How to make fingers longer at home. How to make fingers thinner - weight loss exercises, procedures and massage

It would seem - an absurdity. Well, of course - the legs, they want to lengthen. But fingers! And yet, there are professions in which it is necessary to have long fingers - for example, illusionists, magicians. there are special exercises to increase the length of the fingers. They are given as an illustration of the latent possibilities of man. It turns out, of course, not for everyone, but still for many it turns out. Moreover, some manage to increase all fingers, and some - only one.

The depth of influence of the qigong system on the body reaches the level of the skeleton, because the qigong system also includes the renewal of the bone marrow, that is, it affects a very deep level. There is a legend about how a child lost his arm and grew a new one. Buddhists tell this legend to emphasize that everything is possible if you want and if you do not limit your consciousness to the framework: the boy was small, stupid, did not know that it was impossible to grow a hand, so he grew it.

But qigong exercises should be practiced by masters. We will give simple, but quite effective exercises. Efficiency, as in any business, depends on perseverance, faith and persistent regular training.

Warm up

  • Stroking each finger from the tip of the finger to the base.
  • "Washing hands" movement.


Flexibility exercises

  • on the table, raise each finger in turn, making sure that only one finger rises.
  • Put palm to palm. Relax one palm, press the other palm on the relaxed one, bending it back. Thus alternately knead both palms. After several times, shake the brushes in the air ("shake off the water").
  • With the fingers of one hand, roll a small ball between the fingers. It is impossible to help with the other hand or nose. This exercise can be done for a very long time and anywhere.

Strengthening exercises

  • Fist clench-unclench 40 times.
  • Falling on the wall, lean on your fingers.
  • Finger push-ups.

After a month of daily practice, the result will definitely be visible.

Many men try to build biceps and triceps, chest and shoulders. Some even manage to do exercises for the neck to increase its volume! And some individuals want to pump up their fingers. Why is this needed? But who knows - perhaps for fights and delivering strong blows. In any case, we are not particularly interested in the reason, and today we will tell you how to strengthen your fingers yourself.

How to pump up fingers at home?

Yes, this task is not an easy one ... There is not so much information on this issue, and the choice of exercises is small. The main thing in this case is the regularity of training, otherwise you will not succeed. It is unlikely that your fingers will increase in volume, but there will be much more power in them than before.

In some sports, not only the muscles of the body are involved, but also the fingers. If they are weak, it can spoil the whole result of the training. If you need to increase their strength and endurance, check out our tips.

How to easily and quickly pump up your fingers at home:

Warm up. Before performing the main load, be sure to do a light warm-up, 5 minutes is enough. Thanks to it, you prevent injuries and sprains. It is easy to do it - straighten and bend them, massage them.

Buy an expander - in any sporting goods store you will find this simple and effective machine, it costs a penny. On sale you will find several types of expander, choose a carpal one. It also strengthens the wrist, which is another benefit.

Exercises on the horizontal bar. They strengthen several muscle groups, including fingers and wrists. Try to perform not only regular pull-ups, but also other types of exercises with different grips.

Rope climbing- will strengthen your entire upper body, improve grip and endurance.

Push ups. Surely you are used to doing push-ups on the palms, right? But this is too simple, so it's time for you to master the more difficult option - when doing push-ups, rely on all fingers at once, and not on the palm.

Hanging on the crossbar.
Try to hang on the horizontal bar or crossbar as often as possible. At first, you will almost immediately fly off it, but with each workout, your results will get better. Try to increase your result by at least 10-15 seconds each time.

Dumbbells. Take one more or less heavy dumbbell with the fingers of both hands, then begin to rotate it, applying maximum effort. It is better to start with a small weight, if desired, increase it. You can use pancakes instead of dumbbells.

Small metal balls will also help you become more agile.. Rotate them for a few minutes a day and try to do it as quickly as possible. We recommend doing the exercise before or after the main session.

When to expect the result? As we have already said, this is not an easy task and you will not notice the result immediately. With regular training, you will see progress not earlier than in 2-3 weeks. It is not necessary to train your fingers every day, 3 times a week is enough. Be sure to increase the load!

At all times, graceful long fingers on the hands were considered a sign of the aristocracy, the noble origin of a person. The dream of all ladies, and not only - beautiful musical hands. What to do when the fingers or hands are not thin, excess fat is deposited at the base, they look plump, thick and short? How to lose weight in the fingers, reduce their volume and make them long, elegant and thin?

Why do fingers get fat?

If you are thinking about how to lose weight in the fingers, you need to find out the reason why they lost their original attractive appearance. And there are several factors that contribute to the increase in size:

  • the occurrence of edema as a result of malnutrition, fluid stagnation in the body;
  • gaining excess weight as a result of malnutrition, the abuse of fatty foods or sweets, restrictions on mobility and physical activity;
  • thick fingers are observed as a result of metabolic disorders or health problems;
  • visual changes are observed with age, this problem is corrected with the help of gymnastics and diet.

Do fingers get thin when you lose weight?

Do your hands visually shrink if you lose weight with exercise or dietary restrictions? The answer is yes, because these are the same parts of the body as muscles, bones, stomach, legs. Therefore, if you have a need to lose weight on full fingers, start with a general weight loss. Having removed the excess mass, you will be pleasantly surprised by the elegant, sophisticated and aristocratic appearance of your hands.

The main steps on how to start losing weight in your fingers is to take care of your body in a complex. You don’t need to completely give up your favorite foods, it’s just important to monitor your diet, remove excess sweet, fatty foods.

What to do to lose weight fingers?

