How to distinguish natural silk from synthetics. Varieties of silk and silk fabrics

Things made of natural silk - a real luxury! Elegant and stylish wardrobe items are decently priced, so buyers take their choice very seriously. Nobody wants to become the owner of an expensive thing for which the manufacturer used not natural silk, but a high-quality artificial analogue.

What do discerning buyers pay attention to? How to distinguish natural silk from a fake? You will learn more about this later.

Criteria for material analysis

A fake, no matter how high-quality it is, is not so gentle and soft to the touch. Original canvases are pleasant to wear, they let air through and do not accumulate static electricity. There is no arguing with the nobility and originality of the fabric obtained from silkworm cocoons. So, how will nylon differ from the natural "original"? Many of the criteria described below.

When considering a commodity item, it is necessary to analyze the following:

  1. visual features. Bright, distinct and blinding shine is a clear sign that a fake is in the hands. Silk is also characterized by shimmer, but light, muffled, pleasant. It is advisable to inspect the thing under an artificial light source. Such a test will allow you to correctly evaluate the gloss.
  2. Tactile sensations. The pleasant emotions that natural expensive fabric gives after being touched are indescribable. The material has a flowing light texture. It instantly adapts to the temperature of the human body. Kapron is also soft and weightless, but cold and very wrinkled.
  3. Thread end. You can easily check the authenticity by examining the seams. There are thread breaks. What will they be like in the "original"? The tips are like connected bundles, consisting of many fibers. As a result of the breakage of the capron, a brush is formed.
  4. Combustion. Alas, when purchasing this or that thing, the buyer cannot conduct an experiment that requires a lighter. However, such a test will allow a conscientious seller of fabric to do, because he has no doubts about the quality of his own products. To analyze the naturalness, you need to set fire to a small piece of the canvas or even a separate thread. A fake will burn quickly, emit a smell of synthetics. Natural threads are sintered into rollers and slowly go out. As for the “aroma”, it is similar to that which is inherent in singed hair.
  5. Strength. Natural silk is durable. Both wet and dry, its threads are very difficult to break. If you wet the synthetic analogue, then it will not take much effort to break.

As you can see, it has many advantages. It is unfair to call artificial canvases similar to it a fake. The word is appropriate only in cases where the manufacturer or seller aims to fool the buyer.

By the way, expensive noble fabric is not without flaws. With improper care, the canvas shrinks, loses its attractive shape. Nothing like this will happen with artificial silk products. However, with persistent exposure to sunlight, they fade, but things made of natural silk do not.

The most affordable way to check

Of course, no seller will allow the buyer to set fire to or soak his goods in water. How, then, to know whether natural silk or not? Put the thing to your cheek and evaluate your own feelings. Is there even the slightest discomfort? You should not buy a thing made of artificial silk for fabulous money. Touching a natural product will cause only positive emotions. The material will "merge" with the skin. Why? Previously, we discussed the adaptability of tissue to body temperature. No wonder some people call it a second skin.

Professional evaluation method

For wholesale buyers of fabric, the supplier will always make concessions by providing a sample of the material. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a small experiment.

What will be needed for this? The following components:

  • 1 pinch of caustic soda;
  • 16 grams of copper sulfate;
  • 10 grams of glycerin.

All of the above substances must be combined into a mixture. The resulting composition will help to make sure that the fabric is natural or fake. The fibers made from the silkworm cocoon will completely dissolve in the liquid, but any other fiber will not. The chemical evaluation method is perfect. There is no better experiment for a professional analysis of the naturalness of silk!

A variety of products made from natural silk have always been highly valued and are valued to this day. Luxurious bedding, magnificent flowing silk dresses have not only wonderful external, but also physical properties. Unfortunately or fortunately, there are many silk substitutes on the market today. On the one hand, natural silk is not cheap, and artificial substitutes allow buyers with any income to purchase a beautiful thing, on the other hand, many unscrupulous sellers can sell artificial silk products under the guise and at the price of natural, and here it is already important to be able to distinguish natural silk from artificial.

Properties of natural silk

Like any other natural material, silk has a number of unique properties.

