What earrings are suitable for a round face. Variety of earrings

Earrings are a favorite theme of fashionistas and, without a doubt, the most important women's jewelry. Earrings become the guardian of female beauty much earlier than other types of jewelry - sometimes even from an early age. This is an attribute of beauty, femininity and attractiveness that is very close to the ladies' heart. With their help, we approach our ideal and create new images.

The complexity of choice is something we always face. Regardless of the presence or absence of taste, the choice is always given to us extremely difficult. Why? Because the choice of jewelry is almost limitless, and a woman's desire for perfection is inexhaustible! We always want to choose the best possible option. And when the jewelry has already been bought, each time we catch ourselves thinking: “Maybe it looks better with zircons?”

In this regard, you can envy fashionistas who know the art of combination! For such sorceresses, jewelry does not gather dust in caskets for six months. Choosing the next earrings, they know in advance what they will be worn with and never regret their choice!

Such a talent is bestowed from above, because when choosing earrings, a whole gamut of nuances and circumstances is taken into account: season, wardrobe style, face shape, appearance color type, event status, age, color of accessories, body features, etc. Not everyone is able to solve a problem with so many formulas. There is no single recipe for choosing the right jewelry.

In fact, it is impossible to teach a woman to choose the right earrings for herself. It remains only to indicate gross mistakes, and those simple principles that guide most of us, creating our own unique image every day.

Determine the style of clothing

Many girls, when choosing earrings, violate the elementary laws of style:

  1. Earrings in a classic style are not worn with jeans! We are talking about an elegant solemn classic made of precious metals with sparkling precious stones. Classics are always picturesque and emphatically elegant, majestic to varying degrees (depending on the price), so it is appropriate with a plain business suit or evening dress.
  2. Under sweaters and jeans, colorful shirts and shorts, they wear jewelry in a casual style - simple and fanciful hoop earrings, all kinds of earrings made of bright plastic, ethnic-style jewelry, including extravagant pendants. Earrings made of multi-colored jewelry glass are a great choice for a youth wardrobe for every day.
  3. A woman of middle age and a solid profession is a special style. Model casual dresses and tweed suits, cute jumpers and skirts of various styles - such lyrical grace requires only decent jewelry. The ideal solution for this style is earrings with gems (tourmalines, citrines, amethysts and other natural stones in a silver or gold frame, as well as in a frame made of other rhodium-plated metals).
  4. Under a sports jacket and tracksuit, a stylish beauty can wear tiny studs (studs) with a small transparent pebble, but she will never adorn herself with pearls!

What type of face do you have?

The principles of choosing earrings according to the shape of the face are the alphabet that every girl must know.


An oval is an ideal face shape when the vertical length and horizontal length are combined in some kind of divine proportion. If you have an oval face type, then earrings of absolutely any shape are suitable for you: drop-shaped earrings, studs, chandelier earrings, string earrings, rings, round, square, etc.


The round shape of the face is characterized by the presence of a wide forehead, a large and wide chin, and round cheeks. Such a face must be visually lengthened with the help of thread earrings, earrings with pendants. Pendants that taper towards the bottom are best suited. Earrings with rings and round clip-on earrings are strictly contraindicated. Refrain from round pendants.


A square face is a face with a wide forehead, a wide chin and a massive jaw. This type of face will be decorated with long discreet earrings. Large shapes and too bright colors should be avoided. The more delicate and feminine the earrings, the more they will soften the rough features of the face. The ideal option is drop-shaped earrings that reach the chin line. Try not to choose earrings with clear and sharp geometric shapes - this will further emphasize the "squareness" of the face. Options with exotic and outrageous products can only harm your appearance, so be careful with them!


The elongated face shape is distinguished by a noticeably sharp chin. A very narrow face will not be decorated at all with string earrings, drop-shaped earrings, as well as large hoop earrings, “chandeliers” and other types of pendants - they will stretch an already too elongated face even more. Stop your choice on rounded earrings, preferably with large stones at the base. Convex earrings or clip-on earrings, similar to large buttons, will visually expand the face.


The triangular face has wide cheekbones and a narrow chin. To even out asymmetry, choose earrings with large spherical pendants (for example, large hoop earrings). Oval and round earrings are perfect. The most advantageous option for you is ball pendants on long strings with a length just below the chin.