If you are tormented by the question of how to lose weight in your fingers, we hasten to assure you that the process is not so complicated. The main task is to organize yourself, it is better to make a certain plan of complex actions. Every day, devote a few minutes to certain exercises plus monitor your diet. And remember, you don’t have to forbid anything to yourself, otherwise the body will rebel! So, what actions will help you lose weight in your fingers:

  • an important factor is a healthy diet, you need to eat more fiber, fruits, cereals, light soups, proteins and salads, do not allow yourself a lot of flour, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, limit coffee intake;
  • you should monitor the amount of daily fluid intake: excess water in the body leads to edema, and its lack has a bad effect on metabolism;
  • special exercises that are important to do for several minutes every day will help to make your fingers slim;
  • massage helps to improve the appearance of any part of the body, including hand massage is a popular way to make them thinner and more elegant;
  • another way to make your fingers thin visually is to use moisturizers, which helps to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve the appearance of the hands in general.

Finger Slimming Exercises

In a separate effective way, exercises for losing weight on the fingers can be distinguished. In addition to improving the visual appearance, such gymnastics improves joint health, blood circulation and muscle activity. So what to do in a short time to make your hands worthy of the attention of the cameras of the best magazines?

  1. The easiest and most effective way to stretch your joints is to bend and unbend them. A complex repetition of 10-20 times with a break of 5 minutes is necessary. It is better to repeat the exercise in the morning and in the evening. The beauty of this method is that it can be used everywhere: at work, on the subway, on a walk or at the cinema.
  2. Another effective exercise is squeezing the brush. We squeeze it into a fist (tightly), then relax, put the brush on the table, spread our fingers like a fan as far as possible (until a feeling of slight tension). We tear off each finger alternately from the surface, lifting it up. Repeat this combination 2-3 times, after a few weeks you will see the first results.
  3. Have you noticed what beautiful refined hands the pianists have? This is not an accident, constant piano playing develops the hands, making them thin and graceful. Therefore, do not be lazy to “play the keys” from time to time, since this activity is simple (and at times pleasant and soothing), and possible on any hard surface.

Finger massage

A pleasant part of complex weight loss is a massage for the fingers on the hands. Experienced cosmetologists and masseurs never bypass the hands during the massage process (beauticians can perform it while the client is relaxing on the couch with a mask). You can do the massage yourself (one hand massages the other) or ask someone close to you. Nevertheless, if you are wondering how to reduce your fingers, you should use the services of a professional massage therapist.

Video: how to make fingers thinner

In the section on the question How to lengthen the fingers. given by the author Misha Demare the best answer is Here are exercises that will definitely help you:
1. We take a finger by the base and stretch it as much as possible. Hold in a stretched position for 10-15 seconds. Let's go. Number of repetitions 20 times.
2. We grab the finger along the entire length and confidently turn it clockwise. As much as possible. Leave in the inverted position for 15 seconds. Number of repetitions 10 times. We also perform a counterclockwise movement with the same number of repetitions.
3. We take a finger by its end and pull it sharply. Number of repetitions 20 times.
4. We tilt the finger left and right, right and left. 20 times in each direction.
5. We bend and unbend the finger 40 times.
Exercises are performed with each finger in turn.
Practice every day and in a month your sausages will become long and flexible!

Answer from ЂА[guru]
musicians increase the grip ... - the distance between the fingers, working on the mobility of the hands and fingers with special exercises ... If you are not a pianist and you do not have physical prerequisites for having large hands, then only a good manicure can visually enlarge your fingers, or losing weight, if you are complete...
Believe me, natural data cannot be surpassed. Small fingers can be visually compensated by large, overworked palms, strong shoulders, arms - and both are formed by physical exercises.

Elongated and thin fingers are often called musical and are considered a sign of a refined and aristocratic nature. But not always thin fingers seem beautiful for their owners. Especially if the hand is full. It is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the thickness of the fingers, but something can be done.

Women should pay attention to their manicure. Pointy, too long nails will make your fingers even thinner. The same applies to dark and red shades of varnish. But the natural length of the nails (up to 5 mm) and the correctly designed rounded or square edge of the nail will visually make the fingers thicker.

Much depends on skin care. If it is prone to dryness, then in the absence of care, wrinkles may appear on the hands. They also make the fingers look even thinner. Therefore, the use of nourishing hand cream should be regular. Tap water dries the skin very much, so washing and washing dishes is best done with gloves. And, for example, regular paraffin or oil hand masks will generally make them irresistible.

A selection of jewelry (rings and rings) is also very important. Many recommend picking up massive rings. They usually draw attention from the fingers to themselves, and the person will no longer notice how thin or thick your fingers are. But we must remember that not absolutely any large decoration will do. For example, some versions of rings with a large oblong stone located along the finger will make the fingers visually even thinner.

In no case should you follow the advice from the category "eat more - you will get fatter, and your fingers will get fatter." Firstly, in order for the fingers to grow fat, you will have to gain far from 1-2 kilograms. And secondly, the fingers will gain weight last after the whole figure as a whole grows fat. But if you yourself are a donut, your hand is full, and your fingers are thin, then a diet may be your option. The hand will lose weight, and the fingers on it will no longer look too thin.

Many advise taking up special hand exercises or sports such as rock climbing. But here, too, something must be remembered. If, for example, you decide to work with an expander, then basically your fingers will not swing, but the muscles of the hand. In addition, there are few muscles in the fingers, mainly tendons and ligaments. That is, after a while, if the fingers become a little thicker, then the palm itself and the hand will become much thicker. And the desired proportionality will not be achieved. If you decide to make your fingers thicker through exercise, be sure to consult a specialist. It will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes.