1. Silk absorbs moisture very well;

2. Natural silk has low sensitivity to organic solvents such as alcohol or vinegar;

3. When burning, the fire spreads very slowly and quickly fades;

4. In hot weather, silk things are cool, and in cool weather, it is warm enough;

5. Excellent thermal conductivity. Silk quickly takes on the ambient temperature;

6. High strength in the dry state and somewhat less in the wet;

7. Excellent hygienic properties;

8. Excellent drape;

9. Characteristic gloss after appropriate processing.

Defining natural silk

So we got to the main and most pressing question: "How to distinguish natural silk from artificial?". It should be noted right away that it is almost impossible for a non-professional to determine natural silk by the appearance of the material. In addition, very often silk things have impurities of other materials to give additional properties. For example, to give a thing elasticity, 3% elastane can be added to silk, etc. So, how do you determine if a natural thing is being offered to you?

1. Set fire. The most reliable, but not very humane method for determining the authenticity of a silk item. In the store, you are unlikely to set fire to a beautiful dressing gown in the fitting room, however, small pieces of fabric are included with some products to confirm authenticity. You can also take a piece of fabric from the inner ties of a bathrobe, etc.

So, how does natural silk burn and how do synthetic things behave during ignition? Synthetics burn actively and you end up with a melted edge, while natural silk fades very quickly, forming a soft dark gray crumb around the edges, which is very easy to remove by hand. During the burning of silk, the smell of burnt feathers can be noted.

2. Electrify. A more humane, but less revealing way to check the material for naturalness is to rub it against plastic. Natural silk practically does not electrify, while the opposite should be noted with the same satin. If the material sticks to the arms and legs and becomes electrified, this is definitely not natural silk.

3. Attach the material to the face. If you bring natural silk to your face, it immediately acquires body temperature. Synthetic materials stay cold for a long time.

4. Try to crumple. The wrinkling of natural silk is very low. Try to squeeze the material in your hand - if it is very wrinkled, forming folds, then this is not natural silk.

5. Examine the front and back sides of the product. Natural silk will be equally soft on one side and on the other. If one side of the product is smooth and the other is rough, then you have artificial silk.

If it is a silk scarf, then its edge must be hemmed by hand, although in some fakes you can also find a hand-hemmed edge.

How to wash natural silk?

It is best to hand wash natural silk with a mild liquid shampoo. Washing powder is not suitable for washing silk items. Soap solution can also leave streaks behind.

Drying silk items in the washing machine is strictly prohibited. It is best to iron them on a delicate setting while still damp without using steam. Silk "does not like" couples.

