If the mother is group 3 negative. Main characteristics of the third blood group

There are about 11% of people with blood group 3 around the globe. It is believed that historically it developed after the first and second, when a person needed the abilities of a traveler, a conqueror of other lands. It spread along with the spread of humanity from the African continent to Asia and to the east.

Some researchers even believe that the third blood type is specifically associated with the journey of the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land. This is confirmed by the high prevalence of such blood among people of Jewish origin.

How does a child turn out with the third group?

Group B(III) of the antigen structures has only B. This means that one of the parents must have this antigen. This situation is possible if both parents have 3-4 or mixed groups:

  • third + fourth;
  • third or fourth + first (without antigens);
  • third or fourth + second.

One thing is clear: a baby with the third group cannot appear from parents with the first and second, since they both do not have the B-antigen. This rule is used to establish paternity and determine identity in forensic practice.

Transfusion problems

If blood transfusion is necessary, only blood of the same group, that is, the same blood, can be transfused to a person with the third group. IN in case of emergency it is possible to introduce the first, but with constant monitoring of the analysis for individual compatibility.

It is imperative to take into account not only group affiliation, but also the Rh factor.

Problems during pregnancy

For parents with any blood group, problems may arise if a man and a woman differ not by group, but by Rh factor, and only if the expectant mother is negative and the father has a positive Rh factor.

It's all about the child's choice. There are two options:

  1. If the fetus chooses a positive paternal Rh, then the mother will develop antibodies against own child. In this case, a rejection reaction will begin, which is very dangerous for the health of the mother and fetus. Interruption and miscarriage are possible in the early stages.
  2. If the fetus is more prone to maternal genes and chooses Rh negative, then the pregnancy will proceed normally, without conflict.

For the purpose of warning possible complications Obstetricians refer the mother and father for tests, including checking the group and Rh factor.

The first pregnancy of a negative woman may be the least dangerous. What matters here is the rate of accumulation of antibodies in the mother, and they gain sufficient strength only towards the end of pregnancy. In subsequent pregnancies, even those ending in abortion, the mother’s body already has a fairly high concentration of antibodies.

This is how the mother and father group are determined

A solution has been found: in such cases, it is necessary to administer anti-Rhesus globulin to the woman within the first three days after childbirth or abortion. Its effectiveness in reducing unwanted antibodies has been established. This allows the family to safely have a second and subsequent child.

Does blood type affect character?

In Japan, they believe that blood type determines a person’s characteristics, his future inclinations, including possible diseases. For prevention, they recommend special nutrition and impose restrictions on “unhealthy” foods.

In the East, it is believed that the characteristics of people with the third group were developed in connection with the need to survive while traveling, negotiate with other peoples, and adapt to new living conditions.

Group No. 3 makes a person wise, cunning, creative, but selfish. Such people are called individualists, they know how to subjugate others, have a good command of speech, and are emotional. They are attributed to imbalance and increased nervousness, as well as mood swings.

Despite their sensitivity, these people are distinguished by the greatest tolerance, diplomatic abilities, and ability to sympathize.

What diseases does blood predict?

Nature has provided those with the third blood group good immunity for survival in any conditions. A higher fertility of women has been established compared to other groups. The highest concentration of sex hormones is found in the body of women and men.

There are risk factors for development:

  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • intestinal tumors;
  • inflammation of the lung tissue;
  • urinary system infections;
  • septic postpartum complications for women;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depressive states;
  • autoimmune processes.

How to balance your diet

The diet for blood group 3 is aimed at prevention possible diseases. It takes into account products in terms of benefits and degrees of harm.

People with group No. 3 can practically tolerate any food well, because they are maximally protected. However, there is a certain balance in nutrition, preference for certain types of foods. It can be expressed by dividing possible products into three groups.

Which is definitely useful

Dairy products from skim milk, goat milk, Mozzarella cheese, olive vegetable oil, mayonnaise, mustard. The only nuts offered are walnuts and almonds. Legumes are red. Porridge made from oatmeal, rice, millet. White bread.

Vegetables, fruits: beets, carrots, eggplants, cabbage, parsley, parsnips, bananas, grapes, pineapple, ginger. You can drink green tea.