Consider the size of the earlobes when choosing earrings. Tiny "studs" surrounded by a large lobe - this is the wrong choice! Large lobes perfectly adorn medium-sized pearls, as well as flat-shaped earrings. You should not hang too heavy earrings with pendants on a large earlobe - the earlobe is deformed and ugly stretches. A thin and small earlobe will be decorated only with elegant and light-weight earrings. Stud earrings or string earrings are best suited.

color harmony

The color of the earrings is matched to the color type of the appearance and the color of the clothes.

The characteristic of the appearance color type is a whole layer of useful information that every girl who claims to have a stylish and thoughtful image needs to be familiar with. Color types "Winter", "Summer", "Autumn", "Spring" have their own distinctive visual features and they should definitely be taken into account when choosing any kind of jewelry.
Read more in the materials: What jewelry suits blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads. How to choose the right beads.

The harmony of color is one of the unshakable values ​​of space, the violation of which is immediately noticeable to everyone around. That's why we often intuitively choose colors that are more suitable for our wardrobe and harmonize with the color of our skin, eyes and hair.

Meeting point

When creating an image, you should not make annoying mistakes in terms of etiquette. A stylish lady will never confuse day with night, and the theater with a nightclub!

The rules of good manners in our world are observed in order to make it comfortable for the majority of members of society. Each environment has its own style of dress, and those who do not follow the rules are immediately identified as a “non-standard” person, and therefore not quite “normal”. If you set yourself such a task, then feel free to shock! And those who have serious plans for life need to learn how to determine the appropriateness of jewelry in a given setting.

If you don't want to look frivolous and scare off your business partners, don't show up to a meeting in glamorous earrings with giant stones and cluster pendants generously sprinkled with rhinestones. Extravagant and exotic earrings are unacceptable in the office and in a business setting. But the classics without large gems will always come in handy.

In the evening and at night, while visiting theaters, restaurants and nightclubs, you can wear the most exquisite jewelry - expensive, complex in shape, with large and bright stones. These are the very cases when you should not be too modest, otherwise you risk "getting lost" against the backdrop of brilliant rivals! In the light of night lighting, the stones will shine alluringly and attract the attention of the opposite sex to you.

In the daytime, the choice of materials and colors should be noticeably more modest.

When choosing earrings for everyday wardrobe, we often cannot make a choice. In such cases, irreplaceable stud earrings help us out!

Appropriate always and everywhere studs (carnations) can be both very small and large. It’s good when there are a lot of earrings of this kind in the box, differing in color. In the daily format, modest and romantic options for art nouveau and retro jewelry are also appropriate. But, heading to the supermarket, it is hardly worth showing off your best earrings. And if you have an appointment in a cafe during the day, then you can show a luxurious “vintage”. After all, everyday earrings can be very bright, depending on your mood, clothes and place of stay. Do not forget that the energy of natural stones and minerals effectively supports the psychological and physical state of a person, so they can and should be worn more often.

Earrings and age

A lot is allowed for young beauties: outrageous long ringing earrings, large rings, luxurious chandelier earrings, frivolous strawberries from any materials and glamorous placers. What a young girl should not allow herself is to look older than her years. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid in your image earrings of too solid and aristocratic design, restrained monumental forms and a boring monochromatic palette.

Earrings are always one of the most popular types of accessories. The reason for the high importance of well-chosen earrings is obvious - they adorn the face. Wrong, unsuitable earrings will look superfluous and ruin your look. The modern choice of earrings from costume jewelry to expensive jewelry is very wide. Cool jewelry brands now offer not at all cheap substitutes, on the contrary, some jewelry from the nature bijoux collections often surpass many jewelry in quality and price. Of course, such a huge selection of earrings can disorient a real beauty, so when choosing a new pair of earrings for yourself, it is important to think not only about how much you like them and how relevant these earrings are this season, but first of all about whether they are suitable for the shape of your face.