Want to know how fabric is woven? Yes, simple! A large frame is taken, carnations are stuffed into it from all sides at the same distance, the warp threads are stretched vertically, and the weft threads will twist them horizontally. But you still need to tinker with the woven silk itself. It must be boiled in a soap-alkaline solution to remove the remaining sericin. To tell the truth, after boiling silk loses up to a third of its previous weight. It needs to be weighted with special solutions. Each silk fabric has its own solution. We will not stop at this. Just remember the oak silkworm. When decoction, sericin is not completely removed, the tissue is thick, with nodules. Such a fabric is called wild silk or tussah.
In general, the type of fabric depends on the weave of the threads, which is why silk has different names. Here, in the treasured notebook, everything about silk fabrics is written, as it should be, in alphabetical order!
Atlas. Thick satin weave. Weft to warp ratio is one to five. It was first woven, of course, in China, here are the samples, look: light for blouses and dresses, matte from the inside, shiny from the face. Double-sided, heavy, this one is good for bedding. They also make kimonos and robes from it! Satin fabric is available for every taste: satin stretch, moire satin with and without a pattern, in a word, the choice is rich. Flowing, gentle and smooth, it is no coincidence that in the first place in my notebook.
Barege. Transparent silk of French origin, made using gas technique: warp to weft - one to one. Lingerie was sewn from the barege, corsets, men's shirts, pantaloons, collars and cuffs were decorated. Later, spinning waste was added to the barege. The fabric, having lost its former luster, soon went out of fashion.
Velvet. Soft, fluffy on the front side, smooth and delicate on the wrong side, take a look. Pile threads are introduced into the base, pulling out the loops - looped velvet is ready. If the loops are cut, it will turn out to be cut, and if the pile is double and of different heights, the velvet is dug. In 1652, the Velvet Yard was created in Russia. Velvet was used to decorate armchairs and sofas, to sew dresses and caftans. Sable fur coats were lined with velvet, it’s a pity we don’t wear such clothes today ...
Batiste. Thin plain weave fabric. Twisted weft and warp threads intertwine each other, creating a uniform texture. Without a pattern and other nonsense, a simple and durable batiste was created in the 13th century by a wonderful master weaver - Francois Baptiste. Today, cambric is woven from cotton, cheap fabric is used for products of various kinds.
Brocatel. One of the examples of patterned weaving. Woolen threads were woven into the silk warp threads, twisted with thin threads of silver or gold, following the intended motifs. It was a high quality fabric. Light, translucent, thin to everyone's wonder.
Bourdesois. Raw silk from damaged silkworm cocoons. Used as weft in low grade fabrics.
Gas. Transparent silk, two warp threads intertwine one weft. There are several varieties of gas, I will list a few without blinking an eye:
gas illusion- the thinnest;
gas-crystal- the most brilliant and bright;
gas marabou- the most rigid;
gas-rice- the softest.
Dreaming or grisette. Low grade silk with a gray floral pattern. But the question is, what does the word "dream" mean? A poor girl from the working-class districts of Paris in a modest grisette dress.
Grogron. High quality fabric. The longest thread is obtained from the best silkworm cocoons and the standard of silk weaving is obtained. Slim and lightweight. Fabric for the bride. One part of the word - "gro" - means silk, the other - the name of the place. Because grodeschin - from China, grondaver from Anver, grodeberlin - from Berlin, grodeflorans - from Florence, grodetoire - from Tours, all the same grogron, but of a different texture.
Lady. Double-sided fabric from Damascus, where the face, where the wrong side, cannot be disassembled without a hint. The alternation of satin and linen weave, like the gorgron, has different names and origins. Damask - a satin large pattern on a matte field, damask sparkles with a metallic sheen of flowers on a satin background.
Damascus. Silk fabric of oriental origin. The copra weave was intended for church vestments. A lighter damask of linen weave was worn on the clothes of the laity, damask lace was famous, and upholstered furniture was covered with densely woven heavy damask.
Diasper. Fine golden silk. One warp plus connecting and pattern weft.
Haze. Light transparent silk is embroidered with silk thread - each flower breathes with grace.
Duchess. High quality silk satin, shiny and dense. In the old days, merchants had the number one product, running and lively. Pants, bloomers, shirts were worn by dandy breeders and wealthy Cossacks.
Jacquard. Double-sided shiny silk with a pattern is always at the forefront. Invented by Joseph Maria Jacquard. These are tapestries, and matlasse, and cloquet; everything is produced on a jacquard loom.
Cayosets. Kayoseti printed fabrics gained popularity in Japan in the 111th century. Unusual and original patterns were applied with wooden forms - manners. Often the stuffing was combined with hand-painted stuffing (the flowers are accurately stuffed, the sakura branch is written in ink, signed by the master). For the clothes, the fabric of the kayoseti was used, for the screens, silk-roqueti was painted, using the technique of hot batik, laconically and subtly. Japanese fabrics of ancient times and the Middle Ages still amaze posterity.
Crepe. Embossed, translucent silk with and without a pattern. A warp of tightly twisted threads is intertwined with a weakly twisted weft. Crepe has many varieties and names: crepe maronne, crepe de chine, crepe georgette. Delicate, light and soft, blouses and dresses are sewn mainly from crepe. Crepe de chine chassis. It is a lightweight peach skin effect fabric. Do you have versions of this? But strictly speaking between us, the fabric is boiled with sand in large vats. And here is the result!!!
Case. Fabric of Chinese patterned weaving combined with brush painting. Many centuries before our era, Chinese craftsmen achieved high quality - woven birds fluttering between skillfully painted leaves.
Lavable. Soft, flowing, translucent fabric. Thin, light, but highly durable.
Magnul. An example of Chinese weaving laws: silk fabric with the image of terrible dragons.
The fabric of the emperor, each dragon has its own. And there is a big secret in matter. Reed fibers were woven into silk, for softness I rubbed lightly with sand. Dyed with seaweed juice. Is there any other secrets in this fabric? A magnul dress is credited with the power of three elements: water, air and earth. Air is a silk thread of a silkworm butterfly that has flown in from the Garden of Eden. Water is seaweed, it attracted with the color of burnt gold. The earth is reed fibers. No finer fabric has yet been invented!
Organdy. Thin, very sheer fabric. Hard and shiny. For saris, organdy was once woven in India, in the homeland of Tagore and Gandhi. In modern fashion - evening blouses, jackets - for clothes of different seasons, but mostly, of course, spring-summer.
Pavolok. So called in Rus' the silk brought from Constantinople in the time of the Prophetic Oleg. Home decoration, church clothes and ladies' dresses were sewn, despite the Khazar raids.
Brocade. Heavy silk with a rich pattern, woven with silver or gold. Brocade was expensive, it was imported, oddly enough, first from Byzantium, Turkey and Iran. But the best brocade was made in Venice in the Middle Ages. In Russia, satin ribbons and brocade began to be woven in 1594. Church robes were brocade, but the nobility also paid attention to it. Brocade ruled the fashion world in the 70s of the twentieth century. But today, like yesterday, she is in first place in the collections of fashion designers from around the world.
Petinet. Lacy silk fabric - floral motifs extravaganza.
Plush. Velvet silk fabric, the pile is long, thick and fluffy, delicate and soft, like a cat's fur. A curtain in an old painting, a teddy bear, and today Ksyusha's skirt is made of the same plush.
Poplin. Dense, smooth, one-color or patterned canvas. The name of the fabric gave the French place one. Poplin of expensive varieties for ladies was made from high-quality silk warp; silk tows in the warp plus cotton weft - and cheap poplin is ready for the peasants.
Reps. A dense silk fabric in a small scar, longitudinal or transverse, is formed due to the different thicknesses of the warp and weft threads. Silk rep was expensive and only found in the cities, of course.
Ree. Silk made from the durable yellow fiber of the peacock-eye cocoon. Thin shawls - shantungs made of ri silk are famous for their bright colors.
Scanned silk. Spinned from golden thread with silk. Expensive royal fabric handmade and fine.
Taffeta. Smooth silk plain fabric, sometimes with the effect of "shan-zhan". The weave is simple - weft to warp, one to one. Due to the tight yarn, it is slightly stiff because. In Rus', clothes were sewn from taffeta back in the 15th century. Women's dresses, men's suits, handbags and berets. Taffeta is the oldest silk fabric known to man.
Twill. Dense silk in a small scar, especially good for pillows.
Florence. Silk fantasy of Florentine weavers. Flying fabric, translucent - fun for the rich.
Foulard. Thin fabric made of untwisted silk threads in a plain weave. Soft and lightweight for linens and scarves. Favorite fabric for painting by artists, without a doubt.
Chancha. Silk tows were put into use, high-quality silk in the warp, tows - in wefts.
Chesucha. Shiny yellow dress fabric without a pattern, made from a special kind of silk - tussora. Currently at the height of fashion. Your mothers wore them in the sixties.
Cho ballet. Rigid and transparent, at first glance nondescript. But decorators and dressers appreciated "cho" to the fullest. Light clouds, a ballerina's tutu, a stage curtain, a heroine's cape, a hero's jabot and much more.
Silk. Natural fiber obtained from the silkworm cocoon; as you know, it was used to create fabrics, carpets, outfits ... The length of the thread of one cocoon is two kilometers. According to Confucius, sericulture first appeared in China. Until the 6th century, its secret was kept secret, ready-made fabrics came to Europe. Many varieties of silk are known: Lebanese birotin, Chinese pelams, French glass, gas, damask, muslin ... The properties and appearance of silk depend on the quality of raw materials, processing methods, the type of weaving of threads ... and the master's imagination!