Allowed temporarily

Meat products from beef, turkey, liver. Fish: carp, herring, squid. Butter, hard cheeses, linseed oil. Legumes - green peas. Rye bread. Drinking white or red wine, black tea and coffee is rarely possible.

Vegetables, fruits: potatoes, cucumbers, green onions, garlic, pumpkin, spinach, oranges, watermelon, pears, cherries, currants, figs, raisins, prunes, peaches, apples, lemon.

If you decide to eat according to your blood type, you just have to look at some foods

Eastern recommendations are against chicken, goose, duck, ham, pork, and heart dishes. Perch, crayfish, smoked salmon, shellfish, processed cheese, ice cream, sunflower and corn oil, ketchup, seeds, peanuts, lentils, buckwheat, millet and barley porridge, and baked goods are contraindicated.

Vegetables, fruits: tomatoes, radishes, corn, pomegranate, rhubarb, persimmon. Alkaline mineral water, strong alcohol.

According to the blood group theory, useful action raspberries, rose hips, sage, mint, ginger, and parsley have an effect on people with the third group.

Considered moderately harmful Birch buds, hawthorn, St. John's wort, valerian, burdock, oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, echinacea, strawberry.

Suggestions and restrictions must be used wisely to develop an individual menu for the purpose of losing weight. The following sports are recommended: cycling, swimming, jogging.

Knowing the benefits of your blood type will require some effort in their practical application. Let the conclusions of American researchers serve as consolation: about 40% of US millionaires have group B (III).

Since the last century, based on the hereditary characteristics that store the red blood cells of the body, scientists have divided people into four separate categories. Over time, research has advanced even further, and now blood type, in principle, determines not only medical indicators, such as transfusion compatibility. Blood type 3 determines the characteristics of character and behavior, as well as the compatibility of partners when planning a family.

Descendants of nomads

The third blood group, according to various sources, is characteristic of 11 to 20 percent of the inhabitants of our planet. Characteristics by type of this category of people consisted of centuries-old traditions and customs of ancient nomadic peoples. The third positive one, according to historians and geneticists, was formed about 10 thousand years ago. 3 negative group is much less common. Today, representatives of this type can be found in every corner of the world. It is believed that people with blood type B or III first appeared as a result of mass migrations, which were characteristic mainly of Asian peoples.

In view of extreme conditions To survive, men and women of this type needed strong immunity and endurance. Evolutionary development has given this ability to people with 3 positive blood group. They have a surprisingly efficient gastrointestinal tract, but are not resistant to rare viruses and can suffer from lactose intolerance.

If a blood transfusion is required and the recipient has a 3 or B negative blood group, donor biomaterial with a positive RH cannot be used.

People with blood type B tend to be open-minded and optimistic. They are not capricious when it comes to personal comfort indicators. For this category of the population, traveling on foot with a backpack through the impenetrable jungle is no worse than a comfortable flight to a prestigious resort. They value adventure and will take any chance to escape boredom and do something truly interesting.

Compatibility of men and women

Blood type 3 positive leaves its mark on a person’s character traits and behavior pattern. People belonging to this category combine courage, determination, emotionality and high intelligence. More than a third of such people independently move towards their goals and achieve success. They can honestly say: no one promoted me in this, I achieved everything myself. In love, they also take victories and defeats lightly. Men strive for intimacy, but do not perceive refusal as an insult, but prefer to remain friends.

In union with a woman like:

  • They strive to search for new sensations; adherence to traditional national or religious values ​​can save the relationship.
  • Dominant in relationships. There is no room for boredom in such a tank; a man is always ready for experiments.
  • A clash of temperaments can either strengthen or destroy a relationship.
  • The man plays a dominant role, but the family is a unified team.

Women of blood type 3, on the contrary, love flirting, but most often do not seek further acquaintance. Paired with a man like:

  • An active union of two versatile personalities.
  • A sensible and sensual couple who literally divides everything in half.
  • A calm union that is not spoiled even by a rare physical connection.


In fact, the blood type number does not play as important a role in family planning as the Rh factor (RH). If a woman’s RH is positive and a man’s is negative, the expectant mother should be under close medical supervision throughout the entire pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy proceeds without any complications or pathologies.

As a result, a healthy baby is born.

Both expectant parents should have laboratory tests done in advance to be prepared for any surprises that pregnancy may bring. You can calculate it yourself, but there is no guarantee of the result. There is only a probability, which is calculated as a percentage.