To begin with, of course, you should determine the shape of your face. Makeup artists and stylists identify 5-6 main types of face shape: round, oval, square, triangular, elongated, diamond-shaped. You have a round face if its length is approximately equal to its width. A round face is widest between the cheekbones. The chin of a round face is usually rounded. The oval face is widest at the cheekbones and narrows slightly towards the forehead and chin. A square face is characterized by an outstanding massive square jaw and the same width of the lines of the cheekbones and chin. A triangular (or heart-shaped) face has a fairly wide area around the eyebrows and forehead, and the width tapers evenly along the temples and cheeks to a small, narrow chin. The elongated or oblong shape of the face is determined by the approximately equal width of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw line. The rhomboid shape of the face (or "diamond" shape) is distinguished by a pronounced difference in width in the area of ​​the cheekbones and temples with the width of the forehead and a sharp chin.

Almost all earrings are suitable for girls with an oval face shape: convex clip-on earrings, “carnations”, earrings in the form of rings and various geometric shapes. However, it is worth avoiding both too large and excessively long earrings. The first ones will visually reduce your face, and the second ones can make your face longer.

Round-shaped earrings are categorically not suitable for chubby girls. If possible, also beware of all kinds of pendants, presented in the form of rhombuses, snowflakes, squares - these shapes visually make the face wider. At the same time, earrings in the form of an inverted triangle will look very harmonious.

It is highly not recommended for girls whose face is shaped like a square to choose earrings of the appropriate square shape. The best accessory will be earrings with smooth outlines, earrings - rings, or pendants.

Owners of a triangular face shape should focus on earrings - rings. Massive, large jewelry that can add volume to the lower part of the face will also look very advantageous.

Round and rather large, massive earrings are well suited for an elongated face shape. These earrings will make your look look a little heavier and make your face look wider. Choose earrings that are triangle-shaped, rounded, square and avoid long pendants, they will elongate the face even more.

And of course, choose earrings for your image, your taste, your style or a certain outfit. Remember: the right haircut, hairstyle and makeup are quite capable of visually changing your face shape, and then such favorite and such "inappropriate" earrings will suit you very much.

Buying earrings is more profitable and convenient in specialized accessories stores or online accessories catalogs, where you can find both jewelry from the simplest and cheapest to expensive elite, as well as jewelry made of precious metals and stones, where jewelry and costume jewelry are purchased wholesale, in the widest selection. , which allows you to count on a favorable price and all kinds of special promotions.

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Hello, our beloved and dearest readers! In continuation of interesting topics about such a popular jewelry as earrings, today we want to take a closer look at what types of fasteners for women's earrings are.
The topic is so important and interesting that you can’t even imagine how important the type of attachment and fixation of the earring in the ear is. Which clasp is the most comfortable, safe and secure? Let's find the answers together and understand in more detail.

There are many types of locks on earrings in the jewelry world, and today we will look at the most used ones. We will also evaluate them in terms of convenience, popularity and reliability on a five-point scale, where 5 is the maximum score.
We learn materiel. Each earring consists of certain parts, which have their own name. In order not to be confused in the future, we will briefly study them. The clasp consists of a fastener (a loop or arc that is threaded through the earlobe) and a pin (in studs, a straight part that is fixed in the ear). But, if we take the English type of attachment, the pin looks similar to a carnation (straight), but the fastener is modified and does not pass through the ear, and is also a narrow strip with a hole into which the pin is fixed. In addition to these parts, the earring contains a base, inserts, casts and a pendant. The base is the front side of the decoration, it is decorated with inserts (stones, minerals, etc.), which are attached to castes. If an element freely moving from the base is present in the earring, it is called a pendant.

Fastener types:

French clasp
Popularity 4
Convenience 4
Reliability 3+

The French type of lock on a woman's earring is often used for children's jewelry. Such products are convenient, they are hard to lose. The clasp is represented by a long loop that is threaded through the ear and fixed at the bottom with a small loop. The disadvantage of this type is the fragility of the loop, which can be accidentally broken by pressing hard with a finger.
Earrings with a French lock should be light, otherwise they will lean back. Often, small gems are used in such a model.