I can tell you a lot more about fabrics. For example, have you heard of "shan-zhane"? This is a Chinese weaving technique, when different colors of weft and warp threads are used, high quality silk is obtained, the color, for example, is blue, and blue in the folds. It can be taffeta and organza, shandung and dupont, one movement and the color changes, why not a “chameleon”. Perhaps it is produced differently. Chinese weavers are skilled people, they always knew how to keep secrets. If the base is viscose, and the weft is silk, and one paint will be good! Threads of different fabrics of different quality absorb paint in different ways. Here are the eccentricities! One thread is obtained in one color, the other - in another. Everything is very simple, but how sensible! "Maintenon", "pompadour", "dubarry"- vintage fabrics named after famous favorites. As if floral ornaments were embroidered on the atlas - bunches of daisies. Vignettes, garlands of roses, plump little angels in the vines. Rock ornament in the form of shells and swirls of waves, and each movement motif is full.
Favorites formed the taste of the court and Ludovic "Sunshine" and Louis "Lion"! One said: “The state is I!”, the other: “After us, at least a flood!”, And everyone tried as best he could. Struggling to outdo in wealth and luxury all those who ruled before him and just in case, for future times. The most luxurious, to the point of absurdity, style was created in these centuries. Every detail was subordinated to the style of Louis 14, from fabrics to table legs. Here's an example for you: the Lavalier bow, a tie knot, is famous only for the fact that Louise de Lavalier's favorite tied it around Louis's neck.
There were also "facial" fabrics: they were created in Tabriz, Kashan and Isfahan. Boys, girls, scenes from epics and legends, riders slaying dragons and lions; often there were images of birds and flowers.
Not only clothes were sewn from silk, what are you! Thick damask, silk wallpaper, carpets, lace curtains, linen, shoes, hats were woven for furniture upholstery and walls ... The first paper was made from silk weaving waste, as well as cotton wool, and kimonos and dressing gowns were insulated with it.
The cord of bicycle and car racing tires, strong ropes and thin cables were made from silk ... Silk thread is distinguished by high strength - this is without any questions.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, the development of aviation began, and the parachute invented by Leonardo da Vinci becomes a real sensation. Hundreds of thousands of pilots were saved by a silkworm - a mulberry moth, a guardian angel helping everyone. In addition to pilots, he also saved the souls of others: a strong silk thread has long been used in surgery.
And, finally, I want to tell you about Chinese weaving: this topic is interesting, not only for weavers. The weaving art of the Chinese examples date back to the second millennium BC! These are the most different types of silk, from satin to organza, with various ornaments, imagine. About 50 ornaments existed in the era of the Tang Dynasty: "butterflies frolicking among the flowers" enlivened the fabric; “lotus and reed”, “dragon and phoenix”, “peonies”, “water herbs with fish”, “palaces and pavilions”…
Silk paintings are part of Chinese culture. Wen Zhenheng in his books, by the way, states that “an exalted husband cannot but keep in his house, among other paintings, one or two such canvases”, on which landscapes of famous artists, and, in addition, a calligraphic inscription should decorate the canvas.

