happy life and success in the future, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.11.2017 08:22

by the most the right time in order to change your own destiny, are the first twelve days after your ...

Having decided that many aspects of my life needed to be improved, and finding the theory of karma convincing enough, I thought: “How can I improve this karma?!”. I looked on the Internet and found that Buddhism offers to improve karma (respectively, improve living conditions) to gain merit, this is how it sounds:

“About good deeds (i.e. about merits)

Buddhist scriptures say that generosity should be practiced. If you have given up stealing, appropriating other people's things, and think only about giving to others, then you will certainly become rich.

There are three types of donations.

First, in order to remove your material dispositions, donate money and things.

Secondly, in order to soften your soul, to purify yourself, make a donation warmth surrounding.

Thirdly, in order to meet the Dharma both in this life and in future lives, share the authentic teaching (authentic teaching is the teaching that allows you to perceive phenomena without distortion) with people around you.

The desires of those who make donations are fulfilled according to the inclination of their soul. Depending on the direction of this vector, either now, in worldly life, or in the future, when they will again incarnate in the human world in next lives or incarnate in heaven. Therefore, it is especially dangerous to have both merits and evil thoughts in relation to someone, because in this case, harm will be done to the one against whom they are directed. This is the most worst way waste of merit.

At the same time, people who accumulate merit are divided into those who realize their desires, and those who do not want to do this. This happens for two reasons. The first is the opportunity to give the accumulated merit for the benefit of others. This is the Mahayana path. Mahayana practitioners constantly accumulate merit, but they do not have any desires, so the aspirations or intentions materialize easily.

Another reason: if you have too many desires with a small amount of merit, then the soul does not concentrate on one goal and the merit is wasted on trifles.

The sutras tell you what to do a large number of donations, keep the commandments, and focus on one thing. You can, for example, wish to be cured of a disease from which you suffer. Or you can wish to find happiness, in the future to be reincarnated in a family that occupies a high social position. Or you may wish to achieve Enlightenment. In any of these cases driving force the fulfillment of your desires is a merit. It should be noted that if none of the above materializes, then this happens for one of two reasons: either you do not have enough merit, or you use too much of your merit for some other purpose.

So here are the components needed to stop merit leaking in the wrong direction:

do not kill, but have compassion on living beings; do not steal, but give; do not make love to anyone except your wife or husband; do not lie; do not idle talk, which also applies to jokes; do not speak ill of others; do not speak words that cause enmity between people; free your thoughts from greed, hatred or anger; do not deny the truth and train yourself to perceive things as they are. If from this moment you begin to apply these methods in practice, then you will be blessed with a wonderful fate and merit.

A very powerful mechanism for maintaining positive, cleansing from negative emotions is Shamatha meditation. It also purifies the mind, which leads to getting rid of diseases, strengthening health, improves memory and, again, purifies karma. This is very simple procedure, but it still takes time, diligence and skills. Tibetan Lama Yonten Gyaltso, under whose guidance I master this practice, and who helps to gain diligence and skills, says that this practice has no religious affiliation. Many non-Buddhists use it to purify and strengthen the mind, improve health and gain longevity. Buddhists also believe that the practice of Shamatha also helps in developing compassion and love for all living beings.