English clasp
Popularity 5
Convenience 3
Reliability 5

The most popular type of lock on women's earrings. We described the theory above in the block with materiel, but in practice, the English lock is the most reliable, but far from the most convenient type. The pin in such earrings can be quite thick, and there is always a notch on it, which often injures the ear. Such an ornament is very difficult to lose, since the pin is tightly fixed in the fastener. And if you are buying earrings with a massive gemstone, give preference to this type of lock.
The disadvantage is that you absolutely cannot adjust the length of the pin, thus, ladies with thick or too thin earlobes sometimes do not fit certain models of earrings with an English clasp.

Italian clasp
Popularity 3
Convenience 5
Reliability 5

The Italian clasp for earrings has another name - clip-on. Very convenient, as you can adjust the force of compression of the earlobe, thereby protecting yourself from unpleasant and painful sensations. Earrings with an Italian lock fit perfectly in the ears, but this type of clasp requires careful craftsmanship, thereby increasing the value of the piece of jewelry. Therefore, the Italian clasp is used only on expensive jewelry.


Popularity 5
Convenience 5
Reliability 4

There is not a single lady with pierced ears who does not have a stud earring. This is the most popular type of earrings, which is ideal not only for any type of face, but also for age and clothing style.
The stud fastener has two types: pin and screw.

Pin earrings have a small notch on the stud, which fixes the clip, but in screw earrings this clip is screwed onto the clasp. The first type is less reliable than the second. Also, the screw stud makes it possible to adjust the force of the earlobe clip. The only drawback of such a lock is that when putting on an earring, the jewelry must be kept even.

A loop
Popularity 4
Convenience 4
Reliability 3

A distinctive feature from the French clasp is the absence of a small fixing loop at the bottom. Thus, the loop lock is very unreliable, and it is easy to lose such earrings.
Advice! Buy transparent silicone retainers that are easy to put on the fastener and are completely invisible to prying eyes.
The loop clasp looks very elegant and gives the earring a certain lightness and weightlessness. In such jewelry, one small gemstone in a geometric shape is most often used.

Skoba Castle
Popularity 3
Convenience 5
Reliability 4

One of the oldest representatives of clasps on earrings is the lock-bracket. Earrings with this look are often made in oriental or gypsy style, and have the shape of an inverted horseshoe. The movable fastener, passing through the earlobe, is fixed with a ball with a recess. However, it is worth noting that this type of lock is very unreliable, and if you lead an active lifestyle, it is better not to stop at the brace.

Popularity 4
Convenience 4
Reliability 5

This type of clasp is used in hoop earrings, also called congo earrings. Completely imperceptible, as the pin is fixed inside the opposite ring of the earring. The disadvantage of such a lock is that it is necessary to remove jewelry at night, as it can damage both the product and the earlobes. The size of hoop earrings varies from miniature ones with a diameter of 1-2 cm, to large ones - from 10 cm in diameter.

Popularity 4
Convenience 5
Reliability 5

Until recently, such a type of fastener as a cuff was known only in narrow circles. Basically, this jewelry is preferred by young people who want to focus on jewelry.
The cuff clasp is very convenient, as it is fastened not only in the earlobe with a stud, but also with a clip on the auricle. Thus, the entire earring is evenly distributed over the ear, without pulling the earlobe.

There is a version that earrings, like all other accessories, should be selected not only by type - whether you like it or not, but also taking into account your figure (and in our case, the type of face).

What earrings are suitable for an oval face

For owners of a face with oval shapes, almost all models are well suited. Oval jewelry or with oval-shaped pendants will look more effective than the rest. They will emphasize the dignity of their owner, while not visually increasing its width. Drop-shaped ones will also look gorgeous.

What earrings suit a round face

Owners of a round face (especially if you also have a short neck) are recommended to opt for teardrop-shaped or oval jewelry (here, the practical recommendations are the same as for an oval shape). They visually stretch its shape. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid round accessories, pendants in the form of discs that expand the face. The best option would be thin products.

What is suitable for a full face

For this type, it is recommended to choose models that differ in elongated lines. Earrings made of wood, decorated with pendants, and jewelry made in the form of drops will help to correctly place accents. Chandelier earrings will look spectacular.

Earrings for a square face

For a square face shape, it is best to choose round accessories. They visually soften the lines of the cheekbones. You can also focus on elongated models and earrings decorated with round pendants.

Triangle face shape, which earrings are suitable

Earrings are an inexpensive, but at the same time effective tool with which every woman can complement her outfits well. When choosing, you should pay attention to the shape of the earrings, but do not forget about the style.