Silk is a unique natural fabric obtained from the cocoon of a silkworm (a special kind of caterpillar). Natural silk is very expensive and capricious, therefore, its various analogues have been developed, repeating the properties - a sliding and shiny texture, but consisting of mixed, artificial and synthetic fibers.

The history of the origin of silk

The origin of the first silk threads has acquired many beautiful legends, but one thing is indisputable - the time period is about 5,000 BC. Europe comprehended the secret of silk making, only in 550 AD. From the 13th century, Italy was considered active European producers and traders, and in the 17th century - France. Modern production is now widely established in various countries of the world, however, no one supplies silk to the world market more than Chinese masters, who account for half of the world's total.

What modern types of silk are produced and their distinctive qualities

Experts divide even natural silk into several subspecies, depending not only on the country of habitat, but also on breeding conditions: depending on the environment in which the caterpillar is grown (natural and artificial) and the nutritional options with leaves, which are not only mulberry, but also oak , castor and others. All these key factors influence the properties of this unique fabric. The interweaving of threads and their composition also varies: pure silk actively coexists with its mixed varieties.

Popular fabrics containing silk:

    Toile - natural silk of linen weaving, smooth and shiny, well formed in the product. It is used for sewing clothes, accessories and as a lining fabric.

    Atlas - it can be silk or semi-silk with a shiny satin weave. It is used to create clothes, shoes and furniture upholstery.

    Charmeuse - similar to satin, but much softer and lighter.

    Silk satin can be natural or blended with other fibers and has a smooth satin weave.