  • If parents have the first and third groups, then with a 50% probability the child will inherit the blood type of one of them.
  • Parents with blood types 1 and 4 or 3 and 4 in 50% of cases give birth to children with blood type 3.
  • In a union of two people with the second and third groups, the probability of getting a child is any of the 4 known types is 25%.
  • Parents with 2 and 4 or 4 and 4 types of erythrocyte cells in 25% of cases have children with blood group B (3).
  • Incredibly, if both parents have blood type B, then the chance of passing it on is only 75%. In other cases, children are born with the first group.

Proper diet

The body's ability to digest one type of food better than another is affected only by the Rh or RH blood type. special significance, even if it is negative. The diet consists of a variety of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. This is an almost “omnivorous” category of people that perfectly digests lamb, veal, turkey and rabbit meat.

The 3rd negative blood group does not prohibit eating salted and pickled fish. Almost all types of fish, except eel and smoked salmon, are allowed for consumption. The same applies to dairy products. The versatility of the digestive system allows you to absorb nutrients from almost any food except ice cream.

Among familiar products, which can be found on the shelf of any grocery store, any corn derivatives (cereals, starch, flour, etc.) should be excluded. Buckwheat, grain bread, pearl barley and barley porridge are also poorly digestible. You will have to give up the usual vegetables - tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, and radishes.

It is better to abstain from flour and large quantity sweets.

Usually, this category men and women very rarely encounter the problem excess weight or obesity. Diet food should be aimed at maintaining or strengthening the immune system. The main health threat is chronic fatigue, depression, joint diseases and autoimmune diseases. With a sufficient supply of nutrients and vitamins, the body will be able to adapt to life in almost any conditions.

Negative RH and the fact that such a situation occurs rarely does not impose any restrictions on a person. 3rd positive group blood has the same distinctive features and recommendations for caring for the body. As measures to maintain health, doctors recommend walking, daily creative activities, or good rest to your favorite music or any other hobby. Physical health integral to the psycho-emotional state.

People with negative Rhesus blood group 3 are found less often than those with the first and second groups. In ancient times they were called nomads. At this time, the population was constantly nomadic, and it often had to adapt to new climatic conditions and nutrition.

The housing of the speakers of the third group also constantly changed. The population with this group appeared during times of mass migrations and in our time, about 20% of the world's inhabitants have a third blood group.

Holders positive Rh factor are more common than people who are Rh negative. They can help patients with the third and fourth groups, but only the third and first groups are suitable for infusion. Compatibility should be with groups only with Rh negative. Do not mix incompatible blood components, as this can lead to the death of the patient.

Characteristics of the characteristics of the third blood group

Each group has its own individual characteristics. These include power, media specifications, and compatibility. Let's look at each feature separately.

The character of people who have the third blood group is characterized by calmness, romanticism and a sensitive attitude towards others. They also require others to try to be clean, hardworking and cultured. They constantly act as a teacher in order to bring the work they and their interlocutor started to an ideal result. Their demands are quite high and therefore others seem to be a little boring and demanding.

Let's talk about the nutrition of the owners of group 3. These people constantly moved, so their stomach easily adapted to new conditions and diet. Third-graders can easily combine various products and not feel discomfort in the stomach. Such nutrition does not make them fat and any complications are excluded. The third group with negative Rh has such advantages and nutritional privileges.

Products useful for them:

  • any meat products;
  • fish;
  • various cereals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • eggs.

Undesirable vegetables:

  • tomatoes;
  • corn;
  • pumpkin;
  • olives.

It is much easier to find a donor for this blood group than for 4.

There are no negative indications for pregnancy in carriers of group 3. It proceeds quite calmly and effectively. It rarely happens that the nature of the blood of the father and mother is not suitable for conception. There are very few such cases. IN modern world Medicine has made great strides forward, so doctors can cope with any problem. The main thing is to apply on time and believe that everything will be fine.

Sometimes it happens that the Rhesus of mother and child is incompatible, but in in this case our medicine has special technique helping to give birth healthy baby. You need to do everything on time and the doctor will help you carry the baby and give birth on time without any problems. The sooner a woman in labor contacts a gynecologist, the sooner she will be helped, otherwise a miscarriage may occur or the baby will die in the womb.