If you had to give up all jewelry and costume jewelry, leaving only one type of jewelry, what would it be? I would definitely choose earrings.

I can do without blush, but I can't part with my lipstick, I can refuse a necklace or bracelets, but I can't leave the house without earrings.

Why? Yes, because in the first case, lipstick adds color to my face, and in the second, correctly selected earrings can not only become an interesting accent in the image, but also visually change the shape of the face, change the contrast, etc.

So, if your facial features are hard and angular, and your cheekbones are wide and square, choose earrings that are rounded in shape to visually soften the lines of your face.

For people with dark skin, earrings can lighten skin tone.

There are small features of appearance that you do not like. Do not rush to lie down under the surgeon's scalpel. There are safer solutions. Usually it is enough to change the hairstyle. But in addition to hair, earrings are another important face sculptor.

It is easy to create a wave of hair or fix strands on the sides of the face, but large, massive, long - in general, all those that are now called accent - earrings can also visually change the shape of the face.

Hair pulled back or in a ponytail is a kind of test for the shape of the face. How to choose the right earrings for a certain type of face? To get started, take a look at this picture:

Now let's talk about each face shape in more detail.

Round face

A round face is often characterized by a small forehead and chin, wide cheekbones, and compact features. It is not recommended to wear large hoop earrings that visually make the face even more round. A pair of thin long earrings will make the face look more refined.

Also, cast earrings or with a large stone with a round face look more ponderous than hollow, carved earrings.

Square face

If you have a square face, do not wear square earrings, which will only accentuate the angles in your appearance. You can wear round, oval or curly (wave) earrings that soften the contours of the face.

Also, for a square face, choose earrings that are longer than the chin. Shorter ones will focus the attention of others on the widest part of your cheekbones.

heart-shaped face

For a heart-shaped face, do not choose large hoop earrings. They are at the level of the cheekbones, visually increase their width, and also make the chin more visible.

A sharp chin focuses attention on itself, due to which the forehead looks wider than it is. Therefore, avoid earrings that are in the shape of an inverted cone, tapering towards the bottom.

elongated face

The visible part of the earrings in length should not be lower than the chin. Otherwise, the face will appear even more disproportionately elongated.

Also, if you wear long earrings, do not choose thin ones that will visually make your face look narrower. Wide earrings (for example, with a flower design) can slightly change the proportions of the face.

Oval face

With such a perfect face shape, you can wear absolutely all kinds of earrings, both in shape and style. Just pay attention to their compatibility with clothing and relevance to a particular situation.

Skin tone

In addition to the shape of the face, pay attention to the color of the skin, because color is the most intuitive form of beauty.

For fair-skinned girls, there is no taboo in the color of earrings. Most shades suit them. And if the earrings are also massive, then the effect will be amazing.

For dark-skinned girls, earrings with a silvery-white shade of metal or with the effect of aged gold are preferred. Classic pearl earrings will also look good.

We enter the earrings in the image

In fact, small earrings, studs or studs can fit into almost any look. But you should not be afraid of large, massive earrings, called accent ones. Often combined with simple clothes, they are exactly the highlight, that finishing touch in the image that is so necessary.

For example, the image below is very simple - a regular white t-shirt + black jeans + grandmothers. And if not for a pair of long earrings on the ears, the ensemble would look too casual.

Or, another example, a white shirt + jeans. Too boring? It would be so, if not for a pair of massive accent earrings that instantly increase the degree of attractiveness of the outfit.

In general, take note of this formula - shirt (or blouse) + large earrings, this combination always works flawlessly.

Another example: an ordinary dark gray plaid shirt with black trousers, hair tied in a low bun. I may be too harsh, but - many aunts in the market go that way. But – the model used beautiful lipstick and put on massive gold earrings. And these two details turned the look with an old-fashioned shirt and a trendy retro style of the 90s. As you can see, the difference between interesting and everyday is in small details.

In some looks that are too basic and neutral, earrings serve to emphasize femininity and elegance, preventing them from completely slipping into casual. Without them, there will be a feeling that something is missing. Lack of softness, romance, femininity, femininity, lack of personality.