    Crepe silk, crepe de chine and crepe georgette - silk and semi-silk, made from threads with crepe twist. A distinctive feature is a slight roughness, with a moderate sheen, it drapes well and practically does not wrinkle. Popular for making dresses and suits.

    Chiffon is a plain weave made from silk or mixed fibers. It has a transparent rough surface with a matte finish.

    Organza is composed of silk, polyester or viscose components, it is rigid, light and translucent.

    Gas - a weightless fabric of gas weaving, very light, transparent. There are additional varieties of gas: illusion, marabou, crystal and rice. It does not have a characteristic silk sheen, but it drapes well. Demanded in the decoration of ceremonial dresses.

    Chesucha or “wild silk” is a recognizable textured soft fabric with a moderate sheen.

    Silk Dupont - dense, medium hardness and discreet sheen. Relevant in furniture production and the manufacture of curtains and curtains.

    Taffeta is an elastic and rigid material for sewing outerwear and elegant dresses.

    Foulard - pleasant to the touch and weightless, used to make various stylish accessories.

    Silk-eponge (eponge) - has a heterogeneous porous texture with color classic compositions: melange, striped, plaid.

    Brocade is an aristocratic variety of silk, it is quite heavy, has an exquisite pattern obtained by metallized fibers.

    Muslin - transparent and light, popular in the manufacture of festive dresses and costumes for artists.

    Silk twill is a predominantly dense cushioning material, also relevant when sewing uniforms.

    Excelsior (excelsior) - a transparent canvas with a characteristic overflow, drapes well and is popular in the manufacture of decorative elements.

    Batiste - has a low content of silk threads (about 3%), which bring shine to linen weaving, looks great on long dresses.

How to care for silk fabrics

Before starting care, read the information on the label and the composition of the material. Some varieties are recommended for dry cleaning. Washing in water not higher than 30º, with special liquid detergents without bleaching, both by hand (without friction) and in the washing machine (using a delicate cycle without spinning), if such care is allowed on the label. In cold water for the final rinse, add a special conditioner for silk.

Do not twist, just straighten and let the product drain. Dry away from heaters and in the shade. It is necessary to iron from the inside, with a temperature of up to 200º.

Fabric of natural origin. It is obtained from the cocoon of an insect pupa, which is called the "silkworm". Nowadays, there is not only natural, but also artificial silk, as well as material with the addition of synthetics.

Silk fibers were first produced in China. It was in the Celestial Empire that a special technology for manufacturing this wonderful material was discovered back in the 5th millennium BC. For a long time it was kept in the strictest confidence.

There are a huge number of types of silk fabrics. Their main differences are in the technology of weaving, which gives them unique features and appearance.

Atlas is a shiny and dense silk fabric. The surface of the satin is usually smooth, but the material can also be patterned. Atlas is distinguished by a characteristic luster, the front side resembles gloss. This effect is achieved using a special production technology.

The type of weaving of this fabric, like the raw silk itself, was invented in China. Together with the technique of producing material from silkworm cocoons, this knowledge first came to Central Asia, and then to Europe, where the material was widely used.

Gas (gas-illusion, gas-rice, gas-marabou, gas-crystal)

This is a translucent silk fabric, which is achieved by a large space between its threads. The gas is very light and soft. In the manufacture of different types of gas, patterned, smooth and diagonal weaving is used.

Illusion gas is the thinnest and almost transparent material resembling a light cobweb. Made from the finest silk yarn. Curtains, light scarves, elements of wedding decorations are made from it.

Gaz-rice is light, transparent and slightly rough. The texture is achieved through a special rice weave. Hence the name.

Gaz-marabou is a rather stiff golden raw silk material made from tightly twisted threads. It was widely distributed at the beginning of the 18th century. Used for tailoring lush women's dresses.

The gas-crystal is distinguished by its bright brilliance. In its production, multi-colored threads are used, which makes the surface shimmer like precious stones. In France, chic ball gowns were sewn from it.


The name of the material is translated from French as "wavy", "rough". In the production of crepe, the threads are twisted left and right, alternating in a certain way.

This fabric is characterized by an uneven surface. The texture is somewhat like sand.

The crepe drapes well, lays down in beautiful waves, does not wrinkle. Things sewn from it are worn for a very long time.