Healthy food for nomads

The third blood group belongs to picky people, because they always adapted to new living conditions, and their digestive system became strong. Different types products suitable for their nutrition. They can constantly use:

  • liver and veal;
  • egg;
  • cabbage and licorice root;
  • green tea and pineapple juice.

The compatibility of these products has a positive effect on their figure, so they will always be in shape. The third group with a negative Rh factor can eat everything, but not overeat and abuse prohibited foods. People who care about their figure and health should follow these recommendations.

Negative Rhesus of the third blood group helps its carriers to have excellent digestive system and the necessary metabolism. The compatibility of different food groups helps these people quickly lose weight and achieve correct correction of your body.

Active sports and Fresh air perfectly helps negative Rh factor group 3 maintain their health long years. Compatibility of proper nutrition and sports activity, best recommendations for these segments of the population. This rare third blood group gives quite a lot to its owners, even regardless of the Rh factor.

The basis of the diet for “nomads” is fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The permissible interval between meals should be at least three hours. Portions should not be large. Moderation in every meal is their motto. Greens, lettuce, soy products and all green vegetables are very beneficial for them. Eggs and lean meats are the main foods that group 3 populations should consume.

Chicken and turkey meat are not suitable for them at all. Fatty fish also not very desirable on the table of “nomads”. Flounder, cod, sardine and tuna are healthy foods for them.

Oil from olives, pumpkin, flax and sunflower is necessary to have in the diet of this group.

It is contraindicated for people with such blood to consume semolina and buckwheat. Wheat, corn, olives and coconut significantly reduce the body's metabolism and reduce insulin production, which has a bad effect on the removal of moisture from it and the appearance of excess weight. Seafood is also not their food.

With green tea, representatives of the third blood group can cleanse their body, and herbal infusions will support immune system. Cocoa is the best drink for these people, helping to replenish vital energy the whole body. Cranberry and cucumber juices, as well as cabbage brine, will help speed up metabolic processes in the human body.

Tomato juice and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited for representatives of this blood group.

Compatibility of soybean, legume products, dried fruits, walnut And egg yolk helps supply their body with magnesium and lecithin, which help prevent sclerosis and other problems that arise with age.

“Nomads” should be exposed to the sun more often, which supplies their body with vitamin D, and eat more plant foods, rich in vitamin In these vitamin supplements their body always needs them.

The diet for the third group with negative Rh, given above, has only general postulates. Each person is individual and only a nutritionist can correctly draw up nutritional rules specifically for him. But these recommendations will tell you what you can consume and what is strictly prohibited.

The nature of the attitude should always be purposeful. If you have any health problems, you need to take blood tests, according to which the doctor will determine what characteristics of your disease. There are diseases that can only be recognized by certain characteristics blood groups. Having completed full examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe for you correct treatment and help overcome the problem that has arisen.

Many people respond positively to this diet. When carriers negative Rh factor 3 groups follow all the recommendations correctly, then the result is good. If patients think that they can deviate a little from the rules recommended by the diet, then the result is negative.

Healthy food always helps those with any blood type look young and have excellent health, regardless of the person's age. Be active, athletic and cheerful and your body will delight you for many years, until old age. By polluting him and offending him, he will answer you various diseases and early old age.

Love yourself and your body - these are the most correct recommendations for each blood group.

The blood types that humanity has arose gradually. The oldest group is considered to be the first group, whose owners were hunters and miners. With the advent of agriculture, a second one arose, belonging to people with a sedentary lifestyle. The third blood group was formed when a person realized that he could travel. Its owners to this day strive to conquer the unknown.

The blood plasma of the third group contains an antigen - agglutinin α, and erythrocytes - agglutinogen B. The group is designated Bα (III).

History and character

There are about 11% of people on Earth who have this blood type. Researchers associate its appearance with mutations of the Mongoloid race, prone to nomadism. Another version of the origin of this blood group is the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their population of the Promised Land. It is among Jews that many carriers of the third group are found.

Psychological and physical features people of the third group were formed in conditions of wandering. They are wise, cunning, selfish, but have creative potential. They are characterized by emotionality, the ability to speak and subordinate people to their interests. They are called individualists and are prone to nervousness and mood swings. At the same time, these people can be tolerant of others, can sympathize and resolve issues through diplomacy.

Despite their emotionality, representatives of the third blood group are successful in professions and occupations related to technical precision. They can be surgeons, economists, bank employees, lawyers, pharmacists, customs officers, police officers, jewelers, accountants. Emotionality helps them in social activities.

In family relationships, these people strive for novelty, are emotional, and do not like routine. If a man has the third group, and a woman:

  1. The first is that they are looking for novelty in relationships, although friction in the family is possible. Family and national traditions help maintain marriage.
  2. The second is that the man in this couple dominates and is always ready to experiment.
  3. The third is a stormy combination that can be restrained by traditions and foundations (often observed in Jewish families). Partners love each other, but temperament may prevent them from being together.
  4. The fourth is an emotional union, which is a team where the man is prone to authoritarianism.

If a woman has the third group, and a man:

  1. The first is an active union in which opposites complement each other.
  2. The second is a sensual union, in which both partners are reasonably reasonable and try to solve any problem.
  3. Fourth, the partners are completely satisfied with each other, although they have less physical contact.

Morbidity and blood issues

Nomadic life has developed powerful immunity in the carriers of the third group. They survived epidemics, including the plague, emerging from them unharmed. Women and men in this group have the highest concentration of sex hormones, which determines their fertility.

However, these people sometimes have to experience diseases inherent in this blood group:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • infection during the period after any operation;
  • joint diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • depression;
  • complications after childbirth in women;
  • sclerosis.

The third blood group has only one of the antigens - B. In order for a child to adopt this blood group, one of the parents must be a carrier of the B antigen. The third group can be inherited only if both parents have the third, fourth or mixed groups blood. Consequently, representatives of the first and second groups cannot have a child with the third. This fact is used in forensic medical examinations to establish paternity.

If there is a problem with transfusion, it is recommended that the carrier of the third group receive the same blood. IN as a last resort The first one is suitable, but before that they do an analysis and check individual compatibility, taking into account Rhesus affiliation. A person with a positive Rh will not be suitable for blood of the same group with a negative one.

Problems during pregnancy in women can arise when the Rh factor does not match. Blood type does not matter. The danger is when a woman is Rh negative and a man is Rh positive. If the fetus is also Rh negative, the pregnancy proceeds safely. A rejection reaction is possible if the child is Rh positive. In this case, the woman needs to be given anti-Rhesus globulin.

Rh conflict appears towards the end of pregnancy. To avoid complications, gynecologists send the woman and man for tests to determine their Rh status. If the first pregnancy with Rh-conflict can pass without consequences, then the second and subsequent ones are at risk. At positive rhesus blood for both partners, compatibility issues do not arise.


A moderate diet is an opportunity for people of this blood type to normalize their health. Since historically nomads were accustomed to eating any type of food, third blood carriers can eat almost anything.

Especially useful for them:

  • meat (lamb, poultry, rabbit);
  • fish (pike, cod, sardine);
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, especially goat cheese, milk);
  • mayonnaise;
  • walnuts;
  • legumes in red shades;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • any vegetables, especially cabbage;
  • green tea.

It is not recommended to overeat, abuse fatty and meat products. You can drink brine, cranberry or cucumber juices, which will perfectly replenish vitality. Cocoa and herbal infusions help maintain vital energy.

IN moderate amount allowed to use:

  • beef, liver, turkey meat;
  • cheeses, animal oils;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • wine;
  • black tea and coffee.

As for vegetables, you need to be careful with potatoes, pumpkin, onions, garlic; for fruits - with cherries, peaches, apples, pears, and currants.

  • poultry, pork;
  • seafood, crayfish;
  • tomato juice;
  • corn, pomegranate, persimmon;
  • baking;
  • from legumes - lentils;
  • buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • ice cream;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

From medicinal plants can help:

  • raspberries;
  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • sage.

Allowed for use:

  • strawberries;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • Birch buds;
  • valerian.

Completely contraindicated:

  • aloe;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Linden;
  • hop;
  • clover.

As physical activity used for cycling, running, swimming. To lose weight for this group of people, special dietary complexes are being developed.

People of the third blood group are quite emotional and at the same time precise in their actions. They know how to achieve goals. The uniqueness of their character is supported by the fact that almost half of all millionaires have this blood type.