In addition to silk crepe, it can be cotton, half-woolen, synthetic. Now it is used mainly for women's dresses.

Thin translucent lightweight fabric made of . It comes in matte and glossy. Patterns are embroidered on organza, original drawings are applied using printing. Costumes for oriental dance and curtains are often sewn from it.


Satin comes from the word "zaituni" - the Arabic name for the harbor of Quanzhou in China, the birthplace of this fabric. Silk satin has a smooth, dense surface, which is characterized by a beautiful sheen. Bed linen, men's shirts, lining are made from it.

Silk satin is made from two types of material - 100% cotton satin and pure silk. The weave density of this fabric is 170-220 threads per 1 sq. cm.

Important! Linen made of silk satin is very strong and durable. It withstands over 200 washes, does not rub, and is cheaper than silk. .

A fabric made from tightly twisted silk and cotton threads. Synthetic fibers are often used in the production. Taffeta is distinguished by high density and rigidity. Forms brittle folds, which allows you to achieve additional volume and splendor.

The toile is distinguished by its high density and delicate sheen. This fabric holds its shape excellently and is used as a lining, for sewing dresses and ties.


Very thin airy material made of tightly twisted silk threads. It is transparent, light and flows beautifully. Great for sewing summer blouses and light scarves.

Chesucha (wild silk)

Chesucha is a wild dense silk with an amazing texture. In production, threads of unequal thickness are used, which form such a surface. It is durable, drapes well, but requires delicacy in care. Chesucha is used in sewing curtains and various clothes.

Foulard is most often used as a finishing material. Thin and soft silk fabric, from which shawls, scarves and scarves are sewn. In the 20th century, dresses, curtains and lampshades were also sewn from the foulard.

Dense curtain fabric of medium stiffness, with a pleasant sheen. This exclusive fabric, almost entirely consisting of natural silk. Dupont made in India is especially appreciated. Wedding and evening dresses, accessories and expensive linens are sewn from it.

Silk fabric, in the manufacture of which crepe weaving is used. The front surface of crepe georgette is shiny and rough.

Important! The difference between crepe georgette and other varieties of crepe is the direction of weaving. During production, the warp and weft threads are twisted in different directions. This makes it dense, but light and elastic.

In the era of balls, fashionable women's toilets were sewn from crepe-georgette. Now this fabric is not so popular. Draped curtains are made from it, as well as some models of skirts, blouses and scarves.

Type of silk crepe fabric - h rough with crepe technology of torsion. It has a moderate sheen, dense and thin. Shawls, suits, blouses are sewn from crepe de chine.

Important! Soft flowing folds and draperies are a characteristic feature of this material.

Eponge (or eponge) distinguish between silk and cotton. The material has an uneven spongy surface with a decorative color pattern in the form of cells, stripes, melange.

Brocade has always been considered the fabric of nobles, royalty and church ministers. This heavy material is made from silk with a complex pattern made with a metal thread. Previously, the pattern was made with threads of gold and silver alloys. This explains the high cost of the material.

Nowadays, patterns on brocade are embroidered not only from hard metal threads. Use threads made of linen, silk or cotton.

Muslin is made from natural silk of increased winding. The material is transparent and thin. It is used for tailoring theatrical costumes and dresses.

Twill(Italian sargia, French serge; from Latin sericus - “silk”) - twill production technology - weaving threads diagonally. Each next thread shifts the intersection by 2 or more other threads. Twill is produced one-colored or printed. Used as a lining, technical or dress fabric, for tailoring workwear.

Excelsior, Excelsior

Plain weave silk fabric with a pronounced sheen, thin and transparent. In production, untwisted thread is used. The Excelsior drapes well. The fabric is very beautiful. It is used by designers working with batik, as well as creating silk flowers and decorative elements.

Charmeuse is very similar to satin. Both have a smooth front surface with a characteristic sheen. You can tell the difference by feeling the material: charmeuse is thinner and softer than satin.

Silk cambric contains approximately 3% silk, which gives things shine. For its manufacture, plain weave is used. Batiste flows beautifully and forms elegant folds. Good for long dresses.

Whatever type of silk you choose, the main thing is to avoid synthetic fakes and you can be sure of the quality of the product. Silk does not cause allergies, and clothes made from it, with proper care, will please you for many years.
